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Education Informationization: Education Rain Run the

World, Science and Technology Spring Breeze Promote

Yue Qiu
Xinxiang Medical University, China
[email protected]


Starting from the policy of education informatization, this paper
firstly analyzes the differences between the 1.0 and 2.0 versions of
education informatization, indicating that technology and EDUCATION
education are gradually deeply integrated. Secondly, the future 2.1. Education Informatization 1.0 and 2.0
development prospect of the industry is predicted based on the "Broadband network school pass" is a school-based infrastructure
continuous growth of financial funds for education and the large construction and application of software and hardware,
demand of value-added services on the customer side of education fundamentally solving the problem of school broadband access,
informatization. In addition, this paper deeply studies the industry and preliminarily completing the basic network environment
chain and market participants of education informatization, and construction. "Class access to high-quality resources" is a class-
finds that the competition pattern is highly dispersed, and there based application of information education and teaching to
will be integration opportunities in the future market. Finally, the promote the universal application of information technology in
author believes that the future development trend of educational teaching and research. "Network learning space for all" is a
informatization will be marked by big data application, platform human-oriented teaching and learning based on information
and content digitalization. environment, reconstructing the relationship between education,
and serving as a layer for personalized learning. The education
CCS Concepts cloud resource platform mainly provides support for the
• Information systems➝Database management system engines convergence and sharing of various educational resources.
Education cloud management service platform provides school
Keywords affairs management services for schools, and provides information
Education informationization, Big data application, Education
management and decision support for education administrative
equity, Content digitalization
departments. The policy of education informatization 2.0
1. INTRODUCTION gradually promotes the integration of education and science and
The products of the information age of education have made technology and improves the education ecology[1] .
remarkable achievements in improving the teaching efficiency,
promoting the fair and universal benefit of education, and
2.2. Shift Contrast
Education informatization changes from 1.0 to 2.0, that is, from
improving the teaching infrastructure and hardware recently.
focusing on quantitative change to focusing on qualitative change;
Educational informatization covers a wide range of hardware,
The focus has shifted from application-driven and integrated
software and follow-up services, cloud technology and data
development to innovation-driven and ecological transformation.
services. This paper attempts to analyze from a more concrete
To put it simply, 1.0 focuses on school networking and
perspective and fills the gap in the academic field. At the same
multimedia devices and other infrastructure (hardware era), while
time, I hope to help readers to understand the contents of current
2.0 focuses on networking platform building and educational
educational informatization, its influence on educational and
application and content import (content, platform, application era).
teaching activities, the characteristics of the whole market, and the
development of educational informatization in the future. In 2.2.1 Achieve a Shift in Three Directions
conclusion, this paper will help relevant government departments
and academia to improve the macro cognition and understanding From the provision of application equipment,
of education informatization, understand the current situation of educational resources converge to the development,
the industry, and jointly promote the development of the industry. application and sharing of educational resources
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for With more and more diversified types of educational media,
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are educational media tend to be intelligent and intelligent, with more
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that and more powerful functions of interactivity and data storage and
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights analysis. For example, the required course of information
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be technology offered by the K12 phase school has realized the
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or transformation from computer courses to information technology
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior
specific permission and/or a fee.
courses. At present, there are more than 100 different versions of
Request permissions from [email protected]. information technology textbooks in China, encouraging creative
ICETT 2020, May 18–20, 2020, Macau, China curriculum reform in different places [2].
© 2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8798-9/20/05…$15.00

40 From promoting information application to
improving information literacy
Information literacy is a social thinking mode and action method
to have information, which indicates that information literacy is
called the basic quality of teachers and students in information
society, which is internalized in the heart and externalized in the
practice. To help students enhance their learning in content or
multidisciplinary areas. Realize the transformation of education

