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Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

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Application of the convergent education model in the development of a

smart learning environment
Mikhail Deev a,∗, Alexey Finogeev b
Deputy Head of Department of Programming and Administration of Educational Resources, Center for Multimedia Technologies and Online Learning, Penza State
University, Penza, Russia
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of CAD Department, Penza State University, Penza, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The article presents a scientific and practical approach to the development and implementation of the concept of
Convergence convergent learning in the framework of building an open educational platform to manage the process of training
Model specialists. The presented concept of convergence education is based on the integration of educational programs,
learning content, competency matrices, methods and technologies for training specialists and personalized learn-
Educational resources
ing trajectories in smart learning environment. To implement the model and the convergent approach, it is vital
Smart learning environment
to make use of an information and educational environment with mechanisms to support convergent learning
based on regional labor market analysis, actualizing of educational programs and resources, harmonization and
synchronization life-cycle models thereof, adaptive customization and personalization of specialist training tra-
jectories. The article presents the developed convergence model of educational programs and employer vacancies
as a weighted graph to illustrate the relationship between competence requirement vectors of educational pro-
grams and sought-after employment. To isolate the convergence model components and evaluate the convergence
degree thereof, a graph clustering algorithm based on the Louvain method has been developed. A method for
synthesizing a convergence model of educational content organized as a fuzzy weighted graph has been pre-
sented, and sets of topics and sections of electronic learning resources being its vertices. Search and extraction
of convergence educational content sections have been implemented by means of an algorithm for extracting
fuzzy isomorphic subgraphs, and assessing the convergence degree thereof. The results of the study are used
to synthesize an information and educational environment with intelligent mechanisms for supporting learning
processes based on an analysis of the requirements of labor markets and actualizing educational content and
training programs, as well as adaptive customization and personalization of specialist training trajectories. The
architecture of the educational environment includes a set of software and tools for managing the components of
the information space of the university with support for mobile, cloud and blended learning technologies.

1. Introduction (c) user distribution and anonymity in the process of learning and
Technological advance in electronic, mobile, cloud, immersion, and (d) availability of any consultations on educational programs in the
blended learning for specialists has become a trend in the development learning process,
of education in the context of digitalization and intellectualization of (e) likelihood of hiring specialists to perform educational tasks (lab-
every sphere of human life. Special attention has been paid to novel ap- oratory and practical tasks, course projects, theses, etc.),
proaches concerning educational process modernization, and the con- (f) potential of online learning, testing and certification of trainees,
vergence education concept and model being the one. (g) shifting the perspective of the educational process from exper-
A number of factors affecting modernization and development vec- imental learning on real physical objects and systems towards
tors of education are as follows: learning through virtual and augmented reality experiences,
(h) shifting the emphasis in learning from the perception and mem-
(a) availability of online information and educational resources, orization of information through verbal stimuli (written mate-
(b) topic-oriented open network information interaction between rial) to the perception of information through nonverbal stimuli
people and communities, (graphic and animated visualizations),

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Deev).

Received 20 October 2022; Received in revised form 7 February 2023; Accepted 1 March 2023
2772-5030/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

(i) transition from paper-based learning to electronic learning re- educational systems of the new generation also cannot be built without
sources in the information and educational environment, the use of these technologies [1,17,22]. Intelligent components in the
(j) use of information and telecommunication technologies in any educational environment are used for various purposes, for example,
specialty training, to organize and support open and ubiquitous learning technologies, to
(k) intellectualization of the educational process through computer- work with electronic educational content (EEC) on the Internet, which
ization; the use of mobile and computer modeling technologies; includes a huge variety of available electronic learning resources (ELR),
virtual, extended, and hypertext/hypermedia formats of educa- for adaptive customization educational programs on the level of train-
tional material presentation, etc. ing of the student and the choice of personal learning trajectories, for
The global penetration of information and telecommunication tech- managing the educational process, etc.
nologies (digitalization) into every sphere of life, the introduction of In our project, intellectual components are primarily intended to be
methods of distance and open education, and network access to infor- used to implement a mechanism for proactive management of the pro-
mation and educational resources (ER) have necessitated computer sci- cess of training in-demand specialists in the regional labor markets. The
ence disciplines to be studied by any specialist. Educational changes main tasks of proactive management are the collection, consolidation
stemming from digitalization have become a system-forming factor for and intellectual analysis of the requirements for specialists from em-
the emergence of digital transformation in education [27]. Digitaliza- ployers, predictive modeling of trends in their changes with a forecast
tion relates primarily to the provision of educational services; synthe- of the number of specialists of appropriate qualifications in the medium
sis of electronic learning resources (ELR); creation of an information and long term, the necessary actualizing of educational programs (EP)
and educational environment; use of distance learning and certification and EEC, coordination and synchronization of their models. life cycles in
technologies; automation of educational, organizational and adminis- the course of adaptive customization and personalization of educational
trative activities in educational institutions; teacher-student interaction trajectories.
technologies; ensuring information security of the educational process In [2] presents the results of research in terms of developing the main
subjects, etc. components of the intelligent educational environment (ILE), which is
It is the processes of digital transformation due to scientific and tech- being implemented at Penza State University.
nological progress and the growing demand for intellectual professions The ILE computing ecosystem includes modular tools for collecting,
in modern society that necessitate introduction and elaboration of a con- processing and intellectual analysis of big data (texts of vacancies of em-
vergence education model based on the intersection and mutual effect ployers on the Internet), a learning process management system, an EEC
of pedagogical science and digital technologies. Thus, the convergence actualize and modernization system, modules for the synthesis and set-
processes in the educational environment are due to digitalization of ed- tings of personalized learning trajectories, a system for actualizing, coor-
ucation and other spheres of human life, taking into account the impact dinating and synchronizing educational programs, a system for assessing
of the above factors. Therefore, methodological and pedagogical foun- the quality of training of specialists, an information security administra-
dations for the development of a convergence approach in education are tion system, cloud storage and a number of auxiliary subsystems. The
based on the implementation of modern education patterns in terms of power of the ecosystem varies due to horizontal scalability and the in-
digitalization and informatization [24]. tegration of autonomous modules, and the functionality is provided by
Nowadays, from our point of view, practical aspects of developing software agents. The basic components of ILE are:
tools for implementing the concept of convergence education should 1. Learning Management System (LMS).
come to the forefront. 2. EEC management and publication system.
The model of convergent education involves the implementation of 3. Learning Activity Management System (LAMS).
three main processes: 4. A system for searching, collecting and intellectual analysis of em-
(a) the process of modernization and actualizing of educational pro- ployers’ requirements in open sources on the Internet.
grams and resources in accordance with the requirements of the 5. System for administration and storage of personal information of
modern labor market, participants in the educational process and electronic educational
(b) the process of harmonization and synchronization of educational content in the cloud storage and a system for providing secure access.
programs and resources of different areas of training specialists, 6. Auxiliary modular tools to support the operation of the ILE compo-
(c) the process of adapting training methods and methods to the nents.
changing requirements of state standards and employers, as well Ecosystem components work with a large number of digitized edu-
as personalizing the trajectories of training and retraining of spe- cational programs and electronic educational resources, which are used
cialists in accordance with the specific requirements of enter- both to modernize training programs and educational content, and to
prises. implement the educational process of Penza State University (Russia).
The convergent educational model is based on the convergence (con- The tools for analyzing the requirements of employers ensure the re-
vergence) of educational programs and competence matrices, electronic sponse of the educational system to the changing requirements of the
educational resources, methods and technologies for training special- regional economy and represent an innovative mechanism for intensi-
ists, personalized learning trajectories. The implementation of the model fying the process of training in-demand specialists.
with the support of convergent processes is possible only in an intellec- Smart technologies open up opportunities to improve the learning
tual educational environment, the tools of which are designed to syn- process efficiency due to the following factors:
chronize the life cycles of educational components, adapt them and har- 1. The use of mobile devices and web technologies for widespread ac-
monize them with the changing requirements of professional and edu- cess to educational resources to be applied in an interactive mode;
cational standards, as well as employers in the regional labor markets. 2. The use of cloud storage for educational content hosting;
Artificial intelligence technologies in such an environment are a mecha- 3. Monitoring the requirements of educational and professional stan-
nism for adaptive management of educational processes in a convergent dards, and employers in the regional labor markets on the possibility
model. The intelligent components of the environment support the pro- of adaptive configuration and actualizing of educational programs,
cesses of managing the life cycles of educational programs and resources resources and teaching methods;
with adaptation to the requirements of regional labor markets and the 4. Implementation of personalized learning technologies in senior
conditions of the modern digital and innovative economy. courses with the possibility of synthesizing educational trajectories,
The introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in all spheres taking into account the competence requirements of specific employ-
of human life is a modern trend in the development of society. Therefore, ers;

