Tamazight, A Course in Spoken
Tamazight, A Course in Spoken
Tamazight, A Course in Spoken
l'Jc se
ni I
I1I LrSs
vt,}/e4 T.i
!'-t n UvuIa
T rr.rar
s+l- n
ryl rf v i-tt
v sv
A Course cken Tamazight
Fric. vo.
Prcnunciation Drills
The exarnples ctted here illustrate the occurrence of the
varlous ccnsonants and seml-vowels mentloned above' TJI addltton
to belng pronunciation drl}ls they are meant to show the opposltion
t:rat/pLain and./or tense,/lax for any partlcular segment ' /ry T h " /
8,re grcuped at the end beeause they do not have tense counterparts'
1. b/b t
bab owner
b:as his father
labas flne
la b:as ula mays neither hls father nor his mother
aba1l old
ab:a father
2, t/t z
lsa1t: he asked her
tftl she ro11ed
datft:1 she is rolling
turlft popcorn
tararit: vomiting
3. f,/+.
talb to demand
a seive
tafunast cow
.a to demand
tarbat: girl
tanbarEt: congratulatlons
nt1 to hide
a selve
Sm lt to cheat
a comb
5. d/d t
da here
dlu gol
lbda he began
id:a he went
ardam demclishing
ard: am demolisher
bd: to stand up
6, t/*,
dmn to guarantee
d:amn guarantor
tf9: she took breakfast
datfd:r she is taklng breakfast
lsfd he wiped
isfd: he wiped it (*. )
nl. a/I
bdu to begln
bdu to share
:T X
UID to massage
to oppress
fr:d to change money
frd to sweep
a Pronunciation DriIl
tad:art a house
ibdr he mentioned
daybd : r he mentions
anbdu we w111 share
danbd:u we share
tabarda saddle (for mule )
tarnd:ut : woman
r1 . ve corn
d:alb learned man in the vlllage
fadna proper name (f. )
#A.u she llved
d:aZin stew
idawa he cured
trb:a she taught
idrus it is little
dayt:fras he attacks
rlnrrf .ertc he shakes
iEm:t : he cheated him
nfsrt : we spread lt (f. )
tr t'|.
/I</ is a lax palatal voiceless fricatlve mainly in
theenvj-ronment of /szAi' rlmn/. /t<:/ts
a tense post palatal volceless stop.
irkm lt (m. ) bolled
dayrk:m it ts bolllng
ks to tend sheep
k:s to take out
Rrz *a
wv n-l nrrnl-'
k:r to get up
ab:k to be lost
E rk: rlnrr}"
uvuv tv ln
10. k/kz
/k/ Ls a labialized 1ax post palatal volceless
fricative mai-nly in the environment of / s z 3 t
/kr/ is a labiallzed tense volceless post palatal
lkumit dagger
1k:n:aE notebook
Ttt every, each
11. k/k a
lnLn to enter
fn:i you (m.p. ) suu;.
kmz to scratch
E :k: doubt (" )
q.k.v. sugar
nt ir' we got up
nk:n1 I^t6
L2. e/e:
/e/ is a lax post palatal volced fricative (mainty
1n the environment of /s z's 2 r I m n /). /g:/
is a tense post palatal voiced stop.
i-- rcrm
o"_ he lnsulted
darrrcr.m he insults
nm('r we harvested
danmg:r we harvest
*o* he dtd
ag:a he is
13. e/e:
/g/ Ls labialized lax post palatal volced frica-
firra /in the environment of /s z i i' r L n n /)
/et/ is a labialized tense post palatal voiced stop.
azgu wind
ag:a a burden
a'l sam
^ lake
asg:as year
amgr sickle
^d./l even
targa canal
tirr^cr.Jn canals
r>. q/qi
1qr:a he confessed
A Course ln oken Tamazi
iq:la he frled
thl:qnt you (f .p. ) dressed up
tq:dnt you (f .p. ) burnt
L6. g/gt
iqm: r he gambled
asq:n vyv o
rl. qt/gl
amksa shepherd
Ek:a to doubt
lk:a he vlsited
fdr a.!
eat !
r:bad Rabat
ia,"o you lived
lwaldin the parents
fadma proper name (f. )
d:aZin stew
r,r* meat
19. t/t:
tnfd she threw
datnf :d she is throwing
fa to yawn
f:u to dawn
fru to pay debts
f:r to hide
af to find
af: to be blown
2A, s/s:
in:as he told him
as: day
tfsr she spread
datfs:r she is spreadlng
sus to shake off
s:udm to kiss
2L. ?/?,
to be patlent
lbT patience
t"l+" she blew her nose
datns:d she is blowlng her nose
A Course i-n Spoken Tamazight
22, ,/?
sI:m to greet
:T,f to change money
fsd to spoll
q:9 to go toward
frs to attack
lrl to fold
23. z/z:
izrlt he left hlm
Lz:rit he made him pass
z,T to pluck
zrb to hurry
zdrn to collect wood
z inz to sell
24. ?/2,
zd to weave
7rv to mllk
7: to vlsit holy places
z :aL:
she opened
datrz:m she i-s opening
s/t!s :
Eal to buy grain
E:ar to share
ln51 he stepped on
daynS:I he steps on
- La-
ln:aE he told You
'rc:. horn
27 . 'z/Z:
anzaT sharpening
i) anL tar carpenter
arLam throwing stones at
ath tam one who throws stones at
zna to be strong
t1 . af
a.J to recover
- 1?-
A Course in oken Tamazieht
ayfiim bread
r lr
- -Lri-
abx: an black
xtrlfn they (m) are different
32. m/mr,
ma what?
I11: & mat nn *h ar
&III: like
33. n/nz
ini say!
urin: i he did not say
T7" to be patient
naf we find (aorist)
nzay *n
vv rf rSrr
i a'l^+I
34. t/tz
adrbal woSn out cl-oth
idrbal; worn out eLnth s
A Course in oken Tamazi
1a no
m he is 'working
DJ- to spend. a day
s1; to hear
tr' 1
)2. L/ /1Lz
v1 a^
4raD: enough
-r_L: i)
to pay
aa hunger
r i aJ D_L: tII response to the11ot
Jo. - /:
L/L - Lt/Lz
Laz hunger
Aq*v] vi\r
qs :-rr4 she is nrnning
rra 1
J a_L a d,IL
a let us go
1; alxd:m he is working
1..*.rrq-l -n respon se to the11o t
1.7 /-
)1. ^LlL..
w.{6r!er 'larrn*a-
n /nL
^aa/ a
.a to bl-e ss
1". dt
7..a ar!
+ Zn
na*i onao
TZn to be patient
aa she combed
datEr, aa
d she combs
<q nln
J/. L/L
to look for
TZn to be patient
to demolish
.r Ar:
aa to bless
- 17-
r: dtn debri s
Yal:ah let us go
lgayt; s1:EItr ha rvaa*c
ve vtJ
Yawl Lrr
lru!rJnrrr ttu}/* t
to read
.a to slauglrter
m3r to be v'ret
Lblt investigation
tbh: t she investigated
l*1 to flood
"b? to sr-l.cc eed
% Phonolosv
A Course oken Tamazieht
aZr;uh a wound
a+ sk: ri a sol-di er
le ib shame
iZiO. to console
oT* to invite
f d.I to repair
*bT to measure, rveiglr
)+5, w/w,
ixwa it is empty
8JCW3 &11 thief
Z 7T{3"Q7 design
dayt; Z1v3 &e; he designs
WEX3 9, r11
w4! *iatrr*
)+6. T/y,
YaJ.: ah let us go
Vr ih yes
+[. Pronunciation Dr111-
e aycl Go back!
l-?rusayn Lahouclne - proper name (*)
- cw'
, x^
.' Y
( rare labial-ized counterpa.rts of lax /x/ and. /y/ . Whenever
/7/ or /y/ occurs tho native speakor can freely substitute /*ry/
ar:yaI RLal (eumency unlt )
awal speeeh
5a w la'wal some talk
tamgu!,: inw ny wlfe
awA to reach
*, "U
to see
ayt House (famlty = group of related
people )
[8. T, y
(rare - labialized counterparts of rax /x/ ana /r/ . whenever
/7/ ot /y/ oc"urs the native speaker can freoly substituto /x,f/
1IS - 1y6: cheating
yzLt - yzLf tal-1
AJil!.IaS - &Ftl; O,S share-cropper
4g. Pronunclation Drill
lsbar measuring, weiglring
b: as hi s father
isal-t r ho asked her
iY6: at he eheated him
?.f ;u m].l.K
ed.: b to tortuzo
XW: ll to steal
qT,T to deelde
9*,7 to ga^mb1e
wrT to go back
Ez zT to butcher
zgr to miss
irgrn ho insu.l-ted
tEFT she praised
iknz he scratched
nkrz wo pl-ouglred
2. Vowels
Tamazlght has three vowels: / Iu a / (see labte 3).
Allophones of the three vowels are shovm ln fable 4. The
marking conventlon shown 1n lable 4 ts to be und.erstood as
[+ ] denotes the presence of a parttcular feature (u.g.
[+ front I or [ + hlgh ] ) for a certaln segment.
Htgh 1 u
Iow a
- t\-
1 1 l, € u uro a @ a
Front + f+ +
+ +
Back + ++ +
High + + +
LCWered ++ ++
+ + +
A Ccurse in Spoken Eanezlght
means final and lni.tial /a/ respectively)
1. /t/ 1 [i]
- Lr)-
itl to exlst
ini to say
iri to want
arid to be washed
sdid to be thin
wsir to be old
tiqbilin *ni 1' ac
a t.
/t/'? f \
r. r
id: a he went
tdr id you wont
1 t.o it (n) is
tssid you (s) made the bed
Q: is to te11 stories
lqtist a story
d.: iqs
tru-- to burst out
ryiv bo sma11
smid to be cold
A Course in Spoken Tarnazlght
Eain to bo short
tik r it cutting grass
iqm: r ho gambled
zwLY to bo red
bxin to bo black
iyla it is exponsivo
ixl-a it is ruinsd
tiqrb:a dj el-1abas
.-J-. /i/ [ iY] lt
is r frhi he made me happy
5. /t/4
umsY I painted
usiy I carrled
rrfiw I found
1u1iy I was born
id"rus it (m) is little
if s rus it (m) is liglrt
Lgztul ho is short
ilum he blamed
luerT re sp ect
- ll)-
i*oT he turned
at r bdud you (s) wil-l share
u?dr I stretched
iyu s it is burnt
i:m1f it is different
adimyur he wi1.l grow up
lxudrt vegetables
f:u to dawn
azn to send
af to find
AT to empty
4sr to tie
hasb to cuunt
safr to travol
sal- to ask
na.zy 7A
uv f a 4h+
E: ar to share
harz to forbid
aq.sakr so1ldi-ty
/a/ rr;t / X(, )
da here
LA to yalvn
hn, a to be peaceful
trr, a to tickle
sqsa to ask
- 30-
hadr to be presont
talb to demand
XS: & to be necessarY
ead: r to moet
ibda he ehareC
stated as follows:
/ #x x(t)#/
i#x?rc (,)#l/ x" is not /!: / ilnF I to 1aug1r t
"l / sr/ [ 5e1] to sp:nd a dayt
/ #xttxB# /-l l#e xt t' x*#l ["f ,""] tto 6ii.e r
/t zY/ L"f:"yJ ?to go outt
L 1:-mi rto spinr
r"- I 1
/ L zTL/
/ #x,.xzx"# /
t#n x?x" #t / XrX"
I Lxd"rnl tto workt
/aar/ r -, O
Ido Y"1
Ito dyet
/xas / ixd"s l tto deceivet
/zer /
. O^ t
LZe 1j tto get ma6t
{:r:;:";:-'h k] / nd.m/
r 9.
inoaem l
t to demolisht
ft1:ol- / L
"hb'11 Ito become siL1yt
- ?l-
onrerr I I to snifft
/"\/ l
Irrorer,. ]
ooaet tto repairt
/* at/ I ]
[ *oaet ]
(' )
*"-" /**r/ ] t to guarantee t
t #xr& z*"t
/ =
l; J /fhtn /
I d.emen
Irerrem] I to und.erstandl
/rru / ^e
[f'r-h] tto be happyt
em] r to thinkr
e1] | to appoint as
/wkzl./ [wek,
roDrosontative t
A Course ln Spoken Tamazlght
4. Stress
Word stress ls a non-contrastlve feature.
in Tamazight
The occurrence of word stress is predlctable: primary stress
faIls on the last vowel of the word (i.e. /v/ or [ " ] ).
/ saL/
t a- I
I to askt
t to helpr
/+ 6wn /
a /
/ sJ< za/ t to doubtt
t to rinset
/edn/ t to swimt
/e*4 / t to taket
/ef / t to findr
/rdr / t to returnt
- 5+-
t6ru l I
/t zr/ ^l
f"f.er. I rto hidol '
5. Revlew Dri1l
m{!ba welcome
mTbba ael-i welcome Aly
is:frhi Lre made mo happy
is:frhi nuha l6rha made ne happy
1se1,s1 he maCe me late
iset:ri ssid. Sald rnade me late
sbahlxir good morning
sbahlxir ahd:u good mornlng, Haddcu
safi fini shed
W8jK!, a, all rig!.t
tfs: rnt you (fp) oxplained
tbm:1nt you (fp) finishod
tbflant you (fp) diviCed
tfhnnt you (fp) u-nderstood
krznt they (f ) plowed
A Course ln Spoken Tamazight
5i<rnt the..y (f
) prai sed
tqm: rnt you (fp) gambleC
bra my father
dat : d:unt they (f ) are goi ng
id,q tre wen t
is irl:a mrha? Dld Muha go?
la. uri {: i. No, he did not gc.
