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Simple and systematic LCL filter design for three-phase grid-connected

power converters

Article in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation · October 2015

DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2015.09.011


41 11,928

4 authors, including:

Marwa Ben Saïd-Romdhane Ilhem Slama-Belkhodja

École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis Université de Tunis El Manar


E. Monmasson
CY Cergy Paris University


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Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) –

Original articles

Simple and systematic LCL filter design for three-phase

grid-connected power converters
M. Ben Saı̈d-Romdhane a,∗ , M.W. Naouar a , I. Slama. Belkhodja a , E. Monmasson b
a Université de Tunis El Manar, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis, LR 11 ES 15, Laboratoire des Systèmes Electriques,
BP 37-1002, Tunis le Belvédère, Tunisie
b SATIE, University of Cergy-Pontoise, 33 bd du Port, 95000 Cergy-Pontoise, France

Received 22 October 2014; received in revised form 20 June 2015; accepted 14 September 2015


The objective of this paper is to propose a simple, less intuitive and systematic design methodology for the tuning of LCL
filter parameters. The considered design methodology takes into account the LCL filter topologies, which can be based either on
wye or delta connected capacitors. The advantages and drawbacks of each topology are discussed in order to achieve an optimal
design. The obtained filter parameters have been firstly tested using Matlab-Simulink software tool. After that, they have been
tested through an experimental set-up. The obtained simulation and experimental results show the performances and effectiveness
of the proposed design methodology.
⃝c 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS).

Keywords: LCL filter; Design methodology; Grid connected power converter

1. Introduction

Nowadays, high price, lack and polluting effects of fuel sources make them less and less attractive solutions to
generate electrical power. For these reasons, electrical power generation based on renewable energy sources (like
photovoltaic systems, wind turbine systems, biomass units. . . ) becomes one of the biggest concerns of our time [1,10,
11,19]. Moreover, this kind of electrical power generation does not harm to the environment and its cost will decrease
in the near future. The power generated through renewable energy sources is conditioned by grid connected power
converters [17,6,23]. These power converters are usually associated to high order filters such as LCL filters in order
to meet standards and grid code requirements [4,22]. The common use of LCL filters is due to their high filtering
performances and their minimized cost, size and weight compared to the conventional L filter [5,8,2]. Besides,
this kind of filters is suitable to meet harmonic constraints as defined by standards like IEEE-1547 and IEEE-519.
Furthermore, the LCL filter allows working with relatively a low switching frequency since it allows attenuation of

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane), wissem [email protected] (M.W. Naouar),
[email protected] (I.S. Belkhodja), [email protected] (E. Monmasson).

0378-4754/⃝ c 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS).
2 M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane et al. / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) –

60 dB per decade of the switching harmonics. However, they have to work at different operating conditions, which
make the tuning of their inductor and capacitor parameters complex, since they must achieve efficient current harmonic
Several methods for LCL filter design were presented and discussed in literature [10,12,14,16]. All of them tried
to perform efficient tuning of LCL filter parameters according to different constraints and requirements. However,
up to now, there is no fixed reference or guide line for the LCL filter components selection [3,9,13,20]. In fact, it
has been noticed that there is few research that provides a systematic, less intuitive and comprehensive LCL filter
design methodology. Moreover, practical cases of wye and delta connected filter capacitors are not considered in most
existing design methodologies [7]. The objective of this paper is to propose a simple, less intuitive and systematic
design methodology for the tuning of LCL filter parameters. The considered design methodology combines the
benefits of the existing design methodologies and attempts to overcome their drawbacks. These drawbacks can be
the difficulty and the complexity of the design methodology [3,20], and/or the non consideration of some constraints
and requirements [9,13,5]. Moreover, it takes into account the LCL filter topologies, which can be based either on wye
or delta connected capacitors. The advantages and drawbacks of each topology and the tuning of filter parameters in
each case are discussed and taken into account in the proposed LCL filter design methodology.
This paper is organized as follows. Firstly, in Section 2, the mathematical models and transfer functions of both
LCL filter topologies are presented. Then, in Section 3, the step-by-step LCL filter design methodology is detailed and
discussed in order to achieve an optimal tuning of the filter parameters. After that, in Section 4, the designed LCL
filters for both topologies (i.e. with wye and delta connected capacitors) are presented and tested through simulation
under Matlab-Simulink software tool. Finally, in Section 5, the proposed design methodology was verified through
experimental tests. The obtained experimental results are quite similar to those of simulation. This shows that the
proposed design methodology presents a simple and powerful tool for the design of LCL filters.