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

5. Development of self-learning techniques using distance technologies to provide new mechanisms to incentivize convergence research in pop-
and open educational resources, consultations and online testing; ulation health.
6. The use of immersive learning technologies based on virtual and Convergence research progressing at a rapid clip, it engenders a num-
augmented reality, etc. ber of challenges/opportunities to education. According to Herr et al.
[16], the National Science Foundation, the Organization for Economic
Earlier in the course of research, a hierarchical structure of the con-
Co-operation and Development; the US National Academies of Sciences,
vergence model of education includes five levels depending on the scope
Engineering and Medicine, etc. sponsored a workshop, with global par-
of application [7]:
ticipation, to explore actions that would facilitate convergence in edu-
(a) educational and technological level to synchronize learning tech- cation.
nologies and teaching methods; There are few publications devoted to the convergence of educa-
(b) educational and methodological level to synchronize educational tional environment components in the Russian Federation as compared
programs and educational and methodological content; to those abroad. At most, the research outcomes are aimed at solving
(c) professional level to synchronize competence models for diverse particular practical problems and the concept of convergence is consid-
professions; ered in general theoretical conceptual terms. Moreover, the lack of a
(d) organizational level to synchronize educational process manage- unified definition of the convergence education concept emphasizes the
ment systems in a single information space; research relevance and importance in this area.
(e) social cognition level to synchronize cognitive and social tech- Robert [24] considers the factors that influence the development of
nologies in order to stimulate and motivate students for indepen- convergence education conditioned by the achievements, challenges,
dent learning in an open educational environment. and the risks of modern society. The theoretical and methodologi-
cal and scientific and pedagogical foundations for the formation and
2. Theoretical review of convergence education research development of convergence education based on the realization of
modern education features are substantiated and presented. These de-
Transition to convergence models of education has stemmed from termine the essential changes taking place therein, being partially
advances in science related to the introduction of informatization, intel- and spontaneously implemented but having neither positive scientific
lectualization and digitalization technologies in all aspects of life, pro- outcome. The definition of convergence education is substantiated
viding both lots of opportunities and challenges to the educational sys- and formulated from a scientific and pedagogical point of view. The
tem. methodological, scientific and methodical, and pedagogical and tech-
Robert [25,26] presents positive and negative outcomes of digital nological bases for the development of convergence education, and
transformation in education. The author introduces the concept of an promising fundamental studies of its implementation are described and
axiological approach to the development of education during digital proposed.
transformation and considers the directions for the development of in- Overall, interdisciplinarity is considered to be a methodological ba-
formatization of education in these conditions. sis of the convergent approach in education, and scientific and prac-
Katalin and Karoly [18] present innovative methods based on digital tical problems being solved at the intersection of various disciplines.
games and mobile technologies that are integrated into the traditional Interdisciplinarity is perceived in the form of overcoming barriers that
educational environment and have both advantages and disadvantages separate different sciences by object/subject/method. The convergence
with regard to applicability in traditional education. The generation gap educational model is defined as a synthesis of complex academic dis-
between teachers and students due to the information revolution, chang- ciplines that combine scientific knowledge and technological achieve-
ing curricula and the requirements of an innovative economy, has forced ments based on general development patterns of natural sciences, and
the emergence of novel alternative approaches. The key learning factors nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive
are the ability of students to read and comprehend, the tolerance for science (NBIC).
completing tasks focusing on attention, concentration and motivation. The convergence of educational systems is increasingly becoming
A new generation of students with virtual and mobile learning needs is a necessity in many aspects of everyday life. General and vocational
a challenge for the current educational system, forcing the introduction education should endeavor for efficacious modalities of convergence
of new effective methods and forms of education. among traditionally distinct disciplines. The harmonization of EP based
A programming tutoring system providing smart and interactive con- on a system ideology blurs the barriers among traditionally distinct aca-
tent, personalization options, adaptive features, and learning analytics demic disciplines and professional fields. The convergence in education
as a support for users engaged in learning complex cognitive skills is con- is viewed [9,14,15] as a process of integrating different disciplines to
sidered by Vesin et al. [29]. The study shows that students find adaptive achieve innovative goals of training specialists in diverse subject areas.
learning systems to be useful in monitoring progress, promoting reflec- Integration processes are a reality in the labor market, in professional
tive practices, and receiving feedback to better understand their actions research and development organizations, and at university level. The
and learning strategies. concept of differential convergence, comprising five major convergence
The US National Science Foundation defines convergence as the deep modalities for education to be implemented in any educational environ-
integration of knowledge, techniques, and expertise from multiple fields ment, is proposed. The modalities determined through theoretical and
to form new and expanded frameworks for addressing scientific and so- practical criteria are characterized by:
cietal challenges and opportunities. Some authors [28] show that the
so-called third revolution in medicine is primarily associated with the (a) pluridisciplinarity results from the convergence among disci-
convergence of life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, and en- plines in often the same academic field with a complex of ER
gineering. According to Dzau and Balatbat [12], it is vital to reimag- peculiar to one discipline;
ine population health in terms of convergence. The authors show that (b) multidisciplinarity results from the convergence among related
progress in population health cannot depend on a single sector and re- disciplines;
quires scientific understanding of education, social services, economic (c) cross-disciplinarity results from the integrative convergence of
development, environment, nutrition and food marketing, urban design, a number of disciplines coming preferably from different fields
and health. Success will depend on effective partnerships across sectors. with a complex of similar ER peculiar to two or more disciplines
Universities and academic health science centers must create the cul- is used;
ture, ecosystem, and incentives to bring relevant sectors together and (d) interdisciplinarity results from the convergence of a complex of
establish frameworks that integrate knowledge from many disciplines ER peculiar to different disciplines and learning methods;

