Intro To World Religion - CM Week 1
Intro To World Religion - CM Week 1
Intro To World Religion - CM Week 1
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Content Learning Assessment Learning Resources PVMGO
Competencies Activities
Objectives Integration
Q1 Week 1 1.1 Give an Provide three Pre-Assessment Facilitated MTCGS Introduction to World Religions and Belief Champion:
example of a distinct Systems Module (pp. 1-5) “Excellence is
Lesson 1: belief system or examples of [A1] Pictures [LA1] our Air”
Understanding a worldview different belief Conceptualization: Generalization Nash, H. S. (1913). The Nature and Definition of
the nature of Communicate systems or Projecting related of religious Religion. The Harvard Theological Review, 6(1), 1– Collaborative:
religions her* worldviews. to the topic beliefs and 30. “Competition is
understanding pictures on the concepts out,
of her religion Distinguish board. learned. [Matt Fyfield]. (2022, March 3). Nature of Religious Collaboration
between Beliefs (Religion and Society) [Video]. is in”
HUMSS_WRB12- religion, [A2] Answering [LA2] Giving Https://
I/IIIa-1.1 spirituality, the diagram about statements Community:
theology, and religion/belief about belief “We is better
1.2. philosophy of system. systems. Conerly, T. R., Holmes, K., & Tamang, A. L. (2021). than I”
Differentiate religion by Students will Introduction to Sociology 3e. Houston, Texas:
religion from: providing [A3] Present the answer OpenStax.
a. Spirituality written similarities and AGREE or
b. Theology explanations. differences of DISAGREE.
c. Philosophy of spirituality,
Religion Summarize theology, and [LA2.1]
the key religion using the Discussion on
HUMSS_WRB12- characteristics expanded Venn the topic
I/IIIa-1.2 of belief diagram. religion,
systems, spirituality,
1.3. Infer that: religion, and [A4] List down ten and theology.
a. A belief spirituality things that you
system or through believe in by [LA3]
worldview is a written and completing the Examples of
particular way oral statements. different kinds
of ordering the inferences. of religion and
realities of one’s Formative its’ philosophy.
world. Write an essay
b. Religion is of a person Matching Type Personalized
the pursuit of who is spiritual Test on the nature
transformation but not of religion, [W1-a] Writing
guided by a religious and a spirituality, and an essay of
sacred belief person who is theology. the difference
system. religious but between a
c. Spirituality is not spiritual. person who is
one’s spiritual but
integrative view not religious
of life. It from a
involves a quest person who is
for the meaning religious but
and ultimate not spiritual.
value of life as
opposed to an
or materialistic
attitude to life.
The elements of
religion are: (a)
reflects an effort
to elevate their
whole self to a
dimension of
existence, (b) a
framework of
beliefs, (c) text
or scriptures,
(d) rituals, and
(e) sacred
spaces (e.g.,
church, temple,
the worldview of
each of the
world’s major
religions is
critical in
their rituals and
worldviews are:
All is one
1. Many Gods
2. One God
3. No God
The elements of
spirituality are:
(a) holistic (fully
integrated view
to life), (b) quest
for meaning
(including the
purpose of life),
(c) quest for the
sacred (beliefs
about God), and
(d) suggests a
1.4. Prepare
sketches of a
person who is
spiritual but not
religious and a
person who is
religious but not