!) . ! !
!u.e. Yes, he went.
mani rnrrha? Where is l,firha?
v . qa . . He went tc the market
izl .q vr oi.ic He went to his auntts.
i d . a. vr ta.d . a.rt nrrn: i s. He went to his unclets house.
i d . s. vr ta.d. a.rt He went tc hls cousinrs house.
nnun: i-s nf m3 is
mani rh:u ? Where is Rehho?
u.rs: inY. I dontt know.
td:a fadma Tr igra^n. Fadma went tc the fields.
ilmnz.i+f I speak Berber.
urs: inT tafransist. I donrt speak French,
s;ny itasrabt. I speak Arabie.
i-s:n itatrabt. He speaks Arabic.
ts: n itmaziyt She speaks Berber.
is ts:nd itmaziyt? Do you speak Berber?
ivra Ei'vi uxlas: . Some, a little.
- in-
6. Iabcratory Exercises
These exerclses are cn tapein the language laboratory.
Fcr each palr of words glven, choose the word in which the
required sound fcr that exercise ls heard and write the
corresponding number fcr the word chosen. For example,
if an exercise calls fcr distinguishing a tense frcm a
ncn-tense (tax) sound, the student should designate which of
the two words contains the tense sound and write the letter
cf that word, €.g.j
l-a bab
I-b b:as
The correct answer is l-b.
D. Write down the numbers cf the words which contain the sound /k/.
Write dcirrn the numbers of the words whlch ccntain the sowtd /g/.
-T{ -
A Course ln Spoken TamazlEht
I. Write down the numbers of the words containing the sound /n/.
G. Write down the numbers of the words containing the sound /x/.
If. write down the numbers of the words that contain the sound. /h/,
- JU-
Unlt I
1.1 Greetlngs
s :a1amucllk:um Hello. (to a man bY a man)
cltk:ums :alam R. (R = response to) Hello.
1:ahlcawn He1lo. (to or by a woman)
1:ays1:m R. Hello
t* t( l+
lxir Good morning
ms lxir Good evening
s:alam peace ft Arablc )
e1lkum with (on) you (.a".
l lah Sod (.at. )
eawn to help
1c?,wh he helped
s1:m to greet
1sl:m (-> /vsL:n/ he greeted
after vowel)
sbah morning (.Ar. )
rxl-r good (<Ar. )
mg' evenlng &Ar. )
A Course in Spohen Tamazlght
ris ylman Gocd nlght" (to m.s. or
f .s- )
mun dlman R. to the above
NS to spend the night
v 'in
lman na.e np
mun to accompany
rl wi-th, and
nsat ylman Good night. (to m.p. )
nsint ylman Good night. (to f .p. )
tmunm dlman . R. (to m.p. )
tmunnt dlman R. (to r.p. )
1 :ayhn :1k: Goodbye. (to m.s.
tamanll:ah R. Goodbye.
hn:a to give poace
I:a1m:ik:m Goodbye. (to f,s. )
I :ayhn : ik :n Goodbye. (to m.p. )
i :ayrrn : ik :nt Goodbye. (to f .p. )
mab iga thal ? How are you (*.s. \c
ma? what ?
to you (*.s. )
to do
-^ he or it (m. ) dLd
thal (* )
the weather
rnam iga thal ? Hcw are you (r.s. )t
mas iga thal ? How is he/s]ne?
malin iga thal ? How are you (m.p. )f
maknt rga ir,ar ? How are you (r.p. )f
masniga thal ? How are they (*. )t
Unlt I
hmd to praise
nhmd we Praise
rt;i God
irb:1 to God
1:afr God
tas :ar ta this hour (now)
tF +& lp
- +-)-
A Ccurse ln SPoken Tanrazight
may what
d and , with
ubrid (<abrid) (*. ) road
may tcnam dubrid ? How was your trlP (r.p. )?
rnaY t*nant dubrid ? How was your trlP (r.p.)t
labas tenid lxir Fine.
lwaEun labas ? How ls the familY?
mani lwasun id: labas How is the familY?
ltvasun children
r^rh a no ?
id. question Particle
labas adYifEisal lxir Fine.
pronomial afflx 'yout (*.s. ) obJect
sal to ask
ad- future tense Particle
Unit I
adYifEisal he wj'll
ask about you
NOTE: Such verbal structures as the above are here shown as one
.r+ * l&
- tt)_
A Course in Snoken Tamazlsht
zy ayt (y:as v
From the tribe of Ayt Ayaehe.
zy ayt hdid:u From the tribe of Ayt Hdidou.
zy ayt mgil: From the trlbe of Ayt l4gui1-d.
zy ayt ihya From the tribe of Ayt Yahia.
71r m9e? From Egypt.
rrr l*r.r*mrrwri
tr !v
h From Morocco.
ztr frqnc From France.
v\r raa I i k.on From America.
n srelr arr tf,-
cri Y' I arn an Arab.
arumy ay giY I am a Chrlstlan (nr-rropean ).
ens'l m ev t)-
oi.,' | I am a Moslem.
amaci ^," err orl
cri t/ Ir am a Berber.
g tn ho
vvt ir dn
O uv
o*l ^r Iam
ay who, that
JF J+ .'I
me r-rr ioi rl t 'irlhere
are you from?
qtr qvl
*./"'J.uv cnr..aE I am frcm the tribe
of Ayt Ayache.
mat :a y q* Which villagp?
ayt bniB:u Fr"om the village of
Ben Ichou.
-t -'.,
\.,.. xli;:-.
metr *zAvd' 2 Where do you live?
ayt bniS:u In the village of
Ben Ichou.
zdY to llve
tzdyd you lived
''F +F *
5ha1 ylcmrn5 ? old are you?
tlatin cam Thlrty years.
+5rin ram Twenty years.
lemrinw rbca wtlatin *am I am thirty-four years
VtV. A
- l+5-
Unlt I
- /rB*
Unit I
irhbam lxir a
to f.s.
irhbawn lxir to m.p.
irhbaknt lxir t? t'o '
* .tf tF
A Course ln Spoken Tarnazlght
tanbarEt Congratulations.
tanbarEt O* *t ,:-* Congratulatlons on the
tanbarEt t:ad:art r Congratulations on the
tanbarSt t :a er:lmt . Congratulations on the
tanbar-Et t:afunast Congratulatlons on the
d (here )=en
/d/---> /t/ (assirnilatlon to foltowtng /t/)
tf ,+ J+
samhi Excuse me.
, samh to forglve
- 50-
Unlt I
Some Prooer
+ Names
male 3 eli female: fadma
mufa e i5a
eq:a rabha
husa :..szLza
hd:u yamna
lhusayn mlmuna
nbarB had la
rh:u zh.ra
rnlmun sf iy:a
IOaSr-r h-.-i
A Course tn Spohen Tarnazisht
hmidan qi:u
hmad rqiy:a
I have
^rr r r]l you (*.s. ) have
vrr 7'm you (r.r. ) nave
Tuls he,/she has
Yu: we have
Turun you (*.p. ) frave
Yurknt you (r.p. ) rrave
Tursn they (rn. ) have
" -rr rcnf. they (f.)rrave
boy le i1 iEir:an
oi rl tarbat: tiBir:atin
a. d---> t/-t (--=t: ) and, toget?rer with
e.g, leil + d+ tarbat: -- >}eil t:rbat:
b. yun + lei1 --- zYrl leil
c. sin + ibir:an ---> slYBir:an
d. n=of
e, trbat: and tblrlatln are apocopated formg of the
nouns tarbat: and tiblrlatin to whlch we wilL refer
as "Construct State of the Noun"
f. snat+n+ti-sir:atin
Er nusa Yurs sbe snin
$usa is seven years o1d.
(lfusa has seven years ).
Numerals (E - ro)
tlata (rlt ) 3
rbea (rl* ; 4
xmsa (xms ) 5
sE:a (st: ) 6
sbe a (sbe ) ,
tmanya (tron ) I
ES9 A (ts* ; n
e Era (ebr) tn
m, s. f.s.
1 Berber amazly tamazi"lt iyn
imaz tLmaziyin
2 Arab ac rab tae yabt ae Sabn tac rabin
3 Moslem anslm tanslmt inslmn tinslmln
4 America amalik:ani tamallk:aniyt imal-ik:anl-lrn timalik:a.n
5European arumy tarymlt igumin +.i
6 Jew uday tudayt udayn tudavln
a. b to be, to dc
h ay who
y + 1 --->g or g:
ay lga --->ag:a he is, whom he is
may iga --->mag:a what is he? What ls it (*)t
may i+ na --->mag:c na How is he? (Llt: What does he
undergo ?)
r_ Jt
- )'i-
Unit I
nga we are
u6.r,ilr you are (*.p. )
tgant you are (f .p. \
gan they are (*)
6aLL v they are (f )
H. Sqbstitution Drllls
1. misrnns ? What is his name?
rrhisrr usi-ng "my, your (*.". )t
Substitute in the posltlon of
their (* ), her, thelr (r), your (f .s, )".
,A Course in Snoken famazight
Unlt I
hmldan- mismnF ?
cida- ciSa
fadma- Ifrat ylemrn:m ?
fadma- istiwld 2
115a- y: ih
fadma- is yurn 5a I:waiun 1
+i5a- y:ih r yuri si Y5ir:an
fadma- mazy tgid 7
e15a- zy ayt ihya
fadrna- mat:a yyrn ?
siSa- masu .
-57 -
_4_Qaqf$e ln Spoken Tamazieht
(g) Herro, (h) Hello. (g) wnat 1s your name? (h) uarte.
(g ) Where are you f rorn? (h ) I am f rom France. (g ) po
you have chlldren? (h) Yes, I have two boys. (g) Wfrat are
their names? (h) Michel and Jean. (e) How old are they?
(n) Uienef is 7 years o1d and Jean is 5 years o1d (e) Gooa-
bye. (h) Goodbye.
(i) are you? (j ) Fine. (i) How is the famlly? (j) Flne.
(i) What is her name? (referring to another girl). (j) PaAma.
(1) Where is she fromt (; ) Sfre is from Benl }4gu11d. (1)
How old is she? (j ) She is P.
(k) He1Io. (1) Hetto. (k) wrrat is your name? (1) Fadma.
(X) Wirere are you from? (1) t am from Egypt. (k) Are you
rnarrled? (1) No. I am not married. (k) Good.bye, (1) Oood-
(*) Good evening. (n) gooo evening. (m) ttow are you all?
(ri) Fine. (m) Congratulatlons on the new born baby. (")
Thank you, (m) ttranh you (after having tea). (n) Don't
mention it. (*) Good night. (n) qooO nlght.
Unlt I
mufa- manl lwadun id: labas ?
rnufa- 1wa 1:ayhn:ik: .
B. fadma- sbahlxlr
fadma- mam iga thal ?
fadma- tanbarEt: daer:im r
e ita-
C. cli- may tenid dubrid
c11- mazy tgid ?
e1i- is yurE Ea l:waEun ?
e 11- -sfrat ?
e li- -shal y1e mrns ?
c Ii- mlsmn-s ?
cli- lwa mrhba mrhba
stranger- 1r* y2e 1 lbarak:a
" 11-
stranger- iwa 1:a ynh:ik: .
f 11-
A Ccurse in ken Tamazlght
f 11- mani lwaBun id: labas ?
\ II- ibl:yamd se id s :lam
( li-
- ou-
lwiyd I brought
imndi (* ) grain
u1:i (f) sheep (p )
tixsi (f ) sheep (s )
A Course ln Spoken Tamazl-ght
snat tvro (f )
ta*Z :1yt (f ) calf
tLst:iyln calves
ag:a he 1s (r/e/ 'to be, to dof
/ay :-ga ---2agiaf
s :uq: (m ) the market
n--->Ll---#L nf
lmal sheep
1:maI of sheep (>/nLnaL/)
- l)a-
Unit 2
suly , imiin:a riT add.:uY No, I am Just golng
to eat.
suly I have not yet
lm5in:a just about
raY I wanted
d:u to go
d: iy I went
ad- future preflx
add:uy I w111 go
* tG .t(
A Ccurgejn Spoken Tamazi-ght
mag:an s ..rr^.
uY . nhrrmrro
rrv urrrJ q 9. When 1s the marhet day
in Boumia?
