Mapping Knowledge Area Analysis in E-Learning Syst
Mapping Knowledge Area Analysis in E-Learning Syst
Mapping Knowledge Area Analysis in E-Learning Syst
1 Faculty of Management, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, 010374 Bucharest, Romania
2 USN School of Business, University of South‐Eastern, 3679 Notodden, Norway
* Correspondence: [email protected] (A.D.); [email protected] (D.Ø.M.)
Abstract: Traditional educational systems and learning have been significantly impacted by the
quick growth of information and communication technology. Moreover, the learning process is in‐
creasingly important for socioeconomic and business success in our modern society. Therefore, at
present, cloud computing is crucially important in connection with e‐learning systems. The goal of
this research is to conduct a thorough assessment of scientific production in the field of e‐learning
and cloud technology fields using the bibliometric analysis method’s quantitative approach in order
to comprehensively review and analyze the subject. The current study reviews the literature by fo‐
cusing on specific research areas and revealing certain trends. The research examines 637 articles
published between 2007 and 2022 in the Web of Science database (WoS) using the VOSviewer soft‐
ware version 1.6.18 (Leiden University, The Netherlands) and bibliometrix R‐package. The goal of
this research is to conduct a thorough assessment of scientific production in the field of e‐learning
and cloud technology fields using the bibliometric analysis method’s quantitative approach to com‐
prehensively review and analyze the subject. Currently, there is no unified approach and extensive
bibliometric review that tackle both of these topics cohesively; thus, this research aims to fill this
gap. The results shed light on the structure, evolution, main trends, and effect of the research field
of e‐learning systems based on cloud computing by intensively evaluating and analyzing the scien‐
tific output, key contributions to the subject, and possible directions for future research. The most
productive country in terms of scientific knowledge and number of citations is China. It is notewor‐
Citation: Dima, A.; Bugheanu,
thy that the interest of researchers comes from various regions of the world, while the most prolific
A.‐M.; Boghian, R.; Madsen, D.Ø.
authors come from Serbia, Japan, and Romania. The average citation number per document is 6.8,
Mapping Knowledge Area Analysis
in E‐Learning Systems Based on
while the most citations were obtained by highly influential article about critical factors influencing
Cloud Computing. Electronics 2023, learner satisfaction for successful e‐learning. Regarding the conceptual structure that assists re‐
12, 62. searchers to understand keyword evolution and trend, four clusters were identified, which reside
electronics12010062 around the topics “Technology”, “Education”, “Delivery Systems” and “Cloud services”. Given
these points, the current study’s implications reveal the significance of e‐learning technologies
Academic Editors: Claudiu George
based on cloud computing, along with the direct correlation between these two elements.
Bocean, Adriana Grigorescu and
Anca Antoaneta Vărzaru
Keywords: bibliometric analysis; e‐learning; smart learning; digital learning; smart education;
Received: 6 December 2022 cloud computing
Revised: 19 December 2022
Accepted: 20 December 2022
Published: 23 December 2022
1. Introduction
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Li‐
At this point in time, Electronic‐learning (E‐learning) is a widely established method
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This of education. In general, E‐Learning is becoming the preferred method of education in the
article is an open access article distrib‐
uted under the terms and conditions of
future [1] due to an increase in users, a variety of learning services, and the expansion of
the Creative Commons Attribution educational content. A specifically created digital learning environment can facilitate
(CC BY) license (https://creativecom‐ learning at the student’s convenience in terms of time, location, and speed [2]. Such ded‐
icated platforms can boost student engagement and result in better learning outcomes
with higher levels of satisfaction and competency.
Figure 1. A simplified cloud computing‐based E‐Learning system architecture. Source: The authors.
To put it another way, the development of a digitally literate workforce and the sat‐
isfaction of the continuing demands of society for fast and lifelong learning skills offered
in increasingly convenient ways are made possible by e‐learning [14]. Integrating materi‐
als into e‐learning platforms and facilitating easy access across platforms can greatly in‐
crease the learning process and boost learning effectiveness.
Equally important, the recent advancements in cloud computing technologies have
transformed the Internet’s static nature into one that is highly dynamic, enabling users to
run various software applications and communicate effortlessly, exchange information,
create apps, or learn online. For this reason, cloud computing represents one of the newest
technological innovations that is expected to have a meaningful impact on the teaching
and learning process. Moreover, the need for e‐learning in the corporate sector is contin‐
uously rising, which creates more and more opportunities for higher education available
At the same time, e‐learning processes generally need a lot of technology and soft‐
ware. Coupled with the fact that many educational institutions cannot afford to make such
investments, cloud computing could be an appropriate solution. Of course, the installa‐
tion of an e‐learning system based on cloud computing has certain unique challenges and
requires a particular strategy [15]. First, cloud computing systems are greatly scalable
which generates easy, simple, and straightforward resources for users. Secondly, clients
do not require any specialized understanding of the Cloud concept in order to use tech‐
nology to link their machines to the server where applications have been set up and are
being used.
