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Grade 7 23

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GRADE 7 Marcelo I.

School Grade Level 7
DAILY Vocational High School
LESSON PLAN Teacher Christian D. Trajico Learning Area MATHEMATICS
January 12, 2023
Teaching Dates
7;15-8-15:,8:15-:15,9:30- Quarter SECOND
and Time
10:30, 2:30-3:30

1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of

2. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving

measurements and solve these using a variety of strategies.
3. Learning Competencies/ Converts measurements from one unit to another in both
Objectives Metric and English systems.
(M7ME-IIb-1 )
a. Convert English system of measurement to metric system
of measurement and vice versa
b. Use the table of conversion accurately
a. c. Realize the importance of knowing how to convert
English to metric and metric to English system of
measurement in real-life situations
II. CONTENT Converting English to Metric System of Measurement
and vice versa
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Module pp 91 – 105

3. Textbook pages Synergy for Success in Mathematics, Grade 7, page 115 -

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources / Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd Cavite Mathematics, 2016
Laptop, LCD projector/ TV


1. Prayer
May I ask everyone to please rise. Let’s bow our head and feel the
Kindly, the prayer leader please go in presence of the Lord, let us pray.
front. In the name of the Father, In the
son and the Holy Spirit Amen.
___________________.In Jesus
Name we pray, Amen!

2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Sir!
How are you today? We’re better than yesterday!

3. Classroom Management
Before you take your seat. Kindly
pick-up all the trashes or pieces of
papers under your chairs and align (students will align their chairs
your chairs properly. properly)

You may now take your seats.

4. Checking of Attendance
Miss secretary, is there any absent Thank you Sir!
for today?

Really? Wow! Very Good! Perfect Sir, there are no absent

attendance. for today.

5. Checking of Assignment: None, Sir.

Do we have an assignment?

A. Reviewing previous lesson Identify the appropriate unit of

and presenting the new measurement for the following:
lesson 1. How heavy is the person
beside you? (The answer will be
2. How tall are you? based on the students
3. How much does your answer)
teacher’s water bottle
4. How much liquid
multivitamin do you take
5. How long is your

B. Establishing a purpose for Do you like to measure

the lesson things? Why?
What do you normally
What satisfaction do you get in
knowing the correct
measurement of things?

The English and metric

systems are used
interchangeably in many
everyday situations. Knowing
the conversion factor is
enough to convert from one
system to another.
Metric to English
1 mm = 0.04 in
1 cm = 0.4 in
1 m = 3.28 ft
1 km = 0.62 mi
1 g = 0.04 oz
1 kg = 2.2 lb
1 MT = 1.1 T
1 mL = 0.03 fl oz
1 L = 2.11 pt
1 L = 1.06 qt
1 L = 0.26 gal
1 cu m = 35.31 cu ft
1 cu m = 1.31 cu yd

English to Metric
1 in = 2.54 cm
1 ft = 30. 48 cm
1 yd = 0.91 m
1 mi = 1.61 km
1 oz = 28.35 g
1 lb = 0.45 kg
1 T = 0.91 MT
1 tsp = 5 mL
1 tbsp = 15 mL
1fl oz = 29.57 mL
1 c = 0.24 L
1 pt = 0.47 L
1 qt = 0.95 L
1 gal = 3.79 L
1 cu ft = 0.03 cu m
1 cu yd =0.76 cu m
C. Presenting examples/ Illustrative example No. 1
instances of the lesson You are a volleyball player of
your school. You are now
registering for the district
sports meet. You are five feet
and four inches tall. However,
the required height is in
centimeters. How will you
convert your height in

Another solution: Use

proportion. Let x be the
missing quantity.
Illustrative example No. 2
Convert 1000 L to pint.

1000 L = 1000 L ( )
= 2127.66 pt
Solution using proportion:

0.47 x = 1000

x = 2,127.66 pt

Illustrative example No. 3

150 lb to kg
Using proportion Solution:

= 150 lb )
= = 68.2 kg
2.2 x = 150

x = 68.2 kg
B. Discussing new concepts Convert each measurement to a. 10 yd to m
and practicing new skills #1 the indicated unit of measure.
0.91 m
= 10 yd ( 1 yd )
a. 10 yd to m
= 9.1 m
= 10 yd ( )= b. 100 mi to km
b. 100 mi to km
1.609 km
= 100 mi ( )
= 100 mi ( )= 1 mi
c. 1000 MT to T = 160.9 km

c. 1000 MT to T
x =( )( )
1000 Mt 1 MT
x = T =
x 1.10231T

( 1.10231 T ) ( 1000 MT )=¿ (xT)


