L1. Bildungsroman and The Victorian Novel

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Naila Taqwa Hussain Centre Number: 10502 Candidate Number:0196

Progress Online Learning (POL) is a service provider who offers a wide range of
online courses covering a variety of subjects. The courses are available globally in
several different languages. It has recently implemented a social media campaign
promoting a free short online learning course for prospective students to try. The
feedback obtained, provided information on how many people would sign up for a
full course. POL has reached out to my project team in order to produce specific
systems for their company. As well as this, POL has rapidly expanded and wants to
set up a system that will allow it to measure how successful the business is and to
have the ability to identify improvements to its online learning platform, ultimately
for a better service.

User requirements
POL requires an integrated IT system to do the following:

 store the details of the students accessing the online courses

 calculate the grades for the students who successfully complete the end of
course assessment
 automatically complete information required for the certificate and email it
to the students who passed the end of course assessment.

The integrated IT system must enable the end user to:

 access the system using a password

 navigate the system via a menu
 add new student records
 update student records
 email successful students with their certificate.

POL also requires:

 the storage of research data from Social Media campaigns and the website to
provide statistics and dynamic charts for the annual review of the business
 a presentation for the Managing Director to make to the Board of Directors
 a formal report of the results of the review
 a new web design for the online courses using the new colour scheme and
logo branding.

I have also been asked to create design and put together a new logo and web design
for POL.
Naila Taqwa Hussain Centre Number: 10502 Candidate Number:0196

Key Word Analysis

Recently implemented social

Consisting statistical For the managing
media campaign promoting a free
information portrayed in visual director to make to
short online learning course for
Provides a wide range formats -charts the Board of
prospective students to try.
of online courses Directors
covering a variety of

Provides Presentation
educational What is
services to people it?

Results of the
Progress Online review
Learning Ltd


Record and
details For the Managing director to distribute to the
Board of Directors on the progress or lack of
progress made during past years
Email Address
Accessed via a Integrated
password IT system
Full name
Automatically complete
information required for the
certificate and email it to the
Store student
students who passed the end
records and details
of course assessment
Add new
Navigate the
system through a Store statistics and
Update record Search
menu numerical data
Naila Taqwa Hussain Centre Number: 10502 Candidate Number:0196

SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Weaknesses:

 I have experience with using  I struggle with time

database software management as I only have 20
 I have access to a Microsoft hours to complete this
software  A lot of stress and pressure put
 I am familiarised and confident on me as I am doing this project
with creating spreadsheets and independently.
inputting data

Opportunities: Threats:

 Throughout this process, I can  Unexpected loss of work

gain knowledge and experience  System errors with software,
is specific areas slowing down the progress of
 Thoroughly understand stages the project.
and perfect my skills

Success Criteria

 Create an efficient integrated IT system to store user details (database)

 To enable the calculation of grades to be automatically done once an end
of course assessment has been carried out
 Ensure the database is able to automatically complete information
required for a certificate and email it to the students who pass the
 To enable the end user to navigate the system (making it easy to
understand), update and add student records, and to store details of the
students who successfully complete the end of course assessment
 To allow the storage of research data from Social Media campaigns and the
website to provide statistics and dynamic charts for the annual review of
the business.
 Create a presentation for the Managing Director to make a Board of
 Create a formal report of the results of the review
 Generate a new web design for the online courses using the new colour
scheme and logo branding.
Naila Taqwa Hussain Centre Number: 10502 Candidate Number:0196

SMART Objectives

 I will create a database to develop a fully working integrated IT system to

store user details as well to automatically complete information required
for a certificate and email it to the students who have passed the end of
course assessment.The system must also be easy for the user to navigate,
and to update adjust and store student record if there is any need for
alteration or saving.In order to ensure that the database is secure, we may
need to implement 2 factor authentication access processes to ensure the
protection of client information and sensitive information in general . As
we’ll as this project scopes will be created within the overall project to
allow more manageable tasks to be achieved, followed by a test plan to
everything is on track. This project will take me 20 hours.

 I will create a presentation for the Managing Director to make a Board of

Directors. I will we using Microsoft PowerPoint in order to generate the
presentation. It must be completed within 20 hours.

 I will construct a formal report of the results of the review using the report
format on Access in order to present information in a more readable
configuration. This must be completed within my 20-hour time allotment.

