Edexcel Biology A2 Core Practical Workbook
Edexcel Biology A2 Core Practical Workbook
Edexcel Biology A2 Core Practical Workbook
Biology A-Level
A2 Core Practical Workbook
Edexcel Specification
2|P age
A2 Core Practicals
5.11 How to study the ecology of an area (see coursework)
6.7 Electrophoresis
3|P age
Validity: A combination of accuracy and reliability.
Valid results are representative and can be
used to make accurate predictions.
Note: it is virtually impossible to prove something correct, yet very simple to prove something
incorrect. Therefore, scientists aim to disprove their Null Hypothesis, which then allows them to accept
their Experimental Hypothesis according to the principle of Occam’s Razor.
4|P age
How Science Works
5|P age
Criteria Learning Outcome Practical
4) Carry out experimental Produce a risk assessment before
and investigative activities, carrying out a range of practical
including appropriate risk work
management, in a range of
5) Analyse and interpret a) Analyze data including use of;
data to provide evidence,
- Descriptive statistics (mean,
recognizing correlations and
mode and median, error bars, SD,
causal relationships
identification of outliers and
- Graphic representation to
identify patterns and
relationships (e.g. correlation and
6|P age
Criteria Learning Outcome Practical
9) Consider applications and a) Evaluate activities in terms of
implications of science and their associated benefits and
appreciate their associated risks to humans, other organisms
benefits and risks and the environment
7|P age
5.17 How temperature affects development of Seedlings
A) B)
Explanation of A Explanation of B
2H202 O2 + 2H2O
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Cumulative volume of gas emitted per time / cm3
Temperature 0s 15s 30s 45s 60s 75s 90s 105s 120s 135s 150s 165s 180s
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6.6 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Heat to 95°C
Cool to 37°C
Heat to 72°C
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The Forensic Science Service use PCR to produce millions of copies
of the STR fragments used in producing a DNA profile. Work
through the interactive tutorial on the polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) which accompanies this activity and use the A2 textbook to
help you complete the following exercise.
1. The enzyme Taq Polymerase is only added during the first PCR
cycle, but continues to catalyse DNA replication through many
cycles. Considering the treatment of the DNA during PCR,
what property does polymerase show that is unusual for an
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Use this page for your answers:
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6.7 Electrophoresis
The phosphate group (PO42-) is strongly negatively charged. This means DNA
will be repulsed from negatively charged things. This is the central idea
between electrophoresis.
Pieces of DNA are placed in a well
Well Large DNA
(hole) at one end of a sheet of agar
+ Small DNA
quickly through the fibres and
move further. Large pieces get
stuck easily & don’t get far.
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Electrophoresis Kit:
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6.18 Which antibiotic is the most effective?
Wear eye protection.
The microorganisms are a potential biological hazard. Use aseptic
techniques when transferring the bacteria to the Petri dishes. Clean the
bench with antibacterial
disinfectant. Do NOT open the Petri dishes once they have been incubated.
1 Wash your hands with the bactericidal soap. Spray the working
area thoroughly with the disinfectant spray and wipe with a
paper towel after waiting for the disinfectant to act (10 minutes
with Virkon, longer with other disinfectants).
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3 Sterilise the forceps by flaming them and allow to cool. Use them
to pick up an antibiotic disc or mast ring. Raise the lid of the
Petri dish and place the mast ring firmly in the centre of the
agar; if individual discs are used they will need to be spaced
evenly around the dish.
4 Tape the dish securely with two pieces of adhesive tape (but do
not seal it completely), then incubate it upside down for 48 hours
at 30 °C.
5 Wash your hands with bactericidal soap and clean the bench
again using the Virkon spray.
6 After incubation, look carefully at the plate but do not open it.
Where bacteria have grown, the plate will look opaque, but where
the antibiotics have inhibited growth, clear areas called
inhibition zones will be seen. Measure the diameter of the
inhibition zones in millimetres and use this information to decide
which antibiotic is most effective at inhibiting the growth of the
7 Collect data from other members of the class who used the
other bacterial cultures.
