Journal Jpe 17-4 810696798
Journal Jpe 17-4 810696798
Journal Jpe 17-4 810696798
JPE 17-4-16 ISSN(Print): 1598-2092 / ISSN(Online): 2093-4718
This paper presents an interleaving scheme for parallel-connected power systems to reduce the DC-link current ripple. A
paralleled generator system generates current ripple by the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) of each generator side converter.
The current ripple in the DC-link degrades the efficiency of the whole generator system and decreases the lifetime of the DC-link
capacitors. To mitigate these issues, the expression of the DC-link current is derived by a double-integral Fourier analysis while
considering the modulation schemes. Optimized interleaving angles for the parallel generator system are obtained based on an
analysis to minimize the dominant current harmonics component. Finally, the proposed interleaving scheme reduces the RMS
value of the DC-link current ripple. Simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed interleaving
Key words: Double-integral Fourier analysis, DC-link current ripple, Interleaving scheme, Parallel-connected generator systems
© 2017 KIPE
An Interleaving Scheme for DC-link Current Ripple Reduction in Parallel-Connected … 1005
y Rising edge of x Falling edge of x y Rising edge of x Falling edge of x
3M 3M
0 y [1 cos( y )] [1 cos( y )] y
3 2 2 6 2 2 6 6 6
2 3M 3M 3M 3M
y [1 cosy] [1 cosy] y cos( y ) cos( y )
3 3 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 6 2 6
2 3M 3M 5 3M 3M
y [1 cos( y )] [1 cos( y )] y [1 cos( y )] [1 cos( y )]
3 2 2 6 2 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6
4 3M 3M 5 7
y [1 cos( y )] [1 cos( y )] y 0 0
3 2 2 6 2 2 6 6 6
4 5 3M 3M 7 3 3M 3M
y [1 cosy] [1 cosy] y [1 cos( y )] [1 cos( y )]
3 3 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 6 2 6
5 3M 3M 3 11 3M 3M
y 2 [1 cos( y )] [1 cos( y )] y cos( y ) cos( y )
3 2 2 6 2 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6
c3 c1 2 (18) Fig. 6 shows the actualization process of the interleaving
Considering the even distribution of the output currents scheme of 3-parallel-connected generator systems with a
from each of the converters, the DC-link current harmonics decreased DC-link current ripple. First, the parallel-connected
from each of the converters with the interleaving scheme can PMSGs are controlled with the reference q-axis current to
be defined as: generate power. Furthermore, the grid side converter controls
the voltage of the DC-link with a constant value for the
idc3_ h (m, n) idc 2 _ h (m, n)e jm idc1_ h (m, n)e jm2 (19)
power factor control of the system.
The current idc flowing through the capacitor can be The current controller creates the references of the
expressed as a summation of the DC-link current from each modulation voltage signal. Then they are used to control the
of the converters, as shown in Eq. (20). generator side converter switching, using the considered
idc idc1 i dc2 idc3 (20) PWM schemes (SPWM, SVPWM, and DPWM). The carrier
From Eqns. (19) and (20), the amplitude of the total waves used in the PWM schemes are determined by the
DC-link current ripple from the generator side converters proposed interleaving scheme. Thus, this simple method
with the interleaving scheme can be represented as: achieves a reduced current ripple in the DC-link for a parallel
idc _ h idc1_ h (m, n) idc 2_ h (m, n) idc3_ h (m, n)
Fig. 6. Block diagram of the 3-parallel generator system control using the proposed scheme.
Rs 0.158 Ω
Ld 1.55 mH
Lq 1.76 mH
P (Pole) 8
Rated power 5.5 kW
Rated speed 1750 rpm
Rated torque 2.02 N·m (a)
Rated current 13.5 Arms
Interleaving Angle DC-link Current Ripple
0 3.49 A
/3 1.81 A
/2 2.51 A
2 / 3 2.03 A
Interleaving Angle DC-link Current Ripple
0 3.57 A
Fig. 8. Hardware setup for the experiment.
/3 1.78 A
/2 2.60 A
2 / 3 2.03 A
Interleaving Angle DC-link Current Ripple
0 3.56 A
/3 2.14 A
/2 2.06 A
2 / 3 1.89 A (a)
Fig. 8 shows the experimental setup of the generators. The
overall experimental setup comprises control boards, power
boards, and PMSGs. The generator side inverters are
controlled under the current control mode by employing a
digital signal processor (DSP) TMS320F28335. 7.5kW
induction motors with a rated speed of 1,750 rpm are used as
load motors for this experiment. The PMSM speed
information was attained using a rotary incremental encoder. (b)
The experimental parameters and operating conditions are the Fig. 9. DC-link current ripple waveforms with SPWM: (a) without
same as those of the PSIM simulations. an interleaving scheme and (b) with / 3 interleaving.
Fig. 9 shows experimental waveforms that verify the
effectiveness of the proposed interleaving scheme for a effectiveness of the harmonics components with FFT
parallel-connected generator system with SPWM. Since the waveforms by applying the interleaving method with SPWM.
interleaving scheme only controls the total DC-link current Fig. 10(a) shows that the harmonics in the second-order
by delaying the carrier waves of each generator side switching frequency is dominant. Fig. 10(b) shows that the
converter, the amplitude and RMS value of the DC-link dominant harmonics component is decreased by applying the
current from each of the converters (idc1, idc2, idc3) are the same, proposed method.
even when the interleaving scheme is applied. However, Fig. 11 shows DC-link current ripple waveforms and FFT
applying the interleaving scheme can decrease the total of the current ripple when the SVPWM scheme is used. Fig.
DC-link current ripple (idc). Fig. 9(a) shows that the RMS 11(a) shows that the dominant harmonic components of the
value before applying the interleaving scheme is 3.76 A. Fig. DC-link current is located in the second-order switching
9(b) confirms that applying the proposed interleaving scheme frequency and that the RMS value of the DC-link current
with an optimal angle of π/3 reduces the RMS value of the ripple is 3.98 A without the interleaving scheme. Fig. 11(b)
current ripple to 1.92 A. In addition, Fig. 10 shows the shows that the dominant harmonic is cancelled and that the
An Interleaving Scheme for DC-link Current Ripple Reduction in Parallel-Connected … 1011
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
Fig. 10. DC-link current harmonics waveforms with SPWM: (a) Fig. 12. DC-link current harmonics waveforms with DPWM: (a)
without interleaving scheme and (b) with / 3 interleaving. without interleaving scheme and (b) with 2 / 3 interleaving.
This paper presents an interleaving scheme for DC-link
current ripple reduction in N-parallel connected generator
systems. The proposed method analyzes the current
harmonics components generated through the generator side
converters using the double-integral Fourier method for
various PWM switching schemes. Then it selects an
(b) optimized interleaving angle based on this analysis, in order
Fig. 11. DC-link current harmonics waveforms with SVPWM: (a) to reduce the current ripple in the DC-link. Both simulation
without interleaving scheme and (b) with / 3 interleaving. and experimental results demonstrate the validity of the
interleaving scheme with 3-parallel 5.5 kW PMSGs. A
RMS value is reduced to 1.82 A by using the simple comparison with the traditional method confirms the validity
interleaving scheme with an optimal angle. of the proposed method.
1012 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 17, No. 4, July 2017