1985 19erdos
1985 19erdos
1985 19erdos
1. Introduction
9(n)=J%.{k: O<kS:n,S(k)>Oj,
z%‘(m)=d’o,{k: O<ks;n, S(k)=O),
p,=inf{k: k>O.S(k)=O},
p,=inf{k: kz=-p,, S(k)=O},
. .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .
P.+l=inf{k: k>p,, S(k)=O},
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
,W)=maxtp,. p2-p1, --., Pa(n)-P9(n)-1, +p2(,,).
Here F(?t) is the length of the longest excursion of the random walk S(O),
S(l), . . . , S(n). The main goal of the present paper is to study the properties of
366 E. Cshki et al.
The properties of .2(n) and .Vp(n) were studied by Chung and Hunt (1949)
and Chung and Erdds (1952) resp. Here we recall the Chung-Erdiis theorem.
Theorem A. Let f(x) be a non-decreasing function for which lim f(x)= s and
w,=q $&
JP{l(n)>n (1-h) i.o.}={i z :ti;zz7 (1.1)
1 $ I(j-)=cc,
P B(n)&& i.o. (1.2)
0 if Z(f)<m
Studying the proof of Theorem A we can realize that the following stronger
statement is also proved by Chung and Erdds:
Theorem B
infinitely often with probability one. We are interested to find a lower bound
for Y(n). Our main result is
Theorem 1. Let f (x) be a non-decreasing function for which
and let
z f(M)
II= 1
On the Length of the Longest Excursion 367
Remark. Equation (1.5) emerges in a paper by Shepp (1967) (see also Green-
wood and Perkins (1983)).
Beside of studying the properties of the length of the longest excursion, it
looks interesting to say something about the second, third . . . etc. longest
excursion. Consider the sample pi, pz -pl, . . . , pacnj--pwcnl- 1, n-pP,(,) (the
lengths of the excursions) and the corresponding ordered sample Yi(n)
= Y(n) 2 T,(n) 2.. .Z Y&+ 1(n). Now we present our
Theorem 2. FOP any fixed k = 1,2, . . . we have
This Theorem, in some sense, answers the question “How small can be
FZ((n), Y3((n), . ..?” In order to obtain a more complete description of these r.v.‘s
we present the following:
Problem 1. Characterize the set of those non-decreasing functions f(n) (n
=l, 2, . ..) for which
lP{&(n)zt (1-h) i.o.)=l.
(1.3) says that for some n nearly the whole random walk S(O), S(l), . . . , S(n)
is one excursion. (1.4) and (1.6) say that for some n the random walk consists
of at least /3-’ loglogn excursions. These results suggest the question: For
what value of k= ii(n) will the sum 1 Y?(U) be nearly equal to n? In fact we
formulate two questions: j= 1
Question 1. For any E>O let F(E) be the set of those functions f(n) (n= 1,2, .,.)
for which
1 qn)&l(l-&)
J= 1
with probability one except finitely many n. How can we characterize F(E) for
some E>O?
Question 2. Let Y{D) be the set of those functions f(n) (n = 1,2, . . .) for which
c loglog MEF(&).
2. Proof of Theorem 1
b,= ___1 k-” exp(3Jk) (2.1)
where 13,15 1.
By (2,l) we easily obtain
Lemma 1
$ bjexp ~~)=j~~b~+j~~bj(exp~~)-‘)
j= 1
1 z pk f jk-'
2fi k= 1 ak k! j= 1
B” +o(a-t)=(7la)-r+8(a-:)
=‘“‘)-tkCI k!(2k-1)
On the Length of the Longest Excursion 369
what proves (2,2).
IP(F(2n).52a) if nza,
i 1 if n<a.
Then we clearly have
Lemma 2.
In case ns2a our statement is trivial. For n>2a the statement follows from
(2.5) by induction,
Lemma 4. Let f(n) (n = 1,2, . . .) be a non-decreasing positive function for which
Then &=$=m’.
