Risk Assessment For Concreting Operation
Risk Assessment For Concreting Operation
Risk Assessment For Concreting Operation
Trained operatives.
Use of rope as tag line.
Flying hoses Discharge hose must be equipped with
Injury to body/fatality 4 2 8 4 1 4
whiplash arrestor.
Stay away as far as possible.
Usage of PPEs.
Use of PPE,
Vibration hazard. Padded gloves specific for VWFS.
Vibrating workers.
Vibrating syndrome. Compression must be maintained and received
WRULD through examination.
4 2 8 4 1 4
Noise Rotation of workers.
Use of Ear muffs.
Maintenance of the machinery.
Visual inspection by Supervisor
Initial Risk Residual Risk
No. Task & Activity Hazard Persons at Risk Risk Control Measures Risk Owner
Safe and under rating supply of electricity.
Double insulated tools/ equipments.
Person \handling the No loose joints/connections.
Electrical hazard electrical equipments. 5 3 15 Cables properly routed. 3 2 6
Use of approved/ industrial fittings.
Sock proof hand gloves.
All power tools must be routed through ELCB.
A Person handling the Skin diseases/ dermatitis Dust suppression.
Chemical hazard/ concrete/ curing Cementosis. Use of full arm Rubber gloves. Project/
3 4 12 3 2 6
carcinogenic. compound. Breathing disorder. Use of fine dust masks. Construction
Cancerous. Working in direction of wind. Manager/s
Load must be correctly slung and secured. &
Loose materials must be carried in boxes/ Supervisors
Lifting crew and those container.
worker who involved in this Tools and loose material properly secured and
activity Hit by falling materials/ fasten.
Falls of materials 5 2 10 2 1 2
suspended load Toe board and bricks guards/netting in place
to prevent accidential dropping of tools or
Zone beneath Crane to be guarded to prevent
unauthorised access.
Name Signature
Mr.Tabrez Ahmad
Note: HSE Induction, Tool box Talk and awareness training Prepared By:
HSE Officer
procedure, Emergency and Evacuation planning procedure,
HSE Surveillance and Monitoring , Barricates and Signs can also
Approved By: Mr. Colin Brown
be used as OCP.
Sr. Project Manager