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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology

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Numerical investigation of tunnel deformation due to adjacent loaded pile MARK

and pile-soil-tunnel interaction

Prateep Luepraserta, Pornkasem Jongpradistb, , Pattaramon Jongpradistc,
Suchatvee Suwansawata
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thung Khru, Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thung Khru, Bangkok, Thailand


Keywords: An adjacent construction with a pile foundation in dense urban areas can contribute to possible damage to or an
Finite element method operational safety concern for existing tunnels. To establish a preventive measure in the design stage, a proper
Existing tunnel assessment method for the impacts of an adjacent pile under loading on a tunnel and an understanding of pile-
Tunnel deformation soil-tunnel interaction are essential. This article recommends an assessment method for tunnel deformation,
Pile-soil-tunnel interaction
defined by the maximum extension and maximum contraction of the tunnel diameter and their associated axes
with respect to the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. The method could appropriately trace the
changes to the tunnel diameter and the global distortion of the tunnel lining. Using a series of three-dimensional
elasto-plastic numerical analyses conducted to investigate the influences of an adjacent loaded pile on an ex-
isting tunnel for varying pile tip positions with respect to the tunnel and soil stratum, the proposed method can
effectively capture the response of the deformed tunnel as a distorted ellipse shape. Investigation of the analysis
results from this assessment method in conjunction with those of the supplementary analyses of pile load rea-
sonably reveal the pile-soil-tunnel interaction mechanism behind the tunnel deformation behaviour due to an
adjacent loaded pile.

1. Introduction integrity of tunnels.

There have been a number of studies addressing the mechanisms of
The amount of tunnel construction in many populous cities is in- soil-tunnel-pile interactions. The attention has focused on the influence
creasing for many purposes, such as to effectively provide underground of tunnelling on nearby piled foundations for instance, field observation
mass transit systems and a range of utilities. In most metropolises, (Mair et al., 1993), full-scale tests (Selemetas et al., 2006), physical
tunnels are commonly routed underground along major streets to avoid model tests (Lee and Bassett, 2006, 2007; Ng et al., 2013) and analyses
being under buildings. Clearly, great care must be taken to maintain the by the analytical method (Xiang and Feng, 2013) and the numerical
safety and serviceability of these tunnels. At the same time, other new method (Mroueh and Shahrour, 2002; Kitiyodom et al., 2005; Lee and
infrastructures, such as flyovers, elevated trains and tall buildings, are Bassett, 2007; Liu, 2008; Lee, 2012; Jongpradist et al., 2013). Among
also being constructed due to urbanization and traffic congestion. With these, due to time and budget constraints in the field, full-scale and
limited space, the existing tunnels inevitably suffer impacts caused by physical model tests as well as analytical and numerical analyses have
these changes in their surrounding environment. Under a soft ground become the primary methods used. Based on these studies, a knowledge
condition, structures are supported by piles of various lengths, as illu- base of soil-tunnel-pile interaction mechanisms has been developed and
strated in Fig. 1. The effects induced by piles under loading cause continually updated. Two primary behaviour types can be defined,
changes to the stress state and deformation of surrounding soils, which depending on the relative pile length compared to the tunnel depth:
will result in the imposition of an extra load on a tunnel structure or short pile (deep tunnelling) and long pile (shallow tunnelling). The
distress an operational system (Schroeder et al., 2004; Lueprasert et al., studies also revealed the key pile responses observed for each behaviour
2015; Yao et al., 2008). An understanding of pile-soil-tunnel interaction type. With suitable criteria being considered, Jongpradist et al. (2013)
is essential for assessing the impact of loaded piles on the stability and developed tunnelling influence zones for adjacent pile foundations from

Corresponding author at: Civil Engineering Department, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, 126 Pracha Uthit, Bang Mod, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Jongpradist).

Received 2 March 2017; Received in revised form 13 June 2017; Accepted 3 August 2017
Available online 08 August 2017
0886-7798/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

Nomenclature ϕ′ internal friction angle

ϕH1 tunnel diameter in horizontal direction before pile loading
c′ cohesion ϕH2 tunnel diameter in horizontal direction after pile loading
CT pile tip position beneath the tunnel spring line ϕT-C tunnel diameter calculated from shortening behaviour
DT tunnel diameter before pile loading
E Young modulus of concrete ϕT-E tunnel diameter calculated from widening behaviour be-
Eoed reference tangent modulus for oedometer primary loading fore pile loading
reference secant modulus from drained triaxial test ϕV1 tunnel diameter in horizontal direction before pile loading
reference unloading/reloading modulus ϕV2 tunnel diameter in horizontal direction after pile loading
Lp pile tip position ϕC-MAX tunnel diameter calculated from shortening behaviour
LT depth of tunnel after pile loading
m exponential power for modulus ϕE-MAX tunnel diameter calculated from widening behaviour after
pref reference pressure pile loading
γc unit weight of concrete ΔϕH change in tunnel diameter in horizontal direction
γsat unit weight of saturated soil ΔϕV change in tunnel diameter in vertical direction
υc Poisson’s ratio of concrete ΔϕC-MAX maximum contraction change in tunnel diameter
υur unloading/reloading Poisson’s ratio ΔϕE-MAX maximum extension change in tunnel diameter

