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GENERAL DIRECTION: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct/best


1. Which of the following is an example of a static 11. What common sports injury is known as a response
exercise? to heat characterized by fatigue, weakness, and
A. Push-up C. Standing long jump collapse due to inadequate intake of water to
B. Shuttle run D. Three-minute step test compensate for the loss of fluids during sweating?
2. What fitness component is required in performing A. Cramps C. Heat Exhaustion
shuttle run? B. Head Injury D. Sprain
A. Agility C. Power 12. What common sports injury when two bones that
B. Coordination D. Speed come together to form a joint become separated?
3. Which of the following is NOT a dynamic exercise? A. Dislocation C. Sprain
A. Butt Kicks C. Jogging B. Fracture D. Strain
B. Cariocas D. Squats 13. Which is referred to the twist, pull or tear of a
4. Which of the following is the most significant muscle or tendon—a cord of tissue connecting
advantage that a person can derive from engaging muscle to the bone?
in active physical activity? A. Cramps C. Heat Exhaustion
A. A healthy lifestyle. B. Dislocation D. Strain
B. An ideal body weight. 14. What immediate and temporary care is given to a
C. A fun and enjoyable life. person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill?
D. physically fit and healthy body. A. Accident Care C. Medical Care
5. What is an active movement where joints and B. Emergency Care D. First Aid
muscles go through a full range of motion? 15. What is the general term that is caused by
A. Dynamic C. Static accidents, falls, hits weapons, and more?
B. Fitness D. Walking A. Accident C. Injury
6. What is the purpose of a curl-up exercise? B. Damage D. Mishap
A. Develop leg power. 16. What is the most common injury caused by a knee
B. Strengthen the upper extremities. blow or twist, a bad landing after a jump, or
C. Endurance of the cardiorespiratory system sprinting too fast?
D. Measures the strength of the abdominal A. Cramps C. Knee Injuries
muscle. B. Dislocation D. Strain
7. Which of the following describes the ability to live a 17. What type of injury is a break in the bone that can
healthy, fulfilling, and valuable life? occur from either a quick, one-time injury to the
A. Exercise C. Health bone or from repeated stress to the bone over time?
B. Fitness D. Performance A. Dislocation C. Sprain
8. Which of the following will NOT improve the B. Fracture D. Strain
personal fitness program? 18. What sports injury is defined as a sudden and
A. Starting slowly involuntary contraction of one or more muscles?
B. Making your program convenient. A. Cramps C. Fracture
C. Exercising at moderate intensities B. Dislocation D. Sprain
D. Engaging in high-impact and weight-bearing 19. What is the first thing to do in applying first aid for
exercise. fracture?
9. What type of exercise transfers weight from one A. Call 911 C. Apply R.I.C.E. method
foot to another while moving? B. Stretch and massage D. Do nothing.
A. Jumping C. Skipping
B. Leaping D. Walking 20. What kind of injury refers to a stretch or tear of a
10. What fitness component is required in performing ligament, the band of connective tissues that joins
standing long jump? the end of one bone with another?
A. Agility C. Speed A. Fracture C. Sprain
B. Power D. Strength B. Knee Injury D. Strain


GENERAL DIRECTION: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct/best


21. What do you call a sociological group in a large 30. From among the following problems, choose one
place sharing one environment? that can cause climate change?
A. Community B. Family C. Herd D. People A. Deforestation C. Pollution
22. Which of the following refers to a state of complete B. Flash Floods D. Soil Erosion
physical, mental, and social well-being and not just 31. What environmental pollution refers to an excessive
the absence of disease?
sound that causes hearing loss and headaches?
A. Community C. Environmental Health
A. Air B. Noise C. Soil D. Water
B. Community Health D. Health
32. How can we prevent environmental problems that
23. Which BEST describes the benefits of a healthy affect people’s health?
A. Proper waste disposal.
A. Active community involvement. B. Dump your garbages anywhere.
B. Less disease, less health care costs. C. Burning of solid waste materials.
C. More community projects for community D. Keep the volume of your music at a high level.
33. What republic act refers to the campaigns of Solid
D. More budget for health problems increased the
Waste Management?
supply of medicines.
A. 9003 B. 9004 C. 9005 D. 9006
24. Why do we need to ensure community health in
34. Which of these is an environmental problem??
planning a community?
A. Flash Floods C. Soil Erosion
A. To attain a luxurious life.
B. Illegal Mining D. All of the above
B. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle.
35. Environmental protection is needed to lessen
C. To keep the safety of the community.
environmental problems. Which of the following is
D. To live in a clean, safe, and comfortable home. correct?
25. Which of these is NOT a part of the services given A. Water sports C. Illegal logging
by the Primary Health Care (PHC)?
B. Building of roads D. Applies the rules of 3R’s.
A. Dental Health C. Mental Hygiene
36. Which of these refers to a checklist for the steps or
B. Medical Care D. Road Safety tasks you need to complete to achieve the goals
26. Which of the following health care program ensures you have set?
the proper distribution of medicines to the people? A. Action Plan C. Research
A. Epidemiology C. Pharmacy Services B. Proposal D. Thesis
B. Medical Clinic D. Reproductive Care 37. Which of these is a benefit of action plan?
27. Which of the following problems is the leading A. Gives a clear direction.
cause of environmental destruction?
B. Helps you prioritize your task
A. Deforestation C. Oil Spill
C. Gives you a reason to stay motivated.
B. Illegal Mining D. Soil Erosion
D. All of the above.
28. Which of the following environmental problems is
38. Which is NOT part of an action plan?
experienced worldwide?
A. Action Steps C. Community Contacts
A. Coral reef degradation C. Deforestation
B. Cleanliness D. Costs
B. Destruction of ozone layer D. Flash Floods
39. Which part of an action plan discusses about the
29. Which of the following is NOT an effect of climate
materials be used?
A. Budget C. Resources Needed
A. Economic losses
B. Cost D. Timeline
B. Health-related illness
40. What refers to the duration of your action plan to
C. Increased risk of drought
be conducted?
D. Dead trees from oil spillage A. Assignment C. Timeline
B. Cost D. Title

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