Learning Episode 10 Done

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Field Study 2

Participate and Assist

With all these information in mind, you are all set in writing your
lesson plan. Based on the instructions given by your Cooperating Teacher,
prepare your lesson plan (s) based on the learning competencies of the
lesson. Consider the age appropriateness and level of communication of
your students.

Request lesson plan exemplars/lesson plan templates from your

Resource Teacher. If not available, you can make use of the basic
components of a lesson plan.

Lesson Plan in EIM

Grade Level 11

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1.Select appropriate electrical tools, equipment, and materials for specific
2.Apply suitable wiring method for the job
3.Install electrical wiring systems using different types of wiring methods:
• Circuit with one bulb controlled by surface or flush type single pole
• Circuit using 3-way switches in two locations
• Combination of lighting and convenience

Learning Content
Principles Of Knob And Tube
Learning Resources
Learning Module in Electrical Installation and Maintenance” pp.

Learning Procedures
A. Daily Routine
a.1. Opening prayer (One of the students will lead the
a.2. Classroom management prayer)
a.3. Checking of the attendance
a.4. Greetings

“Good morning, class!” “Good morning, Sir!”

a.5. Review of the past lesson

“Let’s have a recapitulation about
the lesson that
we’ve tackled yesterday. “

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

“Can you give some safety “Wear appropriate PPE, Sir!”

precautions in troubleshooting
defective lamp fixtures? Yes____?

“Very good!”

“Another? Yes, _____?” “Prepare the necessary tools,

equipment and materials, Sir!”
“Very good!”
B. Motivation
class before we go to the proper
lesson, lets take a look at your
stock knowledge class, get ¼ of ‘’Students prepared’’

-Multiple choice 1-10
Yes sir
“Did you get it class?”

C. Presentation of the Lesson

“Based on the activity that you had, It’s about !”, Principles Of Knob And
what do you think is our topic for Tube, Sir

“Very good! For today, I’ll teach you

how principles of knob and tubing.
“Yes, sir!”
D. Presentation of Objectives
“For this lesson, we have our
objectives that we must achieve.
So, at the end of our lesson, you
should be able to:
1.Select appropriate electrical tools,
equipment, and materials for specific
2.Apply suitable wiring method for the
3.Install electrical wiring systems using
different types of wiring methods:
• Circuit with one bulb controlled
by surface or flush type single
pole switch
• Circuit using 3-way switches in
two locations
• Combination of lighting and

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2


“Did you get it class?”

“Yes, sir!”
d.1. Discussion
“Give example of different types of
wiring methods? Yes, _____?” Circuit with one bulb controlled
by surface or flush type single
Very good.. pole switch, Sir.

Very good..
Circuit with one bulb controlled,
Very good..

All of your answers class is correct.. Circuit using 3-way switches in

two locations, sir.
Next I will show the power point

Commercial garages


Motion Picture Studious

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

Hoist ways

Hazardous Location

In the open or exposed wiring

method, the wires are visible and
are supported by the knobs.
These knobs may be the split or
solid type.

Split knobs are used to support

wires smaller than no.8. Solid
knobs are used to support or
anchor wires as big as no.8 or
bigger. Screws or nails may be
used to fasten the knobs. When a
nail is used, leather washer
should be placed between the
nail head and the insulator to
form cushion and protect the
insulator from breaking.

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

Spacing of split knobs and


VIII. Evaluation:
Draw wiring diagram, one bulb from two locations by two 3-way switch
using plastic/porcelain knob and tube
VIIII. Assignment:
study advance about flexible nonmetallic conduit page 151-169.

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

The Department of Education has issued Department Order 42s

2016, Policies Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12
Basic Education Program.

These are the templates for the Detailed lesson Plan (DLP) and
Daily Lesson Log (DLL).

Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional
process by using principles of teaching and learning – (D.O. 42, s.2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format
School: Grade Level:
Teacher: Learning Area:
Time & Dates: Quarter:

A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards

C. Learning
Write the LC Code for
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson
C. Presenting
examples/instances of
the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living

H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2
School Grade Level
Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Dates Quarter
Teaching Time Section
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning
Write the LC code for each
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Review previous lesson or
presenting a new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the
C. Presenting examples/instances
of new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (Leads to
formative assessment)
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 70%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

1. What factors did you consider in writing your lesson/learning plans?
When I write my lesson/learning plans, I consider their age so that
the learning activities are appropriate for them, as well as the
language that I will be using to teach them. Following that are their
learning interests, the activities that I must include, and the
teaching technique that is linked to the learning objectives. I also
evaluate the use of technology in teaching, as we now live in the
twenty-first century, when students like to study through television,
photos, videos, and so on.

2. What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson/learning plans?

The difficulties I encounter in creating my lesson plans include
deciding on engaging activities that effectively educate students. I
also struggle with selecting the appropriate teaching strategies to
address the diverse learning requirements of my students.
Additionally, I am uncertain about the motivational techniques I will
employ to sustain their interest throughout the lesson, from
beginning to end, as well as the learning materials I will incorporate.

3. What feedback was/were given by your Resource Teacher in your

first draft/succeeding lesson/learning plans?
This is my inaugural attempt at creating a lesson plan for an
external teaching setting, marking my first experience instructing
primary students face-to-face. I am experiencing a mix of stress
and nervousness in this new endeavor. The resource instructor
provided feedback on my lesson plan, acknowledging its quality but
highlighting areas that require refinement to ensure effective focus
and learning outcomes for the students.

4. What were the best features/areas for improvement of your/lesson

learning plans?
The most commendable aspect of my lesson plan is the interactive
discussion segment, where students actively engage in class
conversations and participate. The plan also incorporates various
learning exercises that involve students assuming roles and
contributing to their own learning. However, the areas that still need
improvement in the plan include implementing cooperative/group
participation in both physical and remote learning settings, as well
as selecting suitable activities for the students.


Analyze the various components of your lesson plans by answering

the given matrix. Take note that you must have provisions to do this lesson
on a face-to-face, modular or through online learning.

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

Questions Answers
1. How did you arouse students’ In the first part of my lesson, I
interest? What motivational utilized motivational techniques and
techniques did you indicate in varied teaching strategies to
your plan? engage the students. To capture
their interest, I specifically chose
images that resonated with them.
2. How did you respond to the I opt for gender-neutral language to
diverse types of learners? address the group collectively,
2.1 gender, needs, strengths, avoiding gender-specific terms like
interests and experiences "guys" that could alienate female
2.2 linguistic, cultural, socio- students. Instead, I use neutral
economic and religious pronouns like "everyone." I
backgrounds incorporate activities and motivation
2.3 with disabilities, to capture their interest.
giftedness and talents
2.4 in difficult circumstances
2.5 from indigenous groups

3. What instructional I employed diversified teaching

strategies will you employ in strategies to meet their various
face-to-face or in remote needs. In choosing their activities, I
learning delivery for this also considered their beliefs,
lesson? Explain. gender, and abilities.

The instructional strategies that I

will employ in face-to-face or in a
remote learning delivery for this
lesson are the following:

PowerPoint Presentations: Because

we live in the twenty-first century, it
is now possible to present lessons
using this.

Video presentations - because they

help students learn all subjects,
particularly those that are complex
and/or highly visual, such as
stepby-step procedures, problem
solving, and arithmetic formulas.

Group activities - because they may

be a powerful tool for motivating
students, fostering active learning,
and improving critical-thinking,
communication, and decision
making skills.

