What Are Fluids
What Are Fluids
What Are Fluids
Fluid Dynamics in Engineering
For engineers, applying predictions based on fluid dynamics
analysis can have significant impact on:
‐ Achieving and improving design performance goals
‐ Reducing product costs
‐ Shortening the design cycle
‐ Providing better safety margins for new products
‐ Understanding product problems and failures
Phases of Matter
• Solids
‐ Atoms and molecules in solids are arranged in a regular
manner and are packed tightly.
‐ Solids retain their shape and volume.
• Liquids
‐ Atoms and molecules in liquids are not arranged regularly
and are more loosely packed than solids.
‐ Liquids take the shape of the container. If not, they flow
• Gases
‐ Atoms and molecules in gases are irregular and are more
loosely packed than liquids.
‐ Gases fill the entire volume of the container they are Liquids and gases are
placed in. broadly classified as
Flowing Solids & Non-Deforming Liquids?
Same Liquid, Different Flow Behavior
• Liquid water exhibits different physical flow behaviors in
different conditions.
• What characterizes this behavior?
• Fluid dynamics is relevant to our everyday lives and is
important in a wide range of scientific and engineering
• Today, we largely study fluid dynamics to solve
challenging and complex problems for improving
product design and for reducing overall product costs.
Properties of Fluids
Quantities SI English
Mass Kilogram (kg) Pound-mass (lbm)
Solid Fluid
𝜃 𝜃ሶ
‐ The distinction between fluids and solids is not always sharp. Some materials can
behave as liquids or solids under different conditions:
• Granular solids in many aspects behave like fluids.
• Metals under extreme pressures, like in a shaped charge, behave like fluids.
Fluids as a Continuum
• In order to formulate governing equations related to fluid motion, we will assume that fluids behave
as a continuous medium, or continuum.
• Continuum: the properties at a point represent an average over a small volume whose dimension is
large compared to the distance between individual fluid molecules (or, in gases such as helium,
atoms), but small enough to be a point in space.
• Under the assumption of continuum, the molecular structure of the medium is ignored, and the
medium is assumed to fill all the space it occupies
• A measure of the continuum assumption is the Knudsen number (Kn)
𝜆 𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ
𝐾𝑛 = =
𝐿 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
gas liquid 𝑉
Density (kg/m3)
𝐹𝑛 𝑁 Fluid
𝑃 = 𝑙𝑖𝑚
𝐴→0 𝐴 𝑚2
Note that pressure is a point property, and for compressible fluids is related to the density and
temperature through an equation of state.
Fluid Properties — Viscosity
• A fluid's viscosity is a measure of its resistance to deformation due to the
internal friction of a moving fluid.
• Consider a fluid layer between two walls of height Dy. The top wall is in motion
with velocity U relative to the lower fixed wall.
• For a fluid, it is found that the shear force per unit area (t) is proportional to
the velocity gradient as follows:
𝐹𝑠 𝑈
𝜏= =𝜇
𝐴 ∆𝑦
• This relation also holds in differential form at any point in the fluid:
• It is known as Newton’s law of viscosity, and the parameter 𝜇 is called the viscosity (which is referred to as
dynamic viscosity) with the units of N · s/m2.
• For many fluids, the viscosity 𝜇 is approximately constant. However, it can be a function of temperature and
chemical composition. For some materials, the viscosity is highly variable and a function of the velocity; and
these are classified as non-Newtonian fluids.
Physical Effect of Viscosity
• For a pure, compressible substance, it is known from observations that the state of the
substance can be defined by three properties: density, pressure and temperature.
• If two properties are known, the third can be determine from an equation of state:
𝑃 = 𝑓(𝜌, 𝑇)
• It should be noted that the thermodynamic state also implies the phase of the substance
(solid, liquid, gas). The associated 3D plot is called a phase diagram.
NOTE: In basic fluid mechanics, we concern ourselves primarily with fluids in the liquid or gaseous phases, since the behavior of
these fluid phases conform to our definition of a fluid given earlier. We also exclude, for now, mixtures of phases such as
bubbles in a liquid, which is the subject of multiphase fluid dynamics (and thus beyond the scope of our current course).
Thermodynamic Properties
• From thermodynamics, there are several fluid properties that become important when compressibility and/or
heat transfer effects are important.
• Specific Heat (𝐶𝑝, 𝐶𝑣 ) – Ratio of heat absorbed by a substance per unit mass to the change in temperature
(𝐽/𝑘𝑔 · 𝐾)
• Speed of Sound (c) – Speed at which pressure waves propagate though a fluid (m/s)
At standard sea level, the speed of sound in still air is 340.9 m/s.
