Blast Loading and Blast Effects On Structures - An Overview
Blast Loading and Blast Effects On Structures - An Overview
Blast Loading and Blast Effects On Structures - An Overview
ABSTRACT: The use of vehicle bombs to attack city centers has been a feature of campaigns by terrorist or-
ganizations around the world. A bomb explosion within or immediately nearby a building can cause catastro-
phic damage on the building's external and internal structural frames, collapsing of walls, blowing out of large
expanses of windows, and shutting down of critical life-safety systems. Loss of life and injuries to occupants
can result from many causes, including direct blast-effects, structural collapse, debris impact, fire, and smoke.
The indirect effects can combine to inhibit or prevent timely evacuation, thereby contributing to additional
casualties. In addition, major catastrophes resulting from gas-chemical explosions result in large dynamic
loads, greater than the original design loads, of many structures. Due to the threat from such extreme loading
conditions, efforts have been made during the past three decades to develop methods of structural analysis
and design to resist blast loads. The analysis and design of structures subjected to blast loads require a de-
tailed understanding of blast phenomena and the dynamic response of various structural elements. This paper
presents a comprehensive overview of the effects of explosion on structures. An explanation of the nature of
explosions and the mechanism of blast waves in free air is given. This paper also introduces different methods
to estimate blast loads and structural response. check this
against the book
1 EXPLOSIONS AND BLAST PHENOMENON The detonation of a condensed high explosive
generates hot gases under pressure up to 300 kilo bar
An explosion is defined as a large-scale, rapid and and a temperature of about 3000-4000C°. The hot
sudden release of energy. Explosions can be catego- gas expands forcing out the volume it occupies. As a
rized on the basis of their nature as physical, nuclear consequence, a layer of compressed air (blast wave)
or chemical events. In physical explosions, energy forms in front of this gas volume containing most of
may be released from the catastrophic failure of a the energy released by the explosion. Blast wave in-
cylinder of compressed gas, volcanic eruptions or stantaneously increases to a value of pressure above
even mixing of two liquids at different temperatures. the ambient atmospheric pressure. This is referred to
In a nuclear explosion, energy is released from the as the side-on overpressure that decays as the shock
formation of different atomic nuclei by the redistri- wave expands outward from the explosion source.
bution of the protons and neutrons within the inter- After a short time, the pressure behind the front may
acting nuclei, whereas the rapid oxidation of fuel drop below the ambient pressure (Figure 1). During
elements (carbon and hydrogen atoms) is the main such a negative phase, a partial vacuum is created
source of energy in the case of chemical explosions. and air is sucked in. This is also accompanied by
Explosive materials can be classified according to high suction winds that carry the debris for long dis-
their physical state as solids, liquids or gases. Solid tances away from the explosion source.
explosives are mainly high explosives for which
blast effects are best known. They can also be classi- can this region
fied on the basis of their sensitivity to ignition as exp negative?
secondary or primary explosive. The latter is one Yes, this graph
that can be easily detonated by simple ignition from not nicely drawn
sure, Pso, over the ambient pressure, Po. The pres- Stand-off distance
sure then decays to ambient level at time td, then
decays further to an under pressure Pso- (creating a
partial vacumn) before eventually returning to am- Figure 3: Blast loads on a building
bient conditions at time td + td-. The quantity Pso is
usually referred to as the peak side-on overpres- If the exterior building walls are capable of
sure, incident peak overpressure or merely peak resisting the blast load, the shock front penetrates
overpressure (TM 5-1300, 1990). through window and door openings, subjecting the
floors, ceilings, walls, contents, and people to
The incident peak over pressures Pso are ampli- sudden pressures and fragments from shattered
fied by a reflection factor as the shock wave encoun- windows, doors, etc. Building components not
ters an object or structure in its path. Except for spe- capable of resisting the blast wave will fracture and
cific focusing of high intensity shock waves at near be further fragmented and moved by the dynamic
45° incidence, these reflection factors are typically pressure that immediately follows the shock front.
greatest for normal incidence (a surface adjacent and Building contents and people will be displaced and
perpendicular to the source) and diminish with the tumbled in the direction of blast wave propagation.