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

4. Was the language used Since the subject is Cookery. I used

appropriate to the level of the the English language and at the
students? Explain your same time I used the Filipino
answer briefly. language
5. What types and levels of
questions did you
formulate? Are they of the
higher order thinking skills
(HOTS)? Write two (2)
6. What instructional The educational materials that I will
resources will you use? be using are ones that include
Why? Cite the possible technology: some of the resources
online resources that you can are as follows:
utilize whether done in the 1. YouTube
classroom or in remote 2. PowerPoint Presentations
learning? 3. Kahoot- if it is on Computer
7. Are you modes of Yes. Given that most of the tasks
assessment aligned with revolve around discussions, the
your learning outcomes and evaluation methods are closely
activities? Cite a specific linked to the learning goals and
example. activities. For instance, in the
application segment, where
students are presented with a
scenario of dealing with a family
member's illness, it aligns with the
learning objectives of implementing
personal and environmental
measures to prevent and manage
common communicable diseases.
8. Will your performance tasks Yes. I am confident that my
ensure the mastery of the performance tasks offer proof of my
learning competencies? proficiency in the learning
Explain briefly. competencies. I ensured that the
performance task enabled students
to solve problems by constructing
and utilizing a Venn diagram.
9. In a scale of 1-10, how will will rate my learning plan “9” on a
you rate your learning scale of 10 because I tried my best
plan(s)? Justify your answer. in making a learning plan.
10. If this lesson is not To enhance the effectiveness of this
implemented face-to-face, lesson, I intend to conduct it online
how are you going to do it and utilize a variety of web
remotely? resources. My plan involves
leveraging technology to deliver the
lesson, with the aim of ensuring that
students enjoy the learning process.

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?
Because, lesson planning is a crucial aspect of the teaching process as it
enables educators to pre-plan the learning objectives, teaching methods,
and assessment strategies. This preparation helps teachers stay
organized and prepared, focusing on the necessary content to be covered
within a specified timeframe.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my
learning/lesson plans
The three (3) challenges that I encountered when I doing lesson plan, first
aligning the objectives. Second, connecting the assessment in my
objectives. Third, choosing an appropriate interesting instructional

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
Reading some research about the lesson plan. And watching a video on
how to make a lesson plan well.

3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve
these situations/problems
 Manage the lesson plan well.
 Provide an authentic assessment that achieve the outcomes.
 To have a mastery of the lesson in order to have a smooth

4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action
research on this episode is
“ Strategies for Effective Lesson Planning “

To further enrich my knowledge in writing my learning/lesson plans

whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the
online resources which will help me in this activities. (include books,
websites, you tube videos and the like and share these to your peers.)
To further enrich my knowledge, the researches can improve my
knowledge to ease my problems:
 Strategies for Effective Lesson Planning
 Lesson Planning strategies & Tips
 Daily lesson Plan Writing Tutorial

Realizing the various skills that you need to master in preparing the
learning/lesson plans, which are the most difficult? The easiest to write?

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

Conduct a simple survey from among your peers by requesting them to

answer this simple questionnaire.

Instruction: These are the basic skills in lesson plan writing. Rate yourself
on the level of difficulty of doing the following based on experience.

4- very difficult
3- difficult
2- moderate in difficulty
1- not difficult

4 3 2 1

1. Stating learning outcomes

2. Identifying learning resources to be /


3. Sequencing the lesson in an engaging /

and meaningful manner

4. Planning specific learning activities /

5. Identifying strategies to be used /

6. Formulating higher order thinking /

questions (HOTS)

7. Integrating lesson concepts to real life /


8. Integrating values in the lessons /

9. Formulating assessment tools /

10. Identifying performance tasks /

11. Giving assignments /

12. Planning for lesson closure/synthesis /

13. Others (Please specify) /

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why are learning/lesson plans important?

