Journal Jpe 17-5 1858636731
Journal Jpe 17-5 1858636731
Journal Jpe 17-5 1858636731
JPE 17-5-10 ISSN(Print): 1598-2092 / ISSN(Online): 2093-4718
The back emf harmonics of a permanent magnet (PM) synchronous motor is a major source of torque ripple. For torque
control applications including column fitted MDPS (motor driven power steering) systems, it is essential to reduce the
mechanical vibrations due to torque ripples at low speeds. In this paper, a torque ripple reduction algorithm for interior PM
synchronous motors is proposed. The harmonic currents that cancel the 6th order torque harmonic are added to the nominal dq
currents for MTPA (maximum torque per ampere) operation. The compensated harmonic currents are derived from flux linkage
harmonics based on a FFT analysis of the back emf harmonics. Simulation and experimental results verify that the 6th order
torque harmonic and THD of the torque ripple are reduced by compensating the dq harmonic currents.
Key words: Back emf harmonics, Flux linkage harmonics, MDPS, PMSM, Torque ripple
Even though the phase currents are sinusoidal and without harmonics are derived from a FFT analysis of back emf
distortion, torque ripple may be generated by the back emf waveforms. The compensation dq currents that cancel the 6th
harmonics. order torque ripples are calculated from the nominal dq
The major source of torque ripples in PM synchronous currents of MTPA operation and the magnet flux harmonics.
motor is the mutual interaction between the back emf Simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness
harmonics and the stator currents. To reduce the torque of the proposed algorithm.
ripples due to back emf harmonics, the cancellation of
selected torque harmonics with an extra harmonic current
injection to the current reference has been suggested [8]-[17]. II. TORQUE RIPPLE REDUCTION OF IPMSM WITH
The dominant torque harmonics due to back emf harmonics HARMONIC CURRENTS COMPENSATION
are the 6th and 12th order components. As a result, a A. Modeling of a PMSM with Flux Linkage Harmonics
compensating current with the 6th and 12th harmonics is added
The voltage equation of a PM synchronous motor in the abc
to the current reference. Compensating harmonic currents can
frame can be expressed as (1), where vabc and iabc are the stator
be derived from a nonlinear analysis of magnet saturation [8],
voltages and stator currents, respectively, and rs and Ls denote
and the measured torque ripples from torque sensors [9].
the phase resistances and phase inductances, respectively.
These methods have been applied to surface mounted PM d d d
synchronous motors using only q-axis current compensation, vabc rs iabc abc rs iabc ( Ls iabc ) abcf (1)
dt dt dt
and they need to measure the torque ripples from torque λabc is the total stator flux linkages, which consist of the stator
sensors. flux generated by the stator currents and the magnet flux of the
Various current control schemes based on direct torque rotor. The magnet flux, φabcf, has harmonic components due to
control including repetitive control, predictive control and
a non-sinusoidal flux distribution and the harmonic
resonant control for torque ripple reduction have been
components can be expressed by the magnitude and the phase
presented [11]-[17]. The repetitive current control was
difference to the fundamental component as given in (2).
presented to overcome the high frequency bandwidth of the
current control to track the high frequency harmonic current af fk cos(k r k )
k 1 (2)
reference for reducing the torque ripples due to back emf
f cos r f 2 cos(2 r 2 ) f 3 cos(3 r 3 )
harmonics [11], [12]. The repetitive controllers require a
more complex tuning process even though only the q-axis The back emf of the stator windings generated by the
current is compensated in surface mounted PM synchronous permanent magnet is the time derivative of the magnet flux.
motors. The predictive torque control with stator flux Therefore, the back emf of phase a can be expressed as (3).
estimation [13], [14] can reduce the ripples of the torque and d
flux by selecting voltage vectors to reduce the cost function
af r k fk sin(k r k )
k 1
based on the prediction of the torque and stator flux in the r ( f sin r 2 f 2 sin( 2 r 2 ) 3 f 3 sin(3 r 3 ) )
next sampling instant. The torque and flux estimation is based (3)
on the fundamental components of the magnet flux. Fig. 1 shows the phase and line to line back emf waveforms
Therefore, the torque ripple due to the magnet flux harmonics of a PM synchronous motor for a MDPS at 1,000rpm. The PM
cannot be reduced. The model predictive torque control [15] synchronous motor has 8 poles so that the period of one
reduces the torque ripple by estimating the torque ripple due electrical cycle is 15msec at 1,000rpm. Fig. 2 shows a FFT
to back emf harmonics and cogging torque. However, the analysis of the phase back emf. The dominant harmonic
calculation of the cost function is complex and the components are the 5th, 7th, and 11th harmonics, and the other
relationships among the torque ripple, back emf harmonics harmonic components are small. Only the magnitude of the
and dq currents are not analyzed. The resonant controllers harmonic components is needed to derive the THD from the
[16], [17] provide zero steady-state error at harmonic FFT analysis. However, the phase of the harmonic components
frequencies due to the infinite gain in their open-loops. In when compared with the fundamental component as well as the
these resonant controllers, the frequency adaptation is not magnitude of the harmonic components should be considered
easy due to the requirement for variable sampling in variable to analyze the torque ripple. The phase for the dominant
speed drives. In addition, they considered only surface harmonic components are marked as blue colored circles in Fig.
mounted PM synchronous motor. As a result, complicated 3(b). The phases of the 7th and the 11th harmonics are 0.3deg
modifications may be required for the case of an interior PM and 5.1deg, respectively. They are nearly in phase with the
synchronous motor. fundamental component. However, the 5th harmonic has a
In this paper, torque ripple reduction for an interior PM phase leading of 160.8deg. Measuring the magnet flux
synchronous motor by compensating harmonic currents based harmonics is difficult. However, they can be obtained from a
on the magnet flux harmonics is presented. The magnet flux FFT analysis of the back emf harmonics as shown in Fig. 2.