informatization from the bottom construction to the
content improvement and education innovation
Figure 1. China's financial allocation for education
development informatization in 2013-2022
China's education informatization industry has a huge scale, and it
is predicted that its market size will exceed 600 billion yuan in Source: Ministry of Education
2020. It will focus on strengthening the study on learning and
cognition of people in the age of intelligence, and vigorously 3.1.2 The School Focuses on Software Needs, while
promote the cross-integration of information science, life science the Individual Focuses on Value-added Services
and education science [3].
At the school level, the demand is mainly for software. Software
2.2.2 Reasons for Development service is the module with the most rapid development of
education informatization, including daily management, the
First, we need to promote equity in education through the Internet
demand for class scheduling, and intelligent marking[4].
plus education initiative. Educational informationization integrates
the boundaries of school education, family education and social Personal demand for value-added services, still not popular. The
education, connects the educational system inside and outside the reasons are as follows: the market of online education is growing
school, and becomes an effective help to promote educational rapidly, once the blue sea has become a competitive red sea
equity. Secondly, the rise of big data analysis solves the market, the influx of enterprises and capital continue to squeeze
disconnection between data collection and application. In addition, share, the traditional education information enterprises do not have
technology drives the change of teaching mode, drives the advantage of content. Enterprises facing the B/G-terminal
personalized learning, and realizes the real "teaching according to cannot find a good entrance to cut into the C-terminal, so the
one's aptitude". extension penetration of the latter is not smooth.


3.1. Demand Side: the Country Takes the
Improvement of Basic Hardware as the
Benchmark, while Schools and Individuals
Prefer Content and Value-added Services
3.1.1 The Country Focuses on Promoting Hardware
Equipment Figure 2. Scale and growth of China's online education
The demand at the national level is mainly hardware demand, market in 2016-2021
which is to upgrade and promote education hardware. Hardware Source: China Education Network
equipment is the basis of education information, generally for the
local education bureau for the school bidding procurement. In the 3.2. Supply Side: There are Many Fine
completion of construction of school network, demand for new Molecule Industries and the Market Pattern is
education informatization hardware equipment upgrades are also
growing, such as the terminal information equipment, electronic Scattered
card, upgrade multimedia devices (such as recorded broadcast
equipment, digital laboratory equipment), as well as the 3.2.1 There are Many Participants in the Education
construction of university laboratory (VR laboratory, cloud Informatization Industry
computing laboratory), etc. As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, the At present, in the education informatization industry, there are
state allocates 8 percent of the annual education fund to the many market participants providing b-side services, and a-share
education informationization investment. listed companies, including iflytek, jaffa education, vision source
shares and so on. At present, most of the a-share listed companies
are system integrators and software service providers. According
to the types of business, enterprises engaged in education
informatization can be roughly divided into four categories,
including hardware suppliers, system integrators, software

