Guidelines M

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Guidelines M.

Tech Project


While utmost attention must be paid to the content of the dissertation, which is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requireme

MTech IT, it is imperative that a standard format be prescribed. The same format shall be followed in preparation of the final soft copies to be submitted to the University.



This dissertation shall be presented in a number of chapters, starting with Introduction and ending with Summary and Conclus

of the other chapters will have precise title reflecting the contents of the chapter. A chapter can be subdivided into sect sections and sub-sub-section so as to present the content discretely and with due emphasis.

When the work comprises two or more mutually independent investigations, the dissertation may be divided into two or m

each with an appropriate title. However, the numbering of chapters will be continuous right through, for example Part 1 may Chapters 2-5, Part Two chapters 6-9. Sequence of items in Dissertation Report The following sequence may be followed in the preparation of the final dissertation report: 1. Cover Page (On the hardbound cover) 2. Title Page (Inner Cover Page) 3. Certificate from the Supervisor 4. Abstract 5. Acknowledgements 6. (Detailed) Table of Contents (with page numbers). 7. List of Figures (with figure number, figure titles and page numbers) 8. List of Tables with table number, table title and page number. 9. Chapter 1: Introduction (Page No.1 should start with Chapter 1) 10. Chapter 2, 3, etc. 11. Summary 12. Conclusions and Recommendations (if any) 13. Directions for future work (if any) 14. Bibliography (if any) (Please refer to the sample format given below) 15. References (if any) ((Please refer to the sample format given below) 16. Appendices (if any) 17. Checklist for the items in the report

Note: Please do not include any header or footer in any page of the report. Only page numbers should be mentioned at th center of each page. Five copies of dissertation along with soft copy in CD should be prepared by the candidate with one cop University, VET, study Centre, examiner (at time of viva voce and presentation) and candidate. 1.1 Introduction

The title of Chapter 1 shall be Introduction. It shall justify and highlight the problem poser and define the topic and the aim an the work presented in the dissertation. It may also highlight the significant contributions from the investigation. 1.2 Review of Literature

This shall normally from the Chapter 2 and shall present a critical appraisal of the previous work published in the literature pe the topic of the investigation. The extent and emphasis of the chapter shall depend on the nature of the investigation. 1.3 Report on the Present Investigation The reporting on the investigation shall be the presented in one or more chapters with appropriate chapter titles.

Due importance shall be given to experimental setups, procedures adopted and techniques developed, methodologies d

and adopted. While important derivations/formulae should normally be presented in the text of these chapters, extensive and long tr

and information, detailed results in tabular and graphical forms may be presented in Appendices. Representative date in and figures may, however, be included in appropriate chapters.

Figures and tables should be presented immediately following their first mention in the text. Short tables and figures (s than half the writing

area of the page) should be presented within the text, while large table and figures may be presented in separate page Equations should form separate lines with appropriate paragraph separation above and below the equation line, with eq numbers flushed to the right. Problem Statement should be clearly defined for the area of study in dissertation along with the purpose of study.

The objectives behind the problem statement should be clearly defined along with the research methodology used in dis


Results and Discussions

This shall form the penultimate chapter of the dissertation and shall include a thorough evaluation of the investigation carrie

bring out the contributions from the study. The discussion shall logically lead to inferences and conclusions as well as scope fo further future work. 1.5 Summary and Conclusions

This will be the final chapter of the dissertation. A brief report of the work carried out shall form the first part of the Chapter. C derived from the logical analysis presented in the Results and Discussions Chapter shall be presented and clearly enumerated, stated separately. Scope for future work should be stated lucidly in the last part of the Chapter. 1.6 Appendix

Detailed information, lengthy derivations, raw experimental observations etc. are to be presented in the separate appendic

shall be numbered in Roman Capitals (e.g. Appendix IV). Since reference can be drawn to published/unpublished literatu appendices these should precede the Literature Cited section. 1.7 Literature Cited

This should follow the Appendices, if any, otherwise the Summary and Conclusions chapter. The candidates shall follow th citation and style of listing in one of the standard journals in the subject area consistently throughout his/her dissertation, for

IEEE in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Materials Transactions in Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Science. However, the names of all the authors along with their initials and the full title of the article/monogram/book etc. h

given; in addition to the journals/publisher, volume, number, page(s) and year of publication.