angle of obliquity or angular position relative to the In this manner the blast will propagate through the
dynamic pressure is the wind? the
77 forward pressure that decays
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)
based on the dynamic pressure is then likely to be sions on passage of the blast through doorways, but
dominant. Conventional wind-loading pressure co- can also be created by obstacles closer to the re-
efficients may be used, with the conservative as- lease of the gas. They may be presumed to occur on
sumption of instantaneous build-up when the wave release of gas by failure of industrial pressure ves-
passes the plane of the relevant face of the build- sels or pipelines.
ing, the loads on the front and rear faces being
numerically cumulative for the overall load effect
on the structure. Various formulations have been 4 STRUCTURAL RESPONSE TO BLAST
put forward for the rate of decay of the dynamic LOADING
pressure loading; a parabolic decay (i.e. corre-
sponding to a linear decay of equivalent wind ve- Complexity in analyzing the dynamic response of
locity) over a time equal to the total duration of blast-loaded structures involves the effect of high
positive overpressure is a practical approximation. strain rates, the non-linear inelastic material behav-
ior, the uncertainties of blast load calculations and
the time-dependent deformations. Therefore, to sim-
3 GAS EXPLOSION LOADING AND EFFECT plify the analysis, a number of assumptions related
OF INTERNAL EXPLOSIONS to the response of structures and the loads has been
In the circumstances of progressive build-up of proposed and widely accepted. To establish the prin-
fuel in a low-turbulence environment, typical of ciples of this analysis, the structure is idealized as a
domestic gas explosions, flame propagation on ig- single degree of freedom (SDOF) system and the
nition is slow and the resulting pressure pulse is link between the positive duration of the blast load
correspondingly extended. The specific energy of and the natural period of vibration of the structure is
combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel is very high established. This leads to blast load idealization and
(46000 kJ/kg for propane, compared to 4520 kJ/kg simplifies the classification of the blast loading re-
for TNT) but widely differing effects are possible gimes.
according to the conditions at ignition.
Internal explosions likely produce complex pres- 4.1 Elastic SDOF Systems
sure loading profiles as a result of the resulting two
loading phases. The first results from the blast over- The simplest discretization of transient problems
pressure reflection and, due to the confinement pro- is by means of the SDOF approach. The actual struc-
vided by the structure, re-reflection will occur. De- ture can be replaced by an equivalent system of one
pending on the degree of confinement of the concentrated mass and one weightless spring repre-
structure, the confined effects of the resulting pres- senting the resistance of the structure against defor-
sures may cause different degrees of damage to the mation. Such an idealized system is illustrated in
structure. On the basis of the confinement effect, tar- Figure 4. The structural mass, M, is under the effect
get structures can be described as either vented or of an external force, F(t), and the structural resis-
un-vented. The latter must be stronger to resist a tance, R, is expressed in terms of the vertical dis-
specific explosion yield than a vented structure placement, y, and the spring constant, K.
where some of the explosion energy would be dissi-
pated by breaking of window glass or fragile parti- The blast load can also be idealized as a triangu-
tions. lar pulse having a peak force Fm and positive phase
duration td (see Figure 4). The forcing function is
Venting following the failure of windows (at given as
typically 7 kN/m2) generally greatly reduces the ⎛ t ⎞
peak values of internal pressures. Study of this i skip the F (t ) = Fm ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟ (7)
problem at the Building Research Establishment math ⎝ td ⎠
(Ellis and Crowhurst, 1991) showed that an explo- The blast impulse is approximated as the area un-
sion fuelled by a 200 ml aerosol canister in a typi- der the force-time curve, and is given by
cal domestic room produced a peak pressure of 9 1 (8)
kN/m2 with a pulse duration over 0.1s. This is long I = Fm t d
by comparison with the natural frequency of wall The equation of motion of the un-damped elastic
panels in conventional building construction and a SDOF system for a time ranging from 0 to the posi-
quasi-static design pressure is commonly advo- tive phase duration, td, is given by Biggs (1964) as
cated. Much higher pressures with a shorter time-
⎛ t ⎞ (9)
scale are generated in turbulent conditions. Suitable My + Ky = Fm ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟
conditions arise in buildings in multi-room explo- ⎝ t d ⎠
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)
The general solution can be expressed as: merical solution requiring a nonlinear dynamic fi-
Displacement nite-element software. However, the degree of
Fm Fm ⎛ sin ωt ⎞ uncertainty in both the determination of the loading
y (t ) = (1 − cos ωt ) + ⎜ −t⎟ and the interpretation of acceptability of the result-
K Kt d ⎝ ω ⎠ ing deformation is such that solution of a postu-
Velocity lated equivalent ideal elasto-plastic SDOF system
dy Fm ⎡ 1 ⎤ (Biggs, 1964) is commonly used. Interpretation is
y (t ) = = ⎢ω sin ωt + (cos ωt − 1)⎥ based on the required ductility factor μ = ym/ye
dt K ⎣ td ⎦ (Figure 5).
