ID NO.GSR 019/08
I hereby, declare that this thesis entitled “Assessment of Affordability of Condominium Houses: The Case of
Addis Ababa Housing Construction Project Office at Tuludimtu Site” was composed of myself, with the
guidance of my advisor, that the work contained herein is my own except where explicitly stated otherwise in
the text, and this work has not been submitted, in whole or in part, for any other degree or professional
Construction waste can adversely affect economy, human and environmental health if it is
not managed and disposed properly. Hence an effective Construction Waste Management
and Disposal System (CWM&DS) is necessary for sustainable and healthy environment.
This research investigated the CWM&DS of Gelan Project site and examined if it has
proper guidelines and strategies to manage and remove construction waste. Its objective is
to assess the economic, health and environmental effects of the CWM&DS. It is significant
as it identifies the challenges in the CWM&DS and possible solutions to prevent its negative
consequences. The research used primary and secondary data collected through qualitative
and quantitative methods. It collected data through survey questions, face-to-face interviews
and field survey . It used Likert’s evaluation techniques and statistical analysis software
(SPSS) to analyze data. The research found out Gelan Project site does not have CWM&DS
plan and strategy and the CWM&DS is ineffective. Among other things, storage facilities
are inadequate, materials are mishandled, deteriorate and are exposed to theft. There is
delay in waste disposal and the manner is adverse to health and the environment.
inadequate management attention, weak law enforcement, theft and lack of awareness of
CWM&DS are major challenges. The study recommends improved supervision, security and
storage, CWM&DS training, systematic CWM&DS plan, due management attention and
stronger legal enforcement for stakeholders and policy makers. It is expected that the
findings and the recommendations will serve as a benchmark for future knowledge and as
Key words: Construction Waste Management, Waste Disposal, Addis Ababa Housing
Construction Project Office, Gelan Housing Project Site
I thank my family for their support and encouragement and Kumssa Mekonnen for
Table of Content
DECLARATION .................................................................................................................................... II
ABSTRACT ..........................................................................................................................................IV
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................................... V
2.1.1. DEFINITION OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE ........................................................................................ 9
2.1.2. CLASSIFICATIONS OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE ........................................................................... 11
2.1.3. SOURCES OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE......................................................................................... 14
2.2. THE ROLE OF MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT ..................................... 16
2.2.1. CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIES ......................................................... 16
2.3. THE EXPERIENCES OF OTHER COUNTRIES ................................................................................... 19
2.3.1. NETHERLANDS ............................................................................................................................. 19
2.3.2. SWEDEN ....................................................................................................................................... 23
2.3.3. UK ................................................................................................................................................ 25
2.4. CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT IN ETHIOPIA .................................................................... 27
2.4.1. POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE FRAME WORK ................................................................................... 27
2.5. THE PRACTICE OF WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL IN ETHIOPIA ......................................... 30
2.6. THE IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT ............................................................... 31
2.6.1. IMPACT ON HUMAN HEALTH ....................................................................................................... 31
2.6.2. ECONOMIC IMPACT ...................................................................................................................... 33
2.6.3. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ........................................................................................................... 34
............................................................................................................................................................... 35
3.1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................ 37
3.2. THE RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY ............................................................................... 37
3.3. POPULATION AND SAMPLING METHODS......................................................................................... 39
3.4. DATA COLLECTION TOOLS ............................................................................................................. 40
3.4.1. QUESTIONNAIRE ........................................................................................................................... 41
3.4.2. FACE TO FACE INTERVIEWS ......................................................................................................... 41
3.4.3. NON-PARTICIPANT OBSERVATIONS ............................................................................................. 41
3.5. PROCEDURES OF DATA COLLECTION .............................................................................................. 42
3.6. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................................................ 44
cont. . . .
4.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 45
4.2. RESULTS AND FINDINGS OF THE STUDY ......................................................................................... 45
4.2.1. RESPONDENTS DEMOGRAPHY CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................... 45
4.2.2. RESPONDENTS RESPONSES .......................................................................................................... 48
DISPOSAL STRATEGY AT GELAN SITE ................................................................................................... 63
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 74
APPENDIX............................................................................................................................................ 78
Table 1: Sources of Construction Waste ....................................................................................... 155
cont. . . .
Table 23: Awareness of Relationship between CWM& DS and Environment .............................. 60
Table 25: Supervision to Ensure Environmental friendliness of Construction Waste Disposal ..... 61
cont. . . .
SEC: Swedish Environmental Code
waste. Effective waste management has significant economic advantages and prevents
The role of the construction industry in Ethiopia has drastically increased over the past couple
of decades partly due to the construction of residential houses by the government. Hundreds
of thousands of condominiums were built in the past and the construction of many more is
underway to solve the severe housing problem. The situation of waste generated from the
This study endeavors to examine the situation of construction waste management of the
The study aims to identify the construction waste management strategy implemented, its
problems and roots with a view to understand and contribute in finding solutions. With this in
mind, it exposes and discusses the findings of the study and forwards appropriate
It also provides an overview of the concept of construction waste and management strategies,
economic, human and environmental impacts of waste management, the experiences of other
1.2. Background of the Study
The housing demand in Addis Ababa has been increasing due to urbanization, population
growth and migration. The Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) has been
implemented to meet growing housing demand in the city. The Addis Ababa Housing
Construction Project Office (AAHCP), a federal body mandated to execute the program has
built 175,000 condominium buildings in the past and plans to build around 750,000 by 2020
in the capital. The government intends to strengthen and expand the housing program to
address housing problem in regional cities as well. Given the number of people, waiting on
line for condominium houses and rate of increase in population several hundreds of thousands
The necessity of addressing the housing problem is indisputable but of no lesser importance is
the management of waste resulting from the construction of these condominiums. Their
construction generates waste, which adversely affects the economy, human and environmental
industry. However, in developed countries it has been practiced through institutional, policy
and legal methods and implementation of construction waste management strategies based on
waste management hierarchy Shen et, al (2002), Poon et, al (2004). It is an endeavor to
prevent and minimize construction waste in line with economic, health and environmental
order to prevent waste to reuse it and to deposit it properly. The effort to properly manage
Most studies in developing countries indicate the construction process is absent of effective
construction management strategies Guerrero (2014). The construction industry has boomed
in different countries as well as the Ethiopian too. The construction waste management in the
construction industry in general and specifically in the house sector is not as effective as it
should be.
This study assesses construction waste management situation at the Gelan housing project site
construction waste is managed at the site with a view to understand the challenges and
Construction waste management has significant health, economic and environmental impacts.
Rational waste management is necessary, among other things to reduce cost, prevent health
problems and alleviate damage to the environment. Construction has drastically increased in
Ethiopia in the last few decades but effective waste management systems are not in place to
prevent the negative impact of the rising construction waste. The same is true of Gelan
Housing project, one of the projects run by Addis Ababa Housing Construction Project Office
The project site generates several types of waste that are not managed properly. At the site, it
is common to see expensive imported construction material buried in soil, aggregate not
placed appropriately, broken concrete blocks littered around here and there and large
quantities of cement turned to stone. Such mishandling of construction materials has negative
economic impacts. The project does not have an effective storage system. Waste materials are
crammed in the stores unsystematically. Judging from media reports of theft of construction
materials from the stores, they are not also well secured.
The waste management and disposal strategy at the Gelan condominium-housing site is
inadequate and the consequences are obvious. This thesis aims to identify the specific
problems in waste disposal strategies at the site and the consequent economic and
environmental impacts.
1. What types and quantity of waste materials does the Gelan condominium housing
project generate?
2. What strategy does the site employ and the major challenges in waste management
and disposal?
3. How does the waste management disposal at the site affect human, economy and
environmental health?
4. What solutions apply to improve the construction waste management system and
To assess building construction waste management and waste disposal strategy of Gelan
• To identify the problems and challenges of the waste management and disposal
• To forward recommendation to improve the strategy, prevent and alleviate its harmful
Construction Waste - Wasted or damaged materials generated from construction site which
need to be transported elsewhere to the construction sites or used within the construction site
itself for the purpose of land filling, incineration, recycling, reusing, or composting rather than
the intended specific purpose of the project due to material change, excess nonuse, or
construction resources, with the view to reducing the quantity of waste and utilizing the
generated waste in the most effective manner constituting avoiding waste, re-using and
recycling waste materials. Avoiding waste refers to any practice to avoid or minimize waste at
source. Re-using and recycling refer to the re-using and recycling of waste materials.
1.7. Significance of the Study
The researcher believes that the findings of this study will help to overcome the challenges on
the construction waste management strategy of the study site as well as other sites of the
AAHCPO. The study will introduce new concepts, plans and strategies of construction waste
management, which will help individuals and entities to properly manage waste in
construction. By indicating the problems in construction waste management and its negative
impacts the paper will also initiate positive responses from concerned bodies. It is significant
as it possibly leads to an in depth study of the situation of construction waste management and
motivates administrative legal and policy measures. The study will also be useful as a
reference and stepping stone for academic and practical research on construction waste
construction project. It may however provide a useful insight regarding the situation of other
condominium housing sites administered by the AAHCPO, which practice a similar waste
management system relating to the construction process of buildings at the site, health,
construction waste resulting in during construction. It does not provide in-depth expose of
1.9. Limitations of the study
The major problem is lack of adequate information and data like the types and quantity of
waste at the site. No previous studies were carried out to assess the impact of condominium
Thus, finding accurate data on the type and quantity of waste and the time of their disposal
has been difficult. There was also lack of data with respect to other components of waste as
well as its impacts. There is serious lack regarding data on the specific health, environmental
and economic impacts. In assessing the health, economic and environmental impacts the
researcher had to rely on analysis of data, he has collected by means of primary tools and
The research would have been more elaborate and informative with a broader scope.