.9g. 'l . {-nqrrn
+. vr.sJr. Monday
AS: 1 : tlata Tuesday
1:arb c I{ednesday
- 54-
Unit 2
as : 1:xmls fhursday
as: 1:iimu a k'f1 flt\r
n.Qnre mint
lq:hwa coffee
Ig:avz-lbitrun kerosene
g:ar:u ci-garettes
lrrn.id matehes
I vrrq r cucumberg
xiz:u carrots
tal:f :1n turnip
matiEa tomatoes
batata potatoes
azalim onions
t:uma garlic
'l .trtrrr4
4.uvJ\ green beans
lk:rm cabbage
t.qn, <n trfe
vsY psJ squash
t,li".,"rn ealiflower
tiflflt green pepper
z : itun olives
t :f :ah apples
-vg qnvi nnf
Irosmas qyrrvvv
A Course in Spoken Tamazlsht
lbrquq: plums
lbanan bananas
z:nbue oranges
s:itrun lemons
r.m.An pomegranates
rOff grapes
z:blb raisi-ns
buewlda pears
lxux peaches
aft : ix melon
d:1:ah watermelon
tlgni dates
tamnt honey
ay:u! fhl1b milk
udi butter
z:tt oil
tisnt cq'1 *
Unit 2
F. Introducing the Numerals I - 3
I. The Berber Numerals (f-3)
yun one (*)
yut one (f )
sin two (* )
snat two (f )
Srad three (*)
Srat: f l.rr oo /f
\* \,/
2. fne eranic Numerals (1-3)
wahd one
tnayn two
tlata three
a) The Arabic numerals are used only for countlng in order
without naming things (tney are lnvarlable ). The Berber
numerals are used elsewhere "
h\ /tLata/ "three" aopears in apocated form in the construc-
tion /ttt snin,/ t'three years " in response to elther "How
old is he?" or "How long were you in Spaln?". It is also
possible to render the same notj-on uslng the Berber numerals
,fsrad 1sg:asn,/ "three Yearst'.
c ) The Arabic dual of the noun /ean/ "year" appears in the
Berber usage /* amayn/ "two years " which is an alternative
of /sin isg:asn/ t'two Years".
d) Thus we have aS an answer to "How old is he?" the follow-
unl-E e
I. Sa some
n- of
Ba nt:f :ah some apples (Iit: some of apples)
/-n/ shows the following changes:
-n --->-1 before t - Ea 1:h11b (tIa ntftlib) rsome
milkf '
-n --->-w: before a - Ea w:atay (>Ea natay) rsome
tea t
-n --->-w before u - Ea w:di (>Ea nudl) 'some
Notlce : (/w/+/u/-- /w:/)
-n --->-y before i- - Ea yful:usn (>Ea niful:usn)
I some ehickent
( the 1 usually elid.es in this case )
-n ---2-rl elsewhere Ean z:nbuc rsome oranqest
k:ray ad:nawy Ea nt:fah . r,et us go and bring some apples
(dua1 m. ).
k:ram ad:nawy Ba 1:hlib . Let us go and bring
some mllk (dual f . )
k:ratay ad:nawy Ea nn:cnae Let us go and bring
some mlnt ('.p.).
k: rntay ad:nawy Ea w:atay Let us go and bri-ng
some tea (r.p.).
-71 -
A Course in Spoken Tamgaigbt
Unit 3
imun he accornpanied
k. to visit
ad:k:in they (m) will visit
ayt uxam fanily
_ns hls
taxamt tent
J. wilyam dayxd:m dlhuk:uma Williarn works for the U.S.
nmaliklan yr:bad Government in Rabat.
xdm to wcrk
da- present tense stem
xd:m VH of /xdn/ (see Grammatical Notes 3.2)
thuk:uma the governrnent
malik:an Anerica
v in
t! mufa imyus:an dwllyam l'firha net William in Rabat.
yr: bad
inqrus:an (reciprocal ) he knows, he got acquainted with
ls:n he knows
5. wllyam is:n itmaziyt . !trllIiam speaks Berber.
is:n he lmerv (he 1"nows )
is:n i (+language ) he speaks a language
tamazi-yt Berber language
tmaziy t construct state (after preposition )
a,maz:r{ (*. s. ) Berber (person).
A Course ln Spoken Tamazlght
- (+-
Unit 3
wilyam Wi111am.
mrhba , mrhba , mrhba trrlelcome, William
a. "*ffi*
a of, with (to)
irhbaE lxir Thank you.
fl c&lll Yes.
t zutd: iq3u5n o han Prepare the tea pot
lwa5un lwdnd and the glasses. The
boys did come.
w?a tc be ready
z iuzcl prepare (causative form =
make ready)
z 2una"i prepare (wlth /-d-/
partiele of proximity)
iq:EuFn teapot and glasses
han here are
lwaFun the boys (frere: young men )
to reach
t-wc.n they reached
iwOnO they arrlved (wlth the pro-
xlmity partlcle /-d-/
A Ccurse in Spoken Tamazl-sht
hat l:an uZdn yas kZmad: . - They are ready. Just
come in.
hat here
i1i to be
1:an they are
wZdn -uZdn they are ready
Yas just
ignwan waman mad sul: ? Has the water boiled
or not (yet ) ?
is- questlon partiele cf the
"Do-wirl" typ.
nw to boil
nwan they bolled (vrater is plural
l-n Eeroerr\
aman water
rnad or not
sul: they are not yet ( suln)
d:an cllhal Tas an:a xf f,:uzaom By the time you get
ready it will be bo11ing.
d:an they went (refers to water=
it is about to)
clihaI alrnost
an:a xf when ("* soon as )
t:uzadm you (*.p. ) are (w111 be)
wilyam William.
Unit 3
Thg Inperative
The Imperative is fornned by adding the following suffixes to
(v), {fmC = Person, Number, Gender )
Inperative /-P N G///
2 s rnrf /-grf/
?pm /-at#/
2pr / -nt#/
ini Eo say
ini SaYl (Ycu s. )
iniyat SaYl (You m'P. )
inint SaYl (You f.P')
(b) A Simp1e Verb Sten (V) end.ing tn /-vl// changes its
/-vil/ to /-L-/ :-n /-ertlnco,i,// imperative: e.8.:
asy Tc carry
- cl_L-
asy Carryl (you s. )
asyat Caruyl (you m.p. )
aslnt Carry! (you f .p. )
Person Number Gender Afflxes (/-PNG-/
Ttrere is only oNE paradign expressing person, Number, an.
Gender (/'pNe-/) attached to either (v) or
1wr1 ro" tr,* rorma-
tlon of the dlfferent tenses and their modes (which are achleved
by the prefixatlon of dlfferent particles. ).
/-pNg-/ affixes
(for (V)r(VH) - all tenses and modes)
you +A
he I
she +
we n
you (tn.p. ) tn
you (r.p. ) tnt
they (*)
they (f) .nt
(") Ist person s. sufflx /*r/--->/qt/ tt (v) ends In /*r/
zdY to dwell
zdq: I dwelt
(b ) Jrd person m. s. preflx Is h-/ before consonant
and /y- /
before vowels
s1:m to greet (V)
lsl lm he greeted
Aorist of Narration
(The Aorlst is a dependent form, i.e. utterance non-inlt1alt
that can mean past, present, future or even imperatlve dependlng
on the tense of the inltial verb. )
The conjugated (V) is called the Aoris! of Narratlon whleh ls
sirnply any (V) + ,/-pmg-/ affLxes. Thus /sann/ 'to forglver:
/-p N c-/
1 s mrf ly
2 s mrf t lsamn
lsamn l0
Js i [samn I
3sf t lsamrr I
1 p mf 7r samh
't p tlr
+ samh
2 p f L
U samh
3 v m samh
J n
.Y f samrr
Affirmative F\rture
/ad-/ is the future particle. The future is formed by pre-
fixation of the future particle /ad'/ to the Aorlst of Narratlon
(i.". (v) + PNG Affixes)
Thus: ttsl:mtt to greet
/-P N G-/
1s mrf ao
lsr:m lv
2s mrf at : lsI :m ld
3s m aoi
lsr:m I
3s I at: lsl:ml
I p ffirf an
at: sr:m I
z !., m
z L' f at: s1:m ln
3 p m ad sr:m
3 p I ad s1:m
- oJ-
A Course ln Spoken Tamazight
Notice :
(*) /-d-/ of the future particle /aa-7---> /-t-/ before
another /t-/ (i.". if (V) has initial /t-/ this cccurs
with 2 s..o 3 f .s., 2 m.p.o 2 f.p.
(A) /-a-/ oi the future particLe /ad.-/ drops before /n-/
of lst person plural.
Likewise the present tense is formed r^iith the same /-PNG-,/
added to (WI) and present tense prefix /da-/ i €.g.,
s1:ro to greet (V)
t:s1:am (VH) of sl:m
/ -r N \a -,/
I rrr, r /1^
2 s mf dat : sl:am d
3 m ucJ : sr :am /l
S f dat
l_ v mf dan : s1 :am
2 p m dat : sI :am m
2 p I dat . el .,qm n*
3 p m da :s1 :am n
3 p f da 1:am n*
Conjugate the following verbs in all /-PNG-/ in
(a ) the imperative
(t ) tire Aorist
\" / ttre frrtrrre
1r Meaning
<1 .m /vf \ to greet
eawn (i ) to help
ns (y) (y") to spend the night
lrrqrr /.f
/ to accompany
:?b (* ) to welcome
zdv (v ) to dwel1
qemh fi\.,/\ to fnroi rre
7.Y\7_ to se1l
f n lrv'i ncr
X:U to be bad
r*T to eat
ini to say
A.rr to go
k: to visit
xdm (y ) (v') to work
kZm (v ) (rr ) (xr ) to enter
to prePare
u*9 to arrive
em:r to make tea
" /i\- \/ to glve
SW to drlnk
sw:q to shop
7 . lfuha works in Rabat.
B. l4lmuna works in Midelt.
g. l{uha took }dlmuna with him to vislt the family in Rabat '
10. Mimuna speaks Arabie.
11. l,tuha speaks Berber.
1,2. He speaks Berber and Arabic.
13, She sPeaks onlY Berber.
14. Ilusa greeted Mj-muna.
15. She greeted Ki-muna.
Translate lnto B'tglish :
This exercise is on tape in the language lab.
G. Translate lnto &rglish :
This exercise is on tape ln the language lab.
ll a Translate lnto llrglish:
This exercise in on tape in the language lab'
l_.yal:ah answ lq:hwa
2. ya1:ah ant; d:e am
Substltute for the underlined words from the following 11st
using a suitable word that agrees with the verb of the sample sen-
tence. Form flve sentenees based on each of the above sentences.
I*st: I
Unlt 4
4. f imaziln dlq:asidansn
Berber Tradittons
\ You sPeak (verY good)
walaSm:i ts:nd
i.tmazi.Yt awllYam o
Berber, William.
mani yastrb:ad ? Where did You learn tt?
walayn:i oh! - but
ts:nd you know (Past used to exPress
a ract )
rnani where
as 1t
(mani as --> mani Yas ) where to it
rb:a to learn
trb:ad you learned
yllk:ul Ymallk:an At school ln Amerlca.
1ik:ul school
malik:an Ameri-ca
max ?
t lafad adlslnY In order to be able to
mas sawaly lYmazlYn , speak to the Berbers and
salxtn xf taeiStnsn , ask them about the waY
dlq racidansn . they live and (know) tfrelr
t:afad ln order to
adisiny know (future)
m8, what
mas with what
sawalY I speak
sal (*r ) ask (about, on )
salxtn (>salytn) I ask them
taeiEt life
-nsn their (* )
1q:a" ida custon, hablt
A Course ln Spoken Tannazight
nk:ni inslmn ay nga We are Moslems and be_
thmdul:ah . dant:amn lieve in God and in
srb:1 dwawalns His words. people here
md;n da urdas:an
do not drlnk, nor do
5:rab ula dat :qm:ar: . they gamble, Even ciga_
ag:d g:ar:u iga f *if
rettes are considered
+lihal kul:Jl dayd.:zai-.a lrutbt
t'al . bad, Almost everybody
prays the Friday prayer.
nk:ni we
ay who, that
nga hre are
ann to belleve, trust
_ct o_
Unlt 4
? lsdatt:azumn How about Ramadan?
mad uhu ? Do you fast or not?
azum to fast (V)
t:azum vI{ (itatitual Form)
datt:azunn they (m. ) fast j"t
-o'l -
A Course in Spcken Tamazlght
tamyra (f. ) wedding
tmvriwin Construct State (CS) of
/tlm^frLwIn/. Here the CS
oecurs because the noun
follows the prepos:-tion /L/
rfor, tor.
ad:ay when
**9 to reach
yawg he reaches
] st1 the youth
iwl marriage
*l"l to choose
n:a who
it : i ezlbn roleasinsr present Parti-
lipre (ilseii with /nza/)
dant:awy we take
e.k.r' sugar
treni dates
thn:a henna
zl .rr to gc
s:utr to ask for (V)
at:ns :utr we ask for her
lahlns her parents, familY
qb1: p qbln ) they accept
dat :d:un they go
lbiru office
yl lbtru (tyr ro]-ru j to the offlce (citY' town,
village hall where Offielal
Certiiicates are issued.)
yr (->yr/-#t-
q9* to register a marriage
adqdcn in order to reglster the
tar,tyra the wedding
si-xfns itself {>/Lxt/ fheadr which
refers io fselft ).
dat:nt rg:a we do it (f.)
s:if summer
A Course ln Spoken Tamazight
Unit 4
altu again
Vl lbiru (>fr fniru I to the Clty HaII Office
Questlon _I,tlg_rclg:
may ? who ?
mimS ? how?
