7 Mistakes

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Common Mistakes People Make When They Want To

Learn How To Do Telepathy And Remote Influencing

2008 Jim Knippenberg

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These principles are valid for all kinds of contexts of remote influence and telepathic influencing. In
order to keep the report concise for your easy reading, I've used examples of attracting someone for
romance, however these principles also work for business deals, for relationships you're already in, and
for manifesting what it is you desire.
Take notes on this report and refer back to it often.
Common Mistake #1:

They don't know how to access the correct level of mind.

If you've ever taken chemistry, baked a cake, made a cooking sauce, or
done welding, or maybe if you're a computer programmer and you write
code, you understand there are certain conditions that must be met in
order for you to succeed.
Let's take chemistry as an example here. Some compounds and mixtures
require a certain temperature in order for the experiment to work correctly
(or safely!).
Some experiments need to be cooled so they don't reach a critical
temperature where they explode. Other experiments need to be heated in
order for the chemicals to combine correctly.
Well, guess what. It's the same with Remote Influence and Telepathy.
You got to have the right conditions for success.
That means training your mind to get to the correct level. If you don't get
to the correct level of mind, you're going to have a heck of a time trying
to do remote telepathic influence. We train to get to alpha and theta.
Those who know how to do psychic healing seem to have strong theta
brain wave activity.
Those who are naturally good at telepathic influence are also good at
projecting their feelings and at making mental pictures of what they want
the other person to do. The person might not be consciously aware of
how they do psychic influence, but these two ingredients are essential.
And by the way, when you're making mental pictures, you're accessing
the visual cortex part of your brain, and you're also doing a skill that
comes naturally for those in alpha and theta brainwave level.
Add in the feelings, and you've got bursts of gamma that help
supercharge your telepathic influence. Leave out the emotions and
feelings, and it's sorta like trying to drive a car that has no gas in the tank.
The good news is you don't need to buy expensive biofeedback
equipment to train to get to this level.
In fact, I even have a lazy bastard's way to get there accidentally
included in my Telepathic Influence Dream Invader Crash Course that

you can find here:

Whatever method you use to get to the correct level of mind, make sure
while you're doing your training at level, you also incorporate hakalau
awareness that allows you to expand and project your awareness so
you've got more awareness, more options, and are also able to think
clearly instead of having tunnel vision.
Plus, training at hakalau also acts as a way to anchor or condition in
your ability to access deeper levels of mind when you want to influence
someone in person.
Common Mistake #2:

Many people try to use covert influence and psychic influence methods,
including Dream Invaders and hypnosis to try to force others to do their
While that will work with a certain number of people in some situations,
it is much better to dovetail your influence to match the other person's
way of thinking and feeling and doing.
For instance, if you want to influence Suzie to go out with you, and Suzie
isn't attracted to you, there's a certain percentage of the population who
might respond to Dream Invader suggestions of Like me! Like me!
Like me, and feel that attraction growing!
The idea behind that is to wear down Suzie's resistance by constantly
bombarding her with that telepathic suggestion, but there are a couple of
mistakes there, and many of the so-called telepathic influence experts
don't tell you about this and some of them really don't know they just
know that they can make it work sometimes, and they have no clue as
to the missing master keys we're giving you here in this report.
One of the mistakes with the method of saying and repeating verbal
suggestions and telepathically giving verbal suggestions to Suzie is that
telepathy really means sensing or feeling at a distance.
And distant remote telepathic communication tends to work best with the
right level of mind combined with mental pictures and emotional feelings.
Sure, I've used the verbal suggestions for remote influence before, but
here's what these people don't get when they tell you to verbally give
commands to someone at a remote location (in other words, they're not in
the same room with you): when that works for them it's not because the
verbal telepathic suggestions work, it's because we naturally have
something called synesthesia, so when we think of words, it creates
images (whether you're consciously aware of them or not!) and feelings.
Someone will surely point out that when we dream or when we go to

