Holy Grace Polytechnic College Mala: Department of Electrical Engineering

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The write-up should focus on the specific objectives of the project, the methodology used,
and the major findings. Regarding title, instead of giving a general, topic-like title, be specific
and emphasize the explicit nature of the work. The report should be brief, with the number of
pages of the main content of the report being not be more than 30 pages (Please consult with
respective departments for specific instructions in this regard). Front matter, appendix, etc can
be extra.


The sequence in which the project report material should be arranged and bound
should be as follows:

1. Cover Page & Title Page

2. Bonafide Certificate from the project supervisor(s), counter signed by the HoD / Division or
Group Head
3. Declaration by author(s)
4. Acknowledgement
5. Abstract
6. Table of Contents
7. List of figures
8. List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature
9. Chapters
1. Introduction
2. Literature survey
3. Working principle /proposed method
4. Hardware implementation and result
5. Conclusion
10. Appendices
11. References


The dimension of the project report should be in A4 size. The project report should
be neatly bound. The cover should be printed in black letters and the text (or font?) for
printing should be identical.

A. Cover Page & Title Page – A specimen copy of the Cover page & Title page of the project
B. Bonafide Certificate – The Bonafide Certificate shall be in double line spacing Times New
Roman using Font Style and Font Size 14. The certificate shall carry the supervisor‟s signature
and HoD's signature fro projects done in IIST and signatures of equivalent people if it is done
outside IIST.

C. Declaration by Author(s)

D. Acknowledgement

E. Abstract – Abstract should be straight to the point; not too descriptive but fully informative.
The following things should appear in the abstract. (a) the problem addressed,(b) its
importance/novelty, (c) the approach adopted for solving the problem, highlighting novelty, if any, (d)
the major results obtained, (e) and the major conclusion. The abstract does not have to be an entire
summary of the project, but rather a concise summary of the scope and results of the project. It should
inform a reader whether to read or not the full text, and also give a precise idea on what has been
attempted. An abstract should be short, and limited to 1 page. Include key words (Font Style: Times
New Roman and Font Size: 12, Spacing: Single)

F. Table of Contents – The table of contents should list all material following it as well as any
material which precedes it. The title page, Bonafide Certificate, and Declaration by Authors
may not be included in the Table of Contents, but the page numbers of which are in lower case
Roman numbers. The format of the table of contents is given in Appendix 4.

G. List of figures

H. List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature –Standard symbols, abbreviations etc.

should be used.

I. Chapters – The main text will be divided into several chapters and each chapter may further
be divided into sections and subsections. Chapters, sections, and subsections should be given
appropriate titles. Tables and figures should be placed in the immediate vicinity of the first
reference to them. Figure and table numbers should carry their chapter number. For example
Fig. 4.2 is the second figure in the fourth chapter.

The following are suggested chapters and what they could contain. The division into
chapters may vary from project to project. The important point is that the report should
mainly contain the work accomplished in the project, with a small portion devoted to
describing the problem addressed and how others have tackled this or similar problems. The
report should be understandable to your classmates. It should have sufficient detail to enable
the examiners to assess the validity of the approaches used and the results obtained.
1. Introduction
Introduction could contain the following. (a) brief statement of the problem, (b)
importance/novelty of the problem.
2. Literature Survey
Related literature - how others have addressed this or similar problems and the
relevant results they obtained (For example, “It has already
been reported [1]……” OR “Jiang et al [2] reported that….” OR “It is known [3]
that….” etc., where [1], [2], [3], should be detailed in the reference section as per the
format given below), (d) scope of the project - precise idea on what is to be achieved in
the work, (e) brief statements on what subsequent chapters contain.

3. Approach Used/ Theory and Methodology

This could be in one or more chapter. It should give the details of the approaches
used by the student for arriving at results. The approach could be theoretical,
computational, experimental, or a combination of these. The description should be
detailed enough to enable someone else with the author's background to use the same
approach and get the same results. Detailed part of the description, parameter values
used, etc can be be presented in Appendices.

4. Results and Discussion

This could also be in one or more chapters. These chapters include the specific
details of data generated and results obtained, in graphical and/or tabular form. Based
on the analysis and interpretation of data and results, major findings should be pointed
out unambiguously. It should be noted that the findings are to be summarized according
to the significance to the stated objectives, and should complement the latter. Detailed
aspects can be presented in Appendices.

5. Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions are to be drawn with reference to the previously stated objectives of the
project. This should highlight the major results. Recommendations are often more
important than conclusions. It is known to us how to do better only after we finish a
project, i.e. after we obtain an appropriate experience. Particularly, students‟
experiments are hampered due to lack of experience, time, methods and equipment as
well as insufficient attention to accuracy and details. Recommendations should be given
for any further changes or work that would better accomplish the project objectives, or
can extend them.