Ehal ? how many? how much?
max ? why?
max al:1y ? why.... ?
\ 4.3.2 Dlil-ls
A. Answer the following questlons (based on Unlts I and 4):
1) mag:ms wilYarn ?
2) manl VZme wllYam dmuha ?
J ) mayr d:an ?
4) lsls:n wilyam itmazlYt ?
I ) mani Yasirb:a ?
6) max ?
7) max a1:iy ifT? husa ?
B) 1s dat:azumn imazlYn ?
9) ma dat:g:an imazlYn adlay yaf Ea Ea ?
fO ) isdatZ :uZuynt tlr:a nd:alb ?
11) ma dat:g:an lmaziyn ltmyriwln ?
12) mihai a dat:sy:afn lmaziyn ?
13) lsdas:an atay sn:cnae ymalik:an ?
14) rnay dayxd:m wllyam ?
15) max a1:iy ylwy mufa wllyam sayt ey:a5 ?
5) milan lwa5una ?
6) mim5 dat:g:ad iwatay ?
7) aya 2
B) max aI:ly ld:a rnuha sayt +y:a5 ?
c. id:a yr s :uq:
mafr ld:a rnufa ?
For each of the following sentenees form a question.
5) lxux dz;nbuc
5) win eli
7) dat:g:an lmazlyn timlriwin ys:lf
B) rbeln ryal
Unit 4
9 ) tsrud dumnasf
10) wifyam dmuha dhusa ag:swan ataY
D. Translate into Berber
1) WiIIiam learned Berber at school in America.
2) John is AlYrs frj-end.
3) John visited the village of Ayt Ben lchou.
4) In America people do not drink mint tea.
5) Aly and Fadroa and their families went to register the
-97 -
5.L Kinship Terms
A. lZd: grandfather (tena of reference )
b :ahl:u my grandfather (term of address )
fa mo fa
nan:a my grandrnother fa mo mo
r rn:ahl :u
b:a my father
m:a my mother
B. Fbtherts Family
f m.i my uncle fa br
f +.i
V.! my aunt fa sl
mm:ls n+rn:i my cousin (") fa br so
il:is n+m:i my cousin (f) fa br da
mm:is nst :i my cousin (*) fa si so
il:is nct:i my cousin (f) fa si da
mm:ls nsm:1s nb:a my fatherrs cousin
cm:is nb:a my fatherrs uncle fa fa br
(\ Mgther's Famlly
xali my uncle mo br
xalti rny aunt mo sj-
mm:is nxall my cousi-n (*) mo br so
i1:ls nxali my cousin (f) no br da
mm:is nxalti my cousin mo sl so
iI:is nxalti my cousin mo si da
et:ls nmia my mother?s paternal aunt mo fa si
- A Cc*urse ln SPoken Tarnp,ziEht -
5.2 Conversations
A. wilyam
mat :a tad:artin: m:sln Whose house 1s that
3:ra'zm lzgzawn ? over there wtth the
two green windows?
mat:a what
-ln: that
m: (f) of (=mother of, that (r. ) or)
bu (*) of (=father ofr that (m. ) or)
- 100-
Unlt 5
tin cm:1 . yas :-mEin:a t:ibna . It is my unclers. He
just bullt it.
tln (f ) it ls of
Yas Just
imEin:a just
bnu to build
lbna he built
ibnat: he builr lt (f )
Notice: Pronominal affixes are movable particles. Here /tt-/ is
preverbal because of the conjunction.
winmj- iy : isin : g :mi 1 :bab ? Whose horse is in
front of the door?
win that of
winmi whose
'irr.i q horse
imi mouth
y + imi---)g:mi in front of, at the entrance
(r,it: in the mouth of )
lbab door
n + lbab --i1:bab of the door
sne t to show
sn+ ty I showed
-n:"r our (pronominal affix)
axatar (*.*. ) big
taxatart (f.*. big
ili to be in
l:ant there are (f )
tlmzin barley
avSaz husband (man)
wan: that one
tama besides
ns him/it (*) (of it, m.f , )
irdn ivheat (p )
win is of (berongs to )
urin:as ?rorrnnrl i J-
rrv vrr!r nrL-
p. wilyam
rna^,r id:a b:aE ? Where did your father
rnaYr where
id:a he rvent
'l.r.q mrr fq thoz.
Unit 5
ira he wanted
- +(,- it (* ).
A Course in Spoken Tamazight
? 'ln.'icql-
4\4.!vqv Stories (Story Telling )
rzl!\4 n .ae
ij s
i rl.q imaziyn urdat:q:isn thdiyat yas aI:drnt til:as ,
clahq: 1:at:inin mE dat:q:isn thdiyat swas: , urdayt:izil unbdu
thdiyta yq:ist: hm:u em:is nmuha ytad:art 1:baEir argaz
nut:mas mnuha n:a sndiyran l:iy iga ymnsi xf wilyam
yrsn itmyrust gn E:wi t:utliwin , dd:v,raZn uksum , dwiyful:usn
oiqr""ivr, .r9:*am' . iwa y+Zbas wutli ywiiyam bz:af cad
id b :ahl :u nmuha o deq :a c r0: is nb :as nmuha ,
ihadra aa
cm : j_ s$
. a
r nit
- -LW'r-
thd.iyt (f .". ) story
thdlyat (f .p. ) stories
a1: unt11
dr to go down
drnt they (f ) went down
iir ,"" (r.p. ) darkness
<, because
1 :a- (*/ -aa- / )
present tense Prefix
inl to say
i.ini Habltual form ot /inI/
Ac. day
swas: during daytlrne
j-zLL to be good
T.2r--ZIL Habitual form of /tzLL/
anOAu' crop
n:a who
-asn to them (*)
to call
i; ran partlciple: called (here=.
invited )
imnsi dinner
Note 1: initial /#L-/ of a noun following a word ending ln a
vowel e.g, /-a#/ (".e., /te*/ ) will be transcribed as /#y-/.
This also applies to verbs having /#t'/. See Note 2 below.
xf for (o*)
," rs to slaughter
E:wi roast
tutliwin liver and fat kebab
d:aZin stew
d:waZn different stew dishes
*iyf.rl ,.rur, (>winiful :usn ) of chicken
aq srl : a blg plate
iq:sriyn (m.p. ) platters
y'; Zbas Q /Lehbas/ ) it (m. ) pleased him
Note 2: $ee Note 1 above (/-a#/ + /fL-/ *-2/-a y-/)
bz :af e ad very mucn
YwllYam (>,/iwilYan/ ) to Tdilliam
here the vowel is /-i#/ whereas ln the prevlous exarnples it is /-a#/
- 105-
A Course ln Spoken Tamazight
*6vaT Place
Tr ad Yar to a place (grammaticallY
this should'be /sad"Yar/)
af to flnd
smut:r to collect
ablelE a plece of old cloth, rag
iblsl$n rags
adgint in order to make, ihat theY (f )
may make
lkzin small dog, PUPPY
k:u every, each
Y vrrs:^b i n cr
tadg:at : v
izm lion
tb to eat
tt:a VH of /ti;/ to eat
urt:t:ad do not eat
mahd: so long as
1:ly I am (here ), I exist
tahyu!! (f. ctazy, fool
uly"g (*. ) er&zy, fool
- 107-
A Course in oken famazlght
- _LU5-
5,5 Months of the Year
n:ayr JanuarY
kbraYr February
mals lrlarch
lbr11 April
may:u l4ay
YunYuh June
Yulyuz JUIY
yubt August
Etanblr Septer*ber
Epnl October
n:wanblr November
d:uZanblr December
yn:ayr in JanuarY
ymay:u in I4aY
5.6 Drills
A. Efrat tas:aet ? What time is 1t?
t:seud dumnasf It s 9:3o.
- 109-
Substitute fcr house-houses using the nouns in the following
list. Form four sentences for each noun based on the above
taxamt (tixamin ) tent
i sr /i ctv,on ) field
asklu (isk1a ) tree
tagmart (tiyal:in) mare
iy:is (1y:san) horse (*)
far:at (tiydn) goats
ahuli (l-huliyn ) ram
tixsi (uf :i ) F1^lA
- 110-
Unit !
- :t -'l -1. -
Unlt 6
O.I Sofa -tal-k after Dinner I
llrdllrJ tr .zdmd
*u.avr-ru e lnlhere did you bring
wood from?
t.r'l.r o vo
mqn i tr where from
zdm to collect wood
t : zdmd" (< dtzd-nto ) \rnlr r.o'l Ieeted wcod.
arTvar n.av
,..*.) dnzdm nl<:inik: Frorn the Place where
u, tt r" you and I gct it the
other daY.
uyuf the place
A Course ln Spoken TamaAight
n:ay ln whlch
.l particle of prcximity
nzdm we brought wood
nlr.inilz. you (m.s. ) and I (I anO you)
as :n:a the other day
hrl .rr
rru .u
- 11/t-
.-I (< /:r:/\
I v;ant
srut to thresh
r qu
I lvil1 thresh
-is:- rfith it
rog tirrd at:g:anicl. aI: If you want to wait
until the daY after
adizri-wasli:a tomorrow (then You
witl get it).
- '
to wait
aL ztr:anid (cad-Ftg :anid ) you l{ill wait
adraca r::5 u:'ufiy ga yagn ItIl trY to find" one.
If I do not find anY,
adg :aniY ead.. Itll have tc wait.
ra fa to see, lcok for
at to find
-r A+'t h^+ finrl
n/ I U1U rrv I
tomorrow, Mrha? il
skv.a,.Lls l<c\
\ o/
you are doing l:
uqv.v.sl Yr
lr niClt I I 1t go to t,tide"l t.
dat : d:uY Irll go
max ? I,thy?
d.orrI For a case in the
Xf ^n / / ]nafnre nouns
xf rouha on l4uha
I -*
vLL /
/ hefarp" nyonouns
-i -a.i
.yrr r on rne
A Course i-n Spoken Tamazlght
D on him
to sue
\r. .^,r#
\uv l-^ \ ra2 ea
\r. /
nax ? is tsr:.l d: qrtn:a urtatdrn : il- ? lihy? Isnrt that case
settled yet?
sul not yet
-n .2 that
crn .l to finish
urta- nct yet
- -!- -i-i:)-
unat o
may whc
hadr to be Present
*ug tttuo": ("'rnay ihadrn ) Notice : /|nad,r:/ ts past participle
iyrnn fi* ,r.rrt (to) at Your (*,P1) fieht
ihadr thusaSm naytr q:a dlbasar ' A1- HusaYncf the familY
a of Akka and al Bashir'
iwa d:if adgnY t:afad adk:ry I am going to sleeP
Ewi zLk.t in order to get uP
nsat ylman . Gcod Night.
to sleep
adgny Irll sleeP
k:r t'o get uP
swl- a little
,., ,uu "l :ay+1i3; ? ,?* ". icalrcl ii{: xf yun yadn in :as
;aye tilr: : tlt j-n;ai
"bs :ha ta$w :art aZha ". in :as "'
A Course ln Spoken Tamazight
al :iy dylr^rd ;run in:as fibs
:ha tadvr:art alha ,,. in:aE
iw:t: ,iyrfast: sa:mfuf , ,",a, , if"f*"t, ,un,*rr-
ln:aE in:as "max al:iy itgid aya atha ?, in:aH in:as
"$ri t:r deiya6 yr s:rtan . n:i.yai bs:ha tad.w:art aiha
tk:rd tyrfd.it : i-wq:mu r " ln:as d:und rn: sducand yl rmhk:ama
d:und , in:aS aI :iy dlvrdn g, lmalik: , in :aB in :as ,r,*
"1 :aybarkf ik : asi.di trnatit< : , nk : in n : iyas bs :ha zZha
isyad tadw:art , ik : r in: tiyis sa:mfuf . ,' ln :ai in
"max aZha a1:iy tugid aya ? lsuri-d : hiuma yifd
? in:a5
urgaz bs :ha tad.w:art , tk :rd tyrfdast : I ,, in :a6 in :as
Lwa z:aI:aT xf rb :i- dn:bi asi.d.na ". in:ai in:as
an :bi ". j-n :as treallrd. ' ''
s :alat cl n :abi ,, . i_n :as
"l :ahmsal:ie11k, uru"rrl r*r,
i':as rrawday tazal:-.t: xf
n :bi ". in :ad 1 :ly in :a amiis :
, in :ai 1z ef 1ma1ik : ,
ilr.r. -L
rr\ , i^.^X
rrr ;as
ik : r xf Ik :rsi , in :as "iwa barak :a xlas : i
is nr:; ia n:a t :inid mad fas I :ahmsl:i clik: arasul:ah ?,,
in :ad in :as " j.lva . aJm :a axf *rrrr" tad.w:art uy,
," .
i +d :bi. bs :ha tad.vr:art . bs :ha tadw:art , iy z ef y
yrf last: " ^r:
tadw:art tripe
abrid uay, road
q:brid on the way
( y abrld. --> y ubrid -->g:brid) Llt. rln the street,
to meet
t:Zmc -*d:Xmae VH of Enr t tc meet I
1 :adid:Zma6 whenever he meets (nearer)
dEa and (with) somebody
bs:ha congratulatlons
- t- l-o-
Unit 6
xlas : !