in which ω is the natural circular frequency of vi-
bration of the structure and T is the natural period of Resistance
vibration of the structure which is given by equation
11. Ru
2π K (11)
ω= =
F(t) ye ym Deflection
Figure 5: Simplified resistance function of an elasto-plastic
SDOF system
Stiffness, K
For example, a uniform simply supported beam
has first mode shape φ(x) = sin πx/L and the
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) SDOF system and (b) blast loading equivalent mass M = (1/2)mL, where L is the span
of the beam and m is mass per unit length. The
The maximum response is defined by the maximum equivalent force corresponding to a uniformly dis-
dynamic deflection ym which occurs at time tm. The tributed load of intensity p is F = (2/π)pL. The re-
sponse of the ideal bilinear elasto-plastic system
maximum dynamic deflection ym can be evaluated
can be evaluated in closed form for the triangular
by setting dy/dt in Equation 10 equal to zero, i.e. load pulse comprising rapid rise and linear decay,
when the structural velocity is zero. The dynamic with maximum value Fm and duration td. The result
load factor, DLF, is defined as the ratio of the for the maximum displacement is generally pre-
maximum dynamic deflection ym to the static deflec- sented in chart form (TM 5-1300), as a family of
tion yst which would have resulted from the static curves for selected values of Ru/Fm showing the re-
application of the peak load Fm, which is shown as quired ductility μ as a function of td/T, in which Ru
follows: is the structural resistance of the beam and T is the
natural period (Figure 6).
y max y max ⎛ td ⎞
DLF = = = ψ (ωt d ) = Ψ ⎜ ⎟ 100
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
y st Fm ⎝T ⎠
K 50 0.9
as follows:
Xm / Xe
- ωt d < 0.4 : quasi-static loading regime. 1 2.0
next to
to curves are Ru/Fm
curves are Ru/Fm
4.2 Elasto-Plastic SDOF Systems 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 20
/T/ T
Structural elements are expected to undergo Figure 6: Maximum response of elasto-plastic SDF system to
large inelastic deformation under blast load or high a triangular load.
velocity impact. Exact analysis of dynamic re-
sponse is then only possible by step-by-step nu-
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)
5 MATERIAL BEHAVIORS AT HIGH STRAIN- CEB-FIP (1990) model (Figure 9) for strain-rate en-
RATE hancement of concrete as follows:
⎛ ε ⎞
Blast loads typically produce very high strain DIF = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ for ε ≤ 30s −1 (13)
rates in the range of 102 - 104 s-1. This high straining ⎝ ε s ⎠
(loading) rate would alter the dynamic mechanical 1/ 3
⎛ ε ⎞
properties of target structures and, accordingly, the DIF = γ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ for ε > 30s −1 (14)
expected damage mechanisms for various structural ε
⎝ s⎠
elements. For reinforced concrete structures sub- where:
jected to blast effects the strength of concrete and ε = strain rate
steel reinforcing bars can increase significantly due εs = 30×10-6 s-1 (quasi-static strain rate)
to strain rate effects. Figure 7 shows the approxi- log γ = 6.156 α - 2
mate ranges of the expected strain rates for different α = 1/(5 + 9 f’c/fco)
loading conditions. It can be seen that ordinary static fco = 10 MPa = 1450 psi
strain rate is located in the range : 10-6-10-5 s-1, while 8
blast pressures normally yield loads associated with
Dynamic Factor
strain rates in the range : 102-104 s-1. 6
Static the lower yield strength of mild steel can almost be
ε = 49
doubled; the ultimate tensile strength can be in-
creased by about 50%; and the upper yield strength
can be considerably higher. In contrast, the ultimate
50 tensile strain decreases with increasing strain rate.