However, financial and time constraints limited its scope to the Gelan condominium project.
While this is true, it will provide useful insight about the main problems in other sites and its
Chapter one is introductory. It gives a background of the study, states the research problem,
the objectives of the study, delineation of the Study, the research questions. It also shows the
method employed in the research, its scope and limitations, it lists the definition of key terms
Chapter two reviews literature on what constitutes construction waste, its classification,
generation and deals with the concept of construction waste management and strategies. It
also discusses, health, economic and environmental impacts of construction waste
policies and laws and the construction waste management system of AAHCPO.
In chapter three, the research methodology used for this research is explained in detail.
Chapter describes and explains the research design, the sample selection, data collection,
measuring instruments and data analysis techniques used in the research. Chapter four
incorporates data analysis, the findings of study and interpretation of the findings. Finally,
Chapter five outlines the conclusions of the research and the recommendations forwarded by
the researcher.
Researchers and authors have different views as to what constitutes construction waste and
provided various definitions in relevant literature. Cheung, (1993) defines construction waste
as the by-product generated and removed from construction, renovation and demolition
workplaces or sites of building and civil engineering structures. As Shen et al, (2003) defines
it is the difference between the value of materials delivered and accepted on site and those
properly used as specified and accurately measured in the work, after deducting the cost
savings of substituted materials transferred elsewhere, in which unnecessary cost and time
The wider definitions of construction waste include the concept of value. According to
Formoso et al, (2002), for instance, ‘waste is defined … as the loss of any kind of resources—
materials, time (labor and equipment), and capital—produced by activities that generate direct
or indirect costs but do not add any value to the final product from the point of view of the
Skoyles (1976) defines waste broadly as the difference between the value of materials
delivered and accepted on site and those properly used as specified and accurately measured
in the work after deducting the cost saving of substituted materials transferred elsewhere, in
which unnecessary cost and time may be incurred by materials wastage. His definition
includes and indirect waste due to substitution or inefficiency as well as monetary loss such
as, waste due to concrete slab thickness larger than specified by the structural designs.
Shen,et al (2002 ) also defined construction waste broadly as the difference between the value
of materials delivered and accepted on site and those properly used as specified and
accurately measured in the work after deducting the cost saving of substituted materials
transferred elsewhere in which unnecessary cost and time may be increased by the material
Serpell and Alarcon (1998) presented a similar concept stating that all construction activities
that produce direct or indirect cost, but do not add value or process to the product can be
called waste. Construction waste is also considered as losses resulting from activities that
consume direct or indirect costs but do not add value to the product.
This study focuses on direct material waste produced during the construction process and
lifecycle of the study sides and excludes indirect waste such as those relating to
2.1.2. Classifications of Construction Waste
of material waste the reduction of which, according to Formoso (2002), requires a higher cost
or investment than the economy produced. The level of unavoidable waste may vary
depending on the process, technology employed and other factors but it always exists and
considered as acceptable. The other category, avoidable waste as defined by Formoso (2003),
and others is waste the cost of which is significantly higher than the cost to reduce or prevent
waste. Though classification by waste is common, there are differences as to which sources it
should cover. The widely accepted classification of waste by source is based on what is
Storage related- The deterioration, and loss of materials due to inadequate and poor
Production related waste- The production of defective materials incompatible with
specifications that may be caused by a wide range of reasons like poor design,
specification, etc.
Waste caused by other reasons such as robbery, theft and vandalism, weather,
accidents, etc.
Building construction waste is also classified as direct and indirect. Formoso (et al 2002),
defines direct waste is as materials which are completely lost because of damage and indirect
waste refers to inaccurate works which are inconsistent with the design, for example, the
Skoyles (1976), provide an example of such classification. Skoyles defines direct material
wastage as a complete loss or damage of materials in the process of construction process and
• Supply or delivery waste that constitutes material loss during transit, due to unloading
• Site storage and internal site transit waste comprising all losses inappropriate stacking
and storage;
• Conversion waste like those that may result due to inappropriate cutting of materials;
• Fixing waste which comprising the loss of dropped, spoiled, or discarded materials in
• Cutting waste, material loss due to inappropriate cutting to size and specified shapes;
• Application waste, loss of materials such as mortar for brickwork, paintings, painting
and other application materials that may deteriorate because they are left in unsealed
• Management waste that may arise from wrong decision or lack of decision by
• Waste that may be caused because of incorrect type or quality of materials such as
The second category, indirect material waste includes waste such as those caused by materials
substitution, use of excess of quantities than specified and errors. Concrete slab thickness
larger than specified, size deviations of cast in structural elements like footings, slabs, beams,
and columns, brick and block work due to excessive consumption of mortar in joints are
examples of indirect waste. The classification of direct and indirect waste. According to him
specification like additional concrete in trenches dug wider than was designed,
• Operational waste: The use of materials for which no quantity or other allowances are
• Negligent waste: The additional or excess use materials than the amount required due
to negligent behavior.
Construction waste materials are also sorted by type, as inert and non-inert (Jaillon et al
2009). What is known as inert waste in building construction includes materials like rocks,
rubbles, concrete, cement, bricks, tiles, stones, soil, sand and asphalt. Inert waste is considered
suitable for land reclamation and some of its types can be used for recycling. Non-inert
building construction waste includes materials such as wood, timber, paper, metals, glass,
plastics and fixtures. Non-inert waste is unsuitable for land reclamation because it
decomposes slowly and may affect environment and health without due care.
Construction waste is caused due to several factors. The most common and widely recognized
Figure 3: Sources of Construction Waste( Source: Photograph from the Gelan Site )
Design Construction Operation Others
Use of incorrect
Incompatible market Materials
Ordering errors material thus requiring Theft
standard sizes supplied
Lack of attention paid Lack of
Use of incorrect Damage to work done
to dimensional Damages while material
material requiring due to subsequent
coordination of transporting control on
replacement trades
products site
Lack of
Design changes while Required quantity
Lack of possibility to Inappropriate site waste
construction is in unclear due to improper
order small quantities storage management
progress planning
Delays in providing
Lack of knowledge Purchases not information to
attitudes of Natural
about standard sizes complying with contractors regarding
project team and disasters
available in market specifications types and sizes of
products to be used
Lack of
Designers unfamiliarity
Design changes while environmental Accidents due to Inclement
with alternative
construction is in awareness of negligence weather
progress employees on site
2.2. The Role of Management in Construction Waste Management
Construction waste management is efficient material handling, reduction, reuse, recycling and
disposal of construction waste materials. The practice of waste management for construction
activities has been promoted with economic reasons and the recognition that waste from
construction and demolition works contribute significantly to the polluted environment (Shen
et al, 2002, cited in Shen et al, 2004). According to Coventry and Guthrie (1998), there are
two fundamental reasons for reducing, reusing and recycling waste: the economic advantages,
and the environmental advantages. The environmental advantages include the minimization of
the risk of immediate and future environmental pollution and harm to human health while the
economic advantages include lower project costs, increased business support, lower risk of
litigation regarding waste amongst others. The increasing awareness of economic and
environmental impacts from construction waste has led to the development of waste
There are several approaches to construction waste management. The process of managing
construction waste goes far beyond the disposal of the waste itself. It is an all-encompassing
strategy to effectively utilize construction resources, with the view to reducing the quantity of
waste and utilizing the generated waste in the most effective manner. The most common
decreasing landfill space has led to increasing costs of landfill disposal to the contractor (BIE,
1993, cited in Lingard et al, 2000). In addition, a relatively large amount of materials is being
wasted because of poor material control on building sites (Poon, et al, 2004). This has
prompted the need for alternative approaches and strategies for waste prevention.
Current waste management strategies are commonly based on what is known as the ‘waste
hierarchy approach’. The waste hierarchy is concerned with the need to address waste along
the full lifecycle of production. A 2003 study by Gertsakis and Lewis provided an
interpretation of the hierarchy as depicted in the table 2 adapted from their study.
using and recycling waste materials. Avoiding waste refers to any practice to avoid or
minimize waste at source. Re-using and recycling refer to the re-using and recycling of
waste materials, and thus, reducing the volume of waste needed to be disposed to the
landfills (Ferguson et al. 1995). Minimization of waste at source is given the highest
minimize the generation of waste at source than to develop ways for treating or handling
the waste. Although re-using and recycling allow waste materials to be put into a
beneficial use, reusing and recycling do not completely avoid the waste generation
Reusing and recycling can only reduce the quantity of waste to be eventually disposed to
the landfill sites. Since reusing requires less energy and processes in dealing with the
waste than recycling, reusing should be put in higher hierarchy than recycling
According to the waste management principles of the EU the most effective environmental
solution may often be to reduce the generation of waste. Where further reduction is not
practicable, products and materials can sometimes be reused, either for the same or for a
different purpose. Failing that, value should be recovered from waste, through recycling,
composting or energy recovery from waste. Only if none of these solutions is appropriate
should waste be disposed of, using the best practicable environmental option.