2. LCL filter mathematical model

The power circuit of a three phase grid connected power converter is presented in Fig. 1. As depicted in this figure,
the LCL filter is used to interface between the power converter and the grid. Vi(a,b,c) (respectively i i(a,b,c) ) refer to the
components of the output power converter voltage vector (respectively the components of the output power converter
current vector) in the stationary reference frame, while Vg(a,b,c) (respectively i 2(a,b,c) ) refer to the components of
the grid voltage vector (respectively the components of the grid current vector) in the stationary reference frame. L 2
(respectively L i ) refer to the grid side inductor of the LCL filter (respectively the converter side inductor of the LCL
filter), while R2 (respectively Ri ) refer to the internal resistance of the grid side inductor, (respectively the internal
resistance of the converter side inductor). C f (respectively Rd ) refer to the LCL filter capacitor (respectively the
damping resistor), while Vc(a,b,c) (respectively i c(a,b,c) ) refer to the components of the voltage across the capacitor
in series with the damping resistor (respectively the components of the capacitor current vector) in the stationary
reference frame.
There are two possible ways to connect an LCL filter to a three phase system depending on the capacitor connection.
The first one is based on wye connected capacitors, while the second one is based on delta connected capacitors.

2.1. Wye topology

Fig. 2(a) shows the equivalent single phase representation of the three phase grid connected power converter with
LCL filter in case of wye connected capacitors. According to this figure, the wye topology LCL filter equations are as
Vi (s) − Vc (s) Vc (s) − Vg (s)
 
i i (s) = (a) i 2 (s) = (b) Vc (s) = RdY + i c (s) (c). (1)
s L i + Ri s L 2 + Rg sC f Y
Based on Eqs. (1.a), (1.b) and (1.c), the wye topology LCL filter model is given by Fig. 2(b). The transfer function
of the LCL filter is the ratio between the output current i 2 and the input voltages Vi and Vg . It is computed based
on the superposition principle. To this purpose, two modes were considered: a first mode in which the Vg (s) input is
considered equal to zero and a second one in which the input Vi (s) is considered equal to zero.
M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane et al. / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) – 3

Fig. 1. Power circuit of the three phase grid connected power converter with LCL filter.

Fig. 2. (a) Single phase equivalent circuit with a wye connected LCL filter capacitor and (b) block diagram of the wye topology LCL filter.

Fig. 3. Single phase equivalent circuit with LCL filter at the n-harmonic.

– First mode (Vg (s) = 0)

According to Eqs. (1.a), (1.b) and (1.c), the first transfer function is expressed as follows
i 2 (s) 

Vi (s) Vg (s)=0

1 + sC f Y RdY
= . (2)
C f Y L 2 L i s 3 + s 2 C f Y (L 2 (Ri + RdY ) + L i (R2 + RdY )) + s(C f Y (R2 Ri + R2 RdY + Ri RdY ) + L i + L 2 ) + R2 + Ri

– Second mode (Vi (s) = 0)

The second transfer function is expressed as follows
i 2 (s) 

Vg (s) Vi (s)=0

−(1 + sC f RdY + s 2 C f Y L i + sC f Y Ri )
= . (3)
C f Y L2 Li s3 + s2C f Y (L 2 (Ri + RdY ) + L i (R2 + RdY )) + s(C f Y (R2 Ri + R2 RdY + Ri RdY ) + L i + L 2 ) + R2 + Ri

