Fidp World Religion
Fidp World Religion
Fidp World Religion
FIRST 1.The *The The learner Kno Cmpare and Knowing understan
learner elemen prepares 1.1. Give an wing contrast the ding
demonst ts of character example of a belief life of adam
rates religion, sketches of system or a and eve after
understa belief a person worldview the fall
nding of system who is Communicate her*
belief and spiritual understanding of
system spiritual but not her
or ity must religious religion.
worldvie be and a
w*, discuss person who 1.2. Differentiate
Religion, ed is religious religion
Spirituali here. but not The elements of
ty, spiritual. spirituality are: (a)
Philosop holistic
hy of (fully integrated
Religion, view to life), (b)
and quest for
Theology meaning (including
. the purpose of life),
quest for the sacred
(beliefs about God),
(d) suggests a self-
reflective existence.
1.4. Prepare
character sketches
of a person
who is spiritual but
not religious and a
who is religious but
not spiritual.
2. How Underst The learner 2.1. Cite regions or Kno Knowing Understa
World anding conducts a places where wing nding
Religions of group specific
Began historic activity that religions evolved.
al and demonstrat 2.2. Analyze the
geograp es the culture of the
hical influence of region that
context a religion in gave rise to specific
s of the a certain religions.
differen culture.
t 2.3. Explain how
religion geography
s. influences religion
and religion affects
2.4. Conduct a
group activity that
demonstrates the
influence of a
religion in a
certain culture
3. Underst The learner 3.1. Identify the Kno Knowing Understa
Positive anding gathers positive and wing nding
and of print or negative effects
Negative effects web based of religions.
Effect of of articles,
Religions Religion photos, 3.2. Provide
s: editorial, evidence that
positive etc. religion brought
and showing about an event in
negativ the positive history.
e. or
negative 3.3. Justify that
effects of religion can have
religion. positive or
negative effects on
Performance Task: