Homework 6: AMATH 353 Partial Differential Equations and Waves Weston Barger Summer 2016
Homework 6: AMATH 353 Partial Differential Equations and Waves Weston Barger Summer 2016
Homework 6: AMATH 353 Partial Differential Equations and Waves Weston Barger Summer 2016
1. Recall that for a continuous function on [–L, L], we define the Fourier series of f (x ) to be
a0 X nπx nπx
+ an cos + bn sin ,
2 L L
1 L 1 L
Z nπx Z nπx
an = f (x ) cos dx , bn = f (x ) sin dx ,
L –L L L –L L
converges. Euler’s solution of the Basel problem lauched him into fame in 1735 (he was 28 at the
time) when he provided a proof in which he manipulated Taylor series. Euler solved this problem in 3
different ways in his lifetime, and since mathematicians have continually provied for interesting, and
enlightening approaches to this same problem.
Let f (x ) = x on the interval [–π, π] and compute the Fourier series of f (x ). Then, use (0.1) to solve
the Basel problem.
2. Let f (x ) and g(x ) be functions defined on R and let c1 , c2 ∈ R. Show that F is linear i.e.
We will see what effect the term –γu has on the solution.
(a) Show that the solution to (0.2) is the inverse Fourier transform of
U (ω, t ) = c(ω)e –(σω +γ)t , c(ω) = F{f (x )}.
(b) Following the steps outlined in lecture 10, compute F–1 {U (ω, t )}. Your answer will involve an
integral. HINT: We have that F–1 {g(t )h(ω, t )} = g(t )F–1 {h(ω, t )}, since g(t ) does not depenend
on the variable of integration ω.
(c) In one sentance, describe how the solution to the heat equation with convection (0.2) relates to
the standard heat equation, whose solution we saw in lecture 10.
4. Let F (ω) be the Fourier transform of f (x ) and let β be a constant. Show that
n o
F–1 e i βω F (ω) = f (x – β).