The whole transfer function of the LCL filter in case of wye topology is obtained through superposition of the two
modes and is given by the following equation
Vi (s) 1 + sC f Y RdY + Vg (s) 1 + sC f Y RdY + s 2 C f Y L i + sC f Y Ri
   
i 2 (s) = . (4)
C f Y L 2 L i s 3 + s 2 C f Y (L 2 (Ri + RdY ) + L i (R2 + RdY )) + s(C f Y (R2 Ri + R2 RdY + Ri RdY ) + L i + L 2 ) + R2 + Ri

The main aim of the LCL filter is to limit the high-order current harmonics at the used switching frequency. Fig. 3
shows the equivalent single phase representation of the LCL filter power circuit for the n-harmonic neglecting the
resistors effect and considering that the grid voltage is an ideal sine wave voltage source. Vn and i n are respectively
the voltage and current n-harmonic components.
4 M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane et al. / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) –

Fig. 4. (a) Three-phase grid connected power converter with a delta connected LCL filter capacitors and (b) Equivalent power circuit.

For the n-harmonic (Fig. 3), based on Eq. (4) and neglecting the resistors effect, the transfer function between the
grid current i 2n and the converter voltage Vin is expressed as follows
i 2n (s) 1
= . (5)
Vin (s) C f Y L 2 L i s + s(L i + L 2 )

It can be easily deduced from the previous equations, the following expressions [10]

     
≈ 1
 i 2sω   i isω   i 2sω 
 =
 V  ω L ω 2 − ω 2 
  (a) 
V  ω L (b)  ≈ 
 i  ω2 − ω2  (c)
isω sω i resY sω isω sω i isω resY sω (6)
1 L 2 + Li
where Z 2LCY = (d) ωsω
= (2π f sω )2 (e) ωresY
= (2π f resY )2 = (f)
L 2C f Y L2 Li C f Y
where sω is the switching frequency harmonic order, ωsω and ωresY denote the switching frequency and the wye
topology resonance frequency, respectively.

2.2. Delta topology

Fig. 4(a) presents the power circuit of a three phase grid connected power converter with a delta connected
LCL filter capacitors. Assuming that the DC-link voltage Vdc is constant and the semiconductor devices are ideal
switches, Fig. 4(a) can be simplified as shown in Fig. 4(b). In this figure, Vi(ab,bc,ca) (respectively i i(ab,bc,ca) ) refer
to the components of the line-to-line power converter voltage vector (respectively the components of the line-to-
line power converter current vector) in the stationary reference frame. Vg(ab,bc,ca) (respectively i 2(ab,bc,ca) ) refer to
the components of the line-to-line grid voltage vector (respectively the components of the line-to-line grid current
vector) in the stationary reference frame. Vc(ab,bc,ca) (respectively i c(ab,bc,ca) ) refer to the line-to-line voltage across
the capacitor in series with the damping resistor (respectively the line-to-line current capacitor).
Based on Fig. 4(b), the delta topology LCL filter equations are as follows
Vi (s) − Vc (s) Vc (s) − Vg (s)
 
Rd ∆ 1
i i (s) = (a) i 2 (s) = (b) Vc (s) = + i c (s) (c) (7)
s L i + Ri s L 2 + R2 3 s3C f ∆
where Vi = [Viab Vibc Vica ]t , Vg = [Vgab Vgbc Vgca ]t , Vc = [Vcab Vcbc Vcca ]t , i i = [i iab i ibc i ica ]t , i 2 =
[i 2ab i 2bc i 2ca ]t , and i c = [i cab i cbc i cca ]t . According to Eqs. (7.a), (7.b) and (7.c), the delta topology LCL filter
model is given by Fig. 5.
By applying the same superposition approach as the case of wye topology, the transfer function of the LCL filter
with a delta connected capacitors is given by Eq. (8).
Vi (s) 1 + sC f ∆ Rd ∆ + Vg (s) 1 + sC f ∆ Rd ∆ + s 2 3C f ∆ L i + s3C f ∆ Ri
   
i 2 (s) = . (8)
3C f ∆ L 2 L i s 3 + s 2 3C f ∆ (L 2 (Ri + Rd ∆ /3) + L i (R2 + Rd ∆ /3)) + s(3C f ∆ (R2 Ri + R2 Rd ∆ /3 + Ri Rd ∆ /3) + L i + L 2 ) + R2 + Ri

