Waste Handling and Recycling
Waste Handling and Recycling
Waste Handling and Recycling
Name: Position: Date:
Assessed by:
Description Of Work: Collecting, sorting and recycling waste materials on site and transporting off site (excluding sites where contamination has not been removed or where explosives or
other specialist military items have been stored or manufactured).
Task / Job Component Hazard Persons at risk Rating Controls / Precautions to Reduce Risk
Engineering solution drawn up by competent person.
Temporary bracing barriers and signs to exclude
Waste handling and Surveyors, engineers, workers,
unauthorised persons.
recycling. Unstable structures. client’s personnel, general public, M L
visitors. Waste only be stored on stable floors capable of
supporting load. (No overloading of floor levels with
demolition waste.)
Wheel wash facilities on site and sheeting down of
Surveyors, engineers, workers,
Spread of contamination off site. client’s personnel, general public M L
Careful control of surface water.
Liaison with neighbours/police.
Provide suitable face masks and goggles.
Surveyors, engineers, workers, Where possible site dusty materials down wind of
Dust/eye injury. client’s personnel, general public, H workers. L
visitors. Wetting down site roads and rubble stock piles.
Health surveillance.
Survey and protection of underground services.
Segregation of highly flammable wastes, oxidising
Surveyors, engineers, workers,
agents, flammables and sources of ignition.
Explosion/fire. client’s personnel, general public, H L
Site security fencing and lighting.
young/old/infirm, visitors.
Specialist ex-rated plant to be considered.
Hot works permits.
Unauthorised access/protection of Surveyors, engineers, workers, H Netting to scaffolds or fans or both. L
the public. client’s personnel, general public, Security fences and gates with appropriate signs and
young/old/infirm, visitors. possible need for night security watchmen or CCTV.
Segregation of dangerous waste, e.g. rebar and waste
Rev 1.0
Risk Assessment for Waste Handling and Recycling.
Rev 1.0
Risk Assessment for Waste Handling and Recycling.
Minimise reversing movements and follow site traffic
arrangements in health and safety plan, including
barriers to demarcate pedestrian routes.
CCTV mounted on all tractive units.
Maintenance of conveyor skirts.
Crusher permit-to-work system.
Selection of suitably sized loader and provision of clear
Semi-static plant mounted on easy to clean, well
blinded hardstandings.
Use of safety devices and daily checking of these in
addition to stop and start button functions.
Training in safe manual handling techniques.
Surveyors, engineers, workers,
Provide clear access routes to work areas.
Manual handling. client’s personnel, general public, H L
young/old/infirm, visitors. Provide points of attachment on all to facilitate
mechanical handling.
Surveyors, engineers, workers, Suspend work during strong winds, poor visibility or icy
Weather. client’s personnel, general public, M conditions. L
young/old/infirm, visitors. Provide chinstraps for safety helmets.
Surveyors, engineers, workers,
Specialist advice and materials to prevent entry into
Control of waste liquids. client’s personnel, general public, H L
watercourses and drains.
young/old/infirm, visitors.
Installation by qualified electrician with issue of
electrical installation certificate with a schedule of
Surveyors, engineers, workers,
inspection and test results before first use on site.
Electricity. client’s personnel, general public, H L
Regular maintenance checks as recommended by
young/old/infirm, visitors.
Supply cables ducted and protected.
Provide safe access routes with barriers to separate
vehicles and pedestrians.
Surveyors, engineers, workers, Good housekeeping.
Slips, trips and falls. client’s personnel, general public, H Safety footwear. L
young/old/infirm, visitors. Edge protection where there is a risk of falls at edges or
Good lighting.
Surveyors, engineers, workers, Minimise work at heights by dismantling items already
Work at heights/fall of material. H L
client’s personnel, general public, lowered to the ground. Appropriate use of harnesses by
Rev 1.0
Risk Assessment for Waste Handling and Recycling.
Rev 1.0
Risk Assessment for Waste Handling and Recycling.
How often could the hazard occur? Consider the task, frequency,
duration, method of work, employees involved.
How serious would the hazard’s effects be if
realised? Consider the type of hazard, biological, ergonomic, physical and
Rev 1.0