The Phase

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Michael Raduga
Michael Raduga
3694 Barham Blvd
Los Angeles 9!!6" #A
o(e4u)o(e4u*com +,A- .%/!%094
S4ree4 in a (edroom su(ur(* T-o's4ory homes -i4h garages*
Some 5assers(y and cars*
R6B $7*6*&
They 4ell us -e came 8rom mon9eys*
They 4ell us 4ha4 (esides earlo(es
and sel8'a-areness no4hing
se5ara4es us 8rom animals* Ac4ually
4he a(ili4ies o8 every one o8 us are
so ama:ing 4ha4 4his is hard 4o
(elieve* +e are no4 a4 all -ho -e
are accus4omed 4o considering
#;T T6<
=>T* H=,H S#H66L HALL+A3 ' 2A3
Brea9 (e4-een classes* Many s4uden4s*
Three s4uden4s -al9 along 4he hall-ay* They are R6BERT
+=LS6> and 4-o o8 his 8riends< an over-eigh4 and s5ec4acled
>ER2 and a RASTA?AR=A> s5or4ing dreadloc9s* They are all
a(ou4 %" years old*
+al9ing in 8ron4 o8 4hem is @AT LEE ' a 4all (rune44e -i4h
Asia4ic 8ea4ures* S4rolling along -i4h her is her homely
8emale 8riend ' AL=A T;R>ER* They a55ear 4o (e a(ou4 %"
years old*
R6B $7*6*&
Every4hing in li8e s4ar4s 8rom
4ri8les* Tha4 4ime -as no di88eren4*
@a4 uneA5ec4edly dro5s 4he (oo9s she -as holding in her
arms and she a(ru54ly (ends do-n 4o 5ic9 4hem u5* Ro( -ho
has (een -al9ing (ehind her acciden4ally hi4s her in 4he
rear'end* Ro( re8leAively gra(s her (y 4he (ehind 4o 9ee5
her 8rom 8alling 8or-ard*
@a4 a(ru54ly ge4s u5 and 4urns around* The nerd and
Ras4a8arian laugh and 5a4 Ro(er4 a55rovingly on 4he
>ice landingB
$4o @a4&
=*** =*** acciden4ally* = didnC4
mean 4oD
@a4 loo9s a4 Ro( angrily* Bu4 4hen she Euic9ly (rea9s a
smile 5ushes (ac9 her (angs and loo9s him in 4he eye*
Sorry i4 -as (y acciden4* = didnC4
mean 4oD
Hello Ro(er4B
Ho- are you AllieF
@a4 4his is Ro(er4 a childhood
8riend* = had 4old you a(ou4 4he
4ime -e someho- 8ound 4-o small
s-ans and 9e54 4hem as 5e4s* His
dream is s4ill 4o (ecome a
mo4orcycle racer ' (i9es are all he
4hin9s a(ou4B
Ro(er4F =Cve heard a lo4 a(ou4 you*
My nameCs @a4*
= 9no-*** 6nce again =Cm sorry
3ou already 9ne- my nameF
6uu--B +ho doesnC4 9no- your nameFB
A84er all youCre @a4 LeeD
Someone shoves Ro( 8rom 4he (ac9 and he 8lies o88 in4o 4he
He has (een 5ushed (y STA> -ho had come u5 8rom (ehind*
S4an is a 4all and -ell'(uil4 young man* Behind him s4and
4ough'guys STA>GS ?R=E>2 .% .0 .3* S4an gra(s @a4 (y 4he
shoulders and 5resses her 4o himsel8*
So youCve already 8ound yoursel8 a
ne- 5re44y'(oyF
= donC4 have any4hing le84 4o say 4o
you* ,e4 ou44a here S4an*
+hy you li44leD
S4an deals @a4 a sla5 on 4he chee9 and she covers her 8ace
-i4h her hands*
Ro( surges 8or-ard and shoves S4an* S4an hi4s u5 agains4 4he
loc9ers lining 4he -all and 8alls 4o 4he 8loor*
2onC4 you dare 4al9 4o her li9e
Everyone around loo9s a4 Ro( in ama:emen4* S4an ge4s u5 o88
4he ground and ge4s u5 4o 8ace Ro( -i4h an angry eA5ression*
Ro( and S4an s4are one ano4her do-n in silence*
#;T T6<

E1T* S#H66L ' 2A3
A cro-d o8 s4uden4s a4 4he ou4side (ric9 -all o8 4he school*
They all yell H8igh4 8igh4 8igh4BI =nside 4he ring o8
s4uden4s are an enraged S4an and an anAious Ro(*
S4anCs 3 8riends s4and (ehind him* @a4 Allie 4he nerd and
4he Ras4a8arian are (ehind Ro(*
$4o S4an&
S4o5 ac4ing li9e a childB
$4o Ro(&
>o- sho- us -hy youCre so (rave all
o8 4he suddenB
Every(ody 9no-s 4ha4 youCre a
dim-i4 S4anB
Ro(er4 le4 i4 goB
S4an 9ara4e'9ic9s a4 Ro(Cs head* Ro( dodges 4he 9ic9 duc9s
do-n and hi4s S4an in 4he (elly* S4an 5unches Ro( in 4he
Ro( 8alls do-n* He Euic9ly ge4s (ac9 on his 8ee4 and 4hro-s
himsel8 a4 S4an* S4an s4o5s Ro( -i4h a direc4 9ic9 4o 4he
s4omach* Ro( (ends do-n in 5ain*
S4an once again 5unches Ro( in 4he Ja-* Ro( 8alls 4o 4he
ground s4ruggles hard 4o ge4 (ac9 u5 and huddles over 4he
railing* ThereCs a 8all 4o 4he (asemen4 8loor on 4he o4her
side o8 4he railing*
#R6+2 6? ST;2E>TS
,e4 himB ?inish him o88 S4anB
$4o Ro(&
Tha4Cs all youCve go4F
@a4 and Allie rush over 4o-ards Ro(* They are held (ac9 (y
S4an 8riend .%*
$4o S4an 8riend .%&
Le4 me goB
The nerd and Ras4a8arian also rush over 4o Ro(Cs aid* They
are held (ac9 (y S4an 8riend .0 and S4an 8riend .3*
STA> ?R=E>2 .3
$4o 4he Ras4a8arian&
@ee5 ou4 o8 4his*
Bu4 heCs hur4B S4o5 i4 = (eg youB
S4an deals Ro( a 8lying 9nee 4o 4he head*
Ro( hurls over 4he railing and 8alls do-n 4o 4he (asemen4
S4an youCre a real idio4B
Police'car S=RE>* The cro-d dis5erses*
Ro( lies on 4he ground in 8ron4 o8 4he (asemen4 doors* His
8ace is (ea4en in* Blood 8lo-s 8rom his nose and mou4h*
@a4 and Allie run u5 4o Ro(* @a4 is very grave'loo9ing*
Allie cries* The (o4h em(race him*
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS H6;SE ' >=,HT
Ro( si4s on 4he couch and drin9s 8rom a can o8 soda* ?ading
cu4s and (ruises are visi(le on his 8ace* His -hole righ4
leg is in a cas4*
A grave'loo9ing @a4 si4s neA4 4o Ro( and holds him (y 4he
hand* Allie si4s neA4 4o @a4* They all -a4ch a sci'8i movie*
Pi::a (oAes and a 5air o8 cru4ches lie on 4he 8loor neA4 4o
4he couch* E1PL6S=6>S and S#REAMS emi4 8rom 4he 4elevision*
The 4elevision 5ic4ure sho-s a man 8lying a(ove a ci4y
s4ree4* Laser (eams shoo4 ou4 8rom his hands* The (eams
9noc9 ou4 5olice cars*
+ha4 -ill 4hey 4hin9 o8 neA4B +ha4 a
(unch o8 nonsenseB = canC4 -a4ch
4his Jun9 any more*
3es* Bu4 real li8e is so much more
incredi(le 4han any 8ilm*
+ha4 ma9es you say 4ha4 AllieF
3ouCve 8ound a -ay 4o ge4 rid o8
@a4 laughs hear4ily* Ro( smiles -ryly and gul5s his soda*
Allie has (ecome 5ensive* She Euic9ly ge4s u5 8rom 4he couch
and searches 8or some4hing in her 5urse* She ge4s ou4
8olded'u5 shee4s o8 5a5er -i4h 4eA4 5rin4ed on 4hem*
Here i4 isB = 5ulled i4 o88 4he Cne4
Ro( and @a4 loo9 a4 one ano4her in 5er5leAi4y* Then 4hey
loo9 4o Allie*
School o8 6u4'o8'Body Travel* A
Prac4ical ,uide(oo9B
Ro( laughs so hard 4ha4 soda comes ou4 o8 his mou4h* @a4
gra(s her s4omach in laugh4er* They have a long laugh*
Allie loo9s a4 Ro( and @a4 -i4h dis5leasure* The 4-o s4o5
Allie i4Cs 4ime 4o 8ind you a
@a4 shoulders u5 4o Ro( and holds his hand in hers*
Then youCll (e 4hin9ing o8
com5le4ely di88eren4 4hings*
+ha4 do (oys have 4o do -i4h i4
@a4F This really -or9sB
Those con'ar4is4s 4hin9 u5 all 9inds
o8 nonsense so 4ha4 4hey can ma9e
money o88 o8 i4* Bu4 you s4ill
(elieve all o8 4heir 8airy 4ales as
Bu4 4his is a 8ree (oo9 (y Michael
Raduga* Any(ody any-here can Jus4
do-nload i4*
+ell 4hen he really mus4 (e cra:y*
Bu4 4oday i4 -or9ed 8or meB A84er
only one day o8 4ryingB =4Cs easy i8
you do every4hing 4he righ4 -ay and
a4 4he righ4 momen4B
Ro( scra4ches 4he (ac9 o8 his head 5ensively*
Sounds li9e some 9ind o8 ma9e'
=4Cs realB Thousands o8 regular
5eo5le have 5ar4ici5a4ed in
MichaelGs eA5erimen4s 4o develo5
4hese me4hods* Some(odyGs 4rying 4o
cover i4 u5 8rom usD
@a4 (ecomes Eui4e grave and 5er4ur(ed*
S4o5B 2o you -an4 him 4o go cra:y
Allie didnC4 you have 4o go home
a(ou4 no-F
Allie loo9s 5er5leAedly a4 Ro( and @a4* Ro( gul5s his soda
and loo9s 4o-ard 4he 4elevision*
+eCll see each o4her 4omorro-*
@a4 4urns 4o Ro( snuggles u5 closer 4o him and
a88ec4iona4ely caresses his 8ace and hair* Ro( loo9s a4 4he
4elevision screen and nervously ro4a4es 4he soda can in his
= Jus4 -an4ed 4o hel5B He doesnC4
have any4hing 4o do -i4h his 4ime
Allie 4hro-s 4he 4eA4 5rin4ou4 on4o 4he 8loor and Euic9ly
-al9s ou4*
Bye AllieB
@a4 a88ec4iona4ely smiles and soo4hes 4he (ruise on Ro(Cs
chee9(one* Ro( con4inues 4o -a4ch 4elevision and 8idge4s on
4he couch*
2oes i4 hur4 (adF
+ell hmm**** ac4ually no4
really*** Mos4 o8 4he 4ime = donC4
8eel any 5ain*
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' >=,HT
Allie leaves 4he house and si4s do-n on 4he doors4e5s* She
hugs her 9nees and s4ar4s 4o cry*
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
Hal8'dressed and disheveled Ro( slee5s alone on 4he couch
-i4h 4he T7 s4ill on near(y*
Ro( -a9es u5 and s4re4ches* He reaches 8or 4he cru4ches and
ho((les 4o 4he 9i4chen*
R6B $7*6*&
Li9e mos4 5eo5le = had li44le
unders4anding o8 -hy = -as here and
-ha4 i4 -as = -as on 4his 5lane4
=>T* @=T#HE>KR6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
Ro( en4ers 4he 9i4chen* He goes u5 4o 4he re8rigera4or and
rummages 4hrough i4* He 4a9es ou4 a 5iece o8 ham and 5u4s i4
in4o his mou4h*
R6B $7*6*&
Every4hing seemed senseless so =
-as Jus4 going 4hrough 4he mo4ions*
Ro( s4ands (y 4he -indo- and drin9s a55le Juice 8rom a
R6B $7*6*&
Today youCre a s4uden4 and 4omorro-
youCll (e -or9ing* Then youCll have
a 8amily and so on and so on*
=>T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A3
Ro( si4s on 4he couch* He 5lays a video'game*
R6B $7*6*&
=s 4his really all 4ha4 -eCre here
=>T* R6BCS ,ARA,E ' 2A3
Ro( si4s on a s4ool neA4 4o his hal8'disassem(led s5or4
(i9e* Many 5ar4s and 4ools are s4re-n a(ou4 4he 8loor* Ro(
4ries 4o (ol4 a 5ar4 (ac9 on4o 4he mo4orcycle (u4 his leg
hur4s 4oo much 8or him 4o ge4 in a good 5osi4ion* He 4hro-s
4he 5ar4 4o 4he 8loor in des5air and loo9s a4 4he mo4orcycle
-i4h disa55oin4men4*
R6B $7*6*&
=4 had al-ays seemed 4o me 4ha4
4here -as some4hing -e donC4 9no-
a(ou4 ourselves*
=>T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2;S@
Ro( lies (ac9 -a4ching a movie* He ea4s 5i::a and -ashes i4
do-n -i4h soda*
He 4urns o88 4he T7 in disgus4 and 4hro-s 4he remo4e con4rol
4o 4he side* He s4ruggles 4o si4 u5 on 4he couch* His 8ace
is -eary*
Bu4 -ha4 else is 4here 4o doF
Ro(Cs glance 8alls on4o 4he 8loor 4o 4he s4ac9 o8 5rin4ed'
ou4 5ages 8rom 4he (oo9*
He s4ares 8iAedly a4 4he 5ages -i4h 4eA4 on 4hem*
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' >=,HT
A slee5y Ro( lies in (ed and a44en4ively reads 4he 4eA4*
Ro( 5u4s 4he 4eA4 do-n on4o 4he nigh4s4and*
R6B $7*6*&
= had never seen mysel8 reading such
4hings (u4 4he (oo9 gave clear
ins4ruc4ions -hich in4rigued me*
Ro( 4urns ou4 4he ligh4 and lies do-n 4o go 4o slee5*
R6B $7*6*&
= decided 4o give i4 one 4ry*
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' >=,HT
Ro( slee5s on his s4omach*
R6B $7*6*&
The (oo9 says 4ha4 (eginners should
only 4ry 4o leave 4he (ody during
4he 8irs4 minu4e a84er -a9ing u5
8rom slee5*
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' >=,HT
Ro( slee5s on his (ac9*
R6B $7*6*&
= -o9e u5 4-ice and some-ha4
clumsily made an a44em54 -i4hou4
success* Bu4 even 4hen = decided 4o
give i4 one las4 4ry*
Ro( has s4irred some-ha4 in (ed*
R6B $7*6*&
= -o9e u5* Lus4 as 4he ins4ruc4ions
said 4ha4Cs -hen = 4ried 4o
se5ara4e 8rom 4he (ody* >o4hing
ha55ened* = (egan al4erna4ing 4he
Ro(Cs eyes are closed (u4 4he 5u5ils under his eyelids move
Euic9ly 8rom le84 4o righ4*
R6B $7*6*&
6nce = (egan 4o imagine 4ha4 = -as
ro4a4ing along an in4ernal aAis i4
s4ar4ed 4o -or9 a (i4*
Ro(Cs very 4ranslucen4 (ody ro4a4es along his head'4o'4oe
R6B $7*6*&
Some o8 4he sensa4ions = 8el4 4urned
in4o imagined ro4a4ion* Righ4 4hen
and 4here = aggressively 4ried 4o
se5ara4e 8rom my 5hysical (ody using
4hose sensa4ions*
Ro( si4s u5 in (ed* He loo9s a(ou4 8rom side 4o side -i4h a
dissa4is8ied eA5ression on his 8ace*
Ho- did = 8all 8or 4ha4 idiocyF
Ro( scru4ini:es his hands* His eyes 4a9e in -ha4 is (ehind
him* His (ody is lying in 5lace* Ro( loo9s a4 his hands once
again* Then he a(ru54ly loo9s (ehind his (ac9 again*
+ha4 4he hellFB
Ro(Cs (ody lies on 4he (ed* The u55er luminous hal8 o8 his
(ody si4s u5 and loo9s a4 his real (ody* Ro( screams in
Ro(Cs luminous (ody a(ru54ly 8lies ou4 o8 his 5hysical (ody*
=4 5resses i4s (ac9 4o 4he corner o8 4he ceiling and 4he
Ro( is horri8ied* He loo9s a4 his 5hysical (ody on 4he (ed*
He con4inues 4o scream in 8ear*
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' >=,HT $SAME T=ME&
Ro( lies in (ed* There is no 4ranslucen4 Ro( on 4he ceiling*

=>T* R6BCS R66M ' >=,HT
Ro(Cs 5hysical (ody lies on 4he (ed* The luminous Ro( is
agains4 4he ceiling* The mor4al 8ear on his 8ace changes 4o
Ro( loo9s a(ou4 4o 4he le84 and righ4* He ru(s 4he ceiling
-all and chandelier -i4h his hands*
R6B $7*6*&
= -as shoc9ed (y 4he uncanny realism
o8 every4hing around*
Ro( loo9s a4 his hands*
R6B $7*6*&
The 5hysical -orld seemed (u4 a ha:y
daydream in com5arison 4o 4he
in4ensi4y o8 4hose sensa4ions*
Ro( is 5ulled 4hrough 4he air 4o-ards 4he -indo-* He 4ries
4o come 4o a hal4* His 8ace dis5lays 8ear and curiosi4y*
Ro( (egins 4o 8ly 4hrough 4he -indo- 8ee4 8irs4* He is in
shoc9 and ama:emen4*
R6B $7*6*&
= 8el4 4he glass -i4h all o8 my
in4ernal organs*
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' >=,HT
The luminous Ro( 8lies 8ee4'8irs4 8rom 4he second s4ory
-indo-* His is 5ulled 4o-ards an a55le 4ree* He loo9s a4 an
He scru4ini:es 4he a55le u5 close* The a55le is vivid
de4ailed and (eau4i8ul*
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' >=,HT $SAME T=ME&
Ro( lies in (ed*
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' >=,HT $SAME T=ME&
A55le 4ree neA4 4o Ro(Cs house* The 4ranslucen4 Ro( is no4
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' >=,HT
The luminous Ro( cau4iously 4ouches 4he a55le*
R6B $7*6*&
= didnC4 9no- 4ha4 colors could (e
so vivid*
Ro( 8luidly descends 4o-ard 4he la-n* He glides along 4he
house a4 some heigh4* His 8ace dis5lays curiosi4y and
deligh4* He visually 4a9es in 4he grass drive-ay and la-n'
R6B $7*6*&
= -as s4ruc9 (y 4he sim5les4 o8
4hings 4hings 4ha4 = had never 5aid
a44en4ion 4o -hile in 4he 5hysical
Ro( (las4s o88 in4o 4he air*
Ro( 8lies a-ay 8rom 4he ear4h a4 high s5eed* He 3ELLS in
deligh4 and 8ear*
E1T* A ,ALA13
Ro( 8lies (y a galaAy* His 8ace eA5resses ha55iness and
R6B $7*6*&
= immedia4ely 8le- in4o ou4er s5ace*
=4Cs s4ill my 8avori4e 4hing 4o do*
>o4hing can com5are 4o i4*
A(solu4ely no4hing*
A mercurial or( a(ou4 3 inches in diame4er ca4ches u5 neA4
4o Ro(* The or( 8lies a li44le (i4 ahead o8 him* Ro(
a44en4ively scru4ini:es i4*
He 4ries 4o ca4ch u5 4o i4* He slo-ly closes 4he dis4ance*
They 8ly o88 going 8as4er and 8as4er*
Ro( 8lies (ehind 4he or( a4 grea4 s5eed*
E1T* => 6RB=T AR6;>2 A PLA>ET M 2A3
Ro( and 4he or( 8ly 4o a moun4ainous deser4 5lane4*
E1T* 26ME M 2A3
The mercurial or( comes 4o a sudden hal4 over a 4rans5aren4
5ro4ec4ive dome* An enormous concre4e 8or4ress lies
undernea4h i4* =4Cs 8or4ress EL=SA* =4Cs a(ou4 a mile high*
There is a large 4o-er in 4he cen4er*
Ro( comes 4o a hal4 alongside 4he or(* He scru4ini:es 4he
8or4ress in ama:emen4*
?EMALE 76=#E $6*S*&
This is 8or4ress Elisa*
Ro( loo9s around 8rom side 4o side*
+ho said 4ha4F
?EMALE 76=#E $6*S*&
$4o 4he mercurial or(&
+as 4ha4 youF
3 luminous or(s come ou4 8rom Elisa 4o in4erce54 Ro(*
?EMALE 76=#E $6*S*&
?ly a-ayB Nuic9B
Ro( -a4ches 4he a55roaching luminous or(s in ama:emen4 and
4hen Euic9ly 8lies u5 and a-ay*
Ro( 8lies Euic9ly* The luminous or(s 8ly a84er Ro(er4* Ro(
is in a 5anic*
+ha4 is 4ha4F +ho is 4ha4F
Ro( 5ic9s u5 s5eed* So do 4he or(s* They ca4ch u5 closer and
closer 4o Ro(*
E1T* SMALL T6+> M >=,HT
Ro( Euic9ly 8lies do-n 4o-ards 4he 4o-n* Behind Ro(er4 8ly
4he luminous or(s in ho4 5ursui4*
Lus4 a li44le 8ur4herB
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' >=,HT
The luminous Ro( Euic9ly 8lies do-n 8rom a(ove* He s5ies a
sedan and 3 mini(uses 5ar9ed in 8ron4 o8 his house*
A commando sEuad in (lac9 unmar9ed camou8lage rushes on 8oo4
4o-ards 4he house* Three men in red lea4her 4rench coa4s and
red gas mas9s accom5any 4hem* They are #HA> HE>#HME> .% .0
+hoCs 4ha4FB
Ro( 8lies in4o his (edroom -indo- on 4he second 8loor* The 3
luminous or(s 5ursue him*
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' >=,HT
The luminous Ro( 8lies in4o his 5hysical (ody* The luminous
or(s come 4o an immedia4e hal4 neA4 4o Ro(Cs (ody* They
Euic9ly 8ly (ac9 ou4 o8 4he -indo-*
Ro(Cs (ody 4-i4ches some-ha4 and he a(ru54ly si4s u5 in (ed*
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' >=,HT
The commandos lo-er 4hemselves 8rom ro5es a44ached 4o 4he
roo8 o8 4he house* They smash 4he -indo- and Jum5 inside*
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' >=,HT
#ommandos (arge in4o Ro(Cs room 4hrough 4he door and -indo-*
They 4hro- Ro( on4o 4he (ed and hold him do-n*
+ho are you guysFB +ha4 do you
The #han henchmen en4er 4he room* #han henchman .% s4ands u5
in 8ron4 o8 Ro(* #han henchman .0 reaches a4 Ro(Cs arm -i4h
a syringe* #han henchman .3 4es4s Ro(Cs 5u5ils -i4h a
8lashligh4 and 4a9es his 5ulse (y 4he -ris4*
Ro( Jer9s violen4ly and 9ic9s #han henchman .% in 4he 8ace*
#han henchman .%Cs mas9 8alls 4o 4he 8loor*
;nder 4he mas9 is #6L6>EL #HA> himsel8* His 8ace is Asia4ic
in a55earance* He is a(ou4 /! years old* He Euic9ly 5ic9s u5
4he mas9 8rom 4he 8loor and 5u4s i4 (ac9 on*
+ho are youFB
#HA> HE>#HMA> .3
$4o #han henchman .0&
=nJec4 4he dis5haser alreadyB
The commandos 5ress Ro( do-n harder and #han henchman .0
inJec4s a red 8luorescen4 8luid in4o Ro(Cs righ4 arm* Ro(
4rem(les and s4i88ens in 5ain*
+ha4 4heD
Ro(Cs -hole (ody s4rains and he loses consciousness*
So ordinary li8e isnC4 good enough
8or you 9idF
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
Ro( a-a9ens and si4s u5 in (ed* Every4hing in his room is as
i4 -as* The door is in 5lace 4he -indo- s4ill un(ro9en* Ro(
