Eng 101 (BEED) - New Template Syllabus
Eng 101 (BEED) - New Template Syllabus
Eng 101 (BEED) - New Template Syllabus
NEMSU believes that higher education is an instrument for the improvement of life through democratized access to quality education in the development
of a well-rounded person.
A transformative leading University in Asia and the Pacific.
NEMSU shall provide competency-based higher education training through transformative instruction, relevant research, sustainable extension and
production responsive to local, regional and global trends.
1. Produce competent and skilled graduates prepared for gainful employment;
2. Develop graduates who shall not only foster economic progress but also care for the environment, adhere to positive value system, and preserve
cultural heritage;
3. Engage in high-impact research for instruction and develop technology for food security and renewable energy;
4. Collaborate with government and non-government agencies to help improve the lives of the marginalized groups; and
5. Promote cooperation/partnership among regional, national, and ASEAN institutions in Higher Education.
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A combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal attributes that contribute to enhance SDSSU
employee and student performance and ultimately result in organizational success.
Responsibility for own actions, decisions and commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient, cost-effective and transparent manner
manifesting the value of sound stewardship in the wise use of resources for common good.
A prompt action, consistent communication, quality information, and a focus on providing a superior experience to stakeholders.
The quality spectrum at exceptional levels demonstrated by learning outcomes and the development of shared culture of quality consistent
with the vision, mission and goals of University.
Dedication for a continuous improvement of services, stakeholder’s relationships and partnership which stresses interdependence and
collaboration for a sustainable success of clients and their communities in helping build a just, peaceful, stable and progressive Filipino
These core values are not descriptions of the work we do, nor the strategies we employ to accomplish our University vision. They are the core values
that underlie our works and interactions as we internalize responsibilities to fulfil our mission. They are the basic elements of how we go about our
work and how we deal with stakeholders, molds students to become competent, innovative, globally competitive and service-oriented.
The North Eastern Mindanao State University commits itself to produce highly motivated, globally competitive, and morally upright human resource
through the delivery of transformative and quality higher education that conforms to international standards driven by excellent instruction, relevant
researches, sustainable extension, and production services. Together with our stakeholders, we shall endeavor for continual improvement of our
quality management system in consonance with statutory and regulatory requirements for clients and industry satisfaction for quality of life.
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The College of Teacher Education will produce competent teachers imbued with ethical values and ideals in the humane environment supportive to
national thrust for social transformation. It is committed to provide students with:
Eng 101: Teaching English in the Elementary Grades (Language Arts) FM-ACAD-011/Rev.003/1.26.2023/Page 3
Apply theories of learning in designing learning-teaching experiences
PLO2. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content Explain subject matter content clearly, accurately and comprehensively
knowledge of the different subject areas Relate current content with past and future lessons.
Integrate recent developments in education and in the specific field to
enrich learning
Provide examples to real life to make learning meaningful
Utilize appropriate teaching-learning methods and technology for
specific subject matter content
Keep abreast with educational issues, trends and practices vis-à-vis
local and global context to provide relevant learning experiences
PLO3. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure Design authentic assessment, evaluation instruments and alternative
learning outcomes assessment tools
PLO4. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use Demonstrate skills in creative and critical thinking, logical reasoning,
of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching problem solving, and decision making in various classroom situations
Create learning experiences that develop the learners’ higher order
thinking skills
Provide opportunities that develop learners’ communication skills
PLO5. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an Act according to the norms of the teaching profession in dealing with
individual and as a professional students
Manifest positive personal and professional qualities of a teacher
PLO6. Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and Pursue personal growth and professional
professional development
This course will emphasize English as a second language with main focus on language teaching methodologies to improve knowledge on the
structure and fluency in the English language, and literacy skills, through listening, speaking, reading, writing and viewing. It consists of content-based
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lessons that will enhance the student’s skills along application of various teaching strategies in teaching English, the use of ICT to facilitate the teaching
learning process and selecting, designing and organization of appropriate assessment strategies. Demonstrating knowledge and skills on content and
pedagogy through lesson presentations is an important highlight of this course (CMO No 74 s. 2017).
CLO1. Demonstrate content knowledge on the structure of English language that refers to
ILO1 PLO2 1.1.1
grammar in both oral and written form
CLO3. Prepare developmentally sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum
ILO1 PLO1 3.2.1, 4.1.1
requirements and respond to the learners’ linguistic backgrounds
CLO4. Select, develop and use varied teaching and learning resources in Language Arts to
ILO1 PLO2 1.1.4, 4.5.1
promote literacy and English language fluency
CLO5. Design, select, organize and use appropriate and varied assessment strategies
consistent with the curriculum requirements and communicate learner progress and ILO1 PLO2 5.1.1, 5.5.1
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Detailed Course Learning Plan
Week 2 a. Identify teaching General Principles in Lecture-discussion Video Lessons Oral Discussion CLO1
principles in Language Arts Teaching on concepts and Relevant reading CLO2
language Arts principles of materials Criteria for Oral
teaching and language Arts discussion:
explain how teaching.
these principles Content- 60%
are used in Brainstorming using Delivery-20%
teaching. the talking circle Organization and
strategy correct usage-
Class impact-
Participation in
the talking circle
Week 3 a. Describe and The structure of the K to 12 Walkthrough about Video Lessons Oral discussion CLO1
Language arts Curriculum
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discuss the salient the content/scope Relevant reading
features of the K to and sequence of materials Criteria for Oral
12 Language Language discussion:
Curriculum Curriculum for the K-
12 BEP Content- 60%
4As Approach Organization and
(activate, acquire, correct usage-
apply and assess) 20%
Class impact-
Week 3 - a. Discuss the five Five Macro Skills in language Lecture-group Powerpoint Creative CLO1
4 macro skill and a. Listening presentation Presentation presentation of CLO2
their importance b. Speaking Sample Lesson Plan outputs by group CLO4
within the English c. Reading Talking circles Video Lessons with the use of
teaching area and d. Writing Relevant reading rubric
in promoting e. Viewing 5Es Learning materials
literacy skills; and models
b. Demonstrate
examples of
teaching strategies
that promote the
five macro skills.
Week 5 a. Differentiate Background on Approaches, Lecture- Video Lessons Summative CLO1
approaches, Strategies, Methods and discussion Powerpoint Assessment
strategies, Techniques presentations
methods and Discuss the tenets Fact Sheets
techniques from of the different Video Lessons
each other; and models in teaching Relevant reading
b. Give examples of language arts along materials
approaches, approaches,
strategies, strategies , methods
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methodologies and and techniques
techniques that
can be used in Reality Pedagogy
Language Arts
Week 6- a. Provide The Approaches for Language Lecture- Video Lessons The narrative CLO1
7 background Arts Teaching presentation with Powerpoint CLO2
information about a. Communicative peer discussion presentations Narrative reports CLO4
the different b. Language Scaffolding Fact Sheets on the classroom
teaching c. Cooperative Learning Classroom Video Lessons observation
approaches used d. Situational observation Relevant reading made
for teaching e. Functional-notional materials
English f. Multi-skill
b. Select approaches g. Content-based
that support h. Task-based
learner i. Participatory
engagement and
towards promoting
literacy skills and
English language
Week 8- a. Explain the The Methods of Teaching Video-lecture Video Lessons Participation to CLO1
9 process of Language Arts presentation Powerpoint Talking Circles CLO2
different a. The Grammar-translation presentations CLO3
methodologies b. The Direct method Talking circle and Fact Sheets Criteria for
used in teaching c. The Audiolingual method class sharing Video Lessons participation in
English for the d. Total Physical Response Relevant reading talking circles
elementary e. Community Language Learning Classroom materials Content – 40%
b. Determine how f. The Silent way observation Delivery- 20%
these methods g. Language experience method Organization-
address learner’s h. Desuggestopedia Making Graphic 20%
Eng 101: Teaching English in the Elementary Grades (Language Arts) FM-ACAD-011/Rev.003/1.26.2023/Page 8
diversity in an Organizer that Response to
English class shows different questions- 20%
c. Assess the methods in teaching
methods used in English language
an actual teaching arts
through classroom
Week 9 Midterm Examination
Week 10 a. Identify and Learning Strategies and Lecture-discussion Video Lessons Reflection paper CLO1
- 11 discuss learning Assessment technique as Powerpoint about the CLO5
strategies for an applied to teaching language Process Oriented presentations classroom
English lesson Strategies: -Content language Guided Inquiry Fact Sheets observation
b. Select appropriate integrated learning Lessons (POGIL) Video Lessons made
assessment CALL Computer assisted Relevant reading
technique to language learning Classroom materials Graded
assess the extent observation simulation
of learners’
mastery Critiquing of sample
c. Articulate assessment tools
feedback to
improve learners’
Week 12 a. Select and create Instructional material selection, Lecture- Video Lessons Preparation and CLO4
appropriate design and development presentation aided Powerpoint presentation of
instructional by ppt Presentation the developed/
materials for Video Lessons designed
teaching English Project-based Relevant reading learning
in the elementary learning (making materials resources to the
IMs) class
Week 13 a. Prepare Development of learning plans Lecture-discussion Varied Instructional Individual CLO3
developmentally for English language arts Materials writing of CLO5
sequenced Lesson plan Video Lessons sample lesson
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teaching and Writing Relevant reading plans/ session
learning process to materials plans using
meet the different
curriculum techniques in the
requirements of different parts of
English arts the lesson.