artificial data of pile responses generated from a series of finite element with respect to the tunnel position, as depicted in Fig. 3, a new influ-
analyses (FEA). ence zone for pile construction adjacent to an existing tunnel can be
Despite several attempts focused on the influence of tunnelling on tentatively suggested as illustrated in Fig. 4. The results indicated that
adjacent pile foundations, studies on the effects of loaded piles on the proposed influence zone from the study is much smaller than the
nearby existing tunnels are rather limited, although the issue has been existing zone in which all construction activities are considered (see the
recognized since the 1950 s in London (Measor and New, 1951). Over shaded areas in Fig. 4 as the influence zones enforced by Land Trans-
the past 30 years, there have been only a small number of publications port Authority of Singapore (LTA, 2004) and Mass Rapid Transit Au-
concerning the influence of bored piles on existing tunnels, mostly on thority of Thailand (MRTA, 2009)).
those constructed in London, i.e., Benton and Phillips (1991), Higgins In addition to studies concerning the influence of loaded piles on
et al. (1999), Chapman et al. (2001), Schroeder (2002) and Schroeder tunnels, there are studies concerning the impacts on tunnels due to
et al., 2004. Since the tunnels considered in previous studies are pri- adjacent constructions such as new subway tunnels (Abdel-Meguid
marily subway tunnels, train operational safety is of major concern. The et al., 2002; Zheng et al., 2015) and deep excavation stages
tunnel response in terms of tunnel deformation is a common focus. (Doležalová, 2001; Sharma et al., 2001; Chen et al., 2016). These stu-
Changes in tunnel diameter (see Fig. 2) were observed for the inter- dies continuously contribute to an understanding of tunnel response
action between pile rows supporting a 15-storey building and an ex- due to changes in surrounding conditions. Generally, soil excavation or
isting tunnel by Schroeder et al. (2004). The analysis results were used tunnelling causes a release of in situ stress and thus soil displacement
to suggest a safe clearance between the pile rows and the tunnel. In (Chen et al., 2011a, 2011b, 2013), which inevitably exerts an influence
2015, Lueprasert et al. extended the numerical study to various ground on existing tunnels. Construction at only one side of the tunnel imposes
profiles and varying pile tip levels with respect to the tunnel position to unsymmetrical stress relief and movement on the existing tunnel.
address piles of a broader variety of structure types (see Fig. 1). By Considering the tunnel deformation, it is revealed that the deformed
observing the dependence of the changes of the tunnel diameter in the tunnel is not an elliptical shape whose major axis aligns with the hor-
horizontal and vertical directions on the relative position of the pile tip izontal or vertical axis. This indicated that for the problem of loaded

Fig. 1. Various types of newly constructed structures ad-

jacent to existing tunnels.

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

Fig. 2. Consideration of tunnel deformation in term of changes in tunnel

diameter in both the vertical and horizontal directions (Schroeder et al.,

Fig. 3. Influence of the pile tip position on the change in

the tunnel horizontal diameter of a tunnel located in soft
clay (after Lueprasert et al., 2015).

piles on a single side of an existing tunnel (which is a common situa- explanation of the mechanism behind the pile-soil-tunnel interaction.
tion), the changes in the tunnel diameter in the horizontal and vertical However, the evaluation of tunnel structural safety is not discussed.
directions as used in previous studies seems to be unsuitable to re-
present the tunnel deformation. The assessment of tunnel deformation
based on changes of the tunnel diameter in the horizontal and vertical 2. Characteristics of the case studies
directions is thus inappropriate in this situation.
This paper has a goal of understanding the pile-soil-tunnel interac- The characteristics of the MRTA tunnel project in Bangkok subsoil
tion mechanism for the tunnel response due to an adjacent pile under are considered in this study. The existing tunnel with an outer diameter,
loading based on analysed data with consideration of various influence DT, of 6.3 m, a lining thicknesses of 0.3 m and a depth, LT, of 20 m
factors. The data are obtained from a large number of tunnel responses below the ground surface is fixed throughout this study. The tips of a
generated from the FEA of selected cases. The paper begins with ex- 1 m diameter-bored pile are varied over a range of 3.0 DT above to 4.0
ploring the assessment of tunnel deformation following the method DT below the tunnel spring line to investigate their impact. From the
used in previous research and the shape of deformed tunnels before past experience of a construction project in the UK in which the bored
emphasizing the necessity of a more suitable assessment method. A new pile was successfully constructed at a clearance of 3 m from the tunnel
assessment method is proposed based on the concept of out-of-round- (Chudleigh et al., 1999), along with that with a clearance of 3.5 m in-
ness. A reassessment of tunnel deformation is performed using the vestigated in a previous study (Lueprasert et al., 2015), the clearances
proposed method to highlight its efficiency. Furthermore, supplemental of 0.5, 1.5, 3.5 and 4.5 m are considered in this research. The clearance
analyses of pile loading simulations are performed to provide an is herein defined as the distance between the edge of the tunnel lining
and the closer edge of the bored pile. A schematic diagram of the

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

problem for this study. The dimension of FE mesh is 60 m (≈9.5 DT) in

the vertical and longitudinal directions and 80 m (≈12.5 DT) in the
transverse direction. The monitoring section is at the centre of long-
itudinal direction. The soil stratum and bored pile were discretized into
the 10-node tetrahedral elements or the volume elements. The six-node
triangular plate elements were used to simulate the tunnel lining. For
the region of greater interest where severe plastic strains are expected
to develop, especially in the zone between pile and tunnel, finer dis-
cretization mesh with suitable aspect ratio is used to accommodate the
accuracy of the solutions. The PLAXIS 3D (version 2013) software was
implemented for mesh generation and analysis (Brinkgreve et al.,
2013). For modelling the tunnel lining, some recent researches (e.g., Ye
et al., 2014; Kavvadas et al., 2017) revealed that considering as seg-
mental concrete pieces bolted together provides more realistic tunnel
deformation shape, particularly, the local deformation at the joints.
However, the global tunnel deformation shape is not much affected. In
this study the observed values are the changes in tunnel diameter and
tunnel global distortion, modelling as continuous lining commonly used
in current engineering practice is considered appropriate.

3.2. Constitutive model and material properties

The Hardening Soil (HS) model assumed to be elasto-plastic with

stress dependent stiffness and shear dilatancy properties (Schanz et al.,
1999) was employed to simulate the soil element as soft and stiff clay
layers. The material parameters for Bangkok subsoil were determined
Fig. 4. The proposed influence zone in previous studies (after Lueprasert et al., 2015).
from correlating local investigated data with in situ tests of MRTA
projects (Prust et al., 2005) and previous laboratory testing data. Before
different pile tip positions (indicating the different pile lengths and implementing in previous work (Jongpradist et al., 2013; Wonglert and
their clearances) considered in this study compared to the outer tunnel Jongpradist, 2015; Jamsawang et al., 2016), the validations have been
diameter (DT) is illustrated in Fig. 5. performed with measured data of tunnel excavations, deep excavations
In engineering practice, the tunnel alignment is preferably located and pile load tests (Rukdeechuai et al., 2009). The concrete lining and
in a stiff clay layer. A previous study (Lueprasert et al., 2015) also in- bored pile were assumed to be a linear elastic material model. The
dicated that a tunnel situated in the soft clay layer, referred to as the material parameters used in the numerical analyses are summarized in
tunnel transition section, exhibits the largest deformation due to an Table 1 and Table 2. The value of interface friction (Rinter) between the
adjacent pile under loading. Fig. 6 shows two ground conditions with surrounding soil and structural elements (EPB, tunnel lining or bored
regard to the tunnel position, considered as the case studies. The tunnel piles) was chosen to be 0.9 in this study (Brinkgreve et al., 2013).
depth is fixed at 20 m for comparison. A typical pore water pressure
profile in Bangkok is a piezometric drawdown, as depicted in the figure.