8ro-ns and 5u4s his hands 4o his 8ace*
+ha4 hur4s so muchF***
=>T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
The 8ron4 door o5ens* =n come Ro(Cs ha55y and -ell'4anned
M6M and 2A2* They are (o4h a(ou4 4/ years old* They smile a4
one ano4her* They hold luggage in 4heir hands* They 5u4 do-n
4he luggage and hug*
+eCre homeB
+ha4 an a-esome 4ri5B
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
Ro( scru4ini:es every4hing around him* His ga:e 4urns 4o his
arms* ThereCs a (ruise on his righ4 arm ins4ead o8 a needle
mar9* Ro( scru4ini:es i4*
6h righ4*** +ha4 did 4hey do 4o meF
Ro( lim5s over 4o 4he -indo- and scru4ini:es i4* The -indo-
is in4ac4* Ro( loo9s a(ou4 4he en4ire room*
Ro( scru4ini:es his (edroom door* =4Cs undamaged* Ro( hal4s
in dee5 4hough4*
=>T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
Ro(Cs mom and dad 9iss (y 4he 8ron4 door*
Ro( rushes (y 4hem -i4h a cas4 on one leg and a cru4ch in
4he o55osi4e arm* There are 8ading a(rasions on his 8ace* He
doesnC4 loo9 a4 his 5aren4s*
His 5aren4s are s4ar4led*
2ear LordB +ha4 ha55enedF +here are
you goingF
Ro( goes ou4side*
+as 4ha4 Ro(F
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
Ro( rushes ou4 o8 4he house and Euic9ly ge4s a-ay*
R6B $7*6*&
=Cve al-ays had a lo4 o8 dreams a4
nigh4* They could ge4 very vivid and
E1T* STREET ' 2A+>
Ro( moves Euic9ly along 4he side-al9* Pedes4rians cau4iously
ma9e -ay 4o 4he side*
R6B $7*6*&
Bu4 -ha4 had ha55ened had no4hing a4
all 4o do -i4h dreaming*
=>T* ALL=ECS H6;SE ' 2A+>
ThereGs a loud and nervous 9noc9 a4 4he door* A 8righ4ened
Allie runs u5 4o 4he door and o5ens i4 s4ill in her
+ha4 4he***F
Ro( (urs4s in4o house and runs in4o Allie* She 8alls 4o 4he
3ou almos4 go4 me 9illedB
Allie ge4s u5 8rom 4he 8loor* She loo9s a4 Ro( -i4h a
8righ4ened eA5ression*
,od -ha4 ha55enedF
They almos4 9illed meB
+hereF +ha4 ha55enedF
3our 8rea9ing (oo9B
Allie regains her com5osure and smiles*
Ah hah***** >o- i4Cs all clear*
=>T* @=T#HE>KALL=ECS H6;SE ' 2A+>
Allie and Ro( si4 a4 4he 4a(le* Allie ea4s salad* Ro( is
having a sand-ich -i4h soda*
Bu4 you said 4ha4 4his -as all
+ha4 di88erence does i4 ma9e -ha4 =
said (ac9 4henB
So you -en4 ahead and 4ried 4he
indirec4 4echniEues 8rom cha54er
=4 -as scary* = 8el4 li9e = had
already died and -ouldnC4 (e a(le 4o
ge4 (ac9 in4o my (ody* Then = -as in
ou4er s5ace and 4hese or(s a55eared*
Then 4hese s4range 5eo5le came* =
donC4 9no- -ha4 4hey did 4o me*
2id you call 4he co5sF
+hy 4he co5sF They -ere 8rom some
5aramili4ary 5olice 8orce
4hemselves* They didnC4 so much as
leave a 4race (ehind 4hem* +ho -ould
(elieve meF
Allie scru4ini:es Ro( a44en4ively*
= also go4 scared 4he 8irs4 4ime and
couldnC4 ge4 (ac9 in4o my (ody no
ma44er -ha4 = did* Bu4 4hen =
remem(ered 4ha4 you have 4o relaA
-hen 4ha4 ha55ens and every4hing
-en4 a-ay on i4s o-n*
Ro( has (ecome more relaAed* His eyes s4are o88 in4o s5ace*
Ho- is 4ha4 5ossi(leF = heard 4ha4
5eo5le 5rac4ice 4hings li9e 4his 8or
#ome on* +eCre in 4he 0%s4 cen4ury*
>o- i4Cs (een discovered ho- 4o do
i4 in a day or 4-o*
#;T T6<
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2;S@
@a4Cs (lac9 car s4ands ou4side o8 Ro(Cs house*
=>T* @ATCS #AR ' 2;S@
Ro( and @a4 em(race and 9iss*
Ro( si4s u5 in his sea4* @a4 5u4s on li5s4ic9 and loo9s in
4he mirror*
@a4 could you (elieve 4ha4 = -as
also a(le 4o do i4FB
2o -ha4F
+ell you remem(er AllieCs (oo9F 6n
ou4'o8'(ody 4ravel*
@a4 suddenly has a change o8 8acial eA5ression and s4o5s
a55lying li5s4ic9* She is no- very grave and s4ern*
$4o sel8&
Are 4here any normal guys le84 in
4his 4o-nF
=4 -or9sB Some 5eo5le immedia4ely
s4ar4ed chasing me (ecause o8 i4B
#u4 i4 ou4B Tha4Cs nu4sB
+ha4 a(ou4 i4F
= donC4 need a 5sycho (oy8riend* ,o4
=Cm going home***
See yaB
Ro( slams 4he door loudly and -al9s a-ay* @a4 5ensively
-a4ches Ro( 8rom her car*
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2;S@
@a4Cs car drives a-ay 8rom Ro(Cs house*
Ro( slo-ly ho((les on his cru4ches 4o 4he 8ron4 door o8 his
#;T T6<
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A3
Ro( si4s on a dec9'chair in 4he 8ron4 la-n* He s4udiously
reads 4he 5rin4ou4 o8 4he (oo9*
R6B $7*6*&
As i4 4urned ou4 = had an a(ili4y
4ha4 = had never 9no-n a(ou4 (e8ore*
2es5i4e all o8 4he s4range 4hings
4ha4 had ha55ened = s4ill -an4ed 4o
mas4er i4*
Ro(s 4urns 4o 4he neA4 5age*
R6B $7*6*&
The (oo9 -as a(ou4 4he 5hase 4he
5hase s4a4e* Tha4 4erm is used no4
only 4o re8er 4o ou4'o8'(ody
eA5eriences (u4 also as4ral 4ravel
and lucid dreaming*
Ro( 4urns a 5age*
R6B $7*6*&
Leaving your (ody ' 4ha4Cs only 4he
8irs4 s4e5* A84er 4ha4 comes
mas4ering dee5ening main4aining
and managing 4he s4a4e*
Ro( 8olds 4he s4a5led 4oge4her 5ages on4o his 9nee* He li84s
his head and loo9s u5 a4 4he s9y*
R6B $7*6*&
Ho-ever = didnC4 ge4 any 8ur4her
-i4h i4* >o ma44er ho- hard = 4ried*
>o ma44er -ha4 = 4ried*
#;T T6<
=>T* P=OOA PARL6R ' 2;S@
Lo4s o8 5a4rons* Ro( and Allie si4 a4 a 4a(le* Ro(Cs leg is
s4ill in a cas4* A (oA o8 5i::a and cans o8 soda occu5y 4he
= 4ried a(ou4 /! 4imes over 4he las4
-ee9 -i4h no resul4sB +ha4 givesFB
=4Cs all (ecause o8 4ha4 8rea9ing
inJec4ionB =4Cs li9e 4hey 4oo9 a-ay
hal8 o8 my li8eB
3eah = see -ha4 you mean* Bu4
4hereCs s4ill some4hing s4range
going on here*
Mean-hile =Cve go4 a di88eren4
5ro(lem* Because 4he sensa4ions are
so realis4ic = o84en 8eel li9e =Cm
ac4ually ge44ing u5 or rolling ou4
o8 (ed in real li8e* And 4hen = go
(ac9 4o slee5 li9e an idio4 and
donC4 reali:e -ha4 ac4ually ha55ened
un4il la4er*
=8 only = -ere so luc9y*
Ro( munches on a slice o8 5i::a and slur5s his soda* Allie
5ensively rolls u5 her 5i::a slice in 8ron4 o8 her*
Tha4Cs i4 =Cve go4 an ideaB
And = 4hough4 4ha4 you had Jus4
decided 4o 4a9e me on a da4eB
Besides you no one -ould hel5 me 4o
5u4 4his idea in4o 5rac4ice*
Ro( leans 8or-ard 4o-ard Allie*
=n 4he 5hase 8ind 4he au4hor o8 4he
(oo9 Michael Raduga and as9 him 4o
hel5 meB
Allie laughs hear4ily*
+ha4Cre you laughing a4F = donC4 see
any o4her -ay ou4* A84er all heGs a
5hase 8ana4ic i4Gs all he does
heGll surely -an4 4o hel5 me*
=magine ho- many 5eo5le 4here are
li9e you -ho donC4 5ay enough
a44en4ion -hen 4hey read 4he (oo9
and 4hen Michael has 4o 4a9e 4he ra5
8or 4hem all*
=Cm doing every4hing 4he righ4 -ay*
= even go4 i4 4o -or9 onceB =4Cs
4hose guys in red 4rench coa4sC
8aul4* #ome on hel5 meB = donC4
9no- any(ody else -ho could do i4*
Alrigh4* Lus4 (ecause i4Cs you***
Than9s Allie***
= donC4 have 4ha4 much eA5erience
ye4 (u4 =Cll 4ry hard*
E1T* P=OOA PARL6R ' 2;S@
@a4Cs car s4ands a4 4he cur( ou4side 4he 5i::a 5arlor*
=>T* @ATCS #AR ' 2;S@
@a4 9ee5s an eye on Ro( and AllieCs conversa4ion*
#;T T6<
=>T* ALL=ECS R66M ' >=,HT
Allie slee5s in (ed on her (ac9* A 4ranslucen4 and luminous
Allie ge4s u5 ou4 o8 her 5hysical (ody*
The luminous Allie Euic9ly 8eels u5 and do-n hersel8 and
scru4ini:es her hands* She s4o5s (eing 4ranslucen4*
Allie hovers u5 in4o 4he air closes her eyes and
E1T* M6;>TA=> MEA26+ ' 2A3
A large moun4ain meado-* All around are large moun4ains -i4h
sno-'covered 5ea9s* =n 4he s9y are a single large sun and a
large ringed 5lane4*
M=#HAEL RA2;,A si4s in 4he grass and medi4a4es* His eyes
o5en* HeGs a -ell'(uil4 man o8 medium heigh4* HeGs a(ou4 4/
years old*
Allie a55ears near(y* As4ounded she scru4ini:es (o4h 4he
landsca5e and Michael himsel8*
Michael loo9s a4 4he moun4ains*
=snC4 4his a miracleF
Tha4Cs no4 4he -ord*** +here are -eF
This doesnC4 loo9 li9e 4he everyday
3ou 4hin9 4ha4 every4hing is limi4ed
(y 4he 5hysical -orldF =4Cs Jus4 4he
o4her -ay around*
ReallyF ThereGs s4ill a lo4 = have
4o learn* Ac4ually -hy do you do
all you do and hel5 everyoneF
=4 someho- ha55ened 4o me (y chance
(ac9 in childhood* =4 -as 4he mos4
ear4h'sha44ering even4 o8 my li8e*
Ever since 4hen =Gve (een haun4ed
(y 4he 4hough4 4ha4 mos4 5eo5le
havenG4 even a clue as 4o 4heir real
Allie (ecomes 4ranslucen4 and nearly disa55ears* She ru(s
her hands 4oge4her and loo9s a4 4hem 8rom close u5* She is
o5aEue once again*
Michael comes u5 close 4o Allie*
3ou also came 4o say 4han9s 8or 4he
(oo9F =Cm done 8or 4he day***
HeyB =Cve go4 a 5ro(lemB
An inJec4ion and men in red 4rench
3ou 9no- a(ou4 4ha4F
#;T T6<
E1T* M6;>TA=> MEA26+ ' 2;S@ $A L=TTLE LATER&
A 4ranslucen4 Allie cra-ls along 4he grass* She chao4ically
8eels and scru4ini:es i4*
= canC4 main4ain 4he 5hase in here
any longerB #ome on hel5 him
=Cll 4hin9 a(ou4 i4*
Allie disa55ears* Michael remains and loo9s 5ensively 4o 4he
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2;S@
Ro( s4ands holding one cru4ch in 4he middle o8 4he room*
There are 9 s4uden4s around him* They are ST;2E>T .% .0
.3 .4 ./ .6 .P 4he nerd and 4he Ras4a8arian* They are
si44ing on 4he 8loor on chairs and on 4he couch*
Sensa4ions 4here can (e 4-ice as
in4ense as 4hose in real li8e*
Ho- is 4ha4 5ossi(leF
= donC4 9no-* =4Cs im5ossi(le 4o
unders4and or imagine un4il youCve
eA5erienced i4* Mean-hile you donC4
8eel your 5hysical (ody on 4he (ed*
=4Cs Jus4 li9e youCve diedB
#oolB +ha4 do you go44a smo9e 4o ge4
En4er @a4* She a44en4ively o(serves 4he scene*
Tha4Cs 4he -hole 5oin4 4ha4 you
donC4 need any4hing* Search 8or
School o8 6u4'o8'Body Travel online
do-nload 4he (oo9 and Jus4 8ollo-
4he ins4ruc4ions* Lus4 (e care8ul*
2onC4 ge4 ahead o8 yoursel8 and
donC4 8ly 4oo 8ar* 6r else youCll
end u5 li9e me*
Ro( no4ices @a4*
Tha4Cs i4 =Cve go4 s4u88 4o do* See
you guys*
The s4uden4s gradually 8ile ou4* They 4al9 (usily among
4hemselves* @a4 goes u5 4o Ro( and loo9s a4 him -i4h a
Ro(er4 -ha4 are you doingF +ha4 do
you need all 4his 8orF
+ha4Cs 4he harm in i4 (a(yF
=4Cs some4hing only schi:os ge4
May(e earlier i4 -as some4hing 4ha4
schi:o5hrenics go4 in4o* Bu4
no-adays i4Cs considered sim5ly a
li44le's4udied a(ili4y o8 4he (rain*
@a4 5resses u5 4o Ro(* Tears come 4o her eyes and Ro( hugs
= Jus4 really need you*** =Cm
-orried a(ou4 you*
2onC4 -orry*
@a4 and Ro( 9iss*
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' >=,HT
A luminous Michael a55ears in 4he corner o8 4he room* He
slo-ly -al9s u5 4o Ro( and reaches 4he 8oo4 o8 his (ed*
Michael 4a9es Ro( (y 4he an9les and a(ru54ly 5ulls a
4ranslucen4 and luminous Ro( ou4 8rom his 5hysical (ody*
+ha4F*** AaaahB
Ro( has 8allen on4o 4he 8loor (eside Michael* They each loo9
a4 one ano4her* The 4ranslucen4 Ro( (egins 4o Euic9ly 8ade*
3eah yeah righ4***
Ro( chao4ically 8eels and scru4ini:es every4hing around him*
His (ody s4o5s (eing 4ranslucen4 and (ecomes more 8illed'in
and vivid*
#ome 4o-ards me*
Ro( ge4s u5 in 8ron4 o8 Michael* Michael 5resses Ro(Cs 5alm
4o his o-n 8orehead* Ro( (egins 4o 4-i4ch in convulsions* He
soars in 4he air* Elec4rical discharge courses 4hrough him*
Michael 4hen le4s Ro( go* Ro( lands on 4he 8loor and holds
his head in his hands*
>o- every4hing -ill -or9 8or you
again* = guaran4ee i4*
Tha4 hur4*** 3ou decided 4o go ahead
and hel5 meF
ThereCs some4hing = need 4o 8ind
Ro( (ecomes 4ranslucen4 and is 5ulled in4o his 5hysical
Michael Euic9ly 4a9es Ro( (y 4he legs and a(ru54ly 5ulls 4he
4ranslucen4 Ro( 8rom his 5hysical (ody*
The 4ranslucen4 Ro( ru(s his hands and scru4ini:es 4hem* He
(ecomes vivid and o5aEue*
Rule num(er one< secondary eAi4* As
soon as you s4ar4 4o (e re4urned 4o
4he (ody you have 4o al-ays 4ry
righ4 4hen and 4here 4o eAi4 4he
(ody again* This -ill ma9e your
eA5eriences many 4imes longer*
Roc9 onB
Michael 5ushes Ro( in4o his 5hysical (ody* Ro( rolls righ4
(ac9 ou4 o8 his 5hysical (ody* He loo9s a4 Michael -i4h Joy*
3ou should develo5 4he ha(i4 o8
al-ays doing 4ha4*
,o4 i4B
Michael 5u4s his hand on Ro(Cs shoulder*
>o- close your eyes and 8ocus your
a44en4ion on 4he 5lace 4ha4 you sa-*
Michael and Ro( close 4heir eyes* They disa55ear*
Ro( and Michael 8ly a4 high s5eed*
Ro(er4 and Michael 8ly in s5ace* A 5lane4 is in 8ron4 o8
+here are -eF
This is 4he 5ure 5hase s5ace ' a
-orld o8 i4s o-n* 3ou -ill s5end
much more 4ime in i4 4han you could
imagine* 3ou can learn 4o con4rol
every4hing here*
They come closer and closer 4o 4he 5lane4*
Aha 4his is -here #olonel #han
(uil4 himsel8 a ne- lair* Than9s
#olonel #hanF
#lose your eyes Euic9B
Ta9en a(ac9 Ro( closes his eyes* The s5ace around him
(ecomes -ar5ed*
=>T* #6#@P=T
A small s5aceshi5 coc95i4* Ro( a55ears in 4he sea4* The sea4
:a5s him -i4h elec4rici4y* Blue elec4rical discharge courses
4hroughou4 Ro(*
+ha4 4he hellFB Tha4 hur4sB
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E $6*S*&
=4 hur4s (u4 in re4urn you ge4 8ull
sensory s4imula4ion and 8or some
4ime you -onC4 have 4o -orry a(ou4
main4aining 4he 5hase*
+ell 4han9sB
Ro( is in 4he small coc95i4 o8 MichaelCs s5aceshi5* The
s5aceshi5 has a large num(er o8 guns* All o8 4he guns (egin
4o 8ire*
A large num(er o8 #han s5aceshi5s 8ly ou4 8rom 4he 5lane4*
They 8ire a4 MichaelCs s5aceshi5*
MichaelCs s5aceshi5 maneuvers and des4roys s4ill 8ar'o88
#han in4erce54or s5aceshi5s* MichaelCs shi5 is surrounded (y
a 8orce 8ield* Mos4 o8 4he roc9e4s and laser (eams are
neu4rali:ed (y 4he 8orce 8ield*
=>T* #6#@P=T
Ro( si4s in 4he coc95i4 sea4* Elec4rical discharge courses
4hrough him* An eA5losion 8lashes 4hrough 4he 5or4hole* Ro(
shields his 8ace -i4h his hands*
+ha4 are 4hey shoo4ing a4 usF +ha4
harm can 4hey doF
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E $6*S*&
TheyGre 4rying 4o scare us a-ay* =8
4hey (lo- us a5ar4 as a rule a
re4urn 4o 4he (ody -ill occur*
The #han s5aceshi5s a(ru54ly 4urn around and :oom (ac9
4o-ards 4he 5lane4* MichaelCs s5aceshi5 gives chase in ho4
E1T* PLA>ET ' 2A3
MichaelCs s5aceshi5 nears 4he 5lane4* His s5aceshi5
4rans8orms in4o a ro(o4*
Ro( is in 4he coc95i4 a4 4he very 4o5 o8 4he ro(o4*
=>T* #6#@P=T ' 2A3
Ro( si4s in 4he coc95i4 sea4* Elec4rical discharge courses
4hrough him*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E $6*S*&
+e caugh4 4hem o88 guard* TheyCre
regrou5ing a4 4heir lair*
E1T* PLA>ET ' 2A3
MichaelCs ro(o4 s4ands a4 a hill* ?or4ress Elisa is visi(le
in 4he 8ar'o88 dis4ance* #han s5aceshi5s 8ly in4o ElisaCs
4rans5aren4 5ro4ec4ive dome and disa55ear inside*
E1T* 26ME ' 2A3
Three #han s5aceshi5s 8ly in4o 4he side o8 4he dome and
disa55ear* Righ4 4hen #han'men a55ear a4 4he ou4side
8ounda4ion o8 4he dome* They run in4o 4he 8or4ress*
=>T* #6#@P=T ' 2A3
Ro( si4s in 4he coc95i4 sea4* Elec4rical discharge courses
4hrough him* Through 4he 5or4hole Ro( sees 4-o #han
s5aceshi5s a55roaching*
Ho- cool is all 4hisB = canC4
(elieve my o-n eyesB
#;T T6<
E1T* PLA>ET ' 2A3
T-o #han s5aceshi5s 8ly u5 4o-ards MichaelCs ro(o4* They
Euic9ly 4rans8orm in4o ro(o4s and o5en 8ire 8rom 4heir guns*
MichaelCs ro(o4 Euic9ly shoo4s u5 4he 8irs4 ro(o4 8rom i4s
5o-er8ul guns and 4he enemy ro(o4 is (lo-n a5ar4 in4o small
The second ro(o4 and Michael 8ire on one ano4her a4
5rac4ically 5oin4'(lan9 range* The #han ro(o4 is nearly
des4royed* Michael shoo4s a4 i4 -i4h a 5o-er8ul 4aser* The
#han ro(o4 8alls do-n and changes in4o a man in a red 4rench
coa4 and gas mas9* He lies on 4he ground and convulses 8rom
4he 4aserCs 5o-er8ul elec4rical curren4* =4Cs #HA> HE>#HMA>
Ro( Jum5s ou4 8rom 4he coc95i4 o8 MichaelCs ro(o4*
MichaelCs ro(o4 4rans8orms in4o MichaelCs 5hysical (ody* He
holds a 4aser in his hand ou4 o8 -hich 4he conduc4ive -ire
leads 4o #han man .4*
+ha4 a ca4ch* Pro(a(ly a ne-(ie
-asnC4 a(le 4o ge4 ou4 o8 4he 5hase
in 4ime and 8ell 8or such a sim5le
Pain is main4aining him here in 4he
3es* And vi(ra4ions 8rom 4he
#HA> HE>#HMA> .4
$s4ruggling 4o s5ea9&
Le4 me go***
The elec4rical curren4 am5li8ies and 4he #han henchman has
s4ar4ed 8oaming a4 4he mou4h* The curren4 -ea9ens*
+ha4 are 4he Euali4ies o8 4he s5ace
under 4he domeF
#HA> HE>#HMA> .4
$s4ruggling 4o s5ea9&
Physical -orld Euali4ies are in
e88ec4 under 4he dome*** They are
changed only (y 4he crea4ors**** The
command cen4er in 4he 4o-er***
A me4eori4e 8lies a4 Ro( and Michael 8rom a(ove -i4h a roar*
Ro( Jum5s 4o 4he side in 8ear*
Be8ore hi44ing 4he sur8ace o8 4he 5lane4 4he me4eori4e
4rans8orms in4o Allie* She lands on 4he hill* She loo9s very
Allie runs u5 4o-ards Ro(*
3ou againF
Ho- did you 8ind usF
= 8ollo-ed your 4rail* = Jus4
concen4ra4ed my a44en4ion on you*
Ro( loo9s a4 Allie in ama:emen4*
=4Cs dangerous here* They chased me
ou4 o8 here las4 4ime*
Tha4Cs -hy =Cm here -i4h you***
The elec4rical curren4 am5li8ies and once again hi4s #han
henchman .4* The curren4 -ea9ens*
Ho- do -e ge4 under 4he domeF
#han henchman .4 4a9es a gold 4o9en 8rom his 4rench coa4*
#HA> HE>#HMA> .4
$s4ruggling 4o s5ea9&
Here*** 3ou have 4o 8ocus your
a44en4ion on 4his -hen en4ering 4he
#han henchman .4 raises his hand -i4h 4he 4o9en* Everyone
loo9s a4 4he 4o9en* #han henchman .4 shar5ly heaves ri5s
4he 4aser -ire o88 o8 himsel8 and suddenly disa55ears*
2ang i4B +as any(ody a(le 4o see i4
and remem(er i4F
Ro( sha9es his head HnoH*
= sa- i4*
+ho is 4his #olonel #hanF
Ro( 5o9es around 4he s4re-n'a(ou4 remains o8 4he #han ro(o4*
He scru4ini:es 4he various com5onen4s and 5ar4s*
An old acEuain4ance* He ge4s 5aid (y