The Waste Reduction Framework Plan (WRFP, 1998) recommends the following five waste
• Waste recovery, recycling and reuse: the recovery, recycling and reuse of suitable waste
• Waste bulk reduction: if it is not possible to recover, recycle or reuse the waste materials,
the volume of residual waste should be reduced before final disposal, this might involves
• Waste disposal: wherever possible the residue left after bulk reduction will be used for
2.3.1. Netherlands
The first article of the Netherlands Environment Law (ENL) provides the official; definition
of waste as “All substances, preparations or objects, which the owner is disposing, planning to
demolition of buildings and other edifices, including road and water constructions” CDW in
the Netherlands covers mixed construction and demolition waste offered by companies in the
construction sector, as well as mixed waste that remains after sorting and other processing of
The National Waste Plan(NWP), that provides the definition also lists out the major types of
waste included in the definition. Asbestos and waste which contains asbestos, dredging,
aerated concrete, roof waste, mixed C&DW and mixed fractions, separately collected glass,
gypsum, fiber optic cables, wood, paper or plastic insulated cables and remnants, materials
containing stone, grit, contaminated soil, packaging of paint, adhesive, sealant and resin sieve
Netherlands on C&DW goes back to the 1972, the Urgency Notes on Environment (UNE),
given by its government. This document provided a reasonably outlined a complete picture of
the environmental of the country. The urgency note signaled an increase in waste volumes and
provided increasing the capacity of landfills and incinerators as a solution. More actions that
are ambitious aimed at prevention, reuse, reduction of adverse environmental impacts and
national planning, were taken from 1988-1991 and formed the basis for the current waste
policy. Major among these are the note prevention and recycling, the introduction of producer
responsibility, the Waste Institution and the Packaging Covenant. These measures led to a
The Dutch legislation on waste can be found primarily in the Environmental Management Act
(EMA) issued later in 1994. This Act consists mainly of a framework legislation deeming a
regulations or municipal waste regulations. The decree on landfills and waste bans and the
waste collection decree are examples of orders in council based on the act.
The EMA provides the order of preference for waste management as prevention or restriction
of the generation of waste; no or minimal adverse effects to the environment in the production
(design for prevention and design for recovery); substances, preparations or other products
should be reused after use (recovery by product reuse); substances and materials of which a
product exists are recycled after use of the product (recovery by material reuse); using waste
The order of preference provided in this act is leading the Netherlands waste management in
practice. The Dutch Environmental Protection Act (DEPA) provides national legislation on
Imposes the duty of care for waste: everyone should ensure that there are no adverse effects
Prohibits Land filling: it bans disposal (by land filling it outside establishments), bring into
Provides rules for delivery, receipt, transportation and collection of industrial waste;
The decree on landfills and waste bans, the decree on notification of industrial and hazardous
waste, and the decree on the arrangement collectors, transporters, dealers and brokers of waste
are some important decrees based on the Dutch Environmental Management Act.
The decree on landfills and waste bans obliges that waste should be recovered or incinerated
and may usually not be dumped and bans land filling a number of waste materials. The decree
on notification of industrial and hazardous wastes lays down the rules for disposal,
transporting and receiving waste. The decree on the arrangement collectors, transporters,
dealers and brokers is about who collects and transports waste and licensing authorized
Waste Management plans: The Netherlands Waste Management Plan is based on the
Environmental Management Act and deals with C&DW (Deloitee 2015). The plan contains
the sector plan for CDW management. The following are major decisions described in the
sector plan;
Delineation of CDW: as waste released during the construction, renovation and demolition of
buildings and other construction works including in civil engineering, covering mixed
construction and demolition in the construction sector and household waste, such as waste
Minimum standard for processing: The minimum standard for the processing of CDW is
sorting or otherwise processing. The object of the treatment in this respect is to get as much
mono streams as possible to be separated which are suitable for recycling, with the restriction
that the resulting residue must at least be able to be burned. The minimum standard for sorting
residue for which recycling is not possible or where the recycling route is so expensive that
the cost of delivery by the producer/disposer is more than € 175 per ton, is incineration as a
disposal method.
landfill are not allowed on the grounds of national self-care, shipments from the Netherlands
in other types of (temporary) removal than landfill are in principle not allowed because
recycling is possible. However, this prohibition does not apply to sorting residue under the
condition that it appears from the notification that components such as wood, paper, metals,
glass and plastic are not suitable for recycling. In this case, transmission for incineration is
permitted. Shipments to the Netherlands for landfill are in principle prohibited under national
laws and/or based on national self-sufficiency. Shipments to the Netherlands for incineration
as a disposal method are in principle not allowed. Shipments to the Netherlands for other
types of (temporary) removal than incineration and land filling are in principle not allowed.
The municipalities of the country are mainly responsible for the enforcement of legislation. In
addition, the Environment and Transport Inspection has been commissioned to effectively
control over the management and processing of waste. It keeps track whether the recycling
targets are met and whether producers take responsibility. The inspection examines how the
waste collection goes and what ultimately happens to waste. There are also assessment
guidelines and what is known as the Netherlands Norms. This is a market regulation
(enforcement by the business itself), which uses certification of the quality of waste streams.
2.3.2. Sweden
Legislation: General rules for waste and handling of waste are laid down in the Swedish
Environmental Code and in ordinances made by the government, e.g. Ordinance on Waste
(SFS 2011:927). The management of CDW is mainly subject to the general waste legislation
or the general rules of consideration in the Environmental Code, Chapter 2. However, there
are some guidelines and regulations for certain waste fractions that influence CDW
management as well. Since 2002, it has been prohibited by the Ordinance on Land filling of
Waste (2001:512) to dispose of unsorted combustible waste at a landfill site. In 2005, the ban
was extended to cover all organic waste with certain exceptions. The exception for land filling
of organic and combustible waste is given in SEPA regulations and guidelines on the handling
of combustible and organic waste. Combustible CDW need not be sorted at source if
Land filling of gypsum-based waste is restricted in the SEPA regulations on land filling.
Gypsum based waste generated in construction, renovation and demolition can only be placed
The guidelines of the Swedish Construction Federation recommend separate collection of
ban on the mixing of hazardous waste are laid down in the Swedish Waste Ordinance. The
Decontamination is required if the PCB content exceeds 500 mg/kg. In connection with
Waste-handling activities that include management, processing and recycling of CDW require
a permit from the competent authority either licensing by court or county authority or a less
In the case of recovery of waste in constructions, the notification process is used more
assessment. The recovery of waste in civil engineering requires notification in the case of a
minor risk of pollution of land or water area or groundwater, and licensing in the case of more
than a minor risk. The assessment of minor risk is based on the procedure presented in the
Waste Management Plans: According to the waste plan, the government's interim objective
for CDW is for reuse, recycling and other material utilization of non-hazardous construction
and demolition waste to increase to 70% by weight by 2020. One of the priority areas in the
second Swedish Waste Management Plan for 2012-2017 is CDW. SEPA lists the following
The Preparation of guidance concerning the way in which the general rules of consideration in
the Environmental Code and the waste hierarchy should be applied in connection with
inspections of the management of construction and demolition waste, and how the
developed. Monitor developments and, when necessary, propose additional measures and
instruments to achieve the EU's recycling target. Continue the work to compile reliable
The Swedish First Waste Prevention Program (SWPP) for 2014-201721 was published in
2013. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency will monitor the program and draw up
2.3.3. UK
Legislation: The Duty of Care Regulations, and Waste Management Licensing Regulations
Landfill Directive and the Clean Neighborhood Act are among the most important national
waste legislations in the UK. The regulations provide the basis for licensing controls and other
provisions aimed at ensuring that waste handling, disposal and recovery options do not harm
the environment. The Duty of Care Regulations state that responsibility for waste rests on all
parties involved in its management; from the original producer to everybody who handles it
up until its full recovery or disposal. The Landfill Directive and Council Decision
environmental effects of landfill. The waste hierarchy requirement imposes a duty on waste
producers (other than households) to take all reasonable measures to apply the waste
hierarchy to prevent material from becoming waste (e.g., by reusing or extending the life of
The waste regulations of 2012applicable in England and Wales enforce separate collection of
waste where “necessary” to ensure that waste undergoes recovery operations in accordance
In 2008 the English Parliament in exercising powers in the Clean Neighborhood Act (CNA)
(2005)20, came up with the Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP) Regulations
200821.These C&DW specific regulations form the basis for the legal requirement for the
management of C&D waste. The SWMP require all clients with single construction or
demolition projects having a value (without VAT) of £300,000 or more to prepare a plan
showing the expected levels of waste and how the waste expected from the activity will be
managed. According to the Defra waste reports there is evidence to suggest that this
legislation together with assistance from WRAP and other bodies has resulted in a change in
The principles of the UK(EU) C&D waste management policy and laws are prevention,
prevention principle targets ensuring nature and resource conservation through minimized
waste generation. The Precautionary principle advocates for ensuring a reduction in the
impacts of waste on human health and the environment. The principle of the polluter pays and
polluter responsibility requires that those who generate waste be made to pay for the cost of
their actions. The principle of proximity and self-sufficiency seeks to ensure adequate
infrastructure is made available for the disposal of waste. The SWMP of the UK is based on
the waste hierarchy which is rooted on the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) principle of waste
Another government policy that is recognized as having a great impact on C&DW
management in the UK is the Landfill Tax Regulations, which require waste producers to pay
for the disposal of waste. This is seen as an incentive for waste producers in the construction
industry to cut down the amount of waste they send to landfill. This encourages firms to
reduce the amount of waste they produce and recover more value from the materials in the
waste to save on the amount of money paid for the disposal at the landfill and for transporting
the waste. The regulations reportedly resulted in significant investment in recovery systems.