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

(e) transdisciplinarity results from the convergence of a complex of chronizing and harmonizing the convergence processes, actualizing and
ER peculiar to different disciplines within a single educational personalizing professional training for specialist and master programs.
space. There is a convergence of the required knowledge, skills and abilities
acquired by specialists within their own skill levels during the life cycle
Having attempted to implement the model-based convergent ap- of competence requirements of educational standards and employers. An
proach in science education, the authors highlight its advantages and analysis of multiple federal state educational standards (FSES) has con-
single out tools for harmonizing different disciplines within the model. firmed the convergence of educational programs (EP) due to the annual
The convergence of models is provided by the proposed system tools growth in the number of similar competencies. Recently, the life cycle
and methods for the development of coordinated EP and the use of ed- of employer competency requirements has had an increasing impact on
ucational materials. the convergence and actualizing of the educational program during its
life cycle. As part of the convergent approach, the program is actualized
3. Materials and methods for the convergence of educational in accordance with the fixed changes in the employer competence re-
process quirements, including knowledge and skills. Besides, EP actualizing is
influenced by:
3.1. The concept of convergence process in education
(1) advent of new technologies, materials, equipment, etc.,
The convergence process in education is defined primarily as the (2) emergence of new industries and enterprises and disappearance
convergence of educational programs, resources, social and cognitive of obsolete ones,
technologies used to train specialists in various subject areas. Cogni- (3) origin of new professions and jobs and disappearance of odd ones,
tive and social technologies represent a system of methods that enhance (4) specialist oversupply or shortage in particular regional industries,
cognitive abilities of students in solving practical problems. (5) identified shortcomings and flaws of existing educational pro-
The convergence of educational programs and teaching materials for grams in relation to regional features, etc.
different specialties is ensured by the convergence of professional and
To obtain the required competencies, specialists often have to mas-
educational standards. For example, competencies in the field of infor-
ter additional educational programs within their own/related/ differ-
mation, telecommunications and computing technologies are required
ent specialties. For example, a therapist has to master information and
for various professions. The convergence of educational programs en-
telecommunication competencies for remote patient monitoring. Evi-
tails transformation of work programs of academic disciplines, funds of
dently, additional programs should be synchronized and coordinated
assessment tools, and educational and methodological content. For dif-
with those of the basic specialty, and adjusted taking into account the
ferent specialties, Common sections and topics are added and similar
level of special training and the requirements of employers. To synchro-
teaching methods and learning technologies are used. Thus, in terms
nize and harmonize such educational programs, the following method-
of educational process, the convergence method determines the conver-
ology [4,6] has been implemented (Fig. 1).
gence of competence matrices, acquired knowledge, skills and abilities,
taking into account the needs of the real sector of the economy and
employer requirements. 3.2. A graph model for the convergence of educational programs and
According to state academic standards for higher education under- employer vacancies
graduate programs, both student universal and general professional
and professional competencies are formed. Professional competencies The convergence model highlights the relationship between learn-
are divided into mandatory and recommended ones and are based ing programs offered by educational institutions and the existing em-
on professional state standards according to labor market competen- ployer needs for regional labor market specialists. To identify relation-
cies of graduates. Such requirements are synthesized on the basis of ships and determine opportunities for training in-demand specialists,
generalization of professional experience and consultations with em- tools for online vacancy search and analysis have been developed to
ployers or associations thereof. Despite major efforts in the formation actualize and personalize educational programs [10]. Search robots are
of such competencies to prepare state educational standards, there is used to deal with job search sites, labor exchanges, firms and companies,
a gap between fixed standard competencies and the current market bulletin boards, job databases, relevant groups in social networks and
realities of the innovation economy. New competence requirements instant messengers, job search forums, etc. Labeled geospatial data on
evolve along with the advent of new materials, technologies, equipment, employer requirements and specialist competencies are extracted from
etc. various sources and stored. To synthesize a convergence model, infor-
Search for new employer requirements, and selection and analysis mation on the required competencies is extracted from the description of
of new competencies should proceed in the operational mode and affect vacancies, being converted into keyword vector models [11]. The vector
modernization and actualizing of educational programs in professional model represents competencies via a group of semantically related key-
training of specialists. Thus, in our opinion, state academic standards words. Deev et al. [4] consider a method for synthesizing vector mod-
should only specify universal and general professional competencies els based on the modified Word2Vec algorithm with the calculation of
rather than professional ones. The convergence education model con- a sampling logistic loss function during predicting and optimizing the
ceptualize professional competencies based on system search and analy- learning model. Time and geospatial labels are used to set geographi-
sis of employer requirements in regional labor markets rather than being cal area and time frame for selecting vacancies to be analyzed during
selected from quickly outdated professional standards. Moreover, one vector representation formation. The selected geographic area is related
should take into account numerous factors affecting the required spe- to the distribution of competencies of regional sought-after specialists
cialist competencies, e.g., the emergence of new technologies, devices and allows either determining educational programs of regional educa-
and materials, changes in labor functions, new specialties, and modern- tional institutions that meet employer requirements, or confirming the
ization of old enterprises, etc. In fact, constant actualizing of competence lack thereof. An analysis of time frame is vital to assess the feasibility of
requirements in the regional labor markets is imperative. Obtaining ac- creating new or adapting existing EP and resources in the selected re-
tualized competencies leads to the actualizing of educational programs gion or training specialists in neighboring regions, taking into account
and resources to determine their life cycles. the forecasting needs for specialists in the regional labor market.
Thus, to develop a convergence model of education, a set of methods The developed method and tools are used to extract data on com-
for managing the life cycles of competence requirements, educational petencies from educational programs posted on the websites of regional
programs and educational resources is needed. These are aimed at syn- educational institutions. Ready-made competencies are presented in the