3. Finite element analysis

The FE analyses include two parts. The first part is the investigation
of the effects of loaded pile on the tunnel deformation whose results are
presented in Section 4. The latter part is the pile loading simulation to
observe the pile-soil interaction mechanism as described in Section 5.
The details of simulation method, meshing, analysis conditions, mate-
rial properties and simulation process are described below.

3.1. Finite element mesh

Series of finite element analyses were carried out using the 3D FE

method with reasonable soil models and assumptions. An example of
3D FE mesh (for the tunnel constructed in stiff clay) indicating the re-
levant geometry, soil profile and element discretization is illustrated in
Fig. 7. The boundary size of FE model for tunnelling simulation is
sufficiently extended from the area of the extreme change in the model
to avoid the boundary effect and minimize significant effects on the
analysis results. Previous study on three dimensional analyses of TBM
tunnelling (Mroueh and Shahrour, 2008) indicated that a lateral dis-
tance of 4.0 DT from the tunnel axis and the advancement of 4.0 DT
ahead and behind the tunnel excavation face are sufficient for 3D FE
mesh of tunnelling problem. Thus, the advancements of about 5.0 DT
ahead and behind the monitoring section, and of 6.0 DT in lateral di- Fig. 5. Illustration of pile tip positions and geometrical parameters considered in this
rection from the tunnel axis, are enough to fully model the tunnelling

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

Table 1
Soil model parameters (Rukdeechuai et al., 2009).

Soil layer Soft clay Stiff clay

Material model Hardening Soils (HS) model

Eoed (kPa) 5000 63,158
E50 (kPa) 5000 63,158
Eur (kPa) 15,000 189,474
γsat (kN/m3) 16 18
υur (–) 0.2 0.2
ϕ′ (°) 22 22
c′ (kPa) 5 18
m (–) 1 1
pref (kPa) 100 100

Table 2
Material properties of the bore pile and tunnel lining (Jongpradist et al., 2013).

Young modulus of Poisson’s ratio of Unit weight of

concrete, E (kPa) concrete, υc concrete, γc (kN/m3)

Tunnel 3.1 × 107 0.20 24

Bored pile 3.1 × 107 0.20 24

Fig. 6. Soil profiles and ground water conditions considered in this study. pore water pressures on all sides of boundaries are assumed to be
constant throughout the analysis at the original groundwater (the pie-
Although great care has been taken in mesh preparation and se- zometric drawdown). The displacement boundary condition was
lection of soil models, the analyses in this study were conducted under a adopted in this study. The lateral boundaries of the mesh were re-
certain degree of mesh discretization and certain soil models, which strained against lateral movements but allowed for vertical movements.
could slightly influence the analysis results. However, the conclusions Thus, no movement perpendicular to their sides is allowed. The bottom
derived from the study were not affected by these. boundary is fixed (no vertical and horizontal movements). These con-
ditions were applied to all finite element models throughout the study.

3.3. Analysis conditions 3.4. Numerical procedure

The initial stress conditions, vertical effective stress and horizontal The simulation process for the investigation of the responses of the
effective stress, were controlled by given soil unit weight and the tunnel lining due to a loaded pile was divided into two stages. The first
coefficient of earth pressure at rest, Ko, for all strata and the piezometric stage is the simulation of the tunnelling process with the Earth Pressure
drawdown of pore water pressure was also generated in the whole Balance (EPB) shield method. The EPB tunnelling simulation is sche-
domain. With regard to the hydraulic boundary conditions, a no-flow matically depicted in Fig. 8, and the details have been described in
condition was assigned and the undrained analysis was considered. The Lueprasert et al. (2017). The analysis procedure of the shield

Fig. 7. Finite element mesh for the tunnel constructed in

stiff clay.

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

Fig. 8. Schematic illustration of the process of tunnelling simulation in 3D-FEA.

advancement can briefly be described as follows. From the excavation predetermined working load. The wished-in-place pile is modelled in
face, a total of 10.8 m (9 rings) in the longitudinal direction is con- the analysis.
sidered. The soil elements in the excavation zone of each advancement
of 1.2 m are consequently excavated, and the shield elements are ac- 4. The assessment of tunnel lining deformation due to an adjacent
tivated. Meanwhile, face pressure is applied to support the excavated loaded pile
face. At 8.4 m to another 1.2 m in the longitudinal direction behind the
excavation face (equivalent to the 8th ring), the liquid grout is con- 4.1. The changes in tunnel diameter in the vertical and horizontal directions
sidered by applying radial pressure at the excavated soil periphery. At
the 9th ring, the lining elements are activated along with the solid grout The changes in the tunnel diameter in the vertical (ΔϕV) and hor-
in the gap between the lining and the excavated soil. The solid grout izontal (ΔϕH) directions (as suggested by Schroeder et al. (2004) and
was simulated by solid elements with appropriate mechanical proper- followed by Lueprasert et al. (2015); see Fig. 2) are investigated in this
ties. The simulation process has been verified by comparing the simu- section. Normalized ΔϕV and ΔϕH (with DT) for the tunnel located in
lated surface settlement and lining forces to those of the measured data soft clay (Fig. 6, case 1) against various normalized depths of the pile
from the MRTA project (Lueprasert et al., 2017). tip (LP/LT) and clearance are illustrated in Fig. 9. The normalized po-
According to the measured data of the MRTA project investigated by sitions of the pile tip beneath the tunnel spring line to the tunnel dia-
Suwansawat and Einstein (2002), the face pressure of 150 kPa is ap- meter, CT/DT, are also provided on the right side of the y-axis. The
plied at the crown and linearly increased to 200 kPa at the invert of positive and negative signs denote the positions of the pile tip located
tunnel, respectively. The grouting pressure of 250 kPa was modelled by above or below the tunnel spring line, respectively. In addition, the
applying a uniformly distributed pressure on the perimeter of the ex- deformed shapes (for the case with a clearance of 0.5 m) with a mag-
cavation zone. The properties of the EPB shield are acquired from nification ratio of 1:3000 and the parameters to assess the change of
Katebi et al. (2015), and those of the solid grout are obtained from tunnel diameter are illustrated in the figure. The negative and positive
Kasper and Meschke (2004, 2006). In this study, only the tunnel de- signs of magnitude in the x-axis denote a shortening and a widening of
formation affected by the loaded pile is of interest. Before applying the the tunnel diameter, respectively. It is seen in the figure that, in most
pile loading, the displacements are reset to zero. The second stage situations considered in this study, the tunnel diameter shortens in the
concerns the application of the pile axial loading, which is the vertical direction and widens in the horizontal direction. The exception

Fig. 9. Impact of the pile tip position relative to the tunnel axis on the changes in tunnel diameter for a tunnel in a soft clay layer; (a) ΔϕV and (b) ΔϕH.