According to reports on the issue the amount of waste sent to landfill has fallen by a third
with an increase in recycling since the introduction of the landfill tax in the UK (Defra,
The environment agency (which covers England and Wales), the Scottish Environmental
Protection Agency, the Department of the Environment in Northern Ireland and, local
There is no specific policy that pertains to construction waste management in Ethiopia but
constitutional policy provisions and national environmental policies indirectly deal it.
Articles 92.1 and 92.2 of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
provide that “Government shall endeavor to ensure that all Ethiopians live in a clean and
healthy environment” and that “Government and citizens shall have the duty to protect the
environment” respectively. These provisions relate to and are applicable to construction waste
The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia issued by Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)
also contains provisions that directly and indirectly deal with construction waste management.
Article 3.7 that deals with matters related to human settlement, urban environment and
environmental health,
Article 3.8 that relate to the control of hazardous materials and pollution from waste and
Article 3.9 that deals with atmosphere pollution and climate change are worth mentioning.
Particularly Article 3.8 of the policy has detailed provisions dealing with many issues
including the review and development guidelines for waste disposal and issuance of
regulations, the establishment of safe limits for the location of sanitary landfill sites,
Solid Waste Management Proclamation (SWMP) No. 513 of 2007 is a major proclamation
objective of the proclamation is to enhance capacity to prevent the possible adverse impacts
and create economically and socially beneficial assets out of solid waste. The proclamation
has two articles that particularly deal with the management of solid construction waste.
Article 12 that deals with construction debris and demolition wastes empowers urban
solid waste disposal sites, quarry pits with pebbles, or gravel from demolished buildings or
with excavated earth. It also stipulates that construction permits should be issued to building
contractors after they deposit a legally valid bond or other instruments to ensure
environmentally sound disposal of construction debris or excavated earth. In addition, it
deems that urban administrations should ensure the availability of adequate facility for an
Article 14, another article that deals with construction of solid waste disposal sites provides
that; urban administration should ensure that solid waste disposal sites are constructed and
properly used in conformity with the relevant federal environmental standard, solid waste
organs and citizens, solid waste management planning, collection & storage, transportation,
treatment, disposal, incineration, recycling, and hazardous waste, civil and penal provisions.
proclamation. The proclamation mandates urban administrations to devise and implement safe
The proclamation under article 5 (Management of Municipal Waste) deems that urban
administrations should ensure the collection, transportation, and as appropriate, the recycling,
management system. It also mandates them to monitor and evaluate the adequacy of
2.5. The Practice of Waste management and Disposal in Ethiopia
Even giving a brief highlight of the situation of construction waste management in Ethiopia is
a trying task because it is largely unstudied and there is serious lack of data. One can
however infer about the practice and its challenges using government programs, studies
conducted on solid waste management in Ethiopia, its construction industry and relevant
• The most common construction waste management is land filling of waste – The most
common strategy is land filling of construction waste with insufficient landfill sites for
disposing solid waste. There is, for instance only one open dumpsite in Addis Ababa
for the disposal of all types of solid waste. The site is known as "Rappi" or "Koshe" It
is getting full, surrounded by housing areas, institutions, causing nuisance, and health
• Construction waste including waste from the building of residential houses is mostly
condominiums for the AAHCPO for instance, is mostly regarding the disposal of
excavated materials like soil and a general obligation to clear the site at completion.
The contractual obligation to dispose excavated materials like soil requires that waste
problem of enforcing contractual obligations and there are instances where contractors
clear the site of waste is also general and there is no mechanism to make sure waste is
• Recycling and Reuse- Recyclable materials in construction waste include metal, wood,
There are several risks to public health that may result from poor management of construction
waste and disposal. The health impacts of construction waste depend on the type of waste
management strategies used. There is a large body of literature on the potential adverse health
effects of different construction waste management mechanisms particularly land filling and
incineration. According to most literature, the potential health problems resulting from
There are many studies on the adverse health impacts of populations living near landfill sites,
like reproductive effects including low birth weight fetal and infant mortality, spontaneous
abortion, and the occurrence of birth defects. Vienna and Poland and Goldman et al1 both
found increased incidence of low birth weight in the populations around the Love Canal site
in the US. A similar increase in the proportion of low birth weight babies was found in
another landfill in the US namely the Lipari Landfill in the state of New Jersey. The study of
adverse birth outcomes associated with living within 2 km of a landfill site in Great Britain
irritation of the skin, nose and eyes, gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, headaches,
psychological problems and allergies. It has been suggested that evaluation of a relationship
odors and nuisance related to the site, and recall bias. For example, a survey found that
residents who indicated they were worried about pollution reported more symptoms than
those who were not worried, both in the exposed and control areas.
There are also several studies showing the impact of incineration from the health aspect. As
studies indicate, major pollutants associated with incineration include particles, acidic gases
and aerosols, metals and organic compounds. Several studies have consistently demonstrated
the association of particle exposure and acute health effects such as increased overall
As studies show incineration construction and demolition materials spews pollutants into the
air that affect health and environment. Pollutants caused by incineration settle in different
water bodies, soil and feed crops where they enter food chain by lodging in animal fat and
The result of incineration such as Smoke from burning of wood and trash contains very
small particles that, when inhaled, lodge deep inside the lungs causing severe health
problems including cancer, reproductive disorders, skin diseases, heart disease, liver damage,
Studies also suggest that long-term exposure to low concentrations is associated with chronic
health effects such as increased rates of bronchitis and reduced lung function2, shortened life
Another harmful effect of incineration is with respect to metals associated with incinerator
emissions include lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium, arsenic and beryllium. Different forms
of these at various levels and via various media and exposure, pathways have all been shown
Studies also show that metals associated with incinerator emissions including lead, cadmium,
mercury, chromium, arsenic and beryllium have all been shown to cause a range of
carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health effects. The organic compounds that have received
the most attention relating to incineration are dioxins and PCBs, partly because of their ability
Several studies evidenced the direct economic benefits of material waste minimization in
building construction (Noor et al 2013, Nagapan 2011). These include reduced purchase
quantity and price of raw materials, reduced transportation cost for waste materials to and
from sites, reduced disposal costs of waste materials, reduced purchase price of new
materials when considering reuse and recycling, long term benefits by optimizing building life
and avoiding expenses for demolition and construction of new buildings (Jain 2012). As
Bossink et al 1996 says the costs of construction waste consist of purchase losses, collection
costs, transportation costs, recycling costs and dumping costs. Substantial savings can be
According to Guthrie (et al. 1999), waste minimization and recycling, have significant
economic benefits in terms of cost reduction. The economic benefits of waste minimization
and recycling include the possibilities of selling specific waste materials and the removal from
site of other waste at no charge or reduced cost, with a subsequent reduction in materials
Reducing construction also have an indirect economic impact as it serves as an incentive for
The construction and operation of the built environment worldwide is estimated to account
consumption, 40% of virgin materials extracted (Macozoma, 2002), up to 57% solid waste
generation ending up in disposal sites, noise, dust and gas emissions (Lu and Yuan, 2011), 20-
change of land use, including clearing of existing flora, other indoor and outdoor emissions,
through inappropriate design and materials and health risks on worksites and for building
The negative environmental impacts of construction waste are depicted in several studies (Nor
et al 2013). Construction waste due to improper waste management may result in unbalanced
ecology, change of living environment, potential sewage, and depletion of natural sources,
have significant long and short-term benefits to the environment. It helps reduce dependence
on natural resources such as trees and other raw materials thereby conserving valuable natural
assets. Effective waste management also lessons pollution as it reduces manufacturing and
transportation related emissions. Reduction of the energy and water required to produce
building supplies from raw materials contributes to reduced greenhouse gasses related to the
2.7. The Role and Responsibilities of Gelan Project Office Local Administration
on CWM
The Addis Ababa city administration has launched the ongoing low cost condominium
housing projects through the Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) under the
auspices of the Ethiopian federal government in 2006. The IHDP is primarily meant to
address the acute housing problem in the city by providing low cost houses to low and middle
The AAHCPO established to manage and implement the program is mandated by law with
duties and responsibilities including the construction of standardized houses in the urban and
expansion areas with cost saving technologies, strengthening the construction industry,
preparing land and ensuring the supply of infrastructure facilities for the construction of
houses, directing and supervising the construction of government houses in sub cities,
capacity MSEs by participating them in projects, laying down training system for the
construction industry, executing design works, procurement and distribution of goods &
construction materials, managing human resource and finance and the co-ordination and
There are ten sub-city project offices under the structure of AAHCP office that coordinate the
task in each sub-city of Addis Ababa. Sub-city project offices are delegated with the tasks of
supervising their use, selecting and organizing MSEs, selecting and preparing land for
housing projects.