(0 ) mlnfs ,.ami lq
Ega fq.Gru!&q What is the color of
n:a tsyid ? the shirt you bought?
mimE how is? what is?
tsyid you bought
(c ) yuri taob:ut tumlilt I have a white djellaba,
a tf)
A Course in Spoken Tanazlght
(d) mimJ iga s:rwal What is the eolor of
n:a ysl.a ? the trousers that he
bought ?
(u)VurE t:r1k:u azgza You have a green (brue )
(f ) mat:a l:un n:a trid ? What color do you want?
6.2 Expressing the idea of "f have a headache t' in Berber
fn Berber the above idea comes as:
Literally: "It (m) ktlled me the head. "
inyayl yxf
inya it (m) killed
me (o. obJ )
ixf head
Unit 6
Also connected with the verb /nf / tto hi1lt are the following
expressions: tI am hungryr and tI am thlrstyr'
Laz hunger
fad thirst
e .8.
trt^gayl laz I am hungrY
inyat fad He is thirstY
1) $he has a headache.
2) His back hurts.
3) I have a toothache.
4) Her eyes hurt.
5) {Y hands hurt.
- ICL'
A Course ln Spoken fanrazight
6) His ear hurts him,
T) W 1eg hurts me.
B) Your eye hurts.
9) His legs hurt.
10) I have a stomach ache,
11) He is hungry.
12) We are thtrsty.
13) I am hungry.
14) She is thirsty.
15) He has a headache.
6.4, Translate
1) Once Jeha bought a djellaba and he passed by a person
who told him "Congratulations on the djellabar Jeha.tf
2) Jeha passed by another man who told him "congraturations
on the dJe1laba, Jeha. "
3 ) Jeha was mad; he hlt htm.
4) This man said t'I'11 sue you at the court of law before
the king.
5) The king sald to Jeha, "Why did you d.o that? Arenrt
you ashamed of yourself?"
6) Jeha told him, "f got mad when he said congratulatlons
on the djellaba.r $o I hit hlm.rl
5.5. Translate:
1) ln:aE 11:a Jrun urgaz igmns husa Iz:nz Erat: ntfunasln
iem:1s n:a uraslxl:lsn . '
2) lzef husa , ld:a yr tad:art 1:malik: t:afad adideu
e m:1s
3) 1:iy lbda husa arlsawal llmalik; , in:as l_malik:
Itbarak;a *f"r: ahusa d.:u yrd iem:l! ,,.
4) 1n:as Imalik: lemlis nhusa I'max al:Iy tn:aym ?,,
5) in:as em:i-s nhusa rrmaitic: "uryurl Ea r :flus dy.l asid.i
lmal1k: ".
- !c(''
Unit 7
7.L Sofa Talk after Dinner II
mag:a s :uq: as:a ? How was the market to-
is icm:r uhu ?
mad Was it full or not?
mag:a (<*"y iga ) what is, how is?
iem:r it (*) ls fu1l (was ful1)
mad uhu or not?
i-em:r . max al:iy It was full. Why?
urtsw:iq:d ? Haventt you gone to
the market?
q: imiy ads :uy Ban d.v,n I stayed to watez' the
q: im to stay
sw to drink
s:w causative: give a d.rink or
i!r uvir !5qaofc vv.
isur tZmie d dhinad nayt c li ? Have you met Ahmed
4..+ n 1i, a
ur JlJ u JrrJ :
an:a;n1t nt:a urassiwly . max I saw him but I did
not talk to hirn. tilhy? ril
an:ay to see r{
an:a5/Y I saw
an : alnf t I saw hlm
itfari tflus . nga s:uq;a
5a1 He owes me som€ money.
anzms , nt:a urd:iy
v Weagreed tc meet thls
market but I did not go.
lruT to owe
nt:a hrrt
rnr it:n;1d adasinly aditntidis- Had you told me, I
-1 2?-
A Course in Spoken Tarnazlght
- UI I U them (f ,p. ) (refers to money,
r^rhieh'is f-n- \
AL J to pass
izrin (past partlciple ) the one
that passed.
Ehal ? How much?
i"lf qlsf v.rre'l 3000 ryals.
is datZ:uZudm itmyra mad tsulm ? Are you getting ready
for the wedding or not?
i,:u?a to get ready
mad tsulrn or you are (irave ) not ?
r nlt
- -La-a-
Unit 7
iwa nd:a elina1 Yes. We are almcst
cIihal almost
ma dayt:awl: 7 is getting married?
dayt rawl: (<daYt:awln ) present part. of /awl/
fis getting marriedt.
dant:awl imuhan:y . (our) Ir{uha.
_n:Y our
bas ru
y:ih I ma dast:awlm Is that so? l{hose
glrl is he going tc
marry ?
ivra , q:'i say yui Then tell us cne.
in:ad in:as cliy Zha , in:ad ik:r , in:ad yun vlas : ,
in:ad in:as lmalii.,, ii*, :a alha ri^1 aditcbrd Shal ag:l:an
yd :unit " . i rn;a in :aJ il< : r fha , in :ad in :as "yal :ah
anf :y ^1r br':a ." in:ad f :.,e1 . in:ad t:ayt:,:bar sya
i ebi' sa , i.,alvo irbr sa al : iy ir'rh} , in :aS yuriO yut
Lgust in.oX q-n*.i*.^i
,rt]:as rr1-.'itr.oi ert.ik.sf. , q'l .'
tO :a g :aEal . in :aE in:as ' ivla han am:as nd lunit aya "
in :as "irna3 in :a.n arn:a s nd :unrt aya at'ha ?tt in :as "asidj-
an):asns aya . al: mE uriturrrind , a:u ebr 5g: at :an:ayd
j-ci : an:as n"acl. urj-d,: aril:as ".
ln:asv ar:yrl
. ^ .
, yafd. Zha ri-:a yufs ixf g:hfur . in:aE
,- -Y ,,-,
at :an :ayd Zha mag :a ir . in :aE iyras i" ,"s "mat :a wya aZha ? t'
in:as "il,ra asid.i t:n:idi dr:g:i ucl-ran3 , hayi yziy ahfur ,
f:ry ixfinvl ". ' '
*-.Y agar-n
i w<.n must (ft is necessary)
.-Y I want
fbr to measure, weigh
a c .1
. s .\^.. there is (<ay il:an twhich
is' )
- T:ZO_
Unit 7
LZya i t hnnnancrl
rrs f ri hc f-rrrnd lnaq -nar )
drr > to thrust into
rrtrfc he put it
*i arl'2
I - *"
e he cailed him
mat:a wya ? tr,Ihat is this?
tn : idi JUU ^^-iA
UU *a
7,2 Translate
1) The kin$ wanted Jeha to measure tile l^Iorld.
2) Jeha measured here and there.
3 ) l{hen Jeha got tired he pounded. a peg into the grouno
and said it nas the roiddle of the wcrld.
4) Jeha said- tc the krng, "If you Ccnrt believe rie, go anc
measure it yourself. "
The king sar-d to Jeha, "Go, get }cst".
6\ Jeha dug a hole.
tJ He hid his head- in the hole,
A1 l"trlrenever sorneone came and found- Jeha in this state, he
lilould run.
a) The hing said that not even a single person came to
rn\ Jeha iold the minister "The king told F,1e to hide my f ace tt.
7.3 Translate
Oee d.ay the lting said to Jeha, "I i,,lant you to measure the
world" " Jeha i,,rent out and startecl measuring here and there
until he got tired and pounded a peg into the ground.. Then
he said. to the king, "Here is the mlddle cf the earth, rny
1ord. " The lring said to him, "i',j'no told you that this is the
middle of the lrrorld, Jeha?" Jeha said to the king, ''If 1'3s
do not believe me, go and measure it yourself and see whether
this ls the midd"le of the world or not."
r ofl
Unit 7
7.4 Translate
one morning Jeha went to see the king at the court of
law. The hing shouted at him, "Go hide your facel (go, get
lost )'t. Jeha went out and dug a hole j-n front of the door
of the court and hid his head in it' l'Ihenever someone eame
and found Jeha 1n this state, he would run away. The hing and
his minister stayeC in the court of lavr until they got tired'
The king said to the minister, "Not even a single perscn came
to the court toclay. Go and see l';hat happened. " The minister
went out and salr Jeha lrith his head in the hole. He aslled
him "I,,lhat is this, Jeha?" Jeha said to hirn, "Ttre hj-ng tcld
me to hide ray face and here I dug a hole and hid my head. "
1) in:a3 11:a 1nll lmalili . in :aE id:a Yr yun urgaz
1n:aB in:as ixs:aB at:Yzd Jrun l.Alanu al:tafd aman
dln: ."
JJ \ 'in :as i7 r'aza "yzi..y asidi lroalik walayn:i umfiY fas
o.a tsyus tafust n : j-t It (trre sun ) burns.
to burn
sYus cause to burn
tafuSt the sun
n.i f lndeed
tafuFt ntgnaw aya Thls is the heat of
the sun before the
tignut storm (f.s. )
tlgnaw storm (pl ), thunderstorms
Ea ysignaw urdhir: altu Clouds have not appear-
ed yet.
islgnu cloud
isignaw clouds
tht to appear
urdhir: they (m ) dI-d not appear
ag:d idlrl am61 ay tga It was the same yes- I
ag:d also
amEl like this (the same )
ay tga tt
(f. )(refers to the sun)
may 51n:tumz idl:1 Where were you when
it rained yesterday?
may where
tumz$in: she caught you there
li+.- ,.ainad \
tumzin: g:igran . i5g: ? I was in the f{p] rls
and you?
- | -\ l-
tumzin: It (f . ) caught rne there
g:1gran in the fields
d:{ :lrdy . yas nk:
ads lwdyn; I went to wash mY
asif , bdunt tgnaw , day clothes and as I
+aydyd qbl adiw:t unzar . reached the rlver,
the storm began' Then
I came back before
rain felI.
s:ird to wash
I reached there
bdunt they (f ) began (storms )
+aydyd I returned here
qbl before
adlw:t it wtll hit
allza,t rain
ts tsl:1d ltgnaw Do you hear the storm?
s1: to hear
tsl : id you heard
sl:iYasnt I heard 1t fhere : them
lr.: i
1x:a thal . maia lnrf uYa Bad weather. AnYhow
aq:raf dutfl ntgrst this ls better than
the cold snow of vrinter.
x:u to be bad, to be near
ix:a it ls bad (f )
lx:a thal itts bad weather
thal weather, state
thal nice weather
maEa but
af to be good
yuf it ls better
uya /2aya/ this
aq:raf the cold
Unit B
atfl snow
ta.grst wlnter
yal:ah qbl adaYtamz . Let us go before
it rains. (l,it : be-
fore it catches us).
s :alamuelik:um . He11o.
r11 | .
rr . i l-r
iwa IZaraziea lq :aral^Iiya The village council cf
nbuinya labas diks Boumia is good. We
1:atxd:rn , uranbed work with auth-
n:axf on whlch
..rv.g4\4 reci-procal form of /t zaf q/
?t .
KUI : St- everybody, everything
Or" to study
hm:a to concern
taq:bilt the tribe
lmslahat (p ) the tribe
nra we v,lant
l-nasE thing
fUni fvrrv
ho hrri 1 Ai na
.'}r.T to decide
**u. . .ama. .. either...or...
llncaE ]wat:ani "National Promotion Agencyt'
tn:a igan it is (tnat which is p.p. )
I fn.irrin
*r.. . +J rrr technicians
hma in order to
nk:ni- lta
amxllaf disagreenent
Ia- lt-{-
\ , narlt"r
rrvurr vr n?Ah
yr v1I. /\ and
- l<-r-
kul:n: Y all of us
trrad't ns:uq: as far as the market ls
lx1r many
s :nduq: box
Iuq:t time
s:utr to ask
a\ ?.
rr I u .
*n rn arlF
9V 6V
n:awahln:Y kul-:El r &h:a lrumz A11 the regions under
lmahk :aman :y I :at :nxd :m . the authority of Boumla.
kut:it an:a tumz 1[4maean:f , We deal with problems
an:a tumz .v
lZamaea 1q:arawiya , ln Boumia and outside
1:ant ,q,* t**laha
mf :Ei 1t, such as irrlgation
un:a yr i1:a Ea , wax:a il:a problerns and other
ys:antr da 1:fj-laz , thast problerns related tc
ns :antr da ylfilaZ ,1 :at :nxd:m agrlculture.
whdut: thast nbr:a diY am: trg:in
ay y'lrsn igan lmuhim:a . Ean
* rIJVal{-
Untt B
lflaha agriculture lr
ffle &W&Ir reciprocal of /eawn/ tto F:
help I 'r'
iri.- but (whether, b€ it... )
Ouestion introducer for
norninal sentences and cer- F'
tain verbal struetures. fr
ng:ulu we say (tetts say) ( Ar. ) lr
wan: that
imd:na n:a y1:an yl-zamae a r And the people in this
zy da t zy bumya , mad l:an eouncll, are they from
wj_n:a did:an zy tq:bllin Bournla or from tribes
rrn dni n ? OUtSide ?
win:a those
la , l:an uy tq:bill.n , No, they are from (other)
elahe: da ybumya tribes, I am the only
uril : i ^fas nk : ag :1 :an one from Boumla.
x) Translate
It is cold today.