For the n-harmonic and neglecting the resistors effect in Eq. (8), the transfer function between the converter voltage
Vin and the grid current i 2n in case of delta topology is expressed as follows
i 2n (s) 1
= . (9)
Vin (s) 3C f ∆ L 2 L i s 3 + s(L i + L 2 )
M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane et al. / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) – 5

Fig. 5. Block diagram of the delta topology LCL filter.

It can be easily deduced from the previous equations, the following expressions

Z 2LC∆ Z 2LC∆
   
 i 2sω   i 2sω 
 =
 V  ω L ω 2 − ω 2 
  (a)  i  ω2 − ω2  (b)
 ≈ 
isω sω i res∆ sω isω res∆ sω (10)
1 L2 + Li
Where Z Lc∆ = (c) ωres∆ =
3C f ∆ L 2 3C f ∆ L 2 L i

3. LCL filter design methodology

For the design of an LCL filter, some input data are required. These data are the rated active power of the system Pn ,
the line-to-line RMS grid voltage Ugn , the switching frequency of the converter f sω and the rated angular frequency
of grid voltage f g . Then, the LCL filter parameters in case of wye topology are tuned according to the following steps.

3.1. Maximum value of the total inductor

The sum of the LCL filter inductor values should be lower than 0.1 pu as shown in Eq. (11.a) [10]. This improves the
system speed and dynamic. It makes also the losses and the voltages drops in the filter negligible at the fundamental
frequency. Consequently, the maximum value of the total inductor is expressed by Eq. (11.d).
L T max = (L i + L 2 )max = 10%L T Base (a)

 Ugn 2
Ugn ⇒ L T max = 10% (d). (11)
Z Base
where L T Base = (b) Z Base = (c) 2π f g Pn
2π f g Pn

3.2. Minimum DC-link voltage

For fundamental signals, the LCL filter can be approximated to an inductor with a value L T equal to the sum of
the two inductor values L i and L 2 . This is due to the fact that the LCL filter capacitor has great impedance value for
fundamental signals. Based on Fig. 2(a) and neglecting the influence of different resistors, the relationship between
the converter voltage Vi and grid voltage Vg can be expressed in complex form as follows
Vi = Vg + j L T ωg i 2 . (12)
The previous equation allows addressing the Fresnel diagram depicted in Fig. 6.
According to Fig. 6, the maximum magnitude of the voltage at the output of the converter Vi max is expressed by
Eq. (13.a). For the case of Space Vector Modulation SVM process, the required minimum DC-link voltage Vdc min is
computed according to Eq. (13.c).

 2 Pn SVM process √
Vi max = Vg2max + (L T max ωg I2 max )2 (a) where I2 max = (b) −−−−−−−→ Vdc min = 3Vi max (c). (13)
3 Ugn

3.3. Maximum LCL filter capacitor value

The capacitor value has an influence on the power factor value. In fact, higher capacitor values will result on higher
consumed reactive power and smaller power factor as shown in Eq. (14.a), where Q n is the rated reactive power of the
system and Q cY is the reactive power consumed by the wye connected filter capacitor. In general, grid codes require a
6 M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane et al. / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) –

Fig. 6. Behn-Eschenburg diagram characterizing the operation of the LCL filter.

Fig. 7. Evolution of the converter current i i and voltage Vi .

unitary power factor. Hence, in order to avoid power factor decrease, reactive power consumed by the filter capacitor
should be lower than λ% of the rated active power Pn as shown in Eq. (14.c). In this equation, λ is a positive factor
chosen generally equal to or lower than 5% [10]. Consequently, based on Eqs. (14.b) and (14.c), the maximum value
of the filter capacitor in case of wye topology can be deduced based on Eq. (14.d).