4ransna4ional cor5ora4ions 4o hold
(ac9 our evolu4ion* He annihila4es
5ros5ec4ive 5rac4i4ioners in
sensori:a4ors a4 Elisa or ca54ures
4hem in 4he 5hysical -orld* He also
(loc9s any in8orma4ion on 4he 5hase*
Bu4 my 8ree 4eA4(oo9 online has
4hro-n a -rench in all o8 4heir
Then -ha4 do you need 4o go a84er
#han 8orF
Remem(er 4he red inJec4ionF
Ho- couldnC4 =F
=4Cs a dis5haser drug* =4s ac4ive
ingredien4 -ill go in4o all
manda4ory vaccina4ions*
Allie and Ro( loo9 a4 one ano4her in shoc9*
+e didnC4 ge4 4o have 8un 8or long*
>o- #hanCs lo((ying 8or i4 -i4h all
4he au4hori4ies* ?rom na4ional
governmen4s 4o 4he ;>* The cri4ical
decision -ill (e made a4 secre4
4al9s during -hich all o8 4he real
leaders o8 4he -orld -ill ga4her*
#han has 4o (e 4a9en ou4 (e8ore
4hen* And 4his is 4he only 5lace 4o
ge4 a4 him* He shoo4s himsel8 u5
-i4h s5ecial drugs and 5rac4ically
never leaves 4he 5hase* A4 leas4 no-
= 9no- -here his ne- lair is* All
4ha4Cs le84 is 4o ge4 inside
Michael do you need some side9ic9sF
Michael loo9s a4 Ro( and laughs*
Please give me Jus4 one chanceB
=Cll learn every4hingB = 8eel li9e
=Cm cu4 ou4 8or i4* 3ou unders4andF
Sorry (u4 4his isnC4 your 8igh4*
Michael 4a9es a serious loo9 a4 Ro(*
3ou 9no- 4hey didnC4 5ay so much
a44en4ion 4o you a84er only your
8irs4 eA5erience -i4hou4 a reason*
=Cll -or9 -i4h you 8or a (i4 and
-eCll see ho- you ge4 along -i4h i4*
May(e youCll 8i4 4he (ill* 2oes 4ha4
sound alrigh4F
,rea4B This is really so im5or4an4
4o me MichaelB = really -an4 4o
hel5* Than9sB
A Joy8ul Ro( goes u5 4o 4he 4urre4 o8 4he #han ro(o4 and
s4ruggles hard 4o li84 i4 u5* Ro( scru4ini:es 4he 4urre4 and
ru(s i4*
$4o Allie&
+ha4 -as 4he codeF
Allie 4a9es 4-o s4e5s 4o-ards 4he 8or4ress and scru4ini:es
=8 you 4a9e me -i4h you =Cll give
i4 4o you -hen -eCre 4here*
Michael and Ro( loo9 a4 one ano4her in ama:emen4*
+ha4FB And you 4ooF
= -an4 4o hel5*
Alrigh4 4hen so give me 4he code*
3ou 9ids 9no- 4ha4 i4Cs 5ossi(le 4o
never ge4 ou4 o8 hereF
Ro( acciden4ally 5resses a small lever on 4he 4urre4*
The 4urre4 8ires ou4 a round* The recoil 4hro-s Ro( 9 8ee4
(ac9* He 8alls 4o 4he ground* His 8ace (eams deligh4*
+o-B @ic9 assB
Michael loo9s a4 Ro( s9e54ically*
TheyCll 5u4 you 4-o in sensori:a4ors
and 4ha4Cll (e 4he end o8 i4 all*
= ge4 i4 all (u4 = -an4 4o (e a
5ar4 o8 some4hing im5or4an4 a4 leas4
once in my li8eB Ro(er4 and = have
al-ays (een in every adven4ure
4oge4her since childhood* PleaseB
Michael eyes Allie -i4h sus5icion* He 4urns a-ay 8rom her
and scru4ini:es Elisa*
Alrigh4* +eCll (ring her along* Bu4
only u5 4o 4he dome* +ha4 is 4his
Ro( (ecomes 4ranslucen4 and (egins 4o hover u5 a (i4* Ro(
ru(s his hands and scru4ini:es 4hem* He lands and (ecomes
= canC4 any longer* =Cm (eing
5ulled in4o my (odyB
+an4 4o 8ly 4oge4herF
$4o Michael&
+ill = really (e a(le 4o do i4
=8 you do every4hing righ4* See you
Allie -aves 4o Michael* Ro( and Allie hold hands and Euic9ly
8ly u5*
Allie and Ro( 8ly in ou4er s5ace and hold hands* They loo9
a4 one ano4her and smile*
E1T* PLA>ET ' 2A3
Michael scru4ini:es 8or4ress Elisa*
An enormous hall -i4h columns* There is an in4erac4ive ma5
o8 4he Ear4h on 4he -all* Red do4s 8lash on and o88 on 4he
ma5* There are many headings and num(ers* The larges4
heading reads HThere are no- %3%4 5eo5le ou4'o8'(odyH* This
num(er changes Euic9ly* =n 4he cen4er o8 4he hall is a large
round 4a(le* #han s4ands (y an enormous -indo-*
Already 8ound meF Bu4 donG4 4hin9
i4Gll all (e so easy 4his 4ime*
#;T T6<
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A3
Ro( si4s in a dec9'chair on 4he la-n and reads 4he (oo9
Ro(Cs mom comes ou4 o8 4he house* She (rings Ro( Juice and
coo9ies on a 4ray*
+ha4 are you reading sonnyF
A 4eA4(oo9***
,ood 9idB So some goodCs come a84er
all ou4 o8 your acciden4B
Ro(Cs mom 5u4s 4he 4ray neA4 4o Ro(* He 4a9es a coo9ie and
con4inues reading*
Bu4 you s4ill need 4o (e more
care8ul riding your (i9e* 3ou could
lose your li8e i8 youCre no4
3eah*** 2onC4 -orry*
= have no idea -ha4 youCre going 4o
do no- 8or all o8 4his 4ime* 3ou
migh4 die o8 (oredom* Poor 9id i8
you need any4hing Jus4 le4 me 9no-*
69ay mom*
Ro( slee5s in a dec9'chair on 4he 8ron4 la-n* The (oo9
5rin4ou4 lies on his 9nee*
R6B $7*6*&
The 8irs4 momen4s a84er a-a9ening
are 4he mos4 im5or4an4* As soon as
you -a9e u5 4ry 4o levi4a4e ge4
u5 or roll ou4* This doesnC4 have
4o (e imagined* Sensa4ion'-ise you
need 4o do i4 -i4h your 5hysical
(ody (u4 -i4hou4 moving a muscle*
Ro(Cs 4ranslucen4 and luminous (ody nudges ou4 o8 his
5hysical (ody in s4ar4s and s5ur4s* Then 4he (odies merge
in4o one*
R6B $7*6*&
Some4imes i4Cs easy* And some4imes
i4Cs really hard*
Ro(Cs 4ranslucen4 and luminous (ody once again nudges ou4*
=4 4ries 4o 5ull i4sel8 ou4 o8 4he 5hysical (ody* =4 is once
again 5ulled (ac9 in*
R6B $7*6*&
The mos4 im5or4an4 4hing is 4o
li4erally (rea9 ou4 o8 your (ody
and do i4 no ma44er -ha4 ha55ens
and do i4 as hard as you can*
Ro(Cs 4ranslucen4 and luminous (ody -res4s ou4 o8 his
5hysical (ody* =4 is 5ulled (ac9 in* Ro( digs in4o 4he grass
-i4h his hands and 4ries 4o sli4her ou4 o8 his 5hysical
(ody* He 8eels 4he grass and scru4ini:es i4*
R6B $7*6*&
The mos4 im5or4an4 4hing is no4 4o
8orge4 a(ou4 dee5ening* To do so
you need 4o 8eel every4hing around
you -i4h your hands and scru4ini:e
4he minu4e de4ails o8 o(Jec4s u5
Ro( chao4ically -aves his hand across 4he grass and
scru4ini:es 4he (lades* His luminous 4ranslucen4 (ody
gradually (ecomes o5aEue* He is no longer (eing 5ulled 4o
his 5hysical (ody*
R6B $7*6*&
6nly 4hen can you con4inue on*
Ro( s4o5s scru4ini:ing and 8eeling 4he grass* His (ody
shines and is o5aEue* He 4a9es a loo9 a4 his 5hysical (ody
in 4he chair and loo9s a(ou4 8rom side 4o side*
A luminous Michael a55ears neA4 4o Ro(er4*
,ood 9idB =8 you are a(le 4o
se5ara4e even Jus4 a li44le (i4 you
should al-ays 5ush yoursel8
com5le4ely ou4*
Hi MichaelB +here do -e s4ar4F
To s4ar4 ou4 -i4h =Cm going 4o sho-
you -ha4 you need all 4his 8or*
A Joy8ul Ro( loo9s a4 his 5hysical (ody in 4he chair* He
4hen scru4ini:es his luminous 5alms*
=snC4 4his 4he mos4 ama:ing 4hing in
4he -orldF
=4 sure is* Then again 8or eAam5le
-here are your grandma and grand5aF
They died a long 4ime ago* = loved
4hem very much***
Michael levi4a4es several 8ee4 o88 4he ground*
#ome -i4h meB
Michael 8iles o88 4o 4he side a4 8ull s5eed* Ro( 8lies u5
a84er him*
E1T* ,RA>2MACS H6;SE ' 2;S@
The seashore* A 8ores4* A green la-n* A small house* R6BCS
,RA>2MA and ,RA>2PA 5lay cards over a 4a(le on 4he 8ron4
5orch* Their ,erman She5herd dog MA1 slee5s neA4 4o 4he
Ro(Cs grandma 5ushes all o8 her chi5s 4o 4he cen4er o8 4he
4a(le* She loo9s a4 grand5a in 4rium5h*
All inB
+hy you*** Are you (lu88ing againF
Ro( and Michael a55ear a4 4he corner o8 4he house*
+here are -eF
Remem(er 4he 5ure 5hase s5aceF
Michael indica4es (eyond 4he corner o8 4he house -i4h his
hand* Ro( hesi4a4ingly goes around 4he corner o8 4he house*
Ro( sees his grandma and grand5a on 4he 5orch*
,randmaF ,rand5aF
,randma and grand5a loo9 round and s5o4 Ro(* They 4hro- do-n
4heir cards and Euic9ly go over 4o him* Ro( also rushes
8or-ard 4o mee4 4hem*
+e 4hough4 -eCd never see you again*
Ro( hugs his grandma and grand5a* They also hug and 9iss
him* They all cry in Joy*
MaA runs u5 4o Ro( s4ands u5 on his hind legs and lic9s
him in 4he 8ace* His 4ail -ags eAci4edly*
MaA youCre here 4ooF
Ro( 5e4s MaA and scru4ini:es him* ,rand5a and grandma
em(race Ro(*
Ro( and Michael 8ly a-ay 8rom Ro(Cs grandmaCs house*
Ho- -as grandmaCs (lue(erry JamF
= 4hough4 = -ould never see 4hem
again* = canC4 (elieve my eyesB +as
4ha4 4heir soulsF
=4 doesnC4 ma44er* +ha4 ma44ers is
4ha4 you see 4hem hear 4hem and
can hug and 4al9 4o 4hem* And 4hey
are as real here as 4hey -ere -hen
you -ere a 9id*
So 4ha4 means 4ha4 no- = can al-ays
mee4 -i4h 4hemF
Al-ays and no4 only -i4h 4hem* +i4h
-homever you -an4*
+i4h -ho'ever = -an4F So = can 8ind
Marylyn Monroe and Elvis Presley
Every(ody living or deceasedQ
rela4ives cele(ri4ies his4orical
8igures* =4 doesnC4 ma44er*
#;T T6<
=>T* #6RR=26R
Ro( and Michael -al9 an endless corridor* There are many
doors 4o each side*
3ou can also a55ear -here'ever you
-an4 8rom here*
Michael o5ens 4he neares4 door*
2id you ever dream o8 going on a
moon-al9 li9e >eil Arms4rongF
The moonCs sur8ace is visi(le on 4he o4her side o8 4he door*
Ro( loo9s 4hrough 4he door-ay* Michael o5ens ano4her door*
And did you ever dream o8 going 4o a
dinosaur :oo as a childF
A Lurassic 8ores4 is visi(le (ehind 4he door* The large head
o8 a (ron4osaurus che-ing 8oliage loo9s 4hrough 4he door-ay*
Ro( cau4iously -al9s u5 4o i4s head*
Michael -al9s 8ur4her along 4he corridor*
And -ould you li9e 4o 9no- ho- 4o
ma9e a million or 8ind 4he solu4ion
4o di88icul4 5ro(lemsF
Mul4i5ly your 9no-ledge (y a 8ac4or
o8 4housands ' 4ha4Cs 4he amoun4 o8
in8orma4ion 4ha4 you 5lug in4o in
here* >o(ody 9no-s eAac4ly -ha4 i4
is* May(e i4Cs some 9ind o8
in8orma4ion 8ield* May(e -e
communica4e -i4h our 5o-er8ul
su(conscious 4hrough 5hase o(Jec4s*
Tha4 doesnC4 ma44er* +ha4 ma44ers is
4ha4 i4 -or9s*
Bu4 ho- eAac4ly do you do 4ha4F
Michael goes 4o 4he neA4 door and o5ens i4* Behind 4he door
is a li(rary* Michael and Ro( s4and a4 i4s 4hreshold and
5eer in4o 4he li(rary*
=>T* L=BRAR3
?amous scien4is4s si4 in 4he large li(rary hall< 2a 7inci
Eins4ein Tesla Mendeleev Edison >e-4on 2ar-in ,alileo
MaA-ell and many o4hers* They read (oo9s as -ell as dra-
and -ri4e on no4e5ads* Some o8 4hem are discussing
M=#HAEL $6*S*&
There are many -ays 4o do i4*
Sim5les4 o8 all is 4o 8ind a 5erson
-ho has or could have 4he
in8orma4ion you need in real li8e
and as9 him Eues4ions* Bu4 you need
4o 5rac4ice in order 4o learn 4o
communica4e -i4h such a 5erson in
4he righ4 -ay* =4Cs no4 as easy as
i4 migh4 loo9*
R6B $6*S*&
=4Cs li9e access 4o genius i4sel8F
=>T* #6RR=26R
Michael closes 4he door 4o 4he li(rary and 4hen he and Ro(
-al9 8ur4her along 4he corridor*
So can = really Jus4 8ly 4o 4he
righ4 5lace and 8ind ou4 -ha4 = need
=4Cs no4 all 4ha4 sim5le*
Ro( ma9es an inEuisi4ive 8ace* Michael o5ens 4he neA4 door
and en4ers in4o i4*
Michael en4ers 4he 5harmacy* Ro( en4ers a84er him and loo9s
around 8rom side 4o side*
There are also a(ou4 %! -ays o8
in8luencing 4he 5hysical (ody 8rom
4he 5hase* The sim5les4 me4hod o8
all is 4o 4a9e 5ills and o4her
Michael gives Ro( a 5ill*
Ta9e i4* 3our leg -ill heal much
Ro( s-allo-s 4he 5ill*
And 4ha4 -ill -or9F
The mos4 im5or4an4 4hing is 4o 4ry
4o 8eel 4he e88ec4 righ4 here and
no-* Tha4Cs 4he 4ric9* The 5hysical
(ody reac4s 4o -ha4 you do in 4he
5hase in 4he same -ay as i8 i4 -ere
ha55ening 8or real*
So 4ha4Cs some4hing li9e 4he 5lace(o
6nly many 4imes more e88ec4ive* 3ou
can also ge4 in8orma4ion here a(ou4
your heal4h and 4rea4men4 o54ions*
Michael eAi4s 4he 5harmacy* Ro( 8ollo-s (ehind him*
Ac4ually have you no4iced 4ha4 here
your leg is com5le4ely healedF
=>T* #6RR=26R
Michael re4urns 4o 4he endless corridor* He -al9s 8ur4her
along 4he corridor* Ro( ca4ches u5 4o him and loo9s a4 his
o-n legs*
And no- 4hin9 a(ou4 ho- 8ar'reaching
4his 5rac4ice is 8or 5eo5le -ho are
una(le 4o -al9 or even move a4 all*
Tha4Cs righ4*** 4his is a -hole ne-
li8e 8or 4hemB
And ho- many musicians and ar4is4s
hi4 u5on 4heir mos4 (rillian4
mas4er5ieces here and 4hen (ring
4hem 4o li8e in 4he real -orldB
Michael s4o5s and o5ens a door* Ro(Cs 8ron4 yard is on 4he
o4her side o8 4he door* Michael loo9s a4 Ro( in4en4ly*

And 4ha4Cs Jus4 one one'4housand4h
o8 all 4he 5haseCs 5ossi(ili4ies*
+e have 4o s4o5 #olonel #han a4 all
cos4s* Tha4Cs 4he only 4hing 4ha4
=Cm 4hin9ing a(ou4 no- Michael*
Ac4ually arenC4 4here eA5erienced
5rac4i4ioners -ho could hel5 youF
+hy meF
Many among 4he eA5erienced
5rac4i4ioners -or9 8or #han* He has
an en4ire army* = canC4 4a9e 4he
ris9* A novice is Jus4 -ha4 = need
one 4ha4 = can 4rain 5ersonally*
= -onC4 le4 you do-nB
+eCll see* 3ouCve go4 a long -ay in
8ron4 o8 you* The 8irs4 lesson -ill
(e neA4 4ime*
Ro( 8lies ou4 4o 4he 8ron4 door o8 his home*
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A3
Ro( is on his 8ron4 la-n* He levi4a4es u5 siA 8ee4 o88 4he
R6B $7*6*&
Bu4 -ha4 did = s5end 4he mos4 4ime
doing in 4he 5haseF
Ro( a(ru54ly 8lies o88 4o 4he side*
E1T* >E=,HB6RH662 ' 2A3
Ro( 8lies a4 high s5eed (e4-een houses*
R6B $7*6*&
?lying o8 courseB
Ro( 8lies Euic9ly (e4-een houses* He ma9es a shar5 4urn in4o
a small s4ree4 and 8lies along i4* He 8lies close (y 4rees
5eo5le cars and houses a4 high s5eed* Ro( ma9es 8reEuen4
shar5 maneuvers and 4urns*
R6B $7*6*&
+e all dream a(ou4 4his* And no-
i4Cs 5ossi(leB
Ro( 8lies around 4-o houses a4 high s5eed* He 4hen levi4a4es
high in4o 4he air*
Ro( 8lies u5 over his neigh(orhood* He does a loo5'4he'loo5
and 4hen dives (ac9 do-n*
He 8lies along a small road* He 8lies (e4-een and undernea4h
4he cars on i4*
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A3
Ro( s5o4s @a4Cs car* He circles around i4* @a4 and Allie
s4e5 ou4 o8 4he car* They -al9 over 4he la-n 4o-ards a
slee5ing Ro(*
+ha4Cs he doing over 4hereF
He 8ell aslee5 5ro(a(ly*
Ro( scru4ini:es @a4 and Allie as 4hey -al9* He circles
around 4hem* @a4 and Allie donC4 no4ice him*
@a4 and Allie -al9 over 4he la-n 4o-ards Ro( as he slee5s*
There is no luminous Ro( 8lying around*
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A3
@a4 and Allie -al9 u5 4o Ro(Cs 5hysical (ody* The luminous
Ro( hovers a(ove 4hem in 4he air*
@a4 sha9es Ro(Cs 5hysical (ody (y 4he shoulder and 4he
luminous Ro( 8lies (ac9 in4o his 5hysical (ody*
Hey -here are youF
Ro( o5ens his eyes* @a4 and Allie loo9 a4 him and smile* @a4
9isses Ro(*
Hello ladiesB
Hello Ro(er4B
+ha4 ma9es you so ha55yF
= go4 i4 4o -or9 againB
The (oo9 5rin4ou4 8alls 8rom Ro(Cs 9nees* @a4 5ic9s i4 u5
and loo9s a4 i4 closely* Mean-hile Ro( and Allie loo9 a4
one ano4her and smile*
= 8orgo4 4o say 4han9s 8or 4he hel5B
>o- every4hing is going along grea4
8or me* And ho- a(ou4 -i4h youF
Be44er and (e44er all 4he 4ime* The
mos4 im5or4an4 4hing is 4o 8ollo-
4he ins4ruc4ions 4o 4he le44er*
Tha4Cs all 4here is 4o i4*
@a4 5re4ends 4o read 4he 4eA4* She is lis4ening in care8ully
4o Allie and Ro(Cs conversa4ion*
$coun4s on 8inger %&
+a9e u5 -i4hou4 moving
$coun4s on 8inger 0&
4hen immedia4ely 4ry 4o se5ara4e
$coun4s on 8inger 3&
and i8 4ha4 doesnC4 -or9 Euic9ly
cycle 4hrough 4-o or 4hree
4echniEues 8or one minu4e un4il one
o8 4hem -or9s* A84er 4ha4 you can
4ry again 4o se5ara4e* +ha4Cs so
hard a(ou4 4ha4F
= only 4ry each 4echniEue once* =4
al-ays seems 4ha4 i4Cs already no4
going 4o -or9*
+ha4 do you meanFB Every4hing o84en
doesnC4 s4ar4 -or9ing 8or me un4il
a84er 4he second or 4hird cycle*
= already said i4< you have 4o
8ollo- 4he ins4ruc4ions 4o 4he
le44er* And even i8 youCve
acciden4ally moved a84er -a9ing u5
you should s4ill 4ry* 6h and donC4
8orge4 4o say HhiH 4o Michael 8or
68 courseB
RadugaF 3ouCve already 8ound even
him 4hereF Have you (o4h gone
4o4ally cra:yF
@a4 ri5s 4he 4eA4 4o shreds* Allie loo9s a4 @a4 in 8righ4*
@a4 -ha4 are you doingFB
@a4 4hro-s 4he shreds o8 5a5er 4o 4he side and 4urns shar5ly
4o 8ace Allie* Saddened Ro( -a4ches 4he shreds o8 4he
5rin4ou4 8lurry ou4 in4o 4he -ind* He 4ries 4o ca4ch some o8
3ou lis4en 4o meB =4Cs your 8aul4
heCs gone o88 4he dee5 endB Ho- long
-ill = have 4o 5u4 u5 -i4h you
loserB A4 leas4 learn 4o -ear some
decen4 clo4hesB 3ou 4hin9 = donC4
9no- -hy you s4ar4ed 8ollo-ing me
@a4 -ha4 are you***F
3ou yoursel8 9no- -ha4 =Cm 4al9ing
a(ou4B ,e4 ou4 o8 hereB
+ha4Cs going onF @a4F AllieF
Bu4 me = didnC4 do any4hing -rong
a4 allB
= never -an4 4o see you near him
againB ;nders4oodF
Hey -ha4Cs going on -i4h you allFB
Allie Euic9ly 4urns a-ay and leaves* She loo9s around her*
@a4 -a4ches her go*
@a4 os4en4a4iously si4s on Ro(Cs 9nees and s4ar4s 9issing
Allie 4urns her (ac9 in anger and Euic9ly leaves*
+ha4 a (i4chB
#;T T6<
=>T* BATHR66MKR6BCS H6;SE ' 2;S@
Ro( (rushes his 4ee4h and loo9s a4 himsel8 in 4he mirror*
R6B $7*6*&
A4 8irs4 glance Michael had se4 me
a com5le4ely unrealis4ic 4as9< = -as
4o learn 4o eAi4 my (ody each and
every 4ime = -o9e u5* Bu4 soon =
had already develo5ed a rou4ine 4ha4
le4 me ge4 in4o 4he 5hase almos4
every day*
Ro( dries himsel8 o88 -i4h a 4o-el* He leaves 4he (a4hroom*
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2;S@
Ro( en4ers his room* He 4urns ou4 4he ligh4 and lies do-n in
R6B $7*6*&
= 9e54 4o no4 4rying any4hing a4
nigh4 even 4hough i4Cs no4
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
The alarm cloc9 goes o88< 6<!! AM* A slee5y Ro( s4ruggles 4o
4urn i4 o88* He leaves 4he room*
R6B $7*6*&
Having sle54 8or 6 hours = go4 u5
-i4h 4he alarm cloc9 and -en4 4o 4he
=>T* BATHR66MKR6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
A slee5y Ro( s4ands (y 4he 4oile4* He s4eadies himsel8 (y
5u44ing a hand 4o 4he -all*
=>T* @=T#HE>KR6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
Ro( rummages 4hrough 4he re8rigera4or* He ge4s ou4 some
Juice* He drin9s 4he Juice*
