DLP Week 1 Iwrbs

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Introduction to World Religions and Belief

MARK LOUISE O. PACIS Learning Area Systems
Teaching Dates and Time Week 2 February 5-8, 2024 Quarter/Semester 1st



A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of belief system or worldview*, Religion, Spirituality, Philosophy of Religion, and Theology.

B. Performance Standards The learner prepares character sketches of a person who is spiritual but not religious and a person who is religious but not spiritual.

Differentiate the concept, Differentiate the concept, Differentiate the concept, Differentiate the concept, Analyze the
elements and characteristics elements and elements and elements and interconnectedness of
of belief system, world view, characteristics of belief characteristics of belief characteristics of belief geography, culture and
religion, and spirituality system, world view, system, world view, system, world view, religion, religions
religion, and spirituality religion, and spirituality and spirituality
(HUMSS_WRB12- I/IIIa-1.2) (HUMSS_WRB12- I/IIIa- 2.2)
1.2) (HUMSS_WRB12- I/IIIa- (HUMSS_WRB12- I/IIIa-1.2)
C. Most Essential Learning • To determine the concept, • To determine the
Competencies (MELCs) elements of world religions, concept, elements of • To determine the concept,
(Write the LC code for belief systems and world religions, belief • To determine the concept, elements of world religions, • To identify the origins of
each) spirituality. systems and spirituality. elements of world religions, belief systems and religion in terms of
• To distinguish the • To distinguish the belief systems and spirituality. cultural, geographical and
Objectives / characteristics of world characteristics of world spirituality. • To distinguish the historical background.
Enabling competencies religions, belief systems and religions, belief systems • To distinguish the characteristics of world
spirituality. and spirituality. characteristics of world religions, belief systems and • To examine the effects of
• To perform an activity that • To perform an activity religions, belief systems spirituality. cultural and geographical
shows the difference of that shows the difference and spirituality. • To perform an activity that setting in establishing a
world religions in terms of of world religions in terms • To perform an activity that shows the difference of religious/belief system.
religious practice and of religious practice and shows the difference of world religions in terms of
spirituality. spirituality. world religions in terms of religious practice and
religious practice and • To justify the connection
of geography and cultural
background into religious
and belief system.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from 1. JOSE, MARY DOROTHY DL. AND ONG, JEROME A. “Introduction to World Religion and Belief System”
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Review The learners will be asked The learners will be asked The learners will be asked The learners will be asked The learners will be asked
about what happened in the about what happened in the following question: the following question: the following question:
1st week of 2nd semester. the 1st week of 2nd
semester. a. How did religion a. How did religion a. How did religion
originate? originate? originate?

b. What are the b. What are the b. What are the

characteristics of religion? characteristics of religion? characteristics of religion?
B. Motivation The learners will do the The learners will do the The teacher will let the The teacher will let the
Motivational Activity: Motivational Activity: learners to watch the video learners to watch the video The teacher will let the
about the Wise Man who about the Wise Man who learners to watch the video
What do I believe in? What do I believe in? builds his house on the builds his house on the about the Wise Man who
rock. rock. builds his house on the
In the context of religion, In the context of religion,
list down 5 things that you list down 5 things that
believe by completing the you believe by completing
sentences. the sentences. Mini Lecture/ Collaborative

What have you observed in What have you observed Note: This activity was
your own belief system? in your own belief planned as part of their
system? Homework. ( Mon-Tues)
I believe in _____________.
I believe in _____________.
Learners will be grouped
into 4 groups:
C. Activity Mini Lecture: Mini Lecture: Mini Lecture/ Collaborative Mini Lecture/ Collaborative