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

is when the pile tip is located between the tunnel crown and the invert 4.2. The shapes of the tunnel lining affected by various pile tip positions of
at the farthest clearances (3.5 and 4.5 m in this study). As seen in Fig. 9, the loaded pile
the distribution patterns along the soil depth of changes in the tunnel
diameter in both the vertical (ΔϕV) and horizontal (ΔϕH) directions are The deformation evolutions of the circular shaped lining due to
very similar for all clearances. Nevertheless, the absolute values of ΔϕV adjacent pile loading for both cases with a clearance of 0.5 m are illu-
and ΔϕH decrease with increasing clearance. The values of the cases strated in Fig. 11. Note that deformation due to the construction process
with clearances of 3.5 m and 4.5 m are very close. Therefore, the ΔϕV is not considered. The unsymmetrical nature of the global movement
and ΔϕH for the clearances of 0.5 m and 1.5 m are described in detail. and a distortion to the pile can be observed clearly in both cases. In the
For ease of understanding, the absolute values (not con- previous study (Schroeder et al., 2004), the global movement of the
sidering − (shortening) or + (widening)) are considered, so an ‘in- tunnel in terms of only crown settlement was investigated. In this study,
crease’ means the absolute value is becoming larger, regardless of the the observation points for the global movement are specified as the
sign. The ΔϕV and ΔϕH gradually increase with a lower pile tip position, reference nodes at the crown, both sides of the spring line and the invert
and the maximum value occurs when the pile tip is at a depth of +1.0 of the tunnel lining to provide a better understanding. The deformed
DT (positive: above the tunnel spring line). Then, the ΔϕV and ΔϕH shapes of the tunnel lining based on various tip positions of the adjacent
gradually decrease with increasing pile length before increasing again loaded pile are illustrated in Fig. 11a and b for cases of tunnels located
when the pile tip is located at the tunnel spring line (0.0 DT). When the in soft clay and stiff clay, respectively. As seen in Fig. 11a, the crown of
pile tip is extended below −0.5 DT (negative: beneath the tunnel spring the tunnel noticeably moves downward and outward from the pile
line), the ΔϕV and ΔϕH decrease significantly before approaching cer- when the pile tip is located above the tunnel spring line (the blue and
tain values with extending pile tip from −2.0 DT to −4.0 DT. The ΔϕH green circles). When the pile tip extends below the tunnel spring line,
for all clearances becomes a negative value (shortening). only a small increment of downward movement of the crown is ob-
The investigation of another case of the soil profile reveals that both served. The movement towards the pile is also noted with increasing
the trend and magnitude of ΔϕV and ΔϕH are almost identical to each pile length. Similarly, the downward movement of the tunnel invert can
other, so only the results for ΔϕH are shown. The normalized ΔϕH values be observed, but with a smaller magnitude when the pile tip is located
for the case of the tunnel located in stiff clay (Fig. 6, case 2) against above the tunnel spring line. However, with increasing pile length at
various normalized depths of the pile tip and clearance are illustrated in which the tip is below the tunnel spring line, the invert moves down-
Fig. 10. The changes in tunnel diameter are smaller than those of the ward and towards the pile with a large movement increment. When the
case of the tunnel located in soft clay. The distribution patterns of ΔϕH pile tip is at −4.0 DT, the magnitude of the invert movement becomes
for cases with various clearances are similar. For the pile tip position in approximately the same as that of the crown.
soft clay (+3.0 DT to +1.0 DT), the ΔϕH gradually increases as the By contrast, the tunnel spring line on the side closer to the pile
lining widens (positive value) with increasing pile length. With con- moves downward and towards the pile when the pile tip is located
tinually increasing pile length, the ΔϕH abruptly decreases. The values above the tunnel spring line (the blue and green circles). When the pile
become negative (shortening), and the maximum negative value is tip is below the spring line level, it moves downward and outward to-
exhibited when the pile tip is located at a depth in the range between wards the pile, but with a smaller movement increment. The movement
the tunnel crown and the spring line level, depending on the clearance. of the tunnel spring line at the side far of the pile is comparatively
The ΔϕH then temporarily returns to an additional widening behaviour smaller. This results in the tunnel lining becoming distorted into a
(the total behaviour still remains as shortening except for the case with shape such as a kidney or ellipse shape with the major axis inclined
a clearance of 0.5 m) when the pile tip extends to the invert level. with respect to the horizontal axis, indicating that the maximum tunnel
Beneath this level, the ΔϕH returns to an additional shortening beha- lining deformation is along neither the horizontal nor vertical axis.
viour before approaching an approximately certain value with in- Moreover, it can be seen that the length of the major axis becomes
creasing pile length. longer with increasing pile length in the range of the study. To clearly
The results in terms of changes in tunnel diameter in both the observe the shape of the deformed tunnel lining, the enlarged shapes
vertical (ΔϕV) and horizontal (ΔϕH) directions investigated in this study with a magnification ratio of 1:5000 for cases where the pile tips are
are consistent with the findings in a previous study (Lueprasert et al., located above (+0.5 DT) and below (−0.5 DT) the spring line are de-
2015) based on the same case. The pile tip position with respect to the picted in the figure. It can be seen that the distorted shapes of the tunnel
tunnel has a strong influence on the tunnel deformations. The max- lining are kidney and ellipse shapes when the pile tips are located above
imum deformation occurs when the pile tip is close to the crown of the and below the spring line, respectively.
tunnel (+1.0 DT). The change rate of tunnel deformation gradually
decreases when the pile tip is located below the invert of the tunnel to
the deepest level considered in the study (−4.0 DT). The results of the
study imply that caution should be exercised in the construction of a
pile whose pile tip is located 2 DT above and 2 DT beneath the spring
line, as indicated in the proposed influence zone by Lueprasert et al.
(2015). However, this conclusion seems to be inconsistent with the
distorted shapes of the tunnel lining shown in Figs. 9 and 10. To provide
a suitable assessment of the changes in the tunnel diameter, the clearly
illustrated shapes of tunnel deformations due to adjacent pile loading
with various pile lengths are further observed. It is also suggested from
the obtained results that the changes in tunnel diameter from the in-
fluence of the pile tip for a tunnel constructed in soft clay are much
larger than those in stiff clay. This indicates that the tunnel in stiff soil
should thus be safer than that in soft soil because of smaller tunnel

Fig. 10. Impact of the pile tip position relative to the tunnel axis on the changes in tunnel
diameter (horizontal direction, ΔϕH) for a tunnel in a soft clay layer.

