(Supplement) Homebase

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— Rules for Stronghold & Settlement —

By Pedro Ave
WORD FOR THE DM village. The homebase also can be a
These are simple and subjective great quest reward!
rules for giving characters a place
for them to call their own. Feel free REPAIRING A HOMEBASE
to adjust the complexity and the The party can repair damaged
management of NPCs. buildings, such as a ruined castle,
abandoned keep, or ghost city
It is up to you and your players to instead of building a homebase from
determine your homebase. You can scratch cutting the costs and
discuss with them what they want. construction time by half.

BUILDING YOUR PLACE After your homebase is complete, it

The cost and time to build a becomes a haven for the characters
homebase from the ground up is to rest. The homebase requires no
10000g and approximately three upkeep cost and its management
months. It begins with one of the relies on a seneschal NPC chosen by
holdings, listed in the table below. the party.
The first holding is free. The group
can further improve their homebase HOLDINGS
by contracting and building other Holdings give flavor and benefits to
holdings at the listed price and time. your homebase which are described
below. Each homebase can only
The homebase can be anything, have one of each type of holding.
from a stronghold to a fortified


Arcane Tower 2000g 15 days
Blacksmith 1500g 15 days
Brewery 1000g 10 days
Green House 2000g 20 days
Stables 2000g 15 days
Tavern 1500g 20 days
Temple 2500g 20 days
Training Grounds 1000g 15 days
A beacon of the exoteric arts, to Where you care and breed exquisite
study and practice sorcery in search mounts and steeds, grooming
of eldritch truth. beasts of burden for travel.

• Benefit. Once per game session, • Benefit. Once per game session,
one spellcasting character can while on horseback, the group can
choose to reroll a failed spellcasting double their speed during overland
check. travel.

The forging of iron, bronze, and Where you can gather the party,
steel into deadly weapons. Weapons relax, talk, and learn about rumors.
from your homebase have a higher
quality than most. • Benefit. Once per game session,
one character can reroll a failed CHA
• Benefit. Once per game session, check.
one character can improve one
successful hit into a critical hit. TEMPLE
A place of faith and worship, to
BREWERY perform ceremonial rituals and
The fermentation of grain, grapes, pledge favors to higher beings.
or honey, where liquid courage is
crafted. • Benefit. Once per game session,
grant Luck to one character.
• Benefit. Once per game session,
give a character advantage against TRAINING GROUNDS
fear and fear effects. A combat pit, arena, or sparring ring
to train and hone your fighting skills
GREEN HOUSE and prowess.
Where herbs and remedies can be
grown to improve health and treat • Benefit. Once per game session,
ailments. one character can turn a critical hit
against them into a normal hit.
• Benefit. Once per game session,
provide the party with one of the
following concoctions. Concoctions
only last for 3 days.

Healing Salve. Heal 1d6+1 hit

points on use.

Medicinal Paste. End the effect of


Inhaling Fumes. Cure one disease.

Writing and Design by Pedro Ave.

Jon Bellamy

Homestead is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG
Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC.
Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane Library, LLC.

JSL Blackletter font © 2023
Old Newspaper Types font © 2023

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