Revised Morgan 2001
Revised Morgan 2001
Revised Morgan 2001
A revised version of the Morgan–Morgan–Finney model for prediction of annual soil loss by
water is presented. Changes have been made to the way soil particle detachment by raindrop
impact is simulated, which now takes account of plant canopy height and leaf drainage, and a
component has been added for soil particle detachment by flow. When tested against the same
data set used to validate the original version at the erosion plot scale, predictions made with the
revised model gave slopes of a reduced major-axis regression line closer to 1.0 when compared
with measured values. The coefficient of efficiency, for sites with measured runoff and soil loss,
increased from 0.54 to 0.65. When applied to a new data set for erosion plots in Denmark, Spain,
Greece and Nepal, very high coefficients of efficiency of 0.94 for runoff and 0.84 for soil loss
were obtained. The revised version was applied to two small catchments by dividing them into
land elements and routing annual runoff and sediment production over the land surface from one
element to another. The results indicate that, when used in this way, the model provides useful
information on the source areas of sediment, sediment delivery to streams and annual sediment
yield. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Morgan et al. Ž1984. presented a simple empirical model for predicting annual soil
loss from field-sized areas on hillslopes. The MMF model used the concepts proposed
by Meyer and Wischmeier Ž1969. and Kirkby Ž1976. to provide a stronger physical base
than the Universal Soil Loss Equation ŽWischmeier and Smith, 1978., yet retain the
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306 R.P.C. Morganr Catena 44 (2001) 305–322
detach soil particles were ignored. Since the model was designed to evaluate erosion
where rates are likely to be accelerated by human impact, it may be reasonable to
neglect the transport of particles by raindrop impact because the rates will not be high
enough to present a problem. However, the case for neglecting the detaching power of
runoff is harder to sustain, particularly on steep slopes and where runoff becomes
channelled into rills. The model should therefore be improved by including soil particle
detachment by runoff.
The last decade has seen a change in the use of erosion models from prediction of
soil loss at a field scale to the simulation of the movement of sediment over the land
surface from its point of detachment to either sites of deposition or delivery to water
courses. The change in focus arises from increasing concern about pollution and
sedimentation problems downstream of eroded areas with less emphasis, particularly in
North America and the European Union, on the implications of erosion for long-term
soil productivity.
This paper presents a revised version of the MMF model which takes account of the
need to improve the description of the processes of erosion and the requirement of users
for better guidance on the choice of input parameter values. The revised version is tested
against the data set used to validate the original version of the model and the differences
in performance are noted. The revised version is further tested against a smaller more
recent data set. The model is then applied to two small catchments to show how it might
be used to evaluate the transport of sediment over the landscape and its delivery to water
The MMF model separates the soil erosion process into two phases: the water phase
and the sediment phase. The water phase determines the energy of the rainfall available
to detach soil particles from the soil mass and the volume of runoff. In the erosion
phase, rates of soil particle detachment by rainfall and runoff are determined along with
the transporting capacity of runoff. Using the procedure proposed by Meyer and
Wischmeier Ž1969., predictions of total particle detachment and transport capacity are
compared and erosion rate is equated to the lower of the two rates. Table 1 gives a list of
the input parameters needed to operate the revised version.
The procedure for calculating the energy of rainfall is revised from that in the original
version of the model to take account of the way rainfall is partitioned during interception
and the energy of the leaf drainage. The model takes the annual rainfall total Ž R; mm.
and computes the proportion Žbetween 0 and 1. which reaches the ground surface after
allowing for rainfall interception Ž A. to give the effective rainfall ŽER.:
ER s RA Ž 1.
308 R.P.C. Morganr Catena 44 (2001) 305–322
Table 1
Input parameters for the revised MMF model
Factor Parameter Definition and remarks
Rainfall R Annual or mean annual rainfall Žmm.
Rn Number of rain days per year
I Typical value for intensity of erosive rain Žmmrh.; use 10 for
temperate climates, 25 for tropical climates and 30 for strongly
seasonal climates Že.g. Mediterranean type and monsoon.
Soil MS Soil moisture content at field capacity or 1r3 bar tension Ž% wrw.
BD Bulk density of the top soil layer ŽMgrm3 .
EHD Effective hydrological depth of soil Žm.; will depend on vegetationr
crop cover, presence or absence of surface crust, presence of
impermeable layer within 0.15 m of the surface
K Soil detachability index ŽgrJ. defined as the weight of soil detached
from the soil mass per unit of rainfall energy
COH Cohesion of the surface soil ŽkPa. as measured with a torvane under
saturated conditions
Landform S Slope steepness Ž8.
