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All content following this page was uploaded by Dawood Ahmad on 16 September 2022.
*Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Sarhad University of Information & Technology, Peshawar, KPK,
** Assistant Professor, Secondary Teacher Education Department, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad,
*** Professor, Sandal College, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
In the most developing countries, e-learning was not preferred as a tool for teaching and learning process.
However, the pandemic of COVID-19 forced institutions and teachers to utilize e-learning as a mode for
education to continue process of teaching and learning. This study appraised university faculty members'
observations, identified their experiences, and challenges of e-learning during the COVID- 19. It also
explored factors which impede the acceptance and use of e-learning as a device teaching at higher education
level. Data were collected using an electronic questionnaire for exploring challenges faced by e-learning
faculty. It was found that 44% of the faculty members who participated in the study were assistant
professors. More than 30% faculty members were from department of Computer Sciences. The significant
findings of the study were that more and more training facilities for the faculty and students should be
arranged on campus. Infrastructure of e-learning environment needs to be up-dated continuously and better
incentives for the faulty members should be given by the employer. The research study showed that the
challenges were overcome by the faculty members through the e- learning way of teaching and learning at
higher education level. Thus, it would be a successful strategy for the promulgation of e-learning and utilize
technology as a very positive step towards educational development and change.
collaborative activities. E- Learning is a new idea the employees take the course without waiting for
and concept of teaching and learning for most of new class mates or new group formation as it is
the faculty members. E-learning consists of all in face-to-face classes (Ruiz, 2006). Thus, it is
forms of electronically teaching and learning with worth mentioning here that effectiveness of e-
the help of technology that involves transferring learning forms for teaching a wide range of
course contents and materials online knowledge and skills. Every person has its own
electronically and digitally (Broadbent, 2002). learning way and style that characterizes a system
The information and communication of perceiving and understanding its own learning
technology (ICT) also serves as a specific media with the available educational material. There are
to implement the learning process. The form of certain people who have the capacity of
education got its popularity due to the fact as it perceiving educational material in the classroom
has a lot of un-doubtable benefits over the setting. However, researches show that at least
conventional ways of teaching and learning 80% of the learners can effectively perceive
(Radović-Marković, 2010). The first thing is that learning material in any form or in any mode of
there is no condition of face to face interaction teaching. This is evident that majority of learners
and large number of people to gather at a place are capable to learn effectively in electronic
which is also a very beneficial at the times of format of teaching and learning.
pandemics like covid-19 as we have experienced The development in science and
it. It is also beneficial for large scale technology and ICT has paved the way for
organizations with different branches institutions to participate in online social
geographically. networks to e-learning using LMS and web 2.0.
The usage of e-learning technology also These are new tools of learning by using ICT,
reduces the cost of courses, making and arranging which are flexible and able to customize. For
classrooms, a huge amount of staff salaries, travel example, LMS is used for delivering, tracking
costs, utilities etc. The organizations which have and managing education, used for focusing
promulgated e- learning exhibits that the total teaching and learning. It manages and deals with
amount of training is drastically reduced (Klein, a range of educational records to software for the
Ware, 2003). The other advantage of e-learning is effective distribution of different courses on the
that there are opportunities for the people to study internet. A learning content management system
conveniently at their own preferred time and (LCMS) is on the other hand, software which
place. focuses on the content of authoring (content
Whereas with traditional forms of objective which can be reusable and curriculum).
teaching and learning some learners are not able Technology is playing its important role
to attend the classes due to some work, now-a-days to tackle with the COVID-19 health
assignments; it is very important and for a crisis and learning at the same time. The sudden
successful and better performance. This provides situation to do work at a distance, home learning,
institutional challenges that are why home schooling and a great increase in online
organizations are preferring and implementing e- learning and distance work increased the demand
learning which generally face to face learning of e-learning. Few of these changes will remain
lacks. in use and continue beyond this pandemic
In addition to it, it is worth mentioning to (Antipova, 2021). The one main trend of 2020 in
note here that the process of e- learning may be education was an urge requirement for the
continuous. That means if there are new courses implementation of all the major aspects of
being offered or new training material available, distance learning (Radha et al., 2020).