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

Fig. 1. Methodology for synchronization and coordination of educational programs.

educational and work programs of the studied disciplines, which are rec- competencies and the competencies of a sought-after specialist. How-
ommended by FSES. However, in contrast to the competencies presented ever, this can be achieved by analyzing the content of work programs
in employer vacancies, the analysis has evidenced that most competen- and specifying knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by specialists at
cies have a generalized and non-specified nature or do not fully corre- an educational institution.
spond to the content of the program. Therefore, for the completeness of To synthesize a convergence model of the educational process, it is
the vector model of EP competencies, the procedure for analyzing the necessary to transform the graph in order to highlight similar (conver-
content of work programs of the disciplines in the EP framework and gent) educational programs and similar vacancies in the regional labor
extracting keywords has been implemented. market. It is important to establish and evaluate the relationship be-
Further, the relationship between the word vectors obtained from tween the proposed educational institutions and the required vacancies.
the competence requirements of educational programs and vacancies of Further, in the case of strong ties, one should move on to recommen-
sought-after specialists can be represented as a weighted graph with two dations for choosing an existing educational program, selecting educa-
subgraphs G = (V1 , V2 , E), where: V1 is a set of vertices that represent tional resources and synthesizing a personalized trajectory for training
the word vectors of EP competence requirements; V2 are word vectors of sought-after specialists. In the absence of a regional EP, it is vital either
employers; 𝐸 = {< 𝜇(𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣𝑗 )∕(𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣𝑗 ) >} is a set of edges with 𝜇 ∈ [0.5; 1] to expand the search area for educational institutions that can prepare
weights (Fig. 2). a specialist for the required vacancy, or proceed to the development of
When synthesizing the graph, the edges with weights less than 0.5 a new additional EP in accordance with employer requirements.
are excluded, since at the initial stage we do not regard educational To achieve the goal at the first stage, it is necessary to execute the
programs that train specialists with low-demand competencies in the graph clustering algorithm. According to the problem, a graph repre-
selected region. However, these programs may be in demand either dur- sented as an adjacency matrix, with elements being edge weights, will
ing a new search, while selecting vacancies for another region, or de- be considered as the input and output data. A similarity criterion, a
veloping a new EP. Edge weights represent a normalized estimate of the metric space, and a metric function for each pair of graph vertices are
convergence degree of keyword vectors obtained from competency re- specified for vertex clustering.
quirements. The subset of V1 subgraph vertices is formed by extracting The graph clustering algorithm represents the function 𝐹 ∶ 𝑉 → 𝑉 ′ ,
competency descriptions from EP and professional standards, and sets of which associates the vertices of subgraphs V1i and V2i with the clusters
keywords from the content of topics and sections of EP work programs V’1 and V’2 . The edge weights 𝜇 will be considered as the distance metric
of the disciplines. It is urgent, since the descriptions of competencies between vertices. The clustering result is the graph G’ = (V’1 , V’2 , E’),
being added to EP are taken from federal state standards without spec- where V’1 and V’2 are cluster subsets of EP competency and employer
ification. As for labor market vacancies, the required competencies are competency vectors connected by edges E’ with integral weights 𝜇 ′ .
commonly described in more detail and explicitly, which does not allow From a mathematical point of view, the vertices that are combined into
establishing the necessary correspondence between the generalized EP a cluster should have a minimum average intra-cluster and a maximum

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

Fig. 2. Weighted word vector graph.