A. To allow students to participate more
B. To maintain order in class
C. To ensure quality instruction
D. To comply with school standards

2. Which is NOT in the cognitive domain?

A. Identify nouns in sentences

B. Differentiate noun from pronouns
C. Give examples of nouns
D. Draw examples of nouns

3. Why are attention getters needed at the beginning of the class?

A. To arouse student’s interest

B. To avoid truancy in class
C. To make the students active
D. To keep the students focused

4. Which is considered higher order thinking skills in the given


A. Why are plants important?

B. What are the needs of plants?
C. How do we take care of plants?
D. If you are a plant, what will you tell humankind?

5. Which of these objectives does NOT belong to the group?

A. Narrate a story using varied materials

B. Rewrite the story using various forms
C. Draw the events of the story
D. Give the moral lesson of the story

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

Work on my Artifacts
Lesson Plan in EIM
Grade Level 11

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1.Select appropriate electrical tools, equipment, and materials for specific
2.Apply suitable wiring method for the job
3.Install electrical wiring systems using different types of wiring methods:
• Circuit with one bulb controlled by surface or flush type single pole
• Circuit using 3-way switches in two locations
• Combination of lighting and convenience

Learning Content
Principles Of Knob And Tube
Learning Resources
Learning Module in Electrical Installation and Maintenance” pp.

Learning Procedures
A. Daily Routine
a.1. Opening prayer (One of the students will lead the
a.2. Classroom management prayer)
a.3. Checking of the attendance
a.4. Greetings

“Good morning, class!” “Good morning, Sir!”

a.5. Review of the past lesson

“Let’s have a recapitulation about
the lesson that
we’ve tackled yesterday. “

“Can you give some safety “Wear appropriate PPE, Sir!”

precautions in troubleshooting
defective lamp fixtures? Yes____?

“Very good!”

“Another? Yes, _____?” “Prepare the necessary tools,

equipment and materials, Sir!”

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

“Very good!”
B. Motivation
class before we go to the proper
lesson, lets take a look at your
stock knowledge class, get ¼ of ‘’Students prepared’’

-Multiple choice 1-10
Yes sir
“Did you get it class?”

C. Presentation of the Lesson

“Based on the activity that you had, It’s about !”, Principles Of Knob And
what do you think is our topic for Tube, Sir

“Very good! For today, I’ll teach you

how principles of knob and tubing.
“Yes, sir!”
D. Presentation of Objectives
“For this lesson, we have our
objectives that we must achieve.
So, at the end of our lesson, you
should be able to:
1.Select appropriate electrical tools,
equipment, and materials for specific
2.Apply suitable wiring method for the
job Students listening
3.Install electrical wiring systems using
different types of wiring methods:
• Circuit with one bulb controlled
by surface or flush type single
pole switch
• Circuit using 3-way switches in
two locations
• Combination of lighting and

“Did you get it class?” “Yes, sir!”

d.1. Discussion
“Give example of different types of Circuit with one bulb controlled
wiring methods? Yes, _____?” by surface or flush type single

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

pole switch, Sir.

Very good..

Very good.. Circuit with one bulb controlled,


Very good..
Circuit using 3-way switches in
All of your answers class is correct.. two locations, sir.

Next I will show the power point


Commercial garages

Students listening


Students listening

Motion Picture Studious

Students listening

Hoist ways
Students listening

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

Hazardous Location

Students listening

In the open or exposed wiring

method, the wires are visible and
are supported by the knobs.
These knobs may be the split or
solid type.

Students listening

Split knobs are used to support

wires smaller than no.8. Solid
knobs are used to support or
anchor wires as big as no.8 or
bigger. Screws or nails may be
used to fasten the knobs. When a
nail is used, leather washer
should be placed between the
nail head and the insulator to
form cushion and protect the
insulator from breaking.

Students listening

Learning Episode 10
Field Study 2

Spacing of split knobs and


Students listening

VIII. Evaluation:
Draw wiring diagram, one bulb from two locations by two 3-way switch
using plastic/porcelain knob and tube

VIIII. Assignment:
study advance about flexible nonmetallic conduit page 151-169.

Learning Episode 10

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