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

Fig. 11. The deformed shapes of the tunnel lining due to a pile under
loading with various tips.

For the case of a tunnel in stiff clay (Fig. 11b), global movement loaded pile to the same degree or larger compared to the tunnel in soft
behaviour similar to that in the case of the tunnel in soft clay can be clay. The degree of impact depends not only on the soil condition where
observed. Two main differences are observed. First, a smaller move- the tunnel is situated but also on the magnitude of the load applied to
ment increment occurs when the pile tip is located above the tunnel the pile. The second difference is that the movements of the crown,
spring line; however, a larger movement increment is noted with in- invert and spring line on the side closer to the pile are downward and
creasing pile length (the pile tip under the spring line). When the pile always outward from the pile. A much smaller movement is seen for the
tip extends to −4.0 DT, the deformation of the tunnel in stiff clay be- spring line on the side farther from the pile.
comes equal to or larger than that of the tunnel in soft clay. Note that As described above, the major axis of the deformed lining does not
the magnitude of the pile load in the case of a tunnel in stiff clay is align in the horizontal and vertical directions. Therefore, the use of
larger than that of the tunnel in soft clay for the same pile tip. This parameters ΔϕV and ΔϕH is no longer suitable for assessing the tunnel
indicates that a tunnel in stiff clay can suffer impacts from the adjacent deformation in this situation.

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

4.3. Proposal of an assessment method for tracing the behaviour of a with extending pile tip location beneath the tunnel invert. Moreover,
deformed tunnel the magnitude (absolute value) of ΔϕE-MAX is much larger than that of
the ΔϕV and ΔϕH for the same pile length and clearance, for example,
A suitable assessment method for tracing the maximum deformation 3.5 times greater at the clearance of 0.5 m and CT/DT = −1. This re-
of a tunnel lining in terms of the changes in tunnel diameter (in the case veals that using the ΔϕV and ΔϕH for assessment of tunnel lining de-
of an adjacent bored pile located on one side of the existing tunnel) is formation results in underestimation. Additionally, it leads to mis-
proposed. In the case of a circular section of shell structures (e.g., pi- understanding of the assessment when the pile tip is below the tunnel
pelines, tanks, and steel lining), the unsymmetrical distortion of struc- invert level.
ture shapes is generally assessed by the out-of-roundness in various Together with the distortional degree (α) in Fig. 13b, a better un-
design codes, e.g., the Eurocode 3 (European Committee for derstanding of tunnel lining deformation behaviour can be achieved.
Standardization (CEN), 1999). The out-of-roundness is defined in terms Surprisingly, the larger α belongs to the larger clearance case (for the
of parameters including the maximum, minimum, and nominal dia- same pile tip level). With a longer pile, until the pile tip is at the level of
meters of a deformed structure. the spring line, α continues to increase (at the same pile tip, α at a
Therefore, the assessment method in terms of the maximum ex- clearance of 4.5 m remains the largest). With increasing pile length, the
tension change (ΔϕE-MAX) and the maximum contraction change (ΔϕC- α decreases when the pile tip is located in the range of 0.0 DT to −1.0
MAX) in tunnel diameter inferred from the out-of-roundness are pro- DT. Below this level, the α begins approaching and becomes 45° re-
posed together with a distortion degree. The distortion degree indicates gardless of the clearance. This implies that in this case (a tunnel in soft
the position in the circumferential direction at which the maximum clay and a clearance in the range of 0.5–4.5 m), the tunnel deformation
tunnel deformation occurs with respect to the horizontal or vertical reaches its maximum and remains constant after the pile tip extends
axis. In engineering practice, one needs to trace the maximum de- below −2.0 DT. This finding is very interesting and worth further in-
formation and its position to be aware of possible damage. vestigation, which is performed in the next section. Note that the dis-
The proposed assessment is schematically illustrated in Fig. 12. The cretization of the tunnel lining might affect the accuracy of the pro-
ΔϕE-MAX and ΔϕC-MAX represent the largest widening and shortening of vided results. However, with the elaborate mesh used in this study
the tunnel diameter, respectively. Note that only the deformation due to (approximately every 5° in the circumferential direction for the tunnel
an adjacent pile under loading is considered; those due to the excava- lining), this small discrepancy has no influence on the conclusion drawn
tion process are not included. The distortion degrees α and β indicate from this study.
the circumferential positions of ΔϕE-MAX and ΔϕC-MAX with respect to The maximum contraction changes of the tunnel diameter (ΔϕC-MAX)
the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. and the associated direction of the minor axis with respect to the ver-
tical tunnel axis (β) for all clearances in the case of the tunnel located in
4.4. Tunnel deformation assessment by the proposed method soft clay are shown in Fig. 14a and b, respectively. Although the ΔϕC-
MAX represents the tunnel deformation in a contraction mode, the dis-