inter-cluster distance. In our case, since vertices with the highest de- signed the number of its cluster, and the modularity of clusters is
gree of similarity of keyword vectors are combined into a cluster, the calculated.
procedure for minimizing/maximizing distances consists in choosing the 2. An arbitrary cluster with the vertex moving in turn to each neigh-
threshold value of μ weight for the edge ei . Wherein, edges with a weight boring cluster is chosen. The modified modularity coefficient ΔM is
greater than the threshold value will unite the vertices of the same clus- calculated before and after vertex displacement. The cluster having
ter. Overall, vertices can simultaneously belong to several clusters, since the largest modularity change 𝑚𝑎𝑥 Δ𝑀 > 0 with the fixed displaced
different educational programs can have similar competency vectors. vertex is selected. If none of displacements increases the modularity,
The algorithm is based on determination and optimization of the then the vertex remains in the same cluster. This stage is repeated
vertex-clustering modularity coefficient. The modularity coefficient in until the coefficient changes remain unchanged.
the original algorithm is the density of edges within a cluster in the 3. A graph with clusters is transformed into a multigraph. The vertices
range of [-1,1] versus the number of inter-cluster edges. In fact, modu- of clusters are combined into one vertex with the transformation of
larity is the sum of weights of edges incident to a vertex within a cluster edges between thereof into loops, and the multiple edges between
minus the sum of the weights of the vertex edges associated with ver- the resulting vertices are replaced by one edge. The new weights
tices in other clusters. In our case, when determining the modularity of loops and edges are recalculated as the arithmetic mean of the
coefficient, only the weights of edges greater than the specified thresh- weights of the former edges.
old value are taken into account. Edges with lesser weights are not con- 4. Stages 2 and 3 are repeated until the optimal value of modu-
sidered for clustering. In this case, the threshold value is selected itera- larity coefficient is reached (when neither change in modularity
tively, depending on the size of clusters. Initially, the value 0.75 is set occur).
and, provided a larger number of degenerate clusters (those with one
vertex) being obtained, the threshold is reduced by 0.05. Conversely, if In our case, the Louvain algorithm is used as an optimization function
all vertices are grouped into one cluster, then the threshold is increased to determine the convergence of competence matrices of educational
by 0.05, and the clustering process is repeated. The algorithm ends when programs and employers in regional labor markets. The mathematical
the optimal number of non-degenerate clusters is determined. procedure for combining graph vertices demonstrates the convergence
The modularity coefficient is calculated as: process of educational programs of different specialties and existing va-
[ ∑ ∑ ] cancies in the labor markets, which allows quickly monitoring the list of
1 ∑ 𝜇𝑒 𝑖 𝜇𝑒 𝑗 ( )
𝑀= 𝜇𝑖,𝑗 − 𝛿 𝑐𝑖 , 𝑐𝑗 , (1) popular professions and qualifications of specialists. Wherein, the num-
2𝑟 𝑖,𝑗 2𝑟 ber of clusters of EP competence vectors and vacancy competence vec-
tors is not strictly determined in advance and can change during the
where M is modularity; r is the sum of weights of subgraph edges (r >
clustering process. In our case, the restrictions are the values of edge
p) having greater weights than a given threshold p; 𝜇𝑖,𝑗 is the weight of
weights, which can be varied, thereby changing the number of conver-
the edge between vertices i and j combining into the cluster (𝜇𝑖,𝑗 > 𝑝);
gent EP and employer vacancies.
𝜇𝑒𝑖 and 𝜇𝑒𝑗 are the weights of ei and ej edges incident to i and j vertices
(𝜇𝑒𝑖 > 𝑝, 𝜇𝑒𝑗 > 𝑝); 𝑐𝑖 , 𝑐𝑗 are clusters with i and j vertices; 𝛿(𝑐𝑖 , 𝑐𝑗 ) is the
Kronecker delta, being an indicator of cluster equality (if ci = cj , then 3.3. Proactive management of the convergent model of the educational
𝛿(𝑐𝑖 , 𝑐𝑗 ) = 1; otherwise, it is equal to 0). process
The modularity coefficient for an individual cluster is defined as:
∑𝑛 𝑐
( ∑𝑘 𝑐 𝑜
)2 In the process of research, ILE software and tools are being devel-
𝑖=1 𝜇𝑖 𝑖=1 (𝜇𝑖 + 𝜇𝑖 ) oped and implemented to implement the mechanism of proactive man-
𝑀𝑐 = − , (2)
2𝑟 2𝑟 agement of the convergent model of education. The complex of intellec-
where Mc is the cluster modularity; 𝜇𝑖𝑐 is the weight of an inter-cluster tual tools is intended for the analysis and selection of educational pro-
edge greater than the threshold (μ > p); 𝜇𝑖𝑜 is the weight of an intra- grams and electronic educational resources of educational institutions
cluster edge greater than the threshold (μ > p); n is the number of inter- in the selected geographical area (region) for the training of specialists
cluster edges; k is the total number of edges incident to all cluster ver- of the appropriate qualification, as well as for assessing the degree of
tices. convergence of competencies formed at the university with a matrix of
Here are the key stages of the algorithm. competence requirements of a sought-after specialist, which is synthe-
sized based on the results collection and analysis of the requirements of
1. At the first stage, the search for minimum local clusters with the employers in the regional labor markets. Here are the structure of the
optimal modularity function value is performed. Each vertex is as- toolkit (Fig. 3):

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

Fig. 3. The structure of intellectual tools for

the convergent model of education.

Fig. 4. Stages of proactive management of the convergent model of the educational process.

Intellectual means are necessary for solving problems: 2. Setting/expanding the geographical area of the region under study
for the selection of educational programs offered by educational in-
• graph clustering in order to identify similar (convergent) compe- stitutions, search and collection of vacancies for the required spe-
tency requirements of employers and competencies formed in the cialists.
process of training for specific educational programs, 3. EP analysis offered by educational institutions in a given area, ex-
• synthesis of a formalized matrix of competence requirements of a traction of descriptions of competencies (knowledge, skills and abil-
sought-after specialist in the region based on the analysis of vacan- ities), transformation into a vector model of keywords and synthesis
cies in the labor market, the requirements of professional and edu- of a formalized competence matrix of a trained specialist.
cational standards, 4. Collection and analysis of vacancies of specialists offered by employ-
• automated formation of a set of actualized EPs for specific special- ers in a given area, and extraction of descriptions of competencies
ties in demand in the region, which correspond to a given integral (knowledge, skills and abilities) from vacancy texts. Transformation
assessment of the degree of convergence with the competency matrix of descriptions into a vector model of keywords and synthesis of a
of a sought-after specialist, formalized competence matrix of a sought-after specialist.
• automated generation of a set of actualized ELRs selected for actual 5. Synthesis of a weighted competency graph. Keyword vectors are pre-
EPs with an acceptable estimate of the degree of convergence with sented as graph vertices, and edges simulate strong ties between ver-
the competency matrix of a sought-after specialist. tices. The degree of keyword coincidences in competency vectors is
at least 50% with the calculation of weights (the normalized degree
The listed tasks are solved in the methodology of proactive manage- of convergence of word vectors is in the range from 0.5 up to 1).
ment of the convergent model of education, which includes the steps This operation allows reducing the dimension of graph.
(Fig. 4): 6. Identification of two subsets of vertices in the graph: the subgraph
of vertices of EP competency vectors and the subgraph of vertices
1. Analysis of competence requirements taken from educational and of employer competency vectors. Clustering of vertices in each sub-
professional standards for the chosen specialty. Transformation of graph is carried out by the modified Louvain method. In our case,
textual descriptions of competencies into a vector model of words modularity characterizes the total density of edges within the clus-
and the formation of a formalized competency matrix. ter, and the density of edges describes a given maximum weight. As