Land cover A Proportion Žbetween 0 and 1. of the rainfall intercepted by the
vegetation or crop cover
Et r Eo Ratio of actual Ž Et . to potential Ž Eo . evapotranspiration
C Crop cover management factor; combines the C and P factors of the
Universal Soil Loss Equation
CC Percentage canopy cover, expressed as a proportion between 0 and 1
GC Percentage ground cover, expressed as a proportion between 0 and 1
PH Plant height Žm., representing the height from which raindrops fall
from the crop or vegetation cover to the ground surface
Typical values for A for different vegetation and crop types are given in Morgan
The effective rainfall ŽER. is then split into that which reaches the ground surface as
direct throughfall ŽDT. and that which is intercepted by the plant canopy and reaches the
ground as leaf drainage ŽLD.. The split is a direct function of the percentage canopy
cover ŽCC.:
LD s ER = CC Ž 2.
DT s ER y LD Ž 3.
The kinetic energy of the direct throughfall ŽKEŽDT.; Jrm2 . is determined as a
function of the rainfall intensity Ž I; mmrh., using a typical value for the erosive rain of
the climatic region ŽTable 1.. The original version of the MMF model used the
relationship ŽWischmeier and Smith, 1978.:
KE Ž DT . s DT Ž 11.9 q 8.7log I . Ž 4.
which would be applicable to much of the USA east of the Rocky Mountains.
Alternative equations based on local rainfall energy–intensity relationships are now
available ŽTable 2. and may be used for the bracketed term in Eq. Ž4..
R.P.C. Morganr Catena 44 (2001) 305–322 309
Table 2
Relationships between kinetic energy ŽKE; J my2 mmy1 . and rainfall intensity Ž I; mmrh.
Equation Remarks
KE s11.87q8.73log 10 I Assumes raindrop size distribution similar to that measured by
Laws and Parsons; used as the basis for rating erosivity in the
Universal Soil Loss Equation ŽWischmeier and Smith, 1978.;
suitable for North America east of the Rocky Mountains
KE s8.95q8.44log 10 I Assumes raindrop size distribution similar to that measured by
Marshall and Palmer; suitable for north-western Europe and
similar climates
KE s9.81q11.25log 10 I Developed by Zanchi and Torri Ž1980. for central Italy;
suitable for Mediterreanean-type climates
KE s 35.9Ž1y0.56ey0 .034 I . Developed by Coutinho and Tomas ´ Ž1995. in Portugal;
suitable for western Mediterranean
KE s 29.8yŽ127.5r I . Developed by Hudson Ž1965. in Zimbabwe; use for tropical climates
KE s9.81q10.60log 10 I Developed by Onaga et al. Ž1998. for Okinawa, Japan;
use for eastern Asia
KE s 29.0Ž1y0.6ey0 .04 I . Developed by Rosewell Ž1986. for New South Wales, Australia;
use for temperate southern hemisphere climates
Where available, other locally derived equations may be used in preference to the above.
The kinetic energy of the leaf drainage ŽKEŽLD.; Jrm2 . is dependent upon the height
of the plant canopy ŽPH; m. as proposed by Brandt Ž1990.:
The procedure for estimating the annual runoff Ž Q; mm. remains unchanged. It is
based on the method proposed by Kirkby Ž1976. which assumes that runoff occurs when
the daily rainfall exceeds the soil moisture storage capacity Ž R c ; mm. and that daily
rainfall amounts approximate an exponential frequency distribution. The annual runoff is
obtained from:
Q s Rexp Ž yR crR o . Ž 7.
where R o s the mean rain per rain day Žmm. Ži.e. RrR n , where n s the number of rain
days in the year..
The soil moisture storage capacity is estimated from:
R c s 1000MS= BD = EHD Ž EtrEo . Ž 8.
310 R.P.C. Morganr Catena 44 (2001) 305–322
where MS s the soil moisture content at field capacity Ž% wrw., BD s the bulk density
of the soil ŽMgrm3 ., EHD s the effective hydrological depth of the soil Žm. and
EtrEo s the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration. The term, EHD, replaces the
rooting depth ŽRD. used in the original model and indicates the depth of soil within
which the moisture storage capacity controls the generation of runoff. It is a function of
the plant cover, which influences the depth and density of roots, and, in some instances,
the effective soil depth, for example on soils shallower than 0.1 m or where a surface
seal or crust has formed. Table 3 gives some guide values for EHD for use with the
revised MMF model. At present, the effect of different types of tillage practice on EHD
has not been evaluated. It is recommended that tillage be accounted for by adjusting the
C factor value ŽEq. Ž12. below..
