Design Development of Antenna For TV Transmission For Connecting Outdoor Broadcasts Van To The Studio For Rural Areas
Design Development of Antenna For TV Transmission For Connecting Outdoor Broadcasts Van To The Studio For Rural Areas
Design Development of Antenna For TV Transmission For Connecting Outdoor Broadcasts Van To The Studio For Rural Areas
2, April, 2010
Square, rectangular, dipole (strip), and circular are the Figure 4-Microstrip Line Feed
most common because of ease of analysis and fabrication,
and their attractive radiation characteristics, especially low So this is easy feeding scheme, since it provides ease of
cross polarization radiation [7]. fabrication and simplicity in modeling as well as impedance
matching. However as the thickness of the dielectric
B. Operation of Microstrip Antenna substrate being used, increases, surface waves and spurious
In Microstrip antenna, the electromagnetic (EM) wave feed radiation also increases, which hampers the bandwidth
fringe off the top patch into the substrate, reflecting off the of the Antenna. The feed Radiation also leads to undesired
ground plane and radiates out into the air. Radiation occurs cross polarized radiation.
mostly due to fringing field between the patch and ground.
B. Coaxial Feed
Fig 3. Shows the operation of Microstrip antenna.
As can be seen from the Fig .5, the inner conductor of the
coaxial Connector extends through the dielectric and is
soldered to the radiating patch, while the outer conductor is
connected to the ground plane.
III. FEEDING METHODS The main advantage of this type of feeding scheme is that
Feeding methods influences the input impedance and the the feed can be placed at any desired location inside the
polarization characteristic. Feeding methods can be patch in order to match with its input impedance. This feed
classified into two categories, contacting and non – method is easy to fabricate and has low spurious radiation.
contacting schemes [1]. In contacting scheme, the RF power It provides narrow bandwidth and is difficult to model since
is fed directly to the radiating patch using a connecting a hole has to be drilled in the substrate and the connector
element such as a Microstrip line. In non contacting scheme, protrudes outside the ground plane, thus not making it
EM field is done to transfer power between the Microstrip completely planar for thick substrate (h>0.02λ).Also, for
line and the radiating patch. There are four most popular thicker substrate, the increased probe length makes the input
structures that are used to feed Microstrip antenna. They are impedance more inductive, leading to matching problems. It
Microstrip line, coaxial probe, aperture coupling and is seen above that for a thick dielectric substrate, which
proximity coupling. Microstrip line and coaxial cable are provides broad bandwidth [2].
contacting scheme while aperture coupling and proximity
C. Aperture Coupled Feed
coupling are the non – contacting scheme.
In this type of feeding techniques, the ground plane
A. Microstrip Line Feed separates the radiating patch and the Microstrip feed line.
A conducting strip is connected directly to the edge of the Coupling between the patch and the feed line is made
Microstrip patch as shown in Fig 4. The conducting strip is through a slot or an aperture in the ground plane. The
smaller in width as compared to the patch. The advantage of amount of coupling from the feed line to the patch is
this feeding method is that the feed can be etched on the determined by the shape, size and location of the aperture
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, April, 2010
see in Fig 6.
Since the ground plane separates the patch and the feed
line, spurious radiation is minimized. Generally, a high
dielectric material is used for the bottom substrate and a
thick, low dielectric constant material is used for the top
substrate to optimize radiation from the patch.The major
disadvantage of this feed technique is difficult to fabricate Before the validation process of design, it is important to
due to multiple layers, which also increases the antenna identify the fundamental aspects, specification and
thickness. This feeding scheme also provides narrow parameter of the proposed antenna configuration. This is
bandwidth [10]. important to make sure that the simulation and fabrication
process is carried out correctly.
D. Proximity Coupled Feed
This type of technique is also called as the
electromagnetic coupling scheme. As shown in Fig 7, two IV. DESIGN METHODOLOGY
dielectric substrates are used such that the feed line is
During the progress of the project, the design
between the two substrates and the radiating patch is on top
methodology used will be as shown in below Fig 8. The
of the upper substrate. The main advantage of this feed
project starts with the study and literature review related to
technique is that it eliminates spurious feed radiation and
get the fundamental knowledge about Microstrip antenna.