 I will generate a new web design for the online courses using the new
colour scheme and logo branding. This will be done within the 20-hour
time allocation.


One of the constraints within this project is the time l am given, as we are limited to
20 hours to complete this project and meet the user requirements and success

I am reliant on the software and hardware devices provided by my school (Microsoft
word, Microsoft PowerPoint. Excel spreadsheet, Microsoft Access and Serif draw
plus) and therefore am limited with access to more of a variety of resources.
There is no cost involved in this project or even any discussion about it. Progress
Online Learning (POL) has not yet clearly outlined a budget.
Naila Taqwa Hussain Centre Number: 10502 Candidate Number:0196


As well as this, they need to reduce or remove any legislation issues to prevent any
problems such as Data Protection Act 1998, Computer Misuse Act 1988, Copy Right
& Patent Act 1990.

In order to adhere to the Data protection Act 1998, we are responsible and obliged
to protect our client’s information under lawful conduct. The Computer Misuse Act
1988 states it a crime to access computer material without authorization, also
known as hacking so in order to follow this we will need to ensure all data is
encrypted and secured by 2 factor authenticated access passwords to avoid the
hypothetical case of being hacked and the leakage of sensitive data.

Security and Risk management

All data must be backed up in case of a system crash or unexpected loss of work, to
ensure data is still intact and available.

We will need to ensure all data is encrypted and secured by 2 factor authenticated
access passwords to avoid the hypothetical case of being hacked and the leakage of
sensitive data.

There must also be system passwords in order to ensure data does not get tampered

Mitigation of Risks

Risk mitigation is the process of planning and developing methods and options to
reduce threats or risks. These generally relate to technical and people related errors
or problems. In order to not risk facing technical failure you should ensure that
everything is backed up and secured. There as also some other factors that need to
be taken into consideration:

 Time: In order to meet the deadline (20 hours) I will create project scopes in
order to control the workload. These would act as mini milestones so that I
can track the progress and productivity of the project.
 Resources: As I am limited to the resources available, I will be primarily using
software and hardware applications that the school has provided, which can
ultimately affect the quality of my work.
 Legislation: All the provisions of thee Data Protection Act and Computer
Misuse Act will have to be considered. In order to adhere to the Data
protection Act 1998, we are responsible and obliged to protect our client’s
information under lawful conduct. The Computer Misuse Act 1988 states it a
Naila Taqwa Hussain Centre Number: 10502 Candidate Number:0196

crime to access computer material without authorization, also known as

hacking so in order to follow this we will need to ensure all data is encrypted
and secured by 2 factor authenticated access passwords to avoid the
hypothetical case of being hacked and the leakage of sensitive data.
 Security: All data must be backed up in case of a system crash or unexpected
loss of work, to ensure data is still intact and available. We will need to
ensure all data is encrypted and secured by multiple factor authenticated
access passwords to avoid the hypothetical case of being hacked and the
leakage of sensitive data. There must also be system passwords in order to
ensure data does not get tampered with.
 Ethical and Moral: All of the data being stored needs to be managed in an
ethical and moral way, therefore they must be stored correctly and securely
and must also have the user’s best interest in mind. It must be used with
proper purpose. I must follow instructions and must not plagiarise(moral)

Iterative Testing

I have project scopes within the overall project in order to break up the larger tasks
into more manageable ones. I am limited to the applications I can use to complete
this project and I am on a time constraint with a heavy workload. I fear that the
project will not be complete in time as there is a lot left to complete and all of the
stress it put on me alone. In order to rectify this, I will be working on time
management and giving each task a strict time allotment in order to complete the
project by its deadline.

How will the final evaluation be carried out ?

After and during the initiation ,planning and execution phases of this project ,I will
keep a record of the process of the project ,summarising it worth a detailed review
of the whole project.
Naila Taqwa Hussain Centre Number: 10502 Candidate Number:0196