In the revised MMF model, rainfall interception is allowed for in the estimation of
rainfall energy. It is therefore removed from the equation used to describe soil particle
detachment by raindrop impact Ž F; kgrm2 . which then simplifies to:
F s K = KE = 10y3 Ž 9.
where K is the erodibility of the soil ŽgrJ.. Guide values for K have been revised and
now cover a wider range of soil textures ŽTable 4..
The revised model includes a new component to estimate the detachment of soil
particles by runoff. Based on experimental work by Quansah Ž1982., this is considered
Table 3
Recommended values for Effective Hydrological Depth ŽEHD.
Condition EHD Žm.
Bare soil without surface crust; 0.09
no impermeable barrier in top 0.2 m
Bare shallow soils on steep slopes; 0.05
crusted soils
Row crops Že.g. wheat, barley, 0.12
maize, beans, rice.
Row crops intercropped with 0.15
Mature forest, dense secondary forest 0.20
Rubber, oil palm 0.15
Cocoa, coffee 0.12
Banana 0.18
Savannarprairie grass 0.14
Cultivated grass 0.12
Cotton 0.10
Groundnut 0.12
Where terracing is used, add 0.01 to EHD to take account of the resulting increase in water storage.
R.P.C. Morganr Catena 44 (2001) 305–322 311
Table 4
Guide values for soil parameters
Soil type MS BD K COH
Sand 0.08 1.5 1.2 2
Loamy sand – – 0.3 2
Sandy loam 0.28 1.2 0.7 2
Loam 0.20 1.3 0.8 3
Silt – – 1.0 –
Silt loam 0.25 1.3 0.9 3
Sandy clay loam – – 0.1 3
Clay loam 0.40 1.3 0.7 10
Silty clay loam – – 0.8 9
Sandy clay – – 0.3 –
Silty clay 0.30 – 0.5 10
Clay 0.45 1.1 0.05 12
The parameters MS, BD, K and COH are defined in Table 1; where available, measured values should always
be used in preference to the guide values given above.
as a function of runoff Ž Q ., slope steepness Ž S . and the resistance of the soil Ž Z .. The
detachment by runoff Ž H; kgrm2 . is estimated from:
H s ZQ1.5 sinS Ž 1 y GC . = 10y3 Ž 10 .
where GC s percentage ground cover. The equation assumes that soil particle detach-
ment by runoff occurs only where the soil is not protected by ground cover. As a first
approximation, this seems reasonable since, where a vegetation cover is present, the
shear velocity of the flow is imparted to the plants and not to the soil.
For loose, non-cohesive soils, Z s 1.0. Based on a simplification of the work of
Rauws and Govers Ž1988. which emphasized the cohesion of the soil ŽCOH; kPa. as an
important component of its resistance to erosion:
Zs Ž 11 .
Ž 0.5COH .
Values of cohesion should be obtained for saturated soil using a torvane. Table 4
gives some guide values based on those used in EUROSEM ŽMorgan et al., 1993..
The method for estimating transport capacity of the runoff ŽTC; kgrm2 . remains
unchanged from that used in the original version of the model, so that:
TC s CQ 2 sinS = 10y3 Ž 12 .
where C s the crop or plant cover factor, taken as equal to the product of the C and P
factors of the Universal Soil Loss Equation, and S is the slope angle Ž8.. The C factor
can be adjusted to take account of different tillage practices and levels of crop residue
Table 5
Comparison of predicted annual runoff and soil loss from old and new versions of the MMF model
Site Runoff Žmm. Soil loss Žkgrm2 .