Pn 2 C
cos ϕ =  (a) where |Q cY | = Ugn f Y ωg (b)

 Pn
Pn2 + Q 2n + Q 2cY ⇒ C f Y max = 5% (d). (14)
 2
2π f g Ugn
|Q cY | ≤ λ% |Pn |

(c) 

It is recommended to start with a capacitor value equal to one-half of the maximum value and then, if some of the
constraints cannot be satisfied, increase or decrease it without exceeding the maximum value [10].

3.4. Tuning of the converter side inductor

The converter side inductor is designed in order to attenuate the converter side current ripple in the worst case
[18,21]. The maximum converter side current ripple is obtained when the applied converter voltage varies from—
Vdc /3 to Vdc /3. Fig. 7 shows a waveform example of the converter side current i i with regard to the applied converter
voltage Vi .
In this figure, tOn and tOff refer to the time taken by the control signal at the high logical level and low logical
level, respectively. Tsω is the switching period. Note that it is common to consider the capacitor impedance negligible
at switching frequency, since the LCL filter resonance frequency is much lower than the switching frequency. Con-
sequently, for high frequencies and based on Fig. 2(a), neglecting the resistors effect, the relation between converter
current and voltage is expressed by Eq. (15.a). Based on Fig. 7, the maximum converter current ripple is expressed by
Eqs. (15.b) and (15.c), considering the intervals [0, tOn ] and [tOn , tOff ], respectively. According to Eqs. (15.a), (15.b),
and (15.c), the maximum converter current ripple is given by Eq. (15.e). Consequently, the minimum converter side
inductor value can be computed based on Eq. (15.f). If the converter side inductor value exceeds the total inductor
value, the designer must increase the switching frequency.
di in  6L i 1i max
Vin = L i (a)  ⇒ Tsω = tOn + tOff = (d)

 Vdc
1 Vdc  Vdc
1i max [0, tOn ] = Ii max − Ii min = tOn (b) 1i max = (e) (15)
Li 3  6L i f sω
1 Vdc Vdc

1i max tOn , tOff = Ii max − Ii min =
 

tOff  L i min = (f).
Li 3 6 f sω 1i max

3.5. Tuning of the grid side inductor

The grid side inductor is tuned in order to attenuate the grid current harmonics according to grid code requirements.
According to the IEEE 519-1992 standard, the grid current THD must be under 5%. The relation between the grid
M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane et al. / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) – 7

side inductor and the converter side inductor is given by Eq. (16.a) [10]. By substituting the grid side inductor by its
expression given by Eq. (16.a), Eq. (6.c) becomes expressed as in Eq. (16.d). In this equation, δ denotes the harmonic
attenuation rate. It represents the relation between the converter and grid currents at the switching frequency.
L T max
L 2 = a L i (a) where 0 ≤ a ≤ amax (b) amax = −1 (c)
  (16)
 i 2sω  1
δ =  =   (d).
i isω  1 + a(1 − L i C f Y ωsω
2 )

It should be noted that the current harmonics are lower when the harmonic attenuation rate is lower. Hence, the grid
current THD value is lower when the harmonic attenuation rate is lower. By selecting the desired harmonic attenuation
rate δ, the value of a is computed according to Eq. (16.d). After that, the value of the grid side inductor L 2 is deduced
based on Eq. (16.a). Once the value of the grid side inductor is determined, the designer must check if this value is
lower than the total inductor value L T max . Otherwise, the desired harmonic attenuation rate δ must be increased. It
should be noted that the increase of the harmonic attenuation rate will result in an increase of the grid current THD
value. That is why, the THD of the grid current must be verified in the next steps of the design methodology. Finally,
the designer must check also if the sum of L i and L 2 is lower than L T max . Otherwise, the LCL filter parameters should
be tuned again with new iteration by increasing the capacitor value.

