Ethics Differences
Ethics Differences
Ethics Differences
Morals, Values, Ethics, Integrity, Work Ethics, Service Learning, Civic Virtue,
Respect For Others, Living Peacefully, Caring – Sharing Honesty, Courage,
Valuing Time, Cooperation, Commitment, Empathy, Self Confidence,
Character, Spirituality, Introduction to Yoga and Meditation, Yoga and
Meditation for Professional Excellence, Yoga and Meditation for Stress
VALUES are personal MORALS are often personal. ETHICS are often professional and legal
‘ ’ tend to remain the same for a
‘ MORALS ’ are largely affected by the
ETHICS too can vary across time and place
surroundings and prone to change once the
longer period in an individual’s life. depending on various factors.
surroundings of any individual change.
VALUES are Different from person to MORALS May be different from culture ETHICS are absolute standard of behavior
person. to culture
VALUES can be changed but it is MORALS May change as acceptable ETHICS Standard is universal and immutable
relatively harder for the change to happen. social behavior in the culture changes (not subject to change)
3 Physical yoga demands purposeful physical Similar to / SAME Requires Controlling or Calming down of
movements of the body, AS Yoga the Mind / Brain
(Stretching, yoga Poses)
Physical Movement is the
This in turn strengthens core main work involved
muscles and improves balance.
Sometimes Physical Movements
may not be involved but serious
Body Control required like
4 Focus Yoga primarily focuses on the Same as Yoga Meditation, emphasizes mental focus and
harmony of mind and body through awareness.
physical postures. Requires more
space for movement and a
longer time commitment than
5 Purpose Yoga aims to improve physical Same as Yoga Meditation focuses on calming the
health, flexibility, and mental mind, reducing stress, and
well-being through movement promoting inner peace
and breath awareness
6 Mechanism Yoga uses breathwork and Same as Yoga Meditation trains the mind to focus
movement to bring awareness on a single point, such as the breath
to the present moment. or a mantra (a repeated word or
7 Duration Yoga sessions can vary in Same as Yoga Meditation sessions can also vary
length, ranging from a few but are typically shorter in duration,
minutes to over an hour, often starting with just a few
depending on the style and minutes and gradually increasing
intensity over time.
8 Physicality Yoga incorporates physical Same as Yoga Meditation is primarily a mental
postures that improve practice, done in a seated position.
flexibility, strength, and
10 Intensity Yoga can range from gentle to Same as Yoga Meditation is generally a low-impact
very physically demanding. practice.
Variety of Moral Issues – Types of Inquiry – Moral Dilemmas – Moral Autonomy ––– Models of
Professional Roles – Theories about Right Action – Self-Interest – Customs and Religion – Uses of Ethical