IT Report Guidelines-2024
IT Report Guidelines-2024
IT Report Guidelines-2024
Bachelor of Technology
[Name of Program]
June-July – 2024
I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and where
others’ idea or words have been included, I have adequately cited and referenced the original
sources. I also declare that I have adhered to all principles of academic honestly and integrity and
have not misrepresented of fabricated or falsified any idea / data / fact / source in my submission.
I understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the PANDIT
Table of Content
Sr. Content Page No.
Chapter-1: Introduction
The title of Chapter 1 shall be Introduction. It shall highlight the work carried out as a
part of industrial training and define the aim and scope of the work presented in the report.
List the websites, articles, papers studied for fulfillment of Industrial Training.
Eg of Published Paper
Sarkar, D and Dutta, G. (2010) "Design and Application of Risk Adjusted Cumulative Sum for
Strength Monitoring of Ready Mixed Concrete" Journal of Construction Engineering &
Management , ASCE , Vol. 136, No. 6, pp 623-631.
Eg of Book
Nicholas, J. M. (2012) Project Management for Business and Technology: Principles and
Practice, Second Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Web site
http// www. 02.08.14
Page Format
The printed sheets shall have the following writing area and margins:
Top margin 15 mm
Head height 3 mm
Head separation 12 mm
Bottom margin 22 mm
Footer 3 mm
Foot separation 10 mm
Text height 245 mm
Text width 160 mm
When header is not used the top margin shall be 30 mm.
• Page numbering in the text of the report shall be Hindu-Arabic numerals at the center of the
footer. But when the candidate opts for header style the page number shall appear at the
right and left top corner for the odd and even number pages, respectively.
• Page number “1” for the first page of the Introduction chapter shall not appear in print; only
the second page will bear the number “2”.
• The subsequent chapters shall begin on a fresh page (fresh odd number page in case of
double-sided printing). When header style is chosen the first page of each chapter will not
have the header and the page number shall be printed at the center of the footer.
• Pagination for pages before the Introduction chapter shall be in lower case Roman
numerals, e.g., “iv”.
When the header style is chosen, the header can have the Chapter number and Section number
(e.g., Chapter 2, Section 3) on even number pages headers and Chapter title or Section title on the
odd number page header.
Paragraph format
A paragraph should normally comprise more than one line. A single line of a paragraph
shall not be left at the top or bottom of a page (that is, no windows or orphans
should be left).
The word at the right end of the first line of a page or paragraph should, as far as
possible, not be hyphenated.
Each chapter shall begin on a fresh page (odd number page in case of double-sided printing)
with an additional top margin of about 75 mm. Chapter number (in Hindu- Arabic) and title shall
be printed at the center of the line in 6 mm font size (18 pt) in bold face using both upper and lower
case (all capitals or small capitals shall not be used).
The Sections and Sub-sections titles along with their numbers in 5 and 4mm (16 and 14 pt)
fonts, respectively, in bold face shall be flushed to the left (not centered) with 15 mm space above
and below these lines.
Use Times New Roman font for text body and 12 pt font size with line spacing 1.5.