Procurement of construction materials is largely taken care of by these sub-city project offices
based on participating local firms and from MSEs with a fixed price system. They purchase
almost all construction materials such as cement, gravel reinforcement bars, iron, pre-cast
beam, hollow block, and gravel (aggregate) and distribute them to contractors. The materials
The construction work is carried out by contractors and MSEs selected by the AAHCP office.
Selection of contractors is based about registration with AAHCP office. The office hires large
contractors (Grade 6 and above) for foundation and structural works which are generally
beyond the capacity of MSEs. Contractors of lower grade (7-10) and MSEs are not hired for
foundation and structural work because they lack the required capacity and skills. The MSEs
involved in the IHDP or by non-program MSEs or small contractors where the former are not
available carry out superstructure work (walls, roofing, etc.) and finishing work including
sanitary and electrical installations, ceramics, tile lying, and painting. Program engineers of
3.1. Introduction
This chapter deals with the research design and methodology of the study. The first section of
the chapter exposes the research design. It describes the research design, the population and
sample of the study; the instruments employed for data collection and narrate the procedures
used for the study. The second section dealing with data analysis defines the variables used.
The final section is on the reliability and validity of the instruments employed and of the
study itself.
According to Mauch and Park (2003), research design is a total plan for carrying out an
synonyms for research design. A completed research design shows the systematic sequence of
actions in carrying out an investigation essential to obtaining objective, reliable, and valid
information. The completed design also indicates how the resultant objective information is to
be used to determine conclusions about the accuracy of a hypothesis, a theory, or the correct
answer to a question (Dillman, 2000; Leedy and Ormrod, 2001; Miller and Salkind, 2002).
Kotzar et al (2005) defines research design as the plan and structure of investigation and the
way in which studies are put together. Cooper et al (2003) also define research design as the
process of focusing on the researcher’s perspective for the purpose of a particular study.
Mouton (1996:35) describes methodology as the means or methods of doing something.
According to Burns and Grove (2003:488), methodology includes the design, setting, sample,
methodological limitations, and the data collection and analysis techniques in a study.
one another and that have the ability to fit to deliver data and findings that will reflect the
research question and suit the researcher purpose. According to Holloway (2005:293),
methodology means a framework of theories and principles on which methods and procedures
are based. According to Polit and Hungler (2004:233), methodology refers to ways of
research can be considered the theory of correct scientific decisions (Karfman as cited in
Mouton & Marais 1996:16). In this study methodology and research design are considered
synonymous and refer to how the research was carried out and its logical sequence.
The focus of this study is the exploration and description of the situation of construction waste
management at the AAHCP Gelan condominium site. Accordingly, the descriptive approach
is used. Descriptive research refers to research studies that have as their main objective the
accurate portrayal of the characteristics of persons, situations or groups (Polit & Hungler
2004:716). This approach is used to describe variables rather than to test a predicted
The logic of Mouton & Marais (996:43-44) for employing a descriptive approach in data
collection in research justifies its employment in this study. According to them, the
descriptive approach gives the ability to collect accurate data on and provide a clear picture of
a phenomenon, which suits the purpose of this study. The descriptive approach is particularly
appropriate for this study because it is instrumental in obtaining an accurate and authentic
draw. A sample, on the other hand, refers to a set of individuals selected from an identified
population with the intent of generalizing the findings to the entire population.
To set the population of the study, the researcher first identified major entities involved in the
building of the condominiums at the study site based on their respective tasks and
responsibilities. The AAHCP office at the City level, the Akaki Kaliti Sub City Housing
Construction Project office, contractor companies, and MSEs building the condominiums
were identified as primary stakeholders owning and directly involved in the construction
process and work. The city AAHCPO is legally and administratively responsible for and
carries out major tasks in the building of condominiums. The Akaki Kaliti sub city housing
construction project office is delegated to coordinate the construction work at the site. The
contractor companies carry out major construction work on sub and super structures. MSEs
perform finishing work like block work, interior and exterior plastering of all types, painting,
electrical sanitary and mechanical installations, door and window installation, flooring and
The sample for this study is drawn from staff and personnel of these entities using their roles
and involvement in the construction process at the target site as a sample criterion. It is
composed of individuals directly involved and responsible for the construction work, material
and construction waste management. Management and staff of city and sub city of AAHCP
construction companies their foremen and engineering professionals, MSE representatives
involved in construction work constitute the sample. The total population also includes heads
In the sample are the heads of departments of the city and sub city offices, all the storekeepers
and supervisors of the offices working at the site, all contractors and their foremen
for the identification and selection of information-rich cases for the most effective use of
limited resources (Patton, 2002). The method involves identifying and selecting individuals or
The study preferred to use purposive sampling to focus on units that are most likely to provide
the most information about waste management at the Gelan sites from professionals and staff
The researcher used both primary and secondary data collection methods to collect data for
the study. The primary data, both qualitative and quantitative were collected through
Both open and close-ended format questions were designed to obtain information on the
situation of construction waste management and disposal strategies in the study area, the
AAHCPO Gelan condominium site. Secondary data were collected from published and
unpublished literature like books, journals, and research materials, statistical and legal
3.4.1. Questionnaire
A formal English questionnaire was designed to obtain primary data from the sample
population. The questionnaire was structured to assess the situation and effectiveness of the
waste management system and disposal strategies at the Gelan Condominium site. The
questionnaire was organized in five major sections to collect primary data about the types of
waste from the study site, waste monitoring system and the rate of waste generation, the time
and manner of deposing waste, the storage system and facilities, the major causes of waste,
the economic, human health and environmental impact of waste management, the awareness
of professionals and staff of the AAHCPO and contractors on waste management issues and
The In-depth interview questionnaire was developed to obtain through information on the
issues the questionnaire targets. The interview was meant to supplement the questionnaire and
with staff members of AAHCPO, contractor and consulting companies, MSEs and members
of condominium residents.
viewing of what is present and occurring at the site or geographical location of interest by the
researcher. The observable phenomena may be physical features at the location of study or
behaviors of the respondents the researcher intends to study. The observations can be made
and visualized as photographs taken by cameras or be described if they are behavior and
invisible in physical terms. The researcher has made repeated on site visits and observations
of the study site to assess the situation of construction waste management at the study site,
After deciding on the methods of data collection, the researcher decided on the content,
organization and format of the data collection tools to be used on this study. Accordingly, a
questionnaire was drafted in line with the research questions of the study. The content of the
The questionnaire designed for the study was subjected to a validation process for face and
content validity as defined by Mc Burney (1994:123). Face validity as defined by him is the
idea that a test should appear superficially to test what it is supposed to test and content
validity is the notion that a test should sample the range of behavior represented by the
theoretical concept being tested. Copies of the questionnaire and the research questions were
given to experienced civil and construction management engineers and language experts well
versed with the issue of construction and waste management and language to make sure it
addresses relevant issues and for ease of understanding. These experts went through the
research questions and the questionnaire to ascertain its appropriateness and adequacy. The
questionnaire was revised and validated based on the comments of these experts.
After validation of the questionnaire, the researcher carried out a pilot testing. The test was to
observe the reactions of the respondents to the questionnaire, to ensure whether the items it
contains are clear and easily understandable, to make sure whether there is a need for
inclusion of more items, to identify items to which respondents may not like to respond to and
From the test, the researcher found out that some items were ambiguous and the questionnaire
needed additional items. He revised and modified questionnaire items for clarity and added
more items in line with the research questions. The researcher also examined and adopted the
formats and content of questionnaires commonly and widely used in relevant literature
particularly research, action plans and strategies dealing with site construction waste
storekeepers of city and sub city AAHCPOs, owners of construction companies, their foremen
researcher also conducted formal and informal interviews to complement the questionnaires
and address the research questions. He conducted 11 interviews with key officials of
AAHCPO, consultants and contractors constructing condominiums at the study site. The
storekeepers and other persons who worked and are still working with the client agency in the
The researcher also carried out several site visits to observe and assess the situation of waste
management at the site. He carried out 6 on site visits to the study site and took digital images
Data obtained from questionnaires, in-depth interviews and personal observation of the
researcher were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The quantitative data has been analyzed
using percentages, tables and figures. Questionnaire results were analyzed using the thematic
analysis method. The thematic content analysis method as described by Ezzy (2000) is a way
features. The analysis of the results of the questionnaire was based on the themes developed
when it was formulated. The researcher also analyzed the results of the face-to-face
interviews generating themes and patterns after careful and analytical reading of the
According to Leedy et al (2005), there are a number of key ethical issues that relate to the
rights of research participants. These are protection from harm, informed consent, the right to
The principle of informed consent requires that respondents should be given full information
about the research and their consent be sought to participate in it. The participants in this
study were well informed about the nature of the study in writing and orally. The
questionnaire described the nature of the study, why it was carried out and notified the
respondents that their participation was voluntary. The participants requested for interviews
were also orally informed about the nature of the study and that their participation was
Confidentiality implies that the dignity and privacy of a subject should be respected.
