Tic 4
Tic 4
Tic 4
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The Aluminum (Al) metal has numerous applications all industries according to its strength to weight
Received 15 June 2020 ratio. In the present work, three different volume fractions of Aluminium-Titanium carbide (TiC) metal
Received in revised form 4 July 2020 matrix (Al-TiC) composites namely 100%-Al, 95%-Al & 5%-TiC and 90%-Al & 10%-TiC are formulated by
Accepted 8 July 2020
sintering of mechanically alloyed powder (ball milling) in powder metallurgy processes to enhance the
Available online xxxx
mechanical properties. The prepared Al–TiC composites are characterized by SEM and EDX and their
microstructure reveals the uniform distribution of reinforced particles in metal matrix. Further, the
Hardness of the composite experimentally investigated and the results reveal that the addition of TiC sig-
Titanium carbide
nificantly enhances the hardness of the composite.
Sintering Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Powder metallurgy Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
Hardness ence on Newer Trends and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering: Materials Science.
1. Introduction Boron Carbide content in pure Al [10]. Tamer et al. (2008) investi-
gated the mechanical and machinability characteristics of Silicon
Aluminum alloys are widely used in automobile industries due Carbide particle reinforced aluminium metal matrix composites.
to their superior physical and mechanical properties like lower The results exhibits that the increase in reinforcement ratio signif-
density, low weight, low coefficient of thermal expansion, excel- icantly enhances the tensile strength, hardness and density of alu-
lent corrosion resistance, high tensile strength, high stiffness, high minium metal matrix composites [11]. Abouelmagd et al. (2004)
hardness and wear resistance compared to the other alloys as well studied the hot deformation and wear resistance behavior of alu-
as metals. The applications of Al metal matrix composites are minium metal matrix composites formulated by powder metal-
increasing day by day due to high strength to weight ratio [1–4]. lurgy. It was found that the addition of Al2O3 and Al4C3
Various fabrication technologies are used to fabricate the Compos- significantly increases the hardness, compressive strength and
ites materials according to the type of reinforcement used like solid wear resistance of the metal matrix composites [12]. Rabiei et al.
state consolidation (powder metallurgy), stir casting, liquid metal (2008) used trial and error method for investigating the fracture
infiltration, squeeze casting, and spray co-deposition [5–9]. toughness of aluminium matrix composites consisting various par-
Sharifi et al. (2011) mixed Boron Carbide nano particles with ticle reinforcements and compared the experimental results with
pure Al powder by ball milling to produce Aluminium–Boron Car- Hahn–Rosenfield model and found close agreement [13].
bide composite powder and hot pressed to produce bulk nanocom- Ramachandra and Radhakrishnan (2005) experimentally studied
posite at different weight fractions. The results show that the the wear resistance of aluminium matrix composites and observed
hardness, ultimate compressive strength and wear resistance of an increasing trend with the increase in fly ash content and
the nanocomposites increased significantly by increasing the decreasing trend with increase in normal load as well as sliding
velocity [14].
The main purpose of reinforcing TiC into Al is to enhance the
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T. Albert), [email protected] (J. Sunil), mechanical properties. In this study, three different volume frac-
[email protected] (A. Simon Christopher), [email protected] (R. Jegan), tions of Al-TiC composites namely 100%-Al, 95%-Al & 5%-Tic and
[email protected] (P. Anand Prabhu), [email protected] (M. Selvaganesan)
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Newer Trends and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering:
Materials Science.
Please cite this article as: T. Albert, J. Sunil, A. Simon Christopher et al., Preparation and characterization of aluminium-titanium carbide (Al-TiC) composite
using powder metallurgy, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.07.155
2 T. Albert et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
90%-Al & 10%-Tic are formulated by sintering of mechanically 3. Results and discussion
alloyed powder (ball milling) in powder metallurgy processes.
The prepared Al–TiC composites are characterized by SEM and A SEM can be utilized for high magnification imaging of almost
EDX. The Hardness of the composite experimentally investigated all materials for determining their morphology. The SEM (Scanning
through Brinell hardness tester and their mechanism are discussed. Electron Microscope) images of the Al Powder and Titanium Car-
bide powders are presented in the Fig. 2.
