Activity Sheet in English 6: Quarter 2

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Activity Sheet

Week 2-Day 3

Reading Comprehension
EN6RC-IIb- 5.5
Respond appropriately to the messages of the different
authentic texts

Study Strategy Research

EN6SS-IIb- 1.4
EN6SS-IIb- 1.4.1
Gather relevant information from various sources -

Show tactfulness when communicating with others

Let’s Try This

Look at the following sources of information. Can you name them?

What do you think is our lesson for today?


Accessed June 17, 2017.

Accessed June 17, 2017.

Let’s Study This

Look at the following sources of information. Notice the similarities and differences
between them.

A dictionary is a collection of words and their definitions (and sometimes other

information). Such collections are usually printed as books, but some are now
designed for use on computers. Dictionaries have guide word which is
a word printed at the top of a page indicating the first or last word entry on that page.

Dictionary originally came from the Latin word dictionarius, meaning "a manual or
book of words." A dictionary is most commonly used to look up the definitions of
particular words, but other information, such as etymology and usage guidelines,
often appears as well.

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We use a dictionary to:

 find the meaning of words
 find out the correct spelling of words
 find out how to pronounce or say words
 find out what part of speech a word is

A thesaurus is a reference book with an organized list of words, their synonyms

(same meanings), and their antonyms (opposite meanings).

We use a thesaurus to:

 find out the correct spelling of words
 find out synonyms of words
 find out antonyms of words

"Dictionary - Dictionary Definition." Accessed July 17, 2017.

"Thesaurus - Dictionary Definition." Accessed July 17, 2017.

Let’s Do This

Task 1. Spelling Checking

Write A on the blank before the number if the word is spelled correctly and B if it is
misspelled. Use the dictionary to check the spelling.

_____1. accellarate
_____2. believe
_____3. reciept
_____4. receive
_____5. releif
_____6. leisure
_____7. accommodatte
_____8. concieve
_____9. occasionally
_____10. arguement

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Task 2. The Search Is On!

Read the following sentences in the first column. Then using the dictionary, find out
what part of speech the underlined word in each sentence is and its meaning. Write
your answers in the table below.

Sentence Part of Speech Meaning

1. Most students could not resist the
addictive allure of the internet.
2. The people were skeptical of the
politician’s grand plans.
3. Some local governments are
exerting vibrant efforts at
ecotourism development.
4. Desiree and Pamela are in the
threshold of personal friendship.
5. Success involves an ingenious
use of your time.
6. The lawyer will stipulate in the
contract the agreement between
two parties.
7. Some of old people’s behavior
and ideas are considered obsolete
8. The team was in a state of
euphoria after winning the title.
9. She had endured excruciating
headaches at the course of her
10. Where do you sick refuge at
times of adversity?

Task 3. Synonyms vs. Antonyms

Using the thesaurus, find the synonym and antonym of each word. Write your
answers in the table below.

Word Synonym Antonym

1. allure
2. skeptical
3. vibrant
4. threshold
5. ingenious
6. stipulate
7. obsolete
8. euphoria
9. excruciating
10. adversity

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Let’s Do More

Task 4. Read and Respond Appropriately

With your partner, read the following authentic texts then answer the questions that

Telephone Conversation

Mrs. Reyes, called up her son, Marco, over the telephone and requested him to buy
something for her.

Mrs. Reyes: Hello Marco. Where are you now?

Marco: I’m still attending my class, Ma. Why?
Mrs. Reyes: Ah ok. Can you buy me some pain reliever at the pharmacy later
right after your class?
Marco: Sure, Ma. Just text me what medicine I will buy ha? For now, I
still need to review my notes. We’ll have a test later.
Mrs. Reyes: Ok, thank you my son. Come home early ha?
Marco: Yes, Ma.
Mrs. Reyes: See you later.

1. Who called up her son over the telephone?
2. What is the name of the son?
3. Why did Mrs. Reyes call up her son?
4. What did Mrs. Reyes request her son to do?
5. What kind of a son is Marco? Explain.
6. Using the dictionary, find out what part of speech is and the meaning of the
word “reliever.”
7. Using the thesaurus, find out the synonym of the word “pharmacy.”

What’s Up?

The English Club will hold its annual declamation contest at the Social Hall on
August 23, 2017.

Students who want to join the said contest may register at Room 103, New Building,
from Monday to Friday at 1pm to 5 pm.

It’s interesting! Register now! For more inquiries, see Jenevie Cruz, English Club

1. What is the announcement all about?
2. Who are asked to join the contest?
3. Are all the necessary information stated in the announcement?
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4. Is it brief but clear?