3.6. Verification of the resonance frequency

Once the different LCL filter parameters are selected, it is necessary to check the resonance frequency. This
frequency must obey to the condition expressed by Eq. (17) in order to avoid the resonance at low or high order
frequencies [10].
10 f g ≤ f res ≤ f sω /2. (17)
If the resonance frequency is lower than 10 times the grid frequency, the designer must decrease the value of
the filter capacitor. Otherwise, if it exceeds the half of the switching frequency, the designer can increase either the
capacitor value or the switching frequency. Once the resonance frequency satisfies Eq. (17), the next step is to verify
the grid current THD value. If it is greater than 5%, the LCL filter parameters should be tuned again by increasing the
switching frequency or by decreasing the harmonic attenuation rate.

3.7. Tuning of the damping resistor value

In order to avoid resonance problems, the simplest solution is to add a resistor in series with the filter capacitor. The
wye topology damping resistor value is set according to Eq. (18.a). In this equation λd is a positive constant chosen
according to the allowable damping resistor losses. These losses can be computed according to Eq. (18.b), where n is
the harmonic order. It should be noted that the damping resistor value should not be too high to avoid losses or too
low to avoid oscillations [10]. To this purpose, the constant λd is chosen so that the losses do not exceed 1% of the
rated active power.
1 
RdY = (a) PdY = 3RdY (i in − i 2n )2 (b). (18)
λd ωres C f Y n

3.8. Delta or wye topology

After setting the LCL filter parameters, two topologies are possible to connect it in a three phase system. The first
one is based on wye connected capacitors, while the second is based on delta connected capacitors. This step is done
in order to choose the appropriate topology for the LCL filter in terms of cost and efficiency. To this purpose, it is
necessary to make a comparison between the two topologies. Note that the filter parameters obtained based on the
proposed design methodology are valid for a wye topology. For the case of a delta topology, these parameters can be
used with two different ways.
8 M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane et al. / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) –

Table 1
System and LCL filter parameters.

Parameter Description Value

Ugn Line-to-line RMS grid voltage 400 V
Pn Rated active power 4 kW
System f sω Switching frequency of the converter 10 kHz
fg Rated frequency of grid voltage 50 Hz
Vdc DC-link voltage 600 V
Cf Capacitor filter (Y topology) 2 µF
Li Converter side inductor 5 mH
LCL filter
L2 Grid side inductor 2 mH
Rd Damping resistor (Y topology) 10 

– First case
In the first case, the values of the filter capacitor and the damping resistor are obtained based on the wye to delta
transformation. According to this transformation, the relation between the filter capacitor and the damping resistor in
case of wye and delta topologies is given by Eq. (19). In that case, the power circuits of the two topologies (delta and
wye) are equivalent.
Cf∆ = (a) Rd ∆ = 3RY (b). (19)
It is evident from Eq. (19) that the delta topology capacitor value should be three times smaller than for wye
topology and vice versa for damping resistor value. Hence, the same filtering performances can be achieved with
smaller value of filter capacitor. This solution allows reduction of current through the filter capacitor as well as cost,
size and encumbrance of the LCL filter in case of active damping.
– Second case
In the second case, the values of the filter capacitor and the damping resistor are set to be the same for wye and delta
topologies. In that case and based on Eqs. (6.f) and (10.d), the relation between delta and wye resonance frequencies
√ given by Eq. (20.a). According to this equation, the delta topology resonance frequency is reduced with a ratio of
3 compared to the wye topology resonance frequency. Consequently, if a system uses a delta topology instead of a
wye topology, there will be more attenuated harmonics in grid currents. Consequently, a lower grid current THD value
will be obtained. However, the delta topology reactive power is increased with a ratio of three compared to the wye
topology reactive power as shown in Eq. (20.b). As a result, the power factor of the system in case of delta topology
will be lower than expected.
f res∆ = √ f resY (a) Q c∆ = 3Q cY (b). (20)
Moreover, it should be noted that for the two cases of the delta topology, there are no problems with grounding
compared to the case of wye topology [15]. Therefore, based on what has been said, it is advantageous to control a
grid connected power converter with an LCL filter with a delta connected capacitors.
Fig. 8 shows the algorithm that summarizes the steps of the proposed LCL filter design methodology. This algorithm
allows designing the LCL filter parameters according to the input data of the controlled system.

