10 Ragib Khan
10 Ragib Khan
10 Ragib Khan
The above curve shows that the directivity at the 5 GHz is around
13dB. Fig. 5 shows the radiation efficiency curve of the designed
antenna array
Fig. 3 show that at the resonating frequency the gain of the Fig. 5: Three Dimensional Radiations Pattern
antenna is near to 10 dB at is good at the lossy FR4 glass epoxy
substrate. Fig. 4 shows the directivity curve of the microstrip The above figure shows that the first side lobe is around 13 dB below
antenna array the major lobe. So it exhibit good radiation characteristics.
IV. Conclusion
In this letter, a new configuration of microstrip series-fed taper
array is designed in order to improve the performance of microstrip
antenna array. The side-lobe level is also reduced by using the
taper structure. A 5-element linear taper microstrip array is, thus,
designed and it achieves a peak side-lobe level as low as 13 dB.
So the designed antenna array. Is simple and have good radiation
[1] C. A. Balanis,“Antenna Theory Analysis and Design”, 3rd
Fig. 4: Directivity vs Frequency Curve ed., Wiley, 2005.