Observed Prediction Prediction Observed Prediction Prediction
old version new version old version new version
Lushoto, Tanzania
Clay soil, maizerbeans intercropping 0.2–1.0 3.74–6.85 11.93–18.98 0.001 0.001–0.002 0.005–0.014
Sandy clay loam, evergreen forest 2.6–5.7 2.59–5.96 45.57–79.39 0.001–0.003 0.000 0.002–0.005
Sandy clay loam, steep slope, evergreen forest 8.5–14.8 3.25–7.31 51.25–88.29 0.001–0.013 0.000 0.004–0.013
Sefa, Senegal
Loam, secondary tropical forest 1.6–19.2 154.8 399.9 0.002–0.02 0.009 0.006
Loam, groundnut 130–699 370.8 723.4 0.29–1.63 1.38 2.43
Loam, cotton 15–699 429.0 645.8 0.05–1.85 1.84 4.17
Loam, mechanized maize 504 420.3 636.8 1.03 0.71 1.62
Loam, sorghum 390–683 442.5 659.9 0.33–1.24 1.57 3.48
Trier, Germany
Sandy loam, vines nra 5.8 25.54 0.003–0.004 0.005 0.134
Clay loam, citrus, clean cultivation 1268 580.2 654.4 15.64 10.25 16.34
Henderson, Zimbabwe
Clay, maize 8–61 26.7 77.7 0.2–0.3 0.013 0.106
Clay, cropped grass 8–26 18.6 60.8 0.05–0.1 0.000 0.016
Mpwapwa, Tanzania
Sandy loam, bare ground 446 212.7 389.5 14.7 2.78 6.64
Sandy loam, sorghum and millet 80–259 5.72 140.9 5.5–9.0 0.001 0.61
Sandy loam, tufted grass 8–65 2.9 109.6 0.0–0.07 0.000 0.07
Sandy loam, savanna grass 3–4 20.4 58.6 0.0 0.000 0.002
Lyamungu, Tanzania
Clay loam, coffee, clean cultivation 15–232 28.18 165.5 4.3 0.04 1.36
Clay loam, coffee, cover crops 10–98 9.57 54.3 0.4 0.002 0.015
Clay loam, coffee, contour ridges 36 28.18 165.5 0.3 0.004 0.09
Clay loam, coffee, cover crops, contour ridges 27 9.57 54.3 0.1 0.000 0.005
Table 5 Ž continued .
Site Runoff Žmm. Soil loss Žkgrm2 .
Observed Prediction Prediction Observed Prediction Prediction
old version new version old version new version
Tuanshuangou, China
Silt loam, milletrmungbean nra 278.3 117.6–307.5 0.1–23.4 7.89 0.84–3.15
Silt loam, potato nra 250.3 219.6 43.9 7.59 2.00
Sandy loam, oil palm 263–657 294–757 307–792 0.77–0.89 0.29–0.76 0.32–0.73
Sandy loam, bare soil 532–642 827 1346 2.93–3.39 3.73 6.56
Sandy loam, groundnut 273–328 273 636 0.64–1.01 1.04 0.74
Sandy loam, maize 365–378 340 726 0.56–0.81 1.07 1.36
Sandy loam, maize with mulch 73–80 298 638 0.04–0.06 0.06 0.15
Sandy clay loam, bare soil 688–941 829 1667 2.44–3.92 3.93 7.10
Sandy clay loam, groundnut 241–388 266 439 0.51–0.97 0.99 0.61
Sandy clay loam, cowpea 260–302 291 471 0.59–0.61 1.18 1.37
Clay loam, primary rain forest nra 181 111 0.004–0.024 0.027 0.01
The estimates of soil particle detachment by raindrop impact and by runoff are added
together to give a total annual detachment rate. This is then compared with the annual
transport capacity and the lesser of the two values is the annual erosion rate ŽMeyer and
Wischmeier, 1969..
3. Validation of the revised MMF model with the original data set
New data input files were prepared for the 67 sites used for validating the original
version of the MMF model on erosion plots of varying sizes. Table 5 lists the sites, the
observed annual runoff and erosion rates, and the predicted values obtained with the old
and new versions of the model. Information on the sites and sources of the measured
data are contained in Morgan and Finney Ž1982..
For comparing the predicted Ž Y . with the observed Ž X . values, Morgan et al. Ž1984.
used reduced major-axis regression lines ŽKermack and Haldane, 1950; Till, 1973. to
allow for likely errors in observed values. The original version of the model produced
the following results for which coefficient of efficiency ŽCE. values ŽNash and Sutcliffe,
1970; Risse et al., 1993. have been calculated to indicate the variance from a one-to-one
prediction line:
Eq. Ž18. is based on omitting data for those sites in Belgium, Malaysia and China for
which observed runoff values are not available. The results for runoff ŽEq. Ž16.. give a
Table 6
Comparison of observed and predicted annual runoff and soil loss for revised MMF model
Site Runoff Žmm. Soil loss Žkgrm2 .