products and services, and educational content providers. selection system for junior and senior high schools. Based on the
technical support of algorithm, the intelligent course selection and
3.2.2 The Competition Pattern is Highly Dispersed, scheduling of "small class, middle class and large class" can be
with no Single Dominant Company realized. The sales volume of Xiao Yang education reached more
In 2017, the total revenue of a-share education informatization than 100 million in 2018 and 250 million in 2019. Up to now,
business was about 10.679 billion yuan, accounting for less than 4% Xiao Yang has covered more than 1600 schools in Beijing, tianjin,
compared with the demand of b-end market of 273.1 billion yuan sichuan and shandong, including Beijing no. 35 middle school and
in 2017, indicating that the market competition pattern is highly chengdu no. 7 middle school.
dispersed. The top three a-share companies in terms of educational
informatization business revenue are shiyuan, iflytek, and lichen. 3.3.3 Cloud services and SAAS Products: Low Cost
The business revenue of educational informatization is 4.491 Power Application of Educational Informatization
billion yuan, 1.51 billion yuan, and 1.201 billion yuan, Software
respectively [5]. The establishment of cloud data servers and the launch of SaaS
The income scale of education informatization company grows services can enable more schools and education enterprises to use
rapidly. From 2015 to 2017, the total revenue of education all kinds of educational information software without server
informatization business of a-share listed companies was 4.594, reserves, and store and analyze big data at the same time. SaaS
7.659 and 10.679 billion yuan respectively, with year-on-year services are expected to continue to grow rapidly in the future.
growth of 66.7% in 2016 and 39.4% in 2017, with A very fast Meanwhile, in the process of continuous development of cloud
growth rate. services, more intelligent big data analysis services are expected to
play a significant role in the stage of education informatization.
3.3. Product Side: Hardware Facilities, Take Internet giant baidu as an example. Baidu education has
Software Content, Cloud Services and SaaS, opened the interface of all aspects of artificial intelligence through
baidu education brain. At the "wisdom in China" 2018 baidu
Value-added Services education partner conference, baidu education signed contracts
with eight partners including Beijing longyuan dingsheng and
3.3.1 Hardware Products: Composed of Multimedia jiuzhang tiandi culture [7].
and Electronic Equipment
Hardware products include computer, electronic white board, 4. INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT TRENDS:
projector, recording and broadcasting equipment, electronic class BIG DATA APPLICATION, PLATFORM
card, electronic books and newspapers. In this paper, interactive
intelligent tablet is selected for analysis. Interactive intelligent AND DIGITAL CONTENT
tablet is the core product of education digital environment
hardware, also known as interactive LCD all-in-one, which is
4.1. Enabling Teaching Experience of Big Data
displayed in hd or ultra hd LCD screen and designed with and AI
Windows and Android as a whole. It can realize data transmission Technology is still the key to the b-side business of education
and sharing between systems, whiteboard writing, presentation information companies. At present, education has entered the DT
and multi-format multimedia courseware playing. Xiwo era, and it is an irresistible trend for education enterprises to
interactive intelligent tablet under shiyuan stock can also realize integrate teaching data and analyze them with Internet, cloud
open sharing of resources in Seewo Store, an educational computing and other technologies. With the deepening of the
application mall. From 2016 to 2018, the market share of the Internet, educational information enterprises with rich learning
interactive smart tablet in the education market of siyuan stock data and advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence will
was 31.30%, 35.50% and 36.50%, respectively. In each period, the occupy the first-mover advantage.
company was in the leading position in the domestic interactive After the intervention of big data and AI, there are two ways to
smart tablet market, covering more than 800,000 classrooms. In realize personalized learning: 1) analyze content and construct
2018, the gross margin of interactive intelligent whiteboard knowledge map. Make full use of educational technology tools
reached 30.50%, which is ahead of other businesses of the and algorithms to analyze students' learning data and construct
company[6]. knowledge map; 2) adaptive learning to realize intelligent
recommendation. Personalized learning is an important feature of
3.3.2 Software Products: Meet the Requirements of self-adaptation. It intelligently recommends the content most
Educational Administration and Teaching Scenarios suitable for students, establishes a learner-centered education
The application scenarios of the software system mainly focus on environment, and finally improves the learning effect efficiently
classroom teaching and school management, which can be and significantly [8].
simplified into five functions of teaching, learning, practice,
management and evaluation according to the teaching service 4.2. Vertical Integration of Industrial Chain to
contents, and can be subdivided into educational management, Create a Platform Entrance
interactive classroom, courseware resources, lesson preparation
On the one hand, if the pure technology service providers lack of
system, test bank, intelligent examination, enrollment management,
content supply, the user stickiness is insufficient; On the other
intelligent course arrangement and other application scenarios.
hand, it's hard for a pure content provider to get enough customer
This paper takes the class scheduling system as an example. The
traffic to scale. Based on this, there is a trend of vertical
new college entrance examination needs to schedule classes, must
integration between technology service providers and content
rely on education information products to complete the auxiliary
providers in the education information industry chain.
products, so the relevant products have a huge market scale. "One
person, one class schedule" of Xiao Yang education is a course Build an open education cloud platform entrance to accelerate the
realization of c-end content. Under the background of the

construction of "three links and two platforms", the education Development trend of education informatization: big data
platform can realize the collection, sharing and application of application, platform and content digitalization. 1) big data and
education resources, and the technology service providers can artificial intelligence make it possible to teach students according
connect high-quality education resources to teachers, students and to their aptitude. At present, education has entered the DT era.
parents based on their own channels, so they can introduce third- Educational information enterprises with rich learning data,
party content providers to obtain revenue sharing. At the same artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies will occupy
time, with the help of the channel and flow of the platform, off- the first-mover advantage. 2) vertical integration of industrial
campus education institutions can accurately export high-quality chain to create a platform entrance. There is a trend of vertical
teaching content to the user group, thus accelerating the realization integration between technology service providers and content
of c-end content [9]. providers in the industry chain of education informatization.
Relying on the entrance of education cloud platform, the
4.3. Digitalization of High-quality Education realization of c-end content can be accelerated. 3) high-quality
Contents Opens the Market Space of C- content is still the core of the education industry, and digital
content opens up B2B2C market space. The educational products
terminal under the deep integration of education and information
High-quality content is still the core of the education industry, and technology will return to the educational essence that users pay for
digital content can open B2B2C market through channels. The the service effect.
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