Dr. Dawood Ahmad 9916
The crisis of pandemic covid-19 has technology and the provision of support for new
caused an enormous shock in the history of world infrastructure and set up. The faculty is required
educational systems. It has also changed the lives to lead time to learn new technological and
of billions of school going children throughout computer skills to boost up their motivation and
the world. The closures of educational undertake important work and start using new
institutions and schools affected 94% of the tools even if there is benefit for the organization.
educated population throughout the world and There is great need to change
people involved in it got affected enormously. institutional ethos and benefits to the faculty
One problem in applying LMS in any members for their efforts to enhance teaching and
educational institution involves in making learning which will definitely be of beneficial for
changes in the working process which is different the institutions financially. This may also include
than conventional teaching in the way of the training and retraining of faculty members to
planning, designing of curriculum and in the utilize and enhance their IT skills to ensure that
execution of courses that require the usage of e-learning infrastructure of the institute is
technology by the faculty member (Collis & Van equipped with skilled and trained staff.
der Wende, 2002). It also suggests that few
faculty members may be lacking motivational Objectives of the study
elements in their personality, skills to complete
the tasks by adopting new tools and techniques The objectives of the study were to:
even if there are benefits to the institution, staff 1. explore the challenges faced by e-
and students (Collis & Van der Wende, 2002). learning faculty members
The little usage of LMS by the faculty members 2. find out remedies of the challenges faced
also prove a challenge to some of the faculty by e- learning faculty members
members. 3. explore improvements in teaching by e-
However, in 2020 the educational learning faculty members
institutions encountered the issue of rapid and
effective reorganization of the entire system and Research questions
process of teaching and learning. Many The following research questions were designed
educational institutes were reluctant to switch by keeping in view the objectives of the study:
over from conventional pedagogical approach to 1. What are the challenges faced by e-
online teaching and learning (Dhawan, 2020). learning faculty members?
This was a basic requirement for the proper 2. What are remedies of the challenges
functioning of the education system. It is worth faced by e- learning faculty members?
mentioning here that the drawbacks of e-learning 3. Which improvements have been
include technical components like internet, achieved by e –learning faculty
computer skills and the availability of equipment members?
(Aung, Khaing, 2015).
Traditionally, the faculty members are Methodology
personally held accountable and responsible for The aim of the study was to find out challenges
their lectures’ planning and execution of course faced by e-learning faculty members in Pakistan
materials but here the institutions are required to during COVID-19 pandemic and suggest
have the direct participation and involvement by remedies for the future e-leaners and teachers.
the external course developers. A good incentive The study was completed after getting responses
should be offered to buy and set up new which were collected through an online survey
9917 Journal of Positive School Psychology
distributed via Google forms through social study, importance and significance of the study
media like Facebook, WhatsApp and by emails was also shared so as to encourage the
from different faculty members working in cooperation in the study by the respondents.
different departments in public and private
universities of Pakistan. The sample comprised Pilot study
165 respondents (male75 and female 90).
Most of the faculty members were not Pilot study was done on 10 faculty members
having experience of teaching online or through teaching e-learning classes. The modification,
changes and corrections were done to make sure
e-learning. It is also important to mention here
that only teaching was done through online the clarification of all the questions. A reliability
classes whereas the examinations were managed test was also done for testing the reliability of the
by face to face in the institutions’ premises. questionnaire.
Data Management
Procedures of data collection
The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS
A questionnaire was designed on Google forms (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version
and an invitation link was shared with the 20.0.
respondents via email and on social media such
as WhatsApp, Facebook. Reminders for the
response were also sent after ten days. A covering Data Analysis
letter explaining the purpose of the research
Frequency Percent
Male 75 45.5
Female 90 54.5
Table 1 shows that in total 165 faculty members (90 female and 75 male) participated in this research study.
Frequency Percent
Lecturer 44 26.7
Professor 15 9.1
Table 2 depicts that the majority of the faculty members were assistant professors who participated in this
Table: 3 Departments
Education 35 21.2
English 34 20.6
Biology 15 9.1
Table 3 shows that majority of faculty members who participated in the study were from Computer Science
department and the faculty members from department of Biology were least in number.
Table: 4 Experience
0-5 50 30.3
6-10 49 29.7
11-15 31 18.8
16-20 35 21.2
The table 4 expresses that the faculty members who participated in this research study were having 5 years
or less teaching experience.
Table 5 shows the descriptive statistics in details and the responses of the faculty members with mean and
standard deviation respectively.
Objective 1.
The table 6 depicts objective wise analysis of each statement with the mean and S.D of each statement.
Objective 2.
More training related to ICT should be given to e-learning faculty 165 3.2000 1.17494
Separate training sessions should be for students and teachers 165 4.5394 .89372
Students should have access to e-learning faculty by email 165 3.9091 1.38290
9921 Journal of Positive School Psychology
The table 7 depicts second objective and analysis of each statement with the mean and S.D of each statement.
Objective: 3
English language courses should be arranged for the e- learning faculty 165 2.9333 1.17460
Faculty feedback should be taken at the end of each course 165 2.7333 1.20027
Online resources should be available for e- learning faculty 165 3.3333 1.34950
The table 8 depicts third objective analysis of each statement with the mean and S.D of each statement.
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