Total Plate Count (<100 UFC/g) Passed Passed Passed 10-123
Yeasts and molds (<100 UFC/g) Passed Passed Passed 10-123
Julie Riviere, Quality Control Manager
Remark: Original packing units tightly closed and stored at room temperature below 25ºC. This certificate is established under the responsibility of our quality control laboratory and is valid without signature. Comparative controls are made against Sensient Cosmetic Technologies. Important: Certificate is for the use of your quality control laboratory. However, it does not relieve it of its obligation to inspect the product upon receipt. Adresse Siège Social SENSIENT COSMETIC TECHNOLOGIES : 7/9 Rue de l'industrie 95310 St-Ouen l'Aumône FR SOCIETE PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIEE AU CAPITAL DE 310.000 EUROS – R.C PONTOISE B 562 128 132 – SIRET 562 128 132 00049 – CODE APE 2012Z N° IDENTIFICATON T.V.A. : FR26562128132 Banque CIC : IBAN : FR76 3006 6108 9800 0100 3680 186 BIC CMCIFRPP All Dates in YYYY-MM-DD format. CIC Cergy Entreprises