The learners will act the

Learners will be group Learners will be group Note: This activity was Note: This activity was
assigned topic to them in a
randomly into 4 groups. randomly into 4 groups. planned as part of their planned as part of their
Students will be given a Students will be given a Homework. ( Mon-Tues) Homework. ( Mon-Tues)
task by answering the task by answering the
question assigned to them. question assigned to Group 1- Types of Belief
Learners will be grouped Learners will be grouped
them. System
into 4 groups: into 4 groups:
Then present their answers
using the appropriate Then present their Group 2- Definition of
The learners will act the The learners will act the
graphic organizer. answers using the Religion
assigned topic to them in a assigned topic to them in a
*example : Concept Map, appropriate graphic tableau. tableau.
Hierarchal Map, Web, Chart organizer. *example : Group 3- Origins of
etc. Concept Map, Hierarchal Religion
Map, Web, Chart etc. Group 1- Types of Belief Group 1- Types of Belief
System System
Group 1: How would you Group 4- Religious vs.
explain the different kinds Group 1: How would you Spirituality
of belief system? explain the different Group 2- Definition of Group 2- Definition of
kinds of belief system? Religion Religion
The assigned
Group 2: How would you representative/s will
expound the characteristics Group 2: How would you Group 3- Origins of Group 3- Origins of Religion
explain the scenario
of religion? expound the
relevant to the topic given.
Group 3 What was the use characteristics of Religion Group 4- Religious vs.
of religion to early humans? religion? Spirituality After the presentation, the
Group 4- Religious vs. learners will be asked of the
Group 4: How would you Group 3 What was the Spirituality The assigned following question:
explain in a graphic use of religion to early representative/s will explain
organizer the concept of humans? The assigned the scenario relevant to the 1. How does religion help
Spirituality? representative/s will topic given. explain man`s existence
Group 4: How would you explain the scenario and role in the world?
explain in a graphic relevant to the topic given.
organizer the concept of 2. How do you think
Spirituality? religion originate?
D. Analysis In the presentation of mini- In the presentation of After the presentation, the After the presentation, the
lecture, the teacher will ask mini-lecture, the teacher learners will be asked of the learners will be asked of the 3. Do you agree that the
the learners of the following will ask the learners of following question: following question: universe is designed and
questions to process their the following questions to created by a single divine
outputs. process their outputs. 1. How does religion help 1. How does religion help being or God or by many
explain man`s existence explain man`s existence and gods? What`s your intake?
Based on the data given by Based on the data given and role in the world? role in the world?
your classmates, by your classmates, After the Q&A, students
2. How do you think 2. How do you think religion will generalize the lesson by
1. How would you explain 1. How would you explain
religion originate? originate? answering the question:
the differences between the the differences between
kinds of belief system? the kinds of belief
system? 3. Do you agree that the 3. Do you agree that the 1. How do religion come
2. How religions across the universe is designed and universe is designed and about?
globe was born? 2. How religions across created by a single divine created by a single divine
the globe was born? being or God or by many being or God or by many Make a Graphic Organizer
3. How religion was differ to gods? What`s your intake? gods? What`s your intake? that discusses the
spirituality? 3. How religion was differ following:
to spirituality?

E. Abstraction After the processing, the After the processing, the After the Q&A, students After the Q&A, students will a. How can an individual
learners will answer the learners will answer the will generalize the lesson by generalize the lesson by lead a religious and
general question: general question: answering the question: answering the question: spiritual life? Cite some
activities to do that.
Separate your answer
1. How do religion come 1. How do religion come 1. How do religion come 1. How do religion come pertaining to religious and
about? about? about? about? spiritual.

F. Application Make a Graphic Organizer Make a Graphic Make a Graphic Organizer Make a Graphic Organizer
that discusses the following: Organizer that discusses that discusses the that discusses the following:
Choose the letter of the
the following: following:
correct answer.
a. Cite an example of being a. How can an individual
a religious and spiritual. a. Cite an example of a. How can an individual lead a religious and
1. The belief in many
being a religious and lead a religious and spiritual life? Cite some
principal gods among no
spiritual. spiritual life? Cite some activities to do that.
one is supreme.
activities to do that. Separate your answer
Separate your answer pertaining to religious and
pertaining to religious and spiritual. 2. Denial of the existence of
spiritual. God.
3. An organized system of
Write TRUE if the statement Write TRUE if the Choose the letter of the Choose the letter of the beliefs, ceremonies, and
is correct and FALSE if its is statement is correct and correct answer. correct answer. rules used to worship a god
incorrect. FALSE if its is incorrect. or group of gods.
1. The belief in many 1. The belief in many
1. Monism is a belief of one 1. Monism is a belief of principal gods among no principal gods among no 4. Relating the human
God. one God. one is supreme. one is supreme. spirit or soul that is one`s
personal integrative view.
2. The belief and worship of 2. The belief and worship 2. Denial of the existence of 2. Denial of the existence of
many gods is Polytheism. of many gods is God. God. 5. Systematic study of the
Polytheism. existence and nature of the
3. Religion may be defined 3. An organized system of 3. An organized system of divine.
as an organized system of 3. Religion may be beliefs, ceremonies, and beliefs, ceremonies, and
beliefs ceremonies and rules defined as an organized rules used to worship a god rules used to worship a god A. THEOLOGY
to worship a god either one system of beliefs or group of gods. or group of gods.
or many. ceremonies and rules to B. POLYTHEISM
worship a god either one 4. Relating the human 4. Relating the human spirit
4. Spiritual is defined as or many. spirit or soul that is one`s or soul that is one`s C. ATHEISM
systematic study of personal integrative view. personal integrative view.
existence of a divine. 4. Spiritual is defined as
systematic study of D. RELIGION
5. Systematic study of the 5. Systematic study of the
5. Spirituality involves one`s existence of a divine. existence and nature of the existence and nature of the
integrative view of life that is divine. divine. E. SPIRITUALITY
more personal while 5. Spirituality involves
affecting one`s soul. one`s integrative view of A. THEOLOGY A. THEOLOGY F. MONOTHEISM
life that is more personal WEDNESDAY
Answer: while affecting one`s soul.

