FAQ - Unifi Mobile Prepaid New Unlimited Pass - Final 9 Feb
FAQ - Unifi Mobile Prepaid New Unlimited Pass - Final 9 Feb
FAQ - Unifi Mobile Prepaid New Unlimited Pass - Final 9 Feb
1. What is the NEW The new unlimited data pass comes with new specifications.
UNLIMITED DATA The new unlimited data pass allows you to enjoy unlimited data
pass? on your mobile device for as long as you want it to be, according
to the pass duration of your choice.
2. What are the price and The new unlimited data offerings are as below:
offerings for the NEW
UNLIMITED DATA Pass RM Speed Data Validity Hotspot
pass? option Quota
*Monthly 35 Unlimited 30 days 5 GB
Unlimited (FUP**: 60GB)
Weekly 12 Unlimited 7 days 3 GB
Unlimited (FUP: 20GB)
Daily 3 5 Mbps Unlimited 1 day 1 GB
Unlimited (FUP: 10GB)
2 Hours 1 Unlimited 2 hours N/A
Unlimited (FUP: N/A)
3. When will these These new unlimited data passes will be replacing the old
offerings start? unlimited passes effective at 00:01am on 9th February 2023
4. Who can buy this new All Uni5G Prepaid customers are eligible to purchase these
unlimited data pass? data passes.
5. How do I buy this new You can purchase it via Unifi Mobile Prepaid app starting at
unlimited data pass? 00:01am on 9th February 2023 onwards.
Just make sure you have sufficient account balance before
purchasing the data pass.
FAQ for Uni5G Prepaid New Unlimited Data Pass
6. What is the offering Customers can enjoy thirty (30) days of Unlimited 4G + 5G
for Monthly Unlimited data, Unlimited Calls and 5 GB hotspot quota.
data pass? The Unlimited 4G + 5G data is subject to the FUP.
7. What is the offering Customers can enjoy seven (7) days of Unlimited 4G data and
for Weekly Unlimited 3 GB hotspot quota.
data pass? The Unlimited 4G data is subject to the FUP.
8. What is the offering Customers can enjoy twenty-four (24) hours of Unlimited 4G
for Daily Unlimited data and 1 GB hotspot quota.
data pass? The Unlimited 4G data is subject to the FUP.
9. What is the offering Customers can enjoy two (2) hours of Unlimited 4G data.
for 2 Hours Unlimited There is no FUP imposed for this data pass.
data pass?
10. I have purchased the You can use the Unlimited 5G data pass if you have the SIM
Monthly Unlimited on a 5G supported mobile device and within 5G coverage
pass. How can I use areas.
my Unlimited 5G Data For more info on 5G supported mobile device and 5G coverage,
pass? refer here.
11. Can I hotspot my Yes, hotspot/tethering is allowed at no charge. The data will be
unlimited data with my deducted from the master device that subscribes to the
friends? unlimited data pass.
However, it will be subjected to the hotspot quota for each
unlimited data pass.
12. What happens if I’ve You may use your hotspot quota only up to 5 GB, 3 GB and 1
used up all my hotspot GB for Monthly Unlimited, Weekly Unlimited and Daily
quota? Can I continue Unlimited respectively.
to tether or hotspot? You will not be able to tether or hotspot once the hotspot quota
has finished.
13. What will happen to Your unutilized or balance of hotspot quota will be forfeited
my unutilized or upon expiry of the unlimited data pass.
balance of hotspot It will not be rolled over to the next unlimited data or quota data
quota upon unlimited pass subscription.
data pass expiry?
FAQ for Uni5G Prepaid New Unlimited Data Pass
14. How can I know if my You can monitor your hotspot usage via Unifi Mobile Prepaid
hotspot quota has app.
been fully utilized? SMS notification will also be sent to your Uni5G Prepaid
number upon 100% utilization of the hotspot quota.
15. What is the validity For Monthly Unlimited data pass, the validity period is thirty (30)
period of the new days from the purchase date and time.
unlimited data pass? For Weekly Unlimited data pass, the validity period is seven (7)
days from the purchase date and time.
For Daily Unlimited data pass, the validity period is twenty-four
(24) hours from the purchase date and time.
For 2 Hours Unlimited data pass, the validity period is two (2)
hours from the purchase date and time.
16. What does the Fair The new unlimited data pass comes with new measure of Fair
Usage Policy (FUP) Usage Policy (FUP) within the validity period.
means? This means you will be informed that the data speed will be
reduced to 512 Kbps upon reaching the FUP quota limits.
The reduced speed will still allow you to perform usage at a fair
user experience until the data pass expires.
17. What is the internet With the speed of 512 Kbps, it allows you to perform usage at
experience at the a fair user experience provided for video streaming on standard
speed of 512 Kbps? definition, social media apps, chat apps, internet browsing etc.
18. Will my unlimited data Unfortunately, no. If you wish to continue subscribing to the
pass renewed pass, you will need to perform renewal when it expires.
automatically? We will announce when the automated data pass renewal
function becomes available.
19. Can I use the No, as there is a different pass for roaming which you can
unlimited data pass purchase via the Unifi Mobile Prepaid app.
while roaming?
20. Can I use the Yes. The unlimited data passes are applicable for all internet
unlimited data for all usage as long as you are within the 4G + 5G coverage.
types of browsing?
21. What happens if I buy You can still enjoy the old offerings until 11.50pm on the 7th day
the old Weekly after purchasing for the Weekly Unlimited data pass or on the
Unlimited or Monthly 30th day after purchasing for the Monthly Unlimited data pass.
Unlimited data pass at The usage time band for this pass is based on real time and will
11.50pm on the last not be affected by the new unlimited data pass specification.
day of the data pass
availability; will I still
FAQ for Uni5G Prepaid New Unlimited Data Pass
22. Can I still buy the new Yes, you can buy the new unlimited data pass on top of your
unlimited data pass if I existing quota data pass balance. However, you cannot buy
already have existing multiple type of unlimited data passes at one point of time.
data? Please note that the new unlimited data passes are not
stackable. For example, customer cannot buy two (2) unlimited
data passes at one point of time.
23. I am currently Only ONE (1) type of active unlimited data pass is allowed at
subscribed to Weekly any time. You may subscribe to another data pass when your
Unlimited data pass. current unlimited data pass has expired.
Can I subscribe to
Monthly Unlimited
data pass?
24. If I have existing data Data utilization will be based on the priority usage as below:
pass together with the 5G Data
new unlimited data, Unlimited 4G
which quota will the Free passes
data draw from? 4G Only
Basic data