Electronics 2023, 12, 62 4 of 27
With this in mind, the uniqueness and strengths of this study are demonstrated by
the fact that it summarizes and reports the findings of important papers on the topic of
cloud‐based technology for E‐learning.
The current research includes 637 papers examined directly from the WoS database
applying the bibliometric research method to enhance our understanding and knowledge
of the subject. Due to its methodical approach to study selection, the bibliometric analysis
presents a significant contribution to the field of cloud computing and e‐learning research.
Additionally, the findings of the current research can be used to highlight the knowledge
gaps in the literature.
A bibliographic review is a research method that provides useful statistical analysis
and a comprehensive representation for researchers working on examining scientific
knowledge on a certain topic [16]. The approach, which is also known as science mapping,
can be used to study both broad areas of interest and more specific domains [17]. Further‐
more, the method is a useful tool for researchers to reconstruct and translate qualitative
data into quantitative data.
Thus, the current paper advances this research method considering that it offers a
thorough understanding of the e‐learning system in direct relation to cloud computing
technology. Equally important, the study can serve as a future resource for academics.
With this in mind, the objective of this study is to analyze the research on e‐learning
systems based on cloud computing that has been published between 2007 and 2022, by
proposing the following research questions:
RQ1: What is the frequency of scientific knowledge on e‐learning systems based on cloud
RQ2: What are the leading countries/regions, research entities, funding agencies regard‐
ing scientific production on e‐learning systems based on cloud computing?
RQ3: What are the associated research topics and the main research clusters on e‐learning
systems based on cloud computing?
RQ4: What are the significant future research directions in this field?
In effect, 637 articles from the WoS database and analyzed using the bibliometric re‐
view approach to address these research questions. As a result, the information and the
meta‐data linked to these publications was examined and investigated. The research cov‐
ered a variety of articles such as literature, including co‐citation analysis studies and de‐
scriptive statistics studies.
Generally speaking, the research’s findings helped us identify the fundamentals in‐
fluencing agents and patterns in e‐learning and cloud computing processes, not to men‐
tion the opportunity to complete the knowledge gaps. Overall, our study’s bibliometric
review is useful both for researchers and academics, in conjunction with business or edu‐
cational organizations.
The rest of this paper is structured in the following way: The next chapter evaluates
the literature review and the knowledge background. The methodology framework is
then explained along with the results of the papers. Finally, the discussions and conclu‐
sions are presented in Section 6 clarifying the research’s findings. Section 6 also identifies
the limitations of the current paper.
To the authors’ knowledge, this study represents the first bibliometric analysis of re‐
search on e‐learning systems based on cloud computing. The primary contribution of this
research is that it provides a comprehensive assessment of the leading countries, organi‐
zations, publications, and authors, along with the most cited publications and upcoming
research agendas for E‐learning systems based on cloud computing. Researchers may ben‐
efit from this study since it provides a general understanding of the thoroughly examined
domain so that they can investigate new approaches in the area of cloud‐based e‐learning
systems. Furthermore, this research can also facilitate public and private universities and
research centers with a more profound understanding of the future directions regarding
the development of e‐learning systems based on cloud computing.
Electronics 2023, 12, 62 5 of 27
Overall, our study’s bibliometric review is useful both for researchers and academics,
in conjunction with business or educational organizations.
2. Literature Review
2.1. E‐Learning
In different situations, the phrase “E‐learning” has distinct connotations [18]. How‐
ever, definitions of e‐learning may be divided into two groups, the first of which focuses
on the use of network technology. E‐learning is described by [19] as “the use of internet
technology to offer a wide range of solutions that improve knowledge and performance.”
E‐learning is described similarly by [20] as “the use of network technology to develop,
distribute, choose, administrate, and expand learning”.
The second group encompasses all forms of electronic media. Ref. [2] defined e‐learn‐
ing as “the acquisition and application of information that is transmitted and assisted
principally through electronic methods.”
This type of learning is now reliant on networks and computers. E‐learning, accord‐
ing to [21], “includes teaching given by all electronic media, including the Internet, intra‐
net, satellite broadcasts, extranet, audio or video tape, interactive TV, and CD‐ROM.”
