Safc Role of Bpog Wp3014 en MK
Safc Role of Bpog Wp3014 en MK
Safc Role of Bpog Wp3014 en MK
The landscape for times and decrease the risk of and slip agents, pigments and
single-use systems cross-contamination. Further antioxidants such as BHT may
benefits include more dependable either leach out of the system or
Single-use systems are increas lead times and faster delivery be extracted by solvents used in
ingly popular in biomanufacturing. of higher-quality, lower-cost the manufacturing process. For
Their adoption offers numerous products. patient safety, biomanufacturers
advantages for greater efficiency must systematically assess and
and productivity in applications Despite these advantages, single- mitigate the risks posed by any
such as final filtration, mixing use systems can also contain extractables and leachables (E&L)
and aseptic connections. Single- risk. Polymeric materials in in these systems. Unfortunately,
use systems can reduce capital single-use systems can introduce the burden of obtaining E&L data
investment in facilities and a range of unwanted chemicals and assessing and mitigating any
equipment, eliminate the need into the manufacturing process risk found is the top reason some
for cleaning procedures and their fluid. Substances such as styrene researchers restrict their use of
required validation, reduce startup monomers, stabilizers, lubricants single-use systems.
Guidance for evaluating SUS for data. If the risk of maximum dosage of potential
extractables and leachables leachables remains, leachable evaluation and testing
may be necessary. Furthermore, if product quality
Although formal guidelines for E&L assessments could be affected by a potential leachable, studies
have not yet been enacted, there is nonetheless a may need to assess the effect on product quality,
regulatory expectation that researchers will test for including efficacy. These evaluations are possible
these potentially harmful contaminants. Agencies when the supplier provides extractables data, which
such as the USFDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation can supplement final product quality assessments.
and Research (CBER) recommend a risk-based
approach to evaluation. In such an approach, Beyond the regulatory sphere, numerous industry
indication, safety, product characteristics, dosage, organizations have created best-practice strategies
formulation and stability are all factors. for implementing extractables studies. Prominent
among these coalitions is BioPhorum formerly known
If there appears to be lower risk with the materials as BioPhorum Operations Group (BPOG), a global
in question, the sponsor can submit supplier data, consortium of large biopharmaceutical manufacturers.
a detailed justification for applying this data and In the absence of official E&L-specific guidance, many
an explanation of why no more testing is required. manufacturers are fulfilling regulatory expectations
If there is relevant risk, the sponsor may have by following the BioPhorum and/or U.S. Pharmacopeia
to determine toxicity based on maximum dosage (USP) recommendations. An overview of these standard
of potential leachables derived from extractables extractables testing protocols is shown in Table 1.
Note that while these protocols are not identical, analyses to determine what levels of volatile, semi-
the general idea is similar and at least one or volatile and nonvolatile organic compounds, and
the other can apply to most drug products and metals, have been extracted. Either approach will
substances. Testing is performed at various time produce an array of data that must then be evaluated
points and temperatures. Resulting extraction in the context of the proposed process.
solutions are subjected to robust and extensive
The task of gathering all the product information required to assess risk and optimize E&L test strategies for
a process can be daunting. Consider the filtration setup shown in Figure 1. This one assembly exposes the
contact fluid to multiple components as indicated.
15 31 20 30 13 30 21 29 12 29 21 30 13 30 20 31 15 31 1 29
31 16 31 19 31 17 28
30 31 8
29 14 23
2 31 26
6 27
11 11
29 29
5 5
3 9
9 22
Figure 1. S
chematic of a 32-component Mobius® filtration assembly containing various types of single-use filters and bags
A proper E&L assessment must account for the risk Finally, sample analysis yields an extractables profile
imposed by each component in the fluid path. Once quantifying all volatile, semi-volatile and nonvolatile
each component’s materials of construction (MOC), organic compounds found, as well as elemental
resin identity and manufacturing process have been impurities.
documented, similar components may be grouped This complex process is much simpler when the
together for analysis. Two to three lots of worst-case supplier provides comprehensive, organized datasets
representative samples are extracted as per the for its single-use components, such as filters and
chosen testing protocol, under worst-case conditions. bags.
The overall strategy for E&L validation
Determining risk and interpreting extractables data to construct a reasonable validation strategy is a
complex process; expert assistance can be valuable. The general steps in evaluating each single-use
component are as outlined in Figure 2.
