Revisões CJ1

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CJ1/CJ1+ (525) Maintenance

Your Citation CJ1+ Scheduled Maintenance Program was developed to meet the requirements detailed in
14 CFR 91.409, paragraph (e), of the Federal Aviation Regulations which states that turbojet multi-engine
airplanes must be inspected in accordance with the current inspection program recommended by the
manufacturer (Cessna). The following is a description of the continuous inspection program for the Model
525, recommended by the Cessna Aircraft Company and presented in Chapter 5 of the Cessna Model 525
Maintenance Manual. This description is provided for reference only.

For airplanes registered in countries other than the United States, the procedures specified by the
Airworthiness Authority of that country are to be followed.


1. A continuous maintenance inspection program applicable for your airplane should be selected
as early as possible. The inspection program timing begins from the Date of Airworthiness for
monthly items. For hourly and Supplier items, the inspection program may begin prior to the
Date of Airworthiness.

2. The Cessna recommended program is organized into “Inspection Documents” and is published
in Chapter 5, Section 12 (5-12) of the Cessna Model 525 Maintenance Manual. The program in
Chapter 5-12 must be adhered to as published. Cessna recommends subscribing to CESCOM
Online for inspection program tracking. Time limited components are listed in Chapter 5,
Section 11 (5-11).

3. Each customer has the option to create their own custom program. Provided inspections are
accomplished within the time frame specified in Chapter 5, no additional approval is required
from Cessna or the FAA.

4. Most inspections repeat either as a result of a number of years or number of hours that is
divisible by 300.

5. Intervals for some inspections are determined by the component manufacturer. The applicable
component manual gives the information necessary to determine those intervals. Refer to the
Model 525 Illustrated Parts Catalog, Introduction and Supplier Publication List.

6. Chapter 4 inspection items are listed in Chapter 5 as individual Inspection Documents and begin
with the letter M. Please note that the actual intervals for these inspection items are exactly the
same as listed in Chapter 4. Should Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 intervals differ, Chapter 4 takes

7. Operators and maintenance technicians can perform and report Chapter 4 inspections
individually, without performing them with other Inspection Documents.

8. Williams engine manuals are part of the Model 525 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness and
identify engine inspection requirements.

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CJ1/CJ1+ (525) Maintenance

1. Chapter 5 of the Maintenance Manual CD-ROM contains a search feature. With this, any item
code can be found in one step. Along with the item code is the inspection task name and zone
location. A task number is provided containing specific inspection instructions. By double
clicking on the highlighted task number, the link will take you to specific task information in the
appropriate section of the manual.

2. A “Print Task” function is available to print the task text. The feature is also capable of printing
all tasks in an Inspection Document or any individual task as selected.

3. The end of the task will be denoted with an ”end of task” message.


1. Cessna recommended inspection program is designed to be easily tracked using

CESCOM/CAMP. CAMP is the exclusive factory authorized maintenance tracking system
provider for Cessna. CAMP provides maintenance tracking services to over 12,000 business
aircraft worldwide with very high customer satisfaction. The CESCOM/CAMP service will offer
you the best service in the industry and the team is fully staffed for all of your maintenance
management needs.


1. The Cessna recommended program is part of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
(ICA). The Cessna Model 525 Maintenance Manual, Illustrated Parts Catalog, Wiring Diagrams,
Structural Repair Manual and Supplier Manuals are all part of ICA. Team CJ is available to
answer questions you may encounter and clarify the ICA.

2. Instructions for Continued Airworthiness are included with new aircraft during the warranty
period. Regulations require that all work performed on your airplane is accomplished in
accordance with the current published ICA or as supplemented by a regulatory approved
modification such as a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC).


1. Inspection requirements for non-Cessna STC installations are not included in the Cessna Model
525 Maintenance Manual. When a non-Cessna STC installation is incorporated on the airplane,
ICA affected by the installation must be maintained in accordance with the ICA published by the
STC owner. Since STC installations may change system interfaces, operating characteristics
and component loads or stresses on adjacent structures, Cessna provided ICA may not be valid
for airplanes with STC installations.