The definition and methods of e‐learning are discussed in terms of the junction of
education, teaching, and learning with information and communication technologies. It is
unquestionably inspired by two other fields: educational technology and distance educa‐
tion. Both have made major contributions to the widespread use of ICT for academic pur‐
poses, but neither is synonymous with e‐learning (Table 1).
“E‐learning refers to the use of electronic media for a wide range of educational goals ranging from supple‐
Definitions Based on menting traditional classroom functions to completely replacing face‐to‐face interactions with online en‐
Technology counters.” [22].
E‐learning is a type of distance education that uses cloud resources [23].
E‐learning refers to the delivery of education (including activities related to educating, teaching, and learn‐
ing) using electronic means [24].
Definitions based on
E‐learning is described as “the self‐paced or real‐time delivery of training and education to an end‐user de‐
Delivery Systems
vice over the internet” [25].
“E‐learning is the electronic transmission of a learning, coaching, or teaching program” [26].
“E‐learning implies learning that is based on information and communication technology and includes ped‐
Definitions based on
agogical interactions among students and the subject, students and the professors, or among students over
the web.” [27].
“E‐learning is described as the use of information and communication technology to assist students in im‐
Definitions based on proving their learning” [28].
Educational Paradigm “E‐learning relates to learning systems that use information and communication technology to manage both
asynchronous and synchronous teaching and learning activities” [29].
As a study topic, e‐learning continues to deepen and evolve its ideas and methods in
order to solve current educational difficulties from a didactical, methodological, and tech‐
nical standpoint [30]. The solutions developed to grow more fitted to the preferences and
teaching styles of the learners, more intelligent, boosting learning and teaching perfor‐
mance, and more complicated, automating more and more learning programs. This con‐
tinual growth of e‐learning is led by the pervasive use of technology, a properly devel‐
oped technologically driven society, and as a result, increased needs of learners.
Electronics 2023, 12, 62 6 of 27
With the advancement and application of technology, the introduction of cloud com‐
puting provides e‐learning with a unique opportunity to flourish (Figure 2). The school
or organization does not need to be concerned with the building of an e‐learning software
and hardware environment, nor do they need to commit large cash and people and mate‐
rial resources to build the system. All these concerns may be delegated to e‐learning cloud
service providers who can tailor for users.
and writers have employed a variety of study approaches to better explain the benefits of
these notions.
Phase I of the bibliometric procedure represents the planning of the review process
that starts with research question formulation and data collection. The selected database
for document collecting was Clarivate Web of Science (WoS) because it is a very compre‐
hensive bibliographic data source [77], it is considered the most reliable database of pub‐
lications and citations in the world [78] and it covers a large time frame with a low per‐
centage of duplicated entries [77].
The next step represented a keyword search in WoS using the keywords: “e‐learning”
AND “cloud computing” in the “All fields” section of the database. The search took place
on 19 September 2022 and 638 documents were generated. One document was an early
access article with the publication year 2023 and it was eliminated from the list, as the year
2023 has not started yet and no other indicators are available. Thus, the database consists
of 637 documents, published between 2007 and 2022.
Electronics 2023, 12, 62 11 of 27
4. Results
4.1. Descriptive Statistics
This section of the research evaluates the most relevant characteristics of scientific
production, including an assessment of the development of yearly scientific production,
explores the distribution of publications regarding document type, areas of study, most
prolific authors, most productive journals, the distribution of scientific knowledge in
terms of countries/regions, research entities and funding agencies.
Table 3 presents the elements that depict the set of documents related to e‐learning
systems based on cloud computing. The publications extend over a relatively short period
of time, namely 15 years, an indicator that the topic of e‐learning systems and cloud com‐
puting the researchers’ interest in this topic is recent and it is important to investigate the
knowledge production in this field. The annual growth range which is relatively high
(20.3%) and the average age of each document (6.25 years) confirm the novelty of the topic
and support the usefulness of studying it. It is remarkable the high number of proceedings
papers, which predominate in comparison to journal articles. With reference to the collab‐
oration between authors, most papers are co‐authored, with approximately three authors
per paper suggesting a medium level of collaboration between authors. Moreover, the
interest in the field of e‐learning systems and cloud computing arouses the attention of
authors from various countries, and the degree of international collaboration is a signifi‐
cant one (18.37%).
Electronics 2023, 12, 62 12 of 27
Table 3. Descriptive elements of the set of documents (Source: Biblioshiny, based on WoS data).