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Diameter of Ring / mm
Antibiotic 1 2 3 4 5 6 Average
2 Why were you told to incubate the plates at 30°C when human
body temperature is 37°C?
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7.6 Investigating the rate of respiration
syringe scale
three-way tap
glass tubing
1 cm pipette or glass tube coloured liquid
small organisms
soda lime
For safety reasons the chamber is filled with pure O2. Every time
we inhale we breathe in 100% O2 and then breathe out ~95% O2 and
~5% CO2. CO2 is poisonous in high concentration, so the CO2 is
removed from the exhaled air by a soda lime scrubber. This means
that the total volume of the spirometer falls slowly in proportion to
the volume of O2 used per unit time.
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A simple diagram of a
Some Definitions:
Vital Capacity:
Residual Volume:
Before we can record the volume of O2 used per minute we need to calibrate
the spirometer. What does this means and why do we do it?
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Stick a copy of the spirometer chart here and use it to answer the questions on the next page
1. How many small vertical squares represent one litre (use the
initial calibrations)?
Figure 2 Spirometer chart: top trace = after exercise; bottom trace = before exercise.
The three dots above the upper trace are the calibration dots: the
first dot, the lowest of the three, is the baseline level recorded
before any oxygen is added, the second dot is after adding 1 dm3
oxygen to the chamber within the spirometer, and the third dot is
after adding another 1 dm3 oxygen. The chart recorder was set at
0.5 cm s–1. (NB 1 dm3 is the same as 1 litre; 1 dm3 = 1000 cm3.)
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1. Use the trace in the figure to find the effect that exercise had
on breathing volume and rate. Suggest and explanation for your
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8.15 Habituation to a stimulus
Many people will have touched a snail in the garden and noticed that
it immediately withdraws its eye stalks. For such a slow-moving
animal this seems a very quick response. This suggests that it is
important for protection and survival. A snail only withdraws when it
is either inactive or threatened. When touched, it withdraws to
avoid danger. Do snails become habituated to the stimulus, ceasing
to withdraw with repeated stimulation? In this investigation you will
collect data to find out if habituation to a touch stimulus does occur
in these organisms.
Wash your hands thoroughly after touching the snails, once all the
equipment has been put ready for disinfection.
Take care that the stimulus causes no harm to the snails.
You need
● One giant African land snail (or a
garden snail if not available)
● One dampened cotton wool bud
● A suitable clean, firm surface for the
snails (e.g. a plastic chopping board)
● A stopwatch
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3. Firmly touch the snail between the eye stalks with the
dampened cotton wool bud and immediately start the
stopwatch. Measure the length of time between the touch and
the snail being fully emerged from its shell once again, with
its eye stalks fully extended.
4. Repeat the procedure in step 3 for a total of ten touches,
timing how long the snail takes to re-emerge each time.
5. Record your results in the table below and plot a suitable
Touch number Time between touch and the snail being fully emerged / sec
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Core Practical Revision
There will definitely be at least one question on each A2 paper
about a core practical. Questions tend to fall into two categories;
1. Outline a method you could use to test… (i.e. write out the
method for a core practical).
The second type of question relies both on your ability to think like
a scientist on the spot and also on your working knowledge of the
theory behind each practical, so make sure you know exactly why
the IV causes the DV to change as it does.
One way of remembering this is the mnemonic MERC CAR, like this
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As you progress through the year try why not fill out the blank
revision cards below? That way you have a complete record of what
you need to learn in the summer before the summer!
See… important!
Controlled factors:
Additional Notes:
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5.17 - How temperature affects the development of organisms
Controlled factors:
Additional Notes:
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6.7 - Electrophoresis
This practical is about procedure, so make notes here about what you did and why you did it…
Range: none
Additional Notes:
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7.6 - Investigating the rate of respiration
Controlled factors:
Additional Notes:
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8.15 - Habituation to a stimulus
Controlled factors:
Additional Notes:
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