Citation from web sites should include the name(s) of author(s) (including the initials), full title of the article, website refe when last accessed. Reference to personal communications, similarly, shall include the author, title communication (if any) and date of receipt. 1.8 Publications by the Candidate

Articles, technical notes etc. on the topic of the dissertation published by the candidate may be separately listed after the litera This may also be included in the Contents. The candidates may also include reprints of his/ her publications after the literature citation. 1.9 Acknowledgements The acknowledgements by the candidate shall follow the citation of literature, signed by him/her, with date.

2.1 2.1.1

Paper Quality

The dissertation shall be printed or xeroxed on white bond paper, whiteness 95% or above, weight 70 gram or more per square 2.1.2 Size The size of the paper shall be standard A 4; height 297 mm, width 210 mm. 2.1.3 Type-Setting, Text Processing and Printing

The text shall be printed employing Laserjet or Inkjet printer, the text having been processed using a standard text proce standard font shall be Times New Roman of 12 pts with 1.5 line spacing. 2.1.4 Page Format The printed sheets shall have the following writing area and margins: Top margin - 15 mm Head height - 3 mm Head separation - 12 mm Bottom margin - 22 mm Footer - 3 mm Foot separation - 10 mm Text height - 245 mm Text width - 160 mm 2.1.5 Left and Right margins

Left margin - 30 mm Right margin - 20 mm 2.1.6 Pagination

Page numbering in the text of the dissertation shall be numerals starting from 1 at the center of the footer. The text of t dissertation shall not be less than 60 pages excluding references, tables, questionnaires and other annexure. Pagination for pages before the Introduction chapter shall be in lower case Roman numerals, e.g., iv. 2.1.7 Paragraph format Vertical space between paragraphs shall be about 2.5 line spacing.

The first line of each paragraph should normally be indented by five characters or 12 mm. A candidate may, however, choose n indent if (s) he has provided sufficient paragraph separation. A paragraph should normally comprise more than one line. A single line of a paragraph shall not be left at the top or bottom of (that is, no windows or orphans should be left). The word at the right end of the first line of a page or paragraph should, as far as possible, not be hyphenated. 2.2 2.2.1 Chapter and Section format Chapter

Each chapter shall begin on a fresh page with an additional top margin of about 75 mm. Chapter number (in Hindu- Arabic

shall be printed at the center of the line in 6 mm font size (18 pt) in bold face using both upper and lower case (all capital capitals shall not be used). A vertical gap of about 25 mm shall be left between the chapter number and chapter title lines an chapter title line and the first paragraph. 2.2.2 Sections and Sub- sections

A chapter can be divided into Sections, Sub-sections and Sub-sub-sections so as to present different concepts separately. Secti

sub-sections can be numbered using decimal points, e.g., 2.2 for the second Section in Chapter 2 and 2.3.4 for the fourth Subthird Section of Chapter 2. Chapters, Sections and Sub-Sections shall be included in the Contents with page numbers flushed to right. Further subsections need not be numbered or included in the contents.

The Sections and Sub-sections titles along with their numbers in 5 and 4mm (16 and 14 pt) fonts, respectively, in bold face sha flushed to the left ( not centered) with 15 mm space above and below these lines.