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

a result, sets of clusters of the most convergent EP in educational The output data are synthesized EEC and proven technologies for
institutions (according to the proposed competencies) and conver- working with electronic learning resources, updated funds of assessment
gent demanded specialties for employers (according to the required tools, support and content management tools.
competencies) are formed. Having been designed, developed, tested, verified and published, the
7. Graph consolidation by: a) combination of cluster vertices and edges content is used in specific EP. While actualizing competency matrices
between the joined vertices in each of the two subgraphs (cluster and EP, content synchronization and coordination is carried out accord-
replacement with a new subgraph vertex); b) exclusion of edges be- ing to the following scheme [3] (Fig. 5):
tween the vertices of each subgraph. Calculation of weights of re- At the first stage of the formation of the EEC, teachers create sets
maining edges between the vertices of two subgraphs in the form of electronic educational resources available for learning in accordance
of integral estimates of convergence degrees (weights of connected with the work programs of the disciplines they teach. It also searches
edges) between the clusters of vectors of EP competencies and those the Internet for new ELRs. The selected resources are checked for
of employer competencies. Ranking and selection of pairs of ver- complete or semantic identity of their parts. To automate the process
tices from two subgraphs according to a given convergence degree. at this step, the Antiplagiarism system is used, which helps to find
Checking for the determined estimate correlation with the required a set of ELRs with identical text fragments on the Internet and col-
one. If it does, pass to the selection and formation of a convergent lect a set of open resources for learning. Paid and closed resources
set of educational resources for training a specialist (Step 8); other- are excluded from further consideration. This step makes it possible
wise, return to Step 2 with the expansion of the geographical area to exclude duplicate fragments of texts in the future when synthe-
and the selection of other educational institutions with EP that cor- sizing the consolidated EEC. ELRs with duplicates removed are sent
respond to the required vacancies. If there are no institutions with to the module for analyzing and determining the semantic correspon-
the required EP, then a new EP synthesis is required, correspond- dence of ELR fragments. To solve this problem, a method for cluster-
ing to the obtained competence matrix of the sought-after specialist ing fuzzy isomorphic subgraphs in a graph model of word vectors is
(Step 6). proposed.
8. Consolidation of EP that fell into one cluster through the integration The convergent model of each ELR can be represented as a fuzzy
of disciplines, topics and sections of work programs and the synthesis weighted graph in which the vertices are sets of keyword vectors. Dif-
of a consolidated competency matrix (EP convergence process) that ferent ELRs issued for the same specialty often have components with
best meets the competency requirements of a sought-after specialist identical or similar content. The degree of similarity of parts is given by
in the selected region. fuzzy coefficients, and the sets of related similar vectors of words can
9. Consolidation of available educational resources (content) and tech- be represented as fuzzy isomorphic subgraphs. In fact, the EEC isomor-
nologies for the synthesized EP with an assessment of their conver- phism shows the identity of the parts included in it ELR. At the same
gence degree according to the developed methodology [5]. In the time, the same ELRs can be studied in different disciplines of the same
absence of the necessary resources, it is required to search or de- specialties and in the same disciplines of different specialties in educa-
velop educational content and technology. tional institutions. The analysis showed that texts similar in context may
differ from each other.
3.4. Synthesis of convergent educational content for EP It is advisable to represent them as vertices connected by edges with
weights in the form of a fuzzy membership function in the range [0,1],
ELR and learning technologies are the main element of the develop- which reflects the degree of similarity of the fragments. In this case,
ment of EP in the intellectual educational environment. Each ELR goes completely identical fragments have a degenerate membership function
through a life cycle of development, design, operation, evolution, and equal to 1.
obsolescence. ELR includes educational and methodological material in Since completely identical or partially identical fragments of the ELR
electronic form, many virtual laboratories and simulators, etc. When de- should be further combined, then the problem of identifying fuzzy iso-
veloping and actualizing all types of ELR, all competency requirements morphic subgraphs should also be reduced to the problem of graph clus-
should be taken into account, therefore, the life cycle of competency tering by the Louvain method, as with identifying clusters of compe-
requirements matrices, EP and ELR are connected. tence requirements. To reduce dimensionality, edges with weights less
A set of ELRs that are selected or created by teachers and used by than 0.5 are excluded from the graph model, i.e. fragments with a de-
students to form the necessary competencies within the framework of gree of similarity of less than 50% are not identical. The algorithm runs
their chosen educational program form its electronic educational con- as follows: similar fragments are located in one cluster, changes in the
tent (EEC), which is directly interconnected with the specialist’s compe- modularity coefficients are calculated, and the maximum changes being
tence matrix. Therefore, when actualizing EP according to the synthe- selected, and further combined. While selecting isomorphic subgraphs,
sized competence matrix of a sought-after specialist, it is important to the procedure for synthesizing a new EEC is performed simultaneously
implement an automated EEC actualize process. with the integration of similar fragments and the assessment of conver-
The initial data for EEC selection and consolidation within the con- gence degree of educational resources. Thus, determination of fuzzy iso-
vergence education program are as follows: morphic subgraphs or clusters of similar ELR fragments is a formalized
synthesis converged into a unified EEC in the information and educa-
- information about the content of consolidated (convergent) EP, tional environment.
- electronic learning resources and pursuant to EP available method-
ological materials integrated into the convergent EP, 4. Results
- consolidated competence matrix of a sought-after specialist,
- content and functional requirements for EEC that affect its synthesis In the course of the scientific study, sets of educational programs,
and operation, resources and content were analyzed. Based on the developed models,
- funds of assessment tools for evaluating the EEC effectiveness while methods and techniques, an intellectual analysis and audit of the EP
mastering competencies of a sought-after specialist, being the basis and ELR used were carried out in order to determine the degree of con-
for making decisions on actualizing and modernization of its content, vergence and actualizing. When introducing the components of a smart
- learning technologies (methods, techniques, technical and software educational environment into the educational process of the university,
learning tools, including virtual and augmented reality tools and analytical data were obtained based on the study of big data related to
technologies) based on the chosen EEC available at the educational the educational process, including data on the convergent use of differ-
institution. ent academic disciplines, programs and resources.