It is observed that the Al powder and TiC powders are exhibiting
2. Materials and methods the finest grain sizes between 40 and 60 lm with irregular mor-
phology. The microstructures of the Al-TiC composite are studied
In this study, Aluminium (50 lm) is being used as a base mate- using SEM.
rial and Titanium carbide (65 lm) is used as reinforcement which A homogeneous microstructure was observed from the Fig. 3
are procured from Parshwamani Metals, Mumbai. The following which indicates that the first stage of powder metallurgy produc-
procedure is followed for preparing of Al-TiC composites. tion through the blending and compaction was done. Due to the
sintering in the meteorological furnace at 550 °C, heterogeneous
Blend the weighed TiC powder in a V-shape blender at 60 rpm cluster of Al-TiC composite was observed. This heterogeneous
for 45 min. structure Al-TiC composite leads to raise in the number of pores
Fill the die with Al-TiC composite powder mixture and com- as its density decreases. The Fig. 3(B) and (C) clearly exhibit the
press by 250 Ton hydraulic press for compaction. uniformly distributed TiC within the matrix material also the visi-
Then the compacted Al-TiC composite powder mixture is sub- ble oxide layers are observed which will significantly impact on the
jected to solid state sinter thermo-physical characteristics of the Al-TiC composite. The ele-
Sintering in the furnace at 550 °C for 30 min which increases ment analysis or chemical characterization of Pure Al, 95%-Al &
the bonding strength of the aggregate powder particles. 5%-TiC and 90%-Al & 10%-TiC are presented in the Fig. 4 which
relies on an interaction of X-ray source excitation and sample
The photography of compacted Pure Al, (B) 95%-Al & 5%-TiC of materials.
Al-TiC composite and 90%-Al & 10%-TiC of Al-TiC composite in The EDX spectrum (Fig. 4) reveals the presence of the elements
shown in Fig. 1. such as Al, Tic, Fe and O in the interface reaction layer. It is believed
that the small amount of Fe and O detected by EDX is maybe due to
the oxide layer formed during sintering. Further, Brinell hardness
test method (ASTM E10) as used to estimate the Brinell hardness
of Pure Al, 95%-Al & 5%-TiC and 90%-Al & 10%-TiC. It is commonly
used to test materials that have a structure that is too coarse/rough
to be tested using another test method. The Brinell hardness num-
ber (BHN) of Al-TiC composite is presented in the Fig. 5.
Generally, the Brinell hardness is estimated by calculating the
diameter of impression made by indentor on the top surface of a
sample while Rockwell hardness is estimated by the depth of the
penetration of a indenter on the surface of the sample. Brinell hard-
ness is estimated by forcing the carbide ball of known diameter
and load into a sample surface and observing the diameter of the
indentation with a optical microscope. The BHN is estimated by
Fig. 1. Photograph of compacted Al-TiC composite (A) Pure Al, (B) 95%-Al & 5%-TiC
and (C) 90%-Al & 10%-TiC.
dividing the load (Kg) and the spherical area of the indentation.
Please cite this article as: T. Albert, J. Sunil, A. Simon Christopher et al., Preparation and characterization of aluminium-titanium carbide (Al-TiC) composite
using powder metallurgy, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.07.155
T. Albert et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
Fig. 3. SEM Images of Al-TiC composite (A) Pure Al, (B) 95%-Al & 5%-TiC and (C) 90%-Al & 10%-TiC.
Please cite this article as: T. Albert, J. Sunil, A. Simon Christopher et al., Preparation and characterization of aluminium-titanium carbide (Al-TiC) composite
using powder metallurgy, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.07.155
4 T. Albert et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 4. EDX spectrum of Al-TiC composite (A) Pure Al, (B) 95%-Al & 5%-TiC and (C) 90%-Al & 10%-TiC.
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Please cite this article as: T. Albert, J. Sunil, A. Simon Christopher et al., Preparation and characterization of aluminium-titanium carbide (Al-TiC) composite
using powder metallurgy, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.07.155