DLL Science Grade 6

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DAILY Teacher Mrs. Lady Jobel B. Rueda Learning Area Science

LESSON Date and December 2, 2022 Quarter Second
LOG Time 6:00-6:50 Section D
7:00-7:50 Section B
9:30-10:20 Section H
10:20-11:10 Section C

new skills # 2 our body?

I.OBJECTIVES - Does the brain, spinal cord,
A. Content Standard The learners will be able to describe and nerves have a big role to
how the nervous system controls all control the organs of our
the organ systems of the body body?
B. Performance Standard To describe how the nervous system What do you think is the importance of
controls all the organs systems of the the parts of the nervous system?
body F. Developing mastery The nerves form a sort of electronic
C. Learning Competency/ The learners should be able to explain (leads to Formative and electrical communicators network
Objectives how the nervous system controls all Assessment 3) that extends to every part of the body.
the organ systems of the body (code: Through the nervous system,
S6LT-IIa-b-1) information travels from the
surroundings, to the persons senses,
II.CONTENT Function of the Nervous System
then to the brain, All of a person’s
III.LEARNING RESOURCES movement, sensations, thought, and
A. References Google, Wikipedia, Science and emotions one part of the work of
Health 6 nervous system
1.Teacher’s Guide pages G. Finding practical An example of the “Impulse-Reaction”
application of concepts process
2.Learner’s Materials pages pp. 55-57 and skills in daily living For instance, when you touch a hot
3.Textbook pages object such as a flat iron, you
4.Additional Materials from immediately withdraw your hand. This
Learning Resource action does not involve your brain
(LR)portal because you do not think at all whether
B. Other Learning Chart, pictures, illustration you avoid the hot object or not. (reflect
Resource action)
IV.PROCEDURES In the case of your touching the flat
iron, the impulse moved from the skin
A. Reviewing previous Describe the function of the
where it come in contact with the flat
lesson or presenting the ff. parts of the nervous
iron along a sensory nerve to your
new lesson system
spinal cord. Hence the impulse set off
1. The central
another impulse in a motor nerve
nervous system
ruining from the spinal cord to your arm
2. The peripheral
muscles. The muscles contracted and
nervous system
pulled your hand away from the flat
3. The autonomic
nervous system
At the same time, the original impulse
4. Sympathetic
travelled up your spinal cord to your
brain, where you feel it as pain
5. Parasympathetic system
B. Establishing a purpose How does the nervous system controls
for the lesson all the organs system of the body? H. Making generalizations How does the nervous system control
Why is a nervous system called the and abstractions about all the organs of our body?
body as communication network? the lesson
C. Presenting The central nervous system and their I. Evaluating learning Identify the following being described.
examples/Instances of functions nervous system. 1. It is the body system with
the new lesson - The brain is the primary a network of nerve cells
component of the nervous that coordinates and
system. Responsible issuing controls the different
nerve impulses activities of the body.
It is the master control center over the 2. It is the control center of
body the nervous system
- The spinal cord is one of the 3. It is a network of nerve
primary portions of the cells
central nervous system. It of 4. It controls involuntary
acts as assort of telegraph movements of some body
cable. It allows signal to be organs such as the heart
sent from the brain to the It consists of the brain and the spinal
parts of the body cord
Show how the nervous system works J. Additional activities for What will you to do protect our nervous
through video application or system?
D. Discussing new The teacher will show a video showing remediation
concepts and practicing works of nervous system and how the V.REMARKS
new skills # 1 nervous system controls all the organs VI.REFLECTION
systems of the body. A. Remarks Score No. of Pupils
E. Discussing new - How does the nervous 1
concepts and practicing system control the organ of

DAILY Teacher Mrs. Lady Jobel B. Rueda Learning Area Science
LESSON Date and December 2, 2022 Quarter Second
LOG Time 6:00-6:50 Section D
7:00-7:50 Section B
9:30-10:20 Section H
10:20-11:10 Section C


B. Reflection

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