The maximum extension change (ΔϕE-MAX) and maximum contrac- tribution patterns of ΔϕC-MAX are similar to those of ΔϕE-MAX for the
tion change (ΔϕC-MAX) in tunnel diameter with distortion degrees (α and same case, and their absolute values are very close for all clearances
β) due to pile loading are presented and discussed in this section. The and all pile tips. This is also true for β. The distribution patterns of β are
presentation is similar to that of the ΔϕV and ΔϕH in Section 3.2. For the similar to those of α for the same case. However, a small discrepancy
case of a tunnel in soft clay, the ΔϕE-MAX and α against the pile tip can be seen, for example, in the case of a clearance of 3.5 m. This is
position for various clearances are illustrated in Fig. 13a and 13 b, re- attributed to the finite element discretization of the analysis model.
spectively. It is clearly seen that the distribution patterns of ΔϕE-MAX For the case of the tunnel located in stiff clay, the distributions and
against Lp/LT (or CT/DT) are significantly different from those of ΔϕV magnitudes of ΔϕC-MAX and ΔϕE-MAX are almost identical, so only the
and ΔϕH. The ΔϕE-MAX increases with increasing Lp when the pile tip is results for ΔϕE-MAX and α are shown. Fig. 15a shows the relationships
located above the tunnel crown (CT/DT ≥ 0.5) and becomes decreasing between ΔϕE-MAX and Lp/LT (or CT/DT) for all clearances. When the pile
in the range of 0.5 ≥ CT/DT ≥ 0.0 before increasing again in a manner tip is still located in soft clay (+3.0 DT to +1.0 DT), the ΔϕE-MAX in-
similar to the ΔϕV and ΔϕH. However, unlike the ΔϕV and ΔϕH that creases with increasing pile length. At the same pile length and clear-
rapidly decrease when the pile tip is located under the tunnel invert and ance, the ΔϕE-MAX in this case is much smaller than in the previous
approach a certain value with a longer pile length, the ΔϕE-MAX con- condition (a tunnel in soft clay). This indicates that, when subjected to
tinues increasing with a decreasing rate or remains almost constant the same working load, the deformation of the tunnel in stiff clay is

Fig. 12. The schematic of the assessment method for changes in

tunnel diameter proposed in this study.

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

Fig. 13. Tunnel deformation due to a pile under loading with various tips
for a tunnel located in soft clay. (a) Maximum extension changes in tunnel
diameter. (b) Distortional degree, α.

smaller. When the pile tip is extended into stiff clay (+0.5 DT), the ΔϕE- 0.5 m and 1.5 m; however, the ΔϕE-MAX is much smaller.
MAX drastically increases before slightly decreasing when the pile tip is
at the tunnel spring line. This is probably because the piles have a larger 5. The mechanism of soil-pile interaction
working load when extending the pile tip into the stiffer layer. How-
ever, more clarification is needed to explain why the ΔϕE-MAX decreases 5.1. The soil movement behaviour due to application of working load on the
when the pile tip is extended to the spring line. The ΔϕE-MAX continually bored piles
increases again with extending pile tip, and the maximum value of ΔϕE-
MAX occurs at the deepest level considered in this study (−4.0 DT). This Generally, a pile under loading causes the in situ stress to change
tendency is completely different from that of the case of the tunnel in and thus soil displacement, which inevitably exerts influence on nearby
soft clay, in which the ΔϕE-MAX is nearly constant after the pile tip ex- existing structures. With the expected applied working load (Qa) of 40%
tends to −2.0 DT. Moreover, for the case of the pile tip at -4.0 DT, the of the ultimate pile capacity (Qu) calculated based on the alpha method
ΔϕE-MAX in the case of the tunnel in stiff clay becomes larger than that of (Skempton, 1959), the load applied to the pile is commonly largest at
the tunnel in soft clay. This reveals that it is not true that the tunnel in the pile head and decreases with depth by transferring to the sur-
stiff clay is safer. The magnitude of the load applied to the pile also has rounding ground along the pile length. The degree of soil disturbance,
a strong influence on the tunnel deformation. change of stress and soil displacement at each depth are therefore de-
The variation of α against Lp/LT (or CT/DT) for the case of the tunnel pendent on the load transfer mechanism. With increasing pile length (as
located in stiff clay is depicted in Fig. 15b. The variation of α in this case well as Qa), the zone of the soil disturbance extends to a greater depth.
is similar to that of the previous case when the pile tip is located in the Considering when the tunnel is located adjacent to the loaded pile at
range of +3.0 DT to −2.0 DT. When the pile tip is extended below −2.0 different depths, different degrees of impact on the tunnel may be ex-
DT, the α for the clearances of 3.5 m and 4.5 m can be observed to be pected. This logically depends on the degree of impact to the soil, which
approximately 52° and 60°, respectively; the α for the clearances of in turn depends on the relative position between the tunnel and the pile
0.5 m and 1.5 m still remain at 45°. Note that the α values for the tip. In the same manner, for a tunnel at a certain depth, the degree of
clearances of 3.5 m and 4.5 m are larger than those for the clearances of impact on the tunnel can be varied depending on the pile length and the

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

Fig. 14. Tunnel deformation due to a pile under loading with various tips
for a tunnel located in soft clay. (a) Maximum contraction changes in
tunnel diameter. (b) Distortional degree, β.

associated degree of soil disturbance at that depth. To comprehensively directions with a magnification ratio of 1:1500. The dotted circles in the
understand the mechanism behind the impact on the existing tunnel figures represent the positions of the adjacent tunnel if its existence is
due to the adjacent loaded pile presented in the previous section, it is considered in Section 4. The circles have clearances of 0.5 m and 4.5 m
worth obtaining insight into the impact of the pile under loading on the from the pile to represent the cases in Section 4 with clearances of 0.5 m
surrounding soil at a certain depth. It is believed that the mechanism and 4.5 m, respectively. The positions of the pile tip located above or
behind the tunnel deformation due to an adjacent loaded pile is prin- below the centre of the dotted circle are denoted by positive and ne-
cipally the displacement of soil surrounding the tunnel. Additionally, gative signs, respectively. The movement vectors of the soil around and
the effect of the relative position between the considered location and in the dotted circle are observed.
the pile tip (both depth and clearance) and that of the ground condition The development of soil movement vectors and shear strain dis-
are investigated. The analysis method described in Section 3 was also tribution based on increasing pile length (and pile load) in soft clay are
used to investigate the impact of a pile under loading on the soil in the illustrated in Fig. 16. The applied load at the pile head and position of
vicinity of the tunnel lining. However, no tunnel exists in the analysis, the pile tip with regard to that of the dotted circle of each case are also
and consequently, the steps for tunnel excavation are disregarded. indicated in the figure. In this situation, DT represents the diameter of
The results of pile-soil interaction are presented in terms of the total the dotted circles, which is equal to 6.3 m. It is seen that the movement
displacement vectors and shear strain distribution in the soil, as illu- vectors of soil along the pile surface and at the end are larger than those
strated in Figs. 16 and 17 for the cases of a single homogeneous soft clay farther away from the pile. Except around the pile top and tip, the
layer and a multiple clay layer, respectively. The soil stratum con- vectors of soil movement direct downward, and their magnitudes de-
sidered and their mechanical properties are the same as those in the crease with depth. At the soil surface and shallow depth near the pile
previous section. The investigation reveals that with the application of top, the vectors are larger and directed towards the pile. Larger soil
40% Qu, no plastic strain is generated in the soil, along the shaft or at movement vectors are also observed under the pile tip, but they direct
the pile tip. The HS model, which does not consider strain softening, outward from the pile. With increasing pile length and associated ap-
assumed for stiff clay in this study is sufficient. The vectors in the fig- plied working load, the zone of large downward vectors extends to
ures depict the relative magnitudes of soil total movement and their greater depth, but their magnitudes decrease compared to those in the