R6B $7*6*&
Then = dran9 some4hing and a4e a
li44le some4hing*
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
Ro( si4s u5 5ensively in (ed* He holds a 5en and 5iece o8
5a5er in his hands* ?reshly'5rin4ed 4eA4(oo9 5ages lie on
4he nigh4s4and near(y*
R6B $7*6*&
Then = 5u4 4oge4her a 5lan o8 ac4ion
in case o8 leaving my (ody*
Ro( 5u4s do-n 4he 5iece o8 5a5er and 5en on4o 4he near(y
nigh4s4and* He lies do-n in (ed and ge4s ready 4o 8all
R6B $7*6*&
Then = sle54 8or as long as = could*
= 4ried 4o se5ara4e a84er each
a-a9ening and 4hen -ould cycle
4hrough 4he 4echniEues* =8 no4hing
-or9ed -i4hin 4he 8irs4 minu4e =
-ould go (ac9 4o slee5 -hile
4hin9ing in4ensely a(ou4 my neA4
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
A disheveled Ro( 4urns over 4o 4he o4her side and 8alls (ac9
R6B $7*6*&
Some4imes 4here -ould (e 3 4o 4
unsuccess8ul a44em54s (e8ore
some4hing -or9ed*
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A3
Ro( slee5s* His 8ace 4-i4ches* He o5ens his eyes and closes
4hem once again*
R6B $7*6*&
= -as una(le 4o immedia4ely se5ara4e
during 4ha4 a44em54 and so = (egan
4o des5era4ely clu4ch a4 one
4echniEue a84er ano4her*
A 4ranslucen4 hand s4ar4s 4o -iggle ou4 o8 Ro(Cs 5hysical
hand* The 4ranslucen4 handCs range o8 mo4ion 5rogressively
R6B $7*6*&
>ever4heless a84er nearly a minu4e
5han4om -iggling s4ar4ed 4o -or9 8or
me* =4Cs done (y 4rying 4o move your
real 5hysical hand (u4 -i4hou4
using any muscles and -i4hou4
imagining any4hing* =8 a sligh4
movemen4 occurs you should 9ee5
-i4h 4he 4echniEue and 4ry 4o -iggle
4he hand as much as you can no
ma44er -ha4*
Ro(Cs 4ranslucen4 and luminous (ody rolls ou4 o8 his
5hysical (ody*
R6B $7*6*&
As soon as 4he range o8 mo4ion
reached %! inches = 4ried 4o eAi4
4he (ody righ4 4hen*
Ro( Euic9ly 4ouches every4hing around him -i4h his hands* He
scru4ini:es his 5alms* His luminous (ody (ecomes o5aEue*
R6B $7*6*&
Then as al-ays you have 4o do
dee5ening un4il every4hing (ecomes
su5er realis4ic*
A luminous Ro( closes his eyes and disa55ears*
=>T* #6RR=26R
Ro( a55ears* He loo9s a4 himsel8 and loo9s 4o each side*
Then he loo9s a4 4he neares4 door*
= -onder -ha4 -ill (e 4here 4his
Ro( goes u5 4o 4he door and o5ens i4* He loo9s inside in
Ro( slo-ly en4ers 4hrough 4he door*
=>T* ,ARA,E
=4Cs an endless garage lined -i4h s5or4s cars and
mo4orcycles* As4ounded Ro( slo-ly en4ers in 4hrough 4he
door in 4he -all*
Ro( (ecomes 4ranslucen4 and nearly disa55ears* Ro( runs
ahead* He ru(s his hands agains4 one ano4her and scru4ini:es
4hem u5 close*
R6B $7*6*&
The mos4 im5or4an4 4hing is no4 4o
8orge4 4o main4ain 4he 5hase* The
sim5les4 rule is 4o 8eel sensa4ions
4he -hole 4ime< 4ouch some4hing
scru4ini:e some4hing move around*
Tha4 main4ains 4he 5hase and 9ee5s
you in i4* As soon as you ge4 los4
in 4hough4 and come 4o a hal4
youCll (e re4urned 4o your (ody
righ4 4hen and 4here* +i4h
eA5erience you (ecome a(le 4o
main4ain (y sheer 8orce o8 -ill
Ro( (ecomes o5aEue* He -al9s along 4he cars a4 a (ris9 5ace*
Ro( 4ouches every4hing around him and mean-hile his ga:e
res4s on a s5or4s mo4orcycle*
2reams come 4rueB
Ro( si4s on 4he mo4orcycle and 5u4s on a helme4*
The mo4orcycle 5urrs 4o li8e and does a -heelie* The engine
= canC4 (elieve i4B
Ro( hi4s 4he gas* The mo4orcycle 4urns ou4 o8 i4s 5ar9ing
Ro( rides 4he mo4orcycle ou4 4hrough 4he cars and in4o 4he
E1T* ?;T;R=ST=# H=,H+A3 ' 2A3
Ro( rides a4 grea4 s5eed* The high-ay 8irs4 (ends 4o 4he
righ4 and 4hen 4o 4he le84* A84er-ards i4 4-is4s in4o a
noose'li9e loo5 and 4hen con4inues ou4 in a s4raigh4 5a4h
all 4he -ay 4o 4he hori:on*
E1T* MARS ' 2;S@
Ro( rides 4he mo4orcycle along 4he sand'dunes and roc9s o8
4he Mar4ian sur8ace*
E1T* #=T3 6? THE ?;T;RE ' 2A3
Enormous s9yscra5ers* There are a mul4i4ude o8 unusual
au4omo(iles around 4hem* S5aceshi5s 8ly u5 a(ove*
Ro( rides his mo4orcycle 4hrough a s4ree4*
E1T* L;>,LE ' 2A3
A 5rehis4oric 8ores4 -i4h enormous 4rees and 8erns* Ro(
s4ands -i4h his el(o- leaned agains4 his mo4orcycle* He has
4a9en o88 his helme4* Ro( scru4ini:es and ea4s a gian4 5iece
o8 8rui4*
S4anding neA4 4o Ro(er4 is a 4yrannosaurus'ReA* =4 4ries 4o
lic9 Ro(Cs gian4 5iece o8 8rui4 -i4h i4s 4ongue* Ro( 5e4s
4he dinosaurCs snou4 -i4h one o8 his hands*
R6B $7*6*&
Every dream and 8an4asy can (e
reali:ed in 4he 5ure 5hase s5ace* =
donC4 9no- -ha4 4he 5hase s5ace is '
(e i4 heaven or a 8airy 4ale 5lace*
Bu4 i4Cs a reali4y 4ha4 is
accessi(le 4o each and every one o8
Ro( doesnC4 give 4he dinosaur 4he 8rui4* The dinosaur 4a9es
o88ense and 4urns a-ay* Ro( laughs*
Alrigh4 alrigh4* #a4chB
Ro( 4hro-s 4he 8rui4 u5 in4o 4he air* The dinosaur ca4ches
i4 -i4h i4s mou4h*
Michael comes u5 4o Ro( riding on 4o5 o8 a 4ricera4o5s*
3e5 5es4ering dinosaurs is 5ro(a(ly
4he mos4 5o5ular use o8 4he 5hase*
=Cm s4ill shoc9ed 4ha4 4his is all
5ossi(le* =Cll never ge4 used 4o i4*
And you -onC4 ge4 used 4o i4*** Ho-
a(ou4 some 4rainingF
#;T T6<
=>T* TRA=>=>, ,R6;>2S ' 2A3
Bun9ers* Buildings* Tan9 cars* Trenches* Tan9s* Bom(ed'ou4
Michael and Ro( 5ic9 ou4 4heir -ea5ons* Assor4ed -ea5onry is
laid ou4 in 8ron4 o8 4hem on a large 4a(le*
+eCll have 4o -or9 on your 5hysical
s9ills* TheyCll serve you -ell in
Ro(er4 4a9es u5 a P'9! in his hands runs his hand over i4
and scru4ini:es i4*
The P'9!* An old 4rus4y 8riend* =
can 8inally hold you in my o-n hands
ins4ead o8 s4aring a4 you on a
com5u4er screen*
Michael and Ro( go ou4 in4o 4he cen4er o8 a dir4 road*
And no- maAimum 5hysical la-s* 3ou
3ou (e4B
Michael crac9s his 9nuc9les loudly*
#han'men a55ear 8rom all sides and 8rom every corner* They
shoo4 a4 Michael and Ro( 8rom machine guns and 5is4ols*
Michael and Ro( 5ic9 o88 several o8 4hem* They s5rin4 (ehind
4he corner o8 a hal8'des4royed (uilding* They shoo4 4heir
machine guns around 4he corner* They run in4o 4he (uilding*
=>T* ,R6;>2 ?L66RKHAL?'2ESTR63E2 B;=L2=>, ' 2A3
An am(ush (y #han'men gree4s Ro( and Michael* The 4-o sides
shoo4 a4 one ano4her*
Ro( 4a9es a lo4 o8 hi4s* 6ne o8 his arms has (een (lo-n o88
and heCs missing 5ar4 o8 his head* Ro( 8alls do-n and
screams in 5ain*
+ha4Cs -i4h all 4he 5ainFB
Michael 8inishes o88 4he am(ushers*
=8 you ge4 -ounded li9e 4ha4 in
Elisa youCll (e re4urned 4o your
5hysical (ody no ma44er -ha4* Try 4o
s4ay in one 5iece*
Ro(Cs (ody res4ores i4sel8* Ro( and Michael go u5 4he s4airs
4o 4he second 8loor* They (lo- a-ay several #han'men along
4he -ay*
=>T* SE#6>2 ?L66RKHAL?'2ESTR63E2 B;=L2=>, ' 2A3
Michael and Ro( run u5 4o 4he -indo- and shoo4 ou4 8rom i4*
#oncre4e crum(les in a hail o8 (ulle4s (ehind and around
=>T* TRA=>=>, ,R6;>2S ' 2A3
#han'men run 4o 4he hal8'des4royed (uilding 8rom all sides*
Michael and Ro( shoo4 a4 4hem 8rom 4he -indo-* #han'men
shoo4 a4 Michael and Ro(*
There is a (un9er a4 4he o4her end o8 4he 4raining ground*
#han'men run ou4 o8 i4 every second*
=>T* SE#6>2 ?L66RKHAL?'2ESTR63E2 B;=L2=>, ' 2A3
Michael and Ro( re4urn heavy 8ire 8rom 4he -indo-*
See 4he (un9erF
Tha4Cs -here 4heyCre all coming
3ouCve go4 one minu4e 4o 4a9e i4*
Ro( runs 8as4 4o-ards 4he s4aircase 4o 4he 8irs4 8loor*
=>T* TRA=>=>, ,R6;>2S ' 2A3
Ro( runs ou4 o8 4he (uilding* He 4a9es ou4 4-o #han'men a4
4he en4rance*
Ro( runs 8as4 4o-ards 4he 4an9 car* =4Cs hal8-ay 4o 4he
(un9er* #han'men run ou4 a4 Ro( 8rom various sides* Ro(
shoo4s 4hem u5*
Ro( runs 4o 4he cis4ern* He has many -ounds* His 8ace is
con4or4ed in 5ain* Ro( runs his hand along his head and
8eels 4hree (ulle4 holes* He 5u4s his 8ingers in 4hem as i8
in4o a (o-ling (all*
They ma9e i4 loo9 so easy in 4he
Ro(Cs -ounds Euic9ly heal over* He runs once again 4o 4he
(un9er* #han'men run a4 him* Ro( shoo4s 4hem u5*
He runs in a :ig:ag* He 8alls 4o 4he ground* He runs* He
si4s do-n and rolls over on his (ac9 4o 4he side* EA5losions
cons4an4ly go o88 around him*
Ro( runs u5 4o 4he (un9er* He shoo4s u5 4he #han'men a4 4he
en4rance* He runs inside*
=>T* B;>@ER ' 2A3
The (un9er is 8ull o8 (oAes o8 -ea5ons and ammuni4ion* Ro(
runs in4o a room* He uneA5ec4edly runs in4o Michael -ho is
-earing a red 4rench coa4 and a gas mas9* He shoo4s Ro( in
4he 8orehead -i4h a 5is4ol*
Ro( 8lies (ac9 in4o 4he -all* He slo-ly 4ries 4o ge4 u5*
3ou 9no- i4 8eels li9e =Cm -as4ing
my 4ime -i4h you*
The large hole in Ro(Cs 8orehead and all o8 his o4her -ounds
Euic9ly heal over* He is ou4 o8 (rea4h*
=Cll 9ee5 4raining again and again*
3ouCre ac4ing li9e youCre in a video
= go4 i4* =Cll 9ee5 4raining*
Agi4a4ed Michael disa55ears*
Allie 8alls 4hrough 4he ceiling 4o 4he ground* She loo9s
8rom side 4o side in ama:emen4 and smiles Joy8ully a4
Ro(er4* He smiles (ac9 in re4urn and 4he 4ension disa55ears
8rom his 8ace*
3ou 8ound me here againF
+ell your s-ee4hear4 canG4 8or(id
us 8rom 4al9ing here* S4ill sheGs
such a (i4ch* = had no idea*
She Jus4 doesnG4 unders4and all o8
4his 4ha4Gs -hy she ge4s -orried*
Allie 5ulls ou4 various -ea5ons 8rom 4he (oAes and
scru4ini:es 4hem -i4h curiosi4y* Ro(er4 goes u5 4o Allie and
also loo9s over 4he -ea5ons*
+anna have some 8unF
And youGll cover meF
#;T T6<
An enormous la(ora4ory 8ull o8 5eo5le in -hi4e coa4s
5er8orming eA5erimen4s involving various (ea9ers 8luids
o4her 5eo5le and elec4rici4y*
,eneral ALE1E= =7A>67=#H PETR67 s4e5s ou4 o8 4he eleva4or
escor4ed (y a guard o8 #han'men in red 4rench coa4s* He is
a(ou4 // years old* They all Euic9ly head 8or 4he cen4er o8
4he la(ora4ory*
Nuic9ly (ring me u5 4o s5eed on 4he
si4ua4ion* = didnG4 4a9e 4hose
idio4ic 5ills in order 4o scre-
around all day in 4he 5hase li9e you
all do*
#HA> HE>#HMA> .3
Ac4ion needs 4o (e 4a9en
immedia4ely ,eneral Pe4rov* The
online (oo9 is s5reading li9e
-ild8ire* +e have caugh4 more
5rac4i4ioners over 4he las4 -ee9
4han -e have over 4he las4 4en
years* Lus4 a li44le more and -eGll
(e over-helmed*
=n 4he cen4er o8 4he la(ora4ory are 8ive gyra4ing
sensori:a4ors -i4h in(uil4 cocoons sha5ed li9e 4he human
(ody* =n one o8 4hem 4he (ody o8 a 8righ4ened young man is
envelo5ed in a cocoon made u5 o8 needles 5oin4ed a4 his
s9in* The needles move Euic9ly* Elec4rical discharges course
over 4he eEui5men4*
The young manGs eyes are -idened (y mechanical hands* A
helme4 comes do-n on his head* A (righ4 ligh4 shines 8or4h
8rom under 4he helme4 and a loud 2R6>=>, S6;>2 rever(era4es*
The sensori:a4or moves all o8 4he 5ar4s o8 his (ody*
A red 8lashing ca54ion a55ears< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in %P minu4esH*
#han s4ands near(y surrounded (y his aides and moni4ors 4he
si4ua4ion* Pe4rov goes u5 4o #han* #han eA4ends his hand in
gree4ing (u4 Pe4rov does no4 move 4o sha9e i4*
Ah ,eneral Pe4rovD 3ouGve made i4
here a4 las4* +e -ere Jus4 8rying u5
a ne- serving o8 (rains*
+hy has 4he si4ua4ion go44en ou4 o8
con4rolF +e had Jus4 Joined 8orces
-i4h our American and #hinese
colleagues and you have 4o dro5 4he
2onG4 -orry ,eneral* Every4hing is
under con4rol*
+ha4 (loody con4rolFB +e donG4 9no-
-ha4 4o say 4o 5eo5leB >o- any 9id
can Jum5 in4o 4he 5haseB
2o no4 raise your voice a4 me
,eneral Pe4rov* = 9no- ho- 4o do my
-or9* Believe me every4hing is
8ully under con4rol* Le4Gs ge4 4o
4he 5oin4* Ho- has 4he Euro5ean
;nion 4a9en our dis5haser 5ro5osalF
Pe4rov and #han o(serve 4he sensori:a4ors in o5era4ion*
Several miniscule s4a4es o(Jec4ed
(u4 on 4he -hole 4heyGre ready 4o
come on (oard* +e Jus4 need a -ee9
or 4-o in order 4o -or9 ou4 a 8e-
EAcellen4* As soon as every4hing is
ready -e should ga4her here a4 once
8or a 8inal decision*
This is our las4 ho5e o4her-ise
evolu4ion -ill go ou4 o8 con4rol*
3ou 9no- -ell 4ha4 (o4h o8 our
careers -ill (e over i8 4ha4
#;T T6<
=>T* @=T#HE>KR6BCS H6;SE ' 2;S@
Ro( is having dinner -i4h his 5aren4s* Ro(Cs dad drin9s
co88ee and reads a ne-s5a5er* Ro(Cs 8ace is 4hough48ul (u4
Ro( youCve (ecome so calm and even'
4em5ered la4ely*
Tha4 age o8 4ransi4ion is 8inally
over* 6h did -e su88erB
3ouCve even s4o55ed 5laying your
video games* = 4hough4 4ha4 4ha4
-ould never end*
Ro(Cs dad li84s his head u5 8rom 4he ne-s5a5er* He loo9s a4
Ro( in4en4ly*
=s a(solu4ely every4hing alrigh4
-i4h youF
Ro( nods his head a88irma4ively* He smiles a4 his 5aren4s
and con4inues ea4ing*
R6B $7*6*&
Some4hing 4old me 4ha4 8or no-
4here -as no 5oin4 in uncovering 4he
reason 8or 4he changes in my
(ehavior* =8 = mysel8 hadnC4 gone
4hrough i4 = -ould never have
(elieved i4* = -ould have 4hough4
such 5eo5le -ere nu4 cases*
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' >=,HT
Ro( slee5s on his (ac9* A luminous Michael s4ands near(y*
R6B $7*6*&
This 4ime = couldnC4 immedia4ely
se5ara4e again -hen = -o9e u5 so =
(egan cycling 4hrough 4echniEues*
The 8irs4 4-o didnC4 -or9*
T-o (arely visi(le 4ranslucen4 hands a55ear in 8ron4 o8
Ro(Cs 8ace -hich he ru(s agains4 one ano4her*
R6B $7*6*&
Then = (egan 4o 4ry 4o 8eel and see
imaginary hands in 8ron4 o8 my eyes*
=4Cs 4he visuali:ing hands
4echniEue* 7ery -ea9 sensa4ions
arose* = couldnC4 ma9e 4hem vivid*
Michael (ends do-n 4o-ards Ro(*
More ac4ivelyB More aggressivelyB >o
ma44er -ha4 ha55ensB Pu4 all o8 your
desire and -ill in4o seeing and
8eeling your hands*
Ro(Cs 4ranslucen4 hands have (ecome sligh4ly more solid as
he con4inues 4o ru( 4hem*
Even more ac4ivelyB >o ma44er -ha4
ha55ensB Lus4 do i4B
Ro(Cs hands s4o5 (eing 4ranslucen4 a84er some more ru((ing*
+ha4 are you s4ill lying do-n 8orF
3ouCll lose your chanceB
A luminous Ro( Euic9ly s4ands u5 8rom his 5hysical (ody* He
ru(s his luminous (ody all over -i4h his hands* =4 (ecomes
more and more vivid*
69ay o9ay* =Cm already here*
Aggression nearly al-ays hel5s (ring
i4 4hrough 4o 4he end* Lus4 as soon
as some 4echniEue clearly s4ar4s 4o
-or9 immedia4ely leave your (odyB
64her-ise 4he 5hase -ill come 4o an
end a84er a cou5le o8 seconds and
4ha4Cll (e i4* Tha4Cs ho- ne-(ies
-as4e mos4 o8 4heir a44em54s*
,o4 i4* +ha4Cs neA4F
#ome -i4h meB
Ro( and Michael 8ly ou4 4hrough 4he -indo-*
R6B $7*6*&
Being as aggressive as 5ossi(le and
immedia4ely se5ara4ing a84er
4echniEues s4ar4ed -or9ing made my
a44em54s a84er a-a9ening 4hree 4imes
more e88ec4ive*
#;T T6<
=>T* R66M
A small room -i4hou4 -indo-s and -i4h one door* Ro( and
Michael s4and in 4he cen4er*
Remem(er< success a4 4ransloca4ing
solely de5ends on 4he s4reng4h o8
your in4en4ion and (elie8*
Michael and Ro( go u5 4o 4he door* Ro( 8eels 4he door -i4h
his hand and scru4ini:es i4 u5 close*
Michael o5ens 4he door and 5ushes Ro( in 4hrough i4*
=>T* R66M
Michael s4ands ou4side 4he o5en door* Ro( s4ands on 4he
o4her side o8 4he door*
>o- 8ind me*
Michael closes 4he door in 8ron4 o8 Ro(er4* Ro( is
surrounded (y com5le4e dar9ness*
Ro( o5ens 4he door* 6n 4he o4her side o8 4he door is 4he 4o5
8loor o8 a high s9yscra5er -i4h an o5en ?rench (alcony* Ro(
5eers ou4 o8 4he ?rench (alcony and loo9s do-n*
Ro( goes (ac9 4o close 4he door and o5ens i4 once again* 6n
4he o4her side is a -omenCs sauna* The -omen inside shrie9
and cover 4heir 5riva4e 5laces* A (uc9e4 o8 -a4er 8iles a4
Ro( and soa9s him*
Ro( closes 4he door and Euic9ly o5ens i4 once again* Michael
s4ands on 4he o4her side o8 4he door* A soa9ed Ro( eAi4s 4he
=>T* R66M
A -e4 Ro( en4ers a room 4hrough 4he door* Michael loo9s a4
Ro( s9e54ically*
3ou seeF 3ou donC4 (elieve in
yoursel8* 3ou have 4o (elieve 4ha4
4he door leads 4o 4he righ4 5lace or
4ha4 4he righ4 5erson -ill (e (ehind
$4o sel8&
+ha4 am = doing s4ill -as4ing 4ime
on youF >o 5rogress -ha4soever*
Michael eAi4s 4hrough 4he door and angrily slams i4 (ehind
Ro( 4hen o5ens 4he door* A 5o-er8ul s4ream o8 -a4er rushes
in4o 4he room* The -a4er 9noc9s Ro( o88 his 8ee4 and Euic9ly
8loods 4he room*
#;T T6<
=>T* S#H66L HALL+A3 ' 2A3
A luminous Ro( a55ears among 4he s4uden4s* >o(ody no4ices
him* Some o8 4he s4uden4s -al9 righ4 4hrough him* Ro( o5ens
his eyes and ru(s his hands*
R6B $7*6*&
Michael has s4ar4ed 4o (ecome
disa55oin4ed in me (u4 = havenC4
given u5*
=n addi4ion 4o 4he 4ransloca4ion
using doors 4echniEue = also have
come 4o li9e 4he closed eyes
Ro( closes his eyes and disa55ears*
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A3
A luminous Ro( a55ears a(ove his house* He o5ens his eyes
ru(s his hands and once again closes his eyes*
R6B $7*6*&
+i4h your eyes closed you have 4o
8ocus your a44en4ion on already
(eing in 4he 5lace -here you -an4 4o
go and 4hen o5en your eyes again*
Ro( disa55ears*
=>T* +6ME>CS SA;>A
Ro( o5ens his eyes in 4he -omenCs sauna* ?emale shrie9s* A
(uc9e4 o8 -a4er 8lies a4 Ro(* Ro( dodges 4he (uc9e4 (u4 has
never4heless had cold -a4er 4hro-n on his 5lans* He
R6B $7*6*&
So = have 4o 5rac4ice ma9ing
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A3
Ro( lies in (ed* He -ears a slee5ing mas9 over his eyes*
R6B $7*6*&
= also li9ed 4he 4echniEue o8
4ransloca4ing immedia4ely a84er
A luminous Ro( Euic9ly rolls ou4 o8 his (ody and 4hen
R6B $7*6*&
3ou only have 4o imagine 4ha4 you
-ere already lying in 4he 5lace you
-an4ed 4o (e (e8ore se5ara4ing*
E1T* THE P3RAM=2S ' 2A3
A luminous Ro( rolls ou4 8rom 4he air in4o 4he s5ace a(ove
4he 5yramids* He loo9s a4 4he 5yramids in ama:emen4*
;n(elieva(leB TheyCre so hugeB