Observed Predicted Observed Predicted
Foulam, Denmark (loamy sand, 10% slope)
Rye grass cut four times per year 11.0 4.5 0.003 0.000
Spring barley sown with rye grass, 18.4 1.5 0.042 0.000
over winter, spring-ploughed
Spring barley, autumn ploughing 17.4 3.3 0.269 0.000
Winter wheat, autumn ploughing 98.4 3.3 1.279 0.000
up-and-down slope
Winter wheat, autumn ploughing 89.1 3.3 1.108 0.000
across slope
Bare soil fallow 111.6 59.2 1.087 0.365
El Ardal, Spain
Sandy loam, bare soil fallow, 5.9 116.7 0.009 0.948
7% slope
Loam, matorral Žmainly Rosemary, 5.0 20.8 0.007 0.018
Juniper. 28% slope
Loam, cut matorral, 28% slope 9.4 20.8 0.046 0.049
Clay loam, barley, 7% slope 10.4 51.1 0.061 0.037
Clay loam, wheat, 7% slope 10.4 42.6 0.061 0.026
Spata, Greece
Clay loam, olives, 19% slope 0.7 1.2 0.005 0.000
Clay loam, vineyard, 11% slope 3.4 1.3 0.041 0.000
´ ´
Observed data taken from Schjønning et al. Ž1995., Lopez-Bermudez ´ et al. Ž1999. and
Ž1993., Romero-Dıaz
Wouters and Shrestha Ž1986..
R.P.C. Morganr Catena 44 (2001) 305–322 317
very good 1:1 relationship between observed and predicted values but the intercept value
is much higher than was the case with the original model, indicating an overprediction
of runoff at low values. This overprediction is the cause of the decrease in the
coefficient of efficiency. The predicted erosion, expressed by Eq. Ž18., also yields a 1:1
relationship with an intercept value close to zero and a much improved value of the
coefficient of efficiency. Overall, the revised MMF model appears to give better annual
predictions of both runoff and soil loss than the original version.
A further test of the new model was carried out using data from research stations at
Foulum and Ødum, Denmark ŽSchjønning et al., 1995., El Ardal, Spain ŽLopez ´
Bermudez, 1993., Spata, Greece ŽRomero-Dıaz ´ et al., 1999. and Pakhribas, Nepal
ŽWouters and Shrestha, 1986. covering 24 sites in all. The list of sites with observed
annual runoff and erosion rates and the rates predicted by the model is given in Table 6.
The reduced major-axis regression lines for runoff and erosion show 1:1 relationships
between observed and predicted values and, for erosion, an intercept value close to zero:
Y s y6.204 q 1.086 X for runoff, n s 24, CE s 0.94 Ž 19 .
Y s y0.172 q 1.172 X for soil loss, n s 24, CE s 0.84 Ž 20 .
These tests, with very high values for the coefficient of efficiency, indicate that the
revised version of the model can give reasonable results in conditions ranging from the
temperate climate of northern Europe to the Mediterranean climate of southern Europe
and the tropical monsoon climate of the Himalayas.
The application of the model to a catchment requires dividing the catchment into
hillslope elements which can be considered reasonably homogeneous in their soil, slope
and land cover. The elements are then arranged in a cascading sequence to represent
how runoff passes over the land surface from one element to the next. The application
depends on the assumption that it is feasible to average the water and sediment budgets
for these elements over the period of 1 year or, in some cases, an average of years where
mean annual data are used as inputs.
The routing procedure is relatively simple and operates as follows. The total runoff
Ž Q . on element Ž i . is the summation of the runoff generated on element Ž i . and that
received from the element immediately upslope. This summated runoff is used to
determine the transport capacity on element Ž i .. The annual rate of the supply of
detached material on element Ž i . is the sum of the detachment rate by rainfall and runoff
on element Ž i . and the influx of material from the element above. These estimates of
detachment and transport capacity are used to determine the annual rate of sediment
output from element Ž i . to either the next element downslope or the river system.
318 R.P.C. Morganr Catena 44 (2001) 305–322
The revised MMF model is applied to a 0.0268-km2 catchment within the Kulekhani
Watershed which lies between 1620 and 1720 m in altitude in the middle mountains of
the Himalayan Range in Nepal. Some 0.0252 km2 of the catchment is treated with
outward-sloping bench terraces on which maize, millet and beans are grown, and the
remainder of the catchment is under a poor growth of secondary broad-leaved forest
which is pruned annually for fodder and compost. The model is applied to the water year
November 1991 to October 1992 when the rainfall total was 1106 mm. The soils are silt
loams and 84% of the land area has slopes steeper than 15% ŽPerino, 1993.. The
catchment is divided into 17 land elements ŽFig. 1; Table 7..