Participants were informed that the information they submitted would be confidential and
only be accessed by the researcher. They were also not required to provide any identifying
and personal details and as such, the final study will not reflect the subject is identifying
information such as their names, although certain participants were comfortable with their
4.1. Introduction
Chapter three comprises the analysis, presentation and interpretation of the findings of
this study. The analysis and interpretation of data is carried out in two phases. The first part
is based on the results of the questionnaire and deals with a quantitative analysis of data. The
second part is a qualitative interpretation of the results of interviews and focus group
discussions. Data gathered through the questionnaire was subjected to frequency percentages.
The responses for each individual question were added together to find the highest frequency
of occurrence (i.e. the number of times that a particular response occurs). These responses to
the questions, which are quantified, are then presented in percentage forms. This analysis is
presented in tabular form. The researcher uses tables containing a variable and in some
cases, combines two or more variables in a single table. The first section of the chapter deals
with respondent’s demography and the second is about their questionnaire responses. The
The study employed a non-probability purposive sampling approach to best answer its
research questions. As indicated in the earlier chapter the approach was adopted to get reliable
data from professionals and workers with key positions directly responsible for management
and disposing construction waste as well as those carrying out construction and other
Respondents constituting 36% are from the AAHCPO include the head, vice head, case team
coordinators, senior and junior officers of the office responsible for and work on construction
engineering, procurement and construction material supply, finance, store and logistics. 14%
of the participants are project coordinators, resident engineers, quantity surveyors, sanitary
and electrical work inspectors, and supervisors drawn from the two consultant companies
working for AAHCPO. 41% of the respondents are owners of contractor companies and
foremen working for the contractor companies and 9% of the respondents are drawn from
In terms of education out of the total population, 37% of the respondents have diplomas 31%
have first degrees, 2% have second degrees and 30% have high school certificates. 70% of the
have spent between 10-15 years in the construction industry, 31% of them between 5-10 years
‘work experiences at the site, and40% spent 2-5years in the industry. 61% of the respondents
have been working at the site between 4-7 years and the rest 39% have been working at the
As the analysis shows, the majority of the respondents are directly involved in activities
relating to construction waste management and are aware of the situation at the site. They are
key officials, professionals and staff identified from the AAHCPO, professionals from
contractor and consultant companies and MSEs. They are well qualified, occupy relevant key
positions at the office as well as the study site and are experienced enough to give reliable
Age Group № %
20-25 9 14.51
25-30 21 33.87
30-35 18 29.03
35-40 8 12.9
40-45 4 6.45
Above 45 2 3.22
Gender № %
Male 42 67.74
Female 20 32.2
Total 62 100.0
Source; Survey Results and SPSS output (2017)
№ %
Level of Education
22.94 37
College diploma holders
13.2 31
Bachelor's degree holders
0.84 2
Master's degree holders
Certificate Holders 12.6 30
Table 6: Current Work Institution of the Respondents
Work Institution № %
AAHCPO 22.32 36
Consultant Companies 8.68 14
Contractor Companies 25.42 41
MSE 5.58 9
Source; Survey Results and SPSS output (2017)
and missing data were discarded from the analysis. The questionnaires were discarded
because the respondents failed to answer most of the questions in the questionnaire and
because the remaining questionnaires with a comprehensive data would suffice for analysis
and to answer the research questions. The rest, 62 completed questionnaires with valid
responses are used for computing and interpreting the results. Questionnaire data is presented
in Tables. Likert’s five-point scale ranging from 1 to 5 is used to analyze and rank the data on
type of material waste, causes of construction waste and measures to minimize construction
waste. The researcher used Mean Item scores (MIS) and Statistical Package for Social
Science (SPSS) to analyze data. A reliability coefficient of 0.70 and above is good,
Table 9 shows that, the site generates several types of construction waste materials. The
respondents were given to choose from common types of building construction waste
materials identified in relevant literature.
Waste Monitoring
% %
No 31.4 88.2
Table 10 shows that, asked if they have knowledge about waste monitoring techniques 42.2%
of the participants responded in the affirmative 31.4% in the negative and 36.4% are not sure.
Concerning the existence of such a system at the site the majority of the participants 88.2%
responded that there is no waste monitoring system at the site, and the project does not
implement it. The rest of them 11.8% responded that they are not sure. None of them
responded in the affirmative. It should be noted here that the respondents are in the
Causes of Construction Waste
The participants were asked to rank the causes of waste at the site as shown in Table 11. The
causes are common causes of building construction material waste selected and adopted from
relevant literature such as Lingard (et al 2000) and Shen and Tam et al, (2003). The ranking
was to be made from 1 - 5, from strongly disagree to strongly agree with multiple options
possible. The respondents identified the absence of waste management strategy, lack of
attention by management, and poor storage system and facilities as the top three major causes
poor technology and equipment and inclement weather are identified as the least causes of
It is important to notice here while all the factors identified by the respondents may account
for construction waste material at the site. The ranking is based on personal knowledge and
observation of the respondents not a scientific assessment. As participants from the client
office and owners and staff of construction companies revealed in interviews no systematic
assessment was carried out to identify the major causes of waste previously.
№ %
Yes 0.0 0.0
No 42.03 67.8
Not Sure 19.96 32.2
Table 13: Timeliness of Waste Disposal from Site
№ %
Yes 0.0 0.0
No 47.3 76.3
Not Sure 14.69 23.7
Source: Compiled from field survey
№ %
Yes 0.0 0.0
No 45.0 72.7
Not Sure 16.92 27.3
Source: Compiled from field survey
The research assessed the perception of the respondents towards the waste management
system at the site. They were asked to forward their opinion about the effectiveness of the
system in general and respond to specific questions about the timeliness of waste disposal, the
strength of the storage system and to state their reasons for their opinions. Asked generally
about the effectiveness of the waste management system at site, the majority of them 67.8%
responded negatively and 32.2% of the respondents are not sure whether it is effective or not.
Regarding the time of waste disposal, the majority of the participants, 76.3% were of the
opinion that there is delay in disposal of waste material from the site and 23.7% said they are
not sure. Asked whether there is strong supervision on waste disposal from site, 72.7%
responded in the negative and the rest 36.3% said they are not sure.
№ %
Yes 43.27 69.8
No 6.82 11.0
Not Sure 11.0 19.2
Source: Compiled from field survey
№ %
Yes 10.7 17 .3
No 36.3 58.6
Not Sure 14.94 24.1
Source: Compiled from field survey
As depicted in the tables concerning the storage facilities and system, 61.2% of the
respondents were of the opinion that the storage facilities are poor and they are not effective,
28.4% are not sure about its effectiveness and 9.6% said it is effective.69.8% and 64.2% of
the respondents respectively said that the site does not have an effective storage, control and
monitoring system and stored materials are exposed to theft and vandalism. 29.2% and 34.8%
of the respondents are not sure whether the storage control system is effective or not.
Concerning theft and vandalism 58.6% of the respondents are of the opinion that materials are
not secured. 17.3% of the respondents said stored materials are secured from theft and
vandalism and 24.1% of the respondents are not sure if materials are secured from theft and
11 Use of more efficient construction equipment 3.68 0.7362 12
12 Improved procurement management 4.60 0.5680 5
The research attempted to identify factors that may have bearing on the effectiveness of
construction waste management at the site. The questionnaire included several factors which
are widely accepted as having positive impact on the effectiveness of construction material
The respondents were asked if they believe the factors listed in the questionnaire contribute to
improve the waste management system of the site and to rank each of them according to their
significance in improving the waste management system of the site. As shown in Table 18
which depicts the distribution of responses the respondents ranked the measures for waste
systematic waste management strategy, proper site supervision, proper storage facilities and
improved store control and monitoring system, careful handling of construction materials and
equipment, stronger security measures, staff training and awareness on waste management
and its impacts, improved enforcement of contracts, improved legal measures, use of more
supervision are considered to have the highest impacts, while staff training and awareness on
waste management and its impacts, employment of skilled workmen for site operations and
improved procurement management are perceived as having the lowest impacts of all the
% % % %
Yes 30 .0 48.4 0.0 0.0
No 41.4 51.6 47.3 45.0
Not Sure 27.6 0.0 52.7 55.0
Source: Compiled from field survey
Table 19 shows responses about Ethiopian policies and laws on construction waste
management and disposal. Participants were asked if they have knowledge of Ethiopian
policies and laws pertinent to CWM &DS. They were also asked if they believe CWM &DS
policy and laws are implemented effectively and regarding their belief regarding the
enforcement of contractual obligations concerning waste management from the site. 42% and
28% of the respondents claimed they were not aware of and not sure if a policy exists and
30% of the respondents said they are aware there is a policy. Regarding legislation 39% are
not aware of the existence of laws on construction wastes whereas 25% are not sure about the
existence of laws on construction waste. Only 36% said they are aware that there are laws and
policies relating to waste management. Concerning policy and law enforcement 47% of the
respondents said there is no effective implementation of policy and laws and 53% are not sure
about the situation. Regarding the enforcement of contractual clauses on waste disposal 45%
of the respondents agreed that the enforcement of contractual requirements is weak and the
Option %
1. Efficient material handling, reduction, reuse, recycling and disposal of waste 0.0
5. Appropriate disposal of waste to landfills and other areas allocated for waste disposal 6.6
Total 100%
management and contemporary core issues. The respondents were given a list of five choices
four of which dealing with some features and one with a comprehensive definition including
all major aspects of the concept. The choices were, efficient material handling, reduction,
reuse, recycling and disposal of wastes, minimization and disposal of construction wastes,
proper scheduling and handling of materials for waste reduction, strict supervision to
minimize waste, appropriate disposal of waste to landfills or other areas allocated for waste
disposal. The response showed that a fair percentage of the respondents were able to identify
the most appropriate description of construction waste management from a list of options.