provides very high bandwidth (as high as 13%), due to
Then the configuration to be used for the antenna as well as
overall increase in the thickness of the Microstrip patch
the related basic parameters and specification is set as
antenna. This scheme also provides choices between two
desired. The validation starts with the simulation process by
different dielectric media, one for the patch and one for the
using the PCAAD software in order to confirm that the set
feed line to optimize the individual performances. Matching
parameters can produce a result as desired. Finally, actual
can be achieved by controlling the length of the feed line
fabrication and field measurement is carried out and
and the width-to-line ratio of the patch. The major
comparison with the simulation result is done.
disadvantage of this feed scheme is that it is difficult to
fabricate because of the two dielectric layers, which need
proper alignment. Also, there is an increase in the overall
thickness of the antenna. In Table 2 we can see the
Comparison of the different feed techniques
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, April, 2010
place d at any desired location for input impedance resonant frequency. Usually it is found practically that feed
matching, good isolation between the feeding network and point is found at one third of the length and width of the
the radiating element that contributes to a good front to back patch. And to get exact location of the feed point a trial and
ratios and minimum misalignment difficulties due to direct error method is used, i.e., to compare the return loss (R.L.)
contact between the probe and the patch. and select the feed point where the R.L is most negative.
Approximately Xf= 3.15cm, Yf= 4.07cm
A. Calculation of Different Parameters
B. Steps for Antenna Designing
Operating Frequency: 750MHz • Develop schematic diagram
Dimensions: 94.5mm 122.3mm 1.6mm • Convert to board layout
Reading Distance: 0.5m • Optimize board layout
Impedance: 50Ω • Use laser printer to print layout to Peel-n-Press
Polarization: LINEAR paper
• Clean copper clad PCB material with steel wool
The width of the Microstrip patch antenna is given • Iron Press-n-Press to copper clad PCB material
by[ 7 ] , • Quench PCB material under cold water, remove
(1) • Etch in ferric chloride, illustrated in Fig. 9
Where, c= 3 10 m/sec, Fr= 750 MHz, εr= 4.34So,
w= 0.1223m or w = 12.23.
Effective dielectric constant ( ): following equation
gives the effective
Dielectric constants as [ 7 ],
= 1 12 (2)
Substitute the value of εr ,h, w. we get εreff =
4.22 ,Element
extension length due to fringing effects: the equation
given Fig. 9 Etching process using the ferrite chloride
By [ 7 ] ,
. . . • Clean etched PCB
ΔL (3) • Use steel wool and water to remove peel-n-press
. .
Δ 7.4681 10 m or Δ 0.7468 mm
Final length[ 7 ] : Equation below gives the Final length • Drill hole where we have to feed
as, • Install probe connecter through hole
• Solder inner conductor to patch and outer
- 2Δ (4)
conductor to ground plane, illustrated in Fig. 10
L= 0.09450 10 cm or L= 9.450 cm • Final design of Antenna(PCB), illustrated in Fig.
Ground plane dimensions (Lg and Wg):
C. Measured Parameters
• Beam width: 31; -3dB @ 343°, 14
• Front to back ratio: 30.40
Fig. 11 Polar pattern plot • Directive gain: Maximum gain: 30.4dB @ Azimuth
angle: 0°
• Side lobe angle: 260°
• Front/side lobe: 30.40
With, the Tx dipole
• Max. Receiving current is: 15µA
• Distance between both antenna is: 15cm
• Input current: 50µA
• Gain of half wave dipole is 2.15dBi=1.64
So, Directive Gain of Rectangular Patch Antenna= 4.06=
Fig. 13 .3D pattern plot
Simulation and actual hardware measurement was carried
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, April, 2010
[1] I.J.Bahl, P.Bhartia.”Microstrip Antenna”, Artech House,pp(44-55)
[2] Kin-Lu Wang.” Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antenna” John
Willy & Sons, pp(1-12)Inc.2002
[3] J.D.Kraus.”Antenna”, Tata Mc-Hill, New Delhi,2002
[4] C.A.Balanis.”Antenna Theory”, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
[5] N.N.Rao,”Elements of engineering Electromagnetic”, PHI-India,
[6] Robert.E.Collin,”Foundation for Microwave Engineering”, IEEE
[7] Ramesh Garg, Prakash Bhartia, Inder Bahl, Apisak Ittipiboon,"
Microstrip Antenna Design handbook," Artech House Inc. 2001
[8] Girish Kumar, K.P.Ray,"Broadband Microstrip Antennas,"Artech
House Inc. 2003
[9] PCAAD 5.0, Antenna Design Associates, Inc.55 Tea waddle Hill
Road Everett, MA 01054
[10] D. M. Pozar “Microstrip Antennas” Proceedings of the vol. 80, no 1,
January 1992,pp no:79-91