1. FALSE 2. TRUE 3. TRUE Answer:

1. FALSE 2. TRUE 3.


Homework/Enhancement Review the topics given to Review the topics given to PETA 1.A (Individual) PETA 1.A (Individual) PETA 1.A (Individual)
your group. Prepare a your group. Prepare a Write a two-page essay on Write a two-page essay on Write a two-page essay on
Human Tableau based on Human Tableau based on the topic “Religion: What the topic “Religion: What the topic “Religion: What
the topics assigned in your the topics assigned in Does it Mean to me?”. You Does it Mean to me?”. You Does it Mean to me?”. You
groupings. The presentation your groupings. The may use a graphic may use a graphic organizer may use a graphic
will be in the next session. presentation will be in the organizer to organize your to organize your answer. organizer to organize your
Assign a representative in next session. Assign a answer. Cite some sources Cite some sources answer. Cite some sources
your group to explain. representative in your PETA 1.B PETA 1.B PETA 1.B
group to explain. (Group/Individual) (Group/Individual) (Group/Individual)
As a group, interview at As a group, interview at As a group, interview at
least 10 people in your least 10 people in your least 10 people in your
neighborhood. Discuss the neighborhood. Discuss the neighborhood. Discuss the
difference of spirituality difference of spirituality and difference of spirituality
and religious as a concept. religious as a concept. Then and religious as a concept.
Then ask them the ask them the following Then ask them the
following questions: questions: following questions:

a. Do you consider yourself a. Do you consider yourself a. Do you consider yourself

religious or spiritual? religious or spiritual? religious or spiritual?
Explain. Explain. Explain.

b. Explain the different b. Explain the different b. Explain the different

values have their religion values have their religion values have their religion
instilled in them. instilled in them. instilled in them.

Then compile the answers Then compile the answers Then compile the answers
by presenting into the by presenting into the by presenting into the
following: following: following:

Question 1 (Religious or Question 1 (Religious or Question 1 (Religious or

Spiritual) Spiritual) Spiritual)
Respondents answer Respondents answer Respondents answer
Question 2 (Values) Question 2 (Values) Question 2 (Values)
Respondents answer Respondents answer Respondents answer

Then each member of the Then each member of the Then each member of the
group should write a report group should write a report group should write a report
about the surveying and about the surveying and the about the surveying and
the data gathered. Describe data gathered. Describe the the data gathered. Describe
the people and create a people and create a the people and create a
character sketch in each character sketch in each character sketch in each
person they interviewed. person they interviewed. person they interviewed.
Then conclude what have Then conclude what have Then conclude what have
you learned in the activity. you learned in the activity. you learned in the activity.


A. No. of learners who earned ARCHEOLOGY –
80% on the formative
assessment DEMOGRAPHY-



B. No. of learners who require ARCHEOLOGY –

additional activities for
remediation DEMOGRAPHY-




C. Did the remedial lessons ARCHEOLOGY –

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the DEMOGRAPHY-


D. No. of learners who ARCHEOLOGY –
continue to require
remediation DEMOGRAPHY-



E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help
G. What innovation or
localized material did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared: Reviewed and Checked: Noted:


Teacher II HumSS, Subject Group Head Principal II

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