• Thermal expansion coefficient (𝛽) – Measure of volume change of a substance with respect to temperature,
important in the study of natural convection (1/K).
• Thermal Conductivity (𝑘) - Ratio of the heat flow per unit area through a substance to the local temperature
gradient (𝑊/(𝑚 · 𝐾). Thermal conductivity will be very important in the study of heat transfer in fluids and
Unsteady versus Steady Flow
• Nearly all fluid motions observed in nature are
inherently unsteady (time dependent).
‐ Fluid unsteadiness exists at a range of scales from
very tiny to macroscopic. The random, mixed
motion we often observe is called turbulence.
• In many cases, we can ignore (or model) small-scale
unsteadiness and consider the fluid motion as only a Boundary layer edge Inviscid zone
function of space. Fluid motion is time-
independent: velocity, pressure, and temperature do
not change with time at a given point. This is the U(y) 𝛿
steady-state assumption. Viscous zone
• For the purpose of modeling fluid motion, the
steady-state assumption can be used to obtain Steady-state boundary layer model for flow over a flat plate
useful and practical engineering solutions.
‐ Effects of turbulence can be modeled so that the
simplified steady-state solution yields accurate
results for skin friction and heat transfer. We will
discuss this topic in more detail later in this
Uniform versus Non-Uniform Flow
Non-uniform Flow
Rotational versus Irrotational Flow
• Rotation flow is a fluid flow in which fluid particles moving along the flow path also rotate about their respective
• Irrotational flow is flow in which fluid particles moving along the flow path do not undergo rotation.
Laminar versus Turbulent Flow
• Laminar Flow
‐ At low speeds, fluid particles move in a smooth,
layered fashion (“lamina”).
‐ The flow appears uniform with no substantial mixing
of the fluid. This is laminar flow.
• Turbulent Flow
‐ At higher speeds, fluid particles begin to exhibit
random fluctuations and move in a chaotic, “tangled”
‐ Flow appears non-uniform and significant mixing of
fluid occurs. This is turbulent flow.
Incompressible versus Compressible Flow
• Incompressible Flow – In an incompressible flow, the volume of a
given fluid parcel does not change (compress).
‐ This implies that density is uniform throughout the fluid.
‐ It is a reasonable assumption for all liquid flows and low-speed gas
• Compressible Flow – In a compressible flow, the volume of a given
fluid parcel can change (compress) with position.
‐ This implies that density will vary throughout the fluid, usually in
accordance with a thermodynamic equation of state. Incompressible flow
Flow Configurations
• External Flow
‐ An external flow is defined here as a flow over an object in an
unconfined domain.
‐ Viscous effects are typically important only in the vicinity of the External flow over a sedan
object. Away from the object, the flow is essentially inviscid.
‐ Examples: flow over aircraft, projectiles, ground vehicles.
• Internal Flow
‐ An internal flow is defined as a flow which is confined by walls,
partitions. and other boundaries.
‐ Viscous effects in this case extend across the entire passage
‐ Examples: flow in pipes, ducts, enclosures, nozzles.
Falling-Sphere Viscometer
Qualitative Discussion of Pressure Force
• Due to this retardation of the flow at the front, the sphere experiences a higher pressure on the surface facing the flow
and lower pressure at the back. This difference of pressure exerts a force on the sphere – Pressure Force.
Pressure distribution on the surface of sphere and on a cross-plane for a sphere moving through Glycerin.
Qualitative Discussion of Viscous Force
• Secondly, the viscous force is generated by the motion of viscous fluid over sphere’s surface. This force acts tangential
to the surface and, in the case of an isotropic Newtonian fluid like the ones considered in the example, is proportional
to the rate of strain. The contour plot below shows the Wall Shear Stress on the surface of the sphere and the Strain
rate in the fluid on a cross-plane.
Wall Shear
Wall shear stresses on the surface of sphere and the corresponding Strain rate on a cross-plane for sphere moving through Glycerin.
Pressure and Viscous Drag in Engine Oil
• Drag force experienced by the sphere while moving through engine oil:
• This force has two components : Pressure Force (0. 079 𝑁) and Viscous Force (0.136 𝑁).
Flow Flow
Direction Direction
Pressure and Viscous Drag in Glycerin
• Drag force experienced by the sphere while moving through Glycerin:
Flow Flow
Direction Direction
Flow field around the Sphere
• Velocity vectors on the “symmetry1” plane show a stagnation point on the upstream surface where the flow comes to a
stop, then turns and flows along the curvature of the sphere, accelerating in the process.
• Resolved boundary layer along sphere surface can be clearly seen.
• The Reynolds number is high enough for the flow to separate and form a wake downstream of the sphere.
