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DLL - Tle 6 - Q3 - W34

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Teaching Dates and
March 6-10, 2023 Quarter THIRD
Teaching Day and Time
Grade Level Section



A. Content Standards Demonstrate an understanding of an understanding of and skills in managing family resources
B. Performance Standards Manages family resources applying the principle of home management
C. Learning Competencies/ TLE6HE-Ob-4
Objectives 1.4 Prepares feasible nd practical budget
( Write the LC code for each) 1.4.1 manages family resources efficiently
1.4.2 prioritizes needs over wants
II.CONTENT Management of family resources
( Subject Matter)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide MELC CG pp. 411 MELC CG pp. 411 MELC CG pp. 411 MELC CG pp. 411
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials http:// http://
from Learning www.socialstudiesforkids.c www.socialstudiesforkids.c
Resource LR portal om/articles/economics/ om/articles/economics/
wantsandneeds1.htm wantsandneeds1.htm
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Recap of the lesson of the Recap of the lesson of the Recap of the lesson of the From the previous
Lesson or presenting previous day previous day previous day lesson that we
new lesson Yesterday, we learned Yesterday, we learned Yesterday, we learned discussed, recite the
budgeting and how it can budgeting and how it can budgeting and how it can importance of proper
be applied to the family. be applied to the family. be applied to the family. selection of fabric for a
Budgeting is critical because Budgeting is critical because sewing project.
it is oftentimes difficult to it is oftentimes difficult to
ensure that we will be able ensure that we will be able
to make both ends meet to make both ends meet
when times are hard. when times are hard.
experience in sewing
may lead to the Yesterday, we discussed
enhancement of one’s the basic tools necessary in
sewing skills. making a sewing project.
Ask: What are the different
measuring, cutting,
marking, and sewing tools
necessary in making a
sewing project?
What are the uses and
functions of the said sewing
B. Establishing a purpose How can we prudently A need is something
for the lesson How can we prudently manage the financial you have to have, The lesson for today will
manage the financial resources of the family? something you can't do enable the students to
resources of the family? Group the class into four without. A good example is learn the proper way of
Group the class into four (4). Each group will answer food. If you don't eat, you preparing the fabric
(4). Each group will answer the question. “How can we won't survive for long. before sewing
the question. “How can we make both ends meet? Many people have gone
make both ends meet? Reporting per group days without eating, but
follows. they eventually ate a lot of
Reporting per group
The results of the discussion food. You might not need a
will be processed by the whole lot of food, but you
The results of the discussion
teachers. do need to eat.
will be processed by the
A want is something
you would like to have.
It is not absolutely
necessary, but it would
be a good thing to have.
A good example is
music. Now, some
people might argue that
music is a need because
they think they can't do
without it. But you don't
need music to survive.
You do need to eat.
Divide the class into four (4)
Using the concepts learned
yesterday, come up with an
activity that will
demonstrate the difference
between needs and wants.
Think of activities outside
the box.

C. Presenting examples/ Presentation per group. Today’s lesson is “Preparing

instances of the new Show photos of different Show photos of different the Fabric”
lesson. items/situations. items/situations. Guide questions:
Ask the learners if they are Ask the learners if they are 1.How do you prepare the
needs or wants. needs or wants. fabric before sewing?
Ask why they think it is a Ask why they think it is a 2.Why is it necessary to
need or want. need or want. soak the fabric in water
3. Why is it important to
condition the fabric for
D. Discussing new The teacher writes two The teacher writes two Giving feedback on Preparing the Fabric:
concepts and practicing columns on the board. One columns on the board. One presentations. 1.Soak cotton fabric
new skills.#1 column has the heading column has the heading Examples of guide overnight in water.
NEEDS. The other column NEEDS. The other column questiona: 2.Hang to dry. Do not wring.
has the heading WANTS. has the heading WANTS. Was the group effective in 3.Iron wrinkles in the fabric
Randomly distribute Randomly distribute emphasizing the difference when dry.
metacards containing a list metacards containing a list between needs and wants? 4.Check the fibers-
of needs and wants. of needs and wants. If yes, How? lengthwise fibers (warp)
Ask the learners to post the Ask the learners to post the What concepts in the should be straight.
metacards on the board. metacards on the board. presentation had an impact 5.Raw edge or selvage
Ask the learner to Ask the learner to on you? Why? should be trimmed.
explain/defend his/her explain/defend his/her Do you think the 6.Iron the fabric, if
choice. choice. presentations can further needed.
be improved? In what way?