From column 2 of Table 20, it can be seen that 52.5% chose option 1, which encompassed
Waste Disposal Negative Impact on Human Health
% % %
The study assessed the knowledge of the participants regarding the health impacts of waste
management system and their perception of its impact on health. Concerning awareness of
health impacts of waste management system 53.7% of the respondents said they are aware,
11.2% said they are not aware and 32.1% are not sure if there is a linkage between waste
management and disposal system and health. With respect to the potential of the waste
management and disposal system of the site 61% of the participants said it is potentially
harmful,10% said it’s not harmful and 33% are not sure if it is friendly to health or not.
Regarding health impact assessment to ensure waste is managed in accordance with health
concerns 58.2% of the participants are not sure if assessment was carried out. 41.7% of the
respondents said there was no assessment and none said it was carried out.
Table 22: Awareness of Site CWM& DS Economic Impact
The research assessed the awareness of participants and the economic impacts of construction
waste management at the project site. As shown in Table 22 below the majority 72.1% of the
respondents agreed that the waste management system has negative economic impacts. As
table 22 shows the majority, 67.2% also agree that storage facilities and system are not
economically effective, there is delay in waste disposal at the site, the enforcement of
contractual clauses on CWM&DS is weak the office incurs additional cost due to the poor
№ %
Yes 38.31 61.8
No 3.72 6.0
Not Sure 19.96 32.2
Response CWM&DS at the Site Environment ally friendly
№ %
Yes 0.0 0.0
No 41.6 66.4
Not Sure 20.83 33.6
Source: Compiled from field survey
No 0.0 0.0
Table 27: Environmental Impact Assessment of CWM&DS
asked if they have knowledge about the linkage between construction waste management and
the environment, if CWM&DS at the site is environment ally friendly, if there is supervision
As summarized on table 23 61.8% of them are aware of and 37.2% of the respondents are not
sure about the linkage between waste management and disposal system and the environment.
With respect to the possible environment impact of the waste management and disposal
system of the project 61% of the participants said it is possibly hazardous and the rest are not
sure if it is environmentally friendly or not. Regarding control and monitoring to ensure waste
is managed in lieu with environmental concerns 66.4% of the participants responded that
whereas 32.6% of the respondents are not sure if the office carries out supervision to make
As the response in table 27 indicates, the office did not carry out an assessment on the
economic, environmental and health impacts of the waste disposal system. 52.8% of the
respondents constituting the majority of respondents from the client office said an
environmental assessment was not carried out and the remaining 47.2% are not sure if there
As interviews with the head, deputy head and senior officers from the construction unit of the
AAHCPO reveals the project office purchases and supplies major construction materials like
reinforcement bars, precast, blocks for slab and block work to the contractors to efficiently
use and prevent waste of construction materials. The contractors purchase and use materials
such as gravel, timber, wooden materials for form and other works, nail and wire rod.
According to the interviewees, the sub-city branch office stores the materials at its stores and
supplies them to the contractors. Supply and distribution of the materials to the contractors is
based on a predetermined amount the office fixed for each of the materials it supplies.
Contractors are financially liable for waste that results from excessive use of materials beyond
the amount fixed. According to the interviewees, there would have been waste without the
strategy but they unanimously agree that it has weaknesses. Some of them mentioned poor
workmanship, lack of knowledge and lack of storage facilities are challenges. Regarding
waste disposal respondents from the AAHCPO said contractors are contractually responsible
to dispose excavated earth materials away from the site and to landfills. Some of them are not
sure where and how far away contractors are contractually obliged to dump waste materials.
Others said there is no obligation on contractors regarding where and how far away waste
should be dumped as long as they discarded away from the site. According to respondents
from the AAHCPO, contractors are also under obligation to clear up to one-meter radius of
the area surrounding buildings they construct. Here again some of the respondents say there is
no specific obligation as to where they should dump waste while others are not sure if
The results of the interviews with key staff from the construction unit of the AAHCPO as well
as the head tend to agree with the findings of the questionnaire regarding the types of waste
and level as well as waste monitoring system. All of them confirmed the site generates the
types of waste listed under Table 1 and they do not know the amount of waste generated. All
the respondents said pieces of reinforcement bars take up the largest of the waste volume the
site generates. As all of them confirmed, their assertion is not based on any systematic
respondents all interviewees from the office said there is no waste monitoring system at the
study or other condominium sites of the AAHCPO. Asked to give a quantified estimate of the
volume of waste from reinforcement bars or any of the other materials the site generates all of
said they do not know and further responded no assessment has been carried out.
Asked if they have knowledge about site waste monitoring systems and techniques all of them
responded in the negative. Interviews with some of them however revealed they have a
slightly fair idea that it is used to measure waste. After they were given a definition of waste
monitoring mechanisms and a short explanation of its uses all of them agreed that it might be
landfills except pieces of metal and reinforcement bars sold mostly for reuse by MSEs. They
also said their office is responsible for managing and disposing waste from materials such as
cement and reinforcement bars it supplies to contractors. According to their responses, the
later are responsible for disposing waste from materials like timber and other wood materials
Interview responses from AAHCPO consultants and contractors agrees with questioner
responses on the main type of site waste identified that all said the site generates the items in
the list. Like AAHCPO interviewees, they also asserted that waste from reinforcement bars
constitutes the largest volume. They further confirmed that their estimate is based on
observation; there is no system to monitor the level of waste at the site. Consultant, and
contractor interviewees have a relatively better awareness of the concept of waste monitoring
The majorities of AAHCPO, consultant and contractor interviewees agree that the items listed
under Table 15 actually or potentially cause construction waste at the site. Asked on whether
he considers lack of attention by management as a main cause one AAHCPO interviewee said
it may be a potential cause but he views the challenge more relate to lack of capacity than lack
of attention. He said there is a recognized and accepted management lack of capacity in terms
of human resources, knowledge, skill, finance and material resources, which is more of a
challenge than attention. He says the management pays sufficient attention to manage and
dispose waste properly but it does not have adequate capacity to overcome the challenges. He
also opined that increased attention by AAHCPO management would not help much in
overcoming the major challenges. He cited lack of knowledge and skill of waste management
techniques, lack of human resources and mandates as examples of what he considers lack of
capacity. Asked about supervision regarding proper enforcement of contracts on waste and
disposal he said the problem lies in the contractual clauses than lack of managerial
supervision. According to him, the office supervises to make sure waste is disposed properly
and does not effect payment unless contractors dispose waste according to the contract. If the
manner contractors dispose waste is problematic, the solution may be to revise the standard
Some AAHCPO Sub city branch management interviewees attribute the cause of the largest
volume of waste (from Reinforcement bars) to contractors. They say it occurs because some
contractors take reinforcement bars in excess of what is needed and they do not have skilled
workers. Most of them agree that the storage facilities and system causes waste. Some of them
say improving storage facilities and system requires a stronger financial capacity, which they
lack. Contractor and consultant interviewees also agree with the factors listed as causes of
waste in Table 15. One contractor added corruption should be considered as one major factor
causing waste at the site. He says there is a widely recognized and reported corruption in
substandard quality materials are supplied and used for construction having long-term
negative economic impact. He mentioned the frequent media reports as evidence of corruption
in the office. He says contractors have no say regarding the quality of materials supplied by
AAHCPO and simply use them even knowing they are not up to the quality required. Another
contractor supporting this view said there is a problem of quality in construction materials the
AAHCPO supplies but its immediate effect is on the quality of the condominiums.
Contractors as he says, use the materials supplied despite their quality and there is no
immediate visible waste of materials. Another contractor also complained about the quality of
Regarding corruption one AAHCPO interviewee said the material transit from store to
construction site may cause the loss of materials. As he says corrupt parties involved in the
transit like contractors and guards may collaborate to steal construction materials to other
destinations before they reach stores. He said there was a precedence of such corruption at
another site.
The response of the interviewees agrees with the responses of questionnaire respondents
concerning the potentially harmful effects of waste disposal to human health. While most of
them agree on the potential most of them also indicated the specific and direct effects of the
waste disposal system need to be assessed and studied. The responses of AAHCPO
interviewees with respect to waste disposal by contractors imply the negative potential of the
waste disposal system to human health. As they said contractors are not contractually obliged
to dump waste in a healthy manner. Their only obligation is to dispose construction waste
away from site. Whatever the hazardous nature of the materials and the effect of the manner
corroborates questionnaire responses about the negative potential of the CWM &DS. As the
results show the respondents themselves lack awareness of relevant, policies, laws, and they
also asserted there is lack of awareness and implementation on the part of other stakeholders.
