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Method validation is a key element in the establishment of reference methods and
within the assessment of a laboratory’s competence in generating dependable analytical
records. Validation has been placed within the context of the procedure, generating
chemical data. Analytical method validation, thinking about the maximum relevant
processes for checking the best parameters of analytical methods, using numerous
relevant overall performance indicators inclusive of selectivity, specificity, accuracy,
precision, linearity, range, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), rug-
gedness, and robustness are severely discussed in an effort to prevent their misguided
utilization and ensure scientific correctness and consistency among publications.
1. Introduction
2. Procedure
2.1. Parameters to be checked for method validation
• Selectivity/Specificity
• Precision
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132 Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods - A Sampling of Current Approaches
• Accuracy
• Linearity
• Range
• Stability
• Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)
2.1.1. Selectivity/specificity
Selectivity of an analytical method is its ability to measure accurately an analyte in the
presence of interferences that may be expected to be present in the sample matrix.
2.1.2. Precision
Precision of a method is the degree of agreement among individual test results when the
procedure is applied repeatedly to multiple samplings.
Precision is measured by injecting a series of standards or analyzing series of samples from
multiple samplings from a homogeneous lot. From the measured standard deviation (SD) and
Mean values, precision as relative standard deviation (% rsd) is calculated.
%rsd or CV ¼ 100 (1)
The raw data for precision will be recorded in the approved format and the acceptance criteria
for precision will be given in the respective study plan or amendment to the study plan.
Precision can be also calculated by using Horwitz equation:
The acceptable percent of relative standard deviation results for precision may be based on the
Horwitz equation, an exponential relationship between the among-laboratory relative stan-
dard deviation (RSDR) and Concentration (C): [15]
The Horwitz curve has been empirically derived and has been proven to be more or less
independent of analyte, matrix and method of evaluation over the concentration range C = 1
(100%) to C = 10 9 by the evaluation of vast numbers of method precision studies. The
Validation of Analytical Methods 133
modified Horwitz values for repeatability CV given under may be used for guidance. If
measured repeatability is outside those values, suggested explanation must be submitted for
consideration. The details were presented in Table 1.
2.1.3. Accuracy
The accuracy of an analytical method is the degree of agreement of test results generated by
the method to the true value.
Accuracy is measured by spiking the sample matrix of interest with a known concentration of
analyte standard and analyzing the sample using the “method being validated.” The proce-
dure and calculation for Accuracy (as% recovery) will be varied from matrix to matrix and it
will be given in respective study plan or amendment to the study plan.
2.1.4. Linearity
The linearity of an analytical method is its capability to elicit check consequences which might
be at once, or with the aid of well described mathematical adjustments, proportional to the
concentration of analytes in within a given range.
Linearity is determined by injecting a series of standards of stock solution/diluted stock
solution using the solvent/mobile phase, at a minimum of five different concentrations in the
range of 50–150% of the expected working range. The linearity graph will be plotted manually/
using Microsoft Excel or software of the computer (Concentration vs. Peak Area Response) and
which will be attached to respective study files.
2.1.5. Range
The range of an analytical method is the interval between the upper and lower levels that have
been demonstrated to be determined with precision, accuracy and linearity using the set
method. This range will be the concentration range in which the Linearity test is done.
100.00 1.340
50.00 1.490
20.00 1.710
10.00 1.900
5.00 2.100
2.00 2.410
1.00 2.680
0.25 3.300
Note: The unmodified Horwitz equation is used as a criterion of acceptability for methods collaboratively tested by
2.1.6. Stability
Many analytes readily decompose prior to chromatography investigations, for example during
the preparation of the sample solutions, during extraction, clean-up, phase transfer, and
during storage of prepared vials. Under these circumstances, method development should
investigate the stability of the analyte. Accuracy test takes care of stability. It is required to
mention in the method how long a sample after extraction can be stored before final analysis,
based on the duration taken for accuracy test.
LOD ðmg=LÞ ¼ 3 Lowest concentration of the linearity samples
LOQ ðmg=LÞ ¼ 10 Lowest concentration of the linearity samples
LOD ðmg=LÞ
LOD ð%Þ ¼ 100
Test item conc:used for quantification
LOD ðmg=LÞ
LOQ ð%Þ ¼ 100
Test item conc:used for quantification
• Using the concentrations and corresponding instrument response, LOD and LOQ can be
calculated as follows:
“a” and “b” are the regression constants. Further, “a” is known as the intercept and “b,” the
slope of the line.
Let (X1, Y1), (X2, Y2), (X3, Y3)…(Xn, Yn) be the set of values required to be fit in the linear
X1 Y1
X2 Y2
. .
. .
. .
Xn Yn
Σ xx ¼ Σ X X ¼ ΣX2 ðΣXÞ2 =n
Σ yy ¼ Σ Y Y ¼ ΣY2 ðΣYÞ2 =n
Σ xy ¼ ΣXY ð ΣXÞ ðΣYÞ=n
iii. Calculate the slope “b,” and intercept “a” as given below:
a¼Y bX
r ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
P P ffi
xx: yy
The standard deviation of the individual deviations of measured values in Y, above and below
the linear line (fitted line) is:
uP nP o
2 P
t yy ð xy Þ = xx
Sy:x ¼
n 2
From this, the standard deviation for “a” and “b” are calculated.