Direction Wake
Comparison Between the Two Fluids
• Because of the difference in the viscosity of the two fluids in this example, i.e.,
• Engine Oil : 𝜇 = 1.06 𝑘𝑔/𝑚𝑠
• Glycerin : 𝜇 = 0.799 𝑘𝑔/𝑚𝑠
the viscous forces experienced by the sphere are different for the two cases:
• Engine Oil : Fviscous = 0.136 𝑁
• Glycerin: Fviscous = 0.125 𝑁
• This difference in the viscous drag leads to a difference in the time it takes for
the sphere to fall the length of the tube under gravity in viscometer. Knowing
this time, along with several correlations, allows to measure the viscosity of
the fluid.
• In this example you learned how to calculate the drag force experienced by
a sphere as it moves through a given fluid using Ansys Fluent.
Natural Convection in a Square Cavity
• Natural convection is a mass and heat transfer process
driven by density differences in the fluid arising from
non-uniformities in the temperature field.
• In this example, the temperature difference between
the hotwall and coldwall drives the convection of air in
the cavity.
• Air close to hotwall heats up, becomes less dense and
rises to topwall under the action of the buoyance
• Air next to coldwall cools down, become denser and
descends to bottomwall.
• These oppositely moving layers of air along hotwall
and coldwall result in a circular pattern of air motion bottomwall
inside the cavity. Temperature distribution in the square
cavity due to natural convection
• Velocity vector plot shows the circular motion of air driven by buoyancy force.
Velocity vectors colored by velocity magnitude, m/s Velocity vectors colored by temperature, K
Natural Convection
Boussinesq Approach
• In natural convection, non-dimensional Rayleigh Number is introduced to
characterize laminar and turbulent regimes in these types of flows.
• Rayleigh Number is defined as:
𝑔βΔT𝐿3 𝜌
𝑅𝑎 =
Flow Direction
Flow Direction
Flow Field Around the Train
• Velocity vectors plotted on the midplane show the stagnation point on the upstream surface where the flow
comes to a stop, then turns and flows along the curvature of the train, accelerating in the process.
• At the rear end we can see the flow getting separated and the formation of recirculation region.
Flow Direction
Flow Direction
Stagnation Point
• If we zoom into the front of the train, we can see the stagnation point.
Flow Direction
Flow Direction
Stagnation Point
• In the streamlined bullet train case, this stagnation region is substantially smaller as shown by the vector
Flow Direction
Flow Direction
Flow Separation and Recirculation
• Due to the abrupt change in the shape of the old train surface and the high Reynolds number, the flow
separates from the surface as shown below.
Flow Direction
Flow Direction
Flow Separation and Recirculation
• Due to the streamlined shape of the wall, the flow remains attached longer compared to the old train
which leads to reduction in drag.
Flow Direction
Flow Direction
Quantitative analysis of Pressure and Viscous Forces
• As discussed earlier, we can see that due to the process of streamlining, the viscous drag of the bullet
train (4955.5 𝑁) is higher than the old train (3710.9 𝑁) .
• However, as the separation region behind the bullet train is substantially lower, the associated
pressure drag is significantly lower for the bullet train (32466.4 𝑁) when compared to the old train
(51054.7 𝑁) .
• Therefore, overall there is substantial reduction in the drag force due to streamlining.
Old train
bullet train
Streamlining in High-Speed Rail Transport
Setup Changes
Deviations from the default Ansys Fluent 2020 R1 settings are outline here:
• The problem was setup to replicate an experimental setup of scaled
models of train placed inside a wind tunnel. In real experimental setup,
the walls of the wind tunnel are generally far away from the test model
and do not influence the flow around the object. In simulations, to avoid
unnecessary computational burden, the full wind tunnel is not modeled
and the domain boundaries that correspond to wind tunnel walls are
generally set to a slip wall which preventss boundary layers from growing
on this boundary, and thereby leaving the flow unaffected.
Hybrid Initialization
FMG Initialization
Final Solution
Velocity magnitude, m/s
Flow Through Water Treatment Plant Piping
Results Pressure
Velocity Inlet Outlet
𝑣 = 0.5 𝑚/𝑠
Velocity Inlet
𝑣 = 1.5 𝑚/𝑠
Results Pressure
Velocity Inlet
𝑣 = 0.5 𝑚/𝑠
Velocity Inlet
𝑣 = 1.5 𝑚/𝑠
Velocity Inlet Outlet
𝑇 = 20𝑜 𝐶
• The contour plot of the temperature field on
the symmetry plane shows the two streams
start to mix at the elbow section and the flow
has varying temperature at the outlet.
Velocity Inlet
𝑇 = 15𝑜 𝐶