This implies that the AAHCPO itself or contractors may fail to dispose waste in a health
friendly manner because they are not aware of their obligations or relevant laws are not
Interviewees from the AAHCPO also comply with questionnaire responses on health impact
assessment. They confirmed that no assessment was carried out to identify the health impacts
Interviewees including key respondents from the major stakeholder AAHCPO confirmed that
no environmental impact assessment was carried out on environmental impacts of the waste
disposal system. Given low national economic and social development, a weak construction
indication of the harmful potential of the waste disposal system. Despite their lack of
awareness about how and the specific harmful effects, the interviewees are aware of the link
between environment and waste management and disposal. Interview responses regarding the
health impacts of the waste disposal system comply with the results of the questionnaire. The
majority of the interviewees agree that the waste disposal system may cause harm to human
The study site generates several types of waste materials such as wooden materials,
cardboard, cement, paper materials, metal and plastic piping materials, concrete materials,
pieces of brick, pieces of block, and pieces of reinforcing steel and electric wires. The
accurate rate of generation of the materials is not known because there is no waste monitoring
system at the site. Awareness of waste monitoring system among the staff of AAHCPO,
contractors and other stakeholders is generally low. Factors such as weak waste management
strategy, lack of attention by management, poor storage system and facilities are major of
waste at the site. There is no timely waste disposal and strong supervision by client office to
manage & dispose waste. The storage system and facilities are poor; materials are not stored
Awareness of CWM & DS Core Issues is low among the major stakeholders. The waste
management system of the site is potentially harmful to economic, environmental and human
health. No assessment is carried out to assess the impact of the waste management strategy.
As the study indicates, both the AAHCPO and contractors have a responsibility in disposing
construction waste from the site. However, waste is not managed and disposed timely and in a
proper manner. Waste materials are stored at the poor storage facilities of the AAHCPO and
sometimes within the compound exposed to theft and deterioration. Contractors enter into
agreement to dispose of waste materials with the AAHCPO but they often fail to discharge
their obligation. The AAHCPO does not strictly supervise if they fulfill their contractual
obligation and take legal measures when they fail to dispose of waste within the time and in a
disadvantages of delay and poor storage system are obvious. Materials are not reused, they
deteriorate, they are stolen and the AAHCPO incurs additional costs for storage.
The AAHCPO does not have a waste monitoring system to identify the types and amounts of
waste materials and but according to the results of this research the study site generates
several types of construction waste materials such as wooden materials, cardboard, cement,
paper materials, metal and plastic piping materials, concrete materials, pieces of brick, pieces
Awareness of waste monitoring system among the staff of AAHCPO, contractors and other
stake holders is generally low. Factors such as weak waste management strategy, lack of
attention by management, poor storage system and facilities are major of waste at the site.
There is no timely waste disposal and strong supervision by client office to manage & dispose
waste. The storage system and facilities are poor, materials are not stored properly and not
secured from theft and vandalism. Awareness of CWM & DS Core Issues is low among the
The waste management system of the site is potentially harmful to economic, environmental
and human health. No assessment is carried out to assess the impact of the waste management
facilities and system, mishandling of materials, design and ordering errors and, lack of skill,
and vandalism, lack of awareness and knowledge of waste management practices underlie the
causes of waste.
Awareness of environmental impacts of waste management and disposal system among the
management and staff of the AAHCPO and the contractors is very low. Hence they do not
give due attention to environmental concerns in carrying out their activities. There is no
hazard that may occur due to waste management. There is no mechanism to follow up and
ensure waste is disposed legally and properly in a manner that does not affect the
environment. The long term negative effect of poor material management in degrading the
environment is not taken into consideration both on the part of the AAHCPO and contractors.
There is also lack of awareness of the relationship between waste management and health.
However, there is no effort to carry out health impact assessment to prevent adverse effects
construction waste may cause to human health. There is lack of awareness and knowledge of
the concept of waste management. The knowledge of both contractors and staff of the client
AAHCPO is not holistic. They are not aware of the core elements of modern and effective
There is lack of awareness of policies and laws relevant to waste management. This has
caused lack of compliance with existing laws. Staff of the AAHCPO as well as contractors are
not well aware of the laws to manage and dispose of waste in line with their obligations. Lack
5.2. Recommendations
Overcoming the challenges of construction waste management at the study site requires a
thorough understanding of the problems on the waste management system. Thus, the
AAHCPO as well as other stakeholders should understand the negative impacts of the waste
management system, give appropriate attention and act to find solution. The first action
problems clearly and in depth. Pending a thorough study of the problems on the waste
management system the major stakeholder, AAHCPO should act to strengthen its current
strategy. One useful measure may be strengthening the implementation of laws and
Contractual clauses clearly stipulating where contractors should dispose of waste and how
they should dispose them should be incorporated. The inclusion of punitive provisions may
Strengthening the enforcement of laws such as the solid waste proclamation which imposes
pertaining to environmental protection as well as other relevant laws. Its responsibility entails
to make sure that entities responsible for waste disposal discharge their obligations in relation
to environmental protection. It should carry out supervision to make sure dumping of waste
The AAHCPO should take measures to improve its storage facilities, control and monitoring
system to make sure that construction materials are stored properly and are secured from theft
and vandalism. The AAHCPO should conduct staff and professional training on waste
management and its impacts such a training among other things would help increase
understanding of the problem, focus and attention and motivates concerned bodies to take
appropriate initiatives.
Other concerned governmental bodies having the responsibility should make sure there is a
Governmental bodies with the jurisdiction should issue laws and regulations at a national
level and introduce effective monitoring and control system. They should introduce laws to
reduce the negative environmental and health effects of obtaining and using raw materials,
their transportation and processing. Legislative efforts should reach grass root levels.
Concerned bodies should develop and set up education, research and training programs to
raise awareness of construction waste management at a national level for all of the
construction sector bodies. They should carry out research and development studies to
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Dear respondents,
The purpose of this research is to collect information on construction waste management and
disposal system at Gelan condominium construction project site in order to identify problems
and provide alternative solutions of waste disposal to local management as a requirement for
the completion of MBA degree in construction management from Addis Ababa Science and
Technology University.
Your volunteer participation in providing accurate information is vital for the successful
completion of this research. The information provided will be used for academic purpose only
Endale Teferi
Email: [email protected]
Part I. Demographic Characteristics
4. Position_________________________
6. Academic qualification -
7. Field of Study
9. Do you have any knowledge about how construction waste materials are disposed at the
Yes No
10. Do you believe the current construction materials waste disposal system is good for
Yes No
11. Is there a scheduled time and disposal place for construction waste disposal in the site?
12. What length of time do you consider reasonable for construction waste disposal ? Please
explain why?
13. What do you think the advantages of timely disposing waste materials? What is the
14. In your opinion what are the negative impacts of the waste material disposal system
15. Are you aware of any health related problems caused due to waste materials at the site?
Yes No
16. Do you believe the waste disposal system practiced may have negative impacts to the
17. Please state some of the human and environmental impacts of the waste disposal system
18. Do you believe Addis Ababa Savings and Housing Development agency incurs extra
cost due to the storage and delay in the disposal of waste materials
Yes No
19. What reason/s in your opinion account for the delay in disposal of waste materials at the
Absence and inadequacy of waste disposal policy, laws and strategies
20. Please explain if you are aware of other reasons that underlie the ineffectiveness of
21. Which party is responsible for waste disposal and who covers the waste related costs ?
23. Are there any directives regarding the costs and time of disposal?
Yes No
Yes No
25. Do you believe the storage system is economically and environmentally effective ?
Yes No
26. Please state the problems you might be aware of in the storage system;
Yes No
28. Do you believe the system applied to control and monitor stored waste materials is
Yes No
29. Are the costs for stores , offices and towers related to the storage and administration of
Yes No
30. Is there an effective system to ensure that contractors dispose waste materials timely
Yes No
Yes No
32. Do you believe the removal system and time of waste material disposal is economically
Yes No
33. Please state some if you are aware of the causes for delay and ineffectiveness of stored
Finally Please forward any opinion, suggestion or recommendation regarding the waste
Appendix II:
Face-to-face interview questions for AAHCPO management members and staff , heads and
Dear respondents,
management and disposal strategy system at Gelan condominium construction site in order to
identify problems and provide alternative solution of waste disposal to local management as a
Your volunteer participation in providing accurate information is vital for the successful
completion of this research. The information provided will be used for academic purpose only
Endale Teferi
Email: [email protected]
5. Is there any effect on the community health?
Appendix III:
A survey question for focus group of discussion questions for specific group of respondents
Dear respondents,
management and disposal strategy system at Gelan condominium construction site in order to
identify problems and provide alternative solution of waste disposal to local management as a
Your volunteer participation in providing accurate information is vital for the successful
completion of this research. The information provided will be used for academic purpose only
Endale Teferi
Email: [email protected]
1. Do you have any knowledge about construction waste management and disposal
2. Is there any negative impact on community health and environment due to undisposed
3. What is the reason of delay of construction waste management and disposal of wastes
at the site?
4. Do you believe construction waste materials are stored and prevent properly from