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' >=,HT
Ro( lies in (ed* A luminous Ro( ge4s u5 8rom his 5hysical
(ody and 4hen disa55ears*
E1T* L;>,LE ' 2A3
Ro( s4ands u5 8rom 4he Jungle 8loor* 2inosaurs gra:e around
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
Ro( lies in (ed* He -ears a slee5ing mas9 over his eyes*
A luminous Ro( Euic9ly levi4a4es u5 8rom his 5hysical (ody
and disa55ears*
=>T* +6ME>CS SA;>A
Ro( 8lies u5 4hrough 4he 8loor o8 4he -omenCs sauna* ?emale
shrie9s* A (uc9e4 o8 -a4er 8lies a4 Ro(* Ro( de84ly dodges
4he (uc9e4* Ro( does no4 run a-ay* He sel8'con8iden4ly 4a9es
in 4he sigh4 o8 4he shrie9ing na9ed -omen and smiles*
Hello ladiesB
#;T T6<
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A3
The sun shines (righ4ly on a ho4 day* Ro( and @a4 sun(a4he
in dec9'chairs on Ro(Cs 8ron4 la-n* Ro( reads a school
4eA4(oo9 and -ri4es some4hing in a no4e(oo9* @a4 lies on her
s4omach and lis4ens 4o music 4hrough ear5hones*
Ro( 5u4s 4he 4eA4(oo9 on his 4high loo9s a4 @a4 and 4hen
loo9s a(ou4 8rom side 4o side as i8 loo9ing 8or some(ody*
E1T* PAR@ ' 2A3
The sun shines (righ4ly on a ho4 day* Peo5le -al9 4hrough
4he 5ar9* #hildren 5lay in a clearing* S4uden4s sun(a4he*
A sad Allie slouches do-n alone on a (ench in 4he shade o8 a
large 4ree (y a 5ond* A 5air o8 s-ans s-im in 4he 5ond*
The Ras4a8arian and nerd come u5 (ehind her on (icycles* The
Ras4a8arian snea9s u5 (ehind Allie and covers her eyes -i4h
his hands in order 8or her 4o guess -ho i4 is* She crac9s a
smile and says some4hing* The Ras4a8arian 4hen 4a9es a-ay
his hands and Jum5s over 4he (ench 4o AllieGs side*
Allie sees 4ha4 i4Gs 4he nerd and 4he Ras4a8arian and 4he
smile on her 8ace disa55ears* 2is4ressed she sla5s 4he
Ras4a8arian over 4he head*
The nerd s4e5s u5 and 5roduces 4eA4(oo9 5age 5rin4ou4s 8rom
his (ac95ac9* He (egins 4o s5ea9 a(ou4 some4hing eAci4edly
-hile 4he o4her 4-o loo9 a44en4ively a4 4he 5ieces o8 5a5er*
The Ras4a8arian also s5ea9s a(ou4 some4hing eAci4edly and
(egins 4o 5ace (ac9 and 8or4h -i4h his hands ou4s4re4ched*
He mimics 8lying 8as4 and ma9es 8unny 8aces* Allie laughs*
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A3
Ro( and @a4 sun(a4he in dec9'chairs on Ro(Cs 8ron4 la-n*
Ro( 5ensively loo9s a(ou4 8rom side 4o side and @a4 lis4ens
4o music*

A la-n s5rin9ler suddenly 4urns on and soa9s @a4* @a4
shrie9s and Jum5s u5 8rom 4he dec9'chair sha9ing o88 4he
Ro( unno4iced 4a9es 4he hose 8rom 4he la-n s5rin9ler and
suddenly s4ar4s soa9ing a hal8'na9ed @a4 even more*
Shrie9ing she runs erra4ically a(ou4 4he la-n* Bu4 4he
s4ream o8 -a4er reaches her no ma44er -here she goes* @a4
screams and laughs a4 4he same 4ime*
Ro(er4 smiles a (i4 -a4ching @a4* Bu4 his eyes (e4ray
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
Ro( slee5s -i4h a slee5ing mas9 over his eyes* The -indo- is
-ide o5en*
R6B $7*6*&
Peo5le usually donC4 (elieve in ou4'
o8'(ody 4ravel and consider i4 4o4al
nonsense* Bu4 4hen ho- 4o eA5lain
4he 8ac4 4ha4 in a 4hird o8
success8ul a44em54s 5eo5le are a(le
4o sim5ly se5ara4e 8rom 4he (ody
immedia4ely a84er a-a9eningF
A luminous and 4ranslucen4 Ro( rolls ou4 o8 his 5hysical
(ody* He Euic9ly 8eels his (ody -i4h his hands and 4hen
ru(s his hands 4oge4her and scru4ini:es 4hem* He (ecomes
o5aEue and 4hen 8lies ou4 4hrough 4he -indo-*
R6B $7*6*&
The mos4 im5or4an4 4hing is 4o ca4ch
4he 8irs4 momen4s u5on a-a9ening
and s4u((ornly 4ry 4o eAi4 4he (ody
-i4hou4 moving a muscle* Tha4Cs i4B
So -hy does no(ody 9no- a(ou4 i4 i8
i4Cs 4ha4 easyF May(e (ecause 4he
idea o8 4rying i4 never da-ns on
any(odyF Even i8 you donC4 9no-
any4hing else you only need 8rom %
4o %! a44em54s li9e 4ha4 4o (e a(le
4o do i4*
#;T T6<
E1T* >E+ 36R@ #=T3 ' 2A+>
Peo5le hurry o88 4o -or9 on a lively s4ree4* ThereCs a
4ra88ic Jam in 4he s4ree4* #ars hon9 noisily*
E1T* >E+ 36R@ ' 2A+> $SAME T=ME&
The luminous (odies o8 Michael and Ro( 8ly lo- over 4he
heads o8 5eo5le* Ro( 4ries 4o 8ly as close u5 as he can 4o
5eo5leCs 8aces and scru4ini:e 4hem*
Any-ay -ho is 4his #olonel #han and
-hy is he 5u44ing u5 such a 8igh4F
And 4omorro- 4he -hole -orld -ill
suddenly 8ind ou4F
Humani4y could live in 4-o -orlds*
Some4hing 4ha4 could only (e dreamed
Bu4 -ha4 4o do -i4h such 5eo5le
a84er-ardsF Ho- 4o con4rol 4hemF
Ro( hovers mid'8ligh4 and loo9s a4 Michael*
Tha4Cs cra:yB +ho cares a(ou4 4ha4F
Ro( (egins 4o 8ade a-ay* He Euic9ly ru(s his hands and loo9s
a4 4hem* His (ody s4o5s (eing 4ranslucen4*
=magine all 4hese 5eo5le
suddenly 8ind ou4 4ha4 mos4 o8 -ha4
4hey s5end 5rac4ically all o8 4heir
4ime ge44ing could (e had righ4 a-ay
using only 4heir o-n a(ili4ies*
+ould 4hey 4hen rush 4o -or9 every
morning and line 4he 5oc9e4s o8 4he
= donC4 4hin9 so*
TheyCd (e im5ossi(le 4o con4rolB +ho
cares a(ou4 4ha4F
E1T* >E+ 36R@ ' 2A+> $SAME T=ME&
Peo5le hurry o88 4o -or9 on a lively s4ree4* ThereCs a
4ra88ic Jam in 4he s4ree4* #ars hon9 noisily* Michael and
Ro( are no-here 4o (e seen*
E1T* >E+ 36R@ #=T3 ' 2A+>
The luminous (odies o8 Michael and Ro( 8ly over 4he heads o8
May(e i4 4urns ou4 a84er all 4ha4
4his a(ili4y isnC4 8or every(odyF
=4Cs an a(ili4y 4ha4 every 5erson is
(orn -i4h (u4 4hey cover u5 4ha4
8ac4 as much as 4hey can* Even
-i4hou4 using any 4echniEues one
5erson in 8our s5on4aneously
eA5eriences i4 a4 leas4 once in
4heir li8e4ime* So 4ha4Cs one'and'
a'hal8 (illion 5eo5le* And -ha4
ha55ensF EveryoneCs silen4B >o(ody
gives an eA5lana4ion 8or any o8 i4*
Tha4Cs hard 4o (elieve***
Mean-hile 5eo5le scra4ch 4he sur8ace
o8 4he 5hase 5rac4ically every day*
They call i4 8alse a-a9enings slee5
5aralysis or conscious dreaming* ;5
4o a 4hird o8 all sounds and
movemen4s u5on a-a9ening in 4he
middle o8 4he nigh4 or in 4he
morning are no4 real*
Michael and Ro( 8ly (eside a church* Michael loo9s a4 4he
And 4his all didnC4 s4ar4 yes4erday*
Ludging 8rom i4 all #olonel #han
has many 5redecessors*
Michael 8lies in4o 4he -indo- o8 4he church* Ro( 8lies u5
a84er him*
=>T* #H;R#H ' 2A+>
Michael is sus5ended in 4he air a(ove an o5en Bi(le* Ro( is
neA4 4o him*
Boo9 o8 Lo( cha54er 33< ?or ,od
s5ea9e4h once yea 4-ice ye4 man
5ercieve4h i4 no4* =n a dream in a
vision o8 nigh4 -hen dee5 slee5
8alle4h u5on men in slum(erings
u5on 4he (edQ Then He o5ene4h 4he
ears o8 men and seale4h 4heir
Those are 4he very same momen4s -hen
4he 5hase comesB
3es in 4he Bi(le ,od only a55ears
during 4hem* There are also several
clear descri54ions o8 s5on4aneous
5hase en4ries -hen 8alling aslee5 or
-a9ing u5 in 4he Bi(le*
The luminous (odies o8 Michael and Ro( 8ly over 4o a house
in a 8ield* The moon shines (righ4ly in 4he s9y*
The same 4hing occurs -i4h alien
a(duc4ions* Al-ays on 4he edge o8
2oes i4 ha55en 8or realF = never
(elieved in i4*
=n 4erms o8 sensory eA5erience '
yes* =n ac4ual 8ac4 ' no* +hen you
en4er 4he 5hase unin4en4ionally
-ha4ever you 8ear mos4 is -ha4 -ill
ha55en 4o you* The 5ro(lem is 4ha4
you migh4 4hin9 4ha4 every4hing is
ha55ening 4o you in your real (ody
in 4he 5hysical -orld* Bu4 4he
sensa4ions are very realis4ic*
Michael and Ro( 8ly in4o an o5en -indo- on 4he second 8loor*
=>T* R66M ' >=,HT
A man slee5s in (ed in 4he room* The luminous (odies o8
Michael and Ro( 8ly in4o 4he o5en -indo-*
The resul4 is 4ha4 religious 5eo5le
see angels and ,od* Mean-hile 4his
man read an ar4icle a(ou4 ;?6s 4-o
days ago*
The man in (ed 4urns over 4o 4he o4her side*
>o- he has Jus4 -o9en u5 and
inadver4en4ly 4hough4 a(ou4 8lying
Michael goes u5 closer 4o 4he man lying on 4he (ed*
>o- his 4hough4s have made him
a8raid* And 4ha4 -ill (e 4he las4
A ;?6 8lies u5 4o 4he second'8loor -indo-* =4 s5ins and
shines a (eam o8 ligh4 in4o 4he -indo-*
=>T* R66M ' >=,HT
The (eam o8 ligh4 shining 4hrough 4he -indo- 8alls on4o 4he
man* The (eam slo-ly 5ulls 4he luminous (ody o8 4he man 8rom
his 5hysical (ody* A loo9 o8 5anic crosses his 8ace* He
4ries 4o move (u4 is una(le 4o*
>o- 4his 5erson 8or 4he res4 o8 his
li8e -ill (e convinced 4ha4 aliens
had a(duc4ed him* Ho- can you no4
(elieve your o-n eyesF And 4here are
millions o8 such cases every yearB
And everyone s4ays silen4***
The (eam slo-ly raises 4he manCs 5araly:ed luminous (ody
4hrough 4he -indo-* Ro( 8righ48ully scru4ini:es 4he ;?6
ou4side 4he -indo-*
There is even an alien a(duc4ion
4echniEue 8or en4ering 4he 5hase* To
do i4 u5on a-a9ening you imagine
and 4ry 4o 8eel 4ha4 4hey are
5ulling you 8rom your (ody -i4h a
(eam o8 ligh4 or 5ulling you 8rom
your legs*
A (ay o5ens on 4he ;?6* A (righ4 ligh4 shines 8rom i4* The
man is slo-ly 5ulled in4o 4he ;?6 (ay*
Tha4 loo9s a-8ul*
Michael loo9s in4en4ly a4 Ro( seemingly leaving some4hing
le84 unsaid and smiles*
Ac4ually does i4 remind you o8
+ha4 do you meanF
?orge4 i4****
Bu4 4ha4Cs no4 every4hing ye4*
Some4imes 5eo5le 8all in4o 4he 5hase
-hile under anes4hesia or -hen
dying* +ha4 -ould you eA5ec4 in such
a si4ua4ionF
Ro( and Michael 8ly 4o-ards 4he -indo- 8ollo-ing 4he
Angels and a ligh4 a4 4he end o8 4he
Those are Jus4 4-o o8 hundreds o8
eAam5les* The 5hase has al-ays (een
righ4 under our noses* =4 has had an
enormous in8luence on our en4ire
his4ory and cul4ure* And everyone
s4ays silen4***
Ro( and Michael 8ly ou4 4hrough 4he -indo-*
The ;?6 s5ins li9e a 4o5 (y 4he second'8loor -indo-* The (ay
o8 4he ;?6 closes* The luminous (odies o8 Ro( and Michael
8ly ou4 4hrough 4he -indo- o8 4he house*
,od ;?6s 4he a84erli8e*** has all
4his arose sim5ly 8rom our having
no4 unders4ood our real a(ili4iesF
The ;?6 slo-ly rises u5 and Euic9ly 8lies a-ay*
=4Cs no4 an issue o8 -he4her or no4
,od or aliens eAis4 Ro(B May(e 4hey
do* The issue is 4ha4 a s5on4aneous
5hase is mis4a9enly 5erceived as
evidence o8 -ha4ever comes 4o mind*
3ou unders4andF
= ho5e so*
Ro( and Michael Euic9ly 8ly a-ay*
#;T T6<
E1T* SMALL T6+> ' 2A3
@a4Cs car drives along 4he road*
=>T* @ATCS #AR ' 2A3
A merry @a4 si4s a4 4he -heel* >eA4 4o her is a merry Ro(
no- -i4hou4 4he cas4*
+ha4 did 4he doc4or sayF
=Cll (e a(le 4o run and go 4o school
in a -ee9*
@a4 (ends over 4o Ro( and 9isses him*
=8 he -ould only 8iA your head 4oo*
3ouCre s4ill u5se4F
2idnC4 you ever 4hin9 4ha4 i4 could
(e dangerousF Su55ose you never
=n 4here i4Cs a com5le4ely di88eren4
5ro(lem< 8iguring ou4 ho- 4o s4ay in
longer 4han a 8e- secondsB
The 4y5ical eA5erience las4s 8or
only several minu4es* Some4imes
ho-ever i4 seems 4ha4 you are in
4here 8or an en4ire hour* And 4he
only -ay 4o die in 4he 5hase is 8rom
A84er a cou5le years go (y everyone
-ill (e 4a9ing i4 u5*
2ream onB
@a4 comes 4o a s4o5 a4 an in4ersec4ion*
E1T* =>TERSE#T=6> ' 2A3
@a4Cs car s4o5s 8or a red ligh4* S4anCs red 5ic9u5 4ruc9
s4o5s neA4 4o 4hem*
Hard roc9 can (e heard 5laying loudly in S4anCs car* Three
o8 his 8riends si4 inside* They S=>, AL6>, 4o 4he music*
S4an 4urns o88 4he s4ereo and loo9s ou4 8rom his car*
Hey loser are you (e44er ye4F
,e4 ou44a here S4anB
$4o Ro(&
?orge4 a(ou4 4he Euie4 li8eB
S4an gives Ro( 4he middle 8inger* He 4urns 4he s4ereo on a4
8ull (las4 and runs 4he red ligh4*
=>T* @ATCS #AR ' 2A3
@a4 and Ro( are in 4he car* @a4 gives S4an 4he middle 8inger
in re4urn*
3e4 ano4her unse44led issue***
2onC4 5ay any a44en4ion 4o him* He
sim5ly canC4 move on*
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
Ro( lies in (ed*
R6B $7*6*&
= (egan 4o use 4he o(serving images
me4hod -hen cycling 4hrough
4echniEues* To do i4 you have 4o
5eer in4o 4he void in 8ron4 o8 your
eyes* =8 no4hing (ecomes visi(le
a84er several seconds you change
4he 4echniEue*
Ro(Cs eyes move under his eyelids*
R6B $7*6*&
=8 some image arises usually a
na4ure scene you need 4o 9ind o8
loo9 4hrough i4 -i4hou4 8ocusing
your vision*
E1T* M6;>TA=> R=7ER ' 2A+>
A very dim and (lurry 8ores4 moun4ains and a river* The
image gradually (ecomes more clear*
R6B $7*6*&
Then 4he image -ill (ecome very
shar5* Tha4 means 4ha4 you can
se5ara4e 8rom your (ody* 6r you
migh4 immedia4ely 8ind yoursel8
inside 4ha4 5ic4ure* Tha4Cs already
4he 5hase*
Every4hing around (ecomes shar5 and realis4ic*
A some-ha4 4ranslucen4 Ro( s4ands a4 4he (an9 o8 a moun4ain
river* He loo9s a(ou4 8rom side 4o side* Ro( Euic9ly ru(s
his hands 4oge4her and scru4ini:es 4hem* His (ody s4o5s
(eing 4ranslucen4*
Ro( le4s his hands do-n* He closes his eyes and disa55ears*
#;T T6<
E1T* A>#=E>T R6ME ' 2A3
Michael and Ro( -al9 along a s4ree4* There are many 5eo5le
in ancien4 a44ire< slaves 4o-ns5eo5le o88icials* >o(ody
5ays a44en4ion 4o Ro( or Michael (u4 everyone can see 4hem*
Ro( ru(s his hands agains4 one ano4her 4he -hole 4ime*
Ro( -e may (e seeing each o4her 8or
4he las4 4ime* Even so = s5en4 a
lo4 o8 4ime on you*
= unders4and and all*** Sorry =
didnC4 mee4 your eA5ec4a4ions*
+ell 4he 4hing is 4ha4 4he s4a(ili4y
o8 4his s5ace de5ends direc4ly on
4he vividness o8 your sensa4ions and
4he (loc9s in your mind*
Michael leads Ro( u5 4o 4he -all o8 a large (uilding*
Even 4hough 4his is 9ind o8 an
unrealis4ic 4hing 4o do and all 4ry
4o 5u4 your 8inger in4o 4he -all*
Piece o8 ca9eB
Ro( 4ries 4o 5u4 his 8inger in4o 4he -all* He is una(le 4o*
Ho- li9e 4ha4F
Bu4 donC4 you loo9 a4 your 8inger or
4he -all* Turn a-ay and 4he s5ace
-ill lose s4a(ili4y*
Ro( 4urns a-ay* His 8inger slo-ly 5ene4ra4es in4o 4he -all*
Ro( 4urns (ac9 around 4o 4a9e a loo9* His 8inger is s4uc9
inside 4he -all* Michael -al9s a-ay along 4he -all* Ro(
4ries 4o 5ull ou4 his 8inger*
HeyB +here are you goingF +ha4 else
is 4here 8or me 4o doFB Hang around
Michael loo9s a4 Ro( -i4h irri4a4ion and 4urns (ac9 a-ay
8rom him*
Ro( 4urns his (ac9 4o 4he -all* The 8inger 8rees i4sel8
easily* Ro( loo9s a4 his 8inger* He sEuee:es i4 -i4h his
o4her hand and runs a84er Michael*
As you can see 4here are many
(loc9s in your mind 4ha4 -ere 8ormed
(y your li8e in 4he 5hysical -orld*
3ouCre hel5less here*
Michael 5resses his hand 4o a -all and li84s u5 4he en4ire
(uilding* He 5u4s i4 (ac9 in4o 5lace and 4hen (lo-s on i4*
The (uilding disin4egra4es in4o dus4*
3ou have 4hree days 4o (e a(le 4o do
4he sameB This is your las4 chance
o4her-ise =Cll 4rain ano4her 5erson*
Ro( goes u5 4o ano4her (uilding and (lo-s on i4* >o4hing
T-o Roman -omen 5ass (y and snic9er*
Three daysF
#;T T6<
E1T* A>#=E>T R6ME ' 2A3
Ro( is alone in 4he s4ree4* He crouches do-n (y 4he side o8
4he road and (lo-s grains o8 sand*
#;T T6<
E1T* A>#=E>T R6ME ' 2A3
Ro( (lo-s small and medium'si:ed s4ones* They roll ou4 many
8ee4 ahead*
#;T T6<
E1T* A>#=E>T R6ME ' 2A3
Ro( (lo-s every4hing o88 o8 4he s4ree4* He (lo-s on a -all
and i4 caves in on i4sel8* Ro( smiles*
#;T T6<
E1T* A>#=E>T R6ME ' 2A3
Ro( -al9s 4he s4ree4* He raises u5 all o8 4he (uildings (y
s4aring a4 4hem* They 8all a5ar4 in4o (ric9s and s5lin4ers*
Ro( concen4ra4es his ga:e* The s5ace around him con4rac4s 4o
a single 5oin4 a(ove*
E1T* THE 76=2
Ro( 8loa4s in 4he void* The s5ace o8 ancien4 Rome has
con4rac4ed in4o a single large diamond* =4 shines 8rom
-i4hin and ro4a4es*
Ro( concen4ra4es his ga:e on 4he enormous diamond* The
diamond eA5lodes* Every4hing is u5 in smo9e*
E1T* A>#=E>T R6ME ' 2A3
The smo9e dissi5a4es* Ro( s4ands in 4he s4ree4* Peo5le -al9
along i4* They are going a(ou4 4heir o-n a88airs* Ro( s4ands
5ensively in 4he middle o8 4he s4ree4*
Michael comes u5 4o Ro( 8rom (ehind and s4ands neA4 4o him*
+ha4 -as 4ha4F May(e =
underes4ima4ed you*
#;T T6<
MichaelCs s5aceshi5 is sus5ended in s5ace* ThereCs a 8lash*
Ro(Cs similar'model com(a4 s5acecra84 a55ears neA4 4o
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
Ho-Cs your ne- rideF
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
@ic9 assB = can 8eel every small
de4ail o8 my s5aceshi5B
Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 -hirls a(ou4 in every direc4ion*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
3e5 (eing in 4he (ody is Jus4 a
ha(i4* =n 4he 5hase you can (e
-hoever or -ha4ever you -an4*
Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 -hirls a(ou4 in every direc4ion* His guns
move inde5enden4ly o8 one ano4her*
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
;n(elieva(leB = 8eel every million4h
de4ail inside o8 meB Ho- is 4ha4
5ossi(leF = 8eel each gun li9e i4
-ere my o-n arm*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
#an you 8eel nu4s and (ol4s in your
5an4s 4ooF
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
3ou (e4B
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
Tha4 means youCve really done
every4hing righ4*
#;T T6<
MichaelCs s5aceshi5 chases Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 and shoo4s a4 i4*
Ro( 4ries 4o dodge 4he sho4s and sha9e Michael o88 his 4ail*
He is una(le 4o* Michael hounds him*
#;T T6<
=>T* B61=>, R=>,
Michael and Ro( are in (oAing ou48igh4s in a (oAing ring*
Michael deals a series o8 5unches 4o Ro(Cs head* All o8 4he
5unches land on Ro(Cs headgear* Michael hi4s Ro( in 4he gu4*
Ro( s4oo5s do-n and -ri4hes in 5ain*
#;T T6<
=>T* TRA=>=>, ,R6;>2S ' 2A3
Ro( Euic9ly 5ee9s ou4 around 4he corner o8 4he 4an9 car* He
Euic9ly aims a4 and 9ills one #han'man and 4hen duc9s (ac9
(ehind 4he 4an9 car*