b. Apply teaching Pair work-peer
principles, critiquing of
strategies and sample
assessment lesson/session
technique plans
knowledge in
lesson plan
preparation; and
c. Write a lesson
design for a given
subject-matter in
English language
Week a. Demonstrate an Demonstration Teaching Pre-conference Graded lesson CLO1
14-17 English language presentation CLO2
arts lesson using Demonstration CLO3
content-based and Lesson Evaluating the CLO4
pedagogical Demo-lesson CLO5
knowledge Post-conference
effectively; (demo-teacher and Rubric:
b. Apply observer) Content-30 %
developmentally Delivery and use
sequenced of strategy-30%
teaching strategies Mastery of the
that promote lesson-20%
literacy skills Instructional
Eng 101: Teaching English in the Elementary Grades (Language Arts) FM-ACAD-011/Rev.003/1.26.2023/Page 10
through an actual materials-10%
teaching Classroom
presentation; management-
c. Use varied 10%
learning resources Assessment
responsive to strategy-10%
learners with
different linguistic Total 100%
backgrounds; and
d. Use appropriate
and varied
consistent with the
requirements and
learner progress
and achievement.
Week 18 Final Examination Major Output: Demonstration Teaching with Technology Integration
Beach, R., Boyd, A. S., Webb, A., & Thein, A. H. (2022). Teaching to exceed in the English language arts. Routledge
Birsh, J. R. & Carreker, S.(Eds.). (2018). Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills (4th ed.). Brookes Publishing
Dyches, J., Sams, B., & Boyd, A. S. (Eds.) (2020). Acts of resistance: Subversive teaching in the English language arts classroom. Myers Education
English Guide, K to 12 Curriculum. Department of Education
Polat, N., Gregersen, T., & MacIntyre, P.D. (Eds.). (2020). Research-driven pedagogy: Implications of L2a theory and research for the teaching of
language skills. Routledge.
Ruggieri,L., Flounders, A., & Westrup. (2020). DK Workbooks: Language Arts, Math and Science, Grade 3. Penguin Random House.
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Soleimani, H. (2021). Computer assisted language learning: Theory to practice. Payame Noor University
Online Sources
Different Language Teaching Methods. (2020). Northwest Career College. Retrieved August 4, 2023 https://www.northwestcareercollege.edu/blog/
General Principles and Strategies. (n.d.). PBS LearningMedia. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/subjects/professional-
Requirements - 20%
Class Standing - 40%
-Quizzes - 20%
-Oral Recitation - 10%
- Assignment - 5%
- Attendance - 5%
Major Exams - 40%
TOTAL 100%
1. Mobile Device Usage: During class sessions, the use of mobile phones is generally discouraged. However, mobile phones may be used if specific
course activities require them and necessitate internet connectivity. Please ensure that such usage is respectful to the learning environment.
2. Assessment Procedures: There will be no special tests for quizzes or oral recitations. All assessment methods will be communicated in advance
through the course syllabus.
3. Late Submissions: Timely submission of assignments and projects is essential. Points will be deducted for late submissions, so it is crucial to
adhere to deadlines. If you foresee any challenges meeting a deadline, please contact the instructor in advance.
4. Major Outputs: Students are expected to complete and submit all major assignments as outlined in the course syllabus. Failure to do so may
result in an incomplete grade, which can have academic consequences.
5. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism, which includes copying and presenting someone else's work as your own, is strictly prohibited in all submitted
assignments and outputs. Make sure to properly cite sources and use original work.
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6. Compliance with Course Requirements: To ensure a successful course completion, it is imperative that you comply with all requirements stated
in the course syllabus. This includes attending classes, participating in discussions, and completing assignments as specified.
7. Special Examinations: In cases where students have valid reasons for missing major exams (e.g., medical emergencies or documented personal
issues), they may request a special examination. Please communicate such situations with the instructor promptly.
8. Respectful Conduct: Any form of bullying, discrimination, or harassment, whether in person or online, is strictly prohibited. We are committed to
maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students.
Associate Professor I Program Coordinator Department Chair Dean CTE Vice President for Academic Affairs
Tagbina Campus Tagbina Campus Tagbina Campus
Associate Professor I Program Coordinator Department Chair Director, Curriculum
Tandag Campus Tandag Campus Tandag Campus Development
Associate Professor I Program Coordinator Department Chair
Lianga Campus Lianga Campus Lianga Campus
Date: _________________ Date: _______________ Date: _________________ Date: ______________ Date: _________________
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