I Lihlft Iff LTR It# Ys :I:'T FT?L'H, Li (: ,,,-"1,1, I' H.S'Slhi,'# 1'1#lllro# L $R"Bril,'L::Jj:"F (L Lii/Ti'$ Is
I Lihlft Iff LTR It# Ys :I:'T FT?L'H, Li (: ,,,-"1,1, I' H.S'Slhi,'# 1'1#lllro# L $R"Bril,'L::Jj:"F (L Lii/Ti'$ Is
I Lihlft Iff LTR It# Ys :I:'T FT?L'H, Li (: ,,,-"1,1, I' H.S'Slhi,'# 1'1#lllro# L $R"Bril,'L::Jj:"F (L Lii/Ti'$ Is
Nofenber12,1997 13 | ,m e+ to andm) e8s *rcrc.o or m! rEk eor 'o vol.t Annap I rooo rtr, rrre I a n ,b l c ro i mp e a .he k" M. lenr kiLEl) / Eedm J r osr bleed\\bd 'r,h,k.].lj; hop. r $ M ' , r l , o ra n trk NepdFa f.{idhe.oun n br'lh'v^e-a*Eddedlrole.- l\eryhin!(be\ 'odifl'rcnlad I _^-r n, F adlp o rte ns ial oJlfe bed l rlFvn)a liule'b:o' rFe ansrge ro m& mmuntraron Alt ouBh r undebr d no' nJch) e I r o i i . r , L r t t i r " n a r.r.t$ e ml ;o i 'fo i e nldbtce' qi' lb - o e l i . \ c ra r r * 0 " : - ,; tP r.l (l R u l l Jr'. \a \\\
;[l lii\ti'$ is; $r"bril,'l::jj:"f ,,,-"1,1,*i';H.s'slhi,'#*1'1#lllro#*l ju{ lechng> or D r o m) *lr be'au{ lm l, va) be {ro nser r iM u pq i J rh . n .b u r\eh ro u n d e 'mo
({414 ne* *od,- ; (q)(o tepedlil unlolwre) im it'i l g .tlo{ andha!er o,) r- or dir *r ion i J r i i a r l d n E -tE s.l j u th o p e -e d o
'he "' "a" 'r n .l * ,rre r6fa* harq,i s oi n b o M r le'o,me o ,ll n cl : " + , if , ' : . a 1 ' " + sh e !'d h erbnoLrprc l $ers a.. o b m lB L h lr ' . ' e m ' o f f t e r u d e lL r s le e f & r u lli ,i ' i l ,'
li lL,li,i.'1i'il; i'"I;ii ii'EJl"h\'. f , Ti.l"Ji'*ft ,, J"*l';il.Il':k.l:"'T',iJ /Tdle) 3 ol'one lall Tio: r'r delie\e lrc-ol th! h3ll lec dr rs tr rle she(Dlk) d
h'-!d *''uden -^r'o *r3B'surc :::it:i";"s"is{;s"$*.i'lJT:,'1J:"}:;Slf' "'," '#{r*#'i" ''::9'-' poh *d q,k mr6u*r.'r,1,' *u.' .
", m ]ou molin! a Dl'one -. collr"sudder Mn' ""'..T" J $ nle $e wcE blrins. . rh"giltfii io e$o'yell
$\rh do $c44hrne rfoi Rill'Si}]rcrcn rd'' ror gdr$ rbercme) ai bur lil;ruit,*I"'#f!#Pi:T pla):ng \do sm.s ;m #lii' {ill ;H?i",J3il"1T'"1 ro 166{Febfii'Er'te 'odoJ, 3t11131;;;5{p"r6;f tan".:ge, ":;jlll'..f""li"ll"; ""m :# n$h; :'.? ."i:l'J l:, :liff :"*lli ffi{frJj ;)T5 inlo a4 inremational ilf,ff *: Gll6fdfve) ;::$ffi3P"1: ".ll'ru$-::iT."J".:l';:fl ;:l ;nlill;;11,. w dewebotknostedee. worLd
n c.o rto ' tro F h d h rea lr r inlin!tbour bu\edncloie ' h , . e , r . e )a r\tr callme' ? tr'L' i' c',ild You nrshr s..cet r iro,ei, ocotare "sa la&ly so thev (so) ro Man dd Saoh (have) somedifficulties in their reldrionship oul counslor. I bopetheywork everJlhing lohr (tror", fo' Ine Co.etrmerr 'inR ne gdoLaEdFon Frar\odtntre 'q U ril ac' 1) i! ol*ingab.ut retiring (cnroJl hk wolL b{ nowhe
\\ r' ,. !L-
Lacly, I (rhi.k) alout chansine n, ceftr b*ause I (b$oDe) ,lhelnfied wirh the oonditions al ht I Gee)Judyrbr morethanfive yea6 andduringthartine t haveGee)Dsy chdsss in herpenon.ftr. ,.i_ when I (erive) bomel{n nighl,I discov*d lnatJde (pED@) a bautnnl cMdle-lirdinner, ac.ing,I (petfom) in tRo ploys,a lbvnion conmcrcialdd a TV drm. However, SinceI began I (sperL neler even)publicl] beloreI dn lo Hollwood in I935. By rhetime I got to the ofiice, rheneline Oesin,alMdy) wirhouthe. My bd$ (be)hdous wilh De WhenI (tum) the Fdio on yesterday. I (hed) a songthlt ws popuhr whenI was in high schoot.I ye$, (biing) nor) thc sonB in dd il b&k some {hcar, ssl memond. Last seek, I (rd) inb d ex girlfriend of nine. we cee. no0 eachorher in yetrs, and borh ot us a sreat deal.I (enjoy)lalking to her so muchthat I (ask)hq oDron a date.wc arc sening Ghan8e) bgelhertonighifor din.e. wr'en Jack(cnlerl rhercom.I (Ecognia, not hin besusehe(lo*) sonuch weighlandGow) a beard. J.le iookdrohlly diffftnil 'Ihe Mayaesbblhheda veryadvdced civilizdion in rhejungl.s of rheYucailn; however. lheir cutruE (disappelr, virtully) by thetime Europeans tust (dnve) in rheNew worl{ places I (visn) so frany baDtirul sine I (coDe)lo Ut h. Befor. novjng herq I (hear,nevet or Brloe Canyon, Zior, AEhes or Canyonlands. It is slEody 930 pm ud I (wait herelbr oler d hour. If Johndoesdot gei herein lhc next five minures, I amgoing to l@re. I w6 rcallysnsryal Johnyeeerday. Sy lhe time hr tually ariled, I (Mir) for overs hour.I almostbn Did you hsr fiat Benwasfired lasrnohth? He (wdrk) for lnat inpon smpmy for hore lhan ter ydr andhe(ro&) in alno$ dery departnent. Nobodyknewthc cobpanylike hedid. | (s) manypictuEsoflh pramids bcloE 1 wcnt ro Eslpt. Pictures ofthe nonunentsaE vcry misjeading. Thepymids arcacluallyqunemall. Slrah {climb) the M,tlethon, (eil) @und the wond, and(so) on s&n in Kenya.she is suchu saBh (cliDb) the Maddhom,Gail) mund the worldand(eo)on s.fei in Ksya b, dretime shetumcd h'enry-fix. She(expeiidc) no b) thataseths mostFoDle do in lhen enlnelives. when Melanie came into lhe ofiice r61day, he. eyesw* ftd and watery. I think shc (ory).