Malvar (1998) also studied strength enhancement
0 of steel reinforcing bars under the effect of high
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 strain rates. This was described in terms of the dy-
namic increase factor (DIF), which can be evaluated
Figure 8: Stress-strain curves of concrete at different strain- for different steel grades and for yield stresses, fy,
rates (Ngo et al., 2004a) ranging from 290 to 710 MPa as represented by
For the increase in peak compressive stress (f’c), a equation 15.
dynamic increase factor (DIF) is introduced in the
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)
⎛ ε ⎞
α ated shear force is many times higher than the shear
DIF = ⎜ −4 ⎟ (15)
force associated with flexural failure modes. The
⎝ 10 ⎠ high shear stresses may lead to direct global shear
where for calculating yield stress α = α fy , failure and it may occur very early (within a few
α fy = 0.074 − 0.04( f y / 414) (16) milliseconds of shock wave arrival to the frontal sur-
face of the structure) which can be prior to any oc-
for ultimate stress calculation α = α fu currence of significant bending deformations.
α fu = 0.019 − 0.009( f y / 414) (17)
6.2 Localized Structural Behavior
type structures. As these names imply, the former where W is the explosion yield in 109 kg, and H is
would be affected mainly by diffraction (engulfing) the depth of the soil layer in meters.
loading and the latter by drag loading. It should be
emphasized that actual buildings will respond to
both types of loading and the distinction is made 7.2 Loads from Direct Ground Shock
primarily to simplify the analysis. The structural re-
sponse will depend upon the size, shape and weight As a result of the direct transmission of the ex-
of the target, how firmly it is attached to the ground, plosion energy, the ground surface experiences ver-
and also on the existence of openings in each face of tical and horizontal motions. Some empirical equa-
the structure. tions were derived (TM 5-1300) to predict the
direct-induced ground motions in three different
Above ground or shallow-buried structures can be ground media; dry soil, saturated soil and rock me-
subjected to ground shock resulting from the detona- dia. The peak vertical displacement in m/s at the
tion of explosive charges that are on/or close to ground surface for rock, DVrock and dry soil, DVsoil are
ground surface. The energy imparted to the ground given as
by the explosion is the main source of ground shock.
A part of this energy is directly transmitted through 1 1
the ground as directly-induced ground shock, while 0.25 R W3 3
part is transmitted through the air as air-induced DVrock = 1
ground shock. Air-induced ground shock results Z 3
face and sends a stress pulse into the ground under- 0.17 R 3W 3 (22)
DVsoil =
layers. Generally, motion due to air-induced ground Z 2.3
is maximum at the ground surface and attenuates
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)
The maximum vertical acceleration, Av, in m/s2 structures subjected to the effects of conventional
for all ground media is given by weapons. It is intended for use by engineers in-
1000 volved in designing hardened facilities.
Av = 1 (23) The Design and Analysis of Hardened Struc-
W 8Z 2 tures to Conventional Weapons Effects (DAHS
CWE, 1998). This new Joint Services manual, writ-
ten by a team of more than 200 experts in conven-
8 TECHNICAL DESIGN MANUALS FOR tional weapons and protective structures engineer-
BLAST-RESISTANT DESIGN ing, supersedes U.S. Department of the Army TM 5-
855-1, Fundamentals of Protective Design for Con-
This section summarizes applicable military design ventional Weapons (1986), and Air Force Engineer-
manuals and computational approaches to predicting ing and Services Centre ESL-TR-87-57, Protective
blast loads and the responses of structural systems. Construction Design Manual (1989).
Although the majority of these design guidelines
were focused on military applications these knowl- Structural Design for Physical Security—State
of the Practice Report (ASCE, 1995). This report
edge are relevant for civil design practice.
is intended to be a comprehensive guide for civilian
designers and planners who wish to incorporate
Structures to Resist the Effects of Accidental
physical security considerations into their designs or
Explosions, TM 5-1300 (U.S. Departments of the
building retrofit efforts.