Description Results
Timespan 2007:2022
Sources (Journals, Books, etc.) 480
Documents 637
Annual Growth Rate % 20.3
Document Average Age 6.25
Average citations per doc 6.826
Keywords Plus (ID) 276
Author’s Keywords (DE) 1687
Authors 1709
Authors of single‐authored docs 77
Single‐authored docs 77
Co‐Authors per Doc 3.25
International co‐authorships % 18.37
article 148
article; book chapter 6
article; early access 5
meeting abstract 1
proceedings paper 472
review 5
Figure 4. Evolution of the annual scientific production and exponential variation between periods.
complex. Figure 5 illustrates the main subject areas (WoS categories) into which scientific
production is classified on e‐learning and cloud computing during the 2007–2022 period.
It is worth mentioning that the same document can be included in various categories that
seem appropriate for the research undertaken and this aspect can bias partial and total
data. E‐learning systems and cloud computing can be applied in various domains, and
therefore theoretical and practical research on this topic has been recorded in many WoS
categories. Most published documents were included in the following subject areas:
“Computer science” (64.7%), “Engineering” (28.6%), “Educational Research” (27.8%),
“Telecommunications” (11%), and “Business Economics” (3.1%). The results for the re‐
search area distribution related to this topic indicate that the main concerns of the scholars
aim towards technology and delivery systems, rather than communication and education.
University, Japan; Liu Leyuan, affiliated at Central China Normal University, China;
Suciu George from University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania and Togawa Satoshi
from Shikoku University, Japan, each with six published documents.
Regarding the research entities to which the authors of the published works are affil‐
iated, following the analysis performed, were obtained 735 entries, while five records do
not contain data in the field being analyzed. Therefore, it is noted that there is a diversity
of research entities in which scholars analyze this topic and it is also noted that some of
the authors are affiliated with several research centers, public or private institutions for
which they conduct research. The main research entities according to the number of pub‐
lished articles are presented in Figure 6, and the evolution of the number of articles during
the analyzed period is also highlighted. The biggest increases in recent years were rec‐
orded in the case of Central China Normal University from Wuhan, China, and King Kha‐
lid University, from Abha, Saudi Arabia, countries that are also in the ranking of the most
productive countries.
Electronics 2023, 12, 62 16 of 27
Content analysis for the four generated clusters is performed in Table 7. Cluster 1,
illustrated by the red color, incorporates research topics related to “Technology” regard‐
ing e‐learning systems based on cloud computing and includes eight keywords. Cloud
computing is a new technological advancement that is expected to have a significant im‐
pact on the teaching and learning process. Moreover, the need for e‐learning in the private
organizations and corporate sector is increasing, making more chances for higher educa‐
tion available online. Thus, the research aimed at studying “cloud”, “internet”, “manage‐
ment” or “performance” is proof of researchers’ concerns of in the field of technology
development on the aforementioned topic.
Electronics 2023, 12, 62 18 of 27
Cluster 2 is illustrated by the green color and includes ought keywords referring to
“Education”. The main keywords used are “determinants”, “education”, “framework”,
“higher education”, and “technology”. The researchers’ interest in this area derives from
the fact that e‐learning is one of the most advanced educational technologies accessible
today, significantly improving traditional learning systems through the use of electronic
resources, software applications, and a virtual learning environment. Its importance and
higher education are investigated in various research, but it still represents a topic of fu‐
ture development.
Cluster 3, highlighted by the blue color groups six keywords referring to “Delivery
Systems” regarding e‐learning systems based on cloud computing. Delivery systems aid
learning and performance improvement by designing, implementing, and managing ap‐
propriate technological resources and processes. Therefore, the researchers’ enthusiasm
for “Big data”, “learning management system”, “machine learning”, or “mobile learning”
is an indication of the relevance of this research area in the investigated field.
Cluster 4 incorporates six keywords related to the research topics “Cloud services”,
namely “cloud computing”, “M‐learning”, “Paas”, “Saas”, “security”, and “web ser‐
vices”. Academics are interested in investigating these cloud services not only because of
their influence on various economic, political, and socio‐cultural activities but also be‐
cause of their self‐generation process, which is obvious in modern times. Cloud compu‐
ting is the result of combining one or several technical solutions.
Generating a co‐word analysis evolution graph assists researchers to understand
keyword evolution and trend. Such a graph depicts changes in keyword frequency,
Electronics 2023, 12, 62 19 of 27
allowing for the selection of the most appropriate title when performing a literature re‐
view or identifying a new study topic. Figure 9 depicts the evolution of the visualization
map generated on e‐learning systems and cloud computing based on co‐occurrence terms.