Standard deviation
P 2ffi
for “a,” represented = Sy:x n P xx
as Sa
Standard deviation.
For “b,” represented = Sy:x n P xx
as Sb
When Sa is obtained for a linear calibration line, then it provides a clear information on the
standard deviation of the “Blank” (or Control) response from the instruments.
jaj þ 3 Sa
jaj þ 10 Sa
• The above calculations can be programmed in a computer but before every use, the
computer program must be validated using the example given in section
• The above procedure can also be used for obtaining LOD and LOQ of the method from
recovery test results by taking fortified concentration on X-axis and obtained concentra-
tions on Y-axis.
Validation of Analytical Methods 137
3. Example
In this example, the linear regression equation is employed to find out the extent of linear
response of an Detector to a reference analytical standard in the concentration range of about
0.2–3.0 ppm.
Each of these working standards is injected thrice (1 μl per injection), and the peak area counts
corresponding to the active ingredient peak are given below.
From the peak areas corresponding to each concentration level, the mean, standard deviation
(SD) and coefficient of variation (%CV) are also calculated. The details were presented in
Table 2.
Fitting the data of concentration of standard solution and mean detector response (peak
area counts) in a linear equation
Let the equation be Y ¼ a þ bX.
Where, Y = Mean peak area counts and X = Concentration of standard solution, μg/ml.
The calculations were presented in Table 3.
1 2 3
%CV = SD 100/Mean: The coefficient of variation (CV) shows that the Injection variation is less than 1%.
Sl. no. Y X
1. 32952 0.1956
2. 87903 0.4890
3. 175972 0.9780
4. 247949 1.4670
5. 318025 1.9560
6. 414746 2.9340
Y ¼ 1277547 X ¼ 8:0196 XY ¼ 2424193:441
Y ¼ 212924:5 X ¼ 1:3366 n¼6
P 2
Y ¼ 3:7441177 1011
P 2
X ¼ 15:820245
X2 XÞ2 =n
xx ¼ ð
¼ 15:820245 ð8:0196Þ2 =6
¼ 5:101248
Y2 YÞ2 =n
yy ¼ ð
¼ 3:7441176 1011 ð1277547Þ2 =6
¼ 1:0239070 1011
xy ¼ XY ð XÞð YÞ=n
¼ 2424193:441 ð1277547Þð8:0196Þ=6
¼ 716624:12
Calculation of a, b, and r
¼ 140480:16
¼ 140480:16
a ¼ Y bX
¼ 212924:5 140480:16 1:3366
¼ 25158:718
r ¼ pP ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiP
xx yy
r ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi11
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 0:99157
1:0239070X10 X5:101248
nP P o
ð xyÞ2 = xx
Sy:x ¼
n 2
n offi
11 2
1:0239070X10 ð716624:12Þ =ð5:101248Þ
6 2
¼ 20731:806
P 2ffi
Sa ¼ Sy:x P
n xx
¼ 20731:806
6 5:101248
¼ 14905
Sb ¼ Sy:x P
n xx
¼ 20731:806
6 5:101248
Note: Assay procedures vary from highly exacting analytical determinations to subjective
evaluations of attributes. Therefore different test methods require different validation schemes.
Category I
Analytical methods for quantitation of major excipients and/or active ingredients, and pre-
servatives in finished goods.
Category II
Analytical methods for determination of impurities or degradation compounds in finished
goods. These methods include quantitative assays and limit tests, titrimetric and bacterial
endotoxin tests.
Category III
4. Conclusions
Author details
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Guidelines. Geneva, Switzerland. 1996. pp. 1-8
[5] Horwitz W. Evaluation of analytical methods used for regulation of foods and drugs.
Analytical Chemistry. 1982;54(1):67A-76A. DOI: 10.1021/AC00238A765
[6] Thompson M, Ellison SLR, Wood R. Harmonised guidelines for single laboratory valida-
tion of method of analysis. Pure and Applied Chemistry. 2008;74(5):835-855
[7] European Commission. Annex 15. EU guide to good manufacturing practice: Qualifica-
tion and validation. 2010;4:1–10
[9] Tangri P, Rawat PS, Jakhmola V. Validation: A critical parameter for quality control of
pharmaceuticals. Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2012;2(3):34-40
[14] Agalloco J. Validation: An unconventional review and reinvention. PDA. J. Pharm Sci
Tech. 1995;49:175-179
[15] INRA Quality Policy and Quality Guidelines for the Research and Experimental Units.
[16] Haider I. Section VAL 1100.00. In: Validation Standard Operating Procedures. A Step by
Step Guide for Achieving Compliance in the Pharmaceutical Medical Device and BiotechIn-
dustries. Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC; 2001