5. Using the dictionary, find out what part of speech is and the meaning of the
words “annual” and “declamation.”
6. Using the thesaurus, find out the synonyms and antonyms of the word

Let’s Test Ourselves

Task 5. Word Games

Play the following word games. Be able to show tactfulness when communicating
with others.

Speed Word Search

Form five groups composed of five members. When your teacher calls out a word,
you must find the word and its page number in the dictionary as quickly as possible.
A point shall be given to the team who quickly calls out the correct page number
where the word can be found. The team with the highest score shall be declared the
winner of the game.

Give me the Synonyms and Antonyms

Choose your partner. Your teacher will read aloud a word. Using your thesaurus, tell
to the class its synonyms and antonyms.

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Let’s Enrich Ourselves

Task 6. Search, Cut, and Paste!

Using the dictionary, complete the “Dictionary Detective” below.


Letter Word Part of Speech

Definition Draw a picture representing the word.


Construct sentence using the word.


Task 6. What Are Your Alternatives?

Using the thesaurus, search a word and its synonyms. Write your answers in the
following “My Mini Thesaurus.”


Instead of using the word: I can use the words…. ____________________________


________________________ __________________________________________________

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(For Teachers’ Use Only)

Task 1. Spelling Checking

B 1. B 3. B 5. B 7. A 9.
A 2. A 4. A 6. B 8. B 10.

Task 2. The Search Is On!

Sentence Part of Meaning

1. Most students could not resist the noun a quality that attracts people
addictive allure of the internet.
2. The people were skeptical of the adjective having or expressing doubt about
politician’s grand plans. something (such as a claim or
3. Some local governments are exerting adjective very bright and strong, productive
vibrant efforts at ecotourism
4. Desiree and Pamela are in the noun the point or level at which
threshold of personal friendship. something begins or changes
5. Success involves an ingenious use of adjective very smart or clever’ having or
your time. showing intelligence, cleverness,
6. The lawyer will stipulate in the contract verb to demand or require something as
the agreement between two parties. part of an agreement
7. Some of old people’s behavior and adjective no longer in use because
ideas are considered obsolete today. something newer exists, replaced
by something newer, no longer
useful or acceptable
8. The team was in a state of euphoria noun a feeling of great happiness and
after winning the title. excitement
9. She had endured excruciating adjective causing great physical and mental
headaches at the course of her sickness. pain, experiencing extreme or
severe pain
10. Where do you sick refuge at times of noun a difficult situation or condition,
adversity? misfortune, or tragedy

Task 3. Synonyms vs. Antonyms

Word Synonym Antonym

1. allure charm, appeal, repulsion
2. skeptical doubting, unbelieving, credulous, believable,
suspicious unquestioning
3. vibrant lively, happening, flourishing inactive, lifeless
4. threshold beginning, outset, brink, ending, conclusion, close
5. ingenious clever, imaginative, creative uninventive, unimaginative,
6. stipulate provide, specify, demand, disagree, refuse, decline
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7. obsolete old, archaic, outdated, old- new, in use, useful,

fashioned, useless acceptable
8. euphoria happiness, bliss, heaven, depression, sadness
9. excruciating agonizing, harrowing, very easy, light, soft, comfortable
painful, tormenting, torturing,
raging, anguish
10. adversity misfortune, ill, mishap, fortune, luck, serendipity

Task 4. Read and Respond Appropriately

Telephone Conversation
1. Mrs. Reyes called up her son over the telephone.
2. Marco is the name of the son.
3. Mrs. Santos called up her son to ask him a request.
4. Mrs. Santos requested her son to buy her some pain reliever at the pharmacy.
5. Marco is an obedient son because he obeys his mother.
6. The word “reliever” which is a noun, means something that eases or relieves
pain, discomfort, stress, etc.
7. The synonym of the word “pharmacy” is drugstore.

1. The announcement is all about posting of the annual declamation contest to
be conducted by the English Club.
2. The students are asked to join the contest.
3. Yes, all the necessary information are stated in the announcement.
4. Yes, it is brief but clear.
5. The word “annual” means yearly and the word “declamation” means recitation
of a classic speech. Both words are nouns.
6. The synonyms of the word “interesting” are alluring, enthralling, engrossing,
engaging, appealing, attractive while its antonyms are boring, dry, dull,
monotonous, uninteresting, and tedious.

Task 5. Word Games

Answers may vary.

Task 6. Search, Cut, and Paste!

Answers may vary.

Task 6. What Are Your Alternatives?

Answers may vary.

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