Ro( Euic9ly 5ee9s ou4 around 4he corner o8 4he 4an9 car* He
Euic9ly aims a4 and 9ills 4hree #han'men and 4hen duc9s
(ac9 (ehind 4he 4an9 car*
#;T T6<
=>T* THE M66> ' 2A3
Ro( a55ears neA4 4o 4he American 8lag on 4he Moon* He closes
his eyes and disa55ears*
#;T T6<
=>T* A> =SLA>2 ' 2A3
Ro( a55ears on 4he shore o8 a small 4ro5ical island* He
o5ens his eyes and 4hen Euic9ly closes 4hem again*
#;T T6<
=>T* B61=>, R=>,
Michael is 5ressed in4o 4he corner* He covers himsel8 -i4h
his arms* A (erser9 Ro( rains do-n 5unches on Michael*
Michael delivers 4-o 5recise (lo-s 4o Ro(Cs un5ro4ec4ed
Michael once again covers himsel8 -i4h his arms in 4he
corner* Ro( (ea4s Michael on his headgear even more
#;T T6<
=>T* 7A;LT
Ro( a55ears in an enormous gold (ullion vaul4* He o5ens his
eyes and 4hen Euic9ly closes 4hem again*
#;T T6<
=>T* 67AL 6??=#E ' 2A3
Ro( a55ears a4 4he 5residen4Cs des9* He o5ens his eyes and
4hen Euic9ly closes 4hem again*
#;T T6<
MichaelCs s5aceshi5 chases Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 and shoo4s a4 i4*
Ro( does a sudden loo5'4he'loo5 (ringing him on MichaelCs
4ail* Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 4ails MichaelCs s5aceshi5 and shoo4s
a4 i4*
Michael 4ries 4o dodge Ro(Cs sho4s and sha9e Ro( o88 his
4ail* He is success8ul*
#;T T6<
=>T* B61=>, R=>,
Ro( and Michael (oA in 4he ring*
T-o s4ern'loo9ing men in (lac9 4rench coa4s and sunglasses
come u5 4o 4he ring* Michael no4ices 4hem and slides ou4 o8
4he ring 4o go 4o-ards 4hem*
The 4-o men in (lac9 4rench coa4s say some4hing 4o Michael
and Euic9ly leave*
A serious Michael ge4s u5 4o 4he ring 4a9es o88 his gloves
and 5u4s (oAing hand-ra5 around his hands*
+e -onC4 have 4ime 4o 8inish
5re5aring com5le4ely* #han has
uneA5ec4edly se4 4al9s 4o 4a9e 5lace
4omorro-* So a4 P AM -e mee4 in
#olonel #hanCs 5hase s5ace* 2onC4
8orge4 4o le4 your 8riend 9no-*
68 course* #anC4 ge4 in4o 4he dome
-i4hou4 her*
Michael 5u4s his hand on Ro(Cs shoulder and loo9s him
in4en4ly in 4he eye*
Ro( 4he 5a4h humani4y no- 4a9es
de5ends on you* = (elieve in you*
=Cm needed in 4he real -orld righ4
a-ay* #on4inue 4raining -i4hou4 me*
Michael disa55ears* Ro( ru(s his (oAing gloves and 9neads
his hands* His eyes 4hough48ully and gravely s4are a4 a
single 5oin4*
A young Bruce Lee in a yello- sui4 en4ers 4he ring* Bruce
(o-s and 4hen ges4ures an invi4a4ion 4o a one'on'one ma4ch*
Ro( (o-s 4o Bruce and ge4s u5 in 8igh4ing s4ance*
R6B $7*6*&
= -ould have never 4hough4 4ha4 i4
-ould (ecome normal 8or me 4o 4a9e
lessons 8rom 4he (es4 8igh4ers o8
all 4ime*
#ome onB
Ro( 4ries 4o hi4 Bruce -i4h a 5unch* Bruce (loc9s 4he 5unch
and sho-s ho- he could res5ond -i4h a 9ic9 4o 4he head*
,o4 i4*
Bruce 4ries 4o 5unch Ro( in 4he head* Ro( slo-ly re5ea4s
BruceCs (loc9 and 9ic9 4o 4he head*
More energe4ically no- Bruce 4hro-s his 8is4 a4 Ro(Cs head*
Ro( Euic9ly (loc9s i4 and 9ic9s Bruce in 4he head* Bruce
(loc9s 4he 9ic9*
+a4ch ano4her 4ime*
Bruce ges4ures an invi4a4ion 8or Ro( 4o a44ac9* Ro( Euic9ly
4hro-s his 8is4 4o-ards BruceCs head* Bruce immedia4ely
(loc9s 4he 5unch and 5o-er8ully 9ic9s Ro( in 4he head*
Ro( is 4oo slo- 4o (loc9 4he 9ic9* He 8alls 4o 4he ground*
=>T* B61=>, R=>,
A (a44ered and 4ired Ro( s4ands in 4he corner o8 4he ring*
Tha4Cs enough 8or 4oday***
Allie comes u5 4o 4he ring*
Ro( Jum5s 8rom 4he ring and 5resses Allie 4o himsel8* Ro(
and Allie loo9 one ano4her in 4he eye*
#lose your eyes*
Allie and Ro( close 4heir eyes* The hold one ano4her and
=>T* MEA26+ ' 2A3
A hillside* A large meado-* Enormous 8lo-ers o8 4he mos4
varied 8orms and colors* A (righ4 sun hangs in 4he s9y*
There is a hear4'sha5ed la9e a4 4he 8oo4 o8 4he moun4ain*
Large (u44er8lies 8ly around*
Ro( and Allie a55ear in 4he cen4er o8 4he 8ield*
Large 8lo-er'(lossoms s4re4ch 4o-ards Allie 8rom all
direc4ions and (u44er8lies 8ly around her* The clouds in
4he s9y s4ar4 4a9e on 4he 8orm o8 4he -ord HAllieH* A 4iger
cu( runs u5 4o her* The hairs o8 4he 8ur on i4s (ac9 s5ell
4he name HAllieH* Allie 5e4s i4 and i4 runs a-ay 4o chase a
HehB This is -onder8ulB
=Cve -an4ed 4o 4a9e you here 8or a
long 4ime***
Ro( and Allie loo9 each ano4her in 4he eye -i4h a88ec4ion*
They em(race and 9iss* They 8all on4o 4he green grass roll
a(ou4 i4 and 5ull o88 one ano4herCs clo4hing*
>a9ed Ro( and Allie ma9e love* Bu44er8lies 8ly over 4hem*
Ro( is on 4o5 o8 Allie and closes his eyes in ecs4asy*
Allie also closes her eyes in ecs4asy*
Ro(Cs (ody Euic9ly (ecomes 4ranslucen4* He (egins 4o
>o* >oB
S4ay in Ro(B Lus4 a li44le longerB
= canC4B Tomorro- a4 P AM -e mee4 a4
Ro( disa55ears*
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
An irri4a4ed Ro( Euic9ly si4s u5 in (ed*
R6B $7*6*&
=4 -as only 4hen 4ha4 = 8ully
unders4ood -ha4 5hase main4enance
4echniEues are necessary 8or*
=>T* MEA26+ ' 2A3
Ali is alone in 4he meado-* She (ecomes Eui4e serious and
Allie slo-ly disa55ears*
=>T* @ATCS R66M ' 2A3
@a4 lies in (ed* She o5ens her eyes si4s u5 4a9es u5 her
5hone selec4s a num(er and 4hen s5ea9s in4o 4he receiver<
RadugaCs coming 4o us 4omorro- a4
PAM* Pre5are 4he sensori:a4or*
Be44er ye4 4-o*
#;T T6<
E1T* S#H66L ' 2A+>
S4uden4s hurry 4o school* Ro( and @a4 ge4 ou4 o8 @a4Cs car*
@a4 rushes over 4o Ro( and 5assiona4ely 5resses him agains4
her car*
3ouCre 9ind o8 a cold'8ish 4oday
(a(y* 3ouCve had enough o8 meF
Ro( de84ly 8rees himsel8 8rom @a4Cs em(race and 4a9es
several s4e5s a-ay 8rom 4he car 4rying no4 4o loo9 @a4 in
4he eye*
3eah no* Every4hingCs 8ine @a4***
Are you sure my dearF
@a4 closes 4he door -i4h a sly smile and loo9s a4 Ro(*
Allie crosses (y 4hem* Allie smiles a4 Ro(* Ro( smiles a4
HiB 2onC4 8orge4< 4omorro- a4 P AM*
Allie loo9s Eui::ically a4 Ro(*
+ha4Cs a4 P AMF
@a4 loo9s a4 Allie and 5oin4s 4o-ards 4he cam5us* Allie
loo9s 8irs4 a4 @a4 and 4hen a4 Ro(* Allie slo-ly heads o88
4o-ards cam5us*
@a4 angrily -a4ches Allie -al9 a-ay*
$4o Ro(&
=s 4here some4hing = missedF
Someone 5ushes Ro( 8rom (ehind and he 8alls 4o 4he ground*
S4an comes u5 4o Ro( as he lies on 4he ground*
3es dearB
#;T T6<
E1T* S#H66L ' 2A+>
A cro-d o8 s4uden4s are a4 4he corner o8 4he school* They
are all 3ELL=>, H8igh4 8igh4 8igh4BH* S4an and Ro( s4and
in 4he cen4er o8 4he cro-d* Three o8 S4anCs 8riends s4and
(ehind him* S4anding (ehind Ro(er4 are @a4 4he nerd and
4he Ras4a8arian* Allie is among 4he cro-d*
R6B $7*6*&
68 course S4an could never have
even imagined 4ha4 = had (een
4raining every day -i4h Bruce Lee*
3ou ready 8or round 4-oF
S4an = hones4ly 8eel sorry 8or you*
+ha4FB Sorry 8or meFB
S4an is 4he 8irs4 4o 4hro- a 5unch a4 Ro(* Ro( (loc9s 4he
hi4* He lands a 9ic9 on S4anCs head Jus4 as Bruce had sho-n
him ho- 4o do* S4an 8alls (u4 immedia4ely ge4s u5 and
charges a4 Ro( again*
Ro( hi4s S4an -i4h a 4urning Jum5'9ic9* S4an 8alls and
cra-ls (ac9-ards* He scans 4he cro-d 8or his 8riends*
$yelling 4o his 8riends&
3ou Jus4 going 4o s4and 4hereF
May(e 4ha4Cs enough S4anF
S4anCs 4hree 8riends surround Ro(* S4an 8riend .% 4a9es a
5unch 4o 4he Ja- 8rom Ro( and 8alls (ac9 9noc9ed
S4an 8riend .0 4ries 4o 5unch Ro(* Ro( (ends do-n and 9nees
him in 4he head* S4an 8riend .0 8lies (ac9 in4o 4he cro-d
and 8alls do-n*
S4an 8riend .3 -aves his 8is4 a4 Ro( (u4 Ro( 4a9es his arm
and 4-is4s i4*
STA> ?R=E>2 .3
= give u5 = give u5B Le4 me goB
$4o sel8&
Ho- did 4ha4 ha55enF
S4an scurries u5 and 4ries 4o 5unch Ro(* Ro( 4urns 4o 4he
side and 5unches S4an in 4he gu4* Then he el(o-s S4an in
4he head* S4an 8alls 4o 4he ground and holds his head in his
The cro-d 3ELLS 8everishly* Ba44ered S4an and his 8riends
lie on 4he as5hal4*
S4an loo9s a4 @a4 -i4h 4ears in his eyes* @a4 loo9s a4 him
Sorry S4an*
Ro( and @a4 leave* A 5olice car S=RE>* Everyone sca44ers*
S4an and his 8riends s4ruggle 4o ge4 u5 and 4hen run a-ay*
#;T T6<
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2;S@
Ro( si4s in a dec9chair in 4he 8ron4 la-n and s4udiously
lea8s 4hrough 4he 4eA4(oo9 5rin4ou4*
R6B $7*6*&
Lus4 a cou5le o8 mon4hs ago i4 -as
li9e = lived in a cu((y'hole no4
even sus5ec4ing 4ha4 4here -as a
door ou4 o8 i4 4ha4 led 4o a vas4
Ro( loo9s a4 4he s4ree4* Several 5eo5le -al9 on 4he
side-al9 a car drives (y*
R6B $7*6*&
Bu4 ho- many 5eo5le are s4ill in
4ha4 cu((y'holeF
Ro( goes (ac9 4o reading 4he 4eA4(oo9 5rin4ou4*
R6B $7*6*&
The 4ime had come -hen = -as 4o use
every4hing 4ha4 = had learned* This
-as 4he las4 chance 4o ma9e
some4hing righ4 8or 4his -orld* And
4here -as no 4urning (ac9*
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
Ro( slee5s under 4he covers* The alarm cloc9 sho-s 6 AM* =4
s4ar4s going o88* Ro( immedia4ely -a9es u5 and 4urns o88 4he
alarm cloc9*
R6B $7*6*&
Lus4 a 8e- mon4hs had gone (y and
5rac4ically all o8 my a44em54s u5on
a-a9ening -ere no- success8ul* 68
course some4imes i4 -as very
di88icul4 (u4 4he mos4 im5or4an4
4hing -as 4o 8ollo- 4he 4eA4(oo9
ins4ruc4ions s4u((ornly and eAac4ly*
=>T* @=T#HE>KR6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
Ro( s4ands (y 4he re8rigera4or* He drin9s a55le Juice 8rom a
R6B $7*6*&
#oun4ing nigh44ime morning and
day4ime slee5 = -as a(le 4o en4er
4he 5hase u5 4o 6 4imes a day*
=n4eres4ingly enough u5 4o a 4hird
o8 all 5hase en4rances occurred
4han9s 4o (ecoming conscious -hile
=>T* BATHR66MKR6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
Ro( -ashes u5* He loo9s a4 his re8lec4ion in 4he mirror*
R6B $7*6*&
A84er (ecoming conscious
s5on4aneously -hile dreaming -hich
(egan ha55ening Eui4e o84en on i4s
o-n = -ould usually re4urn 4o my
(ody and 4hen se5ara4e 8rom i4 4here
so 4ha4 4he sensa4ions -ould (e more
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
Ro( si4s u5 in (ed -earing camou8lage* He -ri4es on a shee4
o8 5a5er*
R6B $7*6*&
This 4ime = dre- u5 a 5ro5erly'
8ormula4ed and clear 5lan o8 ac4ion*
Ro( 5u4s 4he shee4 o8 5a5er aside* He 4uc9s himsel8 in (ed
s4ill -earing camou8lage*
R6B $7*6*&
Lus4 (e8ore 8alling aslee5 = made
4he s4rong in4en4ion 4ha4 = -ould
4ry 4o eAi4 my (ody during my neA4
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
Ro( slee5s in (ed* The cloc9 sho-s 6</" AM* Ro(Cs 5u5ils
(egin 4o move under his eyes*
R6B $7*6*&
6u4 o8 ha(i4 = immedia4ely 4ried 4o
se5ara4e as soon as = -o9e u5*
>o4hing ha55ened* = (egan 4rying 4o
do ro4a4ions* Bu4 s4ill no4hing*
Even 4he o(serving images and
visuali:ing 4he hands 4echniEues
didnG4 -or9* = cycled 4hrough 4hose
4echniEues 8or nearly a minu4e (u4
4his 4ime none o8 4hem -or9ed a4
all* Then = (egan 4rying 4o imagine
4he sensa4ion 4ha4 = -as s-imming*

Ro(Cs very 4ranslucen4 and luminous hands (egin 4o ma9e 4he
movemen4s o8 4he cra-l s4ro9e* His 5hysical (ody is
R6B $7*6*&
+ea9 sensa4ions 8rom 5han4om arms
arose inside me* Bu4 = could s4ill
8eel my 5hysical arms* Tha4Cs -hen
anger a-a9ened -i4hin me* ?or crying
ou4 loudB =Cm going 4o do i4 righ4
no- no ma44er -ha4 ha55ensB >o-B
Ro(Cs luminous 4ranslucen4 arms (ecome more vivid* The
movemen4 s5eeds u5*
Ro(Cs luminous arms s4o5 (eing 4ranslucen4* Ro( Euic9ly
rolls ou4 o8 his (ody and disa55ears*
R6B $7*6*&
As soon as you s4ar4 4o 8eel your
arms you have 4o se5ara4e righ4
4hen and 4here*
MichaelCs s5aceshi5 is sus5ended in s5ace* A large num(er o8
#han s5aceshi5s mus4er in 4he 8ar dis4ance (y 4heir (ase
ThereCs a 8lash* Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 a55ears neA4 4o MichaelCs*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
TheyCre already -ai4ing 8or us* This
4ime 4hey -onC4 Jus4 le4 us
4hrough* +hereCs your girlF
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
AllieF She should (e here soon*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
SheCd (e44er hurry u5* As usual -e
only have a cou5le o8 minu4es*
=>T* #6#@P=T
Allie a55ears in 4he coc95i4 sea4* Elec4rical discharge
(egins coursing 4hroughou4 her (ody* Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 is
visi(le 4hrough 4he 5or4hole*
Boys =Cm hereB
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E $6*S*&
,ood 9idB AllCs s4ill according 4o
5lan* ?ull s5eed aheadB
3e5 all according 4o 5lan***
Michael and Ro(Cs s5aceshi5s 5ic9 u5 s5eed* They move 4o
engage 4he #han s5aceshi5s*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
The only chance o8 8igh4ing our -ay
4hrough 4o #han is 4o Euic9ly 9noc9
his 5eo5le ou4 o8 4he 5hase (y
9illing 4hem here* Lus4 cover me*
And (e care8ul* A84er each dea4h
here youCll have 4o leave your (ody
ye4 again and 8ly in 4o hel5* Ho-
many 4imes can you immedia4ely leave
your (ody again a84er having already
(een in 4he 5haseF
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
;sually once or 4-ice*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
Tha4Cs allFB Today a4 leas4 4hree
4imes* 69F
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
=Cll 4ry as hard as = canB
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
,e4 (ac9 as Euic9 as you can* =8
4hey shoo4 me do-n or ca54ure me
4ha4 -ill (e 4he end o8 every4hing*
Peo5le in gold'colored 4rench coa4s en4er 4he command cen4er
and ga4her a4 a round 4a(le* 6nce 4hey si4 do-n in chairs
4heir (odies are envelo5ed in cons4an4 -ea9 elec4rical
#han s4ands a4 4he en4rance* He 5ersonally gree4s each
5erson coming in and sha9es 4heir hand*
En4er Pe4rov* #han and Pe4rov loo9 one ano4her 8iAedly and
gravely in 4he eye as 4hey sha9e hands*
#han s5aceshi5s move 4o engage Ro( and Michael* They have
o5ened heavy 8ire 8rom 4heir guns and laser cannons*
Thousands o8 rounds and laser (eams 8ly a4 Ro( and Michael*
>early all o8 4he laser (eams and 5roJec4iles are de8lec4ed
a-ay 8rom MichaelCs s5aceshi5 (y a 5o-er8ul 8orce 8ield*
Ro(Cs 8orce 8ield is very -ea9* Rounds s4ar4 4o 8ly in4o i4*
A shoc9-ave 9noc9s Ro( o88 course*
Three #han s5aceshi5s 8ly u5 alongside Ro(Cs s5aceshi5*
>earing Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 4hey o5en 8ire on i4* Ro( 4ries 4o
re4urn 8ire*
He 9noc9s ou4 4-o #han s5aceshi5s* The 4hird s5aceshi5
8inishes o88 Ro(Cs hal8'des4royed s5aceshi5*
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 eA5lodes*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
Tha4Cs onceB #ome (ac9 Euic9B
S5aceshi5s 8ly u5 4o Michael 8rom 4hree sides* Michael moves
4o engage 4he neares4 s5aceshi5* He shoo4s a4 i4 and 8lies
in close* The o4her #han s5aceshi5s inadver4en4ly 9noc9 ou4
4ha4 s5aceshi5 -i4h 8riendly'8ire*
=>T* #6#@P=T
An angry Allie si4s in 4he elec4rical sea4*
$Euie4ly 4o hersel8&
=dio4s -hy are 4here so many o8
Michael shoo4s a4 s5aceshi5s 4ha4 cross his 5a4h one a84er
ano4her* MichaelCs s5aceshi5 is cri4ically damaged* His
8orce 8ield has nearly disa55eared* Some o8 his guns and
laser cannons donC4 -or9*
6 s5aceshi5s 8ly a4 Michael 8rom various direc4ions* They
8ire on him 8rom all 9inds o8 -ea5ons* Michael 4ries 4o sli5
ou4 4o 4he side* The #han s5aceshi5s give chase in ho4
The #han s5aceshi5s 5ursue Michael* Many rounds and laser
(eams s4ri9e his shi5 8rom (ehind* They have 5rac4ically
9noc9ed him ou4 o8 commission*
Ro( 8lies u5 4o 4he #han s5aceshi5s 8rom (ehind* He Euic9ly
9noc9s ou4 all 6 s5aceshi5s in ra5id succession*
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
See ya in hell scum(agsB
Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 8lies 4o engage a hos4 o8 #han s5aceshi5s*
He evades 4heir roc9e4 and laser 8ire and 9noc9s ou4 4he /
s5aceshi5s 4ha4 8ly 8or-ard 4o in4erce54 him*
Ro( maneuverers (e4-een 4he do:ens o8 enemy s5aceshi5s and
9noc9s ou4 ano4her 4hree o8 4hem*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
@ee5 i4 u5B
All o8 4he #han shi5s suddenly hold 8ire* They :oom (ac9
4o-ards 4he 5lane4* Ro( and Michael 5ursue 4hem*
=>T* #6#@P=T
An angry Allie si4s in 4he elec4rical sea4*
3ouCve come (ac9 4o your senses
idio4sB +hoCs going 4o 5ro4ec4
E1T* PLA>ET ' 2A3
The enormous 8or4ress Elisa is in 4he dis4ance* #han
s5aceshi5s 8ly in4o 4he dome and disa55ear*
E1T* 26ME ' 2A3
9 #han s5aceshi5s 8ly in4o 4he side o8 4he dome* They
disa55ear* Righ4 4hen 9 #han'men a55ear on 4he inside o8
4he 8ounda4ion o8 4he dome* They run in4o 4he 8or4ress*
E1T* PLA>ET ' 2A3
?or4ress Elisa is in 4he dis4ance* Some o8 #hanCs s5aceshi5
8lee4 8lies in4o 4he dome and disa55ears* The o4her hal8
lands on 4he hill and 4rans8orms in4o ro(o4s*
Ro( and MichaelCs s5aceshi5s land neA4 4o one ano4her and
Euic9ly 4rans8orm in4o ro(o4s*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
The more -e 4a9e ou4 ou4side o8 4he
dome 4he easier i4 -ill (e inside*
2onC4 le4 4hem esca5e*
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
Michael and Ro( o5en 8ire on 4he #han ro(o4s*
Ro( moves clumsily* The enemy ro(o4s Euic9ly s4ar4 4o 4a9e
him ou4 o8 commission* Michael shoo4s a4 4he ro(o4s neares4
4o Ro(*
Ro( eA5lodes* The 5ar4s o8 his ro(o4 8ly o88 4o every side*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
Tha4Cs 4-iceB
+ha4 -as 4ha4F
Michael annihila4es 4he ro(o4 4ha4 had 5u4 Ro( ou4 o8
A large num(er o8 o4her ro(o4s move 4o engage him* They
shoo4 a4 Michael*
Michael 9noc9s ou4 3 ro(o4s 8rom a dis4ance* More and more
rounds (rea9 in4o his 8orce 8ield*
