DLL - Tle 6 - Q3 - W34
DLL - Tle 6 - Q3 - W34
DLL - Tle 6 - Q3 - W34
Teaching Dates and
March 6-10, 2023 Quarter THIRD
Teaching Day and Time
Grade Level Section
E. Discussing new Based on the activity that Based on the activity that
concepts and practicing was conducted ask the was conducted ask the Ask the class on their Fabric should be in proper
new skills #2. learners to differentiate learners to differentiate comments on the output of condition before using for a
needs from wants. needs from wants.
A need is a requirement for A need is a requirement for the groups. Consider the sewing project.
survival, e.g. breathable air. survival, e.g. breathable air. factors that need to be Show different fabrics with
A want is a desire. It may be A want is a desire. It may be considered in budgeting different conditions to the
the desire for a need (e.g. a the desire for a need (e.g. a and principles to make class:
choking person generally choking person generally budgeting a successful and 1.new fabric
wants to be able to wants to be able to full filling task.
2.soaked overnight fabric
breathe) or for something breathe) or for something
3.wrap side of the fabric
not needed for survival, not needed for survival,
4.fabric with selvage
such as chocolate or a new such as chocolate or a new
car. car. 5.wrinkled fabric
G. Finding practical Ask the class on their Ask the class on their Ask the class on their The right choice of
application of concepts comments on the output of comments on the output of comments on the output of material for the proper
and skills in daily living the groups. Consider the the groups. Consider the the groups. Consider the way of conditioning the
factors that need to be factors that need to be factors that need to be fabric before using, will
considered in budgeting considered in budgeting considered in budgeting help produce well-sewn
and principles to make and principles to make and principles to make and well-fitted sewing
budgeting a successful and budgeting a successful and budgeting a successful and project.
full filling task. full filling task. full filling task.
H. Making Generalizations There is a need to There is a need to There is a need to A well-prepared fabric
and Abstraction about distinguish between need distinguish between need distinguish between need produces well-made project
the Lesson. and want . This will enable and want . This will enable and want . This will enable
us to prioritize needs over us to prioritize needs over us to prioritize needs over
wants, hence ensuring that wants, hence ensuring that wants, hence ensuring that
the budget is enough to the budget is enough to the budget is enough to
make both ends meet more make both ends meet more make both ends meet more
so when times are hard. so when times are hard. so when times are hard.
I. Evaluating Learning If you were given a personal If you were given a personal Accomplish/complete the Ask students to discuss
budget by your parents budget by your parents template. how to prepare the fabric
more than what you really more than what you really Fabric Q Tra Us before using for sewing.
need, how will you spend need, how will you spend ua de es
it? it? lit na
y me
J. Additional activities for Students are asked to Watch again the video of Upon choosing the right Make a video presentation
return the sewing tools in sewing two-toned fabric for a sewing project, of preparing the fabric
application or remediation how do you prepare the before sewing.
their proper place in the pillowcase.
cabinet . Take note of the following: fabric before sewing?
The sewing tools must be Needed tools, materials,
placed correctly in the and equipment
shelves with Size of the fabric
corresponding labels. Steps to follow
A. No. of learners earned 80%in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who required
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learner who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Principal I