E. Discussing new Based on the activity that Based on the activity that
concepts and practicing was conducted ask the was conducted ask the Ask the class on their Fabric should be in proper
new skills #2. learners to differentiate learners to differentiate comments on the output of condition before using for a
needs from wants. needs from wants.
A need is a requirement for A need is a requirement for the groups. Consider the sewing project.
survival, e.g. breathable air. survival, e.g. breathable air. factors that need to be Show different fabrics with
A want is a desire. It may be A want is a desire. It may be considered in budgeting different conditions to the
the desire for a need (e.g. a the desire for a need (e.g. a and principles to make class:
choking person generally choking person generally budgeting a successful and 1.new fabric
wants to be able to wants to be able to full filling task.
2.soaked overnight fabric
breathe) or for something breathe) or for something
3.wrap side of the fabric
not needed for survival, not needed for survival,
4.fabric with selvage
such as chocolate or a new such as chocolate or a new
car. car. 5.wrinkled fabric

Call students who will

prepare the fabric before
sewing in front of the class.

All students must

F. Developing Mastery Show a short clip on Show a short clip on Giving feedback on Let us go back to the guide
(Lead to Formative managing money: Needs managing money: Needs presentations. questions given earlier and
Assessment 3) versus Wants versus Wants Examples of guide let us answer them.
questiona: 1.How do you prepare the
Analyze the movie and Analyze the movie and Was the group effective in fabric before sewing?
relate it to needs versus relate it to needs versus emphasizing the difference 2.Why is it necessary to
wants. Note that some of wants. Note that some of between needs and wants? soak the fabric in water
the contents of the video the contents of the video If yes, How? overnight?
may be debatable e.g. may be debatable e.g. What concepts in the 3. Why is it important to
chocolates is needed by chocolates is needed by presentation had an impact condition the fabric for
soldiers for endurance in soldiers for endurance in on you? Why? sewing?
the middle of a war while in the middle of a war while in Do you think the
a normal situation it is a a normal situation it is a presentations can further
want for another individual. want for another individual. be improved? In what way?

G. Finding practical Ask the class on their Ask the class on their Ask the class on their The right choice of
application of concepts comments on the output of comments on the output of comments on the output of material for the proper
and skills in daily living the groups. Consider the the groups. Consider the the groups. Consider the way of conditioning the
factors that need to be factors that need to be factors that need to be fabric before using, will
considered in budgeting considered in budgeting considered in budgeting help produce well-sewn
and principles to make and principles to make and principles to make and well-fitted sewing
budgeting a successful and budgeting a successful and budgeting a successful and project.
full filling task. full filling task. full filling task.
H. Making Generalizations There is a need to There is a need to There is a need to A well-prepared fabric
and Abstraction about distinguish between need distinguish between need distinguish between need produces well-made project
the Lesson. and want . This will enable and want . This will enable and want . This will enable
us to prioritize needs over us to prioritize needs over us to prioritize needs over
wants, hence ensuring that wants, hence ensuring that wants, hence ensuring that
the budget is enough to the budget is enough to the budget is enough to
make both ends meet more make both ends meet more make both ends meet more
so when times are hard. so when times are hard. so when times are hard.

I. Evaluating Learning If you were given a personal If you were given a personal Accomplish/complete the Ask students to discuss
budget by your parents budget by your parents template. how to prepare the fabric
more than what you really more than what you really Fabric Q Tra Us before using for sewing.
need, how will you spend need, how will you spend ua de es
it? it? lit na
y me
J. Additional activities for Students are asked to Watch again the video of Upon choosing the right Make a video presentation
return the sewing tools in sewing two-toned fabric for a sewing project, of preparing the fabric
application or remediation how do you prepare the before sewing.
their proper place in the pillowcase.
cabinet . Take note of the following: fabric before sewing?
The sewing tools must be Needed tools, materials,
placed correctly in the and equipment
shelves with Size of the fabric
corresponding labels. Steps to follow
A. No. of learners earned 80%in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who required
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learner who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher


Principal I

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