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

Fig. 5. Schematic for EP and EEC consolida-

tion and coordination.

At the first stage, data on the possibility of applying academic dis- The statistics of the box plot are presented in Table 2.
ciplines in different subject areas were analyzed. Table 1 provides an Based on the obtained values, pie charts were constructed that
example of the general data collected. describe the distribution of disciplines by number and different
In total, it was analyzed: disciplines - 42085, EP - 847. A box plot was subject areas (Figs. 7 and 8). General non-core disciplines taught
constructed, which shows the distribution of the degrees of convergence in the initial training courses have a great potential for con-
of disciplines (Fig. 6). It should be noted that most disciplines have a low vergence. The use of a convergent approach will, in their case,
ability to be applied in several scientific fields. significantly reduce the burden on the teacher in preparing ed-

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

Table 1
Data on convergent disciplines.

Name of discipline Degree of convergence Subject area of the discipline

Foreign language (English) 0,558 Humanitarian field of knowledge

Foreign language (German) 0,429 Humanitarian field of knowledge
Life safety 0,396 Technical field of knowledge
Philosophy 0,278 Humanitarian field of knowledge
Physical Culture 0,257 General scientific area
Jurisprudence 0,248 Humanitarian field of knowledge
Economy 0,227 Economic field of knowledge
Mathematics 0,215 Natural science field of knowledge
Modern information technologies 0,215 Technical field of knowledge

Table 2
Box plot statistics.

Characteristic name Value

Upper whisker 0.07

3rd quartile 0.04
Median 0.02
1st quartile 0.01
Lower whisker 0.01
Nr. of data points 478.00
Mean 0.04

Fig. 6. Box plot.

gence above the value of 0.01 (in practice, this means the minimum
possible convergence in application in ten different EP).
A study of discipline-related EP was carried out in order to identify
ucational material and reduce costs in organizing training for convergent components for use in the educational process in various ar-
students. eas, specialties and topics. The analysis used disciplines with the highest
The analysis showed that out of 41% of the disciplines have a con- degree of convergence. The results obtained are presented in Table 3.
vergent possibility of application in different areas (Fig. 9). Note that For identification, the average found number of convergent disciplines
disciplines were taken into account that showed the degree of conver- in EP (more than 30%) was used.

Fig. 7. Distribution of found convergent disciplines.

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

Fig. 8. Distribution of found convergent disciplines by fields of knowledge.

Fig. 9. Distribution of disciplines according to the prop-

erty of convergence.

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

Fig. 10. Distribution of disciplines according to the property of convergence.

Table 3 Table 5
Data on the distribution of disciplines. Data on extracted fuzzy isomorphic parts of educational content.

Subject area of EP Number of convergent disciplines Number of selected fuzzy isomorphic

Branch of science parts for educational content
Humanitarian field of knowledge 4557
Natural science field of knowledge 2700 Humanitarian field of knowledge 70
Medical field of knowledge 433 Natural science field of knowledge 40
Technical field of knowledge 3005 Medical field of knowledge 15
Economic field of knowledge 852 General scientific area 44
Technical field of knowledge 85
Economic field of knowledge 14
Table 4
Data on the converged ELR.

Branch of science Number of converged ELR The analysis was performed on a control sample from the presented
Humanitarian field of knowledge 1695 scientific fields. The visualization shows the distribution of the obtained
Natural science field of knowledge 1274 results of the algorithm with respect to subject areas (Fig. 12).
Medical field of knowledge 452 The results obtained indicate the correctness of the application of the
General scientific area 1215
developed models, methods and algorithms for supporting convergence
Technical field of knowledge 3783
Economic field of knowledge 700 and actualizing the educational components of a smart educational en-
vironment in the context of digitalization of education and the rapidly
changing conditions of the 4th industrial revolution.

Based on the data obtained, an analysis of educational programs was

carried out and the distribution in various subject areas and sciences was 5. Discussion
determined (Fig. 10).
When analyzing convergent disciplines, we also searched and col- In the process of analyzing the results of research on the development
lected data on electronic educational resources, the use of which is pos- and implementation of the model of convergent education, the follow-
sible in related fields. The number of analyzed ELR is 9119. Based on ing conclusions can be drawn. Basically, researchers consider the pro-
the proposed models and methods, information was collected on the cess of convergence in education in philosophical and conceptual terms,
available ELR, provided in Table 4. but there is also a part of the research aimed at the practical aspects
The collected data on convergent ELR sets are used in the generation of the implementation of the convergent approach, as is done in our
of EP in order to most fully integrate and synchronize and actualize case.
educational programs and content, their distribution by scientific fields For example, in [23] the authors propose a theoretical conceptual-
was analyzed (Fig. 11). ization of the approach to learning through a convergent model that
Part of the ELR sets were analyzed using the developed algorithm combines the common characteristics of the nature of knowledge and
based on the selection of fuzzy isomorphic parts. The results of the anal- the nature of research practice of each of the four disciplines of STEM
ysis are presented in Table 5. (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

Fig. 11. Number of convergent educational resources by field of science.