In further subdivisions character size of 3 and 3.5 with bold face, small caps, all caps and italics may be sued for the titles flush centered. These shall not feature in the contents.
2.2.3 Table / Figure Format

As far as possible tables and figures should be presented in portrait style. Small size table and figures (less than half of writing

page) should be incorporated within the text, while larger ones may be presented in separate pages. Table and figures numbered chapter-wise. For example, the fourth figure in Chapter 5 will bear the number Figure 5.4 o

Table number and title will be placed above the table while the figure number and caption will be located below the figure. Ref Table and Figures reproduced from elsewhere shall be cited in the last and separate line in the table and figure caption, McGregor [12]).


Binding The dissertation shall be hard cover bound in leather or rexin with the following colour specification: M.Tech. IT Dissertation - Grey


Front Covers The front cover shall contain the following details:

Full title of dissertation in 6 mm 22 point size font properly centered and positioned at the top. Full name of the candidate in 4.5 mm 15 point size font properly centered at the middle of the page.

A 40 mm dia replica of the KSOU emblem followed by the name of the Department and the year of submission, each in separate line and properly centered and located at the bottom of the page.


Lettering All lettering shall be embossed in gold.


Bound back The degree, the name of the candidate and the year of submission shall also be embossed on the bound (side) in gold.


Blank sheets In addition to the white sheets (binding requirement) two white shall be put at the beginning and end of the dissertation.


Title sheet

This shall be the first printed page of the dissertation and shall contain the submission statement: the Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the

requirements of the MTech IT, the name and Roll No. Of the candidate, name (s) of the supervisor and co-supervisor (s) (if any Department and year of submission (sample enclosed). 3.5 Dedication sheet

If the candidate so desires (s) he may dedicate his/her dissertation, which statement shall follow the title page. If included, form the page 1 of the auxiliary sheets but shall not have page number. 3.6 Approval sheet

In the absence of a dedication sheet this will form the first page and in that case shall not have a page number. Otherwise thi the number two in Roman lower case ii at ht center of the footer. The top line shall be Dissertation Approval for M.Tech. I copy of the approval sheet is appended. 3.7 Course work sheet

As the quantum of courses taken by a candidate is different for different postgraduate degrees, a statement of the courses t assigned credits is to be included after the approval sheet. 3.8 Abstract

The 500 word abstract shall highlight the important features of the dissertation and shall correspond to the electronic vers

submitted to the VET for inclusive in the website. The Abstract in the dissertation, however, shall have two more parts, na layout of the dissertation giving a brief chapter wise description of the work and the key words. Sample copy of the Abst format is appended. 3.9 Contents

The contents shall follow the Abstract and shall enlist the titles of the chapters, section and sub-section using decimal notation text, with corresponding page number against them, flushed to the right. 3.9.1 List of Figures and Tables

Two separate lists of Figure caption and Table titles along with their numbers and corresponding page numbers against them s the Contents. 3.9.2 Abbreviation Notation and Nomenclature

A complete and comprehensive list of all abbreviations, notations and nomenclature including Greek alphabets with subs

superscripts shall be provided after the list of tables, figures. (As far as possible generally accepted symbols and should be

Auxiliary page from dedication (if any) to abbreviations shall be numbered using Roman numerals in lower case, while the te from the Introduction shall be in Numeral.


Supervisor for Dissertation Each student shall have two supervisors for dissertation. They shall be called as Internal Supervisor and External Supervisor.


Supervisor Qualification

The MTech IT faculty at the centre can be the internal supervisor of the student. The internal supervisor should be at least MTe Computer Science / Engineering or its equivalent or PhD in Computers with at least 3 years of teaching / industry e The external supervisor should MTech in IT or Computer Science / Engineering or its equivalent or PhD in Computers with years of teaching / industry experience. The external supervisor shall not be associated with the centre in any manner. 4.3 Change of Supervisor

In the event of the registered supervisor leaving the Institute for any reason or in the event of death of guide, guide may b with permission from the University.




The candidate shall prepare the Synopsis containing the particulars of the proposed dissertation work. The synopsis shall be ap both the internal and external supervisor and forwarded to University for their approval. Once the synopsis is approved, the can start working on the dissertation topic. No change in dissertation topic shall be entertained once the topic is approved.