2) It is hot today
The sun is hot (burns ) '
r afi-
Unit B
lq:arany la nbunqra ,
12) *11 n:a lgan mm:is ncrn:is nmuha iga r;ays 1:Zamaea
Iq:arawy:a nbumya
lJ) thma thal as:a i ag:d idl:i
t am61 ag:a walayn:i idhri
uAfqg"i lt"f ask:a '. '
t4 ) Oatsyrs tafugt y?:if bz :af cad"
15) dayk:at unzar bz:af ytgrst ,
16) urin:i adiw:t unzar elahq: uril:ln Ba yslgnaw .
1?) sl c1i , istsr*a *,rtra mm:is nxalis l:baiir ?
- 140-
Unit 9
taqb:ut: djel1-aba
You sPeak.
t:aman prlce
n;a which
isl:lin past participle of /sL:k/
il:a Yes, (there is ).
f Jln
- ,L'i ta-
Unit P
ymi Where ?
yayt umTaf In the village of
AYt Umghar.
f q.:a
nk: b+da Ia rtv* ry ri + tt
vYI Vaf |
I mYself have not heard
maE tln:an of it. Who told You?
z,T to see, know of
wrtzrlv fcurtzirv
\ ... ) I didntt know of it
i-n ran partlciple of /Lni/
rnuha nayt hm:u Ihrha Hmmu
lsdayt :d !u bas :u Is Bassu going?
max ? isnn:a and:u bla Are we gcing to
anE ;adn:q ? go vrithout our Poet ?
ini to say (nere: intend )
i-snn:a do we plan to
bla without
anS:ad poet
..Q !&
is iga Ia nt:lawt tuZAit: Did he cornPose a nelll
mad uhu ? poem or not?
t:lawt poem
uzcll-o (ra ) new
tuidit: (< tuzf,idt) (f ) new
eniy ar iga 5a I guess he did.
cnl^1 I thinh, I guess'
ar- iha
tV t/hora '\
ha bas :u id:ad Here comes Bassu.
s:alamuelikum Hello.
- t+a-
.** A Course ln Spoken T?raazight*
r!4&. .
I (") hayaE tlhm:amln y tad:art ayasy:ad
(b) ti-n:a iwaffn afus urid: a,m: tin iq:Imir;
- 144-
f. Q
J _
yak: vocative
ayma oh my brother
k:u yrrn everyone
datnyal:a he cries
al: to cry
tn them (refers to tears )
al:ly until
awd to reach
iwi-n:a to those (*)
isin to know
uris:in he did not know
t:lawt iiil: aYa , This ls a ntce song.
sl:i^6as Y lida ea r I heard it on the radio.
abas:u ! j-niYaf Bassu, would You slng
ttahl,:unw awra rl t'ah1 :unw awratt for us?
sl: to listen
sl:LYas I listened to 1t
lida sa brcadcastlng, radio
tniya Y tell
A Course ln Spoken famazight
ahl:unw oh darllng!
awra! nnma I
A. are the trousers?
I'Iow rauch
B. 2|0 ryals.
A. fhat is too much.
B. How nruch do you rrrant to pay?
A. 1OO rya1s.
B. No. Not acceptable. Say somethlng reasonable.
A. 11O ryal-s.
B. No.
A. As you like it.
B. l8o ryals
A. No. This is too much for me. Goodbye.
B. Come. Say a reasonable price,
A. 1-20 ryals,
B. Go up a little bit.
A. 125 ryals is my final word.
B. A11 right.
9 ,2.
A. Are you going to the dance tomorrow?
B. Is there a dance?
A. Yes.
B. Is our poet going?
A. Yes.
B. Dld ire compose & new poem or not?
A. Yes,
B. Ir11 go.
9.3.3. Translate
A. Snat 'l .rrre r. e
B, *Sra w:ar:lYal :
- 11-!o-
Unit 9
B. xasa wcErin .
A. ztaL; xf n:bl . inl ia w:awal 1;slcqul
B. iwa . ini Ern:
A. iwa Sg i a,gtz:nza,n I k ay iztntzan)
B. cbrin w:ar:yal alal:e ' awa] l:mequl aya .
A, 1wa nnstacE r^r:ar:yal ; awal ang:aru .
B. lni bcda istrld 3a Xadni-n ?
A, y:ih rlY Ea nl:ubya rnEta l:ubYa brda ?
B. cEra w:ar:ya1:
A. Et ttata kilu nl:ubya .
B. wax:a alal:a
9.3.4. Translate
1. lfilyam adid.:u sahidus tadg:ai: ' adimun nt:a dmuha elahq:
loIbas uhldus fz:af . '
't )r "z
Unit 1O
mt_ms how?
s:ni^i to cook (causative of /nw/)
asnwi cooklng
t:afad in oroer to
net to show
snet causative
- | Lt l-
A Course in Spoken Tamazlght
rL.arv ycu (r.p. obj. )
q: im stay
dri now
fadma, mlrnuna, lsziza
1:ahicawn Hellc.
trt'i 'l rre m
I .arrq.'l .m Hello.
anu well
s:ird tc wash
tazlaft large wcoden or cl-aY Plate
lbrma ( =taqduht )
asksu top part of the cousccus
tt'Y. tc thrcvr (t"rere : tc Put )
asis tc be warmecl (vrate r cnIY)
yisls Aorust of asis
s:mida serncul ina
lr rnl I
f+,-l habitual form (rm) o:f' /fLL/
f 'l arrv
t,u which
nYd tc grind (verY fine )
inydn past ParticiPle
urnnb qd and after
1 :at :nsak :a- dat :nsak :a I,re pass it
k. to pass
rmi tc ntix l
n .Y1 to clcse
Hab . f orrn of /nw / to cook
| t
, ,tyrrU,u
aly go up (ily N of acticn )
c Yrq to put
ats ,/11sawn/ -PL. tc bring the couscous from
the pot and Put it back.
The ncun cf action ts /:-ls/,
So. cousccus is ccoited in
thiee /vLsaum/.
fa nhonk
af to find
nafn: l,.re find. there (Acrist )
A Course ln Spoken faraazight
inwa lt ls cooked
nw to be cooked n
{ m?^ran sauee
** rr', to warm ccuscous t^llth
melted butter
t:bsll plate
s:w to water, to lrrigate
ns:utid we water 1t (*) (nearer)
t:bla table
yran /<iran/ p,p. to want
1mei1q:a spoon
Unit 1O
Unit 10
y:ih . Yes.
.*_*A. Course ln Spoken Tanaql.Sht
-1 \7-
A Course ln Spoken Tamazlght
arnsis : those who do not.
('va" ) just
sllver earrings.
lizar a kind of sari
tabuq:st a silk decorated cord
asfl a colcrful, decorated- cord
tixrsin earrings
n:q rrt silver
YNS to pin
tasyrrst a pin
tisynas ninc
filul ta
lyzriran ? about face decoration?
izrlrl face decoratlon - painting
lzrlran face decorations
1:ant tin:a tnlt:g:an Yes, there are those
who wear them,
tnit:g:an they (f ) do them
s :alarnuc l1k:um He1lc.
- -LOU_
Unlt 1O
clik :ums :alam warhmatul :ah He1Io.
iwa I :ayhn : ik :um tas :a eta e
GoodbYe norv. If anY of
un:a n:tgra diYun Yr r:bad ha you comes to Rabat, here
ladrisanw is my address.
to throw
tgra she throws
diyun among you
ladrtsa address
10.2.1. Translate
1) ifrh husa surhab n:as gan idulanns
. av.
2) urisiib wutll ihman
snctas thm:u mim3 adat:gant 1d;aZln
4) tsirt watay sne:nas bz;af ead
5) aman n:a dnt:agm zg:anu dat:iq:rifn bz:af ead
5) riy adislny mim$ dat:gam iwy'tlmn:un t:afad adsns't1r i-wt:ma .
7) urdat : t :an tnd :n d :aZin stm* iiqa
8) ad:ay rly adnsby daylt:xs:a ultsum dlxudrt d5:awny:a dlibzar
t : isnt
9) isdals:ant twtmin tlqb:a ybr:a TurY ?
10) m:a5 lsts'nd at:zt: timizarin ?
11) 1a , dat : s :aq, ,rq: .
LZ) ad:ay tili Ea ntmlra dat:hl:aq.: tmt:ut:
, tls isban:
uZaidn , tg izriran , ti tazutt , tg lmswak
13) tn:ayi ut:ma urdat:ga thn,, *": i:rrn . mE tra at:g
. .a
- IOJ-
A Course ln Spoken TamaziEht
15 ) urdazd:ant tv.rtmtn tiq:b :a da
AT) urdat:d:u slhfa ltgrst elahe: dayt:111 uq:raf .
18 ) ibr:a yu:y uri:at:g:ant twtmin 1 :tam ?
19) mag:anlenayt tlxrsin nn:q:rt mad tln d:hb ?
20) mat:a wksurtr n:ai it:efibn wi wfunas rcad wl whull mad wl...?
j.O.2 .2. Translate
1) I liked the tea very much.
2) I llked your food very much.
3) I roould like to take your reclpes for my sister.
4) Tell me how to make couscous so that I ean give the re-
cipe to my mother.
5) I wish I could stay longer,
6) I enjoyed your hospltality very much.
7) Mother, this man wants to know the recipe for the
eouscous so that he may show it to his wife,
B) When we uant to make couscous, we bring water from the
weII, we wash the plate, we wash the pot, we trash the top
part of the couscous pot, we put meat and onicns in the pot
to cook and when the water ls warm, we ro11 semolina wlth
flour in the plate and then we pass them through a sieve
with blg holes. We put the big pellets tn a straw pLatter.
Then we pass thern again tn a s j-eve with srnall holes. When
the couscous is coohed three timeso we check and find that
the meat i-s cooked and that the vegetables are cooked, We
nix the couscous wlth melted butter and put lt ln a platter.
We put it on the table. There are those who eat it with
thelr hands and there are those who eat lt with a spoon.
9) Change the above passage so that the speaker ls first oerson
10 ) Aunt Fadma, this rnan wants you to tell hl-m how to rnake
11 ) When I want to bake unleavened bread, f brlng a pI-ece of
tanned sheep skin. Then I sift the flour through the
sieve. f knead 1t and set some wood on ftre to heat the
pan on the trlpod. I take butter and put lt in the ptate
and knead everythlng very we1l. Then I cut 1t and put 1t
on the pan. When it 1s cooked T put butter on lt agaln.
Here the bread ls baked.
- | l)/-
Unit 1O
- 1Cf.! -
Unit 11
11.1 lq:iFI n-zlla
in:a's il:a bk:ri , in:a-s ik:r i*sfas iyun urgaz thdid
ixznast , i. ,"! iq: im al : iy iq: irna , ihal mnram ' in :aE
id :u , in:as "awd: i riy ayn:a I :hdi6 , '-t tu YurE r-znY " '
in:aE in:as t't:Eant if rdayn ". ir,ya in:aI im: sd.ucalrisd T1
tmalik: , in:ai in:as "awd:i ha! Lna , han may nga nk:ntis '
!1rqJnq'a , dVi ixs:a
lran rnav
rrqlr ada stiniO f jrq: ayn :a " ' ilva in : aJ
irl:ud Zha , in:a! in:as "awd :i nk t JiV uz:al j.wrgaz,a, as :n:a
yasn : iy avritid 1n :ayi t : Sant iyrd"ayn " . in :aH in :as lmalik :
- I t.)')-
A Course ln Spoken famazight
bk: rl once upon a t1ne,
+; n^
a long
u!ilrc; rlti\J
sr t* ^ I v\
sJ to give
xzn to keep
awd: i so and so, such and such
Byrda /iyrdayn/ pL. mouse
deu to sue /m:sdu a/ teetorocel
haS here he is
nk:intis ne and him
un:a\ iron
n.dr to be able to
i*a.t permission
af find /tut:-d/ ryou foundt
for,rrin.i. a plece of paper
snya to sign ( French tsignert )
binahwa that ( Arabic )
qk.m:rrri'i .-q rrherever lt is
d:aw under
to d-lg /qzaz/ Habitual Form
ae s :as a guard /t s:asn/ pl.
huf to jump on
to become crazy, s1l1y
Etka to complain
nzY to pu1l out
t-.e to laugh /tt?ta/ habLtual form
-si'bas mak:an all- right ( I'{qr. Ar,
it is tno
Lit. harm donef )
an:a lzrin Lzr:r rrrhatever is past is past
awra co*re I
v'l .c to pay
6) mag:a fha ?
- IOO-
Unit 11
f) ima sln:a lmalik:
s itmYmst , dant :g :a
danYr: We kill a sheeP (a sac-
B:wi , dd:aZln , dd.:eam . riflce ); ** make roast,
stet,l and couscous.
i-sdat:t:am lxudrt nad uhu ? Do you eat vegetables or
not ?
A Course ln Spoken TamazLght
datnsrus yt,zLaft , ns:ut sl,mrYan . and leave lt ln the flre
md tnga sug:r: ndrra dasnt:ini until the couscous (the
ablbul flour pellets ) is cooked.