It is noted that keywords related to “Educational Paradigm” integrate more recent re‐
search in the field, presenting keywords that are found in publications after 2018. In con‐
trast, keywords related to “Technology” and the architecture of an e‐learning system
based on cloud computing technology were very prominent in 2014–2015, but they were
no longer found in the newly published research.
Moreover, analyzing the thematic evolution of authors’ keywords using the biblio‐
metrix R‐package, a similar trend is found (Figure 10). Thus, at the beginning of the ana‐
lyzed period, namely before 2016, the emphasis was placed on research related to the
technology and architecture of an e‐learning system based on cloud computing technol‐
ogy, being portrayed as one of the newest technological innovations. After 2017, the focus
is placed especially on users, namely the educational paradigm, targeting students, im‐
plementation, and determinants of e‐learning based on cloud computing.
Electronics 2023, 12, 62 20 of 27
they were most prolific. Thus, in the years 2013–2014, authors from Serbia were more pro‐
lific, and from 2017, authors from Saudi Arabia and China stand out.
well as facilitates communication and strengthens the bonds that support learning. E‐
learning can also improve the standard of instruction. Online workshops, simulations,
and visualizations are being used in an increasing number of programs to give students
practice and aid in their comprehension of difficult concepts. In other instances, technol‐
ogy is applied in traditional lecture classes to improve interaction with a traditionally pas‐
sive audience.
As a result, the efficiency of learning is directly correlated with user interaction. There
is little doubt that cloud computing can improve how e‐learning is being performed and
can be considered an important alternative from the educational perspective. In effect, the
key benefits of cloud computing include meeting demands for rapid storage growth, cost
control and flexibility, quick implementation, and improved management.
Furthermore, higher education is currently transitioning from conventional methods
to smart learning. To this end, the current work uses science mapping and bibliometrics
to analyze 637 publications on e‐learning and cloud computing to identify the key topics
and their dynamics. The current dispersion of the yearly number of publications on e‐
learning indicates a sharply rising interest in this research area. In short, these results il‐
lustrate a positive research development trend.
The findings and conclusions are restricted and are not meant to be exhaustive. With
this in mind, it must be acknowledged that SCI/SSCI journals follow strict journal review
criteria. Specifically, new research articles may take up to two years to be published after
they are submitted.
Additionally, the SCI/SSCI database does not include educational conference pro‐
ceedings Therefore, it is possible that the results of this study may not represent the most
recent research trends. All things considered, effectively improving the current working
system is critical because educational institutions are expanding daily, creating a gap be‐
tween educational organizations and industrial requirements. In conclusion, technologi‐
cal advances such as cloud computing can fill the gap by providing users with either free
or paid training without incurring any additional costs.
6. Conclusions
The science mapping methodology is a laborious and continuous project that is dif‐
ficult to control and organize from the research knowledge since research might change
over time in its primary theme area and shift to other research fronts without impacting
its initial category. At the same time, as the corpus of papers and studies expand, this
research can also be updated using the same approach, creating new overlays and finally
improving the topic.
The primary objective of this paper was to investigate the knowledge domain in e‐
learning systems based on cloud computing using bibliometric analysis. Thus, the goal of
this research, which was to provide an essential overview of scientific knowledge and to
emphasize trends and patterns in cloud computing‐based e‐learning systems, identifying
the most significant underlying concepts and knowledge gaps, respectively, has been
achieved. The findings highlighted the structure, evolution, main trends, and impact of
the research field of e‐learning systems based on cloud computing by intensively deter‐
mining and evaluating the scientific output, key contributions to the subject, and potential
future research directions.
Given these considerations, the current study’s implications highlight the signifi‐
cance of cloud‐based e‐learning technologies, as well as the direct relationship between
these two elements.
In the end, this research helps to fully understand the connection between the field
of e‐learning and cloud computing. The current paper contributes to the research commu‐
nity by helping academics, researchers, decision‐makers, and practitioners improve the
past, present, and future knowledge framework of e‐learning and cloud computing tech‐
Electronics 2023, 12, 62 24 of 27
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.D.; methodology, A.D. and D.Ø.M.; software, A.D.;
validation, A.‐M.B., R.B. and D.Ø.M.; formal analysis, A.‐M.B.; funding acquisition, D.Ø.M.; inves‐
tigation, R.B.; resources, R.B. and A.‐M.B.; writing—original draft preparation, A.D., A.‐M.B., R.B.
and D.Ø.M.; writing—review and editing, A.D., A.‐M.B., R.B. and D.Ø.M.; visualization, A.D., R.B.
and A.‐M.B.; supervision, A.D., A.‐M.B., R.B. and D.Ø.M. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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