4. Simulation results

The system and the LCL filter parameters obtained by applying the considered design methodology are presented
in Table 1. The designed LCL filter is tested through simulation under Matlab-Simulink software tool.
Fig. 9(a), Fig. 9(b), Fig. 9(c) and Fig. 9(d) show the simulation results of the converter current i ia , the wye
topology grid current i 2aY , the first case of the delta topology grid current i 2a11 and the second case of the delta
topology grid current i 2a12 , respectively, for a switching frequency equal to 6 kHz. It should be noted based on these
figures that, using the designed LCL filter, the current harmonic components are almost disappeared at the switching
frequency. Furthermore, the converter current THD value is equal to 13%, while the grid current THD value is equal
M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane et al. / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) – 9

Fig. 8. LCL filter design algorithm.

to 3.2%, 2.8% and 1.28% in case of wye topology, the first and the second case of the delta topology, respectively.
Consequently, the grid current THD value is decreased and is well below 5% in all cases, which meets the IEEE
519-1992 standard. It should be noted that the delta topology grid current THD value is decreased compared to the
wye topology grid current THD value. Moreover, improved results are obtained for delta topology when the filter
capacitor value is equal to the wye topology capacitor value. Fig. 9(e), Fig. 9(f), Fig. 9(g) and Fig. 9(h) show the
simulation results of i ia , i 2aY , i 2a11 and i 2a12 , respectively, for a switching frequency equal to 12 kHz. Based on
these figures, the grid currents in all cases have lower current harmonics and lower THD value compared to the case
when f sω = 6 kHz. Fig. 9(i) shows the evolution of the grid currents i 2abc for a wye topology and a switching
frequency equal to 12 kHz. It can be noted from this figure that the grid currents are well filtered using the designed
LCL filter. Fig. 9(j), Fig. 9(k), Fig. 9(l), Fig. 9(m) respectively present the high frequency spectra of i ia , i 2aY , i 2a11
and i 2a12 , for a switching frequency equal to 6 kHz. In case of wye topology and based on Fig. 9(j) and (k), the largest
near switching frequency current harmonic component is equal to 40% on the converter side and equal to 3% on the
grid side. Thus, the harmonic attenuation rate δ, which is the ratio between the switching frequency current harmonic
component in the grid and converter side, is equal to 7%. The obtained harmonic attenuation rate is well equal to the
desired harmonic attenuation rate selected by the designer when tuning the LCL filter parameters. In case of delta
topology and based on Fig. 9(l) and (m), the largest near switching frequency current harmonic component is equal
to 2.5% and 2% for the first and second case of the delta topology, respectively. Hence, the harmonic attenuation rate
is equal to 6% and 5% for the first and second case of the delta topology, respectively. Consequently, more reduced
current harmonics are achieved in case of delta topology compared to the case of wye topology. Fig. 9(n) shows the
waveforms of the grid current i 2aY with regard to the grid voltage Vga during steady state operation. It is commented
that the grid current and the grid voltage are in phase. Hence, the power factor is close to the unity, which corresponds
to grid code requirements.
Simulation results indicate the effectiveness of the designed LCL filter and therefore the efficiency of the proposed
design methodology. It proves also that ameliorated results are obtained with delta topology and mainly when the
delta topology capacitor value is the same as the wye topology capacitor value.
10 M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane et al. / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) –

(% fundamental)
(% fundamental)

Fig. 9. Simulated steady state (a–e) converter current i ia response, (b–f) grid current i 2aY response, (c–g) grid current i 2a11 response, (d–h) grid
current i 2a12 response, (j) spectra of power converter current i ia , (k) spectra of grid current i 2aY , (l) spectra of grid current i 2a11 , (m) spectra of
grid current i 2a12 , and (n) grid voltage Vga and current i 2aY waveforms at steady state operation. (a–b–c–d–j–k–l–m) f sω = 6 kHz. (e–f–g–h–i–n)
f sω = 12 kHz.