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

Fig. 15. Tunnel deformation due to a pile under loading with various tips
for a tunnel located in stiff clay. (a) Maximum extension changes in tunnel
diameter. (b) Distortional degree, α.

case of the shorter pile. Moreover, the magnitude of soil movement section and their directions are towards the centre of the circle.
vectors around the pile top and under the tip are also smaller with Focusing on the periphery of the upper right section of the dotted circle,
increasing pile length, particularly under the pile tip. This indicates that the soil movement vectors are perpendicular to the periphery. With the
these piles (having the pile tip under the centreline level of the circle) existence of the tunnel lining in the previous case, these soil movement
behave as a friction pile. vectors would induce a compression force in the radial direction of the
Considering the soil movement at certain locations (the same as upper right section of the tunnel lining, and the largest deformation of
those of the tunnel considered in the previous section), special attention the tunnel lining would occur in this section, as shown in Fig. 11. The
is paid to the vectors in the vicinity of the dotted circles. In all cases soil movement vectors in the other zones become gradually smaller
with various pile tip positions, it is clearly seen that the soil movement with distance from the pile tip and gradually change direction down-
vectors in the vicinity of the closer dotted circle (0.5 m clearance) is ward, particularly at the spring line and in the lower right section. This
larger than those in the vicinity of the farther dotted circle (4.5 m provides the explanation for a tunnel deforming into a kidney shape, as
clearance). This tendency is in agreement with the results in the pre- described in the previous section and as shown in Fig. 11. With a deeper
vious section that the induced tunnel deformation in the case with a pile tip position at a level of +0.5 DT, the soil movement vectors in the
larger clearance decreases for the same considered pile tip position. area of the dotted circle become larger than those in the case of the pile
This also implies that the tunnel deformation is induced by the soil tip level of +1.0 DT, explaining why the tunnel deformation in the case
movements surrounding the tunnel, which are a result of the pile being of the pile tip level of +0.5 DT is larger than that in the case of the pile
subjected to the load. The following consideration is thus focused on tip level of +1.0 DT. For the case of the pile tip level of +0.0 DT, or at
the soil vectors in the vicinity of the dotted circle that has a clearance of the spring line level, the soil movement vectors in most sections of the
0.5 m from the pile. For the case of the pile tip level of +1.0 DT, in dotted circle direct downward, particularly in the upper right section,
which the tip is located above the right side of the circle, the dotted where the vectors are the largest. Inclined vectors are only noted in the
circles cover the area of soil below the left side of the pile tip. The lower right section. Although the soil movement vectors in this case are
vectors in the area of the dotted circle are larger in the upper right overall larger than those in the case of the pile tip level of +0.5 DT, the

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

Fig. 16. Vectors of total soil movement and contour of the shear strain in soil surrounding the loaded pile with various pile lengths in soft clay.

tunnel deformation (in Section 4) decreases, particularly in the upper previous section that the tunnel deformation does not significantly
right section. This indicates that not only the magnitude but also the change and almost remains constant for the cases of pile tip positions
direction of the soil movement in the vicinity of the tunnel has an in- lower than −1.0 DT and −2.0 DT, respectively.
fluence on the tunnel deformation. These downward soil movements In the cases when the dotted circles are located in stiff clay (Fig. 17),
would pull the tunnel lining (in the previous section) down, and the similar tendencies in the results can be observed. Two main differences
larger movements in the right section cause the deformed shape to be a are noted. First, in the dotted circles, the soil movement vectors are
rotated ellipse. With deeper pile tip positions from −0.5 to −4.0 DT shorter, except for the case of the pile tip at −4.0 DT. This is in ac-
(and a larger pile load), only downward soil movement vectors can be cordance with the tunnel deformation tendency in the previous section
observed in the focused area. The magnitude of soil movement seems to that a smaller tunnel lining deformation can be captured for a tunnel in
insignificantly change for the cases with pile tip positions at and lower stiff clay, except for the case of a pile tip at −4.0 DT. The observation of
than −1.0 DT, particularly for the cases in which the pile tip positions shear strain distribution reveals that the degree of shear strain devel-
are lower than −2.0 DT. This is in agreement with the findings in the opment along the pile shaft is smaller than that for the pile in a soft clay

Fig. 17. Vectors of total soil movement and contour of the shear strain in soil surrounding the loaded pile with various pile lengths in multiple soil layers.

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

condition with the same pile tip. However, for the case of the pile tip at movement around the upper right section is sufficiently large to expand
−4.0 DT, the degree of shear strain development in the focused zone the lining in the lower right section. Further investigation of induced
becomes equivalent. This confirms that the mechanisms behind the force in lining structure can enhance the understanding of this soil-
tunnel deformation due to an adjacent pile under loading are princi- tunnel-pile interaction. Moreover, the relevant parameters excluded in
pally due to the movement behaviour of soil surrounding the tunnel, this study, e.g., the tunnel diameter and thickness of the tunnel lining,
particularly in the zone between the pile and the tunnel, which is de- are necessary to investigate the impacts of adjacent pile loading on an
pendent on the load transfer behaviour from the pile. Thus, the relative existing tunnel.
position of the tunnel and pile tip and the soil layer in which the tunnel
is located play an important role in tunnel deformation behaviour. 6. Conclusions