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CJ1/CJ1+ (525) Maintenance
Inspection Document Listing (Continuous Inspection Program):
Chapter 5
Inspection Interval Associated Task(s)
01 1A (Every 300 hours) GVI: Engine Fire Extinguishing System,
Vapor Cycle Cooling
02 1C (Every 12 calendar DET: Life preservation, Passenger O2 Masks,
months) LUB: Landing Gear, trim tab actuator (with
grease fittings)
GVI: Landing Gear and Wheel well area, Spar
FNC: Emergency Lighting Battery Pack,
Portable Fire Extinguisher, Transponder
03 2C (Every 24 calendar FNC: Cockpit Voice Recorder
04 3C (Every 36 calendar RST: Emergency Pneumatic Bottle
05 5C (Every 60 calendar RST: Engine Fire Extinguisher Bottle
06 6C (Every 72 calendar DET: Portable Fire Extinguisher
07 12C (Every 144 RST: Portable Fire Extinguisher
calendar months)
08 1A/2C (Every 300 OPC: Emergency Pressurization Valve, Wing
hours or 24 calendar Bleed Shutoff, Windshield Anti-ice
months, whichever LUB: Trim tab actuator
occurs first) DET: Horizontal Stab Deice Boot
Gear Actuator, Skid Plate, Radome Electrical
09 Every 600 hours or 12 FNC: Battery Check
calendar months,
whichever occurs first
and then every 200
hours or 4 calendar
months, whichever
occurs first (Lead acid
10 4A/3C (Every 1,200 DET: Aft Pressure Bulkhead Seal Cup, Flow
hours or 36 calendar Control, Crew and Pax Seat and Restraint,
months, whichever Fuel Storage and Indication, Flight Control
occurs first) systems, Thrust Attenuator Paddle

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CJ1/CJ1+ (525) Maintenance
FNC: Altitude Limiter, Static Discharge,
Engine Fire Extinguishing, Flight Control
Systems, Deice system, Landing Gear and
Pneumatic Brake, Gyro Compass, Collins
AHC-3000 (AHRS), O2, Door Seals, Thrust
RST: Windshield Pump
OPC: Cabin Altitude, Emergency Lighting
System, Fuel Control Temp Sensor (TT2)
DIS: Brake Reservoir Air Filter and Brake
Reservoir Supply Line Filter, Hydraulic Fluid,
Antiskid Element
ZIP: Landing Gear Wheel Well, Nose
Inspection, Internal Empennage, Cockpit and
Cabin Below Floorboard, External Fuselage,
Nacelles and Pylons, External Wing,
LUB: Emergency Door Seal, trim tab actuator
(without grease fittings)
11 8A/6C (First 2,400
hours or 72 calendar GVI: Fuselage Skin Joint Eddy Current,
months, whichever Windshield Optical Prism
occurs first) and then
every 4A/3C (1,200
hours or 36 calendar
months, whichever
occurs first)
12 Every 12 calendar OPC: Emergency and Artex ELT
months as required by DET: Artex ELT
14 CFR 91.207 (No
grace period)
13 Every 24 calendar FNC: Pitot-Static and Transponder Calibration
months as required by
14 CFR 91.411, 14 CFR
91.413 and RVSM
certification (No grace
14 Wheel Special SDI/DET: Landing Gear Wheels
Detailed Inspection
per manufacturer’s
15 Every 14 days for Airplane Wash
operation in a

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CJ1/CJ1+ (525) Maintenance
corrosive environment
17 Every 100 hours or 12 FNC: Ni-Cad Battery
calendar months,
whichever occurs first
(expandable to 400
hours, NiCad battery)
18 Every 150 hours DET: Pylon Firewall
21 2A/2C (Every 600 OPC: Windshield Anti-Ice
hours or 24 calendar
months, whichever
occurs first)
22 Every 1,200 hours of DET: Engine Precooler
engine precooler
operation, then every
300 hours of
operation thereafter
29 7200 hours then every ZIP: Cockpit and Cabin Floorboard
5000 hours thereafter
33 1A/1C (Every 300 LUB: Cabin Entry Door
hours or 12 calendar DET: Cabin Entry Door Seals
months, whichever
occurs first)
36 Every 6 calendar GVI: Landing Gear and Wheel Well, Stabilizer
months (for airplanes and Wing Aft Spar Areas
that operate in
moderate or severe