Note: It is very important to draw the figures and prepare the tables yourself. If any
figure or table or data or result or opinion is not yours, cite relevant reference. If you do
not cite reference in such cases, you will be regarded to have plagiarized/stolen the
material. This could lead to punitive action.
(e) Appendices – Appendices may be provided to give supplementary information, which is
included in the main text may serve as a distraction and cloud the central theme.

(f) List of References –The listing of references should be typed below the heading
“REFERENCES” in the order in which they appear in the work. A typical illustrative list is
given below.

1. Shapiro, A. H., The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow - Vol.1,
The Ronald Press Company, New York, 1953, p.383-384.

2. Jiang, Z., Takayama, K., and Skews, B. W., “Numerical Study on Blast Flow Fields
Induced by Supersonic projectiles Discharged from Shock Tubes,” Physics of Fluids,
Vol.10, No.1, 1998, pp.277-288.

3. Ahmadikia, H. and Shirani, E., “Transonic and Supersonic Overtaking of a Projectile

Preceding a Shock Wave,” Report-IC/2001/48, International Centre for Theoretical Physics,
Italy, 2001.


After the text of the report is written, it is to be formatted in an appropriate manner for
printing. The following guidelines are provided to format the report for easy readability.

1. Font

The preferred font size of the text in the report is 12 point, but in no case should it be less than 11-
point. The minimum font size of materials within a table or a figure can be 8 point, however. The
preferred font type is Times New Roman.
2. Margins

A margin of 3.75 cm (1½ inch) is to be given on the binding edge while on the other sides it is
to be 2.5 cm (1 inch). The text of the report, including headings, figures, tables, and notes, but
excluding page numbers, must be accommodated within the page area.

3. Line Spacing

The line spacing in the main text must be between one-and-a-half and two. Single line spacing
should be given for quotations, abstract, declaration, report approval, figure captions, table
titles, figure legends, footnotes, and references.

4. Equations, tables, figures, and quotations should be set off from the main text with adequate
space (not less than the normal line spacing adopted for the main text).

5. . Two consecutive paragraphs should be separated by a spacing which must be larger than the
line spacing adopted for the text.
<Font Size 18><1.5 line spacing>


<Font Size 14>

<Font Size 14><Italic>


(Roll Number(s): )
<Font Size 16>

College Logo

Department of Electrical Engineering

Holy Grace Polytechnic College Mala
Month & Year
<Font Size 14>
<Font Style Times New Roman – size -16>

This is to certify that this project report entitled “……….TITLE OF THE

PROJECT……………..” submitted to Holy Grace Polytechnic College, Mala,
is a bonafide record of work done by “…………..NAME OF THE
STUDENT.…………” under my supervision from “…starting date..” to “
…ending date..”

<<Signature of the Supervisor>>

<<Name and Designation>>

<<Designation, eg. Head of Dep. / Divisional Head)
<<Name of Department / Division and Centre>>

Declaration by Author(s)
<Font Style Times New Roman – size -16>

This is to declare that this report has been written by me/us. No part of the report is
plagiarized from other sources. All information included from other sources have been duly
acknowledged. I/We aver that if any part of the report is found to be plagiarized, I/we are
shall take full responsibility for it.

<<Signature of author>>
<<Name of Author>>
<<Roll number: >>

<<Signature of author>>
<<Name of Author>>
<<Roll number: >>

Place Date


I am especially thankful to my guide and supervisor Dr.ABC, Professor in

the Department of Electrical Engineering for giving me valuable suggestions and
critical inputs in doing this work and in the preparation of this report.
I am also thankful to Dr. ABC, Principal and Prof. Xyz, Head of the
Department of Electrical Engineering for encouragement and for the facilities
provided doing this work.
I would like to thank my project coordinator Dr. T. N. P., Senior Professor
of PG Program for his valuable advice and guidance towards this work. The
perfection that our distinguished professor brings to each and every piece of work
that he attends to, which has always inspired me a lot.
My friends in my class have always been helpful and I am grateful to them
for patiently listening to my presentations on my work related to the project.
Last, but not the least I wish to express my gratitude to God Almighty for
His abundant blessings without which this effort would not have been successful.

(Reg. No.)
Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Holy Grace Polytechnic College Mala


(A typical specimen of table of contents)
<Font Style Times New Roman>



Introduction .......................................................................... 1
1.1 Problem addressed ....................................................... 1
1.1.1 .................................................................................... 3
1.1.2 ..................................................................................... 5
Related literature ........................................................... 7
1.2.1 ..................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 ..................................................................................... 9
1.2.3 ..................................................................................... 10
1.3 Scope of the project
Approach Used for Determining ........................................................... 14
2.1 .......................................................................................... 17
2.2 .......................................................................................... 18

(A typical specimen of table of contents)
<Font Style Times New Roman>



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