When lt ls done, we put
sauee on it. If tt 1s
made of corn flour, we
call 1t
I ) dant :g:a 1ful :usn dd:alzin dr:uz . urdant :g:a -san d:c am
- 1'.7n-
+v 1't
25) thaveaheadache.
26) h you want asPirin?
ZT) Do you want me to bring you some m.edlcine (/a:wa/ ) irom
the citY?
28) I want to buY scme oranges.
29) What tirne is it?
30) it is 9:30.
11.5 Answer the folloWing questi-ons ustng words from the list
ma dat :g:ad ? I,flnat do ycu (ne. ) do?
ma dayt:g:a ? What does he do?
ma dat :g:a ? tr{hat d.oes she do ?
(Also ask questions slmilar to the above using: uncle, cousin '
nephew...ete. )
1maIik: king
tu ag1:ld
LwazLr minister
1*aml governor
lx1ift administrative job
'1 n .orrd
rY .qJ s caid
i:ix shelkh
1.7 1-
A Course ln SPoken Tarnazlght
a&raT head of a vlllage
aask : rl soldier
abullsl pollceman
amxznL soldler of the rnahhzen
bu lbusta o,
1fn.ih a learned man
d:alb a sehool teacher
1q:adi cadi
lmuhandiz pncri npay.
11.6 lransla*g
a niece of iron to his unc l e so that he
Once Jeha gave
went to his uncl-ets house and said "I lrant the lron which I stored
with ycurr. HiS unclets rvife said to hlmttghe mice ate 1t"'
Jeha and his uncle sued each other before the king. Jeha said
to the klng "I gave a piece of iron to Uncle Aly one day. And
now I ask him to give it to me and he tells me that the mlce
ate it". The klng said to Jeha "ldj-ce can eat the iron'r. Then
the King said. to Jeha, "I gi-ve you permission whereby lf you
find a mouse, work on it until you catch it and ki}l 1t'" Jeha
sald "A11 right". The hing gave hj"m a paper bearing his signa-
ture and stating that Jeha is to dig anywhere wherever there 1s
a mouse. Jei:a went and brcught some laborers to dig under the
Ccurt. After a while some guards came and jumped on Jeha and
A Course Ln Spoken Tamazlght
hit hlm. They said to Jeha "What are you doing? are you
crezy to dig under the Court?" He told them 'rHere ls the
paper. The klng gave me permi-ssicn". They took hinr to the
klng. The king said, "What did you do, Jeha?" Jeha saido
"The mouse which ate the iron that tj-me when I complalned
to you and whlch you sald could eat iron, I found today under
the Court, Ilorv I was digglng so that I can pull it out."
The King laughed and said, "It is alt right, Jeha. Let us
forget the past. Come here, ItlI pa,y you for your iron."
And the king gs"ve him a lot of money.
11.7 Translate I
1) ln:ab il:a Jrun urgaz
adastntxzn .
2) 1:iy t:isal mani y,nndi tn:as tEantn iyrdayn
3) ln:aE td:a urgaza y1 Iq:ayd t:afad adidca tamd:ut:n:a
4) in:as lq.:ayd "sb:hna s1 1:ah asidi . dr:g: udmnE zy yifi t ll
'1.7 ll
Unit L2
A Fairy Tale
in:aE il:a yun urgaia iY:, bz:af Yuls lhk:ma 8:ut nthiturt
dyun B:qf dyut ntlaEit . in:a6 iq:im al:iy ira adint;t 1ws:a
arauns in:ayasn "ayarawinw , &d:ay m:ty , ku1'Ei 9
mnyir s :nduq:in: , un:a tihadan diyun hay:i ltyas : t"1 ' "
n.imn al :-iw ran adbdun in:asn yun nt:a 1:aSt:inin hm:uttnk:in
irndln , ba3'nahwa k,", "'"5:il'rn il'rgl:id yal:ah yaditn
hrn:u al:i.y urq:lmin laysh:ar:-, Ia walu ' id:un: hm:u Yr
ir-, "a.u,*"t i,;;; t";""" "riy ad)',im ad:awav agl- :1d' " '
n :anas "nayXici ylwrn , cnQ:n ish:ar: '
td:ud ig: intin
sd:rbalin:i arsr^rs:x . d:u ybrdan:8 I in:asn "tr"'alu "'
n:anas ,,hat adad i6 :y ixf ". in,:asn "un:att? yra ". I :k-imnt '
in:as "ihal ay itali:ad ? " in:as "*ay Eyayn in:as t'mld:
adid :avrad adad netY &)r1-':a ciiyi il- :an
uriC:avla'd f : Y " ' in :as
lrali:d.a.r,,tay ". inctas ai::-m"r ,1":r:as llai:ii'm 'in:as "vtrax:a' '
ak:darvay f imr:a , ualali:ayni s3:rt ' in:as "mat:a
d:rt ?"
: j-d ' "
in;as adassY Ib *my:a ntyrit , a" twtY "lb cmy:a ntfrit - ti
yun 1 :bit
ln :as "lr;ax:a . " yamT: ag1: id , i3 :kirnt Yr '
tw:t : r idas ti^g'yin r al :iy iaZi-r"'m ' i"w:t : srberny:a
ntyrit , iEas ]'ut ntazart , i-t:Et: r caydnas waE:ii"rn
in:as "i'da xl:si si tiyradinr'+ arl-cl:uy ' in:as "tsula$ it:i "'
in :as "alvcl : i' ii : iE tu+ r Y1f i bz :a-ll , tur ras lxdmtns t" ttt tu:- '
l,ralakin:i i:Es:at: nt;at adasEy sbemy:a ntyrit
ttha r,iay 6rnit:dawan , ublhq:
"wax:a ". iV1c1 iyl:is in:as
s5:rt , s:bciny:a ntYrl-l; " . tn : a s at zamz"Y " ' Yarnzt: hn :u t
Ititqa ts :nc1 rnayam dit :d:un L1:]-+ ?
i3 :kZrr'Lt: yr lbit , in:as
ar^ryicl tahitur.tinvr , tawidid ta$a$itinlt , tawidid
d:q:fin1r '
t:xngiyt 1:h;iil , a5mtdat+ay ' uritnit:iwiyd ' at:q:irnd
swas:ilm al- t:'rn:d.:
t'. tar^;yasd taia5:-tns , tawyasd tahiturtns
cmy:a ntYrit
tawyasci S :qfns d11<-: i fns tdastn , it+:t : s :b '
i-gas yut ntaza::t ytl-:1 n:a clyiw' yt;irazirtn:a ti' y ' in:asn
"xl : sati acicl :r-rY " in :as "tsu-']-a5 trndut : inw altu , tsul-
,t-ti :at h:v :as l'lad: i','rn . " yarnzt : id , in :as. "tamd:ut :
ixs :at : ts miy :a nt yrit . " yanT tand :ut : , ida s ts sr^ny :a nt YYit
al:iy t:iin,t irrlj-h , igas yut ntazart : qaydnas was:iwn . Fri:&
1'3.lvc1:i dyi nir:in xatrY dY j-
yZ ty in :as ugl :id ihrn:u in:as '
at:q:iniii. yuri ada.B By lrnmlak:&: adaEalrl-y il:i
, tQ:iitrc Turi
A Course in Spoken Tamazlght
at:gd agl:id , &t:hk:md gldprtnw r nk:in yas adq:lmf
adhduy . tt iwa yamz hm:u , lias l1:is , yawlt : , lgas
tamlra iefu yif; rl:i
xf hm:u . lq:im ikim taxamt
ugl:id . ig ag1:id nt:a sixfns . :t1" eIn:bi
(Tne informant for this story is !0 years old, a native speaker
of Tamazight; Tribe: ayt Ayache ).
I- to read
fnl<ma wisdcm
g:ut (.y + yut ) in cne (f )
tahiturt choon elein
dat in frcnt
tamstt rtyt palace (alsc, an upper room)
arit :g: to do ( g)
f:y to go out
r ryC)
Unit l-2
1srry' Negro servant
aly to go uP (s:11Y)
nzy to Pu1l
to dismiss
7t, a stiek
ac mud
s:ae but
abarlq: slaP (on the face )
$ruyu to shout
bnadm persons - PeoPle
Eiy:an rnuch
word. Here:
1:a present tense Preflx
Yif on
-s it
t lTima VH of /q;tm/ f to staY
or slt
inflectlon fo:: PIN*
grs to put
aq : zdam sltting
rragr to foretell
st:r to be late
I I V-
- tt /
A Course in Spoken Tamazight
tasarutt (pf. tisura) k prr
lmak:lat food
il:rda garden ( P.. jardin)
. :- . ,
o :1l.yal ( sg. 0i-11_I ) vine
af rar',r to f1y
tafriwin lvings
TZU to asit
tazart figs
tagrst t^linter
e.if summer
iir"u spring
lxrif fall
tartva eanal
ead:r to rneet
hr.h to announce
ast:ar msrrini.sn
1ynSa illness
bay'nahwa that (Arablc )
dawa tc cure
c nd . to get tired
ws:x to make dlrty
f irnr:a at once, irnmediately
E.rf condition
:rJ.c to pay
*il to be hard
rr.l. l l.rn .
2:y to be cured
xatr to grow old
nKr,1 (tunsm ) to govern
ifr*T place
- 180-
Unit 12
]2,2 Translate :
1) il:a Yurs fnrn 6:gf dyut nt6a5it
2) il,rs:atn b;asn adbdun tulrEi mnyir srnduqn3a
3) ira hm:u ady"$z s:nd.uqn:a xftniws:'& b:asn
l+) tk: sas il: is 1:malik 6rqfns t:xn5iytns ttEabitns i?rm:u
O yumT b:as nh"m:u ilefarit adbnun $ut tad:art t?t+: Vt:1t
1xa1ya ilmu ad:iksizdY
7\ vivr-v hm:u Erat i, ntazarin yluq:t ndzu/anb ytgrst urtl:i
:€tazavt la. walu , urtl-;i yavrilllid a1: tamazirtns ' aI"
B) yir,',q71rm;u l.;azarin uri : 3, tntitEan 1: astk: r: t"tai : irryn
o) yivff?rir:u Srat I ntazarin yadnin , ulll; a LntitEan las t:kr:
]II8,S : I1Vfl
10 ) in: as Imalik ihm:u "q, i* YuTi at' 3 aurald i1r i t
u6u q-'1 .iA
6) imagra mnbsd ?
7) rnag: ETan 1:iY iEma ?
B) mastn:a il-:is ugl:id iYsmYns ?
9) mas tga il:is 1:ma1ik ikrm:u ?
- ta1 t-
A Course in Spoken Ianazleht
10) ima yr id:a hm:u mnbcd ?
11) imag: o O",rrn,
I?-) imag:a 1:iy d:isw:q, ?
13) imas tga i1:is ug1:id 1mt:n:a
14) imag:a 1;iy astk:s taEa6itns ?
fi) mae,. Zvan 1:iy iq; ima xf thiturtns ?
16) nas ir'r, r hm:u il+f riyt ?
1Z) may tga i1:is ug1:id ihm:u lmrt:a ?
18) imag: lT* ihm:u 1: iy r"tt , u ,r, r" 1;nalik tatriturtns
19) mas Jrurnr b:as nhm3u ilcfarit ?
- 182-
Unlt 13
sidna Yusf
13.1 The StorY of Saint JosePh
--:-- yusf us' : d' : iq: , in :aE 1 :ayl :a Yurs
in:a-s 11 :a sidna
snat ncayls:rn . in:aE yut turwas sbea yiir:an ' Yut turwas
-r.. -..".
yun in:ab tn:a n:a Yurun Yas Yun , sidna Yusf n:it t
in:aE i.sz; xf b :as sidna Yusf in:aE iq:lm a1: Yun was:
in:aE arit:warya am:l 1:an sbca itran , yili yuk: aytnixulfn
ln:a! al:iy id:a yiwg win:a , ln:aE ifafad ylq:istns
ytwarylt : , ln:aE lk: r arasit :q:is imm:is , in:aE in:as
,rawd:i art:waryay amm:i , "..,ln:aS tl:a 1:ayursts:yad taEna
n:ayadnin in :as "amm:i art :waryaY am:i 1 :an sbea itran
il:a diksn yun lxulftn , al:iy idyiwd , fafayd df t Eg:
tsuld at:gd axatar naytma3 Egl aYra ygn ag1:idnsn "' in:ab
arts :yad taEna , in :ab tq : irn , tk : rd 1run was : ' tn :ab
art:ru , 1o:ab n:anas t'may EmyaYn aym:a al:iy t:rud ?"