Torque Ripple Reduction of an Interior PM Synchronous Motor by … 1225
The voltage equation in the abc frame with the magnet flux
harmonics of (1) can be transformed to the dq voltage equation
in the rotor reference frame as (4).
vd rs id d r q
rs id Ld id r Lq iq r qf _ har
vq rs iq q r d (b) Phase.
Fig. 2. FFT analysis of phase back emf.
rs iq Lq iq r Ld id f r r df _ har
dt d-axis and q-axis harmonic currents, respectively.
where λd and λq are the d-axis and q-axis total stator flux id ido idh
linkages, respectively. They can be expressed as (5) with dq (8)
iq iqo iqh
flux linkage harmonics due to the magnet flux harmonics.
d Ld id f df _ har From (7) and (8), the magnetic torque can be expressed as
(5) (9), and the magnetic torque harmonics can be given as (10).
q Lq iq qf _ har
In the magnetic torque harmonics, the product of the dq flux
1 d linkage harmonics and the dq harmonic currents are relatively
df _ har df _ har
r dt qf _ har small and can be neglected. Therefore, the compensating
5 f 5 cos(6 r 5 ) 7 f 7 cos(6 r 7 ) q-axis harmonic current can be derived as (11). The q-axis
11 f 11 cos(12 r 11 ) 13 f 13 cos(12 r 13 ) harmonic current that cancels the magnetic torque harmonics
(6) depends on the flux linkage harmonics and the dq nominal
1 d
qf _ har qf _ har df _ har
r dt currents.
5 f 5 sin(6 r 5 ) 7 f 7 sin(6 r 7 ) Tmag
( f df _ har )(iqo iqh ) qf _ har (ido idh ) (9)
11 f 11 sin(12 r 11 ) 13 f 13 sin(12 r 13 )
The torque of an interior PM synchronous motor including
Tmag _ har
f iqh df _ har iqo df _ har iqh qf _ har ido qf _ har idh
the flux linkage harmonics can be derived as (7). It is noted
that the generated torque has both the 6th and 12th order torque
f iqh df _ har iqo qf _ har ido 0
harmonics caused by the flux linkage harmonics. (10)
3 P df _ har iqo qf _ har ido
Te (d iq q id ) iqh (11)
2 2 f
( f df _ har )iq qf _ har id ( Ld Lq )id iq
3 P 3 P The reluctance torque with dq harmonic currents can be
2 2 2 2 given as (12) from (7) and (8). Similar to the magnetic torque
harmonics cancellation, the reluctance torque harmonics can
B. Compensated Currents for Canceling Torque
be given as (13) and the d-axis harmonic current can be
derived as (14). The d-axis harmonic current that cancels the
The constant dq currents generate torque ripples by the reluctance torque harmonics depends on the dq nominal
interaction with the flux linkage harmonics as given in (7). In currents and the q-axis harmonic current of (11).
this paper, the compensating dq harmonic currents to reduce 3P 3P
the selected torque harmonics are added to the nominal dq Trel ( Ld Lq )id iq ( Ld Lq )(ido idh )(iqo iqh ) (12)
4 4
reference currents of the MTPA operation for a given 3P
Trel _ har ( Ld Lq )(iqo idh ido iqh idh iqh )
reference torque. Let the dq reference currents consist of the 4
nominal dq currents idqo and the compensating dq harmonic 3P
( Ld Lq )(iqo idh ido iqh ) 0
currents as (8), where idh_har and iqh_har are the compensating 4
1226 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 17, No. 5, September 2017
Parameters Value
Number of stator teeth 12
Number of poles (P) 8
Rated torque (Te) 5.1Nm
Phase resistance (rs) 14.0 mΩ
d-axis inductance (Ld) 52.0 uH
q-axis inductance (Lq) 59.0 uH
Back emf constant (φf) 8.036 mVsec
Fig. 4. dq flux linkages due to permanent magnet.
Fig. 6. FFT analysis of the torque ripples of the conventional Fig. 9. FFT analysis of the torque ripples of the proposed control.
63, No. 7, pp. 4584-4592, Jul. 2016. Kwan-Yuhl Cho received his B.S. degree in
[16] A. G. Yepes, F. D. Freijedo, P. F. Comesana, J. Malvar, O. Electrical Engineering from Seoul National
Lopez, and J. D. Gandoy, “Torque ripple minimization in University, Seoul, Korea, in 1986; and his M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Electronics
surface-mounted PM drives by means of PI + multi-resonant
Engineering from the Korea Advanced
controller in synchronous reference frame,” in 36th Annual Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
Conference on Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), pp. Daejeon, Korea, in 1988 and 1993,
1017-1022, 2010. respectively. From 1993 to 2004, He worked
[17] M. F. Iacchetti, G. D. Marquez, and R. Perini, “Torque at LG Electronics, Digital Appliance Research Lab., Seoul, Korea.
ripple reduction in a DFIG-DC system by resonant current Since 2004, he has been with the Department of Control and
controllers,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 30, No. 8, Instrumentation Engineering at the Korea National University of
pp. 4244-4254, Aug. 2015. Transportation, Chungju, Korea. His current research interests
include variable speed motor drives and power converters.