ADEM IV (A4:E4v3.1) : Potvrda O Tipnom Odobrenju
ADEM IV (A4:E4v3.1) : Potvrda O Tipnom Odobrenju
ADEM IV (A4:E4v3.1) : Potvrda O Tipnom Odobrenju
Br /No 03-001552/031196
Potvrđuje se da je ovaj proizvod, u skladu s Pravilima za klasifikaciju brodova, Dio 1. - Opći propisi, Odjeljak 3. - Tipno odobrenje proizvoda,
odobren za ugradnju na brodove i postrojenja pod nadzorom Hrvatskog registra brodova.
This is to certify that this product, on the basis of the Rules for the classification of ships, Part 1 - General requirements, Chapter 3 - Type approval of
products, is approved for use on board ships and installations under supervision of the Croatian Register of Shipping.
NAPOMENA: Ova potvrda nije valjana ako se proizvod ili način njegove proizvodnje promijenio u odnosu na tipno ispitani proizvod. Proizvođač
treba obavijestiti Hrvatski registar brodova o bilo kojoj izmjeni na proizvodu kako bi ishodio valjanu potvrdu.
NOTE: This certificate is not valid for equipment, the design or manufacture of which has been varied or modified from the specimen tested. The manufacturer
should notify Croatian Register of Shipping of any modification or changes to the product in order to obtain a valid certificate.
Correct configuration and set up for each delivery to be tested during commissioning, after installation, under the
supervision of a Society Surveyor. Major changes in the software are to be approved before being installed.
Approval also valid for ships to be granted with class notations: AUT 1, AUT 2 and AUT 3.
The Manufacturer and Type Designation of the product, serial number, date of manufacture, supply voltage and
software version.
All changes in software are to be recorded as long as the system is in use on board. The records of all changes are to be
forwarded to CRS for evaluation and approval. Major changes in the software are to be approved before being installed in the
Engines for single propulsion vessels as well as engines for emergency generators, must be equipped with two
ECM modules. Any relaxation from a.m. applications may be accepted after consideration by the Class Society.