The Consonant Sounds l0l and 16l: Spelling

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Arthur's moth'er
Theconsonant l0l and 16l
. Listen to the two sounds l0l and /ô/. Notice that in l0l,thete
is no voice from the throat. Instead, you can feel the air from
your mouth on your hand. In the sound lôl there is voice
from the throat. It is possibleto make both sounds long.
Look at the mouth diagram to seehow to make these t o n g u eb e t w e e n
consonant sounds. t o p a n d b o t t o mt e e t h
f p u s ha i r t h r o u g hg a p )
1 W 1àqq. Now listento the sound/0/ on its own.
ÂSS! . Listen to the rarger sound /0/ in the words below and compare it with the words on each side.
YvÎ$et /Q7

sick thick sick

boat both boat
free three free

+-!9;1. Listen and repeattheseexamplesof the target sound.

thank think thought
healthy birthday maths
earth length fourth

breed breathe breed

den then den
van than van

. Listen and repeat these examples of the target
these though they
other weather clothes "My father and motherlive
breathe with sunbathe togetherwith my other brother."

i"'lmpor4anL' ,,,*
;1tr t;s+eniye:

always notes
tgt TH(three) of places
In a few names THis pronounced
andpeople, as/ti
tôt TH(rhen)

42 EnglishPronunciationin Use(lntermediate)
Section A Lettersond sounds

Fmoa wayfromStartto Finish.
Youmaypassa square onlyif the wordin it hasthe sound/0/.
(*) or ùertically
T,rucanmovehorizontally (0)only.
7 northenr
tæ*h ei4he,r ,)La+rrLr breathe thosz

æuth ba4h bahhe )rh.ouqht brea*h t4outh

*uthern hhirà hheir throuqh fih.ouqh. 4huub

eloth oath, AÊ+h uith usodrh

rlon*lt eloth,es hhese brother hhat 4ee4h

throul thinq th.et1 usealhh


-\nhur had a ..................

...brp!hef................. They wanted was a
-\rrd he didn't want .....................4[ù.4çL So Arthur's mother
And of the brothers, Got them both
W'antedsisters................. And told them all good ....................
The Iastthingon this ................ Shouldlearn to sharetheir
Followup: Listento the poemagain.Pausethe recordingafter eachline and repeatit.

whichpeoplespeakintoandit writeswhattheysay.Thiscomputer
Thinkof a computer wrotethese
the underlined
Exeuprn It's free o'clock. ................thfçe.........
1 A bat is more relaxing than a shower. ............ 4 You need a sick coat in winter.
2 The train went true the tunnel. 5 I dont know; I haven't fought about it.
3 Don't walk on the ice: it's verv fin. ...................
6 It's a matter of life and deaf. ...................

1,4 Listenandcirclethe wordyou hear.lf youfind anyof thesedifficult,go to SectionD4Soundpoirs

{Ei for furtheroractice.
1 Youth or use? There'sno youth I usetalking about that. (=+soundpair 33)
2 Thought or taught? I don't know what shethoughtI taught. (-sound pair 35)
3 Freeor three? FreeI Threerefills with eachpacket! (-sound pair 39)
4 Closedor clothed? They weren't fully closedI clothed. (+sound pair 33)
5 Breedingor breathing? They'vestoppedbreedingI breathing. (+sound pair 35)
6 Theseare or visa? Theseare I Visa problemswe can dealwith later. (-sound pair 39)

Follow yourself
up:Record saying
in 17.4,choosing
of the two words.Makea note of which wordsyou say.Thenlistento
your recordingin about two it clearwhich wordsyou said?

in Use(lntermediote) 43

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