The ro(o4s semicircle around Michael* Michael s4ruggles 4o
des4roy ano4her 0 ro(o4s* He has sus4ained a lo4 o8 damage*
Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 en4ers 4he 8ray* =4 Euic9ly 4rans8orms in4o
a ro(o4 and lands alongside 4he semicircle o8 #han ro(o4s*
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
+e havenC4 (ea4en 4his level ye4B
Ro(Cs ro(o4 shoo4s u5 4he #han ro(o4s 4o his side* He 9noc9s
ou4 4he neares4 ro(o4s one a84er ano4her* Ano4her 4 #han
ro(o4s move 4o-ards him 8rom o4her direc4ions*
Ro( shoo4s 4he 8irs4 #han ro(o4 in i4s a(domen 4earing i4
in4o 4-o halves* Ro(Cs laser cannon deca5i4a4es 4he second
#han ro(o4* The 4hird #ha4 ro(o4 is 4orn a5ar4 in4o small
5ieces 8rom 4he im5ac4 o8 Ro(Cs roc9e4s* The 8our4h #han
ro(o4 sus4ains much damage and 8alls 4o 4he ground*
A (a44ered Michael 8inishes o88 4he 4-o remaining ro(o4s*
The las4 remaining #han ro(o4 runs a-ay 4o 4he 8or4ress*
M=#HAELCS RA2=6 76=#E
2onC4 le4 him ge4 a-ayB
Michael and Ro( o5en concer4ed 8ire 8rom 4heir -ea5ons a4
4he esca5ing ro(o4* The ro(o4 eA5lodes in4o small 5ar4s*
The area is li44ered -i4h 4he smoldering remains o8 ro(o4s*
Michael and Ro(Cs ro(o4s move Euic9ly 4o-ards 4he dome*
=>T* #6#@P=T
Allie si4s in 4he elec4rical sea4*
=n 4he cen4er o8 4he hall is a large round 4a(le* The las4
5eo5le in gold'colored 4rench coa4s 4o arrive Join 4he
4a(le* A sa4is8ied #han s4ands (y an enormous -indo-* He
o(serves Michael and Ro(er4*
#han s4e5s a-ay 8rom 4he -indo- and -al9s alongside 4he
5eo5le in gold'colored 4rench coa4s si44ing a4 4he 4a(le*
,en4lemen 4oday is a grea4 dayB 3ou
and = are 4o ma9e a 8inal decision
on 4he dis5haser* This -ill solve
all o8 our 5ro(lems once and 8or
all* 3ou and = -ill also se44le
ano4her issue (u4 =Cll save 4ha4 as
a sur5rise*
E1T* 26ME ' 2A3
Michael and Ro(Cs ro(o4s go u5 4o 4he dome* There is no'one
ou4side 4he dome* BoAes -i4h arms lay alongside 4he dome*
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
+here is every(odyF
The coc95i4 o8 MichaelCs ro(o4 o5ens* Allie Jum5s ou4 o8 i4
and lands (y 4he dome*
M=#HAELGS RA2=6 76=#E
+ere you (ored in 4hereF =Cm sure
4ha4 -as some4hing ou4'o8'4he'
ordinary 4o say 4he leas4*
Allie dra-s a #hinese ideogram meaning Hs4reng4hH in 4he
HereCs 4he code*
M=#HAELGS RA2=6 76=#E
3ouCve go4 a grea4 memory 8or
#hinese ideograms (u4***
>o- -e Jus4 have 4o visuali:e i4 in
our mindsF Le4Cs 4ry***
She easily goes 4hrough 4he dome goes u5 4o 4he (oAes and
4a9es ou4 some -ea5ons*
R6BCS RA2=6 76=#E
+e really made ou4 -ell* Righ4 4o
4he -ea5ons de5o4*
M=#HAELGS RA2=6 76=#E
This is all s4range***
$4o Allie&
+e agreed 8or you 4o come only 4o
4he domeF
= -onC4 leave Ro(er4* ;nder any
MichaelCs ro(o4 goes u5 4o 4he dome* The ro(o4 disa55ears
and Michael a55ears in camou8lage on 4he inside o8 4he dome*
He Euic9ly 4a9es u5 -ea5ons*
Ro(Cs ro(o4 goes u5 4o 4he dome and 9noc9s agains4 i4* A
s4rong elec4rical discharge goes 4hrough every inch o8 him*
2ang i4B
Ro(Cs ro(o4 en4ers 4he dome again and disa55ears* Ro(
a55ears in human 8orm -earing camou8lage inside 4he dome*
?as4er 8as4erB The 5hase -onC4 las4
Ro( runs 4o 4he -ea5ons*
All 4hree o8 4hem Euic9ly arm 4hemselves* They loc9 and load
and 5u4 4he -ea5ons around 4heir shoulders*
Ro( and Allie 5eriodically loo9 a4 one ano4her and smile*
Michael 5eriodically loo9s a4 (o4h o8 4hem -i4h a serious
$4o Allie&
+ha4 are you going in 8orF = donC4
-an4 4o ris9 losing you*
>o- = -onC4 go any-here -i4hou4 you*
And donC4 -orry a(ou4 me
$angrily and Euie4ly&
E1T* ?6RTRESS ' 2A3
Ro( Michael and Allie run 4o 4he en4rance o8 4he 8or4ress*
Ro( 4ries 4o scru4ini:e 4he 4o5 o8 4he 8or4ress*
So -hy is 4he sensori:a4or
Any sensa4ions here rever(era4e in
our (rain as i8 4hey -ere ac4ually
occurring 8or real* A sensori:a4or
cri4ically ac4iva4es every sensa4ion
a4 once and 4he (rain canC4 handle
4he overload* And you canC4 esca5e
(ac9 4o 4he 5hysical (ody as 4ha4
very 8lood o8 sensa4ion 9ee5s you in
4he 5hase*
All 4hree o8 4hem run in4o 4he 8or4ress*
Michael Ro( and Allie en4er a long dar9 en4ry-ay* A (righ4
8lash eru54s* =n 8ron4 is an am(ush (y %0 #han'men* They
o5en 8ire 8rom machine guns*
Michael Jum5s 8or cover 8rom 4he le84 side o8 4he en4ry-ay*
Allie and Ro( Jum5 8or cover 8rom righ4 side o8 4he
All o8 4hem des5era4ely 8ire (ac9* Several #han'men are
9illed* Ro( loo9s ou4 8rom his cover 8or a (e44er sho4*
Ro( emerges even 8ur4her 8rom his cover* Michael loo9s a4
Ro(er4 and mo4ions 8or him 4o ge4 do-n*
2onC4 s4ic9 your nec9 ou4B ,e4 (ac9B
Several (ulle4s s4ri9e Ro(er4* He 8alls 4o 4he ground*
Tha4Cs 4he 4hird 4imeB 6h dang i4B
$4o 4he #han'men&
+ha4 are you doing nums9ullsFB
An angry Allie holds a 5is4ol in each hand* She ge4s u5 and
shoo4s a4 4he #han'men* >o one scores a hi4 on Allie*
Allie shoo4s 4he #han'men sEuarely in 4he head and 4heir
(odies 8all 4o 4he 8loor*
Michael -a4ches Allie in as4onishmen4*
+ha4 4he hellF
Michael cau4iously shoo4s 8rom his cover* Several (ulle4s
8ly a4 him* Bulle4s 4urn 4he concre4e -all neA4 4o him 4o
Michael and Allie Euic9ly o5en 8ire on 4he am(ush grou5*
They run 4o 4he eleva4or a4 4he end o8 4he en4ry-ay* Michael
eyes Allie -i4h sus5icion*
Ro( en4ers 4he en4ry-ay* He loo9s a4 his cor5se -i4h i4s
enormous num(er o8 -ounds* Then he runs 8or Michael and
Ro( ca4ches u5 -i4h Michael and Allie*
3eah = 9no-*** 2onC4 4ell me* =
Jus4 didnC4 eA5ec4 every4hing 4o (e
so au4hen4ic here*
Michael and Allie give Ro( an irri4a4ed loo9*
+ill you (e a(le 4o leave your (ody
ano4her 4imeF
Pro(a(ly no4* = (arely sli55ed
All 4hree o8 4hem run 4o 4he eleva4or* Michael 5resses 4he
(u44on* The eleva4or doors o5en* Three #han'men rush ou4 o8
4he eleva4or and (egin shoo4ing 8rom sho4guns*
Michael and Allie arenC4 a(le 4o reac4 in 4ime* Ro(
immedia4ely 9ills all o8 4he #han'men in one machine'gun
=4 4urns ou4 = can even (e use8ulB
The eleva4or is enormous* There are many 8igh4er 5lane
coc95i4's4yle sea4s* Ro( Michael and Allie en4er 4he
eleva4or* They s4and in ama:emen4*
This -ill de8ini4ely (e a very long
6r may(e no4*
Michael 5resses 4he 4o5 (u44on on 4he eleva4or 5anel* The
eleva4or doors close* The 5anel dis5lays H2es4ina4ion< 6!!4h
Some(ody clearly has an in8eriori4y
?EMALE 76=#E $6*S*&
+arningB Li84'o88 in T'minus 8ive
8our 4hree***
Ro( Michael and Allie s4and in middle o8 4he eleva4or*
They each loo9 a4 one ano4her*
?EMALE 76=#E $6*S*&
***4-o one***
A4 4he las4 5ossi(le momen4 Allie Euic9ly si4s do-n on 4he
neares4 chair*
?EMALE 76=#E $6*S*&
The eleva4or a(ru54ly accelera4es* Ro( and Michael 8all 4o
4he 8loor* They are 5ressed 4o 4he 8loor (y 4he 8orce o8
gravi4y and yell in 5ain*
Michael 4urns his eyes 4o-ards Allie and s4o5s yelling*
Allie is 5ressed in4o 4he so84 chair* Michael and Allie loo9
one ano4her in4ensely in 4he eye*
The dis5lay 5anel Euic9ly coun4s u5 4he 8loors* The eleva4or
(egins 4o a(ru54ly slo- do-n*
Allie raises hersel8 u5 8rom 4he sea4* She goes 4o 4he side
o55osi4e 4he eleva4or doors and aims a4 4he eAi4*
Michael con4inues 4o o(serve Allie* He crouches 4o 4he side
and 4a9es aim a4 4he eleva4or doors*
Ro( is in (ad sha5e* He si4s and (rea4hes dee5ly*
= -as nearly 8la44ened li9e a
The eleva4or (egins 4o come 4o a s4o5* The 5anel reads 8loor
6!!* Michael and Allie 5re5are 4o o5en 8ire* Ro( slo-ly ge4s
u5 o88 4he 8loor (u4 immedia4ely 8alls com5le4ely num(*
Tha4Cs 8ourB Ho- could you have
8orgo44en a(ou4 main4ainingB
So no- i4Cs Jus4 4he 4-o o8 usF
ThereCs no o4her -ay*
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+> $AT THE SAME T=ME&
The 4ranslucen4 and 8ain4 Ro( 8lies in4o his 5hysical (ody
and 4ries 4o ge4 ou4 o8 i4 again* He 5ushes ou4 a li44le
(i4 (u4 is 5ulled (ac9 in and 4hen s4ar4s 4o 8ade*
A(ou4 0! #han'men s4and o55osi4e 4he eleva4or doors* A red
ligh4 (ul( shines overhead (y 4he eleva4or sha84* The #han'
men 4a9e aim*
The doors o8 4he eleva4or o5en* #han'men o5en heavy 8ire*
Michael and Allie 4ry 4o 4a9e cover 8rom 4he salvo* They
s4ruggle 4o 8ire (ac9*
Bulle4s gra:e MichaelCs arm and chee9* 6ne (ulle4 hi4s his
2ang i4B
Allie is s4ill unsca4hed* She 9ills #han'men one'(y'one -i4h
-ell'5laced sho4s 4o 4he head*
Allie 4hro-s a grenade a4 4he #han'men* An ear's5li44ing
E1PL6S=6> resounds* The ligh4 8lic9ers* 2us4 8alls 8rom 4he
The eleva4or en4rance is li44ered -i4h 4he dead (odies o8
#han'men* Many o8 4he cor5ses are smo9ing* >early all o8
4hem are headless* The -alls are riddled -i4h (ulle4 holes*
Allie ge4s u5 and scru4ini:es 4he hea5s o8 (odies* Michael
ge4s u5 near(y*
Michael loo9s a4 4he (odies and 4hen a4 Allie* Michael loo9s
a4 his -ounds his li5s 5urse in 5ain* Blood 4ric9les along
his 8orearm and do-n his 8ace* His 5an4 leg is soa9ed in
(lood* Michael 4a9es ano4her loo9 a4 4he ye4'unsca4hed
Allie* She hasnC4 even a scra4ch on her*
Michael reloads his machine gun and 5is4ol*
+ho are you li44le girlF
Michael 5resses her 4o himsel8 8rom (ehind* She hangs in his
le84 arm as a shield*
A -hole army o8 men canC4 9ill a
li44le girl* = canC4 (elieve i4B
+ha4Cs -rong -i4h youF =4Cs me
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+> $AT THE SAME T=ME&
Ro( lies in (ed* ?ain4 4ranslucen4 hands a55ear* Ro( ru(s
4hem agains4 one ano4her in 8ron4 o8 his 8ace* The hands
(ecome more and more vivid*
Michael eAi4s 4he eleva4or covering himsel8 -i4h AllieCs
(ody* He s4e5s around 4he cor5ses o8 #han'men and Euic9ens
his 5ace 4o-ards a large door*
= donC4 9no- -ho you are (u4 youCre
(ulle45roo8* +eCll sor4 ou4 4he res4
3ouCve los4 your mindB PsychoB
Michael goes u5 4o 4he large door and 9ic9s i4 in*
Michael (urs4s in4o 4he rece54ion room* Allie dangles in his
le84 arm shielding him -i4h her (ody* A sEuad o8 #han'men
is in 4he room* They s4and in a semicircle* Several men are
hiding (ehind 4a(les (y 4he -alls o8 4he room*
All o8 4he #han'men o5en 8ire on Michael* Michael 9noc9s
4hem all do-n -i4h his machine gun*
>o one scores a hi4 on Allie* Michael sus4ains many minor
inJuries in 4he un5ro4ec4ed areas o8 his (ody* The -all
(ehind him crum(les 8rom (eing hi4 (y an enormous amoun4 o8
+ounded Michael (lo-s a-ay all o8 4he #han'men*
Michael goes u5 4o a 5air o8 large golden doors* 6n 4hem is
an enormous #hinese ideogram meaning s4reng4h*
Michael 9ic9s in 4he door* He 5re5ares 4o 8ire inside*
The men in gold'colored 4rench coa4s around 4he round 4a(le
are 8righ4ened* There is a large chair a4 4he head o8 4he
round 4a(le* #han si4s in i4*
Hi ladiesB
Michael dro5s Allie 8rom his arms and she 8alls 4o 4he
8loor* Michael goes u5 4o 4he 4a(le sea4ing 4he 8righ4ened
5eo5le in gold'colored 4rench coa4s* #han is no4 8righ4ened*
+e had Jus4 -an4ed 4o s5ea9 -i4h
Michael loo9s a4 his -ounds*
= go4 i4*
$4a9es a dee5 (rea4h&
,ameCs u5 #olonel*
#han ge4s u5 8rom 4he 4a(le*
Possi(ly* May(e -eCll 8ind common
ground and (e a(le 4o come 4o an
Pure -as4e o8 4ime*
Ta9e i4 easy*
Ro( suddenly (urs4s in4o 4he room* He 4a9es aim a4 4he
5eo5le in gold'colored 4rench coa4s*
3ouCre 8inishedB
2onC4 shoo4B ThereCs no 5oin4*
3eah = -as a(le 4o do i4 againB
Ro( loo9s #han in 4he eye*
Long 4ime no seeB
Ro( 5oin4s his machine gun a4 #han*
#han calmly goes around 4he round 4a(le 5as4 4he 5eo5le in
gold'colored 4rench coa4s*
Alrigh4* Ho- a(ou4 = le4 you 9no-
our 5oin4 o8 vie-* As you can see
4here are many o8 us here* These are
res5ec4a(le 5eo5le< 5residen4s
cor5ora4ion heads secre4 glo(al
services religious leaders* +eCre
5ro(a(ly no4 all nearly as idio4ic
as i4 may seem 4o you* +eCre surely
doing some4hing im5or4an4* +e have a
serious case 4o ma9e* =Cm sure -eCll
8ind a com5romise*
#han ges4ures 4o 4-o 8ree sea4s*
Aligh4 youCve go4 3! seconds*
Ro( ru(s his machine gun and moves a(ou4 4he en4ire 4ime*
6r lessB
#hairs -i4h au4oma4ic 5hase
main4ainers* Have a sea4*
Allie ge4s u5 8rom 4he 8loor and -a4ches as Michael and Ro(
go 4o-ards 4he chairs*
#han 5auses and also -a4ches as 4hey move 4o-ards 4he
Michael si4s do-n in a chair* Ro( has almos4 sa4 do-n in a
Allie suddenly Jum5s u5 8rom 4he side 4o 5ush Ro(*
Allie 5ushes Ro( 8rom 4he chair* They (o4h 8all on4o 4he
8loor* Michael is hi4 (y an elec4rical curren4 as he si4s in
4he chair* He is 5araly:ed* He -ri4hes in convulsions*
MichaelCs 8ace is con4or4ed in 5ain* He yells* The chair
Euic9ly 4rans8orms in4o an enormous assem(ly ' a
sensori:a4or* =4 5ulls MichaelCs arms and legs in di88eren4
direc4ions* His -hole (ody is envelo5ed in a cocoon o8
needles aimed a4 his s9in* The needles move Euic9ly*
Elec4rical discharge 5ulsa4es along 4he assem(ly*
MichaelCs eyes are -idened (y mechanical hands* A helme4
comes do-n on his head* A (righ4 ligh4 shines 8or4h 8rom
under 4he helme4 and a loud 2R6>=>, S6;>2 rever(era4es* The
sensori:a4or moves all o8 4he 5ar4s o8 MichaelCs (ody*
The sensori:a4or (egins 4o gyra4e simul4aneously in every
The men in gold'colored 4rench coa4s sigh in relie8 smile
and (egin 4al9ing amongs4 4hemselves*
,en4lemen here is 4he 5romised
sur5rise* The sensori:a4or and
Raduga ' 4ha4Cs -ha4 -eCve all
-an4ed 4o see 8or a long 4imeB
The men in gold'colored 4rench coa4s give #han a s4anding
ova4ion* #han smiles and also a55lauds himsel8*

Ro( and Allie are on 4he 8loor* They each loo9 a4 one
ano4her* Ro( loo9s around and sees 4he im5os4or Allie -ho
is s4anding 4o 4he side and loo9ing a4 him -i4h s5i4e*
$loo9ing a4 Allie&
Tha4 (i4ch almos4 ruined every4hing*
$4o Ro(&
The im5os4or Allie 4rans8orms in4o @a4 and smiles angrily*
@a4F +hyF
,en4lemen no- no4hing s4ands in our
$4o @a4&
7ery good my deares4 niece* = ho5e
4ha4 my men didnC4 5u4 u5 4oo
realis4ic a 8igh4*
#han scru4ini:es Ro(*
3ou 8ell in4o a delicious honey
Honey 4ra5F
3es S4an ac4ually -asnC4 4ha4 (ad a
(oy8riend (u4 you -ere more
Ro( = had only acciden4ally 8ound
4he lin9 4o 4he 4eA4(oo9 -hile = -as
using her com5u4erB
Acciden4allyF +ell = 5u4 i4 4here
righ4 under your nose and you
didnC4 even sus5ec4 a 4hing* And
once you 8ound Raduga = decided 4o
im5ersona4e you in order 4o con4rol
+ha4F ?rom 4he very (eginningFD
Ro( and Allie em(race one ano4her and s4and u5 8rom 4he
#han goes 4o 4he sensori:a4or in deligh4*
>o- no one -ill s4o5 usB
#han goes u5 4o 4he sensori:a4or and moni4ors i4s o5era4ion*
The more sensa4ion ' 4he longer 4he
5haseF >o- youCll (e 8ull o8
The -orld ma5 disa55ears 8rom 4he screen* A ma5 o8 MichaelCs
(rain a55ears* The sur8ace o8 his (rain cor4eA is in a
maAimally aroused s4a4e* A red 8lashing ca54ion a55ears<
HEnergy accumula4ion* Sensory eA5losion in %P minu4esH*
+hy are you doing all 4hisF
Humans should remain human* The
a(ili4y 4o leave 4he (ody should (e
only 8or 4he chosen* ,overnmen4s are
no4 ready 8or such 5o-er8ul changes*
There8ore i4 is necessary 4o hal4
4he evolu4ion o8 consciousness*
3ouCre all schi:oB
Enough 4al9* ,e4 CemB
#han'men (urs4 in4o 4he room* They run 4o-ards Ro( and
Allie* Ro( 9ills 4he 4-o neares4 #han'men -i4h his machine
$yelling 4o Allie&
Thin9 a(ou4 your 5hysical (odyB
Ro( and Allie Euic9ly lose consciousness*
2onC4 leaveB
@a4 closes her eyes* She 8alls unconscious 4o 4he 8loor*
Red 8lashing ca54ion on 4he screen< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in %/ minu4esH*
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
Ro( Euic9ly ge4s u5 8rom (ed and 4a9es a dee5 (rea4h*
=>T* ALL=ECS R66M ' 2A+>
Allie Euic9ly ge4s ou4 o8 (ed* She 4a9es a dee5 (rea4h and
reaches 8or her 4ele5hone*
=>T* @ATCS R66M ' 2A+>
@a4 Euic9ly ge4s u5 ou4 o8 (ed and runs ou4 o8 4he room*
#;T T6<
E1T* STREET ' 2A+>
@a4Cs car is driving Euic9ly and chao4ically* She gra:es 4-o
cars in 4he oncoming lane and drives o88 as 8as4 as she can*
=>T* @ATCS #AR ' 2A+>
+i4h one hand on 4he s4eering -heel @a4 8eels 8or her
5is4ol in 4he glove com5ar4men4*
#;T T6<
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
Ro( si4s u5 in (ed* He res4s his 8ace on his hands* His eyes
sho- des5era4ion*
R6B $7*6*&
= had nearly caused 4he end o8
every4hing* = had only %! minu4es 4o
change some4hing* Bu4 = -as 4oo
s4ressed ou4 4o 8all (ac9 4o slee5*
Ro( ge4s u5 8rom (ed* He ge4s a slee5ing mas9 8rom a (oA as
-ell as ear 5lugs* He ma9es his (ed*
R6B $7*6*&
There -as only one -ay ou4 ' 4o 4ry
a direc4 4echniEue 4he 9ind 4ha4
only 5ro8essionals use* They do no4
reEuire already having (een aslee5
(e8ore 4rying*
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
@a4Cs car drives u5 a4 high s5eed and rams in4o 4he car in
8ron4 o8 Ro(Cs house* @a4 ge4s ou4 o8 her car and runs in4o
Ro(Cs house*
=>T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
Ro(Cs mom is s4anding inside 4he house* She is -earing hair'
curlers a 8acial mas9 -i4h cucum(er slices and holds a
ladle in her hand*
Honey -ha4 -as 4ha4 soundF
Ro(Cs dad en4ers (e-ildered*
The 8ron4 door 8lies o88 i4s hinges and @a4 a55ears a4 4he
4hreshold 5is4ol in hand* She 5oin4s 4he 5is4ol a4 Ro(Cs
mom and dad* Terri8ied 4hey em(race one ano4her*
@a4 -ha4Cs go44en in4o youF
+i4hou4 saying a -ord @a4 runs 4o 4he s4aircase leading 4o
4he second 8loor*
=>T* R6BCS R66M ' 2A+>