In general, drug manufacturers must evaluate the the other hand, if there is a risk to the patient, a
single-use components that are in product contact leachables study may be conducted under normal
under the given process conditions such as duration, product application or storage conditions. Risk
temperature, solvents, material characteristics, may also be mitigated through a process-step
etc. Any risk-mitigating steps occurring later in the modification, such as including an additional flush.
process can be taken into consideration. At this A final option could be to change the material of
stage, an extractables profile, if available, would the component.
facilitate product, process and dosage-specific
assessment. If, thus far, the patient safety evaluation The following case study demonstrates this approach
indicates no risk, the findings may simply be to risk assessment.
reported and monitored for future changes. On
Figure 3 illustrates a representative, single-use Extractables test data prepared by the single-use
system for which E&L assessment might be required: system component manufacturer can be used to
a single-use final sterilization assembly including analyze this system. The availability of such data
a capsule filter and a product collection bag. This in an easy-access format saves significant time
assembly serves a commercial monoclonal antibody and effort. If these components were evaluated in
(mAb) application with typical excipients. The accordance with BPOG guidelines, they were tested
aqueous drug product solution includes 2% API, under worst-case conditions, as shown in Table 2.
0.02% PS80 surfactant and 2% dextrose, buffered
to a pH of 5. Filter contact time is eight hours with
a filtration temperature of 25 °C.
Table 2. BioPhorum conditions for extractables testing of the single-use components in the mAb system
Gamma-compatible Millipore Express® SHC Filter PureFlex™ Plus Mobius® Single-Use Bags
Summary results of this testing are shown in Figures 4 and 5. The data includes numerous compounds that
were produced through extraction using the solvents listed. Darker dots indicate compounds found in the
highest concentrations.
Component 1
Extractables Data for Gamma-Sterilized Millipore Express® SHC Filter
32 Individual Compounds Identified
WFI • • • • •
0.1M H3PO4 • • • • •
50% EtOH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• Highest Concentrations
Individual Quantitation
Compound Evaluation
WFI • • • • •
0.1M H3PO4 • • • • •
50% EtOH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Component 2
Extractables Data for PureFlex™ Plus Film
22 Individual Compounds Identified
WFI • • •
0.1M H3PO4 •
0.5N NaOH • • • • •
50% EtOH • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• Highest Concentrations
Individual Quantitation
Compound Evaluation
WFI • • •
0.1M H3PO4 •
50% EtOH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Figure 5. Summary of extractables test results for the film used to make the single-use bag.
The highlighted compounds are present in multiple components.
Water (WFI), phosphoric acid (0.1 M H2PO4) and Similarly, the extractables data for the bag must be
ethanol (50% EtOH) are most applicable to this scaled, as it is reported per cm2. The 10L bag has
process based on the pH and formulation of the a surface area of 3,077 cm2, so the bag’s contribution
drug product. Hence, the focus is on the compounds is:
extracted by these solvents. One observation is
that the two compounds highlighted – 2,4-di-tert- (2.81 µg/cm2) 3,077 cm2 = 8,646 µg
butylphenol and 1,3-di-tert-butylbenzene – are
common degradants and appear in the extraction
data for both the filter and the single-use bag. In Note that the bag contributes the majority of the
such cases, once the single-use system contributions total 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol, which is 8,799 µg/
have been scaled to the actual system in question, assembly.
it is the sum of these contributions that must be
evaluated for toxicity. The next consideration is, how much of this will
be delivered to patients? If the minimum process
To illustrate this calculation, here is the analysis volume is 4L, and a 1L flush is added, the total
of 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol. The first step is to volume is 5L. The final concentration of 2,4-di-tert-
scale the data for each component’s contribution. butylphenol is:
Filter data is provided as 0.36 mg for a 10” filter,
which has a surface area of 0.54 m2. However, the 8,799 µg/5,000 mL = 1.76 µg/mL
5” device in use has a surface area of 0.23 m2.
The proportionately scaled contribution of this
compound by the filter, then, is:
Aspects of posology such as dosage, frequency and route of administration are then used to calculate the
actual patient exposure, as shown in Figure 6.
Patient Exposure
Posology Concentration
of 2,4-di-tert- Drug dosage
butylphenol = = 100 mL
1.76 µg/mL
Risk is acceptable
The result is then assessed for risk. If the risk were do that, results from pre-existing rat toxicology
acceptable in reference to the threshold of studies are converted to equivalent human values
toxicological concern (TTC), that finding could be using the ICH Q3C modifying factors for relating the
reported and no further investigation would be data to humans, F1–F5. An additional bioavailability
required. However, in this case, the exposure correction accounts for the incomplete absorption
exceeds the TTC. Further analysis is needed to seen when drugs are administered orally, as they
determine the compound-specific permitted daily were in the rat study. The overall approach is shown
exposure (PDE) for this particular compound. To in Table 3.
The newly calculated PDE for 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol reported as such. If the risk were still too high, a
– 750 µg/day – can now be compared to the total method for mitigating risk elsewhere in the process
exposure calculated above – 176 µg/day. The risk would need to be applied. The overall process of risk
has now been shown to be acceptable and can be evaluation is summarized in Figure 7.
Acceptable Risk
Patient Safety
No Yes
Risk Mitigation
Risk is acceptable
Process Change?
Figure 7. E&L risk evaluation decision tree
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