in :a-s tn :as ttmayd : tarwa uru1 nh : in , uruf sbc a ie r : iron t
tarw ta-sna Yas yun , han mas ln:a b :as , han mas in:a b :as '
han mas tn:a mays . nk: urdiyun uriwy yas lxdiyt ' dYl
han sidna yusf aYTa igln ag1:idn:un , P:l at:gim yas
ihz :ar:ns . in:aE n:anas "aym:a 1:iyd: Yas ayn:a and:u
ui rrrrr ". in:ai tn:ayasn "iwa walu , &d:ay urastgtm Ea
tt. in:aE k:r: n :anas isidna
at :tzlirn , 1sl*1 isurknuriwy
yusf us:d:iq: rn:anas "awd:i ixs:a adaytEd sj-dna yusf
and:u angmr ,,. in:ai in:as awA:i tagmra urawnak:aY Ea
adigmr yusf imz:iy , uriyiy lEa 1:ewari , uriyiy ilaF'bal '
dyl yusf urn:ii adawntEy Ea , at:yaY fad , at':ya[ Laz "'
in:aF n:anas "walu ilazm adaxt:Ed anawy kulEl , anawy
lewinn:Y r anawy aman , anawy "r an:a yiwhl nq:lm r Ya$
ttiwa mand:lyun ag:! :dman :' ?tt
anmun angmr . " in:aE in:as
in:aE in:as sidna ycq:ub "hay:t $*ttt ' nk:in adis :munY
urtt :ay ag :d yut thaEt ". in :ab iA tu in:ab art :d:un . . . ln:ad
in :as "wax ;a , h*y : i EiYawnt , d :ut munat .'t in :aE d :un
in:aE astn lcwinnsn , asin kutFi , a1: idn:a amzwaru nsin
in:aE ask:ans in:aE d:un al:iy n:iwdn cari axatar , in:a!
q: imn art :mdaEar : mast :g:an , ran xlas : at :n^1in , uruf i-n
mlm6as gan , i-n:al art:md-aiar: , r",*E Ewi yalyis:n , in:aE
iylag iyeq:ub in:as ""yiq:ud mani lcahd n:a t51d iyb:a dyi
- .LVJ_
A Course lnSpohen Tamazight
1:at:1nim Fa rrha5t r may tram aditgim
". 1n:a! ln:as
"awd:i dfi sbr urit:g: rb;i yas lxir hayl l:iy lrayifE
k:atY , *uiuyrr:i hat "y rt:i bz :af . dYi sbr . urt:g:d:
ya$:d yut 1:ha5t ." in:aE d:un , in:aH 5rr;i lnyltn fad bz;af
ln:aE d:un srrnn xf yun wanu in:a6 artfr:dn , arfr:dn ,
ln:aE al:iy n:ufan &man diks nt:a anun:a i"iu6 aqdim'ugru .
in:a6 n:an&s iwa ttdr ilg: ayusf aday t :awid. aman . " in:ad
ln:as "yal:ah ". i","i nt:a i$f , in :aE rarin Ylf s
tayt:ayt xf wanu . rari-n ylfs yun isl:i . in:a.i rdmnt yifs
fn:ai d:un . in:aE lgas sidi rb:i ln:ai lgas t:asic g:anu t
in:aE uryif st:ut:i}m iknn:a1.n . in:ai d:un , in:aE lEasd
rb:i tmak:la sanun:a , iEasd usu , i5asd ag:d yut thaJt t
urtimr:it sldi rb:i yag:d yut 1:haIt . iwa in:aE q:i;
ask:a caydnn: wil:i aytmas , in :a5 i eat : rasnd . in :aI
ln:as ltahlw , maniyat yusf n:axfkn t"ruy ?" tn:aI n:anas
"awd:i ngayis I lmicad. nn:a aday diral:r Yr ti.z:- w:ayflan ,
nk:ad yifs urtidnufi , nyal id:is dyiwd da ". in:a5
in;asn "walu .oBVo:a tgam yas lYdr aytydrm ". ln:ai n:anas
rrr,rn"l rr
ncrnrr{g; lmiead yr t- da ,> d,fi
--t- hayay
- -v nd:a and:u anrara
isurdiZbir sadyar ". iwa in :ab d:unnsinn: yZ :bln :a , gin
enwa am :1 daturz :un , in :aE Eawrdatrz :un r Yas q : iman s :n :
ayn:a ytslk:n , in:aE s:bah , in:aH iYr sidna yusf ku1:El
it :yur , iluhud , in:as in :asn "awriw d:uyat at : s :aram ,
un:a yufan ayn:a yil:a Snisfinw , nyd: adldyawy lxbarns ,
id:ud yuli ", 1n :aB d :un kul :5i luhu5 , ln:aE ars :aran t
ars laran , in:aX walu . in:ai la t:3nrr 1a yuI :an: , la. , .
in :aI ars :aran , in :aE n :anas "aw& : i sidna yusf uriq : imi
af I :a w: a6al . rr in :aE iq: im , in :aI id:ud yun yidr
axatar , in:aE 6nar mn ram ayYurs il:an , ln:aE id:ud yr
sidna yusf in laE i*,", "iraz* ig, ag;s :n: timj-zar r &8 !s:n:
an:a yiwer lhal , dyi at :d:ud .t' ln:aE in:as 'rawd":i
haq:iqa s:ny timizar zman 1:iy sulY swaln:inw skul:Ei '
walayn:i dyi cmiY urYiyY add:uy adraeaY ". in:ai islk:as
afus xf wal:nns , in:aE icayd arit :an:ay mlih . ln:a! id :u
eri t.rlrrr e".].t:dur al;iy ienq: , in:ab i*aya: yurs .
in:as r?awd:i , *io.ru, yusf urlk:l afl:a w:aEal Oyl af1:a
w:abal hat urik:i . dyl rb:i adylf5 lfr:E ". iwa in:ab
d:und ylts w:aerabn , in:aF d:und g:brid , tn:aE 1:iy iwdn
- 1B4-
Unit f3
, in:a-s alabar waerabnn:a , in:aE irrlitn
in:aB q:imn Ewi , in:asn yun "zman k:iY sya 'eq:lY
yal :ah and:uyat Yurs " ' in:ab
-lt" g:dyar w:ayf }an ,
wanu il:a
;,;; ,;; d:un , in :ai artrrigtt ' lwi k : sn tavamust
in:aE grin wan: Yr saman , grin d:lu in:as nt:a
gran d:lu , in:aE iEb:rasnd sidna yusf dlks ' in:as
dyuly , in :aF in :as rval :i n :a igran asq:n in :as "aya* rinw
yiwid rb:i yun ismY at:awiy "' in:aE in:as "urgiy walu
dyi nk: aytma ayiyran g:anuya ' uma urgiy walu ismY
ursiv ag : dhah . " in :aB I :1yas in :a ayn :a ' in :aE iwt :
. i.r,*5 l:iy tiw:t subari-q: in:ai yaznasnd sidl
rb:i yut gnut , in:ai at:iy dat:msamahn y"1t adxlun
in,aE il:a sldna yusf am:asnsn ,il:a yas am3is: '
ag:dhah . in:al uras :rit:- walu ' in:a3 5wi al:iy '
in:ai d:und
;;;;;8t"t , ln,u.i vtv"i sidi rb;i .'v:z Yirsn '
in:ai ivra imunis :nd , in:ai d:und af :iy n:ruhn uiabarn:ayusf
yr,., ydiwdn yr tmazirtn:a yr dd:an ' in:"i ix'" sidna '
1:at :iri at ,* 8i , in:ai ik:r Yt'I* nt:a slq:dra nsidi
rb:i , in:a6 tg 'r$a6t fimr:a , tili muiud ' last:int k:rd agmd
aman , in:as yina, iig," ' in:aX tafn: thwayins
em:rnt swaman , in:aB 1:astsnuy azry luq'it'u adizo '
tk:rd , in:a5 tafn: kul:di azry l:ayt:d:u Yas sladn nsidl urid:
rb:i , ariz:ad iyxfns . in:a6 tk:r tn:as awd:i argazad
*A.rrsrrv AstA .'i*r, s:iyd aya , Yd: 5a ' in:ai tk:r td:u
t'awd:i il:a lnrri yuk:
yr sagl:id udyarn:a o in:a5 tn:as
uvgaz han mayduyt,gr* , han maydayt:g:a ' an:a
dayt : K: r " in:as "ixs :a aditidtawid adan:ayy ' " in :aB
id:ud yr lmalik;n:a r 1n:a5 in:as "awd:i ma zy tgt-d' 2"
in:as "awd:i nk: han may yifi yarun , han ma$ yifi yarun .''
in;as ,'iwa ixs:a at:q:imd .,, tn:as " dyi art:waryay,.."
tt" yiyun
asin:a tmalil<:n:a ' in:as 'art:waryay is 1:an sbea
1n :as "tdintn sb ca n:a yuhl-: dfi ixs :a aditrzmd mat :a
wya , sb+a n:a sfianin , 'igittttt sbca n:a whl:in ' ixs:a
aditinid rnat :a Immtn:a ' " in:ad in:as 'rsb ea ysg:asn
1:at:ili s:rft , sbfa isg:asn urtlli ' " in:as "iwa may
nt :g.:a 2;' in :as "i-xs :a angal imndi ysb ca ysg:asn n:ay il :a
md :n
Or*Ut hma g : sq :asn ,^, ,*y urll : i ymnd'i yxs :a ad :t : :un
A Course in Spoken Tamazlght
59, lmalik: a/tgid , aciasntrfaeC imd:n ". ir.va in:aE iBas
lrnalik: tisLrra , i5as lflus isidna yrsf . in:as ttiwa ]-,azm
at:d;ud at: Eald imnd.i ". iwa ln:aE lqim arit:6a1 , arit3rirr.;&r
lahi'rran lrr1 : Ei , aTLt : rill: ar arixz 2n , in , aE as;l: o.st1 : o.
Idd:an isg:asn h:8,\r uril: i unbdu , in3aE ik:r atiz;nza diy
lrnalik: , aT.yak;a imdrn su.fl:a. siEal 1uq:tn:a sidna:'n-lsf ,
in r aE o.s; rr: a gdd za.n a.:rt-na.s a,C5a1r imndi , inraE a:und fr
t'nazirtn ra n; 3,rr i 1: a si clna lrusf , in: aE iq: im nt : a , in, aE
lriwgt yakzLn . in:aE isbrasn al:iy s,sdcbT , in,aE ikrr }r:k:
in;as , imEtr<;a , in;as ttrb, i arffd:i sidna lrusf usrd:io.r r1B,Jr
yifs yarrin asf:&srtz& yrza-r id:a i1:a b:as 1;Et1ru.rz3rr . urs:irr:
Unit 13
- 187-
A Course ln Spoken ftsmazlght
fafa to wake up
s:fd to hear
naytmaB of your brothers
aYTa future
participle particl-e
-c__ future particple ot /e/
131 to cry
aY to reach
En- to you (f .)
mayEmyayn vrhat reached you? what
is the matter?
Itr:& (irt:a) mother /a + lrn:a **) aymza/
mother !
rn&yd: but (for sarcasm or anger)
lxdiyt failure
8,112 t &T servant
't.r-^. sinc e
zi- to lose
p-_- to hunt
YiY to be smal-l-
iyiy to be able to
eari (p, lewari ) mountain
fad" thirst
Iaa hunger
iLazm rnrst
]-ewin food
mun to acconpany
+*" to guarantee
artt; ay she will not reae?r
- 1BB-
Unlt t3
mdaEar to con$11t
as:r to be aTlare
sahd to promise
z! zr to ti &ten
srm to knorry of
1rd. to sweep, clear up
dr to go d"ollm
tayt: alrt 1id
i isl-: stone
t:asic room (here=roomY)
..+ -, to fal-1
aknn 3 ay rock
lmak:1a food
usu. bed.ding
rnr^. f to torture
llll'1 | . 1 tlno se
a:1i-..,i a. 1l O CA.t,
'i,V: ..lipll .:S Si n.n
i,i..z:, a pass
to thinl<
^,1 rtt 1' to lr 4tTa.r
7,DT to come back
en'[va, 6rl n]11 hn qa
tayamust 1id.
* n q on rl
-i -nrr
*urr\il!u- *u storm
xlu to d:stroy
ar0l &S
atnonq, between
to reach
]rars to prevent
LawvarL o1cl vloman
azv:f nd]-l-
to grind
q. i rrd
holy man
aTu to write
wafJ'/a to d.ream
_ lgo_
Unit 13
yiy;n oxen
to open
gb" to be heal-thy
SAI to buy grain
hma in order to
tfe to d.i stribute
thri warehou se
akz to recognize
TZV to look for
g;in:a(=Y+a1rnra) in that
db:f to manage
tanrcarL sack
A.fiz zlfan sr:la11 one
ft: 6 to search
fumczn the government
Eau to sme11
ihi (*uhu ) no
/- ar . a. / to read. (/aray/vw of /yf /)
imt I a.rlrn tears
s: l-f to caress
t r swira photograph
tasa l-ove ( lover)
F.' I to hug
z zLn beauty
aydi s:u.fuy whieh he invented"
lmlkrya kingdom
13.2 Translate
f ) 1 :an yuls sbq a lElr:an
2) ie z: Jrusf bz:af xf b :as
3) iwarya yusf am:i 1:an sb+a ytran yill yun ixulftn
t+) tn:asn talna adzln ymatsn
5 ) is :ufyas yusf twaryit :n:a ilmallk: .
6) iEas lmalik:n:a tisura I :ahryan isidna yusf
7 ) ic n:a b : as nsidna yusf 1 : iy urdic ayd yusf
B) igra yusf 3mt tbrat: ytTrart nymas amz:yan ,
9 ) mimi tga zulixa al:iy t ayd tga tarbat: ?
10) mimE iga yusf al:ly iga lmalik
Unlt 13