Army, Navy, and Air Force, 1990). This manual
appears to be the most widely used publication by
both military and civilian organizations for design-
ing structures to prevent the propagation of explo-
sion and to provide protection for personnel and
valuable equipment. It includes step-by-step analysis
Computational methods in the area of blast-
and design procedures, including information on
effects mitigation are generally divided into those
such items as (1) blast, fragment, and shock-loading;
used for prediction of blast loads on the structure
(2) principles of dynamic analysis; (3) reinforced
and those for calculation of structural response to the
and structural steel design; and (4) a number of spe-
loads. Computational programs for blast prediction
cial design considerations, including information on
and structural response use both first-principle and
tolerances and fragility, as well as shock isolation.
semi-empirical methods. Programs using the first-
Guidance is provided for selection and design of se-
principle method can be categorized into uncouple
curity windows, doors, utility openings, and other
and couple analyses. The uncouple analysis calcu-
components that must resist blast and forced-entry
lates blast loads as if the structure (and its compo-
nents) were rigid and then applying these loads to a
responding model of the structure. The shortcoming
A Manual for the Prediction of Blast and
of this procedure is that when the blast field is ob-
Fragment Loadings on Structures, DOE/TIC-
tained with a rigid model of the structure, the loads
11268 (U.S. Department of Energy, 1992). This
on the structure are often over-predicted, particularly
manual provides guidance to the designers of facili-
if significant motion or failure of the structure oc-
ties subject to accidental explosions and aids in the
curs during the loading period.
assessment of the explosion-resistant capabilities of
existing buildings.
For a coupled analysis, the blast simulation mod-
ule is linked with the structural response module. In
Protective Construction Design Manual, ESL-
this type of analysis the CFD (computational fluid
TR-87-57 (Air Force Engineering and Services
mechanics) model for blast-load prediction is solved
Center, 1989). This manual provides procedures for
simultaneously with the CSM (computational solid
the analysis and design of protective structures ex-
mechanics) model for structural response. By ac-
posed to the effects of conventional (non-nuclear)
counting for the motion of the structure while the
weapons and is intended for use by engineers with
blast calculation proceeds, the pressures that arise
basic knowledge of weapons effects, structural dy-
due to motion and failure of the structure can be pre-
namics, and hardened protective structures.
dicted more accurately. Examples of this type of
computer codes are AUTODYN, DYNA3D, LS-
Fundamentals of Protective Design for Con-
DYNA and ABAQUS. Table 2 summarizes a listing
ventional Weapons, TM 5-855-1 (U.S. Depart-
of computer programs that are currently being used
ment of the Army, 1986). This manual provides
to model blast-effects on structures.
procedures for the design and analysis of protective
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)
Deflection (m)
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
Time (ms)
Figure 14. 3D model of the column using Explicit code LS- Figure 16. Lateral Deflection -Time history at mid point of
Dyna column with 100mm ligature spacing (SMRF).
The lateral deflection at mid point versus time 50
history of two columns made of NSC and HSC are Point of column failure
It can be seen from Figs. 15 and 16 that the effect 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008
Time (ms)
of shear reinforcement is also significant. The ulti-
mate lateral displacements at failure increase from Figure 17. Comparison of energy absorption capacities
45mm (400 mm ligature spacing) to 63mm (100mm (100mm ligature spacing).
ligature spacing) for the HSC column. Those values Table 4. Energy absorptions at failure of HSC and NSC col-
for the NSC column are 20mm and 32mm, respec- umns
tively. Column 400mm spacing 100mm spacing
0.08 NSC 12.0 kNm 33.9 kNm
HSC 27.6 kNm 43.5 kNm
0.07 40MPa Column
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)
the building are shown in Fig. 20. The typical story
700/s height is 3.85m. Perimeter columns are spaced at
1000 typical 8.4m centers and are connected by spandrel
beams to support the facade. The lateral loads are re-
sisted by 6 core boxes located at the centre of the
Moment (kNm)
Increase in Blast pressure
Dynamic Increase Factor
flexural strength
Increase in
shear strength
0 Pmax=4.1MPa
0 200 400 600 800
Strain rate (1/s)
Fig. 20 Structural configuration
Figure 19. DIFs for flexural strength and shear strength of a
column at different strain rates In this study which is based on the local damage
assessment due to bomb blast at ground level, pro-
11 CASE STUDY - PROGRESSIVE COLLAPSE gressive collapse analyses was performed on the ex-
ANALYSIS ample building. The structural stability and integrity
Design recommendations on progressive collapse of the building were assessed by considering the ef-
analysis have been introduced in British Standards fects of the failure of some perimeter columns, span-
since 1968, after the collapse of 22-storey Ronan drel beams and floor slabs due to blast overpressure
Point apartment building. In recognition of this is- or aircraft impact. The main purpose of the analysis
sue, a number of European countries, USA and Can- is to check if failure of any primary structural mem-
ada have incorporated progressive collapse provi- ber will cause progressive collapse propagating be-
sions in their building codes. The American National yond one story level above or below the affected
Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard A58.1-1982, member vertically, or to the next vertical structural
“Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other member.