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CJ1/CJ1+ (525) Maintenance

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CJ1/CJ1+ (525) Maintenance
Inspection Document Listing (Continuous Inspection Program):
Chapter 4, No Grace Period

Inspection Interval Associated Task(s)

MA Every 300 hours DET: Vapor Cycle Cooling, Cockpit Side
Window Prism
MC 1,200 hours DET: Side Window Eddy Current (-0001 thru -
MD First 5,000 landings SDI: Nose Landing Gear Fork
then every 1,000
landings thereafter
MF Every 6,000 hours GVI: Cabin Lower Skin
MG First 6,000 hours and GVI: Fuselage Exterior
then every 2,400
hours thereafter
MH First 6,000 hours and DET: Cabin Entry Door and Doorframe
then every 3,000
hours thereafter
MI First 7,200 hours and DET: Pressure Bulkhead Web and Structure
then every 2,400 (-0001 thru -0332), and Retaining Ring
hours thereafter
MJ First 7,200 hours and DET: Emergency Escape Hatch and
then every 5,000 Doorframe, Windshield, Side and Cabin
hours thereafter Window Frames
MK First 7,900 hours and DET: Vertical Stabilizer Spar Bolt Hole
then every 5,000
hours thereafter
ML First 9,600 hours and DET: Bulkhead Retaining Ring (-0001 thru -
then every 1,200 0332)
hours thereafter
MM First 12,000 hours DET: Bulkhead Web and Structure (-0333
and then every 2,400 and On)
hours thereafter SDI: Main Spar Carry-Through Lower Cap
(RWS 42.0 to LWS 42.0) (Eddy Current)
MN First 12,000 hours DET: Bulkhead Retaining Ring (-0333 and
and then every 3,000 On)
hours thereafter
MO First 15,200 hours GVI: Vertical Stab Aft Spar Bolt Hole

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CJ1/CJ1+ (525) Maintenance
and then every 5,000
hours thereafter
MP Complete Time OPC: Time Limited Dispatch (TLD) (-0600
Limited Dispatch and On)
Checks at the
interval which occurs
first –
250 flight hours, 12
MQ First 14,000 hours SDI: Horizontal Stabilizer Upper Spar Cap at
and then every 1,250 SS4.78 (Eddy Current)
hours thereafter
MR First 13,200 hours SDI: Lower Main Spar Splice WS 93.00 (Eddy
and then every 6,000 Current)
hours thereafter
MS First 15,000 hours SDI: Lower Rear Spar Splice WS 93.00 (Eddy
and then every 6,000 Current)
hours thereafter
MT First 19,200 hours SDI: Main Spar Carry-Through Lower Cap
and then every 3,600 (RWS 42.0 to LWS 42.0) (Eddy Current)
hours thereafter
MU First 19,200 hours SDI: Rear Spar Carry-Through Lower Cap
and then every 2,400 (RWS 42.0 to LWS 42.0) (Eddy Current)
hours thereafter
MV First 22,800 hours SDI: Main Spar Outboard Lower Cap (WS
and then every 1,800 120.0 to WS 152.00) (Eddy Current)
hours thereafter
MW First 15,000 hours SDI: Center Wing Main Spar Lower Cap at
and then every 3,800 LWS 8.9 (525-0164 only) (Eddy Current)
hours thereafter

Note: Should the above table and the current Citation Maintenance Manual disagree, the current
Citation Maintenance Manual takes precedence.

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CJ1/CJ1+ (525) Maintenance

Task Abbreviations
LUB Lubrication Task purpose is to maintain inherent design capabilities.
GVI General Visual Visual examination of the area or assembly made with normally available
Inspection lighting.
DET Detailed Inspection An intensive visual examination of a specific structural area, or assembly. A
direct source of lighting and inspection aids such as mirrors are normally
OPC Operational Check A check used to determine if an item is fulfilling its intended purpose. The
check does not require quantitative tolerances (measurements).
FNC Functional Check A quantitative check to determine if one or more functions of an item perform
within specified limits.
RST Restoration Work necessary to return the item to a specific standard. Varies from
cleanings to replacement of parts to complete overhauls.
SDI Special Detailed An intensive examination of an item which may utilize NDT or other
Inspection specialized inspection techniques.
ZIP Zonal Inspection Several GVIs grouped into one inspection task.
DIS Discard The removal from service of an item at a specific time limit.

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