ProoJ: Suppose that f(N)<+ loglog N for a fixed N. Then a simple calculation
370 E Csiki et al.
Thus f2 C(log N)’ for infinitely many N, we have # = co. One can see similarly
that j= x8 by observing that condition (2.6) implies that f(n,)<f loglogn, i.o.
Lemma 5. Let f(n) (n= 1, 2, . ..) b e a non-decreasing, positice function. Then &
=a if and only if j=‘z.
Such a lemma like this and the previous lemma is frequently used in the
proofs of theorems like our Theorem 1, hence its proof is routine. For the
convenience of the reader we present it.
k log k
Similarly one can obtain that
By Lemma 4 one can assume that f(n) >a loglog n (n= 3,4, . .). Hence we have
that is 2 = cc implies f = W. In order to see the converse statement let
A = {k: f(nk) ~2 loglog nk}.
sCCepftnk)+C f(%)
-e -She) 5 cj + c
keA k$A logk
Lemma 7. Let
A, = (F(n,) 2 Ok] k = 2, 3, I..
and f(n) is a non-decreasing positioe function such that f(n) 5 j?n*. Then
ProajI Let F(a, b) (0 S a < b < cc) be the length of the longest excursion of the
random walk S(a), S(a + l), . . . , s(b). Then
(the last inequality follows from Lemma 3). Hence we have (2.8)
Lemma 8. Let f(n) be a non-decreasing function for which 9(f)= m. Then for
any 0 <E < 1 there exists a non-decreasing function fsuch that
N f(n) Zf(n) (n = L2, . . .I,
(ii) Y(f)= xi,
(iii) T(n) 2 & loglog n.
Proof of this lemma is based on the same idea as that of Lemma 4 and will be
Lemma 9. Let
B, = (F(n) 5 b,)
kg2eMfcnk)< cc
and by Lemma 3
with probability one except finitely many k. Hence we have (2,9), if f (n)s /?n+
(n 2 noI.
312 E. Cs&kl et al.
In the case when this condition does not hold, define f, (n) = min (f(n), on)).
f,(n) is non-decreasing with #(S,)< CC and f, (n)sM, hence (2.9) holds for
f(n) replaced by ii(n). Since fi(n)5f(n), we have also (2.9) with the original
f(n). This proves the first part of Theorem 1.
To show the second part, assume that
+ loglog n 5J(n) 5 2 loglog I? (n=3,4, . ..) (2.10)
The lower inequality can be assumed by Lemma 8, while if the upper in-
equality does not hold for all n large enough, then by eliminating those n’s for
which f(n)>2 loglogn, the whole procedure below can be done for the remain-
ing subsequence and still conclude the second part of (1.4).
Defining nk as in Lemma 4, for large enough k and k < 1 we have
log!?=--I-k k(logI-logk)
nk log/ log I log k
-- l-k >!I-k (2.11)
=log1 (logI)(logk)=2 1ogE’
Now for k fixed, split the indices 1 (k<isn) into three parts:
L,=(l: O<I-kslogI}
L,=(l: logI<1-k61og2I}
L,=(l: log21<l-k}.
For MEL, we have from (2.10) and (2.11)
On the Length of the Longest Excursion 373
,z P(AkAl) 5 cP(A,) 2 e-c’(l-k) 5 cP(A,), (2.15)
1 iELl
since C 15 c(logk)‘.
By Lemmas 3 and 7, (2.14), (2.15), (2.16)
~p(A3 ==
3. Proof of Theorem 2
where in the sum c* the indices d,, d,, . . . , dk+l run over all (k + l)-tuples of
integers which satisfy (3.1). Clearly A* is the event that the random walk
S(l), S(2), L* ’ , S(n) consists of excursions of size a1,a2, . . ..ak in this order but all
other excursions are shorter than m.
Lemma 11. Let n smm”. Then
and by Lemma 3
P(A)sCexp (-/I’m-’ (n-$,a;)) ib(m-‘+(di+l)P”).