Planning the tasks

Task Software Reason

Create an integrated IT Excel Spreadsheet Allows me apply
system that stores the validation rules and is
details of the students easy to update and add
accessing the online students to
Create an integrated IT Excel Spreadsheet Formulas in excel
system that calculates the spreadsheet create ease
grades for the students in automatically and
who successfully accurately calculating
complete the end of student’s grades when
course assessment. raw data is input.
Create an integrated IT Excel Spreadsheet The use of excel
system that automatically Outlook(mail merge) spreadsheet, allows me
completes information to link the tabled data to
required for the the certificate template,
certificate and email it to automatically creating a
the students who passed certificate for the
the end of course students who passed the
assessment. course ,whilst the use of
outlook , allows mail
merge, so that the
certificate is sent to the
students who passed the
Create an integrated IT Excel Spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet has a
system that allows the function that formulates
storage of research data charts automatically
from social media based on a set of data,
campaigns and the making its more efficient
website to provide to use , as the creation of
statistics and dynamic the dynamic charts would
charts for the annual be easier.
review of the business.
Create a presentation for PowerPoint Allows a more engaging
the Managing Director to and interactive way to
make to the Board of present information, and
Directors. has animations and
transitions enough make
it more appealing to the
human eye.As well as
this, by using PowerPoint,
slides can easily be edited
Naila Taqwa Hussain Centre Number: 10502 Candidate Number:0196

and accessed.
Formulate a formal Microsoft word Microsoft word allows
report of the results of the formal Freeport to be
the review. seen in a more readable
format ,an will also
ensure the report is
formal ,as is contains
features like spell check
to ensure things are
correct.Word is also easy
to edit and amend , and I
am relatively familiar with
it, making it logical for me
to use.
Create a new web design Ensures that background
for the online courses colours and other
using the new colour features are to my liking
scheme and logo and fits suitable against
branding. my colour scheme.It gives
me the ability to create
an operating navigation
bar, whilst software like
Microsoft word would not
allow me to do so.It also
gives me access to a
range of colours ,fonts
and font sizes , while also
giving a more accurate
representation of what
creating a web page is

Student Record

Field Name Key Field Data Type Validation

Student ID Primary Key Auto Number N/A

First Name Text N/A

Last Name Text N/A
Email Text N/A
Course Lookup Wizard YES:drop down list with
the option of
Naila Taqwa Hussain Centre Number: 10502 Candidate Number:0196

Graphics , Italian ,
Presentations , Russian ,
Spanish , Spreadsheet ,
Web Design and Word”
Level Lookup Wizard YES:drop down list with
the option of
and Advanced”
Completed Boolean YES:Only has one out of
two options “Yes or No”
Assessment Boolean YES:Only has one out of
two options “Yes or No”
Assessment Mark Number YES:It has a range check
from 0<x<100
Final Grade Lookup Wizard YES:drop down list with
the option of “Fail , Pass
,Merit and Distinction”

Test plan

Tes What is to be Test Expected Result Actual Pass/Fail Action

t tested Data Result to be
No. taken
1 POL logo to Because of the use
be on every of slide Master ,the
slide of the POL logo is assured
PowerPoint. to be on every slide.
2 Ensure all When playing the
animations presentation I will
and see that the
transitions animations and
within the transitions will run
PowerPoint according to the
work order I set them in.
3 The links When the
within the underlined word is
PowerPoint clicked ,it will
redirect you redirect you to a
to the correct spreadsheet with
site. the data on the
powerpoint in a
presented chart.
4 Mail merge When a person
between the passes their
Naila Taqwa Hussain Centre Number: 10502 Candidate Number:0196

spreadsheet course ,an emailed

and emailed certificate should be
certificate automatically sent .
5 The button Once you click on
within the the shape ,it fulfils
menu on the its purpose by
students taking you to the
records takes user interface.
you to the
6 The form icon Once you press the
on navigation form icon ,the data
bar of the entry form will
student appear, displaying a
record sheet, vertical data
correctly representation
creates forms rather that a
. horizontal one.
7 Criteria on When applying
the form certain criteria ,like
allows you to “French”in the
only view courses field ,it will
specific show you all the
record/search records adhering to
for specific that criteria.
8 The When data that
validation of does not meet the
the forms is validation rule in
functioning input , for
so that data example ,a score of
can only be 450 in the
entered if it “Assessment Mark”
meets the field is input when
requirements creating a new
. record, an error
message will
9 Check the When adding new
data form records to the data
allows you to entry form, you
add new should see the data
records appear on the sheet
as a row.
10 The system If the correct
Naila Taqwa Hussain Centre Number: 10502 Candidate Number:0196

must only be password is

accesses entered, I will be
using a able to access the
password . data entry ,as the
system is
if the password is
wrong, then I will
note be able to
access the system.

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