FAQ - 200GB 5G Monthly Data Pass

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(update as of 3 July 2024)





1. What is the 200GB 5G • The 200GB 5G Monthly Data Pass is a new add-on designed exclusively for
Monthly Data Pass UNI5G Postpaid 39 users like you. For just RM1 per month, you will get an
campaign? extra 200GB of 5G data.

2. How long is the • For your convenience, this campaign runs for a limited time, from 4 July 2024
campaign period? to 31 October 2024.



3. Tell me more about • Here are the campaign offerings:

the 200GB 5G Monthly
Data Pass campaign? DETAILS 200GB 5G MONTHLY DATA PASS
Eligible Postpaid Plan UNI5G Postpaid 39
Monthly charge (recurring charge on bill cycle) RM 1
Data (refresh on customer’s bill cycle) 200 GB of 5G
Contract Period NA



4. Who is eligible to • If you are on UNI5G Postpaid 39, you are eligible for the 200GB 5G Monthly
subscribe to the 200GB Data Pass.
5G Monthly Data Pass
• This add-on is available for both new and existing UNI5G Postpaid 39

• Customer that subscribe to UNI5G Postpaid 39 through any Unifi Fixed

Broadband Promotion (free or discounted) will not be eligible for this add-on
subscription. Customer is advise to check on add on eligibility via Unifi Store ,
TM Sales Center, TM Reseller, TM Authorized Dealers, Unifi portal via
www.unifi.com.my or via Unifi Mobile app.

5. How do I subscribe to • To subscribe, you can choose any of these convenient methods:
the 200GB 5G Monthly ➢ Unifi Mobile App
Data Pass campaign? ➢ Unifi portal Selfcare at https://unifi.com.my/mobile/postpaid
➢ Walk in to any Unifi Store, TM Authorized Dealer (TAD) & Reseller

• Once subscribed, the 200GB 5G Monthly Data Pass will automatically renew
and be charged on every bill cycle.

6. How do I check if I am To check your subscription status, follow these simple steps:
successfully subscribed • Log in to your account , and click “My Service” via;
to the 200GB 5G ➢ Unifi Mobile App
➢ Unifi portal Selfcare at https://unifi.com.my/mobile/postpaid
(update as of 3 July 2024)

Monthly Data Pass • Once your subscription is successful, you will see the 200GB 5G Monthly Data
campaign? Pass reflected in your account. You can start using it immediately, and the
RM1 charge will appear on your upcoming or nearest bill cycle.

7. I subscribed to the • Kindly note that your Unifi bill on 7th July will include a RM1 charge for the
200GB 5G Monthly Data 200GB data added on 4th July, covering the period from 4th July to 6th July,
Pass on 4th July 2024, along with a second charge for the upcoming billing cycle from 7th July to 6th
and today, 7th July August 2024.
2024, why am I being
charged RM1 twice on
my bill?

8. Can I use the 200GB 5G • Unfortunately, the allocated 200GB 5G monthly data pass cannot be used as
Monthly Data Pass as a a hotspot. Your hotspot usage remains at 30GB, based on your monthly data
hotspot? quota.

9. How do I unsubscribe • If you wish to unsubscribe from the 200GB 5G Monthly Data Pass, you can
from the 200GB 5G visit your nearest Unifi Store. You can find the location of the store here:
Monthly Data Pass https://unifi.com.my/support/find-tm-point

10. If I am currently on • Yes, you can easily downgrade your plan by visiting any Unifi Store. Just keep
UNI5G Postpaid 69, can in mind that this change means you will no longer have the benefits of UNI5G
I downgrade my plan to Postpaid 69, including unlimited 5G data.
UNI5G Postpaid 39 to
enjoy this campaign?

11. If I am If you decide to upgrade or downgrade your UNI5G Postpaid 39 to another

upgrading/downgrading UNI5G Postpaid plan, here is what will happen:
my UNI5G Postpaid 39
to another UNI5G • Your 200GB 5G Monthly Data Pass add-on will be removed immediately.
Postpaid plan, what will
happen to my 200GB 5G • Your monthly data allocation will follow the new upgraded/downgraded UNI5G
Monthly Data Pass?
Postpaid plan subscription.



12. Who do I contact for If you have any further questions about the 200GB 5G Monthly Data Pass
further enquiries on the campaign, feel free to reach out to our Care Crew.
200GB 5G Monthly Data
Pass campaign?


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