Fig. 1. Kulekhani Watershed showing land elements Žnumbered. and direction of flow from one element to
another. Where no arrow is indicated, the element discharges directly into the river system.
R.P.C. Morganr Catena 44 (2001) 305–322 319
Table 7
Predicted annual runoff and soil loss in the Kulekhani Watershed, Nepal, for the water year November
1991–October 1992
Land element Soil loss Žkgrm2 .
As single Allowing for Net erosion
element routing
1—1% slope, bench terraces 0.01 0.01 0.01
2—40% slope, bench terraces 0.39 0.71 0.70
3—63% slope, bench terraces 0.61 3.19 2.48
4—23% slope, bench terraces 0.22 0.22 0.22
5—40% slope, bench terraces 0.39 0.39 0.39
6—1% slope, bench terraces 0.01 0.01 0.01
7—40% slope, bench terraces 0.39 0.51 0.50
8—23% slope, bench terraces 0.22 2.20 1.69
9—1% slope, bench terraces 0.01 0.01 0.01
10—63% slope, bench terraces 0.10 0.11 0.10
11—63% slope, bench terraces 0.61 0.61 0.61
12—40% slope, forest 0.17 0.64 0.04
13—23% slope, forest 0.10 1.76 2.40
14—1% slope, bench terraces 0.01 0.01 0.01
15—63% slope, bench terraces 0.61 0.76 0.75
16—63% slope, forest 0.27 1.80 1.05
17—23% slope, forest 0.10 6.28 4.48
Observed soil loss from catchment 0.53 kgrm2
Predicted soil loss from catchment 0.64 kgrm2
Observed runoff from catchment 7.24 mm
Predicted runoff from catchment 9.22 mm
Soil loss predictions are for each element with no input of soil from the slope above Žcolumn 2. and allowing
for inputs of runoff and sediment from upslope Žcolumn 3.. Net erosion Žcolumn 4. is the result of comparing
annual output of sediment from the element with annual input from the slope above.
The results ŽTable 7. indicate that the model gives reasonable predictions of both
runoff and erosion for the catchment as a whole. A detailed analysis of the individual
elements shows that the contributors of sediment to the river system are elements 3, 13
and 17. By comparing the input and output of sediment, it is possible to determine the
net erosion or deposition on each element. Table 7 also gives the field-scale erosion rate
which would be predicted if each element was considered in isolation, i.e. with no
routing of runoff and sediment over the land surface. These data show that erosion is
highest on elements 3, 11 and 15 which are terraced slopes of 63%; in all cases, the
annual amount is less than 1.0 kgrm2 . The routing procedure implies that with the
downslope accumulation of runoff, giving increased erosion potential, the poor sec-
ondary growth of forest on elements 13 and 17 provide insufficient protection. For
example, the predicted erosion for the year on element 17 is 0.10 kgrm2 when
considered in isolation but 0.28 kgrm2 when it is placed in its catenary sequence.
Summing the erosion on the individual elements yields a gross erosion rate of 1.02
kgrm2 and a predicted sediment delivery ratio Ž0.64:1.02. of 63% which, for this size of
catchment, seems reasonable ŽRenfro, 1975..
320 R.P.C. Morganr Catena 44 (2001) 305–322
Table 8
Comparison of observed and predicted annual runoff and soil loss for the Catsop watershed in 1989
Runoff Soil loss
Žmm. Žkgrm2 .
Observed value 7.35 not measured
Predicted value Ždata on land cover 1.08 0.000006
based on crops grown.
Predicted value Ždata on land cover 12.48 0.035
seasonally weighted to allow for
periods of bare ground.
6. Conclusions
The revised MMF model provides an improved description of the water erosion
processes operative on hillslopes in small catchments. The predictions of annual runoff
and soil loss at an erosion plot scale are better than those obtained with the original
version of the model, using results from the original data set as a basis for comparison.
However, neither version predicts the very high rates of erosion measured on plots in the
loess region of China. Taking results from a new data set covering north European,
Mediterranean and tropical monsoon conditions, the generally improved performance of
the model is confirmed, using the values of the slope and intercept of reduced major-axis
regression lines between predicted and observed data as criteria. In addition, the model
yields high values of the Nash and Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency. Applications of the
model to two small catchments show that meaningful results can be obtained from
routing runoff and sediment over the landscape on an annual basis. Output from the
R.P.C. Morganr Catena 44 (2001) 305–322 321
model can be used to identify source areas of sediment within the catchment and to
estimate sediment delivery ratios. Overall, the model is considered suitable for rapid
first-approximaton determinations of erosion rates.
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