In practical terms, the convergent approach is considered for: a) in- The results of our research also relate to the third aspect of the con-
tegration of several educational programs of different content in the vergent approach. In [2], the authors note that educational institutions
preparation of a versatile specialist, b) synthesis of comprehensive train- are faced with a lack of methodological guidelines and practical tech-
ing programs that combine the content of two or more disciplines within nologies for developing the concept of convergent education. There are
the framework of new specialties, c) creation of an educational environ- practically no strategies for solving emerging problems in the transition
ment for the implementation of convergent training programs. to a convergent model, and there are no unified mechanisms to support
An example of the first direction is the research carried out by the research in the field of convergence in education. There are also no com-
authors of [19]. The goal was to study the prerequisites for ensuring prehensive solutions in the form of a software and instrumental system
the convergence of professions by integrating several programs in the to ensure the functioning of the convergent model of the educational
process of continuing education for people with disabilities. As a result, process. The results of our research are intended to solve this problem,
it was proved that the value of mastering several convergent qualifica- since the main goal is to create an intellectual educational environment
tions is very important in the comprehensive support of the process of and its complex of instrumental modules as part of its computing ecosys-
lifelong learning. tem to implement the functionality of proactive control of convergent
As an example of the second practical application of the convergent processes.
model, we note the work of [21]. Here are the results of the analysis The methods and tools of proactive management discussed in this
of the effectiveness of the synthesized complex convergent educational article are a logical continuation of research on the creation and devel-
program for the study of artificial intelligence technologies. For this, a opment of an intellectual educational environment. A number of compo-
comprehensive educational program was developed to study machine nents of the intellectual educational environment and computing ecosys-
learning methods for school students. The authors proved the depen- tem to support its functioning were developed and implemented to sup-
dence of the effectiveness of convergent learning on the attitude to arti- port convergent learning processes in the educational space of Penza
ficial intelligence technology, the presence of scientific preferences and State University. In [13,8] shows the results of research on the project
"technical literacy". of creating a typical intellectual educational environment of the univer-
The third direction is connected with the application of the concept sity.
of convergence for the synthesis of a research or educational environ- As part of research at the present stage, new scientific results have
ment. In [30] examines the practical issues of convergence across multi- been obtained, which have made it possible to expand the scope of tools
ple disciplines to create a research environment in health research that and implement the mechanism of proactive control of convergent pro-
is necessary to establish close links between academic scientists, med- cesses in an intellectual educational environment. In particular, the new
ical practitioners, and industry experts in the development of software advantages of the developed approach are the possibility of automated
and data science. problem solving:
Another example in the field of creating a convergent educational
environment is the research in [20] associated with the creation of a • a comparative analysis of the competence requirements of employ-
convergent operating model in the form of an educational system of ers, extracted from published vacancies on the Internet and com-
four universities through the integration of their areas of specialization petencies formed in the process of training in specific educational
in the undergraduate system. programs,

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

Fig. 12. Extraction of fuzzy isomorphic parts

in relation to the educational content of differ-
ent areas of training.

• synthesis of a matrix of competency requirements of a sought-after than the threshold value. Wherein, the latter can dynamically change
specialist in the regional labor market in the process of consolidating depending on clustering results. Moreover, the proposed method re-
information from the vacancies found, professional and educational quires neither specification of the number of clusters at the initial
standards, stage.
• formation of a set of actualized EPs for specific specialties in demand 4. Clustering quality and selection of isomorphic subgraphs. The qual-
in the region, ity of the resulting clusters and subgraphs is evaluated for the accu-
• formation of a set of consolidated ELRs selected for actualized EPs racy and reliability of assigning vertices to the corresponding frag-
with the required degree of convergence with the competency matrix ments. Quality assessment has been conducted on a test model of
of a sought-after specialist. the electronic learning space at Penza State University (Penza, Rus-
sia). It has been synthesized from 47 educational programs, includ-
The developed models and methods can be evaluated in terms of the
ing 327 work programs and 2,389 vacancies in the Penza region. The
following criteria:
results of identifying similar components from 79 electronic learn-
1. Relevance and applicability for the subject area. The studies have ev- ing resources used to train specialists in computing specialties were
idenced significance and relevancy of convergence education model evaluated by domain experts and showed their compliance with the
using the developed models and methods for the analysis of com- content.
petency matrices of educational programs and employers and the 5. Performance. The presented algorithms are efficient with computa-
synthesis of actualized training programs for specialists and consol- tional complexity at best О(n) cost and at worst order complexity
idated educational content, based on solving problems of clustering O(mlog(n)), where n is the number of vertices, and m is the number
weighted fuzzy graphs. of edges in the graph. Combining clusters with a minimum number
2. Practical implementation. The developed methods can be imple- of vertices even with a non-optimal modularity coefficient is a limi-
mented using Python programming language with developed related tation of the algorithm.
libraries containing functional modules for clustering and selecting
isomorphic subgraphs. 6. Conclusion
3. Efficiency of the proposed clustering method. The advantages of the
developed method are dimensionality reduction due to the prelim- The model of convergent education in our project means support for:
inary exclusion of edges showing a ‘weak’ relationship of vertices (a) the process of actualizating educational programs and resources
and clustering of vertices with only ‘strong’ ties and weights greater in accordance with the requirements of the regional labor market,

M. Deev and A. Finogeev Telematics and Informatics Reports 10 (2023) 100051

(b) the process of harmonization and synchronization of educational Availability of data and material
programs and resources for different areas of training of special-
ists, Not applicable.
(c) the process of adapting teaching methods to the requirements of
state standards and employers, personalizing the trajectories of Declaration of Competing Interests
training specialists.

The implementation of the convergent model of education, in our The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
opinion, is possible only in an intellectual educational environment,
the tools of which are designed to synchronize educational components, Funding
harmonize with the requirements of professional and educational stan-
dards, as well as employers in the regional labor markets. The article The research results were obtained with the financial support of the
deals with the development of methods for proactive management of Russian Science Foundation (RSF) and the Penza region (projects No.
the model of convergent education. 22-21-20100).
The main goal and result of the research is the synthesis of methods
and tools of the intellectual educational environment for the proactive Authors’ contributions
management of the model of convergent education. The main tasks of
proactive management are the collection, consolidation and intellectual All coauthors contributed significantly to the research and this pa-
analysis of requirements for specialists from employers, predictive mod- per, and the lead author is the main contributor. All authors read and
eling of trends in their changes with a forecast of the number of special- approved the final manuscript.
ists of the corresponding qualification in the medium and long term,
actualizing EP and EEC, harmonization and synchronization of life cy-
Ethics approval and consent to participate
cle models during adaptive tuning and personalization of educational
Not applicable.
In the course of research, tools are created that solve the prob-
lems of actualizing EP and ELP, harmonizing and synchronizing their Data availability
life cycles, personalizing the learning process, analyzing employers’ re-
quirements and predicting changes in regional labor markets. Mod- No data was used for the research described in the article.
ular tools have been developed and implemented for a number of
years in the educational process of the Penza State University (Penza,
The main result obtained at this stage is the development of a
methodology for proactive management of the convergent model of the
There are no acknowledgements to this paper.
educational process. knot The main results of research at this stage are
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