level for mental programming to work on projects and to get answers

from our own minds and from Higher Intelligence that we do, in fact,
sometimes get answers in word form and sometimes it takes the form of
an actual conversation.
But dreamtime has time distortion, and what seems to be a longer
conversation is actually something that happens in a couple seconds
And while doing mental programming, the verbal information tends to
be an instant knowing and an instant download of information.
I have had verbal answers while doing projects for answers at level, and
those instant answers sometimes take 20 or 30 minutes, or in some
cases over an hour to write down the entire dream and all of the
information contained in it.
So dreamtime telepathic influence gives us an incredible opportunity to
hide our influence in Suzie's normal dream processess.
Anyway, when you go to do telepathic influence, make sure you include
the mental pictures and the feelings.
Some people say they can't make mental pictures, but once you've done
the correct training to get to the correct level of mind, you will have spent
time at that correct level where everyone is capable of making and being
aware of mental pictures.
Sure, some are better at it than others. And for some of us it does take
some training.
So does potty training. I trust you believe it was worth the effort to learn
that skill!
Common Mistake #3:

Trying to use telepathic influence to beg the other person to like you or
do what you want. Or begging them to help you boost your own selfesteem.
Sorry, it just don't work that well.
What that type of influencing actually does is give you more of what
you already got.
Let's say you're trying to get Suzie to like you, and you have been
begging her to go out with you.
Well, when you do that at the deeper levels of mind also, using telepathic
influence, you're accidentally reinforcing a state of neediness and a low-

energy state.
Why should Suzie do anything if she doesn't get anything from it she
couldn't experience with someone else?
People tend to do things because of how they feel. Not because of what
you want them to do.
What kinds of feelings do you have for someone who is needy and needs
someone to boost their self-esteem for them?
Why should Suzie feel any differently about you, if that's how you've
been trying to approach her?
And by the way, there are some people who thrive on taking advantage of
those with low self esteem and of those who are emotionally needy.
You're much better off to avoid those types of people and instead fix your
own beliefs and feelings about yourself.
Learn to actually like and respect yourself, and others will generally tend
to do the same.
Also, instead of begging or pleading, learn to command with authority.
Here's an exercise you can do with a friend. I learned this one from
Kenrick Cleveland's course. Give simple, short commands. For instance:

Stand up.
Sit down.
Cross your arms.
Cross your legs.
Get a glass of water.

Learn to become comfortable giving suggestions to others.

Notice that state of mind where you are comfortable giving commands
and also expect the other person to obey!
What? I just heard someone say Hey, Jim, you just told us that giving
commands to Suzie such as Like me. Like me. Like me doesn't work
well with Remote Telepathic Influence. What gives?
You want to become comfortable giving commands. That's the purpose
of the drill.
Then you want to make sure you tailor the command so it fits the other

person's own process for the types of suggestions and commands they
actually accept and take action on.
Begin to notice your own processes for what you decide to do vs. the
things you decide not to do. Also begin to notice your own mental and
emotional strategies for things you think about doing but never get around
Notice how other people also have things they do, things they don't do,
and things they want to do or think about doing but never somehow get
around to...
And make sure you understand how suggestibility and covert suggestions
really work.
More on suggestions in a moment. So keep reading.
Common Mistake #4:

Energies not running correctly.

If you've ever found yourself getting further and further away from what
you want and attracting more and more of what you don't want, your
energies are running incorrectly.
I do suggest you get Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine and study it
and do the drills.
Also, my good friend Dr. John M. La Tourrette has an excellent DVD
home study course called The Inner Demon Destroyer which shows
you how to blow out the things that are standing in your way and keeping
you from getting where you want to go.
There is also a free resource from Gary Craig called the EFT manual, and
you can get it at www.emofree.com .
I've used it, and I love it.
I prefer to use the Inner Demon Destroyer from Doc even more because it
incorporates many other technologies to help you wire in success.
Doc took me through an earlier version of the Inner Demon Destroyer
(before he had finalized it in to a home study course), and helped me fix a
problem with my back that I'd had for a long time AND at the same time
helped me clear up a couple of my fears and hesitations and install
resources in to my future that I'm still using.
I really love the way Doc teaches. Go to www.mentaltrainingsecrets.com
for more information about the Inner Demon Destroyer DVD course.