On the Length of the Longest Excursion 375
Proof. (3.4) follows from (3.3) by summation for the possible a, (i = 1,2, . . . . k)
observing that nf 5 ak 5 u/k and the fact that a sequence a, 1 a2 2.. .L ak >=ns of
P j~~~(~)~/i(l-i)k~)~c(logn)-(i+~)- (3.5)
Proof. By letting
we obtain from (3.4) that
Finally, if u,/k 5 a, + . , . +a,5 u, and uk<n%:, then max di zc,n with some
constant c2, i.e. there exists an interval of length Lc,n such that longest
excursion within this interval is shorter than n*, the probability of which is less
than c1eacsn’, The number of possible choices of a, . . . ak, d, . . . d,,, is obviously at
most nzk+‘, hence
Since for large n the upper bound in (3.8) is less than the upper bound in
(3.9 we have Lemma 14 by combining (3.6), (3.7) and (3.8) with some constant
c (different from that in (3.6) and (3.7)).
376 E. Csaki et al.
4. Proof of Theorem 3
if T is large enough with probability one where Igil is the length of the excursion
c?‘~and C, is an absolute constant.
Introduce the following notations: Let a,>0 be a function of T and
q=Y,(T)=inf{s: s> y_, +a,, W(s)=O} (i=1,2 .,.. ),
v,=max{k: E’,s T},
Zi=Z,(T)= I’-(~-,+a,),
~IP(z,+... +Z&T)=JP M,+...+M,r~-
i 'TmT
5. Proof of Theorem 4
a,=a(T)=fi T
log log T’
I/,=sup{s: S<QT, W(s)=O},
Y,=inf(s: s>ay, W(s)=O),
... .. ... . ... . .... .. ... .
l$+,=sup{s: sty++, W(s)=O},
x+,=inf(s: s>x+aT, W(s)=O),
. . . . . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,.
di=K-& zi=~;-(~~,+aT),
q=(W(y-1+aT))-2zi, Ni=a,+W(Y,-,+a*),
v,=min{i: xz T},
Furthermore, since for large k, T,ta(T,+,), the events A, and A,* are inde-
pendent for k<l. Hence
for any F>O provided k< I and k is large enough, where the last step follows
from Lemma 16. One easily verifies that
i i WA,41
lim inf 1~ 1 k= 1
n-*x (pyA,))? 51
and by the already quoted Borel-Cantelli lemma (cf. Spitzer, 1964) we have
P(A, i.0.) = 1
which proves Lemma 21.
By the above procedure we have chosen b, excursions (vi, YJ (i = 1,2, . . . , br)
which however are not necessarily the b, largest ones. It is possible that some
of them can be replaced by larger from the intervals (y, 5 + 1) (i = 0, . . . , b, - 1).
But it is readily seen that even the largest b, excursions in (0, YbT) can not
cover more than 1 (Zi +max(R,, a,-R,)). Hence the non-covered part of
i= 1
(0, Y&) is at least 5 min(R,, uT -RJ. Since R,/a, (i= 1, . . . , b,) are i.i.d. random
i= 1
variables having arc sine distribution and
a,=a,lj)=min{i: i>Bk--lrMj(i)=M,(i+l)}.
&=&(j)=max{i: Mj(i)=M,(rJj))},
@(n)=.@j(n)=max{k: a,tj)sn>,
~(n)=~(j)(M)=max(Bo-x,,B,-a tr...,Bg(n)-l-a~(n)-lr n--a,,,,>
Here f-(j)(,) is the length of the longest flat interval of Mj(i) (Oli sn; j
= 1,2). A famous theorem of Levy (see e.g. Knight (1981) p. 130 and Csaki and
RCvCsz (1983)) says that the limit behaviour of M,(n) is the same as that of
S!(n). Applying this result and Theorems B and 1 one has
Consequence. Let f(x) be a non-decreasing function for which
were studied by Csaki et al. (1983) and by Csaki and FGldes (1984).
2. Our Theorems were formulated originally for random walks. In order to
get a simpler proof we reformulated some of them for Wiener processes and
noted that the reformulated versions imply the original ones by invariance
principle. Here we wish to mention that Theorems 1 and 2 can be reformulated
for Wiener process as well.
Acknowledgement. The authors wish to thank the referee for careful reading of their manuscript
and for helpful remarks,
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