@a4 (urs4s in4o 4he room and immedia4ely 8ires 3 sho4s a4
Ro(Cs (ed* Then she goes u5 closer and 5ulls o88 4he covers*
=ns4ead o8 Ro( she 8inds a 5illo-*
3ou -onC4 ge4 a-ayB
#;T T6<
Red 8lashing ca54ion on 4he screen< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in P minu4esH*
#han s4ands neA4 4o 4he sensori:a4or* He moni4ors i4s
,en4lemen = 5ro5ose -ai4ing un4il
sensory eA5losion and 4hen
cele(ra4ing i4 -i4h 4he dis5haser
The 5eo5le in gold'colored 4rench coa4s le4 ou4 shou4s o8
T-o seAy -ai4resses en4er 4he command cen4er* They se4 4he
4a(le -i4h cham5agne cham5agne glasses and hors dCoeuvres*
The 5eo5le in gold'colored 4rench coa4s a44en4ively
scru4ini:e 4he -ai4resses and 4he hors dCoeuvres*
Pe4rov cuddles u5 4o a -ai4ress and 4a9es a glass o8
cham5agne in his hand*
#olonel you al-ays 5lan ou4
every4hing 4o a 4eeB To youB
#;T T6<
=>T* BASEME>T ' 2A+>
Ro( lies do-n on an old ma44ress 5ulls 4he slee5 mas9 over
his eyes inser4s 4he ear5lugs in4o his ears and ge4s under
4he covers*
R6B $7*6*&
+i4h direc4 en4ry in4o 4he 5hase
4echniEues donC4 ma44er* Any
4echniEue can (e done* The mos4
im5or4an4 4hing is 4o achieve a
la5se 4ha4 is a di5 ou4 o8
consciousness* The dee5er 4he
(e44er* +hen a la5se in
consciousness is dee5 enough you
can sim5ly se5ara4e 8rom 4he (ody
easily* 3ou only have 4o avoid
8alling aslee5 com5le4ely*
#;T T6<
=>T* @ATCS #AR ' 2A+>
@a4 Euic9ly si4s do-n in her (ea4'u5 car* She 5u4s 4he
driverCs sea4 in reclining 5osi4ion 5u4s on a slee5ing
mas9 5u4s in ear5lugs and lies do-n in 4he sea4*
>o- youCll 8ind ou4 -ha4 a real
5ro8essional 5rac4i4ioner isB
#;T T6<
Red 8lashing ca54ion on 4he screen< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in 6 minu4esH*
#han s4ands neA4 4o 4he sensori:a4or and moni4ors i4s
#;T T6<
=>T* BASEME>T ' 2A+>
Ro( lies under 4he covers on 4he old ma44ress on 4he 8loor*
R6B $7*6*&
=n order 4o di5 ou4 o8 -a9e8ulness
= (egan mono4onously 5er8orming
5han4om -iggling* =4 hel5s 4o Euie4
4he mind* A84er some 4ime = (egan 4o
dri84 o88* The 8irs4 la5se in
consciousness -as shallo- and
a84er-ards = -as una(le 4o se5ara4e
8rom my (ody*
#;T T6<
Red 8lashing ca54ion on 4he screen< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in / minu4esH*
#han s4ands neA4 4o 4he sensori:a4or* He moni4ors i4s
o5era4ion and ru(s his hands 4oge4her im5a4ien4ly*
The 5eo5le in gold'colored 4rench coa4s holding cham5agne
glasses also -a4ch 4he sensori:a4or*
#;T T6<
=>T* BASEME>T ' 2A+>
Ro( lies under 4he covers on 4he old ma44ress on 4he 8loor*
R6B $7*6*&
= nodded o88 again (u4 4he 5han4om
-iggling 9e54 me conscious and =
came 4o*
2elica4e luminous mis4 a55ears around Ro(Cs 5hysical (ody*
=4 con4or4s and vi(ra4es*
R6B $7*6*&
= immedia4ely 8el4 s4rong
vi(ra4ions* This -as 4he 5hase* =
could se5ara4e*
A 4ranslucen4 and luminous Ro( ge4s u5 8rom his 5hysical
(ody* He Euic9ly ru(s his hands agains4 one ano4her and
scru4ini:es 4hem* His luminous (ody (ecomes more vivid and
Ro( closes his eyes* A luminous mercurial or( a55ears neA4
4o him* The or( 4rans8orms in4o a luminous @a4*
+here are you goingF
Ro( a(ru54ly o5ens his eyes*
#;T T6<
Red 8lashing ca54ion on 4he screen< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in 4 minu4esH*
#;T T6<
=>T* BASEME>T ' 2A+>
Ro( lies on 4he ma44ress under 4he covers* The luminous
(odies o8 Ro( and @a4 s4and near(y*
,e4 over i4* =4Cs all over*
@a4 smiles maliciously and ins4an4ly disa55ears*
#;T T6<
=>T* @ATCS #AR ' 2A+>
@a4 o5ens her eyes* Allie s4ands 4hrea4eningly across 8rom
her -aving a (ric9 (y 4he o5en car door*
#;T T6<
Red 8lashing ca54ion on 4he screen< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in 3 minu4esH*
#han s4ands neA4 4o 4he sensori:a4or* He moni4ors i4s
o5era4ion and ru(s his hands 4oge4her im5a4ien4ly*
#;T T6<
E1T* 26ME ' 2A+>
Ro(Cs s5aceshi5 8lies in4o 4he dome and disa55ears* Ro(
a55ears inside 4he dome*
Many #han'men run 4o-ards Ro( 8rom 4he 8or4ress* They shoo4
on4o Ro( -i4h 4asers* Ro( 8alls do-n and -ri4hes in 5ain*
Elec4rical discharge courses 4hrough him*
#han'men surround Ro(*
#;T T6<
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
@a4 and Allie 8igh4 on 4he ground neA4 4o @a4Cs (ea4'u5 car*
Blood 8lo-s 8rom @a4Cs nose*
>o- youCll 5ay 8or every4hingB
Too la4eB
@a4 is a(le 4o si4 on 4o5 o8 Allie* @a4 (egins (ea4ing Allie
on 4he head 8rom on 4o5*
#;T T6<
Red 8lashing ca54ion on 4he screen< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in 0! secondsH*
T-o gyra4ing sensori:a4ors*
#han smiles*
Lus4 a li44le more and your (rains
are going 4o 8ryB
Red 8lashing ca54ion on 4he screen< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in %4 secondsH*
The 5eo5le in gold'colored 4rench coa4s loo9 a4 #han -i4h
#;T T6<
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
@a4 si4s on Allie neA4 4o 4he (ea4'u5 car* @a4 is 8inishing
o88 Allie -i4h her 8is4s* Allie is unconscious*
@a4 goes u5 4o her car gra(s her 5is4ol 8rom i4 coc9s i4
and goes u5 4o Allie*
=Cm so sic9 o8 you***
#;T T6<
Red 8lashing ca54ion on 4he screen< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in / secondsH*
#;T T6<
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
Allie lies neA4 4o @a4Cs (ea4'u5 car* @a4 s4ands across 8rom
her* She aims her 5is4ol a4 Allie*
#;T T6<
Red 8lashing ca54ion on 4he screen< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in 0 secondsH*
The 5eo5le in gold'colored 4rench coa4s raise 4heir glasses*
#hanCs 8ace dis5lays a childli9e ha55iness*
Red 8lashing ca54ion on 4he screen< HEnergy accumula4ion*
Sensory eA5losion in % secondH*
All o8 4he ligh4s in 4he command cen4er suddenly s4ar4 4o
8lic9er on and o88* The screen has gone (lan9* The
sensori:a4ors slo-ly come 4o a s4o5* >ear(y E1PL6S=6>S and
,;>SH6TS rever(era4e*
#han loo9s a(ou4 8rom side 4o side in 5anic*
+ha4Cs going on hereF
#;T T6<
E1T* R6BCS H6;SE ' 2A+>
@a4 aims a4 Allie*
@a4Cs 4rigger 8inger s4ar4s moving* Suddenly 4hereCs a TH;2*
@a4 8alls unconscious*
>ear(y s4ands Ro(Cs very angry mom -i4h a shovel* There are
dro5s o8 (lood on 4he shovel*
#;T T6<
The golden doors and door-ay are (lo-n ou4 a5ar4 4o
smi4hereens* Every4hing is reduced 4o dus4 and de(ris* The
Ras4a8arian and nerd en4er 4he room in a(ou4 %0'8oo4 4all
(i5edal ro(o4ic com(a4 machines* They shoo4 8rom ra5id'8ire
guns a4 4he men in gold'colored 4rench coa4s*
Le4Cs ge4 o88 4he chairs and goB
A (ulle4 (lo-s o88 his head* Bulle4s also s4ri9e many more
o8 4he men in gold'colored 4rench coa4s* All o8 4he
surviving ones ge4 ou4 o8 4heir sea4s in a 5anic s4ar4 4o
4he side and 4hen 8all do-n unconscious*
S-ee4 sensa4ions (as4ardsB
A 8ire8igh4 is visi(le 4hrough 4he door-ay inside 4he
rece54ion room* There o4her (i5edal ro(o4ic machines
annihila4e #han'men*
6nly #han 4he nerd and 4he Ras4a8arian remain in 4he room*
The 4rans5aren4 vie-5or4s o8 4he (i5edal ro(o4ic machines
o5en u5 -i4h a hiss* Smo9e -a84s 8rom 4he Ras4a8arianCs
coc95i4* He holds a mariJuana cigare44e in his hand*
Peace 4o 4he -orldB
The sensori:a4ors o5en* Ro( and Michael 8all ou4 o8 4hem
eAhaus4ed and -orn'ou4* Their eyes and s9in are red and
S4uden4 .% and s4uden4 .0 s4and in 4heir (i5edal ro(o4ic
machines* They (a44le #han'men -ho cons4an4ly 5our in
heavily'armed 8rom 4he hall-ay*
A (i5edal ro(o4ic machine 5ilo4ed (y a #han'man en4ers* The
s4uden4s Euic9ly score a hi4 agains4 i4 and i4 eA5lodes*
S4uden4 .3 -al9s 4he la( in a (i5edal ro(o4ic machine* He
9ills assailan4s in shor4'lived 8ire8igh4s* #han'men Jum5
ou4 8rom adJacen4 doors and corridors in a never'ending
S4uden4 .4 s4ands in a (i5edal ro(o4ic machine inside 4he
eleva4or 8acing 4he doors* The eleva4or doors o5en (e8ore
him and he annihila4es 4he hand8ul o8 #han'men 4ha4 a55ear
in 8ron4 o8 him*
The eleva4or doors 4hen close* The eleva4or goes u5* The
doors o5en once again* S4uden4 .4 annihila4es 4-o #han'men*
The nerd 9noc9s on 4he chassis o8 his (i5edal ro(o4ic
These are some 5re44y cool 4oys -e
8ound ehF
Than9 you guysB Ho- did you 8ind ou4
a(ou4 ElisaF
Allie 4old us a(ou4 i4* >o- -eCve
all mas4ered 4he 5hase* The girls
here are really easyB Ac4ually all
o8 4hemB And 4heyCre all ho4B
Ro( s4ruggles 4o ge4 u5 on his 8ee4* He 5ic9s u5 a machine
gun lying on 4he 8loor* Michael 8alls do-n and loses
He really go4 i4 (ad in 4ha4
4hing**** Ho- are -e going 4o handle
4hings no-F***
#han levi4a4es u5* His (ody (egins 4o emi4 ligh4 and
elec4rical discharge courses 4hrough him*
@ids youCve go4 5ro(lems* This is
my s5ace and here = am ,od*
+eCll 8ry your (rains in your
sensori:a4or and 4ha4Cll (e 4he end
o8 you***
The machine gun in Ro(Cs hands Euic9ly (ecomes red ho4 and
Ro( 4hro-s i4 8rom his hands*
+hy you li44leD
The vie-5or4s a(ru54ly shu4 on 4he nerd and Ras4a8arianCs
(i5edal ro(o4ic machines* The Ras4a8arian and nerd 5ound
4heir 8is4s on 4he glass and scream in 5anic inside 4he
coc95i4s* The (i5edal ro(o4ic machines are immo(ili:ed*
S4orms o8 elec4rical discharge arise inside 4he coc95i4s*
They envelo5e 4he Ras4a8arian and 4he nerd* They -ri4he in
convulsions inside 4heir coc95i4s*
Ro( ge4s u5 in com(a4 5osi4ion*
= -onC4 le4 you go you li44le ra4B
3ou have no righ4 4o 4a9e 4he 5hase
a-ay 8rom humani4yB 3ou -onC4 (e
doing any4hing no-B
+e have already con4rolled i4 8or
millennia* And no4hingCs going 4o
#han slo-ly 8lies u5 4o Ro( and gives ou4 a loud malevolen4
Ro( yells and 4hro-s himsel8 a4 #han* He 4ries 4o hi4 him
-i4h a Jum5'9ic9*
#han reaches his hands ou4* 6u4 o8 his hands comes an
elec4rical discharge -hich 4hro-s Ro( agains4 4he -all* He
slams hard agains4 4he -all 8alls 4o 4he 8loor and ge4s u5
#han slo-ly lo-ers 4o 4he ground* Ro( scurries u5 and (egins
4o 9ic9 and 5unch #han on 4he head* #han 8eels no 5ain* He
3ou really donC4 unders4and 4ha4
youCve go4 no chance* This is my
#han 9ic9s Ro( in 4he ches4* Ro( 8lies (ac9 and slams
agains4 4he -all* He 8alls 8ee(ly 4o 4he ground* Blood
s4reams do-n his 8ace*
#han slo-ly and s4eadily goes u5 4o Ro(* The energy in his
hands slo-ly ga4hers in4o a (all*
>o- -eCre going 4o 8ry your (rain*
$4o sel8&
And -ha4 i8 4hese la-s o8 5hysics
only o5era4e (ecause =Cve (elieved
in 4hemF
Ro( con4inues 4o lie on 4he 8loor* #han comes closer*
Ro( 8ocuses his a44en4ion on 4he car4ridge shell lying neA4
4o him*
The car4ridge shell does no4 move*
Ro( 8ocuses his a44en4ion even harder on 4he car4ridge
#han is only a 8e- s4e5s a-ay 8rom Ro(* Elec4rical im5ulses
5ulsa4e 4hrough #hanCs hands* A huge energy (all has
accumula4ed in (e4-een his 5alms*
Ro( loo9s des5era4ely a4 4he car4ridge shell*
The car4ridge shell Jer9s a (i4 s4o5s and slo-ly (egins 4o
A smile 8lic9ers across Ro(Cs 8ace*
The car4ridge shell Euic9ly ro4a4es and levi4a4es u5 in 4he
#han ou4s4re4ches his hands -i4h large energy (alls (e4-een
4hem 4o-ards Ro(Cs head*
A4 4he las4 second Ro( 9ic9s #han in 4he gu4*
#han 8lies a4 4he -all on 4he o55osi4e side o8 4he room* A
dee5 inden4 8orms on 4he -all* 2e(ris 8lies o88 in many
direc4ions* #han s4ruggles 4o 8ree himsel8 8rom 4he -all*
Tha4 -onC4 hel5 you a4 allB
Ro( and #han run 4o-ards one ano4her* They levi4a4e u5 in4o
4he air and hang sus5ended %! 8ee4 a5ar4 8rom one ano4her*
Their energy 8ields in4ersec4 4o 8orm a 5lane (e4-een 4hem*
The elec4rical 8ield in4ersec4ion 5lane shi84s 4o-ards Ro(*
Ro(Cs 8ace is eA4remely s4rained*
The elec4rical 8ield in4ersec4ion 5lane is close 4o Ro( and
he slo-ly 8lies (ac9 4o-ards 4he -all*
Ro(Cs glance moves a-ay 8rom #han 8or a second and he loo9s
4o-ards 4he (i5edal ro(o4ic machines* =nside are 4he nerd
and 4he Ras4a8arian inca5aci4a4ed (y 4he elec4rical
discharge s4orms*
Ro( 8lies 8ur4her and 8ur4her (ac9*
Ro( is 5ressed agains4 4he -all* #hanCs energy 8ield almos4
reaches Ro(* =4 is a hairCs (read4h a-ay 8rom Ro(Cs 8ace*
Elec4rical discharge suddenly surges ou4 8rom Ro( along 4he
8loor 4o-ards 4he Ras4a8arian and 4he nerdCs (i5edal ro(o4ic
The curren4 s4o5s shoc9ing 4he nerd and 4he Ras4a8arian*
Their (i5edal ro(o4ic machines (egin 4o move* They shoo4 ou4
in concer4 8rom 5o-er8ul 4aser -ea5ons in each arm*
#HA> $6*S*&
#a4ch moronB
?our 4hic9 4aser -ires 8ly ou4 a4 #han* He 8lies (ac9-ards
and goes in4o convulsions 8rom 4he s4rong curren4* Po-er8ul
elec4rical curren4s 5ulsa4e across his (ody*
Ro( 8alls 8ee(ly 4o 4he ground (u4 he s4ruggles (ac9 u5 and
concen4ra4es his a44en4ion* Po-er8ul elec4rical discharges
emana4e 8rom his head in all direc4ions* The en4ire room is
8illed -i4h (la:ing elec4rical discharges coming 8rom Ro(Cs
All o8 4he ceiling ligh4s and 4he -all'screen in 4he command
cen4er 8lic9er (ac9 on* Bo4h sensori:a4ors come (ac9 on*
Their needle cocoons o5en u5*
All o8 4he elec4rical discharge 8rom Ro(Cs head ga4hers in4o
one 4hic9 elec4rici4y (eam* The (eam moves 4o-ards a
5araly:ed #han* =4 gra(s #han and carries him 4hrough 4he
air 4o-ards 4he sensori:a4or*
#han -ri4hes in convulsions*
The (eam 8rom Ro(Cs head 5laces #han in4o needle cocoon o8
4he sensori:a4or* The sensori:a4or 5ulls #hanCs arms and
legs in4o every direc4ion* The cocoon o8 needles aimed a4
4he s9in envelo5es #hanCs (ody* The needles move Euic9ly*
Elec4rical discharge 5ulsa4es along 4he assem(ly*
#hanCs eyes are -idened (y i4s mechanical hands* A helme4
comes do-n on his head* A (righ4 ligh4 shines 8or4h 8rom
under 4he helme4 and a loud 2R6>=>, S6;>2 rever(era4es* The
sensori:a4or moves all o8 4he 5ar4s o8 #hanCs (ody*
The sensori:a4or (egins 4o gyra4e simul4aneously in every
direc4ion* The Ras4a8arian and nerd s4and near(y in 4heir
(i5edal ro(o4ic machines*
The sensori:a4or -inds u5 8as4er and 8as4er* Ro( direc4s 4he
elec4rical (eam 8rom his head a4 4he sensori:a4or and i4
(egins 4o ro4a4e a4 enormous s5eed*
The needle cocoon around #han (egins 4o smolder*
E1T* ?6RTRESS ' 2A3
S4uden4s .% .0 .3 .4 ./ .6 and .P -ander various
8loors o8 4he 8or4ress in 4heir (i5edal ro(o4ic machines*
They 5eriodically s4o5 (y -indo-s and le4 ou4 salvos o8 gun
and roc9e4 8ire* E1PL6S=6>S rever(era4e 4herea84er* The
s4uden4s carry on*
E1T* 26ME ' 2A3
The 8or4ress is u5 in 8ire smo9e and eA5losions* The
4rans5aren4 dome 8lic9ers and 4hen disa55ears*
#;T T6<
E1T* 2ESERT ' 2A3
A deser4 road -i4h no(ody else on i4* Ro( si4s on a 5o-er8ul
s5or4s mo4orcycle* The engine is o88*
R6B $7*6*&
=n childhood = -as very disa55oin4ed
4o 8ind ou4 4ha4 8airy 4ales -erenC4
4rue* Bu4 no- = 4ruly live in 4-o
-orlds* = am a man o8 a ne- era and
everyone can (ecome one li9e me*
Reali4y is much more ama:ing 4han
any 8an4asy*
Michael is neA4 4o Ro(er4* He is also on a s5or4s
= 4hin9 4ha4 you have almos4
com5le4ed 4he 8irs4 s4age o8 your
+ha4FB A84er all 4ha4 ' only 4he
8irs4 s4ageF
3ou 9no- i4 really doesnC4 ma44er
-ha4 4he na4ure o8 4he 5hase is or
-here i4 is loca4ed* +ha4 ma44ers is
4ha4 you can 8ind yoursel8 in i4 and
use i4 4o your o-n ends* =4Cs 4he
mos4 ama:ing human a(ili4y*
Remem(er my -ords -henever cer4ain
issues come u5*
+ha4 do you meanF +ha4 9ind o8
Every4hing is only (eginning 8or
you* Soon you -ill encoun4er 8ac4s
4ha4 -ill 8undamen4ally al4er your
5erce54ion no4 only o8 4he 5hase
(u4 o8 reali4y i4sel8* 3our real
4raining is s4ill ahead o8 you*
= donC4 unders4and any4hing***
+ha4Cs neA4F >o- no(odyCs ge44ing in
4he -ay o8 ma9ing 4he 5hase a mass
5henomenon* May(e ma9e a movie 8or
maAimum im5ac4F
,rea4 ideaB
A serious'loo9ing @a4 -al9s u5 8rom (ehind 4o-ards Michael*
She goes u5 4o Michael and Jum5s over 4o his side*
@a4 ho5s in4o 4he 5assenger sea4 and 5u4s her arms around
All 5resen4 and accoun4ed 8orB
Allie si4s do-n (ehind Ro(* Everyone 5u4s on helme4s* Ro(
and Michael reeve u5 4heir engines*
@a4 and Allie run 4heir hands over Michael and Ro(Cs ches4s*
2ee5ening and main4aining 4he 5hase
4hrough 5al5a4ionB
Ro( and Allie laugh*
The (andi4 has re8ormed and (ecome a
grea4 s4uden4B
Ro( -earing a helme4 4urns 4o-ards Michael*
Ac4ually Michael
= 9no- -ho you really are*
Michael loo9s a4 Ro( in4en4ly*
Michael and Ro( loo9 a4 one ano4her smile and 9noc9 4heir
8is4s 4oge4her*
+ell loo9s li9e =Cve underes4ima4ed
you again*
Michael and Ro( hi4 4he gas* Their mo4ors roar*
MaAimum 5hysical la-sF
>o 4han9 youB =Cm no4 as much o8 a
sno( as you ye4B
The mo4orcycles a(ru54ly 4a9e o88* Their -heels le4 ou4 a
lo4 o8 sEuealing and smo9e* @a4 and Allie yell in 8ear*
The 4-o s5or4s mo4orcycles 4ear a-ay a4 grea4 s5eed* They
4ry 4o ou4s4ri5 one ano4her* Ro( 4a9es 4he lead* Michael
over4a9es him* The -heels o8 Ro(Cs mo4orcycle visi(ly s5in
8as4er -hile in mo4ion* He a(ru54ly surges 4o 4a9e 4he lead*
The 4-o s5or4s mo4orcycles drive o88 in4o 4he dis4ance a4
(rea9nec9 s5eed*
#;T T6<
S4ree4 in a (edroom su(ur(* T-o's4ory homes -i4h garages*
Some 5assers(y and cars*
Luminous 5eo5le come ou4 o8 each home* They scru4ini:e
every4hing around 4hem in ama:emen4* 6ne does 8li5s in 4he
air* Ano4her 8lies 8ull s5eed ahead* 3e4 ano4her scru4ini:es
4he grass and 4rees* They are all Joy8ul and ha55y*
R6B $7*6*&
+elcome 4o 4he neA4 s4e5 o8 our
evolu4ion M 4o 4he ou4'o8'(ody ageB

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