Anyway, one of the reasons people have their energies reversed in social
situations like meeting and asking someone out is because of fear or
anxiety regarding failure or being rejected. Or in some cases fear of
having success.
I do have a course on how to overcome social fears. I made the course
for guys, but I've got a lady on my list who bought the course also and
used it to help her friends fix their relationship, then she turned around
and used the techniques for herself too, and started to notice guys hitting
on her who had been ignoring her before.
The name of the course is Overcome Your Fear Of Meeting Women In
Just One Evening... And you can get it here:
Whatever method you choose, if you're energies about whatever it is you
want to use psychic influence for are reversed, you're going to get more
and more of what you DON'T want and less and less of what you do
It's like having a powerful electromagnet switched on reverse so it
repels instead of attracting.
It can be fixed. Keep in mind, if you have a long-term habit of reversals
in thoughts and emotions regarding something, it will take some time and
effort to wire in the new habits.
I use the techniques, and get quick results. And I still have to do the
exercises on a regular basis, because of the other habits I'd wired in over
many, many years.
Think of it this way: How often do you wipe your butt, flush, and then go
wash your hands? Every time you have to take a dump.
Well, when your energy field takes a dump, you do the necessary steps
to fix it. Whether it's because of being dumped or disappointed or let
down, or because of fear or anger or some negative self talk that gets in
the way.
I've had people use the techniques once or twice, have some success at
first, then wonder why it didn't still work several weeks later.
But when you wash your hands after taking a dump, you don't say the
next day, Geez, I had to wash my hands again after I took another dump,
so the first time I cleaned my hands musta not worked!
No, instead, you go ahead and wash your hands every time you take a

You shower every day, you keep clean, and you do it as often as
It's the same way with your energy field. You clean it and give it a good
tune up as needed.

Common Mistake #5:

Don't know how suggestions work.

Ok, if you fix the 4th mistake, you'll accidentally start attracting more
and more of what you want.
When it comes to covert influence, including hypnosis and telepathic
influence, it sure helps to know how suggestions work and how to
combine them for maximum effect.
For example, just using telepathic suggestions isn't nearly as effective as
knowing how to create the type of state of mind where the other person is
more likely to accept the telepathic suggestion and then setting them up
so the suggestion has a higher probability of success.
Also, keep in mind that your own energies and your own state control acts
as a type of telepathic suggestion.
One of the common principles of influence is that when you want
someone to experience a state of mind, you got to go there first!
This is another reason why using telepathic influence to beg the other
person doesn't work well. Think of a time you were around someone who
was down in the dumps and needy.
It's a drain to be around that type of person.
Now think of someone who was fun and energizing and confident and
how much you enjoyed being around them.
Well, what you are experiencing on the inside affects your energy field
and how you come across to other people.
It also affects or filters whatever you attempt to do with remote
But when you have your own energies running correctly and you also
know the several types of suggestion AND how to use them for a
powerful 1-2-3 punch, you gain much more momentum and power with
your suggestions.
I've got a course on how to combine the types of hypnotic suggestion with

telepathic suggestions to influence others. It's called Using Energy

Influence & Remote Influence For Having Better Sex! and you can find
out more about it here:
This next mistake is real important to avoid also.
Miss this one, and you're probably shooting yourself in the foot
That's the...
Common Mistake #6:

The mistake of... Doubts and uncertainty.

Let's go back to our example of liking Suzie... If you are unsure about
whether or not things will work between you and Suzie after you do start
going out, or if you go back and forth between Well, do I like Suzie, or
do I like Jenny instead? then the telepathic influence that gets through is
either wishy washy or full of doubts of wonder if it will work out or
not or What if he dumps me for Jenny instead?
Those thoughts and emotions will sabotage what it is you want to do.
(HINT!: Do a Dream Invader pretending to be her current boyfriend,
and install doubts about whether or not he really loves her or is just
using her until someone else comes along!)
So even if you do have intentions of going out with Jenny, if you want to
influence Suzie, you better learn state control and proper segment
Notice there are things you are sure about. And there are things you
believe and don't believe. Then there are things you're just not sure it
could be this or that.
Remember A house divided against itself can not stand.
So if you're doing Covert Influence from the state of not sure one way or
the other, that is what gets communicated to the other person.
(Here's a HINT! When doing Dream Invaders with Suzie, what if she
suddenly began to doubt and be unsure of whether or not she really
wanted to be with the person she's currently with!!! What if she were to
imagine staying with that guy another year or 5, 10, maybe even 20 years
down the road, being unfulfilled and unsatisfied, knowing she better make
a choice right now to break things off with him before it's too late!)