5. Experimental results

The designed LCL filter was tested on an experimental set-up in order to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed
design methodology. The developed experimental set-up is presented in Fig. 10. It is composed of: a 0.8 kVA three
phase high voltage power converter, an auto transformer that varies the voltage peak magnitude (in the AC side), the
designed LCL filter and the STM32F4-Discovery digital solution used for the implementation of the control algorithm.
Fig. 11 and Table 2 respectively present the designed LCL filter with wye connected capacitors and the LCL filter
inductors specifications. For simplicity reasons, the performances of the considered LCL filter design methodology
were firstly illustrated using wye connected capacitors. Fig. 12(a) and Fig. 12(b) show the waveforms of the converter
current i ia and the grid current i 2aY , respectively, for a switching frequency equal to 6 kHz. The converter current
THD is equal to 14%, while the grid current THD is equal to 4.8%. As depicted in these figures, the current harmonics
are reduced using the designed LCL filter. Moreover, the obtained grid current THD is below 5% which meets grid
code requirements. Fig. 12(c) shows the waveform of the grid current i 2aY for a switching frequency equal to 12 kHz.
As depicted in this figure, the grid current has lower current harmonics and lower THD value compared to the case
when the switching frequency is equal to 6 kHz. Fig. 12(d) and Fig. 12(e) present the high frequency spectra of the
measured converter current and grid current, respectively, for a switching frequency equal to 6 kHz. Based on these
figures, the largest near switching frequency current harmonic component is equal to 50% on the converter side and
equal to 5% on the grid side. Hence, the harmonic attenuation rate δ is equal to 10%. Fig. 12(f) presents the waveforms
of the grid voltage Vga with regard to the grid current i2aY for a switching frequency equal to 12 kHz. Based on this
figure, the power factor is close to the unity since the grid current and voltage are in phase. Finally, it should be noted
that the obtained experimental results are quite closely similar to those obtained in simulation results in case of wye
M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane et al. / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) – 11

Fig. 10. Experimental set-up.

Fig. 11. LCL filter with wye connected capacitors.

a b c

d e f
(% fundamental)

(% fundamental)


Fig. 12. Measured (a) power converter current i ia (1 A/100 mV), (b–c) grid current i 2aY (1 A/100 mV), (d) spectra of power converter current at
switching frequency, (e) spectra of grid current at switching frequency, and (f) grid voltage Vga (50 V/100 mV) and current i 2aY (1 A/100 mV)
waveforms at steady state operation. (a–b–d–e) f sω = 6 kHz. (c–f) f sω = 12 kHz.

topology. Experimental results indicate the effectiveness of the designed LCL filter and therefore the efficiency of the
proposed design methodology. It should be noted that, ameliorated experimental results can be achieved with a delta
connected capacitors.

6. Conclusion

This paper presented the design methodology for an LCL filter used to interface between three phase power
converter and the main utility grid. The main objective of the LCL filter is to attenuate the switching frequency current
harmonics produced by the power converter. A simple, comprehensive and systematic design methodology for the
tuning of LCL filter parameters was presented. The proposed design methodology is efficient and aimed to meet the
12 M.B. Saı̈d-Romdhane et al. / Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( ) –

Table 2
LCL filter inductors specifications.

Converter side inductor L i Grid side inductor L 2

Core material Iron powdered Iron powdered
Core type Pot core Pot core
Number of turns 103 66
Current 10 A 10 A
Inductance 5 mH 2 mH
Air gap length Distributed air gap Distributed air gap
Dimensions (radius/height) 80 mm/80 mm 80 mm/80 mm

grid code requirements. Furthermore, it takes into account the LCL filter topology which can be based on wye or delta
connected capacitors. The obtained LCL filter parameters have been firstly tested for both topologies using Matlab-
Simulink software tool. Then, they have been tested through an experimental set-up. The obtained simulation and
experimental results gave proof of the effectiveness and high filtering performances of the tuned filter and therefore
the performances and the efficiency of the proposed design methodology.


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