5.2. The load transfer behaviour of the bored piles A series of 3D-FEA were conducted to investigate the tunnel re-
sponse due to an adjacent pile under loading, in the case of a single pile
The load transfer behaviour from the pile to the soil is further in- located on a single side of the tunnel. Additional analyses of pile
vestigated, focusing on the soil at the depth at which the tunnel is lo- loading simulation were also performed to assist in explaining the pile-
cated in the previous section. Generally, after application of a load at soil-tunnel interaction mechanism behind the tunnel response due to an
the pile top, the pile moves downward. This movement will be resisted adjacent pile under loading. The results are as follows:
by the side frictions mobilized along the shaft of the pile (unit skin
friction) and the soil below the tip of the pile (end bearing). Fig. 18 1. The tunnel deforms as a kidney or rotated ellipse shape when the
illustrates the mobilized unit skin friction or the incremental vertical pile tip is above or below the tunnel spring line, respectively.
stress (every 2 m) that transfers to the soil at each depth from a pile 2. The assessment by ΔϕV and ΔϕH employed in previous works is not
subjected to its working load for a) a single homogeneous soft clay layer suitable for tracing the tunnel deformation due to an adjacent single
and b) a multiple soil layer. The mobilized unit skin friction is calcu- pile under loading on one side. The impact in terms of changes in
lated as the difference between the loads that transferred to the pile the diameter should be assessed by the method presented in this
depth every 2 m divided by the perimeter surface area of a 2-metre study. The proposed maximum contraction change (ΔϕC-MAX) and
interval. It is seen that the incremental force transferred to soil in-
creases with greater depth due to higher soil stiffness. Attention is paid
to the depth in the range of 16.5–23 m, where the tunnel is located if it
exists. In Fig. 18a, when the pile tip is above the considered depth of
+1.0 DT and +0.5 DT, the soil in the vicinity of the considered depth is
affected by only the load transfer from the pile tip as it is pushing in a
downward manner. For cases 0.0 DT and −0.5 DT, both the skin friction
(pulling down) and the load transfer from the pile tip (pushing side-
ways) have an influence on the soil in the considered zone. With the
deeper pile tip position, the contribution from skin friction becomes
larger and that from the pile tip decreases. This is why the tunnel de-
formation decreases (compared to case +0.5 DT) for case 0.0 DT and
increases again for case −0.5 DT. With increasing depth of the pile tip
below this level, most influence on the soil in the considered zone
comes from skin friction, which slightly decreases with a longer pile
and approaches a certain value. This provides an explanation as to why
the tunnel deformation slightly decreases and almost remains constant.
In Fig. 18b, in which the considered depth is in the stiff clay, the
abrupt increase of load transfer in stiff clay can be seen. The distinct
difference from the case of a single homogeneous clay layer is that the
skin friction transferred to the considered depth (16.5–23 m) increases
with a longer pile. This is in accordance with the increasing tunnel
deformation against a longer pile in the previous section. Thus, it can be
concluded that the tunnel deformation behaviour due to an adjacent
loaded pile depends on the movement behaviour of the soil surrounding
the tunnel, which in turn is affected by the load transfer behaviour of
the soil in the vicinity of the tunnel. This load transfer includes both the
skin friction and end bearing.
Fig. 19 depicts the comparisons of the deformed tunnel shape in
Section 4 and the deformed shape of the soil along the same perimeter
(the dotted circle in this section) at the same magnification ratio
(1:3000). Only some cases of pile tip positions are chosen for illustra-
tion. It is clearly seen that the deformed shapes of both are principally
similar and that the magnitude of the tunnel deformation is smaller.
This reconfirms that the tunnel deformation depends on the movement
behaviour of the surrounding soil. When the tunnel lining is stiffer than
the soil, the magnitude of the tunnel deformation is smaller. It is in-
teresting to note that for the case of +1.0 DT, the tunnel lining de-
formation in the upper right section is much smaller than that of the soil
due to the greater stiffness of the tunnel lining. However, the tunnel
lining deformation in the lower right section becomes slightly larger. Fig. 18. The mobilized skin friction along the pile with different soil types. (a) Tunnel
located in soft clay. (b) Tunnel located in stiff clay.
This implies that the induced force in the lining structure from the soil

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

Fig. 19. Comparisons of deformation shapes of tunnel lining and soil (along the periphery of the tunnel lining if no lining exists), with various loaded pile tips. (a) Tunnel located in soft
clay. (b) Tunnel located in stiff clay.

maximum extension change (ΔϕE-MAX) in a tunnel diameter with 5. It is postulated that the pile tip at +0.5 DT above and −2.0 DT
distortion degrees (α and β) effectively provide reasonable de- below the spring line should be considered for existing tunnel as-
formation evaluation of the existing tunnel in this situation. sessment regarding an adjacent pile under loading for a short pile
3. The mechanisms behind the tunnel deformation due to an adjacent and long pile condition, respectively, in soft clay. For stiffer soil,
pile under loading are principally due to the movement behaviour greater depth below −4.0 DT to the deepest level in engineering
(both magnitude and direction) of soil surrounding the tunnel, practice should be taken into consideration.
which in turn is dependent on the load transfer behaviour from the
pile. Thus, the relative position of the tunnel and pile tip, magnitude However, further study will be necessary by extending the scope of
of the applied load and stiffness of the soil layer in which the tunnel study to the segmental lining which may be first numerically performed
is located play a key role in this complex behaviour. based on the models and parameters derived in the present study. The
4. By tracing the tunnel deformation with ΔϕE-MAX or ΔϕC-MAX and α or effect of joints between segmental pieces or rings can then be con-
β, respectively, the deformation of a tunnel in soft clay increases sidered. Moreover, series of physical model tests will provide the va-
with pile length (and applied working load) up to the level of a pile lidity of the findings in this study.
tip at −2.0 DT. The deformation of a tunnel in stiff clay continues to
increase with pile length (and applied working load) up to the
deepest level of pile tip in this study, −4.0 DT. The α or β values Acknowledgement
principally increase with the pile length. The maximum α or β value
appears when the pile tip is located either +0.5 DT above or at the The authors wish to express their thankfulness to Thailand Research
spring line before converging to a certain value with a greater pile Fund (TRF), 1D2 Group Co. Ltd. and King Mongkut’s Institute of
tip depth. The value is 45° for a tunnel in soft clay regardless of the Technology Ladkrabang for the financial support through Grant
clearance between the pile and tunnel, while the value in stiff clay is PHD56I0057 and Grant KREF035001. The authors also extend their
in the range of 45–60°, depending on the clearance. The larger value appreciation to the Office of the Higher Education Commission for
(60°) is observed for larger clearance; however, note that the de- granting financial support through the Higher Education Research
formation is smaller. Promotion and National Research University (NRU) Project of Thailand.

P. Lueprasert et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70 (2017) 166–181

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