Also, there are things you are absolutely sure about. There are things you
would do if you had the chance, and there are things that if there's not a
way, you'd make a way.
Think of something you're highly motivated to do. Like go to the
bathroom when you really gotta go.
Now what has to be true about Suzie in order for her to do something?
What is it she drools with lust for that she'd act on if the opportunity were
to be there?
If you'd like more on this, I highly recommend you get my 4 DVD set on
Secrets of Horny Energies And How To Use Them To Get What You
You can find out more about it here:

Common Mistake #7

Giving up too soon.

Now look, if something is a bad decision or a bad idea, or if things
change so it's no longer a good outcome, then of course you want to jump
ship before the ship sinks and go do something else instead!
For instance, say you meet Liza, and you're really hot for her, then you
find out she's a nut-case. Well, it's a good idea to forget about it and go
find somebody else instead.
I had a guy write to me who was in a good government job, and he wrote
and asked how he could use psychic influence to seduce a hot married
woman he was working with.
Bad decision! Forget about it! There are something like 4 BILLION
women on the planet.
So why risk problems in the work place with something like that?
Use good strategy and good common sense!
However, assuming it's something you want and you know it's a good
decision, you keep at it until you reach your goal.
And you make sure your goal is well-formed and you know what happens
NEXT after you get your goal.
For instance, you want that date with Suzie, well what comes next? Let's
say you've been on a few dates and have slept together. What comes next

after that?
Make sure you have a well-formed outcome and you know what it is you
want in the first place!
For more on that also, again check out my course on Secrets of Horny
Energies And How To Use Them To Get What You Want!:
You also want to make sure you're combining your telepathic influence
with your covert influence tactics with your verbal and non-verbal, your
language patterns, and your behavior!
Let's say you're doing Dream Invaders tactics to get Suzie to like you,
well when you see Suzie in person, if you're shy, lacking in confidence, in
a grumpy mood, or show signs of fear and insecurity or just plain don't go
talk to her, that sabotages the telepathic influence, because it
communicates the insecurity, fear, or frustration to her instead of liking,
confidence, and feeling good being with you.
Also, waiting too long to take action can cause lots of missed
opportunities. I've had times where I wanted to meet someone, so I
started doing telepathic influence to soften them up, then while I was
walking around the bookstore trying to figure out what to say to them,
someone else noticed the change in the woman's energy field as she
started to have those feelings of liking and attraction activated in her
energy field, and they went up to her and talked to her before I moved in
to action.
I've also had times when I've programmed for an outcome, and when it
was handed to me, I didn't recognize the opportunity. If that's happened
to you, take some relief from knowing it's happened to other people too!
Just make sure you learn from it!
That way you can do something better the next time.
We prefer to make things happen quickly and to use speed in our
Sometimes, however, if they're not attracted to you, it might take longer.
If it's taking too long, it might be due to not knowing how to influence
them properly or it could just be that it's not a good match.
But assuming you've got a good match (in other words there's no good,
valid reasons why the two of you shouldn't be together, and you know
how to match each other's values and criteria), if you give up too soon
and say Geez, I guess it didn't work! then that message it didn't work
is what gets communicated to their subconscious mind.

And the last suggestion to go in tends to be the one that will be your
Look, though, there are hundreds, probably thousands of people who are
close in proximity who would be open to your influence, so know when
to bail on a dead end and go for something that gets you what you
actually want instead.
Now of course I'd like you to go to my website (www.mindcontrolresources.com)and buy all of my
However, if you'll use these principles in this report along with any of the covert influence, persuasion,
or seduction materials you're already using, you'll see improvements in your results.
And if you've enjoyed this report, tell your friends about it!
Don't just give them the report, though. Tell them to sign up for the free newsletter and download their
own copy.
That way they can get additional mind control, hypnosis, energy, covert influence, and psychic
influence tips just like you!
Write and let me know how you've enjoyed this report.
Also let me know if you have any questions so I can either add the answers to this report or send them
out in the future newsletters.
Thanks again, and take a moment to check out the links I shared with you.
You'll find those resources I listed to be real helpful.
Now go have fun! And I'll see you again real soon in the Mind Control Resources Newsletter!
Jim Knippenberg
ESP, Mind Control, Psychic Influence, and Telepathic Dream Invader trainer.

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