RA - Consu of Block Wall
RA - Consu of Block Wall
RA - Consu of Block Wall
Persons at Risk: Risk Rating: Likelihood Rating: Severity Rating: Level of Risk:
Hand Tool Slips, Trips and X X X 2 3 6 M All hand tools to be regularly inspected by M
Operational injury. technicians to identify any product defects. Any
defects to be recorded and equipment disposed
off or replaced.
House Slips & Trips X X X 2 3 6 M Arco Site manager to ensure that all operatives
keeping regularly tidy their work areas to ensure a clear
and safe workspace is maintained. Arco Manager
must ensure that all emergency planning access /
equipment is free from obstructions at all times
and that the site is left in clear and tidy condition
at the end of each shift.
Persons at Risk: Risk Rating: Likelihood Rating: Severity Rating: Level of Risk:
Persons at Risk: Risk Rating: Likelihood Rating: Severity Rating: Level of Risk: