Pennyweight Point - Yundamindera: GSWA Report 90 Gold Mineralization in The Edjudina-Kanowna Region
Pennyweight Point - Yundamindera: GSWA Report 90 Gold Mineralization in The Edjudina-Kanowna Region
Pennyweight Point - Yundamindera: GSWA Report 90 Gold Mineralization in The Edjudina-Kanowna Region
: Purchase from to remove the watermark Gold mineralization in the EdjudinaKanowna region
north-northwesterly trending shears. Microstructural observations on oriented samples from Landed at Last North Extended, and SC fabrics at Boer, indicate reverse movement, consistent with eastwest compression. Moderate to intense ductile deformation in the shear zones has converted the tonalitic and dioritic rocks to a fine- to medium-grained quartzofeldspathic gneiss, and associated veins are variably folded and disrupted by the shear fabric. Additionally, there are some relatively late, transgressive veins and veinlets. Alteration assemblages in both mining areas indicate high-temperature hydrothermal activity. Representative mineral analyses are shown in Tables 2.1 to 2.6 and are plotted in Figures 2.2 and 2.3. Altered mafic rocks at AWA and Highland Chief contain clinopyroxene, plagioclase, amphibole, titanite, and minor K-feldspar. These assemblages indicate alteration temperatures in excess of 550C (Witt, 1991). However, there has been extensive retrograde alteration to epidote, sericite, chlorite, carbonate, and prehnite. In the Yundamindera deposits, calc-silicate alteration, evident from quartzplagioclase titanite( calcic amphibole epidotebiotitecarbonate K-feldspar) assemblage, in mineralized shears is associated with deformed quartzclinopyroxene veins. A typical alteration-zoning scheme is summarized in Table 2.7. Compared to the least-altered and undeformed metatonalite host rock at Maori Queen, calc-silicate alteration assemblages at Maori Queen and Boer contain amphiboles that have higher alkali contents, higher Mg/Mg+Fe ratios and lower amounts of SiO2 (Fig. 2.2). Compositional differences between least-altered metatonalite and altered metatonalite for plagioclase and biotite are not as clear. Plagioclase in least-altered metatonalite is strongly zoned, whereas metasomatic plagioclase appears to display a more limited compositional range (Table 2.1). The main chemical changes in mineralized calc-silicate shears are the addition of SiO2 and, to a lesser extent, S. Na2O, CaO, Fe2O3, MgO, and K2O are commonly added to the calc-silicate lodes, but most chemical components are depleted in very intensely deformed shear centres, which are zones of extreme SiO2 enrichment. Although minor calcite is a common component of the lode systems, addition of CO2 to the host rocks is much less significant than in most Archaean lode-gold deposits (Barley et al., 1990; Witt, 1993). Late-stage veinlets and fractures are associated with retrograde prehnite, carbonate, K-feldspar (adularia), and hematite. The main sulfide mineral in both mining areas is pyrite. Pyrite is closely associated with calc-silicate alteration and veins, but less consistently associated with retrograde hydrothermal activity. The calc-silicate alteration assemblages at Pennyweight Point and Yundamindera are somewhat unusual for Archaean lode-gold deposits, but have possible analogues at Three Mile Hill, Coolgardie (Knight et al., 1997), and Karonie (this Report). Similar assemblages
Roberts et al.
60 50 32
+ +
Pennyweight Point
Pride of Pindinnie
Great Bonaparte
55 60 50
Treasure North
Potosi South
30 60
Little Wonder
1 km
Porphyritic biotitehornblende monzogranite Tonalite (metamorphosed) Granodiorite porphyry dykes (metamorphosed) Dolerite (metamorphosed) Amphibolite and metabasalt (mostly after tholeiitic basalt; some komatiitic basalt) Ultramafic rock (metamorphosed)
Fault (note that early thrust faults have not been highlighted) Geological boundary Track Zones of pervasive foliation Trend lines in greenstones
Contacts between relatively magnetic rocks ( and relatively non-magnetic rocks ( ) Gold deposit or workings with strike and dip of lode (where known)
Figure 2.1. Geological map of the Pennyweight Point and Yundamindera mining areas, showing the location and nature of gold deposits (based on regional maps and aeromagnetic data)
GSWA Report 90
GSWA 119984 ______ calc-silicate lode, Maori Queen ______ margin of qtzcpx vein P23 63.30 23.15 4.69 8.85 100.00 22.7 77.3 P24 61.58 23.87 5.65 8.37 99.47 27.2 72.8 altered wallrock (qtzplampbt) P26 61.98 23.15 5.09 8.52 0.15 98.90 24.6 74.8 0.9 P27 62.02 24.17 5.83 8.32 0.09 100.58 27.8 71.7 0.5 P28 63.80 23.05 4.38 9.06 0.09 100.38 21.0 78.5 0.5 P30 63.41 22.32 4.17 9.13 99.03 20.1 79.9
GSWA 132907 ________________________ calc-silicate lode, Boer _______________________ margin of complex calc-silicate vein FP2 62.91 23.02 4.49 9.37 0.07 99.87 20.9 78.7 0.4 FP3 61.86 24.22 5.77 8.25 100.09 27.9 72.1 FP5 60.38 24.73 6.85 7.58 0.08 99.62 33.1 66.4 0.5 FP7 59.21 24.99 7.26 7.09 0.18 98.73 35.8 63.2 1.0 ____ altered wallrock (plampep) _____ FP8 58.71 25.55 7.88 7.00 0.13 99.28 38.1 61.1 0.8 FP9 62.44 23.43 5.16 8.78 0.16 99.98 24.3 74.8 0.9 FP10 60.57 23.38 6.30 8.30 0.12 98.67 29.3 70.0 0.6 FP12 62.99 22.92 4.73 8.90 0.09 99.63 22.6 76.9 0.5 FP13 62.14 23.34 5.29 8.42 0.16 99.35 25.5 73.6 0.9
___ intermediate ___ P5 59.95 25.90 8.06 7.17 101.08 38.3 61.7 P12 61.50 24.41 6.19 8.38 0.18 100.67 28.7 70.3 1.0 P13 61.86 24.57 6.01 7.99 100.43 29.4 70.6
_____ margin ______ P6 61.83 25.08 1.81 7.48 2.66 98.96 9.8 73.1 17.1 P17 59.50 25.99 8.20 7.17 100.85 38.7 61.3 P15 66.32 20.84 1.64 10.44 0.15 99.38 7.9 91.2 0.9
rim P8 60.11 25.32 7.34 7.42 0.08 100.28 35.2 64.3 0.5
Analyses of mineral phases were carried out using a JEOL 6400 scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the Centre of Electron Microscopy, University of Western Australia. Analytical conditions are described in Appendix 7 Analyses with K2O have probably been influenced by minor sericitization of the plagioclase qtz: quartz cpx: clinopyroxene pl: plagioclaise amp: amphibole bt: biotite ep: epidote
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Table 2.2. Analyses of amphiboles, Yundamindera mining centre GSWA 119978 ______ least-altered metatonalite, MaoriQueen ______ GSWA 119984 calc-silicate lode, Maori Queen adjacent to complex calc-silicate vein AM11 53.64 0.14 2.21 13.97 0.47 15.03 12.98 0.37 0.07 98.88 34.3 20.64 AM12 44.69 0.45 8.94 0.16 19.15 0.37 10.54 12.22 1.11 0.89 98.52 50.5 4.24 GSWA 119984 ______ calc-silicate lode, Maori Queen ____ GSWA 132907 _________ calc-silicate lode, Boer ________ thin amphibole selvage to clinopyroxene band in complex calc-silicate vein AM19 49.32 0.24 5.66 13.07 0.43 14.31 12.36 0.76 0.44 96.59 33.9 7.39 HB1 45.45 0.26 8.17 20.29 0.48 9.65 12.15 0.99 0.66 98.11 54.1 4.72 HB4 39.42 1.14 13.21 20.76 0.46 7.44 12.01 1.41 1.83 97.68 61.0 2.53 altered wallrock (plampep) HB6 44.64 0.75 9.75 18.80 0.50 9.51 12.14 1.03 1.06 98.18 52.6 3.88 HB9 40.7 1.34 11.32 20.18 0.45 8.13 11.90 1.19 1.52 96.72 58.2 3.05
hornblende clot AM2 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Total Fe/Fe+Mg Si/Al
altered wallrock (qtzplampbt) AM14 46.99 0.23 7.46 0.13 16.29 0.53 12.12 12.50 0.91 0.69 97.86 43.0 5.34 AM15 40.75 0.89 12.00 0.45 19.60 0.44 8.52 11.76 1.31 1.61 97.33 56.3 2.88 AM18 46.18 0.51 8.60 15.45 0.59 12.22 12.45 1.16 0.78 97.93 41.5 4.56
AM4 47.78 1.23 6.60 17.37 0.44 11.81 11.32 1.07 0.26 97.88 45.2 6.14
AM6 47.65 0.40 7.22 17.56 0.25 11.46 12.16 1.16 0.37 98.24 46.2 5.60
AM7 52.93 2.28 0.13 14.29 0.46 14.91 12.17 0.62 0.07 97.87 35.0 19.7
AM8 52.59 0.15 2.95 0.23 14.48 0.37 14.47 11.97 0.62 97.82 36.0 15.14
48.49 0.87 6.14 17.25 0.29 11.86 11.79 1.03 0.26 97.98 44.9 6.70
Amphiboles in sample GSWA 119978 are optically zoned, perhaps reflecting the presence of both igneous and metamorphic amphibole, but consistent compositional differences between margins and cores of amphibole grains could not be detected. The hornblende clot (an aggregate, about 5 mm across, of amphibole grains) appears to contain some chemically anomalous amphibole (high SiO2, low FeO and Al2O3) qtz: quartz pl: plagioclaise ep: epidote amp: amphibole bt: biotite
GSWA Report 90
Table 2.3. Analyses of micas and related phyllosilicates, Yundamindera mining centre GSWA 119978 __ least-altered metatonalite, Maori Queen __ GSWA 119984 calc-silicate lode, Maori Queen altered wallrock (qtzplampbt) BI1 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO K2O Total Fe/Fe+Mg
GSWA 132907 ____________ calc-silicate lode, Boer ____________ msep aggregates after pl in margin of complex calc-silicate vein msep aggregates after pl in altered wallrock (plampep) MS9 45.50 31.38 2.79 1.30 10.93 91.88 MS10 45.99 0.61 30.34 3.53 1.90 11.22 93.59 MS11 46.60 0.13 31.81 2.72 1.38
BI6 33.66 3.65 16.19 21.64 0.19 11.40 0.44 6.46 93.63 51.6
BI8 30.37 1.55 17.13 24.78 0.26 13.43 0.35 2.20 90.08 50.9
BI9 36.43 1.07 16.40 17.61 0.27 13.08 9.02 93.89 43.0
BI11 31.39 0.74 16.37 25.52 0.26 12.12 3.71 90.12 54.1
BI12 37.54 1.00 16.60 0.13 16.41 0.24 13.54 0.11 9.65 95.23 40.5
11.02 93.65
Samples designated BI are optically biotite, and those designated MS are optically muscovite, although some analyses indicate the minerals are partially altered to chlorite, illite, and other clay minerals qtz: quartz cpx: clinopyroxene pl: plagioclaise ms: muscovite amp: amphibole bt: biotite ep: epidote
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51.94 1.19 13.45 0.33 9.87 23.53 101.07 22.0 28.7 49.3
cpx: clinopyroxene
Table 2.5. Carbonate mineral analyses, Yundamindera mining centre GSWA 119984 calc-silicate lode, Maori Queen quartzclinopyroxene vein CB1 FeO MnO MgO CaO Total FeCO3 MnCO3 MgCO3 CaCO3 Nomenclature 56.54 56.54 100 Calcite CB2 0.35 0.20 0.27 56.56 57.38 0.5 0.3 0.7 98.6 Calcite GSWA 132907 calc-silicate lode, Boer carbonate veinlet in complex calc-silicate vein CB1 0.14 55.21 55.35 0.2 99.8 Calcite CB3 55.46 55.46 100 Calcite
elsewhere, referred to as sodiccalcic alteration, have been ascribed to up-temperature flow of hydrothermal fluids in close proximity to granitoid intrusions (Dilles and Einaudi, 1992; DeJong and Williams, 1995). Phase-equilibria and fluid-inclusion studies have been used to estimate temperatures of 400600C for sodiccalcic alteration at Cloncurry, Coolgardie, and Nevada. A full appreciation of the structural controls on gold mineralization in the Pennyweight Point and Yundamindera mining areas requires some discussion of the enigmatic aeromagnetic patterns in the metatonalite body (Fig. 2.1). They could be interpreted as a northward-migrating sequence of roughly circular intrusions. An alternative interpretation is that the overlapping magnetic patterns are caused by a series of low-angle thrust faults that have cut a circular pluton into several circular discs (Fig. 2.4). The direction of overlap suggests that thrusting displaced successively higher parts of the original pluton to the north. Weakly magnetic domains are interpreted as thrust faults that dip gently to the south and which are associated with hydrothermal alteration of igneous magnetite. The southern portion of the metatonalite unit represents a deeper part of the original intrusive body, and the reentrant domain of greenstones that host mineralization in the Pennyweight Point area was structurally emplaced by normal-oblique faulting of the south-plunging intrusion. Isolated bodies of ultramafic rock within the greenstones south of the Pennyweight Point mining area may represent tectonic slices exposed where gently dipping thrust faults intersect the erosion surface. Although north-directed thrusting presumably predated mineralization (which formed during late-tectonic eastwest compression), one or more of these gently south dipping thrust faults may have played a role in localizing gold mineralization in both mining areas. In the Pennyweight Point mining area, the thrust faults could have provided a capping surface that impeded upward flow of hydrothermal fluids through subvertical fractures related to the north-northwesterly trending faults and the curvilinear fault, leading to high fluid pressures
Table 2.6. Epidote mineral analyses, Yundamindera mining centre GSWA 132907 ______________ calc-silicate lode, Boer ____________ replaces plagioclase in margin of complex calc-silicate vein EP2m SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Total
replaces plagioclase EP8m 38.23 25.11 9.98 24.25 97.56 EP9m 38.33 27.98 6.22 24.20 96.72
GSWA Report 90
Mg/(Mg+Fe +2)
Magnesio-hornblende (Edenite)
Ferro-hornblende (Ferro-edenite)
Calc-silicate lodes, Maori Queen and Boer Amphiboles in veins, mostly after clinopyroxene Amphiboles in altered wallrocks (Amphibole names in brackets apply where molecular Na+K > 0.50)
Figure 2.2. Composition of amphiboles in unaltered metatonalite and calc-silicate alteration assemblages, Yundamindera mining area (after Leake, 1978)
and hydraulic fracture of the mafic host rocks. At Yundamindera, the amphibolite screen and the margins of the porphyritic biotitehornblende monzogranite both contain a strong and pervasive foliation oriented parallel to the contact with the metatonalite intrusion, and dipping about 70ENE. Stretching lineations in the monzogranite are steep. These relationships suggest that the amphibolite screen and the metatonalitemonzogranite contact acted as a zone of reverse shear movement in response to east west compression. Slightly less steep mineralized shears in the hangingwall metatonalite intrusion are second-order
splays related to reverse movement on the contact zone. Low-angle thrust faults in the tonalitic intrusion could have acted as capping surfaces and helped localize high fluid pressures, fluid flow, and mineralization within second-order shears. The northsouth contact zone in the Yundamindera mining area is oriented normal to the interpreted eastwest far-field stress vector and is therefore ideally oriented for brittle failure in relatively competent bodies (Ridley, 1993). The competency contrast between amphibolite and
Vein diopside, veins from calc-silicate lodes, Maori Queen, Boer CaSiO3
FeSiO 3
MgSiO 3
Figure 2.3. Composition of clinopyroxene in calc-silicate alteration assemblages, Yundamindera mining area 2-7
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Deformed diorite
Strong alteration (bleaching) QUARTZ PLAGIOCLASE amphibole biotite epidote titanite carbonate pyrite
Calc-silicate veins QUARTZ CPX (SALITE) AMPHIBOLE epidote plagioclase titanite rutile pyrite
Minerals shown in upper case are essential minerals that commonly form more than 10% of the rock Minerals shown in lower case are minor to accessory phases CPX: clinopyroxene
metatonalite may have been a crucial factor in the localization of gold mineralization at Yundamindera (cf. Granny Smith; Ojala et al., 1993). The contact zone between metatonalite and greenstones changes orientation to the north and south of Yundamindera and is therefore less prospective. However, the eastern margin of the metatonalite intrusion is similarly oriented northsouth and therefore offers a further exploration target.
The high temperatures during hydrothermal activity and gold deposition cannot be related to the tonalitic intrusion, which was deformed prior to mineralization, but are very likely related to late-tectonic emplacement of the porphyritic biotitehornblende monzogranite. Contemporaneous fluids would have been drawn towards this hot body at depth and subsequently focused upwards along its contact zones (Furlong et al., 1991). Thus, the
Mineralized structures, Pennyweight Point horizontal reference surface ( present erosion surface)
Figure 2.4. Interpreted geometry of the mineralized metatonalite intrusion at the Yundamindera mining area 2-8
GSWA Report 90
Yundamindera gold deposits appear to have formed at a location where fluids were thermally, as well as structurally, focused. There are two smaller mining centres (Larkins Find and Gardners Find) on or close to the north- to northwesttrending contacts of a third granite intrusion, which appears to have been emplaced after the tonalitic intrusion but before the porphyritic biotitehornblende monzogranite to the west of Yundamindera. The deposits are hosted by mafic rocks, including amphibolite and metadolerite, and are mainly quartz veins in shear zones. Lamprophyre samples are present on some mine dumps at Larkins Find. The mineralized shears are mostly oriented parallel or subparallel to the granite contact and dip moderately to steeply east and northeast. Structural controls on gold mineralization at these localities are not clear, but mineralized structures may be related to brittle failure of competent units in and adjacent to a zone of high shear strain defined by closely spaced, north-trending faults. Foliation-controlled biotitization of the mafic host rocks characterizes altered wallrocks adjacent to veins in the Larkins Find area, whereas sericite and ankerite are more typical alteration minerals at Gardners Find. Numerous small garnet porphyroblasts are associated with biotitization of mafic rocks in one of the mines at Larkins Find.
There is some gold mineralization in the lateritic duricrust (to a depth of 15 m) and a further zone of gold enrichment (1015 m thick) at the base of the weathering profile (up to 70 m below the surface). The intervening, kaolinitic saprolite is a zone of gold depletion. There are extensive alluvial workings in the vicinity of the pits and shafts. Structure: Most workings are aligned on short (<50 m strike length), 330-trending structures that dip 6075W and are up to 4 m wide. Several of these structures form an en echelon series that extends for about 120 m on a trend of about 050. Linear fabrics within 330-trending structures plunge 60 toward 248, and ore shoots are steep. Relative proportions of weathered mafic schist and vein quartz on mine dumps suggest that the 330-trending lodes are veined brittleductile shears. Several of these structures appear to be localized by contacts between porphyry dykes and metabasaltic country rocks. Quartz veins, up to 0.5 m wide, are mostly subparallel to shearzone margins, but north-trending quartz-vein splays are present at the margins of some shear zones. Combined with a locally developed shear fabric (strike of 310), the quartz-vein splays indicate a component of dextral movement on the 330-trending structures, although steep linear fabrics imply predominantly reverse displacement. A second style of mineralization is associated with a metre-wide quartz vein that strikes 030 and dips 30 35W, located about 40 m south of the 330-trending structures. The orientation of mineralized structures and related kinematic indicators at Problem are not consistent with formation during eastwest compression. Alteration: Weathered chloritecarbonate schist is common on most mine dumps. Alteration includes silicification, potassic alteration (muscovite, biotite), and epidotization. Mineralization is associated with pyrite, quartz, and ankerite, but there are also minor amounts of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, ilmenite, rutile, sphalerite, molybdenite, native tellurium, and various unidentified Pb and Bi tellurides.
Just In Time
Other names: Queen of Sheba Coordinates: 2906'48"S, 12104'39"E Production: 749.8 t of ore for 16.33 kg Au (21.7 g/t Au) between 1901 and 1909. Host rock: Coarse-grained amphibolite (?after leucogabbro). Structure: Shallow to moderately deep pits and shafts trend easterly over a strike length of about 300 m. The mineralized structure is a 12 m-wide, veined brittle ductile shear zone that dips 6070N and crosses the contact between metabasalt and granite. SC fabrics identified locally within the mineralized shear suggest oblique sinistral-normal movement, but no linear fabrics have been recognized. Alteration: Alteration is obscured by weathering. References: Honman (1917).
Other names: Tucker Bag, Straight Mates Tucker Bag Coordinates: 2906'31"S, 12205'34"E Production: 280.4 t of ore for 4.70 kg Au, and 1.61 kg dollied gold, between 1900 and 1905. Host rock: Mainly metabasalt with possible minor mineralization in porphyry dykes. Most workings are less than 15 m deep and do not penetrate the oxidized zone.