Structures” recommends the alternative path
method, in which the local failure is allowed to oc-
cur but an alternative path must be provided around
the failed structural elements.
A 52 storey building (modified from a typical tall
building designed in Australia) was analyzed in this
study. The plan view and structural configuration of
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 Level
5 Level
4 Level
3 Level
2 Level
1 Level
Extreme bending
and shear under Ground Flr.
direct pressure
Damaged columns,
beams and slabs Point of detonation (20m dist.)
Fig. 21 Direct column loading (Blast pressure)
Figs. 21 & 22 show the effect of direct blast pres- As seen from Figs. 23, the alternative load paths
sure on perimeter columns, beams and floor slabs. go through columns surrounding the damaged area
The concrete slabs in this example building are where the vertical loads are transferred. Beams and
125mm thick supported by prestressed wide band floor slabs above that area become critical due to the
beams. The portion of floor slabs in close proximity loss of the supporting columns. The overall stability
to the blast were directly hit by the blast overpres- of the structure will rely on continuity and ductility
sure. The normal glazing façade offers insignificant of these elements to redistribute forces within the
resistance to the blast wave so after the failure of structure. The falling debris of the collapsed mem-
glazing, the blast fills the structural bay above and bers also imposes severe loading on the floors be-
below each floor slab. The pressure below the slab is low. It is essential to check whether that overload
greater than the pressure above and causes the net can be carried without causing further collapse.
upward load on each slab (Fig. 22). Parametric studies were also undertaken to inves-
To detect local damage, the blast analysis was tigate the impact resistance of the floor slab, assum-
carried out for perimeter columns, beams and floor ing a floor above had collapsed onto it. The collaps-
slabs based on the actual blast pressures on each ing floor was treated as falling debris, i.e. the energy
element. Results plotted in Fig. 23 show column applied to the floor below was the weight of the col-
lines 4, 5 of the ground and 1st levels failed due to lapsing floor multiplied by the height through which
the direct impact of the blast wave. Slabs and beams it fell. To obtain an estimate of the impact
from column line 3 to 6 also collapsed. Member as- load-bearing capacity of the floor slab, the structure
sessment was carried out using program RE- was analyzed using program LSDYNA. In addition
SPONSE (2001) based on the Modified Compres- to material and geometric nonlinearities, the analy-
sion Field theory and LSDYNA (see section 10). ses considered membrane action, inertia effects, and
More details are given elsewhere (Mendis & Ngo, other influencing factors. The results show that the
2002). The calculation also showed that if the col- ultimate capacity of the floor slab is approximately
umns were detailed using requirements for special 16.5kPa which is 2.75 times the total floor load
moment resisting frames (SMRS) as given in ACI- (dead load plus 0.4 live load). Therefore in this case
318 Section 21, the shear capacity and the ductility study if more than two floor collapsed, the falling
would be improved significantly, thus improving the debris of the collapsed members may impose an
blast and impact resistance of the member. The overload for the floor below and trigger a progres-
damaged model of perimeter frame, in which failed sive collapse of the example building.
elements were removed (Fig. 23), was analyzed to
check if progressive collapse would propagate be-
yond one story level above or below. 12 BLAST EFFECTS ON BUILDING’S FAÇADE
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)
centre deflection where the maximum principle ten- calculation is also provided in TM5-1300. This can
sile stress at any point in the glass first reaches the be used to evaluate the blast capacity of glass when
design stress, fun. Typically, as the deflection of the interpolation between charts is unadvisable, when
plate exceeds a third of its thickness, the points of design parameters are outside the limits of the chart.
maximum stress will migrate from the centre and Peak blast pressure capacity
towards the corners of the plate. for tempered glass panes:
a/b = 1.00, Tg = 1/4 inch
The model, illustrated in Fig. 25 uses a single-
degree-of-freedom system to simulate the dynamic Numbers next to curves indicate
response of the plate. The model calculates the peak pane dimension b, inches
1 42
2 5 10 50 100 500 1,000
Duration of Blast Pressure, T (msec)
Figure 27 - A design chart for tempered glass panel (TM5-
Figure 26 – Blast analysis for a glazing system
EJSE Special Issue: Loading on Structures (2007)