Seminar is required to be given by the student on the topic of the dissertation. Progress of the dissertation will be evaluated the seminar given by the student during the semester. Marks will be given based on the performance of the student during the Guidelines for choosing topics for Dissertation

Each candidate should work independently on a chosen topic. Two or more candidates should not do any project jointly. The ch of work should be non-trivial, analytical, application-oriented and should involve substantial original research and/or developme based on a specific theme. Any attempt at plagiarism or use of unfair means will result in severe disciplinary action.

Candidates should choose only topics for which the work done can be presented, demonstrated, and defended before a panel o examiners. Candidates may note that in cases where no demonstration is perceived to be possible by the candidate / employer

technical or professional reasons, a letter on the official letterhead of the employer clearly stating this infeasibility, duly signed Project Manager of the candidate (or equivalent officer or higher) and brought by the candidate at the time of viva-voce. Howev

University reserves the right to examine the validity of claims made and insist on a live demonstration in presence of its nomine Mere configuration, installation, testing and routine maintenance, support or management of systems or equipment will not be considered adequate for a

Dissertation. Trivial, Small projects which are commonly done as assignments in courses are not acceptable as Dissertation. Me of literature/data collection would also not be acceptable as a Dissertation.

Work of the organization towards Certification of Quality Management (like ISO,CMM) should not be included. This will

as organizations effort. The work undertaken should be clearly visible and should pertain to that work accomplished during the current semeste The work should not result in mere compilation of information pertaining to organization/project handled. It

adequately described.

Broad Areas for Dissertation 1. Artificial Intelligence 2. Computer Graphics 3. Compiler Construction 4. Computer Networking 5. Database Systems and Applications 6. Data Warehousing and Data Mining 7. E-Business 8. Embedded Systems 9. Pervasive Computing 10. Inter networking Technologies 11. Multimedia Computing 12. Network Security 13. Microprocessor Based System Design 14. Operating Systems 15. Real Time Systems 16. Software Engineering & Management 17. Software Testing and Quality Assurance 18. Software Architectures 19. Wireless and Mobile Computing 20. Telecom Switching Systems and Networks 21. VLSI 22. Biometrics 23. Enterprise Resource Planning 24. Natural Language Processing 25. Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Sample Format of Cover Page of the Dissertation

Dissertation Title Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Information Technology by Name of the Candidate

(Roll No._________) Supervisor (s) : _____________________ _____________________

Information Technology Department Karnataka State Open University Manasagangotri, Mysore 570006 Karnataka (Year) Approval Sheet Dissertation entitled Title Name by Candidate Name is approved for the degree of Master of Technology in Information Technology.

Examiners : Supervisor (s) Chairman Date: ___________ Place: ___________

Format - Certificate from the Supervisors


This is to certify that the Dissertation entitled (Title of the Dissertation) submitted by (Name of the student) having Roll Numbe (KSOU Enrollment

Number of the Student) for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of Master of Technology in Information Technology degre of Karnataka State

Open University, Mysore, embodies the bonafide work done by him/her under my / our supervision.

Place: ________________ Date: ________________

Signature of the Internal Supervisor Name: Designation: Employing Organization Name and Address:

Place: ________________ Date: ________________

Signature of the Internal Supervisor Name: Designation: Employing Organization Name and Address:

Abstract Format

Karnataka State Open University, Mysore



ABSTRACT : (Should be neatly word processed; should not exceed one page) Broad Area of Work: (Specify one from the area listed in the guidelines) Key words (Specify the technical keywords of the Project in alphabetical order) Signature of the Student Name: ______________ Date: Place:

Signature of the Internal Supervisor Name: ______________ Date: Place:

______________________ Signature of the External Supervisor Name: ______________ Date: Place:

Note: Attach a separate document including the details in the format given above. <<Back

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