1102.31 T MT ( x )MT

x = 1102.31 T
C. Discussing new concepts Convert each measurement to 30.48 cm
a. 1000 ft x =30480
and practicing new skills #2 the indicated unit of measure. 1 ft
a. 1000 ft = _______cm cm
b. 20 lb = _______kg 1 kg
b. 20 lb x =9.09
c. 350 mm = _______in 2.2lb
d. 750 g = _______oz 1 cm
c. 350 mm x =35 cm
e. 1500 tons (T) = _______ 10 mm
MT 35 cm x
1∈ ¿ =13.78∈¿ ¿
2.54 cm
1 oz
d. 750 g x =26.46 oz
28.35 g
e. 1500 T x
1 MT
=1648.35 MT
0 , 91T
D. Developing mastery Convert the items bought at a 1 kg
a. 50 lbx =22.73 kg
(Leads to Formative local store to the indicated 2.2lb
Assessment 3) measure. 3.3 ft
b. 15mx =49.5 ft
a. 50 lb of sugar = 1m
__________kg 1 kg
c. 1750 g x =1.75 kg
b. 15 m of ribbon = 1000 g
__________ft 2.2 lb
c. 1750 g of sotanghon = 1.75 kg x =3.85lb
1 kg
_________ lb 1 kg
d. 86 lb of roasted coffee d. 86 lbx =39.09 kg
beans = _________kg 1m
e. 8 yd of rope = e. 8 yd x =2.42 m
3.3 yd

E. Finding practical In what instances do you need 1kg

a. 4lb x =1.82 kg
applications of concepts to convert from English to 2.2 lb
and skills in daily living Metric? Metric to English?
100 cm
b. 2.5 m x =250 cm
Convert the items bought at a 1m
local store to the indicated 1 ft
measure. 250 cm x =8.202 ft
30.48 cm
a. 4 lb of flour =
__________kg 1 kg
b. 2.5 m of yarn = c.750 g x =.75 kg
1000 g
c. 750 g of pasta = 2.2lb
.75 kg x =1.65 lb
_________ lb 1 kg
d. 46 lb of dried beans =
1 kg
_________kg d.46 lb x =20.91 kg
e. 9 yd of rope = 2.2lb
________m .91m
e. 9 yd x =8.19 m
1 yd
F. Making generalizations and How do we convert Metric In the metric system, each
abstractions about the System to metric System of basic type of measurement
lesson Measurement? (length, weight, capacity) has
one basic unit of measure
(meter, gram, liter).
Conversions are quickly
made by multiplying or
dividing by factors of 10. It is
as simple as moving the
decimal point to the right (for
smaller prefixes) or to the left
(for larger prefixes)

How do we convert English

System of Measurement to
English System of
Conversion Ratio (or Unit
Measurement or to Metric
Factor): While the Metric
System of Measurement?
System simply moves the
decimal point to convert
between its measurements'
prefixes, the English System
requires a conversion ratio (or
unit factor) to move between
measurements. In the Metric
System, the prefix itself gives
the needed conversion ratio.

A conversion ratio (or unit

factor) is a ratio equal to one.
This ratio carries the names
of the units to be used in the
conversion. It can be used for
conversions within the
English and Metric Systems,
as well as for conversions
between the systems. The
conversion ratio is based
upon the concept of
equivalent values.

G. Evaluating learning Convert each measurement to

the indicated unit of measure.
Write the letter of the correct
1. 0.25 kg = ______lb
a. 0.55 b. 5.5
c. 55 d. 550 2.2lb
2. 28 T = ______MT 1. 0.25 kg x =.55 lb
1 kg
a. 2.548 b. 25.48 A.
c. 254.8 d. 2548 2. 28 T x
3. 380 cm = _______in a.149.61 0.91 MT
b. 1.49 =25.48 MT
c. 15.2 d. 152
4. 70 mi = ______km
3. 380 cm x
a.112.7 b. 11.27 ¿ =149.61∈¿ ¿
c. 1.127 d. 0.1127 1∈
2.54 cm
5. 12 ft = ______cm A
a. 3.6576 b. 36.576
1.61 km
c. 365.76 d. 3657.6 4. 70 mi x = 112.7 km
1 mi
5. 12 ft x
30.48 cm
=365.76 cm
1 ft
J. Additional activities for 1. How do you convert English unit
application or remediation of measurement to Metric unit
of measurement?
2. Study: Metric System of
a. What is the Metric
system of
b. How are the English
and Metric systems of

Are there any question?

If there are no question. Let’s call None Sir
it a day.
Good bye Sir. See you on
Good bye class. tomorrow.


1. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment

2. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation.
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
4. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by Checked by

CHRISTIAN D. TRAJICO Editha Tan M. Salvacion

Substitute Teacher Head Teacher III

Noted by

Principal IV

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